########################################################################################################################################################################################################################## Database Name: Riken-Wu_BXD_HF_White_Adipose_Proteome_Sep20 GeneNetwork Accession Number: GN1014 For more information regarding this data set please visit: http://www.genenetwork.org/webqtl/main.py?FormID=sharinginfo&GN_AccessionId=1014 Z-Score. In general, the array data that we enter in GeneNetwork have been log transformed and then z-score normalized, but instead of leaving the mean at 0 and the standard deviation of 1 unit, the data is rescaled to a mean of 8 units with a standard deviation of 2 units (what we call 2Z + 8 normalized data). Usage Conditions and Limitations: Data sets that have been incorporated in the GeneNetwork belong to individuals, groups, and companies listed in the Status and Contacts page. 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Data providers shall not be responsible for any damage or loss of any kind arising out of or related to your use of the databases,including without limitation data loss or corruption, regardless of whether such liability is based in tort, contract, or otherwise. ########################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ProbeSet Gene Symbol Chr Mb Gene Id Strand Gene Blat Mb Start Blat Mb End Description Aliases Blat Sequence UniGeneId OMIM HomoloGeneID B6D2F1 C57BL/6J DBA/2J BXD9 BXD29 BXD32 BXD34 BXD39 BXD40 BXD44 BXD50 BXD53 BXD55 BXD60 BXD61 BXD63 BXD65 BXD66 BXD69 BXD70 BXD74 BXD75 BXD77 BXD79 BXD89 BXD98 BXD95 BXD99 BXD100 D2B6F1 BXD102 BXD73b Q9DC51 Gnai3 3 108.107274 14679 - 108.107274 108.146151 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 3 AI158965; AW537698; Galphai3; Gnai-3 None None None 17.4273 16.9355 16.7862 16.8329 17.1426 16.8246 17.2155 16.9844 16.9477 16.9952 17.0509 16.9631 17.0333 17.0188 17.1428 16.831 16.9822 16.8171 17.1659 16.8492 16.3632 16.9185 16.961 16.7693 16.5635 16.9051 17.2296 16.8614 16.88 16.9706 16.9922 17.1816 Q9WVC3 Cav2 6 17.281184 12390 + 17.281184 17.289129 caveolin 2 AI447843 None None None 17.5991 19.1645 18.1444 18.8201 17.9089 17.8206 18.2647 17.6895 18.1134 18.6735 17.4726 18.4116 15.1646 17.9204 18.3628 17.5389 18.3686 18.6199 17.9427 17.7482 17.2445 17.316 18.7051 18.4563 17.7092 17.7381 18.9818 18.0953 18.0991 17.4332 18.265 17.589 P12787 Cox5a 9 57.517327 12858 + 57.517327 57.532426 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A AA959768; CcOX None None None 17.4217 17.6153 18.4166 17.5016 17.7558 17.4444 17.006 18.2208 17.5469 17.5842 17.3068 18.1298 18.7079 16.7339 17.9641 18.618 17.672 17.5655 17.079 17.955 20.0056 18.337 17.6069 17.333 18.2602 17.3465 18.0627 18.9683 17.6692 17.6203 17.6725 16.6154 P61161 Actr2 11 20.062303 66713 - 20.062303 20.11295 ARP2 actin-related protein 2 4921510D23Rik; AA409782; Arp2; D6Ertd746e None None None 17.8731 17.2954 17.2105 17.4095 17.9193 17.3691 17.3024 17.404 17.6624 17.2877 17.1412 17.6075 19.1587 18.0264 17.759 16.8774 17.8239 17.4173 18.2982 17.8007 16.9749 17.3229 17.1832 17.3286 17.3782 17.1924 16.8501 16.7278 17.9011 18.2057 17.361 18.3519 Q9CXV1 Sdhd 9 50.596339 66925 - 50.596339 50.603848 succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit D, integral membrane protein 3110001M13Rik; AVLL5809; C78570; PRO19626 None None None 16.3128 15.9413 17.2187 16.2998 15.9281 16.0718 15.8022 16.3078 16.3745 16.1361 16.0547 15.5307 17.8696 15.9917 15.9048 16.8444 16.1471 16.3111 16.4702 16.8778 18.3816 16.5522 16.4143 16.1781 17.0523 16.5474 16.3171 16.6486 16.3805 15.9444 16.4201 15.9351 Q9DCZ1 Gmpr 13 45.507427 66355 + 45.507427 45.546385 guanosine monophosphate reductase 2310004P21Rik; AV028449; GMPR 1 None None None 14.7212 14.8763 14.7508 14.4113 13.8279 13.7939 14.0741 14.5929 14.2495 13.8842 14.3936 13.9598 15.7444 14.6719 13.3675 13.7834 14.2931 13.7249 14.853 14.1871 17.6813 14.9929 13.3453 14.6353 15.1746 14.2682 12.7001 13.786 13.8338 14.5432 14.3519 14.3315 Q920A5 Scpep1 11 88.924019 74617 - 88.924019 88.955441 serine carboxypeptidase 1 2410018F01Rik; 4833411K15Rik; AI957256; Risc None None None 16.5002 15.2127 15.6882 15.6493 16.1225 15.261 15.6448 15.9674 15.8122 16.0418 15.4191 17.0482 17.0886 16.5213 16.2204 15.3669 16.1812 16.1242 16.9003 16.4411 15.3638 15.86 15.7884 15.6564 15.8451 16.1833 14.6256 15.264 17.1316 17.4169 15.5316 16.6928 P11835 Itgb2 10 77.530328 16414 + 77.530328 77.565707 integrin beta 2 2E6; AI528527; Cd18; LAD; LCAMB; Lfa1; MF17 None None None 15.7032 13.6195 14.2981 15.3451 15.7864 14.7758 14.0701 14.5949 14.7266 15.0303 13.7988 15.5125 16.9445 16.0698 15.4212 13.9944 15.3704 14.7754 16.1537 15.035 14.1322 13.9866 14.1702 15.0375 14.6233 14.579 13.5914 14.5409 15.9048 16.3796 14.3655 16.5328 Q3SXD3 Hddc2 10 31.313329 69692 + 31.313329 31.328203 HD domain containing 2 2310057G13Rik None None None 11.6327 14.4394 14.296 14.4366 14.5295 14.1498 14.7176 14.2089 14.399 14.3475 14.0936 14.566 14.4715 13.4358 14.1615 13.8972 13.9276 13.8001 14.2732 13.826 13.4695 14.2183 14.8889 13.8515 15.0586 15.2331 13.3163 13.6367 15.0085 14.0982 13.9775 14.8673 P09803 Cdh1 8 106.603349 12550 + 106.603349 106.670246 cadherin 1 AA960649; ARC-1; E-cad; Ecad; L-CAM; UVO; Um None None None 12.8654 12.4053 12.3745 11.9912 12.2571 12.2319 12.3794 12.1888 13.1361 12.2352 12.4951 12.5112 12.0829 11.9441 13.3359 12.0596 12.1591 12.2023 11.9456 12.3378 12.6576 12.3511 12.2802 11.7596 11.8478 12.4744 12.5196 12.3279 12.51 12.2901 12.2078 12.0209 Q9D7H3 RtcA Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9D7H3 None None None 13.5667 13.3281 14.5496 13.1441 12.971 13.2991 13.2277 13.0929 13.9944 13.029 13.2949 12.7463 14.8032 13.27 13.7144 12.6664 14.4701 13.0426 13.2743 13.4167 13.1465 13.167 13.1353 13.026 13.2124 13.6864 12.6901 12.8823 12.9262 14.5022 13.2271 12.4091 P53395 Dbt 3 116.513069 13171 + 116.513069 116.54998 dihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E2 BCKAD-E2; D3Wsu60e None None None 17.4592 16.6339 17.7129 16.8099 16.6589 17.0468 16.5312 16.7988 16.7889 16.9788 17.1302 17.3518 17.4126 16.5483 16.9523 17.4363 16.7564 16.9628 16.1987 16.936 18.8761 17.1117 17.1142 17.0574 17.6907 16.6402 17.1315 17.6351 17.3067 16.2372 16.9174 16.4761 Q3TLI0 Trappc10 10 78.185421 216131 - 78.185421 78.244644 trafficking protein particle complex 10 B230307C21Rik; Gm870; Tmem1; b2b2416Clo; b2b2613Clo None None None 12.6102 11.8545 12.1511 14.347 12.6117 12.9964 13.2897 12.1576 12.887 11.8445 12.9163 12.6861 11.6644 14.1244 12.1534 12.6053 12.7188 12.2462 13.2315 12.6198 12.3073 13.1854 13.0512 12.913 13.3881 13.7558 12.8076 11.6366 13.6751 12.7114 12.1413 11.6706 Q8K2Y9 Ccm2 11 6.546886 216527 + 6.546886 6.59676 cerebral cavernous malformation 2 BC029157 None None None 11.7425 12.4277 12.3038 13.197 12.7305 12.2008 12.7395 13.2644 12.3028 12.2231 13.3057 12.4211 14.5895 12.4025 12.5507 12.742 12.6322 11.9306 12.434 12.2398 11.722 12.4645 13.6556 12.6201 13.4329 13.4723 13.2836 12.2098 13.3095 12.9944 12.6649 13.5766 O08912 Galnt1 18 24.20532 14423 + 24.20532 24.286815 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 None None None 14.0702 12.837 13.5893 12.5049 14.2834 13.5541 13.8705 13.167 13.3466 13.4174 13.6142 13.7897 14.879 14.3189 13.7505 12.3898 13.8718 13.932 14.4011 13.8244 12.3168 13.4319 12.6791 13.7843 12.4405 12.5322 12.3107 12.5381 14.0036 14.3214 12.9587 14.3571 Q61881 Mcm7 5 138.164582 17220 - 138.164582 138.17211 minichromosome maintenance complex component 7 AI747533; Mcmd7; mCDC47 None None None 12.8771 12.5135 12.7291 11.6479 13.4094 12.0317 11.4952 12.1576 12.2551 12.4885 11.9027 12.655 15.4967 12.9966 13.2283 11.6906 13.1269 12.3402 12.5073 13.1931 11.5428 11.8675 12.9526 12.3212 12.6086 12.622 11.8956 12.7314 12.6576 13.5219 12.3799 14.2896 Q60648 Gm2a 11 55.097984 14667 + 55.097984 55.113028 GM2 ganglioside activator protein AA408702; AW215435; GM2-AP; SAP-3 None None None 17.2824 17.0209 16.7278 16.9337 16.9012 16.2533 16.3984 16.4669 16.7522 16.6119 16.4768 17.2496 18.0802 16.4771 17.023 16.0211 16.7948 16.7264 17.0153 16.938 16.1283 16.4738 16.4113 17.0225 16.6503 16.7425 16.208 16.7669 16.7054 17.2088 16.6539 16.9967 O08528 Hk2 6 82.725024 15277 - 82.725024 82.774453 hexokinase 2 AI642394; HKII None None None 16.0988 15.837 16.8056 16.1527 15.6494 15.9582 16.0624 15.5187 15.8592 15.7775 15.9392 15.7702 15.5518 15.9467 15.5705 15.9441 15.7037 15.4485 16.2866 16.0167 17.0675 15.6529 16.022 15.7356 16.1533 16.218 15.3599 16.0772 16.7053 15.8839 15.5767 16.3126 P61021 Rab5b 10 128.677169 19344 - 128.677169 128.696283 RAB5B, member RAS oncogene family C030027M18Rik None None None 15.9515 16.0738 15.7304 15.9949 15.9494 15.781 15.8857 15.9029 16.0055 16.1572 15.9274 15.2784 15.5235 15.8385 16.0856 15.9601 15.7313 16.1266 15.6823 15.6937 15.9452 15.9162 16.2301 16.0481 15.7396 15.9203 16.5148 16.2801 16.006 15.7745 15.8831 15.8948 P47963 Rpl13 8 123.102349 270106 + 123.102349 123.105243 ribosomal protein L13 A52; L13 None None None 19.4549 18.5602 18.766 18.7651 18.8796 18.9248 18.8267 18.7582 18.9997 18.8426 18.4142 19.1872 20.1126 19.1011 19.0216 18.4854 19.085 18.7894 19.2786 18.974 18.3991 18.6213 18.5633 18.8369 18.6932 18.8263 18.709 18.302 18.97 19.2003 18.8287 19.275 Q921W0 Chmp1a 8 123.20426 234852 - 123.20426 123.212787 charged multivesicular body protein 1A 2900018H07Rik; Pcoln3 None None None 13.1198 13.473 12.3525 13.5312 13.4387 13.4039 12.962 13.8794 13.3967 13.8446 13.1403 12.4149 14.0077 13.1754 13.7869 12.6341 13.2006 13.569 13.6347 13.7083 12.7814 13.6919 13.6103 13.7858 13.254 11.567 14.1054 13.1622 11.5314 13.6008 13.2947 11.8923 P97298 Serpinf1 11 75.410028 20317 - 75.410028 75.422622 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade F, member 1 AI195227; EPC-1; Pedf; Pedfl; Sdf3 None None None 15.2568 14.9007 14.1961 15.3015 14.8348 14.6994 14.8254 14.9175 14.6918 15.1046 14.6369 14.7038 13.6094 15.4338 14.9561 15.8275 15.1923 15.5308 15.3361 15.741 14.0272 14.8393 14.7634 14.856 14.8703 14.2312 15.1999 14.3003 14.2774 15.6096 15.0051 14.7975 Q62167 Ddx3x X 13.280495 13205 + 13.280495 13.293987 DEAD box helicase 3, X-linked D1Pas1-rs2; Ddx3; Fin14 None None None 16.8063 16.651 16.6276 16.8141 16.6112 16.6485 16.6391 16.2784 16.836 16.5723 16.4733 16.0444 17.09 17.0512 16.4827 16.1308 16.7264 16.5 17.17 16.954 16.6762 16.3474 16.5866 16.7046 16.5719 16.5842 16.2691 16.1495 16.8603 17.0081 16.5169 16.7089 Q9Z0H3 SMARCB1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9Z0H3 None None None 12.585 12.3862 12.448 12.3778 12.6308 12.7729 12.7244 12.3244 13.3145 12.2675 11.8739 12.2424 15.0327 11.6554 12.6684 12.2454 13.2296 12.5626 13.3761 13.0712 12.483 13.1181 12.4425 12.3092 12.5282 12.3694 12.7189 12.5443 12.5966 12.7956 12.4193 13.002 Q9JKY5 Hip1r 5 123.973601 29816 + 123.973601 124.003214 huntingtin interacting protein 1 related AA410023; mKIAA0655 None None None 12.0057 11.5027 12.1177 12.3202 12.1044 12.2267 11.1176 11.6686 11.937 11.821 11.3366 11.9437 12.9018 11.6208 11.8044 11.8361 11.7732 12.5992 11.4609 12.0708 12.4254 11.3314 12.5209 11.647 11.188 11.6557 12.1379 12.9132 11.6763 11.8565 11.9929 12.2165 Q8BGA9 Oxa1l 14 54.36084 69089 + 54.36084 54.369668 oxidase assembly 1-like 1810020M02Rik; AI894287 None None None 11.6641 12.307 12.6084 12.0511 11.963 13.982 15.9998 12.233 12.197 12.1452 12.495 11.9254 13.2218 12.4761 11.989 12.0383 12.6649 12.1923 12.5168 12.7971 12.9273 12.6928 12.0049 12.7503 13.0814 12.4487 11.4151 12.3568 12.1454 11.9904 12.4438 12.3093 Q6P1G0 Heatr6 11 83.753636 217026 + 83.753636 83.783753 HEAT repeat containing 6 2700008B19Rik; BB135312; BB249351 None None None 12.5261 11.3249 10.5055 11.3071 10.9128 10.7072 11.2736 11.194 11.6947 11.6627 11.4378 11.6485 12.5103 11.2938 10.9755 11.5191 11.1921 11.7554 10.929 11.5348 10.8246 11.8193 11.4022 10.2213 10.864 11.3992 10.4948 11.6201 11.4649 12.1086 11.0613 11.945 O54754 Aox1 1 58.029808 11761 + 58.029808 58.106409 aldehyde oxidase 1 AI196512; AI255253; Ao; Aox-1; Aox-2; Aox2; Moro; Ro None None None 13.9634 14.6466 14.0807 14.0939 13.2885 13.6507 14.1464 13.8183 13.927 13.9652 13.6665 14.1604 11.6316 13.8897 12.8491 13.1856 14.3294 12.9067 14.4817 14.7826 12.5266 12.8005 13.2887 12.4164 13.9172 12.3456 13.0883 14.3197 14.1809 14.5514 14.0627 13.9408 Q9CXY6 Ilf2 3 90.4762 67781 + 90.4762 90.488378 interleukin enhancer binding factor 2 6230405A16Rik; TEG-267; Tex261; Tex267 None None None 15.0619 14.357 14.3703 13.7561 14.4095 14.3535 14.5741 14.1625 14.3908 14.0335 15.3122 14.2606 16.1777 14.8042 14.5009 13.7925 14.7643 14.3897 14.0899 14.7899 14.9702 14.5296 14.3019 14.2835 14.6746 14.3296 14.5639 13.8512 14.5342 14.2424 14.5504 14.3216 P07091 S100a4 3 90.603769 20198 + 90.603769 90.606044 S100 calcium binding protein A4 18A2; 42a; Capl; FSp1; Mts1; PeL98; metastasin; pk9a None None None 19.4559 17.6508 17.3104 18.6629 18.5044 18.0918 17.3295 18.1555 17.5777 18.4289 17.6883 17.4569 19.9855 18.9951 18.4051 16.8523 18.6631 18.4421 19.1854 18.3096 17.4681 17.5604 17.4102 17.8615 17.5952 16.6818 17.1301 17.514 17.882 19.6471 17.9426 19.1991 P14069 S100a6 3 90.612893 20200 + 90.612893 90.614413 S100 calcium binding protein A6 (calcyclin) 2A9; 5B10; CALCYCLIN; Cacy; PRA None None None 21.7552 21.4919 20.8971 22.0182 21.7585 21.9874 21.0312 21.2178 21.3958 21.8502 21.1132 21.2507 19.936 21.5573 22.0549 21.0282 21.7116 22.0388 21.8933 21.0607 21.3713 21.5548 21.3785 21.7224 21.2305 20.7222 21.5071 21.3966 20.7887 22.0246 21.2726 21.7444 P35330 Icam2 11 106.377655 15896 - 106.377655 106.388138 intercellular adhesion molecule 2 CD102; Icam-2; Ly-60 None None None 15.3219 15.4825 15.3141 15.7862 15.6625 14.9694 15.3899 15.2069 15.2039 15.7863 15.3724 14.9764 15.1435 15.4985 15.5468 14.98 15.2836 15.3522 15.355 15.3136 15.5063 15.1463 15.3832 15.7409 14.2666 14.7678 16.2816 15.1312 14.8221 15.2326 15.4366 15.274 Q91VA6 Poldip2 11 78.512295 67811 + 78.512295 78.522735 polymerase (DNA-directed), delta interacting protein 2 1300003F06Rik; Pdip38 None None None 12.775 14.3701 14.4465 14.5705 13.4167 13.931 13.9994 14.3472 14.3636 14.1058 13.2611 13.7725 13.6003 13.2713 13.5743 14.2563 13.8011 13.2142 14.6721 14.4889 14.1105 13.9305 14.4813 14.2444 13.8873 14.8581 14.7484 14.2141 14.5331 14.1038 14.0933 13.1567 P11680 Cfp X 20.925453 18636 - 20.925453 20.931554 complement factor properdin BCFG; Pfc None None None 14.1453 14.5494 14.4873 14.3934 14.4764 14.0916 13.5839 13.7792 14.3089 13.7751 13.3232 16.3678 14.5066 13.7485 13.8703 14.7567 13.6935 13.0993 14.2732 14.0084 12.8263 14.3006 14.6833 12.5829 14.6636 15.968 12.3061 13.0278 14.6222 14.1543 14.6018 14.7862 Q02788 Col6a2 10 76.595755 12834 - 76.595755 76.623629 collagen, type VI, alpha 2 Col6a-2 None None None 20.9385 20.567 18.0352 21.0723 19.9618 20.6834 18.8355 20.7289 19.6706 20.2145 20.9118 20.8928 18.9821 21.5206 20.425 20.0015 19.8229 21.2788 18.868 18.4809 21.3058 21.5717 20.752 20.6514 20.6621 17.5404 20.7022 20.6612 20.1432 19.7353 19.1332 19.5671 P97429 Anxa4 6 86.736839 11746 - 86.736839 86.793633 annexin A4 AI265406; AIV; AW106930; Anx4; Xanx-4 None None None 19.2389 19.1412 18.9389 19.4239 18.913 18.7396 18.8755 19.0505 18.8297 19.2432 18.7677 19.1075 18.5146 19.0721 18.9884 19.0888 19.1475 19.1126 19.0044 18.897 18.5707 18.8714 18.7768 18.528 17.9938 18.9359 18.7914 18.3541 18.7735 19.2341 19.0104 18.6955 Q9D517 Agpat3 10 78.269173 28169 - 78.269173 78.352496 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 3 AW061257; AW493985; D10Jhu12e; lpaat3 None None None 16.0137 15.7099 16.3338 15.6881 15.5422 15.5877 15.1036 15.6983 15.4135 15.8509 15.691 16.0618 15.8575 15.6628 15.5494 15.7915 15.7269 16.0059 15.9534 16.2267 17.2463 15.5312 15.7271 16.3244 15.828 15.9015 16.085 16.4347 15.9922 15.7856 15.9352 15.4118 Q9D172 D10Jhu81e Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9D172 None None None 17.5285 17.5152 18.4024 17.6234 17.4128 17.2664 17.488 17.7328 17.4149 17.5198 17.7225 16.7716 18.2449 17.3143 17.1318 18.0027 17.1704 17.6171 17.0463 17.3716 19.3697 17.7951 17.5856 17.5893 18.217 17.8112 17.7537 18.37 17.7508 17.2686 17.5786 17.0545 Q04447 Ckb 12 111.669354 12709 - 111.669354 111.672337 creatine kinase, brain B-CK; Bck; CPK-B; Ck-3; Ck3; Ckbb None None None 19.8969 19.2417 18.5255 18.1381 18.9671 18.126 18.4556 19.1819 19.0342 17.9416 19.5603 18.5843 18.1522 19.6305 19.5621 18.6415 18.5168 18.7491 19.1591 18.6229 20.2568 19.1463 17.4031 18.1578 19.9276 18.2533 17.9745 18.2869 19.6264 19.8633 18.2563 19.4122 Q08091 Cnn1 9 22.09922 12797 + 22.09922 22.10922 calponin 1 CN; CnnI None None None 16.9487 17.3913 16.216 15.3194 17.1518 17.0826 16.2712 17.7455 17.2975 13.964 19.0348 13.5791 15.359 17.6801 17.4516 17.5845 15.7171 14.8597 15.5093 15.2077 19.9902 18.9355 14.6398 16.0282 18.1749 17.3877 12.1822 16.0643 12.5214 16.5891 15.9988 16.6553 Q61035 Hars 18 36.766527 15115 - 36.766527 36.783204 histidyl-tRNA synthetase Hars1; MMHRS None None None 17.3453 17.0156 16.971 17.011 17.3831 17.1063 17.0202 17.311 17.286 17.2904 17.0002 17.5859 18.1274 17.1118 17.4596 17.1795 17.2656 17.2696 17.1963 17.1468 16.8583 17.1302 17.0437 17.0073 17.0229 16.8317 17.3827 17.3222 17.1564 17.2525 17.0777 16.997 P80318 Cct3 3 88.297134 12462 + 88.297134 88.321765 chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 3 (gamma) AL024092; Cctg; Tcp1-rs3; TriC-P5 None None None 18.4027 17.7008 17.7612 17.7198 17.6834 17.9287 18.0182 17.743 17.9624 17.6978 17.5949 17.2026 18.9505 17.9456 17.6988 17.6724 17.9596 17.6948 18.0728 17.9634 17.714 17.9424 17.6584 17.6328 17.7925 17.9536 17.5664 17.4315 18.0173 18.105 17.8279 18.0878 P70168 Kpnb1 11 97.159709 16211 - 97.159709 97.187891 karyopherin (importin) beta 1 AA409963; IPOB; Impnb None None None 18.3296 17.8299 17.752 18.0451 17.9153 17.6567 17.4704 17.9192 17.7807 17.9157 17.6573 17.8298 18.6087 17.7867 18.0837 17.7781 17.7972 18.0433 18.1954 17.8598 17.2841 17.5857 17.7163 18.1036 17.3221 17.53 17.8517 18.0112 17.756 18.0509 17.8823 18.0257 Q922F4 Tubb6 18 67.39073 67951 + 67.39073 67.402748 tubulin, beta 6 class V 2310057H16Rik; BB220206 None None None 16.0451 16.023 15.9095 15.8328 15.9563 16.4256 16.4246 15.8971 16.3235 16.034 16.2162 15.6439 15.9191 16.7288 16.2276 15.5686 16.5739 15.8296 16.801 16.4062 16.5007 16.0869 16.1374 16.4345 15.5482 15.7867 15.5219 15.6242 16.2715 16.6578 16.0411 16.4229 Q99KC8 Vwa5a 9 38.718267 67776 + 38.718267 38.743336 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5A 5830475I06Rik; AW552491; BCSC-1; E130119J22; Loh11cr2a None None None 17.5226 17.2791 16.9564 16.9959 17.4603 17.4007 17.4614 16.9793 17.2064 17.1092 17.1769 17.5641 16.9415 17.5181 17.3895 16.4864 17.2808 17.0823 17.4891 17.051 16.7939 17.0352 17.2803 17.0515 17.1305 17.3429 17.001 16.542 17.7998 17.3481 17.1687 17.6531 P11087 Col1a1 11 94.936223 12842 + 94.936223 94.953041 collagen, type I, alpha 1 Col1a-1; Cola-1; Cola1; Mov-13; Mov13 None None None 21.2532 18.1381 16.4648 18.6053 17.8766 17.9525 15.0472 17.7523 17.7392 17.2651 18.2118 19.4433 16.1815 18.8788 18.768 17.7324 16.9554 19.1555 15.4978 17.4057 21.5986 18.9717 18.7828 19.7758 17.73 14.2769 18.5122 19.1375 15.7452 15.8144 16.397 15.5532 P99024 Tubb5 17 35.833919 22154 - 35.833919 35.8383 tubulin, beta 5 class I AA408537; AI596182; B130022C14Rik; M(beta)5 None None None 15.6091 18.3882 17.4346 17.8194 17.6817 17.9018 18.6312 17.9286 17.9468 18.3447 17.3778 18.0662 15.982 16.2986 17.9563 17.877 18.5407 17.3568 18.8268 18.3433 16.1266 17.7205 18.4193 18.4602 16.9034 18.0627 18.1501 17.8229 18.0206 18.7006 18.0981 18.4837 O08917 Flot1 17 35.823319 14251 + 35.823319 35.832788 flotillin 1 reggie-2 None None None 16.4003 16.45 15.6341 16.3163 16.6633 15.7788 16.2218 16.1556 15.9841 16.7421 16.0502 16.3854 14.689 16.1452 16.5685 16.055 16.1731 16.5949 15.7902 15.5952 15.8261 16.0149 16.6357 16.001 15.4115 15.2786 16.8846 16.0982 15.9711 16.269 16.2845 15.8337 Q61576 Fkbp10 11 100.415693 14230 + 100.415693 100.424839 FK506 binding protein 10 AI325255; FKBP-10; FKBP-65; FKBP65; Fkbp-rs1; Fkbp1-rs; Fkbp6; Fkbprp None None None 12.5486 15.4234 14.7805 15.152 15.3737 15.392 15.4561 14.5867 15.3208 14.5062 15.4977 13.6851 11.6281 14.8615 13.3775 12.569 15.2977 14.837 15.3815 13.9131 12.2711 15.1969 15.3685 15.151 13.2386 15.4092 12.364 14.142 15.4263 15.6334 14.2191 15.2443 P19182 Ifrd1 12 40.203128 15982 - 40.203128 40.223188 interferon-related developmental regulator 1 Ifnl; PC4; Tis7 None None None 12.2235 12.346 12.0804 12.0066 11.6584 11.4663 11.6366 11.8913 11.7391 12.3231 12.1881 12.2015 12.2668 11.2879 12.3662 11.4903 11.9492 12.0521 12.2351 12.3521 12.3211 11.8446 12.1557 11.8964 11.5625 12.3258 12.0188 13.0012 12.3659 11.8435 12.1812 12.0299 Q7TSE6 Stk38l 6 146.724929 232533 + 146.724929 146.778813 serine/threonine kinase 38 like 4930473A22Rik; Ndr2; Ndr54 None None None 11.7915 12.376 12.3706 12.1348 11.7376 12.5243 11.9679 13.5299 11.7471 12.4327 11.8408 12.1082 12.6842 11.9004 13.702 12.9693 12.2073 12.1108 12.5753 12.4277 12.1572 11.9433 12.5284 11.8209 11.8323 12.3754 12.3459 12.557 12.5806 12.125 12.9614 12.7743 Q64471 Gstt1 10 75.783812 14871 - 75.783812 75.798583 glutathione S-transferase, theta 1 AI255817; Gstt1-1 None None None 15.8948 17.1235 17.2972 17.1194 17.3065 17.1709 17.1167 17.3337 17.3658 16.8299 17.4472 16.9057 16.7836 16.5128 17.0333 17.875 16.7831 16.5089 16.5544 16.1472 16.8164 18.3239 17.9359 16.5764 17.5574 17.9077 16.5822 16.6988 17.4539 16.215 17.0245 17.1218 Q99L20 Gstt3 10 75.774116 103140 - 75.774116 75.781421 glutathione S-transferase, theta 3 AI118089 None None None 14.7822 14.6094 14.8435 14.6322 14.6319 14.9138 15.1566 14.9082 14.7975 14.7641 15.0444 13.7756 14.3376 14.8487 14.4736 14.9796 14.5061 14.5651 14.5624 14.3862 14.9525 15.3009 14.9555 14.6211 15.2238 15.1242 14.5261 14.2754 14.7038 14.3348 14.5572 15.0321 Q9D1M4 Eef1e1 13 38.64569 66143 - 38.64569 38.659027 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 epsilon 1 1110003A02Rik None None None 12.9097 13.6709 13.8002 14.0555 14.2074 14.1149 14.4977 14.4848 14.3028 14.2748 13.7219 12.984 14.4255 13.5861 14.3701 13.5337 14.5559 14.3105 14.3095 13.725 12.1364 14.3203 13.6609 14.4588 14.719 13.7652 14.3548 13.7538 14.4383 14.1416 13.8113 13.8776 Q9DBL7 Coasy 11 101.082564 71743 + 101.082564 101.086618 Coenzyme A synthase 1300003G02Rik; Dpck; Ppat; Ukr1 None None None 14.3138 15.6858 16.3002 15.3098 14.9733 15.5377 15.6738 15.2834 15.3754 15.1957 15.2463 14.3559 14.9825 14.9963 14.9515 15.2046 15.6009 15.0131 15.6235 15.73 16.1123 15.4597 15.3717 15.6947 15.7452 16.532 15.1543 15.6654 15.8819 15.4479 15.6787 15.3464 P29341 Pabpc1 15 36.595657 18458 - 36.595657 36.60958 poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1 PABP; Pabp1; PabpI; Pabpl1; ePAB None None None 17.535 16.6621 16.4407 16.9054 17.1522 16.7781 16.2508 17.2476 16.9244 17.1043 16.6723 17.9321 18.6464 17.0647 17.4246 16.9589 17.1236 17.1346 17.0745 17.0569 16.6401 16.8769 16.5377 16.7556 16.5639 16.2212 17.0444 16.8136 16.7427 17.3663 16.8448 16.7745 O35409 Folh1 7 86.716524 53320 - 86.716524 86.776052 folate hydrolase 1 GCP2; mopsm None None None 16.2849 16.3694 15.4462 17.8045 16.9804 17.2103 15.765 16.0534 14.6869 16.5804 16.6459 17.1224 12.3217 16.7788 17.2294 15.5128 16.9285 17.5436 16.7933 14.2561 16.1134 14.7792 16.1798 16.86 14.941 14.5275 15.956 15.1354 14.1696 16.0241 15.7617 15.6874 Q9D1P4 Chordc1 9 18.292266 66917 + 18.292266 18.313999 cysteine and histidine-rich domain (CHORD)-containing, zinc-binding protein 1 1110001O09Rik; AA409036; Chp-1; morgana None None None 14.4882 14.1184 14.3652 14.2232 14.2332 14.0492 14.1167 14.2294 14.5049 13.8997 14.1216 13.7024 15.6301 13.677 14.3649 14.6605 14.1921 13.6954 14.1426 14.3169 14.4995 13.8839 14.345 14.046 14.4172 14.4794 13.8848 14.1932 14.322 14.1373 14.1667 14.2821 Q99LF4 Rtcb 10 85.938636 28088 - 85.938636 85.957792 RNA 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH ligase AI255213; AI463255; D10Wsu52e; FAAP; HSPC117 None None None 15.8508 15.0894 15.1316 15.1788 15.5 15.3136 15.1217 15.5459 15.3553 15.4154 15.2182 14.822 16.1216 15.4051 15.6556 15.2163 15.4336 15.4781 15.7142 15.4369 15.0144 15.4263 15.1843 15.3421 15.1042 15.1815 15.5493 15.3908 15.2824 15.8588 15.4725 15.4728 O88456 Capns1 7 30.186933 12336 - 30.186933 30.198882 calpain, small subunit 1 Capa-4; Capa4; Capn4; Cdps; Css1; D7Ertd146e None None None 17.3819 18.0911 17.6611 17.9592 17.3151 17.9497 17.6547 17.5243 17.8668 17.7335 17.4114 17.7456 17.3209 17.7421 17.6426 17.5862 17.9092 17.6393 18.0478 17.681 16.776 17.7256 17.9689 17.4477 17.5714 17.5711 17.5253 17.3936 17.5148 17.8241 17.8925 17.6254 P63115 Slc7a10 7 35.186094 53896 + 35.186094 35.201115 solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 10 AL024237; Asc-1; D7Bwg0847e None None None 16.2711 16.6684 16.5623 16.4878 16.0524 16.1485 16.4601 16.1636 16.4681 16.5589 16.0347 16.3631 15.6978 16.3217 16.2257 16.6252 16.5101 16.6539 16.0016 16.5546 16.8806 16.4293 16.8172 16.6967 16.4728 16.4338 16.801 16.6897 16.3414 16.0054 16.4398 15.8402 P15089 Cpa3 3 20.215615 12873 - 20.215615 20.242208 carboxypeptidase A3, mast cell MC-CPA None None None 20.7982 14.9403 15.9626 16.9956 17.2743 16.3305 13.8313 16.5073 15.429 14.8325 18.2259 18.286 19.6642 20.2385 16.4545 16.5358 15.2888 19.2899 13.5048 15.4299 19.4479 16.9086 12.7342 15.9104 17.5895 14.5726 16.0927 16.976 17.1603 14.8819 14.9601 14.099 P22967 Ace 11 105.967947 11421 + 105.967947 105.989963 angiotensin I converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) 1 AW208573; CD143 None None None 15.7631 14.1566 14.163 14.7852 14.9763 15.0957 15.3979 14.2813 15.4106 14.7695 14.9097 15.0488 13.2789 15.3012 14.214 15.5692 14.5242 14.9218 15.2154 15.791 14.0741 14.9552 14.6843 14.851 14.8117 14.726 14.8595 14.7355 14.3494 15.3023 13.9409 15.2104 Q925F2 Esam 9 37.528088 69524 + 37.528088 37.538318 endothelial cell-specific adhesion molecule 2310008D05Rik; Esam1; W117m None None None 15.4688 15.0586 14.7809 15.2156 14.8708 14.7039 14.9449 14.8902 14.7929 15.0919 14.8532 14.4452 13.8294 15.1932 14.6109 14.4164 14.6466 14.9067 14.991 14.8925 14.8973 14.7064 15.1778 15.1743 14.6056 15.0075 15.2532 14.718 14.5233 14.6116 14.9326 14.757 O08579 Emd X 74.254673 13726 + 74.254673 74.261562 emerin AW550900; Sta None None None 12.4523 14.14 13.4972 13.9259 13.7815 13.821 13.6181 13.4338 13.962 13.9278 13.8622 13.7049 13.1007 13.9452 14.0435 12.4598 13.8207 13.4123 13.8388 13.5138 14.1382 13.6517 13.5383 13.5116 13.9408 14.271 13.9702 12.8962 14.3664 14.2108 13.8218 13.6162 Q9D024 Ccdc47 11 106.199259 67163 - 106.199259 106.216522 coiled-coil domain containing 47 2610204L23Rik; C88307; asp4; calumin None None None 14.3669 15.0771 14.4102 15.0704 14.9307 14.9689 15.0765 14.8983 15.0884 14.798 14.882 13.9784 14.5605 14.9104 15.037 14.681 15.0785 14.6973 14.9153 14.7379 14.4166 14.8274 14.8181 14.7428 14.9404 15.5026 14.5181 14.9021 15.5609 14.7729 14.8505 15.0767 Q8K0Z7 Taco1 11 106.066056 70207 + 106.066056 106.074034 translational activator of mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase I 2310066I18Rik; Ccdc44 None None None 12.8068 13.6769 13.7974 13.5185 12.922 13.2344 13.3731 13.3975 13.5295 12.8878 12.2695 12.9408 13.5765 12.3376 12.9518 13.7243 13.0161 12.6496 13.3851 13.8894 14.6244 13.6138 13.4148 12.7357 14.0878 13.8136 13.216 12.8242 13.7972 13.6429 13.3354 13.7192 Q61335 Bcap31 X 73.686177 27061 - 73.686177 73.717814 B cell receptor associated protein 31 Bap31 None None None 17.6254 17.7127 16.9772 17.4283 17.2509 17.0703 16.3246 17.7222 16.9064 17.8775 16.9789 17.724 16.3238 17.1122 17.6136 17.2276 17.3483 18.0148 17.0284 17.1501 16.7975 17.0972 17.3132 17.541 16.6504 16.7607 17.9956 17.3668 17.1037 17.2292 17.5248 17.0712 Q62383 Supt6h Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q62383 None None None 12.4983 15.5683 12.0827 12.4284 12.191 14.8211 15.3503 14.6348 13.9811 13.5153 14.1067 13.1277 13.7139 13.3753 12.8931 14.2203 13.4153 12.3092 15.5442 13.7853 12.5336 12.5114 16.1404 12.5656 12.3884 12.2431 11.9753 14.7113 12.0793 13.5777 12.9674 15.3788 Q9Z2R6 Unc119 11 78.343494 22248 + 78.343494 78.349163 unc-119 lipid binding chaperone D11Bhm52; HRG4; MRG4; Rg4; Rtg4; Unc119h None None None 14.4023 12.1712 12.2946 13.8975 12.9637 13.6758 11.3511 13.1908 13.2931 14.0741 11.892 13.0716 15.1372 12.9575 14.321 13.2249 13.6124 13.9941 13.373 13.9162 12.5179 13.1698 12.0075 14.0122 13.8247 11.9309 14.2784 13.88 11.9197 14.5537 13.7688 13.9401 Q64008 Rab34 11 78.188426 19376 + 78.188426 78.192192 RAB34, member RAS oncogene family AI326479; Narr; Rah; Rah1 None None None 12.9255 14.2179 13.6274 14.4238 13.7519 13.6348 14.4371 13.9022 14.2485 13.472 14.2465 13.007 12.3698 13.4281 13.7884 14.1318 13.776 14.1589 13.224 13.5281 13.2529 13.5986 14.521 12.3485 13.7213 13.7685 14.0479 12.885 14.3167 13.5917 14.0252 12.2269 Q8K4Z5 Sf3a1 11 4.160353 67465 + 4.160353 4.18254 splicing factor 3a, subunit 1 1200014H24Rik; 5930416L09Rik; AI159724 None None None 13.7371 13.1434 13.8622 13.7903 13.9545 13.3744 14.111 14.0708 13.9251 13.7405 14.1569 13.9927 14.523 14.1857 13.8448 12.8849 13.8949 13.928 14.1124 14.5016 12.9629 13.7721 13.8713 13.9591 13.8848 13.7727 13.5596 13.7498 14.098 14.0178 13.7205 14.5285 Q62159 Rhoc 3 104.789033 11853 + 104.789033 104.794458 ras homolog family member C AI324259; Arh9; Arhc None None None 19.2281 19.1682 19.1494 19.4122 19.1824 18.9142 19.0058 18.9754 19.3543 19.0566 18.735 18.7225 19.7912 18.9905 19.164 18.9295 19.0977 18.9477 19.5038 19.0177 18.4619 19.0541 19.2904 18.8359 19.0241 18.8694 18.882 18.4872 19.0005 19.242 19.163 19.2343 Q9Z1P8 Angptl4 17 33.774899 57875 - 33.774899 33.781574 angiopoietin-like 4 Arp4; Bk89; Fiaf; Hfarp; Ng27; Pgar; Pgarg; Pp1158 None None None 12.4504 13.3128 12.8377 12.8212 13.7578 12.2065 13.4178 12.967 12.9203 13.3118 12.1155 13.9386 12.54 12.1749 12.6436 13.0917 13.5698 12.734 13.2776 13.0865 12.0513 12.7043 14.4833 13.0559 12.7498 11.9606 12.9991 11.7398 12.5139 13.8128 12.9429 12.5463 Q99L27 Gmpr2 14 55.672234 105446 + 55.672234 55.68786 guanosine monophosphate reductase 2 1810008P16Rik; 5730544D12Rik; AA959850; GMPR 2 None None None 15.8013 15.8284 16.1356 16.0585 15.8047 15.7637 15.5687 15.9127 15.7649 15.8414 15.6041 15.8786 16.8733 15.9036 15.9512 15.4014 15.9281 15.7919 16.457 16.0319 17.6106 16.0053 15.8432 15.9352 15.909 15.5935 15.6185 15.463 15.8519 16.3127 15.8101 15.9448 Q9D967 Mdp1 14 55.657888 67881 - 55.657888 55.66045 magnesium-dependent phosphatase 1 1810034K20Rik; AI035604 None None None 15.7763 15.6415 15.4115 15.9606 15.6544 15.7676 15.6963 15.239 15.6594 15.6735 15.3456 15.8133 15.9125 15.5977 15.819 15.4233 15.4167 15.4858 15.6459 15.3842 14.9972 15.0133 15.8943 15.6034 15.5747 15.9273 15.619 15.3762 15.6592 15.3371 15.5959 15.5942 Q91VH2 Snx9 17 5.841323 66616 + 5.841323 5.931955 sorting nexin 9 2700073N08Rik; SDP1; SH3PX1 None None None 15.3499 15.631 15.3201 15.8167 15.7925 15.5817 15.3749 15.5747 15.6545 15.7588 15.1742 15.2364 15.7324 15.5022 15.6393 15.4489 15.6708 15.4584 15.6305 15.5755 15.0322 15.6268 15.6474 15.5996 15.2608 15.3943 15.971 15.4466 16.0171 15.6363 15.6599 15.2109 Q9CT10 Ranbp3 17 56.673224 71810 + 56.673224 56.711768 RAN binding protein 3 2610024N24Rik; AA408221 None None None 13.4812 13.0311 13.0897 12.8722 13.686 13.0762 13.2927 13.2968 13.7144 12.8515 13.8512 13.6703 15.3776 13.62 13.1372 13.1045 12.6054 13.5473 13.4989 13.2519 14.2547 13.5906 13.2108 13.2187 13.4905 13.3772 13.1139 13.5638 13.4525 13.6036 13.3715 13.5704 Q9D8B4 Ndufa11 17 56.717761 69875 + 56.717761 56.724247 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A11 2010012C24Rik; AV006275; B14.7 None None None 15.4348 14.567 15.8758 15.2867 15.0981 15.4997 15.7849 14.4877 15.1349 14.9894 15.2502 14.9571 15.39 15.0739 14.5488 15.5834 14.6922 14.8852 14.4759 15.7775 16.717 14.9766 15.6516 15.5018 15.8621 15.4044 15.3001 15.303 15.5637 14.6764 14.9605 14.5351 P62315 Snrpd1 18 10.617795 20641 + 10.617795 10.628229 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 AA407109; AL023031; SMD1 None None None 15.8979 15.0029 15.1103 15.2184 15.8083 15.1367 15.0931 15.6459 15.6556 15.3354 15.5687 16.2626 17.5048 15.7257 15.7041 15.157 15.3581 15.426 15.4782 15.3842 15.4685 15.4034 15.2389 15.0953 15.4262 15.1019 15.1478 14.9247 15.5033 15.7187 15.3118 15.7237 Q3UEB3 Puf60 15 76.070181 67959 - 76.070181 76.082536 poly-U binding splicing factor 60 2410104I19Rik; 2810454F19Rik; SIAHBP1 None None None 15.3968 14.0871 13.8195 14.1109 14.8843 14.3434 12.8252 14.4849 14.6234 14.4781 14.4519 13.9761 16.004 14.8295 14.8101 14.0045 14.4352 14.5331 14.6039 15.0157 14.8742 14.3242 14.0662 14.0299 14.5632 14.282 13.8823 13.8864 14.5619 14.2733 13.6627 14.849 P52623 Uck1 2 32.255001 22245 - 32.255001 32.260104 uridine-cytidine kinase 1 URK1; Umpk None None None 13.0946 12.7327 13.5742 13.3264 13.2498 13.0364 12.7169 13.3223 13.294 13.2154 12.9525 13.3675 13.2232 12.9218 13.233 13.3823 12.9702 12.8786 12.7603 12.8383 13.4579 13.5104 13.1337 12.8687 14.1395 14.1517 13.1892 12.9633 13.864 13.0194 12.8424 12.6403 Q9CQ86 Mien1 11 98.437707 103742 - 98.437707 98.458229 migration and invasion enhancer 1 1810046J19Rik; AI463380; Rdx12 None None None 17.2624 16.7279 16.6457 16.8792 16.9444 16.5806 16.7316 16.9736 16.3535 17.1182 16.5467 17.0125 17.4081 16.7308 17.0639 16.7629 16.7666 17.0508 16.8055 15.9071 16.3487 16.4566 16.8359 16.602 16.5142 16.6139 17.1204 16.7154 16.8139 16.6385 16.8563 16.9672 P52430 Pon1 6 5.168089 18979 - 5.168089 5.193986 paraoxonase 1 Pon None None None 14.2417 15.6843 15.1035 14.6361 15.8483 15.895 16.0633 15.5989 15.3216 15.7775 16.0382 16.6501 13.1565 14.6453 15.2589 16.927 15.9451 15.3509 14.1003 15.9056 16.1347 15.7274 16.0898 15.5478 15.7738 14.6685 15.425 15.8299 14.0425 14.7029 15.7011 15.5972 Q9DBR0 Akap8 17 32.303671 56399 - 32.303671 32.321237 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 8 1200016A02Rik; AA673585; AKAP-8; AKAP95; AU015639 None None None 12.911 12.0291 12.0862 12.0957 12.8049 12.2973 12.0985 12.4257 12.6732 12.5279 12.2168 12.595 14.4689 12.9319 12.6837 12.3132 12.3456 12.4922 12.4757 12.2181 12.7627 12.4352 12.3198 12.3605 12.7344 12.1841 12.5742 12.3421 12.5215 12.7992 12.1228 12.3243 O88696 Clpp 17 56.990263 53895 + 56.990263 56.99637 caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase proteolytic subunit AU019820; D17Wsu160e None None None 15.0463 14.7121 15.4699 14.5147 14.8715 15.0801 14.9415 15.0939 15.1491 14.7696 15.3926 14.9703 15.448 14.8115 14.7864 14.8143 14.3757 14.5998 14.4752 14.8171 16.0024 14.8191 15.0103 14.9802 15.8108 16.0198 14.7298 15.1063 15.8949 14.6062 14.897 15.0021 Q62101 Prkd1 12 50.341225 18760 - 50.341225 50.64927 protein kinase D1 PKD; PKD1; Pkcm; Prkcm None None None 13.3047 12.6271 12.9941 13.5848 12.7921 12.8575 12.5061 12.7916 13.2751 12.5111 12.8854 12.3424 14.4639 12.8003 12.4542 12.587 12.6021 12.8218 12.0577 12.6348 12.6427 12.8227 12.3738 12.9554 12.7678 11.9831 12.791 12.3133 13.4336 12.6384 12.5464 12.5791 Q9WTX2 Prkra 2 76.609214 23992 - 76.609214 76.648219 protein kinase, interferon inducible double stranded RNA dependent activator AV120107; PRK; Pact; RAX; lear None None None 14.305 14.6574 13.6705 14.599 14.1707 14.2216 14.2488 14.0797 14.1226 14.463 14.0025 13.1448 13.6026 13.9279 13.9441 14.1721 13.9044 14.0114 14.3992 14.3105 13.1416 14.2039 14.5651 14.0188 13.6104 14.0625 14.0923 13.7235 14.1582 14.3828 14.3491 14.3764 O54998 Fkbp7 2 76.663033 14231 - 76.663033 76.673097 FK506 binding protein 7 23kDa; FKBP-7; FKBP23 None None None 13.5322 13.4817 12.8557 13.6802 13.0997 13.4764 13.5503 13.5174 12.9233 13.5756 13.066 12.4272 12.3287 13.4669 13.3994 13.2181 13.047 13.6275 12.8364 13.1372 13.0824 13.3692 13.2492 13.5599 12.5033 12.7642 13.3172 12.8595 13.2261 13.7343 13.1411 13.3858 Q9CQW1 Ykt6 11 5.955757 56418 + 5.955757 5.967779 YKT6 v-SNARE homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0610042I15Rik; 1810013M05Rik; AW105923 None None None 14.7207 15.2584 15.0692 15.6366 15.4245 14.9963 15.0262 15.3781 15.2585 15.4578 14.9877 15.7087 15.0993 15.2622 15.2795 15.2476 15.4229 15.4269 15.389 15.501 14.8478 15.054 15.3789 15.1983 14.8106 14.8681 15.4174 14.909 15.2304 15.5058 15.3307 15.2799 Q9Z277 Baz1b 5 135.187322 22385 + 135.187322 135.24613 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 1B C87820; WSTF; Wbscr9 None None None 12.1365 12.4058 12.1983 11.6539 12.288 12.1021 12.3093 12.3613 12.5395 12.4117 12.5125 12.1451 13.7365 12.3273 12.2258 11.9979 12.2816 12.3176 12.3666 12.8683 11.8272 12.6466 12.0946 12.7564 12.9439 12.5028 11.6584 12.3406 12.1889 12.0652 12.4402 12.2994 Q64327 Mea1 17 46.6788 17256 + 46.6788 46.683125 male enhanced antigen 1 Mea-1 None None None 13.4754 12.743 12.4041 12.6528 12.8055 12.9951 13.094 13.1001 13.0587 12.889 12.9026 12.3494 13.088 12.8558 12.4527 12.8997 13.0444 12.7766 13.0711 12.8969 13.1775 12.6069 12.5302 13.184 12.6916 12.9779 11.4283 12.814 13.2725 13.129 12.8691 12.9712 Q9D142 Nudt14 12 112.93429 66174 - 112.93429 112.942141 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 14 1110030M18Rik; UGPPase None None None 13.7768 14.1546 13.7072 14.4542 14.3476 13.4836 13.9796 14.297 14.2414 14.1366 14.1172 14.3021 14.1091 13.3083 14.3373 13.9718 13.687 13.7922 13.9813 13.9208 13.6762 13.986 13.3249 14.0503 14.2666 14.2348 14.0211 14.0775 14.1734 14.062 13.951 14.5013 Q99M71 Epdr1 13 19.591707 105298 - 19.591707 19.619829 ependymin related protein 1 (zebrafish) AU040950; AV006210; Epdm2; Epdr2; MERP-1; MERP-2; MERP2; Ucc1 None None None 12.6708 13.5974 12.441 13.7812 12.4389 12.1312 14.5021 12.1743 13.5988 12.2898 13.8799 12.2864 12.8652 13.5177 13.39 11.9244 12.7413 12.0857 14.3671 13.3559 12.2223 13.7637 12.7188 12.925 11.7163 13.4195 13.0032 13.7518 12.2412 13.9284 12.9286 14.2247 Q9JMA2 Qtrt1 9 21.4118 60507 + 21.4118 21.420278 queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase catalytic subunit 1 2610028E17Rik; Tgt None None None 11.7896 12.6274 11.8909 11.7618 11.6469 12.1312 11.3814 12.1576 12.2923 12.3279 12.9421 11.7958 14.3903 12.8828 12.1936 11.5767 12.1921 12.2863 12.6211 12.8154 11.6566 12.8381 11.39 12.7727 11.3686 12.6244 11.7818 12.8453 12.5438 12.0607 12.6382 12.5113 O88492 Plin4 17 56.100586 57435 - 56.100586 56.109947 perilipin 4 S3-12; mKIAA1881 None None None 20.996 21.1572 20.1588 21.197 20.9307 20.7951 20.4044 20.9207 20.5196 21.2953 20.6944 21.7842 17.4654 20.5846 21.2315 20.3047 20.7899 21.4959 19.4628 20.1255 20.2467 19.9992 20.4893 21.2522 19.6999 19.5505 21.9912 21.1401 20.813 20.5805 20.8392 20.1071 P54923 Adprh 16 38.445398 11544 - 38.445398 38.452688 ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase Arh1 None None None 15.1602 15.0891 14.5311 15.013 14.8754 14.899 14.4763 14.7323 14.9988 14.4365 14.7232 13.0818 16.0947 15.1153 14.5882 13.4848 15.0944 14.7876 15.599 15.0632 13.9881 14.6092 13.8268 14.9855 14.9406 15.1373 13.8046 14.2283 15.176 15.3268 14.7104 15.6875 Q8VI78 Pla1a 16 38.396116 85031 - 38.396116 38.43319 phospholipase A1 member A AA986889; Ps-pla1; Pspla1 None None None 13.2699 12.3385 13.0633 12.7718 12.4411 13.6338 13.9371 14.1193 12.9349 12.9431 14.2115 14.2969 14.0473 13.6686 12.8677 13.8285 13.602 13.8814 14.3289 13.5652 13.1043 13.3526 13.2016 13.6183 11.5377 13.695 11.9508 14.3538 12.7128 13.7987 13.6625 14.4412 P17427 Ap2a2 7 141.562179 11772 + 141.562179 141.63301 adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 2 subunit 2410074K14Rik; AF006990; AW146353; Adtab; C78001; L25 None None None 16.7139 16.1499 16.4341 16.38 16.7601 16.5028 16.2622 16.4608 16.4555 16.2349 16.2087 16.0654 16.8341 16.4237 16.5665 16.3794 16.7554 16.425 16.7307 16.74 16.0653 16.425 16.0637 16.2655 15.9817 16.5318 16.4847 16.2128 16.4037 16.6748 16.6006 16.6774 Q9R069 Bcam 7 19.756137 57278 - 19.756137 19.770531 basal cell adhesion molecule 1200005K12Rik; B-CAM; Gplu; Lu None None None 15.8378 15.5797 15.6007 15.6177 15.3644 15.6326 16.0142 15.8346 15.5448 15.5865 16.1065 15.3466 14.2306 15.9088 15.3699 15.1694 15.4333 15.7344 15.0565 15.1654 16.1453 15.7572 15.5982 15.3185 15.4059 15.4227 15.8241 15.8835 14.7666 15.0346 15.7711 15.777 Q05020 Apoc2 7 19.671578 11813 - 19.671578 19.67794 apolipoprotein C-II apo-CII; apoC-II None None None 16.9037 16.4169 16.3938 16.3995 16.1867 17.3677 15.5547 16.1517 16.7675 16.8953 17.6835 13.8642 14.4217 16.8023 15.3159 17.991 16.5389 16.6924 15.8949 16.3081 15.6557 16.8944 17.0374 17.4386 17.5762 16.5092 15.7737 16.7135 14.0794 15.5785 16.7909 16.0435 P31324 Prkar2b 12 31.958449 19088 - 31.958449 32.061647 protein kinase, cAMP dependent regulatory, type II beta AI451071; AW061005; PKARIIbeta; Pkarb2; RII(beta) None None None 19.4923 19.8875 19.7136 20.1255 19.1702 19.7742 19.901 19.4644 19.4835 19.7403 19.4798 19.0387 16.7703 19.8382 19.4881 19.755 19.5412 20.2016 19.4338 19.3385 19.3359 19.356 19.958 20.24 19.3917 19.3058 20.2938 19.9357 19.4792 19.3789 19.7729 19.3993 P33267 Cyp2f2 7 27.119954 13107 + 27.119954 27.133659 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily f, polypeptide 2 Cyp2f None None None 12.845 12.3519 12.6637 12.277 13.3895 12.2754 12.7291 12.2337 12.7839 12.0772 13.0872 12.1763 13.5016 12.8455 12.3052 12.9994 12.3504 11.983 12.006 11.7619 14.3912 12.8691 11.4388 12.2832 13.9436 12.7684 12.7228 12.3553 11.9442 12.3836 12.3278 12.3491 P46414 Cdkn1b 6 134.9204 12576 + 134.9204 134.925524 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B AA408329; AI843786; Kip1; p27; p27Kip1 None None None 13.1118 13.4156 13.3076 12.2116 13.4461 12.6172 12.9719 12.9001 13.4529 13.0096 11.9813 13.6707 14.9982 12.5892 13.5265 12.4207 12.8852 12.1818 13.1677 12.6849 13.0002 12.7331 13.0575 13.1428 14.4006 13.3076 13.1993 12.7226 14.033 12.7279 12.8263 12.8932 P35585 Ap1m1 8 72.240012 11767 + 72.240012 72.257385 adaptor-related protein complex AP-1, mu subunit 1 AA408894; AP47; Adtm1A; Cltnm; mu1A None None None 16.0845 15.1528 15.5384 15.6129 15.8766 15.7155 15.6193 15.6938 15.7275 15.6974 15.5288 15.4488 16.6915 15.6874 15.6119 15.0681 15.6965 15.6565 15.9688 15.8849 15.4661 15.535 15.5147 15.4304 15.5129 15.6163 15.6144 15.197 15.8074 15.8947 15.5554 16.0591 P55258 Rab8a 8 72.161199 17274 + 72.161199 72.181365 RAB8A, member RAS oncogene family AA409338; Mel None None None 16.1233 15.2806 15.7619 16.0498 16.4338 15.5379 15.3293 15.9239 15.9315 15.5305 15.95 15.8039 16.5834 15.9242 15.8168 15.577 15.9468 15.7414 15.8971 15.9454 15.2136 15.7143 16.3009 15.5189 15.4494 15.2955 16.0271 15.6961 16.2852 16.8923 15.5964 15.959 Q60676 Ppp5c 7 17.004639 19060 - 17.004639 17.027913 protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit AU020526; PP5 None None None 15.2266 14.4 14.1095 12.8573 14.602 14.501 14.3813 14.53 14.5272 14.302 13.1255 13.5196 14.7027 11.8585 14.2949 13.5322 13.7864 14.6214 13.4716 14.3881 14.5339 14.0228 14.2597 14.6801 13.7197 12.2256 14.1693 14.3109 13.8374 14.3612 13.6304 13.2138 P15304 Lipe 7 25.379526 16890 - 25.379526 25.398485 lipase, hormone sensitive 4933403G17Rik; HSL None None None 19.674 19.9968 19.7148 20.2259 19.6043 19.8225 19.6755 19.9753 19.7254 20.0753 19.7 19.7905 18.3415 19.6409 19.8583 19.9805 19.5312 20.1333 18.7904 19.1336 19.5359 19.9822 20.05 19.6628 19.3846 19.6351 20.5876 19.8306 19.7753 19.0929 20.0149 19.4354 Q62419 Sh3gl1 17 56.016749 20405 - 56.016749 56.036658 SH3-domain GRB2-like 1 C77078; EEN; SH3P8; Sh3d2b None None None 15.2063 15.1868 15.3463 15.0671 15.7229 15.5321 15.3881 15.249 15.4945 15.3831 15.1884 12.7445 16.4742 15.4153 15.3206 14.7803 15.5057 15.2621 15.8328 15.1612 14.9407 15.2971 14.8653 15.6617 15.6583 15.2165 15.5124 15.1446 15.5245 15.4851 15.0877 15.5495 P70671 Irf3 7 44.997647 54131 + 44.997647 45.002847 interferon regulatory factor 3 C920001K05Rik; IRF-3 None None None 13.1249 14.4018 14.3941 14.4127 14.1928 14.412 14.5915 14.1047 14.5781 14.2635 13.9886 12.2799 15.0323 14.3638 13.5039 13.0771 14.1441 13.9223 14.518 14.3073 13.8883 14.0952 14.4901 14.3508 14.5133 14.6057 14.1067 13.9704 14.4149 14.2071 14.0716 14.1 Q9ERU9 Ranbp2 10 58.446851 19386 + 58.446851 58.494154 RAN binding protein 2 A430087B05Rik; AI256741; NUP358 None None None 13.0999 12.4126 12.769 12.8907 12.887 12.6176 12.6463 13.0153 12.9361 12.5248 13.0675 12.7463 14.2369 13.2055 12.6767 12.671 12.8094 12.8113 13.0206 12.8196 12.9102 13.0979 12.8554 12.5686 12.93 12.9714 12.3837 12.5987 12.7381 12.9333 12.573 12.8738 Q8K268 Abcf3 16 20.548555 27406 + 20.548555 20.561602 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family F (GCN20), member 3 AI326318; AU016058; BB119416 None None None 12.9581 15.5175 15.1273 13.6527 15.256 14.4643 12.9601 12.9696 14.3002 14.8671 14.6902 17.1163 15.7869 14.878 15.4156 15.4787 15.0313 13.9683 13.3356 15.1643 13.6587 14.9064 15.1897 14.9266 14.6491 15.3341 14.6516 15.0795 15.2289 14.6557 14.2964 12.3994 Q8CHW4 Eif2b5 16 20.498794 224045 + 20.498794 20.509324 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 5 epsilon C81315 None None None 12.9361 13.7999 13.415 13.5318 13.3694 13.548 12.9975 13.4695 13.532 13.5569 13.5787 13.0208 14.2608 13.297 13.3995 13.312 13.4722 13.1705 13.8046 13.5139 12.1778 13.3884 13.4489 13.4427 13.2234 13.5968 13.2824 13.5646 13.146 13.6156 13.498 13.5725 Q9DCU6 Mrpl4 9 21.001251 66163 + 21.001251 21.008838 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L4 1110017G11Rik None None None 12.8935 12.2058 12.9428 12.309 12.312 12.6764 12.7213 12.6839 12.5827 12.51 12.3534 12.9391 13.7745 12.4651 12.7713 12.8248 12.5714 12.4376 12.1814 13.005 13.6429 12.9632 11.6539 12.2759 12.9329 13.0032 12.7184 12.3857 12.7832 12.6512 12.5514 12.447 Q9D1M7 Fkbp11 15 98.724367 66120 - 98.724367 98.728197 FK506 binding protein 11 1110002O23Rik; FKBP-11 None None None 14.4963 12.5365 13.0381 13.8916 14.722 13.5164 13.882 14.7744 14.7531 14.2659 13.6135 14.1441 15.1656 13.8454 15.0993 14.0299 14.5682 14.1806 13.8356 13.2487 12.8175 14.6185 13.6826 13.8231 12.5249 12.7686 15.2278 13.2872 12.3743 14.2563 14.6724 12.6787 Q5SUA5 Myo1g 11 6.506547 246177 - 6.506547 6.520959 myosin IG E430002D17Rik None None None 13.223 13.9702 13.663 14.2121 13.8056 13.1758 13.8091 13.4774 13.9084 13.636 13.6484 13.5215 15.345 13.7049 13.4514 14.0984 14.0105 14.2106 13.7504 13.6036 13.5367 12.9932 14.1287 12.652 13.328 12.1953 13.5937 13.1985 12.8504 14.448 13.3029 14.0075 Q60597 Ogdh 11 6.291596 18293 + 6.291596 6.359093 oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) dehydrogenase (lipoamide) 2210403E04Rik; 2210412K19Rik; AA409584; d1401; mKIAA4192 None None None 18.755 18.2279 19.5538 17.9682 18.4423 18.1295 18.1659 18.379 18.1847 18.3484 18.3862 18.8761 19.1834 18.236 18.4373 18.9153 18.1935 18.2987 18.3333 18.6425 21.1573 18.7444 18.4872 18.4397 19.0278 18.6531 18.6399 19.5422 18.8282 18.1378 18.4394 18.1532 O08795 Prkcsh 9 22.002987 19089 + 22.002987 22.014244 protein kinase C substrate 80K-H 80K-H; PKCSH None None None 17.9579 17.7506 17.7838 17.6326 18.006 17.8949 17.8098 17.8463 18.0535 17.6038 17.687 18.5479 18.9763 17.3021 18.1179 18.1427 17.9765 17.5919 17.6883 17.9542 17.8494 17.9979 17.6852 17.7588 18.0668 18.1647 17.402 17.7479 18.0411 18.0913 17.7791 17.9092 Q61559 Fcgrt 7 45.092992 14132 - 45.092992 45.103821 Fc receptor, IgG, alpha chain transporter FcRn None None None 15.9169 16.4311 16.6505 16.2805 17.1619 16.7579 16.6576 16.4237 16.6568 16.2197 16.9252 16.3677 15.8498 16.4496 16.8343 16.9878 17.0527 16.6947 16.471 16.7672 16.3102 17.0325 16.5719 16.5535 16.4547 16.7 16.6939 16.7445 16.6571 16.8368 16.5566 17.3853 P62281 RPS11 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P62281 None None None 18.7541 18.4213 18.383 18.3989 18.2644 18.5713 18.295 18.1999 18.6542 18.5024 18.0113 18.72 19.8445 18.6417 18.6159 18.0706 18.6833 18.4368 18.8856 18.4646 18.0392 18.2551 18.2185 18.5927 18.2699 18.2816 18.4418 17.9008 18.6145 18.8081 18.4776 18.666 O55201 Supt5h Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: O55201 None None None 14.5148 12.7355 15.0383 15.4159 15.4554 14.9284 14.2685 15.6924 14.952 14.4161 15.5044 14.7508 16.596 14.9554 15.0205 13.2987 14.5622 15.2856 14.7675 14.8922 16.0069 14.9457 14.529 14.3352 16.1137 14.1486 16.1936 15.5919 15.5832 15.3448 14.2728 15.6698 P40936 Inmt 6 55.170626 21743 - 55.170626 55.174989 indolethylamine N-methyltransferase Temt None None None 17.0007 17.7059 17.6652 16.9923 18.5263 16.939 17.8328 18.3185 17.541 17.1031 19.0417 18.2477 17.7805 17.5973 17.2839 18.132 16.7583 17.1753 16.6806 16.5902 18.5308 18.6962 17.1854 17.1102 18.5193 19.2246 16.713 17.6144 17.9661 15.5664 17.9085 18.0493 Q9CZD3 Gars 6 55.038 353172 + 55.038 55.079503 glycyl-tRNA synthetase GENA202; Gars1; Gena201; Nmf249; Sgrp23 None None None 16.2591 15.6217 15.6798 15.9914 15.7068 15.5369 15.5075 15.9174 15.8075 15.892 15.5994 16.0648 16.2366 15.6814 15.9058 15.5827 15.817 15.9183 15.9285 15.7589 15.504 15.5168 15.8213 15.8882 15.6465 15.903 15.8749 15.7777 15.8631 15.7966 15.9056 15.8923 Q8JZU2 Slc25a1 16 17.92521 13358 - 17.92521 17.928218 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, citrate transporter), member 1 1300019P08Rik; 2610100G11Rik; AI194714; Ctp; Dgsj; Slc20a3 None None None 18.3574 18.2198 19.2561 18.168 17.7108 18.6422 17.9891 18.0463 18.2194 18.2052 18.5743 17.3763 18.4188 18.1723 17.7901 18.1201 18.6697 18.373 19.2778 19.6046 19.1621 18.1224 17.9525 18.3801 18.9549 19.3078 18.2373 18.8922 18.2259 19.184 18.6263 17.8942 Q9DBS5 Klc4 17 46.630623 74764 - 46.630623 46.646188 kinesin light chain 4 1200014P03Rik; AA408085; AW146303; Knsl8 None None None 12.0618 12.304 12.8053 13.1067 12.4418 12.1561 12.7132 12.0639 12.271 12.642 12.2469 11.7771 13.0115 12.2943 11.8246 11.9383 12.1296 12.6446 12.8604 12.4546 12.5223 11.2728 12.8558 12.3647 11.7707 12.4566 12.6819 12.279 12.3589 12.7167 12.4666 12.2852 P07310 Ckm 7 19.411093 12715 + 19.411093 19.421582 creatine kinase, muscle CPK-M; Ckmm; M-CK; MCK None None None 19.2896 22.9367 20.156 18.5439 18.1888 18.3963 21.196 20.4091 19.3057 18.4048 18.3481 17.9092 18.2611 16.7184 17.5329 18.6069 17.8342 18.1089 17.7317 18.8453 18.9357 17.9932 18.4509 18.743 18.4281 20.3833 19.295 19.1764 17.6711 18.3268 19.5425 18.9323 Q91WU5 As3mt 19 46.707156 57344 + 46.707156 46.741098 arsenite methyltransferase 2310045H08Rik; Cyt19 None None None 15.5047 14.9543 15.5155 15.1911 15.4629 15.4321 15.0056 15.6635 15.2224 15.0353 14.9568 15.1476 16.0795 12.2522 15.3974 15.4128 15.4511 15.8063 15.7586 15.2046 14.8293 15.7222 15.6082 15.0832 15.0403 15.183 15.0616 15.2539 15.2134 15.5707 15.456 15.3377 Q9D9K3 Aven 2 112.492882 74268 + 112.492882 112.631252 apoptosis, caspase activation inhibitor 1700013A01Rik; 1700056A21Rik; mAven-L; mAven-S None None None 11.5148 11.6417 11.4093 10.7153 12.1173 12.1312 11.1431 11.0432 11.383 11.4863 12.6214 12.1166 12.9589 10.9188 11.7702 12.6289 11.4096 11.7821 11.8013 11.4291 11.5539 11.8291 11.7108 12.4519 11.1235 11.0173 11.5318 12.0417 12.9096 10.4186 11.7735 10.029 Q9DC50 Crot 5 8.966032 74114 - 8.966032 8.997145 carnitine O-octanoyltransferase 1200003H03Rik None None None 12.8692 12.4396 13.8336 12.1942 12.6441 13.4906 14.3944 12.7597 13.1641 12.6826 12.4582 13.4128 12.1432 12.7948 13.0077 13.1944 12.8056 12.7347 13.8665 12.4777 12.1564 12.9818 13.2564 12.713 13.9585 14.2869 12.041 13.0578 14.2135 12.9674 13.2891 14.1481 Q99KN2 Ciao1 2 127.240937 26371 - 127.240937 127.247815 cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly 1 AW210570; Wdr39 None None None 13.4711 12.772 13.8254 13.0423 13.5097 13.4972 13.3429 13.6009 13.6766 12.9864 13.254 13.1568 14.6172 12.9579 13.5464 12.5246 13.7768 13.1817 14.0669 13.2597 12.3222 13.4366 12.9187 12.8834 12.9135 14.3005 12.7568 12.8881 13.7572 13.0773 13.467 14.0706 Q8C0C7 Farsa 8 84.856968 66590 + 84.856968 84.869256 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit 0610012A19Rik; Farsla; pheRS None None None 15.04 14.8659 14.6923 14.6328 14.6686 14.8983 14.9306 14.5956 14.7925 14.6543 14.4859 14.5159 15.5186 14.8227 14.8894 14.2496 14.7317 14.7126 15.1766 14.9107 14.2507 14.8511 14.6865 14.5383 14.752 14.9224 14.4379 14.4392 14.851 15.0151 14.7566 14.7565 P14211 Calr 8 84.842087 12317 - 84.842087 84.84693 calreticulin CRT; Calregulin None None None 20.7955 20.1625 20.2489 20.2242 20.5318 20.3691 20.3272 20.4493 20.5099 20.3937 20.1831 21.3971 21.7214 20.4035 20.8268 20.3343 20.6389 20.3992 20.7115 20.5809 19.94 20.2534 19.9056 20.5016 20.3172 20.28 20.0288 20.3805 20.6142 20.7068 20.3167 20.7305 Q64669 Nqo1 8 107.388224 18104 - 107.388224 107.403204 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 1 AV001255; Dia4; Dtd; Nmo-1; Nmo1; Nmor1; Ox-1; Ox1; Qr1 None None None 13.2146 12.7666 12.4136 12.7039 12.3651 12.2259 14.4026 13.5437 12.5185 12.8989 12.3623 12.4816 11.9192 13.9714 12.8665 12.4994 12.1281 12.3127 12.4138 12.235 13.6075 12.5324 12.4243 12.1427 13.5901 12.2905 12.8558 12.1091 12.6921 12.5035 12.7465 11.9254 Q9Z1E4 Gys1 7 45.434838 14936 + 45.434838 45.456616 glycogen synthase 1, muscle Gys3; MGS None None None 13.7317 15.8288 15.4067 14.8923 14.4833 15.379 15.3411 15.2861 15.258 14.8981 14.9263 15.474 14.6789 14.7651 15.0717 15.0499 14.8728 14.7695 14.9019 15.0119 15.2659 14.9375 14.9979 15.5825 15.5724 15.8302 15.2957 15.672 15.4976 14.955 15.3513 14.5828 Q9D6U8 Fam162a 16 36.043843 70186 - 36.043843 36.07156 family with sequence similarity 162, member A 2310056P07Rik; HGTD-P None None None 13.7611 15.3428 15.6789 14.9853 15.1148 15.3391 15.3538 15.8535 15.3152 15.1456 15.5817 14.2442 15.2827 14.6149 15.6432 15.8469 15.593 15.361 14.8992 15.6408 17.0371 16.0226 15.2686 15.4408 15.5408 15.2208 15.7001 15.9705 14.8335 14.9378 15.4304 14.4975 P62918 Rpl8 15 76.90407 26961 + 76.90407 76.906317 ribosomal protein L8 None None None 19.1077 18.451 18.4318 18.3561 18.7419 18.6189 18.3722 18.6879 18.6756 18.7612 18.3545 18.7724 20.0055 18.7358 18.9673 18.3123 18.8489 18.9201 18.9082 18.5819 18.4595 18.5756 18.2149 18.5797 18.2406 18.1029 18.6302 18.6494 18.5021 19.0626 18.5486 18.6223 P48774 Gstm5 3 107.895853 14866 + 107.895853 107.898684 glutathione S-transferase, mu 5 None None None 16.0416 16.9071 16.8319 16.3614 16.4424 17.1287 17.0464 16.8662 16.7472 16.4814 16.8162 15.4734 15.1396 16.0586 16.5246 16.6272 16.3947 16.4167 16.2792 15.9336 16.2742 17.3908 17.3621 16.0554 16.48 17.1608 16.3536 16.3593 16.2957 15.7796 16.8109 16.587 Q80W21 Gstm7 3 107.926333 68312 - 107.926333 107.931876 glutathione S-transferase, mu 7 0610005A07Rik; AI894236; Cd203c None None None 16.1681 13.2573 16.1345 18.5635 18.4812 15.6471 19.1143 18.6131 17.175 18.6668 18.624 18.1053 17.0089 18.538 16.6686 18.323 18.5414 13.2226 16.5508 18.0 17.7612 18.2355 18.7458 18.3505 18.7628 18.8798 18.46 18.3257 18.376 10.3436 18.4739 18.9113 P10649 Gstm1 3 108.012249 14862 - 108.012249 108.017972 glutathione S-transferase, mu 1 Gstb-1; Gstb1 None None None 21.773 21.7762 21.4887 21.0648 21.4993 21.5846 22.0365 21.5859 21.3751 21.8283 21.4737 21.513 20.3935 21.4001 22.0295 22.1454 21.0379 22.596 20.8637 20.642 22.0453 21.4101 21.5642 21.0988 22.2721 21.2668 22.2098 21.428 21.0417 20.8672 21.4356 21.3781 P42230 STAT5A Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P42230 None None None 12.9891 13.9838 13.7985 14.2676 14.3045 13.2066 13.1668 14.3601 13.7793 14.3544 13.2711 12.7544 13.4118 14.2426 13.2652 13.2252 13.8774 13.1058 13.7169 13.0049 12.8335 14.3801 14.2003 13.2662 14.5223 14.3691 15.0587 13.223 13.2974 13.8648 13.9723 13.6537 Q9JHS9 Cwc15 9 14.500603 66070 + 14.500603 14.510619 CWC15 spliceosome-associated protein 0610040D20Rik; 2900052N06Rik; Ed1; c11orf5; mED1 None None None 12.1678 13.3812 12.695 13.4014 11.7202 14.1386 12.8694 12.8363 13.2825 13.0704 12.7537 11.9842 15.1473 12.4382 13.2213 12.6347 13.3176 12.0857 13.0548 12.1655 11.6863 12.4645 13.483 12.5843 12.2759 12.8128 13.313 12.1741 12.7772 13.2045 13.0028 12.323 P13864 Dnmt1 9 20.907205 13433 - 20.907205 20.959887 DNA methyltransferase (cytosine-5) 1 Cxxc9; Dnmt; Dnmt1o; MCMT; MTase; Met-1; Met1; MommeD2; m.MmuI None None None 12.4914 13.1584 11.8909 10.6527 12.6117 12.2008 12.6076 12.265 12.5114 12.6939 12.7233 12.0086 14.7196 12.4251 12.1244 12.7955 12.3939 11.9057 11.2832 11.8917 12.1143 12.7057 11.6084 12.8927 12.5874 12.0505 13.1544 11.6265 12.0861 12.5184 12.3895 11.4776 Q9Z1D1 Eif3g 9 20.894348 53356 - 20.894348 20.898589 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit G 44kDa; D0Jmb4; Eif3s4; TU-189B2; eIF3-p44; p44 None None None 15.9241 15.3359 15.4017 15.471 15.3585 15.5534 15.312 15.5656 15.405 15.4679 15.0174 14.8375 16.6855 15.6965 15.5036 14.86 15.4332 15.652 15.8811 15.5731 15.3372 14.9233 15.4804 15.6257 15.1387 15.5958 15.5932 15.3685 15.5692 15.7042 15.4492 15.4965 Q9R045 Angptl2 2 33.21595 26360 + 33.21595 33.247724 angiopoietin-like 2 AI593246; AW260363; Arp2 None None None 12.0835 12.5954 16.7271 16.2361 16.1697 16.1374 16.0674 15.1116 13.633 14.5011 15.9253 14.2392 16.2443 16.4167 16.5845 15.362 12.202 16.396 14.8083 14.2382 15.4224 15.4069 15.0741 16.6012 15.6822 15.5275 16.7149 16.5526 14.518 17.0651 15.2044 15.9127 Q00612 G6pdx X 74.409482 14381 - 74.409482 74.428879 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase X-linked G28A; G6pd; Gpdx None None None 19.3642 19.8385 19.0082 19.7943 19.4672 19.5377 19.635 19.7727 19.0545 20.0672 19.0672 20.0146 18.3267 19.3893 19.8659 19.6763 19.3795 20.3016 19.8771 19.4862 18.4074 19.2352 19.8695 19.5684 18.7781 19.4075 20.2119 19.524 19.4007 19.6858 19.593 19.4773 O35127 Grcc10 6 124.739182 14790 - 124.739182 124.741068 gene rich cluster, C10 gene 2310033H05Rik; C10 None None None 13.5152 13.6976 13.9549 13.8546 13.8221 13.6953 13.8118 13.819 14.0519 13.682 13.7941 12.5912 15.0648 13.783 13.7517 13.0361 13.8512 13.7226 13.9797 13.8309 13.6454 13.8067 13.7947 13.5326 13.9418 13.8554 13.6425 13.6387 13.7935 13.8752 13.778 13.9574 Q9D1K2 Atp6v1f 6 29.467782 66144 + 29.467782 29.470508 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit F 1110004G16Rik None None None 16.5355 16.0516 16.0261 16.1009 16.1922 15.9151 16.2996 16.2308 16.2239 16.2357 15.687 15.6609 16.2705 16.2484 16.4456 15.9221 16.4493 16.0559 16.7781 16.4028 15.4824 15.6749 16.1386 16.1225 15.7913 15.8875 16.1083 15.9671 16.2693 16.785 16.1735 16.4955 Q8R1V4 Tmed4 11 6.270713 103694 - 6.270713 6.274836 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 4 1110014L17Rik; AI326346 None None None 17.2488 17.4813 17.8453 17.1669 17.4073 17.4649 17.6772 17.4458 17.017 17.5129 17.4991 16.9764 15.999 17.5035 17.5878 17.5911 17.3834 17.6419 17.9406 17.9234 16.1303 16.853 17.1065 17.7434 17.6626 17.7728 17.5901 17.5965 17.6963 17.7452 17.6174 17.5496 Q9JIW9 Ralb 1 119.470304 64143 - 119.470304 119.504781 v-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene B 5730472O18Rik None None None 14.9765 14.7538 14.7163 15.3821 15.072 14.7354 14.967 14.9996 14.6335 15.3237 14.8371 14.6411 14.4421 14.8559 15.062 14.489 14.8633 15.3741 14.731 14.8411 14.9438 14.9519 15.2946 15.1065 14.0677 13.7288 15.4167 14.9702 14.8376 14.6503 14.8618 15.04 Q99KV1 Dnajb11 16 22.857844 67838 + 22.857844 22.879633 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B11 1810031F23Rik; ABBP-2; AL024055; Dj9; ERdj3; ERj3p None None None 14.8941 15.2467 14.7645 14.8277 15.0923 14.9936 15.0742 14.9251 15.0437 14.9172 14.6723 15.2381 16.6836 14.7604 15.0758 14.5534 15.0696 14.6439 15.2804 14.866 14.1419 14.3859 14.8255 14.8324 14.4537 14.7098 14.6164 14.5539 15.0318 15.1075 14.8166 15.4457 Q9WUM4 Coro1c 5 113.842438 23790 - 113.842438 113.908705 coronin, actin binding protein 1C AL022675; AW455561; AW548837; CRN2 None None None 16.6391 15.801 15.8673 16.1847 16.5901 16.3223 16.5076 16.0944 16.5531 16.108 16.6599 16.6022 16.5034 17.1226 16.3928 15.5588 16.6404 16.4255 17.2868 16.7524 16.8327 16.36 16.1023 16.2138 15.8274 16.1549 15.9171 15.8724 16.8623 17.2387 16.2796 17.0102 Q3TRM4 Pnpla6 8 3.515234 50767 + 3.515234 3.544266 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 6 AI661849; MSws; Nte None None None 12.7022 12.045 12.6207 11.91 12.4546 12.1647 12.7627 12.2473 12.1388 12.6872 12.488 12.3207 12.64 12.6485 12.2373 12.7025 11.9853 12.3158 12.7323 12.2559 12.9913 12.0557 12.7985 12.3867 12.0109 12.1624 12.375 12.4404 12.658 12.2438 12.5168 12.0455 Q9DCW4 Etfb 7 43.444071 110826 + 43.444071 43.457799 electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide 0610009I16Rik; 2810441H06Rik None None None 20.4867 20.0368 21.2054 20.1133 20.0103 20.0151 19.9374 20.4599 20.1177 20.0602 20.3644 18.8451 20.7705 19.9355 19.9994 20.4776 20.0611 20.0227 20.3692 20.6738 22.4081 20.2666 20.1769 20.6075 21.073 20.7177 20.1108 20.9287 20.8774 19.8676 20.3629 19.7796 Q02013 Aqp1 6 55.336298 11826 + 55.336298 55.348554 aquaporin 1 CHIP28 None None None 17.5447 18.7546 16.6018 17.1428 18.2487 16.9919 16.904 16.9794 17.106 17.8509 17.6819 19.0725 15.4122 16.9215 18.331 17.2365 17.5368 17.5242 15.9329 16.3342 18.1303 17.2931 17.5723 17.6118 16.9082 15.7102 18.2231 17.5505 18.0784 16.1202 16.672 16.162 Q08093 Cnn2 10 79.988599 12798 + 79.988599 79.995399 calponin 2 AA408047; AI324678; Calpo2 None None None 14.1862 14.4912 14.2188 14.1506 15.1897 14.5695 14.6537 14.9279 14.7684 14.5393 14.9593 14.0017 17.2131 14.9169 14.188 12.9145 14.1922 14.1274 14.5673 14.0072 15.1405 14.8675 14.3299 14.0435 15.3789 14.4979 14.3116 14.6406 14.4705 14.5194 14.5462 15.1542 Q9CRB8 Mtfp1 11 4.09148 67900 - 4.09148 4.09543 mitochondrial fission process 1 1700020C11Rik; 2610507A21Rik; AV005788; Mtp18 None None None 11.9957 12.0089 13.8162 12.8198 12.6117 12.2008 11.5315 12.1576 12.1672 12.5004 11.6472 12.0086 13.8369 11.8248 12.3852 12.1952 11.4952 12.5061 12.0027 12.1969 15.1899 11.8675 12.448 11.8166 11.9871 11.4501 12.4002 13.5979 11.4858 11.4423 12.1579 12.078 Q99LD9 Eif2b2 12 85.21948 217715 + 85.21948 85.226627 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 2 beta EIF-2Bbeta; EIF2B None None None 14.549 14.059 14.4416 14.277 14.385 14.185 14.0841 14.2142 14.1392 14.3551 13.9876 13.7323 15.9074 14.5441 14.4181 14.0565 13.986 14.2381 14.2038 14.3388 14.2045 13.9407 13.8013 14.4433 14.7437 14.3226 14.3726 14.407 13.9724 13.1391 14.1872 14.3574 Q9R0E1 Plod3 5 136.987018 26433 + 136.987018 136.996645 procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 3 AI414586; LH3 None None None 15.6265 15.3823 14.6878 15.5688 15.4464 15.5508 15.3538 15.6145 15.0629 15.0744 14.9833 15.4966 14.4194 15.6839 15.6137 14.5061 15.9026 15.764 16.0731 15.6685 14.0894 14.8694 14.8104 15.4725 13.9881 14.6667 15.6643 14.6402 15.0176 16.1895 15.2115 15.2643 Q3U9G9 Lbr 1 181.815314 98386 - 181.815314 181.8424 lamin B receptor AI505894; C14SR; ic None None None 15.1689 14.5563 14.5008 14.6676 15.3118 13.8193 14.7972 14.9203 15.2057 14.5014 14.7996 15.0829 17.0501 15.1073 15.0712 14.3914 14.5952 14.7472 14.9556 14.861 14.6541 14.2237 14.8925 13.5676 15.3124 14.4551 14.8764 14.932 14.6549 14.8066 14.6737 15.6378 P51859 Hdgf 3 87.906089 15191 + 87.906089 87.916131 heparin binding growth factor AI118077; D3Ertd299e None None None 15.9632 15.545 15.7224 15.5849 16.0037 15.5528 15.8726 15.8023 16.0827 15.6444 15.669 15.6162 16.9647 15.4325 16.075 15.4313 15.8055 15.3379 16.1446 15.8471 15.7389 16.0094 15.7233 15.7146 16.0754 16.0385 15.811 15.7872 15.3966 15.717 15.5726 15.5683 P26369 U2af2 7 5.060884 22185 + 5.060884 5.079944 U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor (U2AF) 2 65kDa None None None 14.4174 14.9207 14.954 15.1449 15.6958 15.0699 14.933 15.3241 15.5728 15.0841 15.3382 16.058 16.5601 15.2295 15.3586 14.8209 15.2707 14.9461 15.4867 15.4614 14.9338 15.4304 15.1113 14.8242 15.4188 15.2939 14.7826 14.6815 15.3606 15.4942 15.0837 15.6032 Q8C1A5 Thop1 10 81.070082 50492 + 81.070082 81.082359 thimet oligopeptidase 1 AI131655; AI327041; EP24.15 None None None 15.7813 15.5346 15.3519 15.4876 15.7022 15.4368 15.4246 15.7097 15.6203 15.4749 15.8265 15.4798 16.1834 15.4562 15.5961 15.4131 15.3222 15.5915 15.5594 15.3818 15.6141 15.8412 15.5595 15.2984 15.6839 15.5223 15.3291 15.3131 15.3219 15.6841 15.4586 15.536 P31938 Map2k1 9 64.185768 26395 - 64.185768 64.253604 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 MAPKK1; MEKK1; Mek1; Prkmk1 None None None 15.0751 14.6476 14.7905 14.7104 15.1948 14.8997 14.6603 14.8677 14.9592 14.8609 14.6206 14.8976 15.4076 15.0677 15.1536 14.8026 14.8914 14.9032 15.1412 14.8555 14.6527 14.7649 14.8938 15.1361 14.9991 14.6857 14.7835 14.9868 14.9956 14.9255 14.8333 15.019 Q8BJU0 Sgta 10 81.04407 52551 - 81.04407 81.06027 small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing, alpha 5330427H01Rik; AI194281; D10Ertd190e; Sgt; Stg None None None 16.8538 16.9699 16.7669 16.838 16.3879 16.8904 16.7206 16.739 16.8099 16.7644 16.6607 16.9401 16.4606 16.6631 16.6453 16.576 16.7398 16.8355 16.7789 16.7303 16.2231 16.419 16.8043 16.8807 16.7681 16.8492 16.6713 16.8205 16.9129 16.7323 16.8196 16.6466 P10761 Zp3 5 135.980104 22788 + 135.980104 135.988623 zona pellucida glycoprotein 3 Zp-3 None None None 13.7601 12.1521 12.24 12.2154 12.2379 12.3075 12.5898 12.2519 12.2261 12.3096 12.9251 12.5398 12.3276 11.9625 12.1731 12.3944 12.5227 12.1535 12.1349 11.9642 12.1199 12.2433 12.5872 12.1946 12.6025 12.3307 12.1894 11.9343 12.3015 12.2605 11.9823 12.1171 P14602 Hspb1 5 135.887918 15507 + 135.887918 135.889562 heat shock protein 1 27kDa; Hsp25 None None None 18.671 18.6056 18.3224 18.1331 18.4574 19.157 19.0058 19.0546 18.6446 18.762 18.9547 18.1447 16.6545 18.9016 18.6802 18.1971 19.0313 18.5146 18.3397 18.1466 18.6821 18.6815 18.574 18.0872 18.6161 18.884 18.6871 18.2264 17.8284 18.6238 18.6685 18.1651 Q62426 Cstb 10 78.425669 13014 + 78.425669 78.427621 cystatin B AA960480; Stfb None None None 18.2356 18.0104 17.7323 18.0426 17.8175 17.5378 17.5286 18.2834 17.9347 18.2573 17.2574 17.9914 17.8152 18.1661 18.0888 17.4864 18.5078 17.9571 19.2168 18.7002 16.9242 17.4754 17.9856 17.7989 17.3275 17.7015 17.4156 17.2379 18.2391 19.0775 18.2133 18.1926 O88342 Wdr1 5 38.526805 22388 - 38.526805 38.562921 WD repeat domain 1 Aip1; D5Wsu185e; rede None None None 19.6076 18.459 18.7413 18.8254 19.443 18.8624 18.7166 19.1606 18.9089 18.9764 18.8996 19.3936 20.2397 19.3418 19.2123 18.685 19.1161 19.177 19.445 19.1209 18.9441 18.7377 18.5279 19.049 18.7479 18.5272 18.9308 18.9509 19.1494 19.5436 18.7564 19.5522 Q62433 Ndrg1 15 66.929317 17988 - 66.929317 66.96964 N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 CAP43; CMT4D; DRG1; HMSNL; NMSL; Ndr1; Ndrl; PROXY1; RTP; TDD5 None None None 16.1248 16.2994 16.3728 15.8653 16.3387 15.8601 16.1375 15.7707 15.9487 15.9479 16.0846 15.3486 16.0538 15.7463 15.9383 15.5877 15.6972 15.7109 16.056 15.4526 15.8738 15.988 16.2642 15.5994 16.0529 16.1562 16.7734 15.365 15.7625 15.2464 15.9556 15.574 Q9Z2I0 Letm1 5 33.739672 56384 - 33.739672 33.782716 leucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1 None None None 16.9543 16.7204 17.6376 16.7454 16.5474 16.6133 16.6203 16.5868 16.5245 16.7235 16.7303 16.607 17.2842 16.6613 16.3769 17.0149 16.7759 16.6045 17.0593 17.33 18.6766 16.8116 17.1635 16.8989 17.3019 17.4126 16.7521 17.0561 16.9815 16.6191 16.9012 16.5747 P97493 Txn2 15 77.91505 56551 - 77.91505 77.928993 thioredoxin 2 2510006J11Rik; AI788873; Trx2 None None None 14.2755 14.9084 15.4107 14.9295 14.6979 14.7655 14.7004 14.9094 15.0367 14.3568 14.9453 15.0611 15.6132 14.1639 15.4428 14.8627 14.9884 14.4083 14.8829 15.1297 15.8287 14.4677 14.8247 14.7166 15.3821 15.7431 14.5019 14.9059 15.3911 14.9661 14.7056 15.3179 P56564 Slc1a3 15 8.634123 20512 - 8.634123 8.710806 solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3 AI504299; B430115D02Rik; Eaat1; GLAST; GLAST-1; GLU-T; GluT-1; Gmt1; MGluT1 None None None 13.8885 14.5761 15.3168 13.8026 14.137 14.7677 14.9189 14.1965 14.8823 13.7759 14.6041 14.3949 14.6029 13.6413 14.4493 14.7568 13.7317 13.6587 13.2802 13.2153 14.7936 14.5654 14.1234 14.9806 15.468 16.7391 14.2158 14.6634 15.8265 12.8882 14.6205 14.2356 P10493 Nid1 13 13.437601 18073 + 13.437601 13.512274 nidogen 1 A630025O17; Nid; entactin; entactin-1; nidogen-1 None None None 19.3933 19.6814 18.7411 20.3841 19.2413 19.5593 19.795 19.5031 19.1539 19.8475 19.7078 19.888 17.0419 19.9954 19.2934 18.9656 19.3979 19.7838 19.2232 18.998 19.2004 19.3752 19.8216 19.743 18.9859 18.5598 19.4895 19.5115 19.4224 19.1809 19.4565 19.4116 P14901 Hmox1 8 75.093617 15368 + 75.093617 75.100592 heme oxygenase 1 D8Wsu38e; HO-1; HO1; Hemox; Hmox; Hsp32 None None None 15.763 14.0584 14.6153 14.5484 15.6239 14.1242 14.3162 14.338 14.2934 14.9859 13.8322 15.4287 15.5648 15.5838 14.9109 13.7852 15.2898 14.738 16.6762 16.4502 13.6102 14.1622 14.3193 14.9508 13.7503 14.286 13.8665 14.1755 15.6602 16.6262 14.4526 15.5821 Q61205 Pafah1b3 7 25.295047 18476 - 25.295047 25.297985 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, subunit 3 Pafahg; mus[g] None None None 15.6533 13.8113 13.9257 14.0871 15.6701 14.0694 13.7711 15.4294 14.9122 14.623 14.4587 15.6499 17.8335 14.4705 15.3559 14.9003 14.4185 14.9387 13.5262 14.4151 14.759 15.0109 14.0506 13.7371 15.0652 14.1511 14.3001 14.5077 14.0075 14.5909 14.3757 13.9555 P05132 Prkaca 8 83.972977 18747 + 83.972977 83.996443 protein kinase, cAMP dependent, catalytic, alpha PKCD; Pkaca None None None 16.2057 16.5338 16.6141 16.6627 15.9237 16.5238 16.8325 16.08 16.2813 16.395 16.5125 15.4311 14.8565 16.2168 16.0737 16.1547 16.4576 16.6059 16.5551 16.2914 16.0773 15.8612 16.7463 16.8656 15.9495 16.4134 16.7152 16.6015 16.4197 16.1208 16.4399 16.291 Q63433 Pkn1 8 83.666532 320795 - 83.666532 83.69918 protein kinase N1 DBK; F730027O18Rik; PAK1; PRK1; Pkn; Prkcl1; Stk3 None None None 15.2467 14.665 14.9326 15.1269 15.341 14.8933 14.6969 14.3924 15.2151 14.952 14.6487 14.3894 16.1801 15.5453 14.8681 14.4583 15.2416 14.9446 15.4163 15.4039 14.8644 14.6088 15.3473 15.0988 14.9863 14.8077 14.6011 14.7951 15.5791 15.5962 14.5954 15.3855 Q9QYJ3 Dnajb1 8 83.608174 81489 + 83.608174 83.612652 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B1 0610007I11Rik; DjB1; HSPF1; Hdj1; Hsp40 None None None 14.6877 15.1401 14.4606 15.2606 14.582 14.5808 15.1263 14.7316 14.3892 15.0165 13.797 14.0703 15.8609 14.1353 14.9548 14.6631 14.9518 14.0675 14.9783 14.5279 13.8527 13.8219 15.3074 14.8637 14.8062 14.802 14.1214 14.5605 13.7662 14.9248 14.6596 15.2807 Q62318 Trim28 7 13.024151 21849 + 13.024151 13.031031 tripartite motif-containing 28 AA408787; KAP-1; KRIP-1; MommeD9; Tif1b; Tif1beta None None None 16.6381 15.4922 15.9951 15.5911 16.0739 15.8533 15.9136 16.0034 16.3962 15.4004 16.2749 15.021 18.0051 16.405 15.6957 15.2261 15.9812 15.8147 16.0726 15.864 16.2003 16.2228 15.7545 15.7333 16.032 16.2949 15.1433 15.4043 16.0818 16.1121 15.7656 16.4606 Q9DB34 Chmp2a 7 13.032005 68953 - 13.032005 13.034776 charged multivesicular body protein 2A 1500016L11Rik; mVps2 None None None 14.4455 14.2102 12.6574 14.0035 13.8748 13.332 13.3596 14.3191 14.2186 14.5906 12.5596 13.2345 14.7953 14.52 13.9947 14.1971 13.9085 14.0491 14.126 14.4744 13.1523 14.0759 13.7975 13.52 12.8269 11.8907 15.2428 13.9634 11.8551 13.8959 13.9759 11.5948 P61082 Ube2m 7 13.035119 22192 - 13.035119 13.038274 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2M 2510040H03Rik; UBC12; Ubc-rs2 None None None 16.0963 16.1912 16.3276 16.2715 16.1103 16.2661 16.141 16.0698 16.4222 15.9638 16.2301 15.8773 16.8854 16.0807 16.1635 16.0773 16.2206 15.6906 16.596 16.1489 15.8714 16.1004 16.4391 16.0227 16.5089 16.7188 15.8929 15.9521 16.4488 16.1591 16.2551 16.4117 Q6P8X1 Snx6 12 54.746338 72183 - 54.746338 54.795748 sorting nexin 6 2010006G21Rik; 2610032J07Rik; 2810425K19Rik; AU018928; C85963 None None None 15.9403 15.8135 16.085 15.8821 16.2904 16.1479 15.9159 16.0184 16.1547 15.9098 15.7786 15.2146 16.3539 16.127 16.0293 16.0136 16.0255 15.8581 16.1992 15.9978 15.7204 16.1932 15.9621 16.0183 15.921 15.6429 16.2767 15.8939 15.9637 16.1861 15.8957 15.7938 Q9CZU6 Cs 10 128.337726 12974 + 128.337726 128.362481 citrate synthase 2610511A05Rik; 9030605P22Rik; Ahl4; BB234005; Cis None None None 20.4377 20.2357 21.3757 20.3443 20.2206 20.4771 20.3169 20.6376 20.3478 20.2896 20.6244 20.1856 21.197 20.5095 20.3289 20.8737 20.5798 20.2448 20.8355 21.2546 22.8338 20.9209 20.4128 20.5656 21.1954 21.1984 20.3508 21.4277 20.815 20.6426 20.807 20.1746 Q9D287 Bcas2 3 103.171654 68183 + 103.171654 103.179162 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 2 6430539P16Rik; AI132645; C76366; C80030 None None None 13.4541 11.5413 12.4974 12.7257 12.9498 12.537 11.4374 13.1788 12.796 12.4667 12.6139 12.3728 15.4053 12.7895 13.0792 12.9185 12.8179 12.2462 13.2335 12.5171 12.6206 11.8675 12.7786 12.269 12.0812 13.0433 12.4943 12.4892 12.721 13.3318 12.5021 11.9839 P32848 Pvalb 15 78.191111 19293 - 78.191111 78.206399 parvalbumin PV; Parv; Pva None None None 18.792 21.076 19.12 17.2705 16.7719 17.6092 19.9452 19.3818 17.8272 17.6456 17.5389 17.9272 16.9894 16.0026 16.6118 17.7768 16.9154 17.0154 17.0461 18.0629 18.066 16.8269 16.9503 17.7678 17.525 18.7618 18.3965 17.9295 17.4379 17.305 18.5667 17.8358 P99026 Psmb4 3 94.884323 19172 - 94.884323 94.886957 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 4 Pros-27 None None None 17.4795 17.337 16.9379 16.8851 17.331 17.2592 17.1247 16.671 17.4574 16.995 17.2074 17.3523 17.4284 16.0954 17.6362 19.0604 16.9211 16.4867 15.5285 16.0285 16.6495 17.0127 16.3127 17.4564 18.1613 18.0578 17.0671 17.1021 16.4901 16.0671 16.9635 16.4062 P28474 Adh5 3 138.437199 11532 + 138.437199 138.455498 alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (class III), chi polypeptide Adh-5; Adh3; GSNOR None None None 18.7385 18.681 18.5864 18.364 18.4879 18.4599 18.7708 18.4115 18.4841 18.6098 18.4421 18.5127 18.8404 18.3567 18.4322 18.3377 18.2898 18.6371 18.4803 18.1336 18.252 18.3139 18.5411 18.5148 18.555 18.6362 18.4654 18.49 18.5049 18.3288 18.4901 18.6392 Q9CQG4 Reep5 18 34.344884 13476 - 34.344884 34.37499 receptor accessory protein 5 AI324241; AU022809; AW495741; DP1/TB2; Dp1; R74856; TB2/DP1 None None None 19.1537 19.6097 18.5284 19.2845 18.6649 18.5694 18.5586 19.3646 18.3334 19.4324 18.4853 17.8813 17.6722 18.4652 18.1295 18.6018 18.9683 19.6878 18.6321 19.1441 18.0155 18.5396 18.8453 18.8582 17.3669 18.2535 18.9875 18.5885 17.8359 18.8103 19.3829 18.5296 Q9CQE7 Ergic3 2 156.008027 66366 + 156.008027 156.018278 ERGIC and golgi 3 2310015B14Rik; AV318804; CGI-54; D2Ucla1; NY-BR-84; Sdbcag84 None None None 14.2928 13.7632 13.962 13.8992 14.1396 14.0113 13.7049 13.9967 14.0112 13.9291 13.7944 14.0197 14.3589 13.883 14.1873 13.9243 13.3841 14.0632 14.1096 14.0656 13.7965 13.9017 13.7497 14.2595 13.7173 13.7091 13.882 14.1226 14.1881 14.3554 14.0289 14.1811 Q6ZPR5 Smpd4 16 17.619353 77626 + 17.619353 17.644829 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4 4122402O22Rik None None None 13.0365 13.2957 12.9972 13.4511 13.2471 13.0727 13.2801 13.2571 13.2905 13.4948 13.4296 12.9346 14.6805 13.2745 13.151 13.1093 13.5396 13.4024 13.5855 13.4102 13.2882 13.85 12.9941 13.6397 12.7154 13.3266 12.7699 13.656 13.0199 13.65 13.1244 13.0875 Q8CIM7 Cyp2d26 15 82.790106 76279 - 82.790106 82.794451 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 26 1300006E06Rik None None None 12.7373 13.783 14.3684 14.2405 14.0147 13.9065 14.7306 13.2022 13.0554 14.0046 14.4753 13.9143 11.9542 13.9895 13.587 13.5994 12.9624 12.8394 13.506 12.215 13.5307 13.0422 14.4967 13.0782 13.7304 15.0564 13.7641 13.5811 13.8166 13.5507 13.3143 14.2859 Q9D5J6 Shpk 11 73.199131 74637 + 73.199131 73.22451 sedoheptulokinase 4930431K22Rik; AI194947; AW260459; Carkl None None None 13.1986 13.745 13.9208 13.4958 13.3852 14.1162 13.0487 13.6823 13.4655 13.3432 13.4271 13.4452 13.5324 12.9469 13.4911 13.1785 13.3188 13.1884 12.9208 12.6532 12.877 13.5469 13.6076 13.5641 13.699 14.2104 13.492 13.9056 13.8282 12.7214 13.6269 13.1659 Q05186 Rcn1 2 105.385947 19672 - 105.385947 105.399318 reticulocalbin 1 Rcn None None None 15.4999 14.9593 14.8888 14.2517 15.9155 16.0751 15.418 15.1776 15.5706 14.6675 16.0 13.7532 15.2086 14.8034 15.133 14.9839 15.0772 15.9009 15.5207 14.8935 14.9266 15.8231 15.1554 15.8573 16.0702 14.6378 15.2518 14.8728 15.6313 15.7013 14.9562 15.5291 Q9CQN1 Trap1 16 4.03997 68015 - 4.03997 4.077839 TNF receptor-associated protein 1 2410002K23Rik; HSP75 None None None 20.0657 19.4925 19.8761 19.3176 19.4972 19.7517 19.9912 19.5719 19.7906 19.3167 19.6011 19.8089 20.7648 19.7026 19.6679 19.3384 19.8489 19.3156 19.8947 19.6287 19.6404 19.4559 19.4532 19.7823 20.1606 20.1518 19.1325 19.5644 20.0546 19.7128 19.6193 19.8846 Q9DB05 Napa 7 16.098201 108124 + 16.098201 16.117981 N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein alpha 1500039N14Rik; AW209189; RA81; SNAP-alpha; SNAPA; SNARE; a-SNAP; hyh None None None 16.3559 16.5833 16.5591 16.6001 16.1057 16.575 16.3533 16.207 16.4845 16.0989 16.2245 15.8647 16.4629 16.7939 16.3714 16.2079 16.2823 16.2137 16.5363 16.3025 15.9311 16.3582 16.5566 16.4073 16.416 16.5124 16.1377 16.1124 16.3628 16.3996 16.3735 16.6276 Q9CZ28 Snf8 11 96.034884 27681 + 96.034884 96.047429 SNF8, ESCRT-II complex subunit, homolog (S. cerevisiae) D11Moh34 None None None 13.5855 13.546 13.5971 13.8297 13.6661 13.4778 12.9911 13.7894 13.2698 13.8182 13.2928 13.3088 13.7407 13.7623 13.761 12.6426 13.4513 13.8659 13.6367 13.5864 13.7431 13.7629 13.7678 12.9005 13.6818 13.258 13.7478 13.4471 13.7247 13.7031 13.6421 13.4384 P10605 Ctsb 14 63.122461 13030 + 63.122461 63.145922 cathepsin B CB None None None 20.69 20.7044 20.881 21.1812 20.9593 20.3969 20.5715 20.4845 20.5735 20.5647 20.2327 21.3726 21.0634 20.9683 20.7883 20.7632 21.1203 20.5118 21.8278 21.104 20.1268 20.2335 20.4525 20.4842 20.5804 21.3857 19.9554 20.2351 21.7887 21.737 20.5488 21.5676 Q9D1E6 Tbcb 7 30.224128 66411 - 30.224128 30.232196 tubulin folding cofactor B 2410007D12Rik; AU041393; CG22; CKAPI; Ckap1 None None None 15.1148 15.0874 14.6827 15.3646 15.0332 14.7054 14.8684 15.2376 15.1412 15.4565 14.6702 14.6542 15.4552 15.1754 15.0117 14.6048 15.23 15.211 15.5682 15.0805 14.2549 14.5815 14.8474 15.0217 14.269 14.284 15.1103 15.3014 14.7812 15.5221 14.8778 14.8968 Q8C5L6 Inpp5k 11 75.629066 19062 + 75.629066 75.648864 inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase K C62; Pps; SKIP None None None 12.3157 13.8113 14.1934 13.9932 14.0447 13.8058 14.0633 13.8238 14.0028 14.1177 13.4018 12.6182 14.3116 13.9751 14.2876 12.5065 14.0502 13.5567 14.2758 13.8186 12.7749 12.5437 14.0717 13.9512 13.5445 14.4123 13.8934 13.4687 14.5087 13.5621 14.1133 14.4098 Q8R5B8 Crkl 16 17.451984 12929 + 17.451984 17.487439 v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like 1110025F07Rik; AA589403; AI325100; Crkol; snoop None None None 14.5003 14.584 14.7726 14.6038 14.8921 14.0631 13.9594 14.5733 14.9922 14.1368 14.2709 14.7105 16.1159 14.419 14.7761 14.1851 14.6784 13.5446 14.9668 14.3998 14.5402 14.1734 14.6339 13.7707 14.7671 14.8271 13.465 14.2269 15.0004 14.6882 14.3314 14.8925 P62814 Atp6v1b2 8 69.088735 11966 + 69.088735 69.113717 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit B2 AI194269; AI790362; Atp6b2; HO57; R74844 None None None 18.6253 17.7718 17.9106 18.0134 17.8917 17.7901 17.6553 17.625 17.9754 17.926 17.3816 18.0785 17.9648 18.6477 18.0602 17.5217 18.2712 17.9797 19.0034 18.4466 17.1517 17.0303 18.009 18.0762 17.7759 17.8708 17.5838 17.5502 18.7165 18.6936 17.8819 18.595 P97499 Tep1 14 50.824058 21745 - 50.824058 50.870578 telomerase associated protein 1 Tp1 None None None 12.8397 12.8312 12.3934 13.1413 12.5174 12.8267 13.0478 12.9908 12.4476 13.1924 12.0809 12.7411 12.5054 13.1932 13.0184 11.7698 13.3541 13.3544 13.4945 13.4173 11.4719 11.8675 12.8839 13.3 11.9779 12.6929 13.0067 12.7224 13.2342 13.5162 13.0697 13.4733 Q9D132 Upk1a 7 30.603091 109637 - 30.603091 30.612733 uroplakin 1A 1110031P12Rik; AU019298; C87192; Tspan21; Upk1 None None None 11.7341 12.7937 11.8909 14.8599 12.9283 12.1312 12.8915 12.1576 12.7351 12.3279 12.4319 11.9621 12.3513 12.7165 11.9296 12.2486 12.376 12.4526 12.7874 12.1434 15.8325 12.7057 11.5563 12.6014 15.4463 12.3418 11.6155 13.0116 12.3775 12.227 12.553 14.1151 Q6ZWN5 Rps9 7 3.703953 76846 + 3.703953 3.706896 ribosomal protein S9 3010033P07Rik; AL022771; AL022885 None None None 19.4932 18.7288 18.8254 18.6903 18.902 18.945 18.9214 18.7265 19.0947 18.753 18.5045 18.8487 20.4221 19.1538 19.0606 18.438 19.1454 18.7101 19.2083 19.0792 18.4456 18.5891 18.5427 18.8725 18.8469 18.9192 18.5536 18.2272 18.9246 19.2601 18.8186 19.2536 P63254 Crip1 12 113.152011 12925 + 113.152011 113.153878 cysteine-rich protein 1 (intestinal) CRHP; CRP1; Crip None None None 15.6898 19.6056 18.5393 19.3529 18.5171 18.4673 17.7227 18.7885 19.4724 18.4724 17.8257 18.2476 17.1838 17.2093 18.7414 18.6029 18.9935 17.9931 19.5039 18.6517 17.9061 20.1434 19.1542 17.3361 18.1074 19.1369 18.4884 18.6312 18.1503 19.1899 19.2023 17.7957 O88986 Gcat 15 79.030873 26912 + 79.030873 79.04253 glycine C-acetyltransferase (2-amino-3-ketobutyrate-coenzyme A ligase) AI526977; Kbl None None None 12.5435 13.0981 13.3184 13.0419 12.1645 12.1868 12.3559 12.3214 13.2321 12.2244 12.3962 12.3696 13.5274 12.6545 12.3234 12.5712 12.0877 11.9528 12.2073 12.0316 12.6494 12.5912 11.9406 13.29 12.763 12.9299 12.1074 11.9831 12.5558 12.7677 12.1459 12.6117 Q64674 Srm 4 148.591512 20810 + 148.591512 148.594618 spermidine synthase AA407669; SpdST; SpdSy None None None 16.9204 16.9747 16.502 16.9189 16.6639 16.664 16.9365 16.7737 17.1376 16.7079 16.6717 16.9904 17.5871 16.5954 17.0296 16.4007 17.0862 16.8654 16.8502 16.4034 16.0812 16.576 16.9061 16.7047 16.8447 17.023 16.5615 16.118 17.0539 16.8264 16.4413 16.989 Q8C2Q3 Rbm14 19 4.800565 56275 - 4.800565 4.811633 RNA binding motif protein 14 1300007E16Rik; PSP2; Sytip; p16; p16K None None None 14.7884 14.6702 14.7824 14.7247 14.6987 14.8225 14.2521 14.7597 15.1879 14.5078 14.9439 14.7105 16.0732 14.4898 14.7172 14.1117 14.9838 13.9831 14.8311 14.7044 14.069 15.0118 15.0209 14.4707 15.0501 14.2014 14.2281 14.2367 15.1513 15.0661 14.4976 14.1687 Q62261 Sptbn1 11 30.099394 20742 - 30.099394 30.268383 spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 1 9930031C03Rik; AL033301; SPTB2; Spnb-2; Spnb2; elf1; elf3; mKIAA4049 None None None 19.6331 19.2297 18.5214 19.734 19.2788 19.0996 19.148 19.6309 19.0474 19.7297 19.2203 19.6435 18.2029 19.423 19.523 19.2691 19.2502 20.02 18.9927 19.0674 18.9892 19.1922 19.4587 19.5453 18.2386 18.0431 20.1596 19.6699 18.5767 18.9634 19.4069 18.8176 Q80SU7 Gvin1 7 106.156534 74558 - 106.156534 106.215339 GTPase, very large interferon inducible 1 9130002C22Rik; 9830104F22Rik; Iigs1; VLIG; VLIG-1 None None None 12.7598 13.8446 11.7127 12.1632 15.0272 12.146 12.5357 14.1543 14.1201 14.1696 12.42 12.3475 11.9955 12.4821 12.3169 14.3878 13.4474 12.1525 14.8466 14.578 14.5715 14.2112 14.621 12.2506 14.2709 14.9489 13.8911 11.7205 14.7967 13.5121 14.5269 16.0641 Q8BFP9 Pdk1 2 71.873214 228026 + 71.873214 71.903857 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 1 B830012B01; D530020C15Rik None None None 13.6596 13.5218 15.1824 13.1614 13.8343 14.0933 13.3782 13.5998 13.5098 13.2578 13.7653 13.6829 15.1108 13.5371 13.5153 13.8144 13.8056 13.1952 14.5272 14.6666 14.7576 13.7896 12.8522 13.2695 14.6861 15.6407 12.8321 13.9195 14.8021 13.972 13.5219 14.6519 Q61704 Itih3 14 30.908571 16426 - 30.908571 30.923786 inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 3 AW108094; ITI-HC3; Intin3; Itih-3 None None None 15.4653 13.7105 15.237 14.947 16.2692 15.4269 15.61 15.4918 14.9077 14.955 15.9163 17.0598 15.244 15.7058 15.6316 17.1686 14.6786 14.8645 13.5086 14.6323 14.4616 15.948 15.2768 14.6578 16.6884 17.5885 13.9095 15.3001 15.6437 14.7811 14.975 15.9293 Q8C7G9 Itih4 14 30.886475 16427 + 30.886475 30.901985 inter alpha-trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 4 ITI-HC4; Itih-4; PK-120 None None None 17.6091 16.737 17.1895 16.7143 18.3223 16.7882 17.6958 16.801 17.3077 17.084 17.473 18.9013 16.9414 17.4189 17.4592 19.5542 16.7928 17.0313 15.6959 17.2843 16.3498 16.6436 17.186 16.7529 18.5734 19.4662 16.873 17.1251 17.1318 16.941 17.0657 16.5252 P04919 Slc4a1 11 102.348819 20533 - 102.348819 102.36528 solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 1 Ae1; CD233; Empb3; l11Jus51 None None None 17.8468 17.2479 17.3289 17.0757 17.5229 16.4689 16.8845 17.4198 16.3964 17.8349 17.0914 17.7651 17.2966 16.5984 17.7373 17.4171 18.0304 17.5253 16.9415 16.835 17.0403 16.6067 17.2075 18.2148 16.7865 16.8239 17.7368 18.228 14.5854 15.8904 17.5928 16.4626 P08030 Aprt 8 122.574636 11821 - 122.574636 122.576906 adenine phosphoribosyl transferase C85684 None None None 15.4195 16.6424 17.1592 16.6417 17.0992 17.1358 17.4614 16.8144 17.2184 16.5863 17.1821 14.5172 16.5493 17.467 16.8419 16.3629 17.3864 16.8319 18.3763 17.3106 16.492 16.363 16.9701 16.7127 17.8527 18.0987 15.1196 15.8588 17.9516 17.9781 16.7035 18.4089 Q3UJD6 Usp19 9 108.490606 71472 + 108.490606 108.502336 ubiquitin specific peptidase 19 8430421I07Rik; AI047774; Zmynd9 None None None 12.4667 12.4319 12.6695 12.344 11.7317 12.6859 12.5457 12.6555 12.6611 12.4932 12.1464 12.6558 12.9288 12.6359 12.2221 12.1846 12.7525 12.0484 12.6723 13.024 12.0359 12.6872 12.6315 12.2922 12.5781 12.7452 12.1957 12.4399 12.6948 12.8593 12.4929 12.5936 Q9CQR4 Acot13 13 24.817954 66834 - 24.817954 24.831488 acyl-CoA thioesterase 13 0610006O17Rik; Them2 None None None 15.9179 16.0831 16.927 15.8786 15.8471 16.0287 16.3937 15.903 16.3515 16.2308 15.7283 15.9276 16.7591 16.108 16.011 16.4534 16.6584 16.0459 16.6326 16.4322 17.5946 16.5067 16.4639 16.4697 17.1388 17.0853 16.2302 16.8689 16.1706 15.7534 16.5427 15.2998 P30285 Cdk4 10 127.063534 12567 + 127.063534 127.067287 cyclin-dependent kinase 4 Crk3 None None None 13.471 13.0792 13.3778 13.0665 13.2355 14.0292 13.1096 14.0081 13.4662 13.449 13.8203 13.3154 12.9288 14.0009 13.7385 13.4358 14.0645 13.5657 13.4396 13.6264 13.0878 13.6614 13.413 13.6592 13.8003 13.2744 14.4308 13.3165 13.5647 13.2247 13.8144 13.5203 O70172 Pip4k2a 2 18.842254 18718 - 18.842254 18.99829 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha AW742916; Pip5k2a None None None 14.8152 13.606 13.8239 13.7905 14.5524 13.8716 13.9088 14.0204 14.2636 13.8729 13.8017 14.0539 15.6832 14.5358 14.4415 13.5967 14.2885 13.9058 14.6066 14.4921 13.6698 14.0374 13.7855 13.9646 13.9928 13.5663 13.5516 13.5398 14.5617 14.5505 13.9046 14.6481 P31532 Saa4 7 46.727991 20211 - 46.727991 46.732602 serum amyloid A 4 Saa-4; Saa-5 None None None 12.8614 11.8622 12.4056 12.6423 12.3416 11.9288 11.8938 11.9612 12.6329 12.2899 12.0318 12.7071 11.6073 11.7118 12.2623 12.7294 12.1782 12.0862 11.8053 12.5743 12.6408 12.0706 12.3013 12.1636 11.8397 13.9836 12.3211 12.2908 11.6944 12.2571 12.0685 11.601 Q8CAY6 Acat2 17 12.943041 110460 - 12.943041 12.960724 acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 2 AW742799; Tcp-1x; Tcp1-rs1 None None None 17.6136 17.5064 17.9409 17.332 16.8461 17.6269 17.3932 17.5946 17.3945 17.5383 17.6075 16.4369 17.5114 16.9135 17.1458 17.7785 17.6403 17.3798 17.6805 17.5253 17.6729 17.941 17.6114 17.5871 18.0398 18.3034 17.751 18.0285 17.4496 17.4213 17.5858 17.3087 P09671 Sod2 17 13.007838 20656 + 13.007838 13.018118 superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial MnSOD; Sod-2 None None None 17.8659 17.7377 18.6149 17.3294 17.5499 17.8036 17.8838 17.9641 17.4515 18.5235 17.5128 18.0941 18.4973 17.4845 17.9189 18.1949 18.0206 18.3522 17.8808 18.2453 19.6202 17.1406 17.0515 18.1487 18.2401 18.0352 18.2052 18.1988 18.269 17.9822 18.1699 18.1674 Q95H93 Ik 18 36.744655 24010 + 36.744655 36.757638 IK cytokine MuRED None None None 12.7715 12.8924 12.8126 13.1895 13.3989 12.5359 12.6898 13.0765 13.0525 13.1167 13.0723 12.3123 14.3085 12.394 12.5833 12.134 12.9553 12.8512 13.0239 13.0799 12.1524 13.139 12.779 13.1101 12.9778 12.6191 12.8034 12.5117 13.3549 13.2911 12.8583 12.4435 Q8VDM4 Psmd2 16 20.651121 21762 + 20.651121 20.663413 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 2 9430095H01Rik; AA407121; TEG-190; Tex190 None None None 16.8912 16.1783 15.8752 16.1148 16.1803 16.1052 15.6086 16.1045 16.1131 16.1061 16.0312 15.7533 16.6047 16.2415 16.2283 15.9811 16.0144 16.1398 16.3245 16.0004 15.9401 15.9332 15.9443 16.1483 15.7915 15.9353 15.9752 16.2055 16.0647 16.1505 16.0936 16.1256 Q8R191 Syngr3 17 24.685091 20974 - 24.685091 24.689948 synaptogyrin 3 None None None 12.3918 12.1438 11.522 12.2531 12.5584 12.9694 11.865 12.1743 12.1705 12.1538 11.7493 12.3233 12.1314 11.7662 12.1289 12.7509 12.0309 12.5669 11.3938 12.876 12.4483 11.1417 12.5829 11.5799 11.6039 12.1408 12.8672 11.1575 12.1052 11.9542 12.4 12.995 Q99LD8 Ddah2 17 35.059034 51793 + 35.059034 35.062098 dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 1110003M04Rik; AU019324; AW413173; DDAH-2; DDAHII; Ddah; G6a; NG30 None None None 16.9969 16.6761 16.5358 16.8721 17.0998 16.6772 16.6677 17.2069 16.9104 16.9327 16.6695 16.7365 16.0875 16.6347 16.7943 16.6901 16.7682 17.0528 16.1768 16.5683 16.811 17.3452 17.0826 16.4506 16.5967 16.3468 16.4559 16.7426 16.1112 16.3041 16.7987 16.3848 Q9Z1Q5 Clic1 17 35.050242 114584 + 35.050242 35.058718 chloride intracellular channel 1 Clcp; G6 None None None 18.0913 16.9274 17.3976 17.2494 18.0972 17.5072 17.4452 17.4308 17.6906 17.4421 17.4798 17.186 19.2843 17.8979 17.803 16.8839 17.9102 17.6372 18.4513 17.9834 17.1704 17.4121 17.4332 17.4749 17.7292 17.3177 16.8292 17.1148 18.0868 18.2298 17.3201 18.5474 Q9Z2K1 Krt16 11 100.24609 16666 - 100.24609 100.248901 keratin 16 AI324768; CK-16; K16; Krt1-16 None None None 12.6437 11.388 13.4392 13.009 12.5584 12.1312 15.3715 12.1743 13.2046 12.4771 14.7596 12.9808 12.0806 12.6868 13.8187 14.2723 12.3378 13.1944 12.1496 12.8137 11.4377 17.0701 14.5959 12.3357 12.6081 14.7686 15.2643 11.6058 11.3494 12.71 12.2352 12.0743 P19001 Krt19 11 100.140809 16669 - 100.140809 100.145925 keratin 19 AI663979; CK-19; EndoC; K19; Krt-1.19; Krt1-19 None None None 16.8317 17.0619 16.4558 15.7055 17.2996 16.9054 17.0813 17.4035 17.4352 16.9531 17.444 16.4111 15.6166 16.864 16.8892 17.6689 16.6972 16.6235 15.0568 16.732 17.6135 18.2532 16.8936 16.5897 17.3029 16.9841 16.7786 16.6984 15.3672 15.4788 17.225 15.676 Q9CQ40 Mrpl49 19 6.053629 18120 - 6.053629 6.057754 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L49 L49mt; MRP-L49; Nof1 None None None 12.6761 12.6142 13.1272 12.945 12.4759 12.7498 13.0329 12.328 12.8902 12.3475 12.8428 12.8978 13.9331 12.5802 12.5758 12.6788 12.4802 12.3339 12.7387 13.0018 12.6317 12.5357 12.4414 12.2412 13.3156 13.56 12.2857 12.262 12.9645 12.5042 12.3336 12.465 Q76MZ3 Ppp2r1a 17 20.945453 51792 + 20.945453 20.965904 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit A, alpha 6330556D22Rik; PP2A; PR65 None None None 18.9837 18.297 18.3942 18.4352 18.3651 18.4954 18.5244 18.372 18.4257 18.3642 18.4319 17.7622 18.5861 18.5065 18.3673 18.1195 18.4155 18.5928 18.5589 18.3169 18.2928 18.3007 18.4356 18.5975 18.2974 18.4094 18.4923 18.502 18.3313 18.4373 18.4664 18.6436 Q91XI1 Dus3l 17 56.76475 224907 + 56.76475 56.770092 dihydrouridine synthase 3-like (S. cerevisiae) AI662135; AW557805 None None None 11.9611 12.1129 12.2823 12.9237 11.7735 12.1312 11.8959 12.1576 12.1672 12.3279 11.7802 12.1196 13.685 11.7208 12.4891 12.0912 11.9084 12.61 12.1066 12.3008 12.8186 11.8675 12.552 11.9206 11.8832 13.0227 12.2963 12.3308 11.3818 11.5462 12.3683 11.3494 P49817 Cav1 6 17.306334 12389 + 17.306334 17.341327 caveolin 1, caveolae protein Cav; Cav-1 None None None 21.8899 22.8868 21.8005 22.6082 21.9239 22.2832 22.4494 21.8882 22.1687 22.9024 21.7634 22.2635 19.025 22.1881 22.5942 21.7391 22.0647 22.9118 21.8345 21.7439 21.4116 21.4644 22.8512 22.6927 21.2731 21.071 23.5799 22.6527 21.6347 21.9451 22.4103 21.4578 Q3U0V1 Khsrp 17 57.021048 16549 - 57.021048 57.031506 KH-type splicing regulatory protein 6330409F21Rik; Fbp2; Fubp2; Ksrp None None None 17.0057 15.9125 16.3014 16.1723 16.5776 16.1628 16.1135 16.5037 16.6411 16.1157 16.4911 15.7821 18.3385 16.6137 16.4103 15.8816 16.1975 16.1702 16.5336 16.3924 16.5623 16.4774 16.2666 16.2112 16.65 16.4962 15.8161 16.0222 16.5782 16.4339 16.1649 16.7338 Q9D8X2 Ccdc124 8 70.868225 234388 - 70.868225 70.873489 coiled-coil domain containing 124 1810023B24Rik None None None 12.6304 12.6888 12.6888 12.7024 13.1656 13.0461 16.7158 12.8208 12.3888 12.7953 11.6101 12.3136 13.992 11.7917 12.4786 14.0958 12.7977 13.4685 13.1512 13.1666 12.4877 12.4407 12.7223 12.832 12.4051 17.1657 13.7913 12.5947 12.611 15.0254 13.3222 17.1145 Q9QUI0 Rhoa 9 108.306159 11848 + 108.306159 108.337942 ras homolog family member A Arha; Arha1; Arha2 None None None 15.7286 16.4875 16.5533 16.861 16.5803 16.4814 16.0413 16.3936 16.9034 16.5768 16.1981 16.312 16.9117 16.4002 16.6028 16.3793 16.3676 16.4979 16.5543 16.4003 15.4172 16.5736 16.9142 16.0908 16.7291 16.8358 16.5689 15.9695 16.5276 16.2991 16.8004 16.5743 Q9CX86 Hnrnpa0 13 58.125878 77134 - 58.125878 58.128555 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0 1110055B05Rik; 3010025E17Rik; Hnrpa0; hnRNP A0 None None None 14.8204 15.2747 15.3966 15.3353 15.0932 14.736 13.9948 14.2326 15.7951 14.2371 14.4473 14.4562 16.9143 14.5655 14.3998 13.8898 14.564 13.8193 15.3327 14.9561 14.4878 14.9483 14.6218 13.9236 15.4878 15.7546 13.5825 13.658 14.5667 14.7798 14.8284 14.6757 Q8CGC6 Rbm28 6 29.123572 68272 - 29.123572 29.164723 RNA binding motif protein 28 2810480G15Rik; AI503051 None None None 12.1116 12.4378 12.4448 12.3436 12.543 12.067 11.889 12.3986 12.8911 12.503 11.7733 12.1303 12.1469 11.6337 12.5801 12.8413 12.0684 12.4422 12.1409 12.3917 12.3823 12.1157 12.3646 12.5431 11.6194 12.1564 12.1455 12.1329 12.0368 12.2898 12.2389 12.0717 Q4FZF3 Ddx49 8 70.292865 234374 - 70.292865 70.30247 DEAD box helicase 49 R27090_2 None None None 17.9569 17.5537 17.5513 17.4023 17.8235 17.7198 17.5864 17.6292 17.9652 17.7939 17.6806 16.9806 18.1485 17.8068 17.8518 16.8062 17.8886 17.4964 17.9222 17.9776 16.5195 17.6212 17.7091 17.624 18.0104 17.7211 17.7059 17.5447 17.7427 17.7283 17.5881 17.9862 P47955 Rplp1 9 61.913282 56040 - 61.913282 61.914509 ribosomal protein, large, P1 2410042H16Rik; Arpp1; C430017H15Rik None None None 19.1947 18.8549 19.2048 19.0187 19.2414 18.651 18.8582 18.5911 19.3057 18.4581 18.8636 18.6685 20.1337 19.4116 19.1054 18.3309 19.0006 18.57 19.6776 19.0291 18.8489 18.4148 18.8757 19.0154 18.9308 19.3433 18.1562 18.4414 19.5456 19.3598 18.7166 19.5945 O70433 Fhl2 1 43.12307 14200 - 43.12307 43.198342 four and a half LIM domains 2 FHL-2; SLIM-3; SLIM3 None None None 12.511 11.7859 11.5914 12.611 12.2344 12.1312 12.2228 12.1743 12.5769 12.2151 12.1071 12.6309 11.7735 11.4084 12.4868 12.4182 11.9116 12.0857 11.7516 11.3211 12.7161 11.4044 12.225 11.9377 12.9225 11.783 12.5094 11.5275 11.7474 10.3821 11.8501 11.6763 Q9CQI7 Snrpb2 2 143.063068 20639 + 143.063068 143.072051 U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B 2810052G09Rik None None None 12.7488 12.8907 12.4493 13.0121 13.6955 12.8051 13.3683 13.2313 13.9482 12.7594 14.2824 13.1865 14.7657 12.571 13.0013 12.5291 13.0445 12.3883 13.1842 13.4391 12.5948 13.5271 12.6611 12.2845 14.0892 12.5108 12.6285 12.6209 14.0302 11.8884 13.2918 14.3331 Q8CCF0 Prpf31 7 3.629984 68988 + 3.629984 3.642484 pre-mRNA processing factor 31 1500019O16Rik; 2810404O06Rik; AW554706; PRP31; RP11 None None None 13.318 13.095 13.5929 12.8361 13.4381 13.8778 14.7486 14.155 13.7405 13.4763 13.0868 12.4811 15.2104 13.1886 13.7436 12.8782 13.6163 13.2786 13.3589 13.3979 13.1804 13.4077 12.6084 13.3726 13.6029 13.5496 12.4095 12.251 13.8617 14.4737 13.4469 13.9493 Q9CR86 Carhsp1 16 8.658579 52502 - 8.658579 8.672152 calcium regulated heat stable protein 1 1200011K09Rik; Crhsp-24; D16Ertd465e None None None 16.3389 16.7448 16.5066 16.8205 15.6979 16.001 16.2295 16.5524 16.1632 16.662 15.9212 13.6328 15.6282 15.926 15.395 16.3612 16.221 16.3763 16.5977 16.9203 16.0306 15.9608 16.6512 16.6371 15.41 16.0441 16.7298 16.4715 15.5595 16.8048 16.6461 16.028 P61971 Nutf2 8 105.860532 68051 + 105.860532 105.880401 nuclear transport factor 2 2700067I02Rik; AI115459; AI413596; AW546000; Ntf2; Ntf3; PP15 None None None 15.8196 15.8133 15.9384 15.9709 15.8688 15.7612 16.0957 15.7723 16.0268 15.3342 16.1784 16.0066 16.726 16.0508 16.1608 15.3252 15.7167 15.5071 15.9025 15.5268 16.0314 15.8488 15.8455 15.6517 16.2601 16.1354 14.8662 15.6304 16.439 16.0751 15.5829 16.4481 Q91VS7 Mgst1 6 138.140526 56615 + 138.140526 138.156754 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 1500002K10Rik; Gst None None None 18.826 20.0281 19.3697 19.6968 19.185 19.3663 19.6102 19.7382 19.4488 19.9345 19.5018 19.5036 18.8355 18.8654 19.5486 19.9984 19.469 19.8593 19.045 19.466 18.8185 19.8175 19.6944 19.5329 19.3147 19.6084 20.0197 19.2856 19.7044 19.383 20.1553 19.2177 O54946 Dnajb6 5 29.735897 23950 + 29.735897 29.786477 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B6 HSJ-2; Mrj; mDj4 None None None 14.1499 14.3659 13.8367 14.2467 14.5005 14.3754 14.2574 14.3892 14.4864 14.2738 14.4514 14.1966 15.3612 14.0702 14.4232 14.0327 14.4581 14.0428 14.5056 14.619 14.1851 14.2345 14.4087 13.8382 14.4089 14.775 14.4343 13.9512 14.6498 14.5135 14.5396 14.8977 P62270 Rps18 17 0.0 20084 0.0 0.0 ribosomal protein S18 H-2Ke3; H2-Ke3; Ke-3; ke3 None None None 17.6874 16.7639 16.6583 16.854 17.1371 16.9558 16.8224 17.0833 17.1182 17.0479 16.6627 17.4888 18.4696 17.1932 17.3675 16.6622 17.1741 17.1066 17.2883 17.0476 16.7325 16.8256 16.4234 17.0689 16.7957 16.6326 17.0382 16.824 16.9553 17.3722 17.0 17.0263 Q6ZWV3 Rpl10 X 74.270815 110954 + 74.270815 74.273134 ribosomal protein L10 D0HXS648; DXHXS648; DXHXS648E; QM; QM16 None None None 17.0857 17.8449 17.5325 17.6862 16.4019 17.6364 16.547 16.4991 17.875 17.2571 16.0945 16.6672 18.6592 17.4516 16.6471 16.7676 17.6188 17.2378 17.8971 17.5107 15.8275 17.6252 17.3539 16.9635 17.4507 17.5559 16.9891 15.376 17.0967 17.7322 17.3264 17.3395 Q9WUM3 Coro1b 19 4.14861 23789 + 4.14861 4.154034 coronin, actin binding protein 1B None None None 17.4414 16.8849 16.9934 16.858 17.5778 17.0295 16.7821 17.2866 17.2194 17.162 16.8407 18.2981 18.8121 17.3709 17.6518 17.1884 17.1319 17.4828 17.0842 17.016 16.7026 16.9754 16.6344 16.813 16.9467 16.8796 17.3741 16.9486 17.4203 17.3095 17.0632 16.9265 P56376 Acyp1 12 85.272397 66204 - 85.272397 85.288437 acylphosphatase 1, erythrocyte (common) type 1110039O14Rik; AI325944 None None None 15.4408 15.5539 15.6042 15.3703 15.2507 15.5207 15.8544 15.317 15.5209 15.451 15.1387 15.4722 15.7948 15.1014 15.6534 15.437 15.1808 15.5776 15.5826 15.1823 15.0327 15.2357 15.7867 15.4251 15.6517 15.5827 15.5234 15.291 15.509 15.0512 15.4129 15.6434 P63321 Rala 13 17.880574 56044 - 17.880574 17.944216 v-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene A (ras related) 3010001O15Rik; AW322615; Ral; Rasl1 None None None 17.5325 17.2784 17.0584 17.9271 17.7834 17.135 17.2931 17.8529 17.4133 17.7952 17.568 17.7351 16.7016 17.6334 17.75 17.5965 17.3785 17.8821 17.1505 17.5074 17.255 17.5955 17.9455 17.5156 16.8745 16.6676 18.3705 17.437 17.3246 17.2912 17.5919 17.5104 Q60931 Vdac3 8 22.577074 22335 - 22.577074 22.593812 voltage-dependent anion channel 3 None None None 18.3778 18.3914 18.6271 18.3307 18.1907 18.2905 18.2127 18.2571 18.399 18.0916 18.2802 18.3914 18.4407 18.4093 18.2457 18.4662 18.493 18.3254 18.1121 18.4308 19.1713 18.2529 18.2597 18.2333 18.436 17.6602 18.272 18.3009 18.6019 18.2179 18.2316 17.6485 Q91VJ4 Stk38 17 28.970879 106504 - 28.970879 29.008009 serine/threonine kinase 38 5830476G13Rik; 9530097A09Rik; AA617404; Ndr1 None None None 13.4181 13.5518 13.4921 13.9451 13.9072 13.9376 13.688 13.5298 13.7868 13.6457 13.704 13.2223 14.2574 13.9662 13.375 13.7982 13.8116 13.6478 14.0168 13.9188 13.1783 13.5687 13.7185 14.0322 13.8804 13.9328 13.9865 14.4165 14.2193 14.0693 13.6898 14.4454 P63168 Dynll1 5 115.297109 56455 - 115.297109 115.300989 dynein light chain LC8-type 1 Dlc8; Dnclc1; Pin None None None 16.3582 18.1692 17.6968 18.0537 17.5303 17.7175 17.4828 17.9031 18.1392 17.6177 17.6966 17.5108 17.8899 17.6129 17.6538 17.5381 17.9344 17.4268 17.9376 17.5388 17.4566 18.0654 17.7668 17.1661 17.5409 17.4568 17.2009 17.766 17.4072 17.7749 17.9625 17.5134 P59017 Bcl2l13 6 120.836205 94044 + 120.836205 120.892841 BCL2-like 13 (apoptosis facilitator) BCL-RAMBO; E430016C20Rik; Mil-1; Mil1 None None None 15.9102 15.6598 15.542 15.5487 15.2179 15.3757 14.8069 15.3811 16.1647 15.747 14.5992 15.0521 15.5054 15.3045 15.3495 14.9562 15.6092 15.716 15.441 15.6352 15.831 15.2138 15.0581 15.5477 15.1295 15.3514 15.946 15.3779 15.1998 15.3334 15.6994 14.8526 Q08619 Ifi211 1 173.896339 381308 1.0 1.0 interferon activated gene 211 A730048F03; Ifi205b; Mnda; ifi-205-B None None None 14.9045 14.3731 13.6133 13.2891 14.0962 14.0603 13.0462 13.7872 14.8284 13.5811 13.6499 15.0246 15.9641 14.1604 13.6702 14.2012 14.5106 14.3396 14.0949 14.5178 13.1116 13.4944 13.3631 14.0916 14.6398 14.1136 13.2072 13.0291 13.9196 14.394 13.5349 15.6506 Q9DD06 Rarres2 6 48.569695 71660 - 48.569695 48.572844 retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 2 0610007L05Rik; AI303516 None None None 11.6419 12.7295 12.6909 13.1938 11.6601 12.6689 11.9256 12.7776 13.1277 13.4692 12.3956 12.2571 12.4658 12.4977 12.2962 13.5861 12.3834 12.577 12.7358 12.9475 12.0238 12.4801 13.2412 12.4387 13.2804 12.7108 12.5396 12.5116 12.4397 12.8016 13.6687 12.3478 Q8R143 Pttg1ip 10 77.581654 108705 + 77.581654 77.598731 pituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein 1810010L20Rik; AI314311; AU018448; C79540; PBF None None None 16.4367 15.4129 15.4128 15.7846 15.6363 15.5004 15.387 13.64 15.3956 15.7165 15.7015 15.9118 15.5778 16.0541 15.1054 15.3755 15.4076 16.1804 15.7677 15.7555 13.6051 14.3672 15.1364 15.7365 15.4373 14.8865 15.6157 15.6012 15.4394 15.9792 15.5884 15.8036 Q9D0L8 Rnmt 18 68.300232 67897 + 68.300232 68.324851 RNA (guanine-7-) methyltransferase 2610002P10Rik; AI848273; Rg7mt1; mKIAA0398 None None None 13.4393 13.0995 13.0703 12.9561 13.2335 12.4628 13.1003 13.2042 13.2671 13.1768 12.7971 12.9494 15.29 13.3508 12.9645 12.7174 13.0603 13.1308 13.4369 13.281 13.2711 13.2119 13.025 13.1657 12.8892 13.5164 13.5597 13.0816 13.1154 13.1934 12.9755 13.3247 P16254 Srp14 2 118.475842 20813 - 118.475842 118.479695 signal recognition particle 14 14kDa; AW536328 None None None 12.4035 14.4816 12.441 12.2883 12.5584 12.9296 14.2854 13.8309 13.5432 14.555 11.7845 12.92 16.3868 11.731 14.4688 12.0955 14.5488 13.7657 11.429 14.5821 12.3935 11.6263 12.5477 14.2406 14.4167 12.1056 12.832 14.5314 14.2218 14.6812 14.6062 14.5716 Q8R1J9 Tor2a 2 32.757233 30933 + 32.757233 32.762249 torsin family 2, member A Prosalusin None None None 12.5794 14.394 13.388 14.32 12.3342 13.8267 12.8032 13.0898 12.9126 12.3548 12.6525 12.0999 12.3168 12.465 13.7468 12.5511 13.0419 12.3717 12.1877 12.1272 13.9958 12.8597 12.4337 12.5351 12.7882 12.8674 14.4691 14.0663 12.746 12.6773 13.5118 12.4869 O55100 Syngr1 15 80.091333 20972 + 80.091333 80.1195 synaptogyrin 1 R75468; Syngr1b; p29 None None None 14.0439 11.2083 13.6026 13.9571 13.8455 12.3822 13.5971 12.5181 13.7513 12.8388 12.8862 14.6967 12.6709 14.3937 12.7393 14.2196 13.747 13.5385 14.6258 14.4088 13.6301 13.1125 13.5123 12.7168 13.8697 13.1098 11.7303 12.6124 14.7088 14.4975 13.1305 14.3747 P62715 Ppp2cb 8 33.59962 19053 + 33.59962 33.619803 protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), catalytic subunit, beta isoform AI115466; D8Ertd766e; PP2Ac None None None 12.5637 14.4673 14.1107 14.7138 14.0648 14.3787 14.626 14.3307 14.2431 14.0657 14.2874 13.4367 14.3783 14.1457 14.0807 13.9942 14.0145 14.0637 14.5204 14.0555 12.8734 14.1449 14.378 13.3188 13.7965 14.0369 12.986 13.209 14.6161 14.0431 14.0726 14.4905 Q60715 P4ha1 10 59.323196 18451 + 59.323196 59.373303 procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha 1 polypeptide AL022634; P4ha None None None 14.1824 14.6608 14.8065 12.5925 14.0604 15.1735 14.9645 14.5473 14.7969 14.2619 14.1607 14.4697 13.6287 15.11 14.6357 13.8404 14.8858 14.6863 15.4768 14.7471 14.4444 14.7722 14.7995 14.8676 14.8896 14.3611 13.9817 13.4928 14.9292 15.2394 14.3724 14.956 Q9ERA0 Tfcp2 15 100.49778 21422 - 100.49778 100.552013 transcription factor CP2 CP-2; CP2; D230015P20Rik; LBP-1c; LBP-1d; LBP1; LSF; Tcfcp2; UBP-1 None None None 11.1343 12.0999 9.0101 11.0563 10.2493 9.63973 12.5552 10.7038 10.9959 10.7902 8.31244 12.0932 11.419 9.82785 10.5227 11.0148 11.5282 11.8455 8.87425 9.88833 9.68213 9.806 10.9613 12.8403 8.28008 7.60154 10.6324 10.4396 9.655 12.466 9.30844 8.96057 Q9CQA3 Sdhb 4 140.96127 67680 + 140.96127 140.979197 succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit B, iron sulfur (Ip) 0710008N11Rik None None None 17.278 18.0284 19.1595 17.9995 17.9829 18.1294 18.0145 17.9731 18.1367 18.0983 18.1366 18.2526 18.9178 17.7672 17.9647 18.6964 18.0959 17.9941 18.1893 18.614 20.2533 18.56 18.189 18.1314 18.8808 18.8878 18.188 18.8028 18.5993 17.8664 18.3435 17.9448 Q8R570 Snap47 11 59.40714 67826 - 59.40714 59.45004 synaptosomal-associated protein, 47 1110031B06Rik; SNAP-47 None None None 12.6967 13.1173 13.0023 13.0559 12.6598 13.4302 12.9913 12.8702 13.1287 12.7904 12.4615 12.9077 12.5498 13.2973 12.8602 12.2869 13.0769 13.1346 13.196 13.2174 12.8421 12.3761 12.8024 13.3069 12.8005 12.5948 12.7646 13.3391 12.8503 12.9531 13.1092 12.6523 Q6GV12 Kdsr 1 106.720409 70750 - 106.720409 106.759741 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase 6330410P18Rik; 9430079B08Rik; Fvt1 None None None 15.9948 16.6254 16.0921 16.05 15.8427 16.3709 16.3077 16.3077 15.9352 16.3114 16.172 16.0357 15.1235 16.0593 15.8347 16.4688 15.994 16.1475 15.6284 16.022 15.4011 16.3803 16.3319 16.138 15.891 16.5308 16.7792 15.864 15.9847 15.9135 16.562 16.0623 Q9WUH1 Tmem115 9 107.533944 56395 + 107.533944 107.538655 transmembrane protein 115 C78915; Pl6; Pp6 None None None 14.2452 12.1561 12.1964 14.5329 14.6986 14.7778 14.9624 12.9117 13.0924 12.1249 12.5178 13.0458 14.8715 12.8194 14.5603 14.3051 13.4931 13.406 14.8606 13.4274 11.4504 12.5352 11.3893 12.3484 12.5118 11.3723 12.0987 11.9382 14.6411 14.5791 13.7276 15.0358 P10852 Slc3a2 19 8.706881 17254 - 8.706881 8.723368 solute carrier family 3 (activators of dibasic and neutral amino acid transport), member 2 4F2; 4F2HC; AI314110; Cd98; Ly-10; Ly-m10; Ly10; Mdu1; Mgp-2hc; NACAE None None None 17.7125 17.3969 16.9079 17.197 17.1722 17.1049 17.6689 17.0295 17.3628 17.4877 16.959 17.1603 17.0038 17.4773 17.6117 17.2786 17.3705 17.5288 16.9412 17.0312 16.8532 17.3178 17.871 17.5642 17.1804 16.8515 17.7918 17.1122 17.1672 16.8988 17.2558 17.0008 Q99J09 Wdr77 3 105.959497 70465 + 105.959497 105.969759 WD repeat domain 77 2610003I18Rik; 2610312E17Rik; C79984; p44/MEP50 None None None 13.2881 14.7596 14.1764 14.1072 13.5475 13.9754 13.6989 14.1432 14.2761 13.0927 14.2407 14.8306 14.4291 13.8577 14.3381 13.6312 14.4121 12.137 14.9449 13.1545 13.8382 14.4235 14.407 12.3422 14.1233 14.5985 11.7269 14.7249 14.3692 14.7598 14.3553 14.4112 Q9D8C4 Ifi35 11 101.448411 70110 + 101.448411 101.4587 interferon-induced protein 35 2010008K16Rik; AW986054; IFP35; ifi-35 None None None 16.3978 16.1109 15.9819 16.0542 15.7417 16.1495 16.1603 16.0447 15.9553 16.0162 15.9879 16.4054 17.1589 16.0419 16.1654 15.6206 15.7459 15.7755 16.2343 15.8883 15.7828 15.9969 15.9944 16.0076 16.1206 16.4641 15.5917 13.8979 16.1569 15.9135 15.9903 16.4975 O88630 Gosr1 11 76.726601 53334 - 76.726601 76.763577 golgi SNAP receptor complex member 1 AI414660; AI426320; BB145494; GOS-28; GOSRI; GS28 None None None 12.2196 12.7517 11.7976 13.1526 11.9843 11.8692 11.4 11.7431 11.3912 12.3652 11.4713 12.0439 12.0771 11.3099 12.0224 12.3449 12.0766 12.1102 12.2036 12.0763 11.5316 12.428 12.4002 11.5067 12.0644 12.4008 11.2687 12.2695 11.6453 11.2343 11.9424 11.9211 Q8VCH0 Acaa1b 9 119.148042 235674 - 119.148042 119.157092 acetyl-Coenzyme A acyltransferase 1B None None None 15.0107 16.3562 16.3831 16.1355 14.757 15.9673 15.7862 15.9087 15.7587 16.2206 14.9469 13.3801 15.5497 15.574 15.3868 15.0254 15.6159 16.3194 16.4483 16.1938 15.2838 15.3888 16.1541 16.0817 16.3677 16.4754 16.3301 15.8266 14.6077 16.093 16.086 15.4612 Q8R3B1 Plcd1 9 119.071526 18799 - 119.071526 119.093501 phospholipase C, delta 1 AW212592; C79986 None None None 14.1787 15.5263 14.8811 15.0284 15.1653 15.438 15.7162 15.1887 15.2992 15.1886 15.5768 14.911 14.8083 15.028 15.2523 15.1301 14.8061 15.1083 14.1333 14.1848 14.9822 15.5035 15.3621 14.8121 15.0418 15.1007 15.1197 14.9938 15.1694 14.4258 15.0766 14.9393 Q920L1 Fads1 19 10.182876 76267 + 10.182876 10.196873 fatty acid desaturase 1 0710001O03Rik; A930006B21Rik; AI317215; DSD None None None 13.6159 11.4978 12.91 12.38 12.3694 12.2008 13.6083 12.7992 12.8004 13.9178 13.0892 12.851 11.9708 13.6601 12.7263 14.229 12.7271 12.7697 13.332 11.6857 12.2035 12.8713 12.9914 12.9819 12.4982 12.7274 15.074 13.1098 13.3315 13.2498 12.9861 13.1242 Q9ER72 Cars 7 143.557229 27267 - 143.557229 143.600089 cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase CA3; Cars1 None None None 14.6036 14.0797 14.3909 14.139 14.2314 14.2267 14.0502 13.9811 14.3474 14.2687 14.1549 14.7184 15.0122 14.3314 14.4834 13.8114 14.4697 14.4004 14.8247 14.4952 14.6482 13.9672 14.37 14.6154 14.031 14.15 14.1616 14.4154 14.2328 14.5921 14.2694 14.3688 Q9CQV7 Dnajc19 3 34.057279 67713 - 34.057279 34.081353 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C19 1810055D05Rik; AA959924; Tim14 None None None 14.997 15.0389 15.1082 15.3561 14.129 15.0013 14.8943 14.9424 14.7817 14.9958 14.8232 13.8839 15.18 15.1908 14.6294 14.6009 14.9819 15.3138 15.5627 15.1631 14.9263 14.2969 15.1246 15.3953 14.8792 15.256 14.4365 14.9049 15.1883 15.3662 14.9817 14.4631 Q9WVQ5 Apip 2 103.073674 56369 + 103.073674 103.092648 APAF1 interacting protein APIP2; CGI-29; Mmrp19 None None None 15.5175 15.8546 15.4529 15.5645 15.2727 15.1719 15.0478 16.0328 15.5006 15.5122 15.3611 15.683 16.4578 15.3754 15.4448 15.743 15.4487 15.2345 15.2844 15.4296 15.7027 15.9074 15.684 15.0649 15.3452 16.0947 15.324 15.2367 15.8648 15.4836 15.3563 15.1844 Q8BKZ9 Pdhx 2 103.021054 27402 - 103.021054 103.073512 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, component X AI481367; E3bp; Pdx1 None None None 15.806 15.5826 16.6689 15.3589 15.3761 15.3351 15.461 15.4699 15.2715 15.556 15.6841 15.4428 16.6832 15.3587 15.2655 16.2648 15.9183 15.3838 15.9976 16.3069 17.6164 15.8899 15.6818 15.4805 16.3997 16.5439 15.8577 16.6682 15.8761 15.8854 15.7193 14.799 Q8JZN5 Acad9 3 36.065978 229211 + 36.065978 36.092856 acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase family, member 9 2600017P15Rik; 4732402K02; C630012L17Rik; NPD002 None None None 16.5945 16.2985 16.6042 16.1292 16.0353 16.0925 16.2604 16.4271 16.1021 16.0688 16.157 16.1341 16.1826 16.2699 16.0506 16.3977 16.2966 16.2487 16.5922 16.5362 16.8643 16.1485 16.44 16.2812 16.4261 16.4595 15.9699 16.2484 16.2908 16.3819 16.4165 16.4487 Q9DBB8 Dhdh 7 45.472955 71755 - 45.472955 45.488887 dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (dimeric) 1300018L09Rik; AA591799; B830008H07Rik; Xld-1; Xld1 None None None 17.459 18.0687 17.7483 17.8096 17.5827 17.8846 18.4024 17.82 17.8125 18.0193 17.8278 17.7678 16.1522 17.394 17.6587 17.9343 17.3106 17.7062 17.0563 17.2612 17.7466 17.6397 18.0245 17.9755 17.8826 18.0082 18.2569 17.9021 18.3448 17.2443 17.7257 17.6104 Q9DBJ1 Pgam1 19 41.91187 18648 + 41.91187 41.918664 phosphoglycerate mutase 1 2310050F24Rik; Pgam-1 None None None 18.7306 18.3253 18.5609 18.1907 18.417 18.2877 18.8466 18.2782 18.2507 18.4803 18.408 19.0999 18.7586 18.3969 18.8034 18.4459 18.5678 18.6335 18.4695 18.5854 19.1514 18.3326 18.0713 18.6212 18.689 18.5206 18.5483 18.8483 18.8307 18.5415 18.1121 18.477 Q9JL62 Gltp 5 114.669489 56356 - 114.669489 114.690934 glycolipid transfer protein 1110001F24Rik; C76925; C77564 None None None 16.2388 16.3222 16.1408 16.6391 16.195 16.3435 16.2655 16.2375 16.2056 16.7905 15.6591 15.7567 16.1762 16.5944 16.3345 16.1854 16.4899 16.8587 16.7037 16.5094 15.0287 15.8319 16.6063 16.1613 15.7408 15.5212 16.6251 15.6875 15.4284 16.5955 16.177 16.4818 P15626 Gstm2 3 107.981701 14863 - 107.981701 107.986419 glutathione S-transferase, mu 2 Gstb-2; Gstb2 None None None 18.6673 19.1621 18.2319 18.4264 18.547 18.6321 18.834 18.6309 18.4956 18.6515 18.578 18.2792 17.6973 18.4144 18.4851 18.4566 18.445 18.7387 18.1463 17.9078 17.8397 18.3641 18.6928 18.3582 18.6519 18.4547 18.6603 18.5173 18.1654 18.1456 18.4834 18.5686 Q99P87 Retn 8 3.655769 57264 + 3.655769 3.659817 resistin ADSF; Fizz3; Rstn; Xcp4 None None None 15.616 18.7565 18.1399 17.059 16.9276 17.3276 16.871 16.6628 18.1587 16.6351 18.8166 17.691 17.9108 16.5643 17.2038 16.754 16.5111 15.5443 16.1255 14.6758 17.4655 17.7598 17.1218 15.8112 18.6294 18.8066 16.0686 18.2278 17.8655 15.8447 17.8192 15.9665 P51863 Atp6v0d1 8 105.52446 11972 - 105.52446 105.566063 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit D1 AI267038; Ac39; Atp6d; P39; VATX; Vma6 None None None 16.9168 16.2606 16.2432 16.6363 16.5472 16.2593 16.2748 16.1923 16.4329 16.4032 15.9976 16.5066 16.8263 16.7357 16.6928 16.1152 16.6954 16.6058 16.8061 16.4624 15.8618 16.2332 16.3031 16.3057 16.0992 15.8361 16.2861 16.0962 16.6627 16.8495 16.4263 16.5303 Q9Z1K6 Arih2 9 108.602941 23807 - 108.602941 108.65368 ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 AI843547; ARI2; TRIAD1; UIP48 None None None 12.0976 12.7466 12.2765 12.2226 11.8044 12.3995 12.3968 12.5728 12.2093 12.3787 12.1678 12.0499 12.7404 12.4816 11.9972 12.0791 12.3612 12.4753 12.7305 12.6724 11.671 12.5249 12.0569 12.5069 12.6311 11.932 11.8321 12.5717 12.6798 12.2626 12.5322 12.6198 B2RQC6 Cad 5 31.054619 69719 + 31.054619 31.078478 carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase 2410008J01Rik; AU018859; Cpad None None None 15.0735 13.9305 14.3882 14.4449 14.5664 14.472 14.5462 14.4475 14.6186 14.3614 14.4669 14.6056 16.0605 14.7386 14.53 13.5982 14.4959 14.4387 14.7319 14.4824 14.2768 14.3575 14.3518 14.4486 14.4424 14.429 14.1166 14.4243 14.2224 14.6428 14.416 14.9354 Q9WTQ8 Timm23 14 32.180165 53600 - 32.180165 32.20189 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 23 Tim23 None None None 14.2172 12.9626 14.7428 14.2165 13.7864 14.1484 12.4075 13.9746 13.5603 14.2472 13.7514 13.7056 14.3812 14.1041 14.1083 14.2335 14.3167 14.136 14.0397 14.5286 15.4362 13.2762 14.0397 13.8582 14.4524 13.7925 14.2448 14.2994 14.5052 14.3176 14.3024 13.8257 Q9D8Y7 Tnfaip8l2 3 95.13952 69769 - 95.13952 95.142415 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8-like 2 1810019A08Rik; AW610835; TIPE2 None None None 13.664 13.1743 13.2682 13.6704 14.3658 13.6078 12.8677 13.2625 14.2712 13.0294 12.6615 12.8309 15.8905 13.9499 13.6586 12.5886 14.1911 13.2013 14.5336 13.9706 11.7251 13.5563 12.9046 11.3716 13.396 13.6922 12.2174 12.5079 14.1649 14.4941 13.5011 14.5661 Q3UMT1 Ppp1r12c 7 4.481518 232807 - 4.481518 4.503762 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 12C 2410197A17Rik; AI839747; B430101M08; Mbs85 None None None 13.2823 12.1945 12.1136 12.5553 12.9108 12.399 12.2262 12.7831 12.5426 12.5913 12.6616 12.3522 12.9702 13.1795 12.488 12.6903 12.2952 12.9115 12.6039 12.2612 14.0908 13.0231 12.6568 12.0044 11.7854 11.5436 12.44 12.8313 12.4339 12.6584 12.2716 12.5939 Q91XU3 Pip4k2c 10 127.197066 117150 - 127.197066 127.211627 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, gamma Pip5k2c None None None 13.4312 13.5149 13.3213 13.9185 13.5809 13.4329 13.7191 13.3682 13.5038 13.7708 13.1226 13.3816 14.2099 12.6674 13.672 13.4271 13.4418 13.4969 13.6555 13.7023 12.7141 13.4309 13.6871 13.2511 13.3049 13.1737 13.6075 13.36 13.6809 13.933 13.4856 13.6614 Q8CBG9 Rnf170 8 26.119367 77733 + 26.119367 26.143874 ring finger protein 170 6720407G21Rik; AI481227 None None None 12.6041 13.2462 12.1775 13.5126 12.9928 12.2008 13.3206 13.262 12.9007 13.386 13.2101 12.9919 11.9995 13.0202 12.7423 13.3281 12.5416 12.9007 13.2812 13.2711 12.4901 13.0922 13.2767 13.29 11.4721 12.7703 13.491 12.8584 13.2062 13.3911 13.5947 12.9415 P51667 Myl2 5 122.092723 17906 + 122.092723 122.113472 myosin, light polypeptide 2, regulatory, cardiac, slow Gm32672; MLC-2; MLC-2s/v; MLC-2v; Mlc2v; Mylpc None None None 12.9358 16.8584 13.0518 11.666 12.8678 12.6316 12.4244 13.1748 12.9677 12.924 13.3851 12.1269 13.7927 12.2754 12.9288 12.5395 12.5912 13.1015 12.5451 12.8712 14.1467 13.3401 12.5016 12.5204 12.1624 12.6576 11.8515 14.1387 12.667 12.4182 12.5038 12.5771 P61022 Chp1 2 119.547706 56398 + 119.547706 119.587023 calcineurin-like EF hand protein 1 1500003O03Rik; AA960066; AI046351; Cahp; Chp; Sid470p; p24; vac None None None 17.7522 18.1807 18.0277 17.8457 17.8112 17.2944 17.1488 18.2911 17.8444 17.9882 17.9163 18.1862 17.0152 17.3337 17.5203 17.9209 17.7212 17.6813 16.928 17.5411 17.6573 17.7137 17.9546 18.2165 17.9067 18.4662 17.642 17.8763 18.4013 17.4321 18.0314 17.5046 Q9CXW3 Cacybp 1 160.202366 12301 - 160.202366 160.212891 calcyclin binding protein SIP None None None 16.0681 15.9622 16.0025 15.9352 15.9167 16.0299 15.8337 15.967 16.3507 15.7765 15.4356 16.5465 17.571 15.6235 15.7985 15.7773 16.1466 15.8611 16.2307 15.9332 15.2735 15.9219 15.828 15.8386 16.2284 16.2247 15.5182 15.376 15.674 16.1059 15.9588 15.9247 Q9CQ75 Ndufa2 18 36.742331 17991 - 36.742331 36.744586 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A2 AV000592; B8; C1-B8; CI-B8 None None None 16.9576 16.9289 18.0443 17.0326 17.0952 17.121 17.0537 17.1121 17.089 16.6961 17.1797 16.8841 17.8246 16.7529 17.061 17.5515 16.8816 16.0866 16.6921 17.163 18.9433 17.4682 17.2783 16.9494 17.9011 17.6257 17.2479 17.7656 17.5061 16.6002 17.3092 16.3118 P53995 Anapc1 2 128.610082 17222 - 128.610082 128.687405 anaphase promoting complex subunit 1 2610021O03Rik; AI047775; AI853536; AW547281; Apc1; Mcpr; tsg24 None None None 12.7385 12.5905 12.3342 12.2109 12.4573 12.2987 12.0718 12.2864 12.2943 12.442 12.1834 12.1949 12.3571 12.0276 12.4809 12.2689 12.0692 12.2179 12.0606 12.2428 12.3223 12.7193 12.1864 12.3448 12.347 12.4387 12.3227 12.1634 12.0802 12.3302 12.1568 12.0754 Q61187 Tsg101 7 46.888948 22088 - 46.888948 46.926319 tumor susceptibility gene 101 AI255943; CC2 None None None 15.9334 15.342 15.1203 15.4178 15.4354 15.2086 15.1835 15.4013 15.4015 15.4874 15.1307 15.5627 15.2579 15.437 15.6443 15.0591 15.4224 15.3859 15.5892 15.3997 15.1068 14.9989 15.0189 15.2903 14.3345 14.9564 15.472 15.3701 15.2771 15.5834 15.4886 15.505 P20918 Plg 17 12.378608 18815 + 12.378608 12.419383 plasminogen AI649309; Pg None None None 18.0469 17.5902 17.7635 17.2335 18.3151 17.98 17.947 17.544 17.4799 17.7866 18.2326 18.8524 17.2797 17.7111 17.6014 19.4894 17.1486 17.3916 16.4902 17.9282 17.3414 18.0044 18.0807 17.621 18.4138 18.4241 17.8238 17.8805 16.9155 16.7372 17.5551 17.5624 Q80Y56 Rbsn 6 92.186711 78287 - 92.186711 92.214893 rabenosyn, RAB effector 5330426D11Rik; Zfyve20 None None None 12.004 12.8568 12.7575 12.1333 13.1351 12.9448 13.0983 12.5893 12.7741 12.8419 12.4909 12.105 12.8995 12.8271 12.3903 12.2268 12.7746 12.4621 12.1269 12.4394 12.067 13.3086 12.5916 12.9255 12.8305 12.9792 12.5084 12.5296 12.7159 12.6918 12.6129 11.7881 Q9CR62 Slc25a11 11 70.644018 67863 - 70.644018 70.64753 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier oxoglutarate carrier), member 11 2310022P18Rik; 2oxoc None None None 17.6369 17.0817 18.1536 17.233 17.3779 17.5757 17.6707 17.3834 17.5168 17.3982 17.3607 17.2539 18.558 17.5573 17.5921 17.6558 17.6932 17.4344 17.9112 17.9273 18.5812 17.37 17.1509 17.493 17.9441 17.7417 17.4039 17.6636 17.9249 17.7922 17.4285 17.6541 O09061 Psmb1 17 15.47572 19170 - 15.47572 15.498275 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 1 AA409053; C81484; Lmpc5 None None None 14.5936 17.1062 15.1515 14.8442 14.9218 15.732 14.8352 14.8657 15.4178 15.3551 13.8236 16.3778 15.72 14.8104 16.1036 14.7715 15.3841 13.8896 15.1916 14.8053 14.7161 14.7751 14.4926 14.8091 15.131 15.7812 15.1413 14.8609 16.4829 14.7152 15.0959 15.33 Q9D1X0 Nol3 8 105.276144 78688 + 105.276144 105.281938 nucleolar protein 3 (apoptosis repressor with CARD domain) ARC; B430311C09Rik; MYC; NOP; Nop30 None None None 14.7777 15.1956 14.9903 15.543 14.6017 14.8582 15.4995 14.7908 14.7058 15.2588 14.5839 13.9886 12.2881 14.8655 14.3656 15.0596 14.2592 15.3822 14.8716 14.209 13.9103 14.3892 15.3107 15.2683 14.3634 14.7689 15.1148 15.291 14.9178 14.5157 14.9952 15.1079 Q6P9Q4 Fhod1 8 105.329159 234686 - 105.329159 105.348061 formin homology 2 domain containing 1 BC017144; FHOS; FHOS1 None None None 13.7352 14.8046 14.0998 15.154 14.5561 15.1301 14.9484 14.5989 14.1237 15.2425 14.1815 13.4282 13.5943 14.6328 14.348 13.3568 15.142 15.2281 15.1284 13.6664 12.3288 13.459 15.0304 15.0316 12.8808 12.7676 15.2456 14.2847 13.3942 15.0049 14.6891 14.3172 Q9CRB6 Tppp3 8 105.467491 67971 - 105.467491 105.471421 tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3 2700055K07Rik; CGI-38; Ceacam9; mmCGM8 None None None 16.376 16.6124 16.0465 15.8938 15.8233 16.761 16.3283 16.4765 16.7492 15.7546 16.1758 14.8502 15.2614 16.4043 15.8014 15.3457 16.6809 15.989 16.6039 15.9236 16.851 17.3449 15.4417 16.0184 16.724 16.2745 15.7057 16.5642 16.1317 16.7696 16.4848 15.9813 Q64310 Surf4 2 26.92004 20932 - 26.92004 26.933775 surfeit gene 4 AL033340; AL033373; Surf-4 None None None 16.1276 17.4209 16.4608 17.2978 16.3074 17.0047 16.9453 16.5282 16.9563 16.9314 16.6835 15.5303 15.7279 16.44 16.2041 16.5067 17.0381 16.767 17.1519 17.1368 15.953 16.6255 16.8137 16.7593 16.1267 16.679 16.539 16.3546 16.1218 16.9915 16.976 16.7795 P62141 Ppp1cb 5 32.458847 19046 + 32.458847 32.493712 protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit beta 1200010B19 None None None 17.8832 17.527 17.5051 17.4356 17.6038 17.4912 17.3169 17.5173 17.8813 17.3298 17.603 17.8151 18.577 17.6962 17.6604 17.413 17.4758 17.515 17.6267 17.3782 17.8666 17.5699 17.246 17.2371 17.7329 17.4783 17.2675 17.1081 17.3343 17.642 17.5074 17.748 Q9JME7 Trappc2l 8 122.611625 59005 + 122.611625 122.61559 trafficking protein particle complex 2-like 1810017G16Rik; AB030200; Hspc176; Tca17 None None None 14.3678 14.6082 14.1341 14.7808 14.5409 14.0168 14.323 14.578 14.4892 14.3012 14.5115 13.4167 14.5421 14.863 14.498 14.0569 14.8346 14.749 15.1326 14.1708 14.3826 13.9525 14.4496 14.158 13.268 14.9161 14.6729 14.5219 15.012 14.9632 14.8043 14.856 Q571E4 Galns 8 122.578236 50917 - 122.578236 122.6117 galactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfate sulfatase mFLJ00319 None None None 13.953 14.2254 13.2606 14.1914 14.0088 13.9954 14.8873 13.0194 13.5752 13.5016 14.7134 13.9731 14.4449 14.749 14.427 13.2735 14.357 13.8201 14.0546 13.4793 12.917 12.9108 14.6148 14.1735 14.7765 14.3527 12.4505 12.5693 14.9314 14.6893 13.669 13.5704 Q8VCG4 C8g 2 25.498649 69379 - 25.498649 25.501776 complement component 8, gamma polypeptide None None None 13.3495 12.8434 13.878 13.7945 14.0467 15.0814 13.1084 13.3141 13.7307 13.4603 15.0122 14.6247 13.2096 14.172 14.3147 14.3675 14.0496 13.8605 12.5382 13.4914 13.5939 14.0478 12.8178 14.1324 13.9975 15.476 13.3152 13.0061 12.856 12.6733 14.1928 13.632 Q9JHW9 Aldh1a3 7 66.390891 56847 - 66.390891 66.427476 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3 ALDH6; RALDH3; V1 None None None 12.5727 11.9732 12.5034 11.001 13.1537 11.423 11.6645 11.9955 12.8122 11.9227 11.9527 12.5666 12.3071 11.7004 12.8359 12.8783 12.3876 12.7639 11.8586 12.7972 11.914 13.0431 10.9359 13.1718 11.8272 12.16 12.0059 13.8631 12.0462 12.2611 11.6471 12.2151 Q9CQE1 Nipsnap3b 4 53.011879 66536 + 53.011879 53.022059 nipsnap homolog 3B 2700063N13Rik; Nipsnap3a None None None 14.5137 15.2174 15.0962 15.4694 15.2545 15.3918 15.4514 15.4742 15.3227 15.4632 15.5394 15.5196 14.9073 15.1932 15.0879 15.3165 15.3559 15.5246 15.6152 15.507 14.3484 15.7055 15.5153 15.5821 15.6952 15.3775 15.2973 15.245 15.6289 15.5748 15.379 15.5362 P50396 Gdi1 X 74.305011 14567 + 74.305011 74.311866 guanosine diphosphate (GDP) dissociation inhibitor 1 GDIA; GDIalpha None None None 17.6302 17.6515 17.6057 17.7675 17.6245 17.5814 17.8724 17.6621 17.8116 17.4435 17.7081 17.8081 17.4346 17.5351 17.7882 17.5543 17.2293 17.638 17.4162 17.2021 17.6314 17.5725 17.9021 17.8181 17.8967 17.8057 17.9191 17.6718 17.7372 17.1564 17.5421 17.7829 P59808 Sash1 10 8.722216 70097 - 8.722216 8.945607 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 1100001C18Rik; 2500002E12Rik; A330076K04Rik; mKIAA0790 None None None 13.5086 12.8091 12.3448 12.9281 13.0315 13.2802 13.8451 13.036 12.9964 13.583 12.7032 12.5623 12.0548 13.9814 13.4931 13.3786 13.5136 13.6462 14.2721 12.8486 12.6849 12.8861 12.268 13.5146 12.7783 12.4313 13.6271 12.8055 12.7793 13.3039 12.8669 12.8 O08600 Endog 2 30.171407 13804 + 30.171407 30.174068 endonuclease G None None None 13.8055 13.9671 13.822 13.4691 13.7629 13.5393 13.7463 14.1683 13.9036 13.3491 13.3998 13.7817 14.8662 13.511 13.3548 14.0858 13.8542 13.3659 13.6646 14.2248 14.7034 13.8845 13.6683 13.7394 14.2466 13.5714 13.4394 13.7768 14.1949 13.7335 13.3771 13.535 Q61093 Cybb X 9.435251 13058 - 9.435251 9.487765 cytochrome b-245, beta polypeptide C88302; CGD91-phox; Cgd; Cyd; Nox2; gp91-1; gp91phox None None None 14.294 13.1761 13.522 14.0875 13.4759 14.0393 13.4193 13.9084 13.8432 13.8643 13.306 12.7307 14.9177 14.1449 14.0659 13.3664 14.6274 14.1823 14.6391 14.302 14.0146 13.3327 13.0643 13.9041 13.2867 13.0213 13.2393 13.8619 14.4482 14.9181 13.6527 15.1537 P18181 Cd48 1 171.681244 12506 + 171.681244 171.705257 CD48 antigen AI449234; AW610730; BCM1; BLAST; BLAST-1; BLAST1; Bcm-1; MEM-102; SLAMF2; Sgp-60 None None None 13.6106 13.5713 13.2093 12.1956 14.7279 12.8976 12.6241 14.2123 14.0375 13.0187 12.6994 13.7475 15.6726 12.449 14.2979 12.8194 13.4256 11.8818 11.3785 14.0348 13.8249 14.298 11.8238 12.8688 12.6113 12.0744 13.511 13.5817 14.5285 14.0035 13.0474 14.8058 Q9JHS4 CLPX Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9JHS4 None None None 11.6805 12.2947 12.7291 12.9762 11.7735 12.6882 11.6879 13.5287 12.7501 12.5381 11.8036 13.066 14.6861 11.6684 12.5415 11.4925 13.1285 12.2462 15.9684 13.112 13.8586 14.1328 13.6972 11.973 11.8307 12.9702 13.6495 12.3832 13.0059 13.7734 12.3499 12.2343 P15119 Mcpt2 14 56.021583 17225 + 56.021583 56.044634 mast cell protease 2 MMCP-2; Mcp-2 None None None 16.3096 12.7973 15.0761 18.3499 18.0449 15.3445 12.8879 18.1582 12.0712 12.8457 17.6713 11.9657 18.6845 18.3891 15.912 12.245 16.4562 18.915 12.4167 15.3934 18.5207 15.216 11.5599 12.6028 17.4229 12.7943 11.8442 12.1926 17.8433 17.8398 12.1216 17.7117 P11152 Lpl 8 68.880554 16956 + 68.880554 68.906931 lipoprotein lipase None None None 16.5822 16.6651 16.0172 17.2519 16.0973 16.3261 15.3568 16.3185 15.5243 16.936 16.2243 16.2947 13.819 16.5586 16.062 15.4871 16.6229 17.0864 16.3073 16.1752 15.5323 15.3923 15.8831 17.0883 15.2399 14.2719 17.0175 17.3586 15.9789 16.8715 16.3021 15.9399 Q6QD59 Bnip1 17 26.781078 224630 + 26.781078 26.79252 BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 1 2010005M06Rik; 5930429G21Rik; Sec20 None None None 14.8687 13.1516 12.8943 12.6977 13.5358 12.9378 12.8603 13.5798 14.6367 14.3149 12.9299 12.6032 16.1953 13.1341 13.703 15.2029 15.2199 12.8659 15.3334 14.1757 11.7009 12.911 14.9875 14.6902 15.2363 15.1643 14.7664 12.5717 13.1106 13.3656 15.0935 12.7194 P63017 Hspa8 9 40.801275 15481 + 40.801275 40.805201 heat shock protein 8 2410008N15Rik; Hsc70; Hsc71; Hsc73; Hsp73; Hspa10 None None None 21.9509 21.2555 21.2543 21.2251 21.452 21.4936 21.6176 21.5853 21.5744 21.4976 21.1845 22.1128 22.2083 21.6525 21.726 21.2624 21.6349 21.5379 21.7265 21.5036 21.2143 21.3808 21.2593 21.4464 21.3043 21.2739 21.4261 21.268 21.5408 21.7426 21.4696 21.749 Q9DBL1 Acadsb 7 131.4106 66885 + 131.4106 131.44621 acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short/branched chain 1300003O09Rik; 2-MEBCAD; BB066609; SBCAD None None None 16.1641 16.7947 16.8553 16.1028 15.7336 16.2849 16.4041 16.1611 16.4049 16.1052 16.8818 15.8788 16.1717 16.0979 15.7035 16.4338 15.8981 15.8599 15.908 15.9516 16.7905 16.2154 16.1247 16.2115 17.0166 17.2693 16.0763 16.4774 16.9473 15.8962 16.5415 15.9439 Q924Z4 Cers2 3 95.31477 76893 + 95.31477 95.323598 ceramide synthase 2 0610013I17Rik; AI225939; Lass2; TRH3 None None None 14.8635 14.2136 14.6777 14.4068 14.6018 14.3436 14.3877 14.7461 14.3439 14.4827 13.5509 15.0673 14.9206 14.3987 14.3681 14.7939 14.6732 14.2331 14.6166 14.5266 14.1304 14.4017 14.542 14.5159 14.6769 14.936 14.8198 14.7986 12.9415 14.8641 14.7099 14.5973 P97390 Vps45 3 95.999831 22365 - 95.999831 96.05966 vacuolar protein sorting 45 AI462172; AW554165; mVps45 None None None 14.5645 14.8624 14.6454 14.895 14.4443 14.6755 14.5701 14.3019 14.5894 14.5956 14.4284 14.16 14.1627 14.6834 14.2038 14.6121 14.6106 14.5913 14.5306 14.6574 14.1537 14.8183 14.8628 14.4315 14.5207 14.7902 14.417 14.2813 14.3998 14.4557 14.6055 14.3759 Q8BVI4 Qdpr 5 45.434031 110391 - 45.434031 45.450228 quinoid dihydropteridine reductase 2610008L04Rik; D5Ertd371e; Dhpr; PKU2 None None None 17.5737 17.2256 17.2916 17.239 16.8366 17.0526 17.2122 17.2911 17.2602 17.1921 16.8091 17.5409 16.9451 17.1221 17.0893 17.3505 17.1043 17.2426 17.0852 16.8954 16.9696 16.9402 17.1382 17.1657 17.2185 17.4931 17.3782 17.3332 17.3402 16.9755 17.1132 16.9413 Q64337 Sqstm1 11 50.200151 18412 - 50.200151 50.210819 sequestosome 1 A170; OSF-6; Osi; STAP; STONE14; p62 None None None 14.571 13.7904 13.8055 14.0585 13.7348 14.0951 13.9044 14.0803 13.8589 13.9274 13.4848 15.0001 14.582 14.5097 13.9669 13.5615 14.3589 14.3479 14.8363 14.3976 12.2533 13.742 13.9678 14.3716 13.5911 13.906 13.5056 14.0075 14.0578 14.7621 13.9649 14.2361 Q9QWK4 Cd5l 3 87.35788 11801 + 87.35788 87.371073 CD5 antigen-like 1/6; AAC-11; AI047839; AIM; Api6; CT2; Pdp; Sp-alpha; mAIM None None None 15.2287 14.7339 15.7865 13.7418 17.2104 14.5425 13.3176 14.8322 15.0957 13.9415 16.1844 17.8342 15.3922 15.4872 15.4484 16.1174 15.2312 14.422 14.0452 14.6334 14.1537 15.3282 15.7398 14.7916 15.5658 17.0298 14.9533 14.9634 15.3028 13.5848 15.1119 15.0695 P24527 Lta4h 10 93.453395 16993 + 93.453395 93.484895 leukotriene A4 hydrolase None None None 17.8418 17.9475 17.2985 18.1482 18.0492 17.3227 17.3251 17.3846 18.2196 18.0023 17.9464 17.9321 19.1148 17.8822 17.344 17.2621 17.8552 17.9263 17.1084 17.5994 17.7036 18.0776 17.9397 17.8777 17.6875 17.7953 17.2545 17.7833 17.6147 17.5614 18.0203 18.0594 Q9D8S9 Bola1 3 96.196582 69168 - 96.196582 96.198482 bolA-like 1 (E. coli) 1810037G04Rik None None None 14.654 14.9475 15.0424 15.0544 14.7212 14.8233 14.8244 14.7313 14.9159 14.8122 14.9053 14.6516 14.5721 14.6472 14.9366 14.9807 14.5372 14.5241 14.5856 14.3854 14.5831 14.5773 15.1193 14.4284 14.8727 15.1849 14.819 14.8557 15.2248 14.4339 14.9337 14.8819 P46664 Adss 1 177.763175 11566 - 177.763175 177.796694 adenylosuccinate synthetase, non muscle AI314886; AS; Adss2 None None None 15.7928 15.1686 15.8204 15.2825 15.678 15.8167 15.878 15.5206 15.7239 15.5568 15.4493 15.5785 16.5993 15.6785 15.9613 15.083 15.7386 15.6163 16.0826 15.6478 15.414 15.3348 15.4554 15.6101 15.7627 15.8589 15.3096 15.3377 16.0568 15.9076 15.5263 16.3203 Q61239 Fnta 8 25.998687 14272 - 25.998687 26.015609 farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, alpha FTA None None None 14.2206 13.6194 13.3086 13.906 13.9588 13.9152 12.8669 14.3644 13.4338 14.1226 13.4814 14.1736 14.4187 13.4874 14.146 14.2205 13.8315 14.0832 13.6274 13.7425 13.6775 14.3037 13.8138 13.7504 12.6582 13.2832 13.9261 14.0346 13.4698 14.0407 14.0209 13.9541 P56382 Atp5e 2 174.461074 67126 - 174.461074 174.4641 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, epsilon subunit 2410043G19Rik; ATPE; AV000645; Atp5f1e None None None 17.452 18.0254 18.2246 17.882 17.1876 16.7197 17.3332 17.5575 17.7404 17.5014 17.7025 16.2904 18.482 17.5724 17.2998 17.9601 17.4676 17.5967 18.0826 17.7775 18.3093 17.2612 17.5276 17.4632 17.7749 17.4547 17.5148 17.5148 17.4941 17.9325 17.4242 17.2386 Q9WUU7 Ctsz 2 174.427493 64138 - 174.427493 174.439038 cathepsin Z AI787083; AU019819; CTSX; D2Wsu143e None None None 18.3769 17.0394 17.7566 17.4909 18.2561 17.1495 17.0375 17.7708 17.6546 17.6415 17.0415 19.4373 19.6425 18.2294 18.2648 17.7626 18.1131 17.7212 18.5362 18.0302 17.8677 17.4652 17.3274 17.6346 17.5332 17.8043 17.259 17.5899 18.372 18.8035 17.393 18.5019 P51881 Slc25a5 X 36.795596 11740 + 36.795596 36.798807 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, adenine nucleotide translocator), member 5 Ant2 None None None 21.392 21.1497 21.703 21.0007 21.1438 21.0413 20.7982 21.2356 21.3648 21.0652 21.214 21.349 22.0046 20.9493 21.4194 21.5582 21.2786 21.1803 21.4983 21.6371 22.2815 21.2833 20.7347 21.045 21.2701 21.5214 21.3124 21.6957 21.4043 21.3475 21.2873 20.9714 Q4VA53 Pds5b 5 150.673712 100710 + 150.673712 150.810668 PDS5 cohesin associated factor B AI646570; AS3; AW212954; Aprin; Tg(Wap-ERBB2)229Wzw; WAP-Her-2; mKIAA0979 None None None 11.7824 10.9927 11.5594 10.9235 11.1028 11.3398 10.7246 11.3676 11.5501 11.6917 11.2204 12.0006 13.1498 11.4195 12.0033 11.6459 11.8319 10.895 11.1749 12.3476 11.9898 11.71 11.8368 11.8266 11.397 11.9174 11.7633 11.2475 11.5616 11.4939 11.5265 11.7263 O35683 Ndufa1 X 37.187587 54405 - 37.187587 37.191237 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A1 1810049F12Rik; MWFE None None None 12.3139 15.4157 15.0312 15.4064 14.5597 15.4151 15.7166 15.0396 14.8336 15.1628 15.143 15.0596 12.0935 12.4724 15.1767 15.6202 14.9954 13.7012 15.1667 15.662 15.533 15.625 15.7842 15.6207 15.8291 16.214 15.482 15.8954 16.274 14.9176 15.3176 15.1611 Q8C8U0 Ppfibp1 6 146.886608 67533 + 146.886608 147.032024 PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 1 (liprin beta 1) 4632409B19Rik; AW214454; AW261454 None None None 14.8529 14.3997 14.4815 14.6351 14.5621 14.4981 14.7056 14.5901 14.4605 14.7565 14.7458 14.9245 14.2713 14.7379 14.3578 14.1208 14.4381 14.7283 14.2656 14.4483 14.6217 14.5725 14.7715 14.7774 14.2308 14.4569 14.7275 14.423 14.1259 14.2044 14.4373 14.4892 P49138 Mapkapk2 1 131.053699 17164 - 131.053699 131.09787 MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 2 AA960234; MAPKAP-K2; MK-2; MK2; Rps6kc1 None None None 13.1006 13.3877 12.9059 13.2688 13.1256 13.0792 13.5945 13.2366 13.418 13.1348 13.1478 12.2488 13.3497 13.3045 13.2443 12.713 13.1707 13.2247 13.2267 13.1178 12.9179 12.7682 13.315 12.8908 13.2366 12.7757 13.2019 12.8844 13.57 13.395 13.0283 14.1288 Q3TCH7 Cul4a 8 13.105622 99375 + 13.105622 13.147939 cullin 4A 2810470J21Rik; AW495282 None None None 13.0785 13.8884 13.8124 13.7555 13.6135 13.611 13.4912 13.6525 13.6566 13.662 13.7115 13.2611 13.2346 13.7992 13.541 13.7017 13.7034 13.7004 13.8498 13.5573 13.1771 13.8066 13.7964 13.7116 13.6774 14.0097 13.9307 13.7739 13.3472 13.6417 13.7317 13.7971 A2A432 Cul4b X 38.531615 72584 - 38.531615 38.576195 cullin 4B 2700050M05Rik; AA409770; CUL-4B; mKIAA0695 None None None 13.1023 13.1572 13.031 13.3822 13.0017 13.1266 12.7712 12.9248 13.1697 13.004 13.1475 12.6241 13.7368 12.9804 13.0641 12.8316 12.9381 12.8558 13.2348 13.0253 12.6033 13.1269 12.9919 12.7858 13.2097 13.4477 12.9777 13.0032 13.0048 13.3066 12.9867 13.3705 P28658 Atxn10 15 85.336254 54138 + 85.336254 85.463836 ataxin 10 AI325283; C77170; E46; Sca10; TEG-169; Tex169 None None None 15.3647 15.0028 14.9319 15.2293 14.7708 15.1585 15.0021 14.8449 14.9049 14.787 14.6535 14.3051 14.6597 15.1342 14.6977 14.5032 14.9983 14.8757 15.3384 15.0039 14.5529 14.6646 15.0712 15.0065 14.7572 15.052 14.8322 14.8288 15.1007 15.166 15.0149 15.2427 Q62704 Myh9 15 77.760584 17886 - 77.760584 77.842174 myosin, heavy polypeptide 9, non-muscle Fltn; Myhn-1; Myhn1; NMHCIIA; NMMHC-A; NMMHC-IIA; TU72.6 None None None 19.9269 18.8339 18.6937 19.4109 19.5909 19.3307 19.5508 19.536 19.7063 19.2813 19.8594 19.5857 20.0112 20.003 19.4639 19.0337 19.3813 19.5714 19.3448 19.1544 20.5319 19.5638 19.3805 19.3516 19.3859 18.1389 19.5169 19.315 19.2049 19.6303 19.1539 19.4292 Q9D2R6 Coa3 11 101.277969 52469 - 101.277969 101.278947 cytochrome C oxidase assembly factor 3 1810033A19Rik; Ccdc56; D11Ertd99e; HSPC009 None None None 13.5621 14.3799 14.7427 14.2914 13.7643 13.4676 14.6742 14.0338 14.4939 14.2787 14.0061 14.2148 14.1588 13.4782 14.3527 14.8087 14.1604 13.4779 13.3355 14.3748 15.8855 13.9011 14.1524 13.2523 14.7602 14.7639 14.3296 14.9778 14.6169 13.2593 14.7886 14.2978 Q99K74 Med24 11 98.704596 23989 - 98.704596 98.729418 mediator complex subunit 24 911GSE; AU040102; AW547152; D11Ertd307e; DRIP100; Gse2; Pparb2; Pparbp2; R75526; Thrap4; Trap100 None None None 16.2686 15.6315 15.3496 15.6178 15.4582 15.6747 15.8508 15.8391 15.5745 16.3626 15.911 16.1331 15.009 15.6454 15.6812 15.7407 15.7259 16.3767 15.3891 16.0273 14.8567 15.6774 15.8646 15.7617 15.6225 15.52 16.7475 15.3464 15.0996 15.441 15.8686 15.0855 Q3TP95 Psmd3 11 98.682553 22123 + 98.682553 98.695977 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 3 AI255837; AntP91a; D11Bwg1349e; Psd3; Tstap91a None None None 15.9419 15.4019 15.4219 15.4748 15.4623 15.5435 15.5919 15.3696 15.5476 15.5219 15.3882 15.4868 15.9629 15.6586 15.5371 15.2196 15.5655 15.4322 15.8291 15.4419 14.9231 15.2379 15.4188 15.5797 15.3066 15.7174 15.3058 15.188 15.7155 15.7358 15.5185 15.8533 P58137 Acot8 2 164.792767 170789 - 164.792767 164.820218 acyl-CoA thioesterase 8 PTE-1; PTE-2; Pte1 None None None 12.2813 12.5159 13.1335 11.9678 12.8855 12.6629 12.9742 13.0052 12.8867 12.8761 12.1239 12.7848 14.2379 12.3781 13.0262 12.767 12.602 13.2028 12.9732 12.852 13.1723 12.5474 12.1774 13.6126 13.1373 13.2621 13.4725 13.1299 13.2704 13.2234 12.6019 13.3241 P05063 Aldoc 11 78.323072 11676 + 78.323072 78.32778 aldolase C, fructose-bisphosphate AI847350; AU040929; Aldo3; Scrg2 None None None 15.21 16.9844 17.2942 15.7406 15.1965 15.74 17.536 15.7287 16.2414 15.941 15.0453 16.4543 14.5879 14.4376 15.7794 16.055 16.5132 16.0837 18.0877 17.0545 15.0931 15.6471 15.3188 15.1881 15.5392 17.3946 16.4289 16.1715 15.8284 15.8692 17.1452 15.4768 Q64511 Top2b 14 16.365205 21974 + 16.365205 16.430786 topoisomerase (DNA) II beta D230016L12Rik; Top-2 None None None 15.3292 14.7321 14.9103 14.9285 15.3471 15.0257 14.9578 15.0344 15.3159 15.0196 15.2646 15.1969 16.6273 15.2466 15.1078 14.6242 14.9148 14.8531 14.7781 14.7843 15.0239 15.0483 15.1069 14.7771 15.0366 14.865 14.7174 14.5742 14.9852 15.078 14.8255 15.2718 P47879 Igfbp4 11 99.040004 16010 + 99.040004 99.052654 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 AI875747; Deb2; IBP-4; IGFBP-4 None None None 12.6526 12.6118 12.4472 12.3146 12.6605 12.1161 11.8066 12.714 12.8696 12.0528 11.5113 12.3233 11.8475 11.9648 12.1845 13.345 12.2761 11.5371 11.9279 12.1523 12.6421 13.348 12.6398 11.8637 13.0566 12.199 12.5834 12.7745 11.8214 12.026 12.3902 11.865 Q9D312 Krt20 11 99.428384 66809 - 99.428384 99.438152 keratin 20 9030623C06Rik; Ck-20; Ck20; K20; Krt21 None None None 11.9247 12.222 13.1499 11.3564 12.0523 12.9694 11.7868 12.4275 12.6281 12.3279 11.6711 12.2287 12.923 11.6117 12.6135 12.1702 12.057 11.8809 12.2157 12.41 12.9277 11.7879 12.6611 11.5017 12.8283 12.219 12.1872 12.4399 12.9492 11.6553 12.6184 12.9167 P03958 Ada 2 163.72657 11486 - 163.72657 163.750238 adenosine deaminase None None None 15.3471 13.3347 15.6266 14.174 15.278 14.8923 12.8977 13.9626 15.5706 14.064 13.5873 17.0452 17.5878 14.3201 14.5931 13.7951 15.6364 15.0987 16.2094 15.6182 14.5772 13.7218 13.2817 13.5802 16.2016 13.325 14.2449 14.6352 14.3504 15.4196 13.5461 16.4673 P16675 Ctsa 2 164.832871 19025 + 164.832871 164.841031 cathepsin A AU019505; PPCA; Ppgb None None None 15.2164 15.3411 15.2057 16.1505 16.4346 15.0223 15.2792 15.4154 15.6066 15.7584 15.0438 16.7288 16.4228 16.5352 15.9486 15.4563 16.0873 15.7598 16.782 16.1869 13.9863 15.1252 15.3897 15.2305 15.6802 15.9004 14.746 15.357 16.7949 17.1548 15.0564 16.7029 Q64010 Crk 11 75.679193 12928 + 75.679193 75.708427 v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog Crk-I; Crk-II; Crk-III; Crk3; CrkIII; Crko; c-Crk; p38 None None None 15.8809 15.7402 15.8979 15.8301 15.9689 15.8583 16.0295 15.7798 16.0421 15.7635 15.8667 16.1566 15.7721 15.923 15.9677 15.7195 15.8066 15.9291 15.9118 15.8135 15.8923 15.728 15.9543 15.6644 15.8672 15.9422 15.677 15.5729 15.8937 15.9568 15.7279 15.942 Q9ET78 Jph2 2 163.336241 59091 - 163.336241 163.398048 junctophilin 2 1110002E14Rik; JP-2; Jp2 None None None 12.5606 14.2308 12.5194 11.7514 12.4216 13.5923 11.9138 12.5789 13.502 12.2855 13.8263 12.0383 12.6464 13.3004 12.8287 11.9108 12.4259 12.231 12.7047 12.9288 14.9586 13.858 12.5463 12.7161 12.9833 12.4662 11.6288 12.3444 12.4655 12.9951 12.7934 13.2864 Q9CQD1 Rab5a 17 53.479233 271457 + 53.479233 53.507677 RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family 2410015H04Rik; AI663973; AU021172; nnyRab5a None None None 18.9288 18.9475 18.9914 19.2035 19.0609 19.0353 19.2427 18.9239 19.2068 19.029 18.6882 18.6944 19.1603 18.8616 19.0199 18.8772 19.1179 18.9003 19.2717 19.0675 18.406 18.8827 19.1678 18.8796 18.7374 19.3115 19.0826 18.5202 19.0405 19.0532 19.1366 19.2931 Q9DCN2 Cyb5r3 15 83.153494 109754 - 83.153494 83.176439 cytochrome b5 reductase 3 0610016L08Rik; 2500002N19Rik; B5R; C85115; Dia-1; Dia1; WU:Cyb5r3 None None None 20.6169 20.3178 19.9418 20.32 20.444 20.5296 20.517 20.3053 19.8845 21.0022 20.0859 20.3262 18.8001 20.5096 20.4947 20.1555 20.2484 20.9086 20.37 20.326 19.7795 19.9607 20.4547 20.3959 19.2095 19.4099 21.2524 20.0782 19.8595 20.2774 20.6124 20.2011 Q9WUP7 Uchl5 1 143.777233 56207 + 143.777233 143.807465 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal esterase L5 5830413B11Rik; Uch37 None None None 13.994 14.3455 13.7577 14.286 13.3226 13.8977 12.3296 14.401 13.3262 14.5907 12.0741 11.8956 15.3937 14.36 14.0068 13.0881 13.7544 13.9516 14.4107 14.1948 13.8446 13.8374 13.9528 14.4022 12.3266 12.2989 11.4501 14.1625 12.2946 14.4886 13.5383 14.5143 Q7TNE3 Spag7 11 70.663768 216873 - 70.663768 70.669415 sperm associated antigen 7 5730443G10; ACRP; FSA-1; Fsa1l None None None 12.7192 11.5275 11.8909 12.7395 12.9762 12.2008 11.4512 13.3173 12.6834 12.5752 11.5669 12.359 14.3194 11.905 12.3049 12.9323 13.0182 12.2462 13.4557 12.1777 12.6344 11.8675 12.7648 13.4768 12.0674 11.5304 12.4805 12.1466 11.566 13.7373 12.6817 13.566 P62962 Pfn1 11 70.651843 18643 - 70.651843 70.656798 profilin 1 Pfn None None None 19.6637 20.5041 20.3338 20.7192 21.1178 20.6625 20.6014 20.928 20.9755 20.9072 20.0508 21.2345 22.2036 20.3104 21.1306 20.4564 20.9727 20.6288 21.2748 20.8493 19.5307 20.3618 20.7459 20.3339 20.7225 20.5817 20.4281 19.9175 20.8586 21.1818 20.7174 21.2573 Q9CQV8 Ywhab 2 163.995196 54401 + 163.995196 164.018587 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide 1300003C17Rik; 14-3-3b None None None 22.9887 22.7997 22.5091 22.9543 22.745 22.6339 22.6089 22.745 22.7424 22.8438 22.6464 22.5628 22.528 22.6187 22.7701 22.5678 22.6663 23.1196 22.4441 22.6179 22.2978 22.617 22.7866 22.6852 22.555 22.3801 23.0435 22.7231 22.2024 22.7588 22.5934 22.6663 Q9JI10 Stk3 15 34.875498 56274 - 34.875498 35.155881 serine/threonine kinase 3 0610042I06Rik; MST; Mst2; Mst3; Ste20; mess1 None None None 14.1984 13.4382 13.1434 13.3831 13.8596 13.4241 13.1657 13.4205 13.3529 13.5076 13.7436 13.9856 14.245 13.2238 13.6974 13.8855 13.7335 13.4989 14.1553 13.7208 12.7023 13.7623 13.1437 13.3935 13.1222 12.6807 12.7093 13.3492 14.1163 13.6378 13.6755 13.3536 Q9QXB9 Drg2 11 60.454586 13495 + 60.454586 60.468753 developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 2 AI255295; AI461605; DRG-2 None None None 14.9665 15.3118 15.3688 15.3448 15.1766 15.1781 14.7947 15.1952 15.1313 15.1591 15.0722 14.7753 15.8547 14.9205 15.1348 15.2798 15.0084 15.0329 15.001 15.0708 15.66 15.2992 15.283 14.9827 15.2782 14.9654 15.1395 15.1686 15.0209 15.2526 15.126 14.7995 O08715 Akap1 11 88.830791 11640 - 88.830791 88.864595 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 1 AKAP121; AKAP84; Akap; C76494; C81186; DAKAP1; S-AKAP84 None None None 12.7501 12.9711 13.3096 12.8568 12.7175 12.4245 12.8259 13.3877 12.9192 13.1089 12.7894 12.7262 12.5601 13.0744 12.6659 13.1291 12.4158 12.8154 12.5756 12.9164 14.0493 13.2839 12.9403 12.9911 13.2736 12.998 13.2689 12.994 13.5288 12.4997 13.3112 12.6023 P29477 Nos2 11 78.920786 18126 + 78.920786 78.960225 nitric oxide synthase 2, inducible MAC-NOS; NOS-II; Nos-2; Nos2a; i-NOS; iNOS None None None 15.9463 16.8054 16.4662 17.3946 12.7685 13.7384 12.503 17.1896 15.6792 16.5746 17.1774 17.4512 16.8645 12.328 15.6941 16.8386 16.5119 14.5444 17.3588 14.4693 17.6371 16.9337 16.7679 16.8096 16.4196 16.6527 16.7229 16.3971 17.4135 17.4892 16.8568 17.0691 Q9CXS4 Cenpv 11 62.524943 73139 - 62.524943 62.539868 centromere protein V 3110013H01Rik; AA671303; Prr6 None None None 15.1368 15.3634 15.799 15.1567 15.4012 14.8751 15.2687 15.1308 15.7203 14.9474 16.2118 15.8398 16.1401 15.1495 15.5641 16.0199 14.3845 14.8841 14.4006 14.663 16.025 16.0161 15.6311 14.946 16.7472 16.7393 15.2443 15.31 16.6032 14.1154 15.4958 14.9516 Q80XI4 Pip4k2b 11 97.715156 108083 - 97.715156 97.744703 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, beta AI848124; PI5P4Kbeta; Pip5k2b; c11 None None None 13.0272 12.8666 12.8839 12.7553 13.2408 13.0809 13.2502 13.0484 13.387 12.9707 12.7779 13.1591 14.2852 13.1082 13.328 13.0118 13.1997 13.1028 13.2828 12.9837 12.8863 12.9878 13.1575 13.0616 13.1971 13.1924 12.7279 12.8852 12.9922 13.3256 13.1044 13.5565 P14142 Slc2a4 11 69.942285 20528 - 69.942285 69.948215 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 4 GT2; Glut-4; Glut4; twgy None None None 14.9269 15.9299 16.08 15.5312 15.6789 15.7664 16.0472 15.4871 15.3729 15.5306 15.9511 15.2687 14.468 14.8037 15.4111 16.1918 14.8816 15.147 14.2843 14.4178 15.9762 15.611 15.4481 15.8774 16.2632 16.6279 16.3657 16.4247 16.0189 14.2435 15.3299 15.2773 P50431 Shmt1 11 60.788896 20425 - 60.788896 60.811264 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble) AI324848; AI385541; C81125; Shmt; mshmt; mshmt1; mshmt2 None None None 12.8327 13.6047 14.4333 12.0445 12.7765 13.369 14.3478 13.8355 13.7366 13.5063 13.5047 12.5377 14.961 12.596 13.288 14.1048 12.7685 12.8297 12.3904 12.669 14.1924 13.2778 13.9842 13.4596 14.379 14.5493 13.4729 13.9493 13.7144 11.7437 13.4657 13.8228 P70271 Pdlim4 11 54.054927 30794 - 54.054927 54.069031 PDZ and LIM domain 4 Ril None None None 14.5163 14.1139 13.7771 11.6286 14.1136 15.508 14.3213 14.2094 14.0284 13.7817 14.2689 12.3029 15.4967 14.2807 13.2434 12.3565 13.2475 13.9268 12.4879 13.2464 14.4885 14.8924 14.0712 13.9892 13.8123 14.2921 13.9559 13.7195 14.0639 14.1521 14.1435 13.9269 P09541 Myl4 11 104.546016 17896 + 104.546016 104.587214 myosin, light polypeptide 4 ALC1; AMLC; ELC; ELC1a; GT1; MLC1EMB; MLC1a; Myla None None None 12.515 18.657 13.6702 12.0419 14.2292 12.2591 12.7772 14.1102 13.945 12.931 11.8898 12.6553 12.47 11.8593 12.2401 12.1451 12.2944 12.1807 12.0328 12.4008 11.9412 12.7001 12.9569 13.6292 11.8275 12.1534 12.2649 12.9537 12.0562 12.2519 13.1231 11.9127 Q9Z160 Cog1 11 113.649177 16834 + 113.649177 113.66933 component of oligomeric golgi complex 1 6030445I15; Ldlb; mKIAA1381 None None None 12.1499 13.8457 13.1289 14.3354 13.9447 13.0634 12.6569 13.4476 13.6728 14.0145 12.3129 13.206 13.1874 13.751 12.8253 12.6543 13.8298 14.2841 13.3638 14.1689 11.9987 13.5499 14.177 12.3988 12.9279 13.5118 12.227 13.72 13.9585 14.869 14.1041 13.3082 P83917 Cbx1 11 96.788679 12412 + 96.788679 96.808981 chromobox 1 Cbx; Cbx-rs2; E430007M08Rik; HP1B; Hp1beta; M31; MOD1 None None None 14.0421 15.879 15.8626 15.0349 15.8594 15.4272 16.1212 16.2435 16.4765 15.7997 15.4409 16.2616 17.732 14.3382 16.3661 15.5424 16.2357 15.2041 16.239 16.1474 15.604 15.5032 15.5813 16.0172 15.2834 16.1992 16.1091 16.179 15.4633 16.4066 16.0683 16.341 Q9JHU4 Dync1h1 12 110.601394 13424 + 110.601394 110.666943 dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 1 9930018I23Rik; AI894280; DHC1; DHC1a; DNCL; Dnchc1; Dnec1; Dnecl; Loa; MAP1C; P22; Swl; mKIAA0325 None None None 18.2007 17.2985 17.4537 17.7548 17.6102 17.6787 17.563 17.7247 17.6089 17.7555 17.6096 17.6198 17.6157 18.051 17.5445 17.5492 17.6164 17.8401 17.8291 17.6627 17.5296 17.4429 17.6726 17.8523 17.2409 17.3069 17.8768 17.5694 17.59 17.6704 17.6464 17.805 Q9DBG3 Ap2b1 11 83.298718 71770 + 83.298718 83.405034 adaptor-related protein complex 2, beta 1 subunit 1300012O03Rik; AI788979; AP105B None None None 17.8553 17.0905 17.3271 17.4366 17.6988 17.4653 17.3717 17.4548 17.5601 17.2432 17.1956 17.5667 18.2117 17.5929 17.4029 17.2594 17.5636 17.4143 17.7066 17.4672 16.9377 17.5327 17.4787 17.1291 17.2007 17.354 17.0716 16.879 17.2753 17.7426 17.3953 17.7442 Q9R0Q9 Mpdu1 11 69.656696 24070 - 69.656696 69.662648 mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1 LEC35; SL15; Supl15h None None None 16.6589 16.8448 16.3252 16.951 15.5697 15.8968 15.7958 16.1639 16.6387 16.0075 16.4734 15.9877 15.4903 16.0024 15.5569 16.6672 16.1265 15.9544 16.0119 17.1411 16.352 16.5436 16.8877 15.938 15.823 16.53 15.7895 15.5993 16.6424 16.3611 16.9097 15.9826 Q9WVR4 Fxr2 11 69.63297 23879 + 69.63297 69.653296 fragile X mental retardation, autosomal homolog 2 Fxr2h None None None 13.073 13.4629 12.6344 13.995 13.8875 13.0234 15.1099 13.2385 12.8039 13.7994 13.6142 13.3917 14.2861 12.8226 13.0675 13.0738 13.268 13.4496 13.1853 13.3416 13.8685 12.9776 13.5398 13.8752 12.3888 11.9179 13.1266 12.7925 13.3547 13.3659 12.9527 14.3166 P31996 Cd68 11 0.0 12514 0.0 0.0 CD68 antigen Lamp4; Scard1; gp110 None None None 19.1122 16.4567 17.1471 17.5901 18.493 16.2435 16.3888 17.4559 17.1727 17.6957 16.6421 19.316 18.2566 18.9234 18.1644 17.4459 18.6168 18.2812 18.948 18.5091 15.1165 17.0505 17.1384 17.1773 16.5469 17.5354 16.68 16.5862 19.1219 19.4168 17.3208 18.6264 Q8R2W9 Pank3 11 35.769494 211347 + 35.769494 35.791284 pantothenate kinase 3 None None None 13.5195 13.6502 13.3928 13.4992 13.4324 13.4285 13.2872 14.0358 13.509 13.5288 13.196 13.7963 12.325 13.3987 13.7069 13.7464 13.0339 13.4904 13.1647 13.1207 14.1347 13.2922 13.1506 13.1755 13.8211 12.7957 13.4811 13.6054 13.9344 12.9538 13.539 13.2262 Q9D0I9 Rars 11 35.80838 104458 - 35.80838 35.834527 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 2610011N19Rik; 2610037E21Rik; AL033339; AW985894; Rars1 None None None 16.962 16.0148 15.9929 16.0241 16.057 15.9957 15.7763 16.2661 16.1623 16.214 16.0593 16.0068 17.0223 16.2523 16.3068 15.9152 16.122 16.2525 16.1791 16.0297 15.9734 15.953 15.8651 16.1023 15.9326 15.9588 16.1322 16.1092 15.8886 16.1627 16.0025 16.1455 Q9D0Q7 Mrpl45 11 97.314922 67036 + 97.314922 97.329919 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L45 2600005P05Rik; AU043542; R75241 None None None 12.8663 12.1885 13.3424 12.2715 12.7397 12.8926 13.103 13.0034 12.9207 12.4986 13.2854 13.0615 13.3685 12.7103 12.7129 12.9656 12.8953 12.7279 12.3087 13.6521 13.9566 12.5937 12.4776 12.7412 13.7472 13.7064 12.5171 13.1768 13.4208 12.4587 12.6514 12.7881 P04247 Mb 15 77.015486 17189 - 77.015486 77.050667 myoglobin AI325109 None None None 16.6778 18.7985 16.6838 16.3429 15.343 14.8257 17.2554 16.6145 15.7319 15.7265 14.5718 14.5074 15.0147 14.1077 14.3201 16.3106 14.6017 16.1355 14.5931 16.3095 16.0715 15.3148 16.2784 15.7036 14.6443 15.9721 16.8617 16.3379 13.0237 15.4187 16.0754 15.222 Q9DBD5 Pelp1 11 70.39288 75273 - 70.39288 70.41003 proline, glutamic acid and leucine rich protein 1 4930563C04Rik; MNAR None None None 12.8466 12.5391 12.8728 12.3811 13.0311 12.8453 12.6407 12.6125 13.1353 12.2997 13.2349 12.0086 14.636 13.3555 12.9411 12.2662 12.8224 12.8077 13.244 12.9097 13.0081 13.0501 12.7477 11.7372 12.9169 13.0509 12.0137 12.1491 12.6128 13.0493 12.6991 13.3168 P39654 Alox15 11 70.344146 11687 - 70.344146 70.390537 arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase 12-LO; 12/15-LO; 15-LOX; Alox12l; L-12LO None None None 13.5266 12.8926 12.4166 11.8432 12.7612 14.138 12.8303 12.0195 12.087 12.487 12.9554 12.4337 12.2847 11.5488 12.2139 12.3454 14.0362 12.0535 12.1216 12.8626 12.81 12.1433 12.5484 13.6181 13.1799 15.172 11.9696 13.3803 11.7825 14.1567 11.9514 13.6187 O09110 Map2k3 11 60.932053 26397 + 60.932053 60.95281 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 AW212142; MAPKK 3; MEK3; MKK3; MKK3b; Prkmk3 None None None 12.6029 11.8646 11.8314 12.25 12.4272 12.5195 12.1122 12.0982 12.8612 11.9912 12.4374 12.9445 12.4794 12.127 12.4266 12.6503 12.4291 12.0974 12.0282 12.1757 12.4301 12.7154 11.9079 11.9108 12.7555 12.4161 12.5808 12.0567 12.0037 12.6861 12.32 12.0379 P68510 Ywhah 5 33.018815 22629 + 33.018815 33.027965 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, eta polypeptide None None None 18.6355 18.0612 18.1892 18.3226 18.692 18.3316 18.4423 18.2672 18.4124 18.3129 18.2975 18.6729 19.0265 18.6581 18.5347 17.8982 18.5437 18.4782 19.067 18.7118 17.9464 18.1524 18.1569 18.5042 18.1259 18.3257 18.3858 18.2687 18.5281 18.9315 18.3348 19.0696 Q9JLI8 Sart3 5 113.742443 53890 - 113.742443 113.772399 squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 3 AU045857; mKIAA0156 None None None 13.1248 12.8543 12.915 12.6403 13.99 13.0676 13.2344 13.2411 13.4427 12.6429 13.294 13.5011 14.8153 13.6321 13.0324 12.1601 13.3385 12.8006 13.9403 13.3987 13.0642 13.1473 12.3743 13.1696 12.6254 13.7658 12.0675 12.5507 13.4113 13.1367 13.0873 13.7901 Q9R0E2 Plod1 4 147.909752 18822 - 147.909752 147.936775 procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 2410042F05Rik; AI854890; AV007929; Lh1; Plod None None None 14.1626 13.8985 13.6325 13.6568 13.5339 14.6172 14.2086 13.7274 13.3753 13.5849 13.8526 13.7655 13.2929 14.1766 13.7694 12.5608 14.3744 13.7291 14.8455 14.1593 12.8333 13.4184 13.6808 13.8536 13.348 12.9794 12.762 12.904 14.0092 14.601 13.7889 13.8724 P58404 Strn4 7 16.815888 97387 + 16.815888 16.84093 striatin, calmodulin binding protein 4 C80611; ZIN; zinedin None None None 13.2937 14.4764 13.5564 13.6902 13.5009 13.301 13.01 13.5612 14.132 13.5631 13.4575 13.6965 13.7365 12.9454 13.3299 12.6097 12.9157 13.5589 12.7893 13.6291 14.1869 13.832 13.6483 13.1011 13.1483 13.0917 13.8608 12.7814 12.9854 13.4581 13.3088 12.7265 Q9CZC8 Scrn1 6 54.474793 69938 - 54.474793 54.566516 secernin 1 2810019K23Rik; 6330535A03Rik; AI852905; SES1; mKIAA0193 None None None 12.5423 13.0887 12.5646 12.5617 12.7432 13.5974 12.8079 13.7793 13.4155 12.7351 13.4185 12.3335 12.4273 12.1876 12.7636 12.2857 12.888 12.8702 12.3258 12.2294 13.5539 14.5067 12.7606 12.2321 13.0347 12.4351 13.3157 11.9688 11.8486 12.8529 12.9525 13.2156 Q9JHU9 Isyna1 8 70.59448 71780 + 70.59448 70.597289 myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase A1 1300017C10Rik; AU018670; IPS 1 None None None 15.2358 13.0641 14.6704 13.7929 13.9821 14.1981 14.5142 14.6743 14.8335 14.3901 15.2962 14.9014 14.8184 13.5702 14.4166 14.3831 15.1479 14.2306 14.7628 14.1724 13.2659 14.9029 14.2836 15.2354 14.7927 14.596 13.8292 13.7974 14.5782 14.7281 13.9179 15.0106 P08249 Mdh2 5 135.778648 17448 + 135.778648 135.790385 malate dehydrogenase 2, NAD (mitochondrial) MDH; Mdh-2; Mor-1; Mor1 None None None 21.2787 20.7616 22.1467 20.816 20.6778 21.0048 20.969 20.9938 21.2488 20.5989 21.1835 21.5523 21.6989 20.7423 20.6445 21.4275 21.0646 20.7475 21.2846 21.5081 23.2509 21.3629 21.2947 21.0165 22.0162 21.8572 20.6836 21.5246 21.7591 20.8097 21.1193 20.8687 P50518 Atp6v1e1 6 120.795243 11973 - 120.795243 120.822697 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit E1 2410029D23Rik; Atp6e; Atp6e2; Atp6v1e; D6Ertd385e; Vma4; p31 None None None 16.6135 16.4966 16.25 16.6753 16.4333 16.1859 16.1679 16.299 16.4268 16.5692 15.7539 16.0509 16.3151 16.8821 16.475 16.0048 16.7096 16.6223 17.4278 16.9614 15.6212 15.9273 16.2519 16.3694 16.0234 15.9523 16.2699 15.9894 16.7357 17.3826 16.2839 16.9113 Q8C052 Map1s 8 70.905973 270058 + 70.905973 70.917528 microtubule-associated protein 1S 6430517J16Rik; Bpy2ip1; Map8; Mtap1s; VCY2IP1 None None None 14.0407 13.6458 13.9749 14.3381 14.5722 14.1249 13.7139 14.2564 14.2002 14.0433 13.4295 14.6097 14.9044 14.4307 13.7713 13.4212 14.6133 14.4156 14.5187 14.5685 13.3619 14.0908 14.4033 13.9056 13.9292 13.9235 14.1112 13.0871 14.4628 15.1543 14.0875 14.9864 P31428 Dpep1 8 123.186234 13479 + 123.186234 123.201811 dipeptidase 1 AI327012; DPEP-1; MBD None None None 18.4411 16.9225 17.7152 17.2751 18.3642 17.0616 17.4139 17.8903 17.5816 18.0352 18.1026 18.9598 17.6308 17.5016 18.0096 19.4148 17.3743 17.8587 17.2866 18.1683 17.578 18.0211 18.3437 16.7559 17.4531 17.3399 18.3766 17.6308 17.8288 16.9426 17.3776 17.4585 P61290 Psme3 11 101.316212 19192 + 101.316212 101.323536 proteaseome (prosome, macropain) activator subunit 3 (PA28 gamma, Ki) AA410043; AU020960; Ki; PA28gamma; REGgamma; pa28g None None None 14.9871 14.4648 14.6637 14.3576 14.7908 14.2262 14.0664 14.4885 14.7514 14.2507 14.0836 13.9551 16.5345 14.459 14.8415 14.1453 14.9693 14.4063 14.7726 14.7843 14.0345 14.2891 14.0687 14.0893 14.3249 14.7385 13.988 14.2962 14.6651 14.9021 14.5812 14.6336 Q91V36 Nrbp2 15 0.0 223649 0.0 0.0 nuclear receptor binding protein 2 BC011468 None None None 12.6698 13.7481 13.1512 12.9853 13.1885 13.3814 12.9691 13.027 13.7016 13.043 12.5058 12.7953 12.2711 12.8453 13.0605 12.7066 12.783 12.8012 12.3443 12.1425 13.0683 13.3266 13.3165 12.6922 12.3344 12.5843 13.135 12.2529 12.4282 12.0462 13.1572 12.5065 Q9Z0G0 Gipc1 8 83.649407 67903 + 83.649407 83.664788 GIPC PDZ domain containing family, member 1 GIPC; Glut1CIP; Rgs19ip1; Semcap1; TIP-2; TaxIP2 None None None 14.352 12.474 12.3656 12.6877 12.598 12.2627 12.657 12.9332 12.4572 12.4768 12.5578 12.357 12.9289 12.0212 12.4741 12.2974 12.5214 12.3096 14.0765 12.4884 12.648 12.6273 12.1651 12.23 12.2476 12.5485 12.7146 12.3666 12.9051 12.945 12.4232 11.8412 Q61081 Cdc37 9 21.13943 12539 - 21.13943 21.149933 cell division cycle 37 p50; p50Cdc37 None None None 16.5397 15.8096 16.1034 15.9872 16.0716 16.1108 16.4712 16.0486 16.2265 16.0722 15.9336 15.7574 17.1365 16.3121 15.9727 15.7851 16.0454 16.2087 16.3823 16.1239 15.9382 15.9351 16.0413 16.1223 16.1355 16.2884 15.8055 15.9227 16.2908 16.2071 15.9435 16.5946 P13542 Myh8 11 67.277123 17885 + 67.277123 67.308633 myosin, heavy polypeptide 8, skeletal muscle, perinatal 4832426G23Rik; AI327267; MHCp; MyHC-pn; Myhs-p; Myhsp None None None 12.4394 18.8734 14.1523 11.9179 14.265 12.2834 13.5993 13.712 14.7618 12.3619 12.6097 12.1272 12.4932 12.5657 12.1272 12.6209 12.3221 12.1299 12.2651 12.0141 11.8652 13.6398 11.7345 15.1695 12.6252 12.4925 12.3063 11.7045 12.4954 12.553 13.2155 12.2929 Q8CJ53 Trip10 17 57.233219 106628 + 57.233219 57.263696 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 AI646975; Cip4 None None None 13.6911 13.3876 13.8014 12.4859 13.8381 13.6998 13.4205 13.6515 13.9935 13.3289 13.3858 13.5778 15.517 13.8451 13.589 13.4482 13.5426 12.3562 13.5986 13.5736 13.3503 13.9455 13.4702 13.313 13.9157 13.8271 13.2172 13.3158 13.6146 14.0709 13.4707 12.293 O88545 Cops6 5 138.161101 26893 + 138.161101 138.163983 COP9 signalosome subunit 6 Sgn3; VIP/MOV34 None None None 13.8758 15.0053 14.8817 15.2806 15.1073 15.2369 15.3282 15.0164 15.1057 14.9177 15.0951 15.1013 14.6688 15.0612 15.0759 14.8428 14.9055 14.8392 15.1631 14.8881 14.6469 14.9884 15.2685 14.8711 15.1162 15.3169 14.7958 14.7401 15.3204 15.1487 14.9968 15.4748 Q8BNU0 Armc6 8 70.220171 76813 - 70.220171 70.234445 armadillo repeat containing 6 2410153K17Rik; AW554412 None None None 12.8972 12.4444 14.3064 13.5186 12.2306 13.9945 13.9116 12.6668 13.8405 13.5834 13.6631 12.3421 13.5881 14.0899 13.9373 12.1234 13.0901 13.9276 14.1634 13.2476 13.0891 13.6786 13.5845 14.1154 13.5909 12.6756 14.0318 13.8429 13.1476 13.9156 13.7996 13.6698 Q8BH97 Rcn3 7 45.082913 52377 - 45.082913 45.092321 reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain 6030455P07Rik; D530026G20Rik; D7Ertd671e; RLP49 None None None 16.95 15.9097 16.4985 15.4835 16.8278 16.9171 16.9055 16.7875 16.7148 16.0316 16.4948 16.6024 16.1649 16.2306 16.6075 16.2833 16.9554 16.5094 16.8909 16.7893 16.3274 17.0039 16.0709 16.4996 16.6712 16.793 15.7064 16.1959 16.3958 17.0195 16.4521 16.7729 Q9JHL1 Slc9a3r2 17 24.63928 65962 - 24.63928 24.650304 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 regulator 2 0610011L07Rik; 1200011K07Rik; 2010007A20Rik; E3karp; NHERF-2; Nherf2; Octs2; Sip-1; Sip1; Sryip1; Tka-1 None None None 13.9847 14.6986 14.3214 14.8806 13.1141 13.0764 14.6018 13.3657 14.1406 14.3656 14.4081 13.351 13.5537 13.1495 14.5005 13.0832 14.7232 14.0671 14.4719 13.6999 13.0646 14.4698 13.5629 14.5672 13.2167 13.6735 13.8737 13.3432 13.0707 15.0455 13.861 13.3511 O70571 Pdk4 6 5.48335 27273 - 5.48335 5.496277 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 4 AV005916 None None None 14.9078 14.9024 15.6073 15.4202 14.6783 12.115 14.0721 14.2637 14.6929 14.8306 14.3015 15.7132 15.994 13.8617 14.6073 14.8491 15.1832 13.9587 16.4866 16.5383 17.2155 15.3549 14.3499 14.3689 14.5858 15.0375 13.2733 14.8565 14.6144 14.396 14.9982 15.0274 Q9CPT4 Mydgf 17 56.17654 28106 - 56.17654 56.183919 myeloid derived growth factor D17Wsu104e; Il25; Ly6elg None None None 15.7085 19.7077 17.2647 19.9894 19.78 19.8516 20.0913 19.7919 19.952 18.75 19.6887 19.0485 19.6598 15.0029 18.7783 19.2546 19.0851 19.8571 19.943 19.7316 19.3334 19.544 19.9567 19.6556 19.3424 18.6525 19.8882 19.6815 14.9737 19.9243 17.7682 20.0307 Q9DBG5 Plin3 17 56.278961 66905 - 56.278961 56.29051 perilipin 3 1300012C15Rik; M6prbp1; Tip47 None None None 15.6242 15.8658 15.1652 15.1486 15.1382 15.5338 15.2849 14.7732 15.5691 15.4894 14.7281 14.612 14.8243 15.5546 15.6817 14.7887 15.7043 15.2063 15.6111 15.4218 14.6014 14.9848 15.2457 15.4134 15.128 14.5209 15.9428 14.6604 16.1165 15.9677 15.3621 15.1331 Q9CXA2 L3hypdh 12 72.069517 67217 - 72.069517 72.085432 L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase (trans-) 2810055F11Rik None None None 15.674 15.374 15.3154 15.3728 15.2606 15.2853 15.4106 15.7695 15.3034 15.1518 15.6447 16.4633 14.9088 15.1852 15.2146 15.93 15.0237 15.2991 14.6899 15.1576 15.4452 15.6261 15.162 15.184 15.2858 15.7321 15.3918 15.3533 15.1626 15.2425 15.4289 14.8794 P60898 Polr2i 7 30.232073 69920 + 30.232073 30.233386 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide I 2810002B19Rik None None None 11.7579 12.7224 11.8909 11.8569 11.6395 12.1312 12.9628 12.1576 11.5414 12.3279 12.3607 11.8909 12.4225 12.7877 11.981 11.4817 12.3523 12.3813 12.7162 12.9104 11.7517 12.2182 11.4851 12.5301 12.95 12.4131 11.6867 12.9403 12.4487 12.1558 12.4004 12.4163 P70288 Hdac2 10 36.974296 15182 + 36.974296 37.001888 histone deacetylase 2 D10Wsu179e; YAF1; Yy1bp; mRPD3 None None None 16.0438 15.185 15.4521 15.4594 15.8842 15.5103 15.7722 15.6137 15.8043 15.4268 15.5751 15.7652 17.0123 15.8766 15.5862 15.0253 15.6463 15.3124 15.8733 15.6363 15.3334 15.5556 15.542 15.5103 15.8958 15.8405 15.0198 15.0434 15.7468 15.8187 15.3885 16.3859 Q922K9 Frk 10 34.483399 14302 + 34.483399 34.611231 fyn-related kinase BSK; BSK/IYK; C85044; GTK; RAK None None None 14.6796 15.1258 14.7338 14.8409 15.8461 14.619 14.4949 15.6927 14.4989 12.4232 14.6663 13.9948 17.8862 11.9884 14.4802 12.4717 15.315 15.7834 15.339 15.5974 12.1361 13.3916 14.962 14.5577 14.9391 14.3255 15.5047 12.6239 15.082 15.9495 14.084 15.2932 Q9CQK7 Rwdd1 10 33.996554 66521 - 33.996554 34.019615 RWD domain containing 1 0710001K08Rik; 2610002D06Rik; 2700069A07Rik; IH1 None None None 15.395 14.6657 14.7672 14.5784 14.6841 14.668 14.7086 14.6842 13.7739 14.3964 14.5436 14.2999 16.0928 14.863 15.1074 15.1234 14.2023 14.4423 15.2595 14.82 12.1995 14.8155 14.6555 14.6429 14.538 14.9971 12.9154 14.5483 14.5764 14.5693 14.3306 15.1931 Q8VHE0 Sec63 10 42.761495 140740 + 42.761495 42.832513 SEC63-like (S. cerevisiae) 5730478J10Rik; AI649014; AW319215 None None None 14.1207 14.7014 14.4078 14.5925 14.174 14.7036 14.4025 14.5081 14.5835 14.6814 14.1965 13.3405 14.539 14.4085 14.4596 14.3902 14.5276 14.3698 14.8821 14.7029 13.2426 13.9703 14.4905 14.3946 14.1775 14.4689 14.5398 14.2161 13.9252 14.7884 14.7282 14.0345 Q8VDP3 Mical1 10 41.475859 171580 + 41.475859 41.487029 microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 1 MICAL; MICAL-1; Nical None None None 13.1398 12.0766 12.2943 12.6613 12.9468 12.9658 12.4918 12.7986 12.7893 12.6226 12.9529 12.7275 14.9107 13.231 12.8375 12.7698 12.7143 12.523 13.3016 12.4305 13.1977 12.8401 12.4541 12.2614 12.9861 13.1926 12.7876 12.5137 12.8393 13.123 12.6188 12.5515 Q9CZE3 Rab32 10 10.545038 67844 - 10.545038 10.558206 RAB32, member RAS oncogene family 2810011A17Rik; AU022057 None None None 16.0942 15.6817 15.6837 15.5314 15.7786 15.9852 15.7529 15.4752 15.8059 16.1029 15.633 14.4939 15.9778 15.6247 15.9635 15.3895 16.0222 16.076 15.9632 15.6853 14.5062 15.6587 15.5108 15.6867 15.3067 15.3016 16.3833 15.9343 15.3951 16.0876 15.7314 16.0109 Q9WU63 Hebp2 10 18.540122 56016 - 18.540122 18.546075 heme binding protein 2 SOUL None None None 11.6181 12.8009 12.441 14.2414 11.5887 12.2008 11.8542 12.0517 11.7457 12.4232 11.9699 11.956 12.3944 12.0293 12.7563 11.6589 12.2471 12.3038 12.8072 12.613 12.0952 12.0514 12.3618 12.1393 11.8669 12.8039 11.4538 12.583 12.3683 11.6911 12.5813 12.4007 Q4KML4 Abracl 10 18.011259 73112 - 18.011259 18.023251 ABRA C-terminal like 1700028I04Rik; 3110003A17Rik None None None 16.741 17.2188 16.9258 17.34 17.9926 17.0633 16.7706 17.503 17.7287 17.1989 17.3155 17.3293 19.245 17.1751 17.8536 17.0208 17.3739 17.1026 17.4341 17.1771 16.8478 17.1981 17.1536 16.9855 17.6514 17.225 16.8432 16.6561 17.4696 17.8779 17.0314 17.8137 Q8BH60 Gopc 10 52.337023 94221 - 52.337023 52.382123 golgi associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif containing 2210402P09Rik; AI844555; CAL; FIG; GOPC1; PIST None None None 12.4924 11.4118 11.8909 12.0591 12.1666 12.3097 11.2562 10.8686 11.492 11.7982 12.5629 12.0086 12.2203 12.5855 12.1376 12.5413 11.6324 11.7454 11.0912 11.3996 11.9539 12.0905 11.7732 11.824 12.7478 11.1354 11.5693 11.4661 12.2465 11.7826 11.5202 12.9937 Q99KK1 Reep3 10 67.009188 28193 - 67.009188 67.096987 receptor accessory protein 3 D10Ucla1 None None None 12.1812 12.6815 13.0192 13.5476 13.4263 13.4306 13.3724 13.6129 12.6555 13.5865 13.1444 11.85 13.7527 13.7884 12.9007 11.5226 13.2232 12.895 13.2939 13.0623 12.9402 13.1996 13.5496 13.5489 12.991 13.2592 13.7537 13.3057 13.5234 13.685 13.575 12.4572 Q99JW4 Lims1 10 58.323341 110829 + 58.323341 58.42469 LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 1 2310016J22Rik; 4921524A02Rik; AI507642; AU021743; AW551584; C430041B13Rik; Lims1l; PINCH; PINCH1 None None None 16.195 16.2358 15.8342 16.4807 15.6926 16.1282 15.945 15.7366 16.1695 16.1831 16.6322 16.0219 15.7903 16.1196 15.7993 15.8372 16.1086 15.9824 16.1229 15.8753 16.0279 16.4119 16.4482 15.6566 16.0131 15.4217 16.1006 14.8845 15.7611 15.8825 16.2167 15.8407 P61080 Ube2d1 10 71.254979 216080 - 71.254979 71.285383 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 1 UBCH5 None None None 13.0697 12.7138 13.5043 11.6831 12.839 12.6634 13.0875 13.8306 12.9239 12.3107 12.8557 11.8822 14.6791 13.4216 12.4571 11.4903 12.9607 12.6478 13.5676 12.9017 13.2643 15.5195 11.4764 12.6863 13.9459 13.7832 11.7607 12.9317 13.237 13.3337 13.4552 13.6715 A2RSJ4 Uhrf1bp1l 10 89.744967 75089 + 89.744967 89.81989 UHRF1 (ICBP90) binding protein 1-like 2010319N22Rik; 4930506D01Rik; AA589495; C80672; E030041M21Rik; mKIAA0701 None None None 12.49 11.9642 12.697 12.7456 12.5798 13.3044 12.4054 12.5007 12.6047 12.439 12.5211 12.8138 12.6801 12.402 12.6369 12.7063 12.2881 12.4319 13.4094 12.2475 12.2228 12.5721 13.2163 11.7424 14.0964 12.1924 12.509 12.1527 11.5945 12.959 12.2036 12.5575 Q61176 Arg1 10 24.915206 11846 - 24.915206 24.927469 arginase, liver AI; AI256583; Arg-1; PGIF None None None 14.4356 11.9615 13.9555 13.1328 12.5244 12.5185 14.1654 12.0666 12.7428 13.4768 11.9901 15.4149 12.2714 12.118 13.8786 13.1174 13.2201 12.5813 11.9147 12.1209 12.2664 13.53 12.2453 13.583 14.1491 14.0135 12.4704 12.1432 12.2844 12.6774 12.3382 14.6091 Q6DYE8 Enpp3 10 24.773813 209558 - 24.773813 24.836194 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3 AI876438; CD203c None None None 12.7015 14.6903 13.5105 13.7706 13.4997 13.7516 15.0377 15.1794 13.2223 13.5627 14.6018 12.2448 12.0757 13.4328 13.4917 14.2804 13.521 14.5975 14.4121 13.4483 13.3088 14.5708 13.5307 11.7661 13.9068 12.4149 14.0694 14.9529 12.0441 14.0875 14.1312 11.8683 O88735 Map7 10 20.148919 17761 + 20.148919 20.281589 microtubule-associated protein 7 E-MAP-115; MAP-7; Mtap7; R75000; mshi; mste; ste None None None 11.9458 12.6021 10.9507 12.9506 11.9097 12.8813 12.7858 11.9111 11.6821 12.6938 11.2805 12.0143 12.6761 11.6952 12.263 11.5258 11.7867 12.3412 11.5749 11.6483 11.6865 11.9111 12.0007 12.8059 11.182 12.4455 13.2088 12.3799 12.0724 12.2318 12.1227 11.9011 Q8BH40 Stx7 10 24.149288 53331 + 24.149288 24.18896 syntaxin 7 AI315064; AI317144; AW107239; Syn7 None None None 16.5081 16.2849 16.3381 16.4067 16.4408 16.2948 16.3118 16.2723 16.4394 16.1844 16.186 16.9027 17.5573 16.3959 16.4724 16.1345 16.3992 16.3011 16.5665 16.2486 15.4877 16.2164 16.2322 15.9852 16.1956 16.5568 16.2587 15.9963 16.6209 16.4595 16.4309 16.5934 P62307 Snrpf 10 93.583028 69878 - 93.583028 93.589657 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F 2010013O18Rik; SMF; sm-F; snRNP-F None None None 17.109 16.3545 16.3704 16.2937 17.1668 16.5349 16.301 16.7821 16.8552 16.4971 17.009 16.7629 18.3035 16.8517 16.7909 15.8739 16.5763 16.3758 17.0736 16.6705 16.5292 16.413 16.4372 16.6015 16.6259 16.6001 16.1621 16.3023 16.6526 17.0455 16.4943 17.3315 Q8BME2 Ndufa12 10 94.199034 66414 + 94.199034 94.221439 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A12 2410011G03Rik; AW112974; CI-B17.2; CIB17.2 None None None 16.3493 16.3714 17.2164 16.0284 16.1298 16.2354 15.9922 16.1335 16.1616 16.0214 16.4485 15.8441 17.1367 16.0709 16.3174 16.7159 16.0758 15.1885 15.5128 16.2983 18.6304 16.5109 16.0689 16.237 16.9253 16.4797 16.2239 17.2136 16.7044 16.0808 16.3945 15.3887 Q8R2U6 Nudt4 10 95.547006 71207 - 95.547006 95.564145 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 4 4933436C10Rik; DIPP-2; DIPP2; DIPP2alpha; DIPP2beta; HDCMB47P None None None 13.6548 14.0807 13.188 14.0328 13.4747 13.8261 12.9365 13.9763 14.0528 13.9172 13.288 12.8208 12.8947 12.8974 13.6015 13.6407 13.5747 13.5384 13.2781 13.6293 13.3248 13.1421 14.0626 13.0337 13.4084 13.4086 13.4004 13.121 13.1773 13.6958 14.0164 13.2312 Q6PAV2 Herc4 10 63.24375 67345 + 63.24375 63.31788 hect domain and RLD 4 1700056O17Rik; 4921531D01Rik; 9530080M15Rik; mKIAA1593 None None None 14.7269 14.654 14.4679 14.3604 14.5025 14.5433 14.55 13.8406 14.3043 14.1152 14.2861 14.852 15.4608 14.7583 14.6122 13.1438 14.628 14.3831 14.8379 14.1973 13.7371 14.3793 14.7115 13.7354 14.6879 14.5566 13.519 13.4024 14.6964 15.0533 14.4949 15.2707 Q80YD1 Supv3l1 10 62.42922 338359 - 62.42922 62.451514 suppressor of var1, 3-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) 6330443E10Rik None None None 12.8409 13.8519 14.0657 12.6733 13.0937 13.8709 14.0319 12.5175 14.0274 13.0844 13.8364 13.3937 13.1327 12.659 13.2013 13.2652 13.0769 13.4098 12.5244 13.2141 13.115 13.2928 14.015 13.7916 14.1053 14.3724 12.469 13.8852 14.184 13.7646 13.4458 14.3794 Q99JZ4 Sar1a 10 61.680284 20224 + 61.680284 61.693296 secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1A 1600019H17Rik; Sara; Sara1 None None None 15.633 16.8823 16.049 16.8184 16.0295 16.5098 16.4334 16.1822 16.5429 16.6054 16.2265 16.0503 15.3504 16.1468 16.1923 16.2944 16.435 16.1209 16.7295 16.5526 15.4111 16.4999 16.9994 16.1609 16.2117 16.451 16.1964 15.4328 16.5116 16.6174 16.5174 16.3811 Q9D819 Ppa1 10 61.64862 67895 + 61.64862 61.674164 pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 1 2010317E03Rik; Pyp None None None 17.4394 18.1882 18.3981 17.99 17.4238 18.2332 17.9407 17.7432 18.2465 17.8291 17.8918 17.6856 18.1915 17.1729 17.7461 17.7308 17.8096 17.4021 18.1808 17.8452 17.6533 18.1287 18.1003 17.7166 18.6954 18.9225 17.3886 18.8783 18.6662 17.7146 18.3133 18.2628 P70261 Pald1 10 61.319655 27355 - 61.319655 61.383545 phosphatase domain containing, paladin 1 MMPAL; Pald; mKIAA1274 None None None 13.0363 12.2902 12.5171 14.5705 12.995 12.5293 12.8186 12.7176 12.6699 13.6828 12.9672 12.6247 13.3554 12.5379 12.519 12.7101 12.5045 12.7399 12.3312 12.4739 12.7509 12.443 13.0741 12.1465 12.7199 12.1798 14.3342 12.0203 11.7033 12.8812 12.3558 12.3934 Q3UMR5 Mcu 10 59.446983 215999 - 59.446983 59.617408 mitochondrial calcium uniporter 2010012O16Rik; AV064928; C10orf42; Ccdc109a; D130073L02Rik; Gm64 None None None 14.2622 14.0949 14.0905 14.4268 14.7048 13.7982 14.5749 14.6614 14.3612 14.2277 15.314 13.4277 14.1414 12.9682 14.2722 14.6763 14.1849 14.8635 13.2008 14.7863 16.1033 14.6711 13.5281 14.6416 14.8008 12.4851 14.3602 14.6927 14.0217 15.1072 14.1094 12.5026 Q6ZQ38 Cand1 10 119.198811 71902 - 119.198811 119.240054 cullin associated and neddylation disassociated 1 2310038O07Rik; 6330512O03Rik; AI195005; AI846556; D10Ertd516e; Tp120a; mKIAA0829 None None None 17.9666 17.5063 17.6108 17.608 17.5176 17.5675 17.5613 17.5373 17.6951 17.4326 17.5104 16.7051 18.0528 17.6398 17.32 17.5062 17.5416 17.3885 17.5954 17.5336 17.4261 17.6856 17.6231 17.5993 17.5062 17.9815 17.3524 17.3504 17.2976 17.3365 17.7062 17.6679 Q9WUN2 Tbk1 10 121.546454 56480 - 121.546454 121.586793 TANK-binding kinase 1 1200008B05Rik; AI462036; AW048562 None None None 12.1595 12.9555 12.4039 12.8066 13.1988 13.0963 12.6866 12.5044 12.4032 12.7043 12.0031 12.7209 13.4051 13.1971 12.627 12.1489 12.7737 12.5739 15.5725 12.3703 12.6122 12.3276 12.3072 11.8337 12.5974 12.9074 12.8852 12.3599 12.9307 13.057 12.6525 13.4512 Q01279 Egfr 11 16.752202 13649 + 16.752202 16.913906 epidermal growth factor receptor 9030024J15Rik; AI552599; Erbb; Errb1; Errp; Wa5; wa-2; wa2 None None None 14.8556 14.036 14.3228 14.2595 14.6422 15.0371 14.2128 14.2317 14.145 14.5416 15.0304 15.0065 13.3315 14.598 14.7651 15.0722 14.6141 14.3984 14.3166 14.2238 13.6586 14.8884 14.2762 14.9577 14.5315 15.5328 14.2268 13.9556 14.4113 14.3208 14.4113 14.5034 Q9CXF4 Tbc1d15 10 115.19787 66687 - 115.19787 115.251492 TBC1 domain family, member 15 4432405K22Rik; AU022358; AU023730; AW557774; Ly6dl; Rab7-GAP None None None 13.6105 13.6441 13.7008 13.9793 13.6704 13.9188 13.9419 13.5213 13.909 13.6316 13.2222 13.9618 14.8245 13.7783 13.6717 13.2829 13.6333 13.5644 14.1191 13.7264 12.5378 13.4159 13.7318 13.4668 13.6155 14.0929 13.346 13.3191 13.9874 14.068 13.6747 14.08 P35282 Rab21 10 115.289861 216344 - 115.289861 115.317418 RAB21, member RAS oncogene family 9630024B22 None None None 15.8074 16.1744 16.13 16.3149 16.2237 16.1565 16.0891 16.1897 16.3146 16.2043 15.7544 15.5228 16.7542 15.9629 16.0696 16.1406 16.1834 16.0487 16.3455 16.1002 15.77 15.9822 16.1639 16.0899 15.9781 16.2152 16.2252 15.8639 16.1809 16.0511 16.2069 16.3407 Q9CPX8 Uqcr11 10 80.402996 66594 - 80.402996 80.40682 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex III subunit XI 0710008D09Rik; AL022707; Uqcr None None None 12.6088 16.5426 11.8909 16.4434 16.6832 14.7396 12.3425 16.5778 16.8443 16.7039 16.925 15.4433 12.8827 12.6902 16.7541 17.2314 16.731 16.2823 17.0019 17.9548 17.4235 16.5715 17.3579 17.5028 17.3455 18.4496 16.7621 17.4653 17.9968 16.4792 16.7995 12.889 P62320 Snrpd3 10 75.518041 67332 + 75.518041 75.535439 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 1700043E15Rik; 2310009E13Rik; AW046420; SMD3 None None None 16.3872 16.0649 16.1582 16.3812 16.8687 16.0173 16.0089 16.4631 16.6443 16.1879 16.6093 17.2644 18.1925 16.5802 16.8052 16.1167 16.0373 15.9374 16.5942 16.4344 16.3714 16.1475 16.4552 16.3914 16.84 16.3475 16.1398 16.0304 16.7804 16.6844 16.1431 16.9413 O54774 Ap3d1 10 80.706955 11776 - 80.706955 80.742302 adaptor-related protein complex 3, delta 1 subunit AA407035; Ap3d; Bolvr; mBLVR1; mh; mocha None None None 14.9533 14.7079 14.6701 15.1143 14.4623 15.0155 14.5857 14.723 14.9283 14.9259 14.6649 14.7199 15.1896 15.1776 14.6218 14.6731 15.0321 14.8468 15.3847 14.8702 14.0435 14.3072 14.9633 14.8974 14.5293 14.4417 14.6363 14.4013 14.8085 15.2223 14.8759 15.2069 P62075 Timm13 10 80.899449 30055 - 80.899449 80.900968 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 13 D10Ertd378e; Tim9; Timm9 None None None 16.2067 16.3431 17.0611 16.1213 16.0705 16.1055 15.9637 16.3555 16.4849 15.6287 15.684 16.2821 17.2109 15.9619 16.0233 15.8851 16.4758 15.5494 16.8073 16.6008 17.7289 16.2265 16.2262 15.5683 16.8322 16.7637 15.3511 16.4962 16.5676 16.2285 16.1037 16.0638 Q8K4B2 Irak3 10 120.141647 73914 - 120.141647 120.202129 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 4833428C18Rik; AI563835; IRAK-M None None None 11.5609 12.3986 12.2865 12.4119 12.4312 12.5474 12.4685 12.0544 12.462 12.304 11.7483 11.7606 12.9175 12.5709 12.2716 11.9802 12.1229 11.922 12.4081 11.9258 12.0094 12.2896 11.9757 12.1225 12.324 11.7461 11.8012 11.6665 12.6855 12.7506 11.6911 12.5803 Q8VCM8 Ncln 10 81.486454 103425 - 81.486454 81.496953 nicalin 3100002P13Rik; AW120537 None None None 15.4869 15.5711 15.1735 15.1389 15.1127 15.3698 15.3355 15.1525 15.0183 15.342 15.1122 15.138 13.9188 15.2407 15.274 15.1331 15.2398 15.4092 15.2951 15.2727 14.8725 15.2426 15.2393 15.1915 14.9279 14.9867 15.4589 15.0808 15.01 15.4046 15.2473 15.0772 Q8BFQ4 Wdr82 9 106.170924 77305 + 106.170924 106.191705 WD repeat domain containing 82 9430077D24Rik; CDW5/WDR82 None None None 12.9851 13.3261 14.3529 12.7533 14.3428 13.2801 12.8723 13.6617 13.5743 13.5794 14.5622 14.8944 14.741 14.6339 13.5494 12.7649 14.5364 13.8647 13.4116 13.3188 13.526 14.3698 13.7992 14.0929 12.8309 13.252 12.8139 12.4619 15.6414 13.7645 13.5685 13.0474 Q8VHI3 Pofut2 10 77.25908 80294 + 77.25908 77.269585 protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 2310011G23Rik; AI256847; BC003494; C21orf80; FUT13 None None None 12.3482 12.7114 12.8807 12.6295 13.0007 12.981 12.7978 13.1587 13.0337 12.8657 12.9366 12.423 12.3955 12.8447 13.0229 12.9911 13.203 13.1789 12.803 13.1905 12.9891 13.296 12.8945 12.7823 12.4719 12.7767 13.2719 13.159 13.0628 13.1901 13.1229 12.8587 Q8K3G9 Appl2 10 83.600032 216190 - 83.600032 83.648876 adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interaction, PH domain and leucine zipper containing 2 DIP13 beta; Dip3 beta; Dip3b None None None 13.7952 14.0941 14.2467 14.3277 13.5212 13.7989 14.2057 14.0547 12.9525 14.2442 13.8838 13.9474 13.0934 12.9988 14.2937 13.6517 13.7249 13.0034 13.2758 13.4547 13.9097 14.5648 12.2679 14.1656 12.5736 12.9386 14.7826 14.7658 12.0616 13.267 13.1799 13.345 P70349 Hint1 11 54.866382 15254 + 54.866382 54.870505 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 AA673479; Hint; Ipk1; PKCI-1; PRKCNH1 None None None 18.5258 18.4208 18.8649 18.2122 18.0396 18.2081 18.3933 18.3527 18.4698 18.0651 18.1753 17.8396 19.2534 18.0511 18.1716 18.2288 18.0902 18.2548 18.5889 18.1758 18.3683 18.4306 18.4707 18.1606 18.7357 19.0972 17.8276 17.9799 18.9428 18.1595 18.2596 18.5195 P12382 Pfkl 10 77.986946 18641 - 77.986946 78.009806 phosphofructokinase, liver, B-type AA407869; ATP-PFK; PFK-B; PFK-L None None None 17.7966 17.9307 17.8321 17.6878 17.3578 17.6991 17.3502 17.3855 17.5453 17.8841 17.3151 17.5712 17.8799 17.4322 17.5643 17.3709 17.56 17.8055 17.8532 17.5719 17.9047 17.4098 17.2878 17.6028 17.3157 17.3781 17.5965 17.8155 16.8591 17.812 17.6758 17.4301 Q9CQ48 Nudcd2 11 40.733644 52653 + 40.733644 40.740045 NudC domain containing 2 None None None 15.6555 15.7817 15.5916 15.683 15.3436 15.7404 15.8576 15.5643 15.5951 15.781 15.3685 15.4353 16.234 15.6474 15.8796 15.1379 15.8594 15.8856 16.0056 15.6248 15.0308 15.3823 15.7491 15.5947 15.3659 15.3213 15.5757 15.7617 15.5281 16.0109 15.5831 15.5203 P63330 Ppp2ca 11 52.098823 19052 + 52.098823 52.122748 protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform PP2A; R75353 None None None 18.2519 18.6266 18.6035 18.7956 18.5848 18.7516 18.9525 18.5435 18.7086 18.6869 18.5955 18.1471 18.2516 18.4024 18.6386 18.4621 18.6777 18.6301 18.5666 18.5393 18.1224 18.562 18.7915 18.7013 18.4512 18.8297 18.5177 18.5035 18.6127 18.8093 18.5925 18.8343 Q61316 Hspa4 11 53.259813 15525 - 53.259813 53.300478 heat shock protein 4 70kDa; AI317151; APG-2; Hsp110; Hsp70RY; mKIAA4025 None None None 18.104 17.7654 18.0285 17.7264 17.7982 18.0681 18.1237 17.9188 18.0647 17.766 17.7292 18.3193 18.6882 17.8505 18.0828 17.854 18.1482 17.9139 18.3332 18.1178 17.6032 17.8184 17.9285 17.84 18.0723 18.3198 17.8445 17.7434 18.1727 18.0475 17.9429 18.2145 P35564 Canx 11 50.293956 12330 - 50.293956 50.325672 calnexin 1110069N15Rik; AI988026; Cnx; D11Ertd153e None None None 18.1604 17.4713 17.4961 17.6814 18.0548 17.6184 17.6748 18.162 17.7604 17.8966 17.5948 18.2694 18.611 17.9176 18.1689 17.7704 18.042 18.0268 17.7272 18.0265 17.4833 17.9434 17.355 17.7026 17.2215 17.5237 18.0602 17.5954 17.7618 17.9535 17.978 17.7947 Q8BIJ7 Rufy1 11 50.389285 216724 - 50.389285 50.431273 RUN and FYVE domain containing 1 3000002E04Rik; Rabip4; ZFYVE12 None None None 13.3858 13.0772 12.9023 12.7472 13.0809 12.7012 11.8079 12.9957 13.0131 12.9821 13.2267 13.4836 13.8773 13.0761 13.1654 12.5249 12.892 12.8287 13.0382 13.147 13.4364 12.7209 12.8455 12.7577 12.6733 12.6878 13.0504 13.1461 13.1419 13.2254 13.018 13.1353 Q9CQC9 Sar1b 11 51.763662 66397 + 51.763662 51.791952 secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1B 2310075M17Rik; 2900019I22Rik; CMRD; Sara1b; Sara2; Sarb None None None 17.7731 18.3281 18.0005 18.2021 17.975 18.0435 18.1901 18.142 18.1159 18.3429 17.9681 17.338 18.2234 18.0823 18.0543 18.2613 18.0624 18.1718 18.1049 18.3015 17.6684 17.9573 18.5199 18.1161 17.8163 18.0949 18.3388 17.4853 18.1086 18.1059 18.3515 18.023 Q5SSZ5 Tns3 11 8.431651 319939 - 8.431651 8.664757 tensin 3 BC023928; F830010I22Rik; TEM6; Tens1 None None None 16.0556 16.5695 16.4634 16.7413 16.446 16.5107 16.4892 16.4605 16.5832 16.8133 16.5612 16.0692 15.5851 16.6835 16.3881 16.4114 16.1341 16.5482 16.413 16.2841 16.6673 16.5532 16.837 16.5775 16.3711 15.9082 16.7087 16.2229 15.9754 16.3278 16.3712 16.1945 P47878 Igfbp3 11 7.206085 16009 - 7.206085 7.215497 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 AI649005; IGFBP-3; IGgfbp3 None None None 12.0828 12.4054 12.8635 12.7445 13.199 12.4277 11.9912 12.0329 12.2846 12.7284 13.1089 13.9269 12.9413 13.0982 12.5241 13.7184 12.596 12.3696 12.2446 12.1512 11.9997 13.1677 13.0227 12.6164 13.4284 13.5364 11.0618 12.7203 12.1608 11.4291 12.4413 12.5351 P84084 Arf5 6 28.423603 11844 + 28.423603 28.426601 ADP-ribosylation factor 5 None None None 20.1085 19.4361 19.2555 19.6877 19.7916 19.6207 19.6104 19.8236 19.1085 19.8181 19.4847 17.8237 20.0772 19.7586 19.8876 19.2436 19.0557 19.7896 19.7081 19.8744 19.2903 19.2882 19.6187 19.7372 19.288 19.2608 19.6892 19.129 19.1148 19.7453 19.4848 19.7382 Q8BPB5 Efemp1 11 28.853153 216616 + 28.853153 28.926742 epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 None None None 16.9436 17.0734 15.6944 16.7315 16.4003 17.0431 16.8042 16.5923 16.9035 16.9415 16.8605 16.4131 15.0691 16.6077 17.0227 16.3016 16.8403 17.2433 16.4432 16.4738 16.2787 16.888 16.6385 16.8877 15.954 16.4099 17.0823 16.738 16.4805 16.311 16.8098 16.0778 O70250 Pgam2 11 5.801636 56012 - 5.801636 5.803795 phosphoglycerate mutase 2 None None None 18.587 18.7932 18.0895 17.8987 18.0784 17.7979 17.8322 18.4912 17.7071 18.2722 17.9732 18.7744 17.9392 17.6387 18.3626 18.0359 17.9863 18.64 17.4746 18.061 18.7125 18.0193 17.4048 18.5684 18.0465 17.5145 18.6773 18.7505 18.0014 17.8959 17.7739 17.6255 P11247 Mpo 11 87.793783 17523 + 87.793783 87.804411 myeloperoxidase mKIAA4033 None None None 12.3367 12.3218 13.8001 14.2771 12.7545 12.4958 12.3334 12.5309 12.7747 12.9244 12.4491 13.4402 14.8243 12.5084 12.792 12.3916 12.3456 11.8246 12.7763 12.1338 12.669 12.7558 11.8827 12.6185 13.3766 12.9416 11.933 12.1039 12.9583 12.6222 12.542 12.8799 Q9CRY7 Gdpd1 11 87.033793 66569 - 87.033793 87.074136 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 1 2610020H15Rik None None None 11.9214 12.8379 12.7291 12.0271 11.7735 12.2008 11.8172 12.0147 12.0407 12.4232 11.9329 12.1417 12.3574 11.9923 12.4688 11.6219 11.8657 12.2462 12.8442 11.345 13.0003 11.5955 12.3988 12.1023 11.8299 12.8409 11.4168 12.62 12.3313 11.7281 13.5139 12.3637 Q8BU88 Mrpl22 11 58.170042 216767 + 58.170042 58.179579 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L22 E030011D16Rik; HSPC158; L22mt; MRP-L22; MRP-L25; Rpml25 None None None 12.6745 12.5954 13.9183 13.7616 13.097 13.4507 13.9973 12.7563 12.7958 11.9994 13.0429 13.1546 15.1336 13.7975 13.4201 12.8579 13.1673 13.1569 14.2732 14.0817 14.0868 13.2366 13.9395 13.167 14.5089 14.8424 13.0382 12.991 14.5459 13.2904 12.9558 14.5521 Q91VK1 Bzw2 12 36.091834 66912 - 36.091834 36.15684 basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 2 1110001I24Rik; Bdm2; HSPC028 None None None 15.4406 15.7522 15.3168 15.6378 15.6763 15.2738 15.3434 15.6882 15.5238 15.3765 15.4262 15.2294 16.7479 15.5988 15.4368 15.2198 15.8929 15.462 15.586 15.5401 15.6757 15.8693 15.0128 14.6488 15.3054 15.2887 15.2922 15.003 14.986 15.9979 15.4833 15.7299 Q99KQ4 Nampt 12 32.820334 59027 + 32.820334 32.853368 nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase 1110035O14Rik; AI314458; AI480535; NAmPRTase; Pbef; Pbef1; Visfatin None None None 16.0656 15.1414 16.229 15.5707 16.0118 15.3624 15.7842 15.8475 16.0126 15.7383 16.126 16.339 17.2667 15.7456 16.0094 16.4321 16.0025 15.7135 16.2715 16.0092 16.612 16.2302 16.0924 15.2085 16.5497 16.6293 16.1665 16.2344 16.5789 15.7273 15.8836 16.2999 Q3TC93 Hs1bp3 12 8.313432 58240 + 8.313432 8.343823 HCLS1 binding protein 3 None None None 13.416 14.4608 13.7751 14.1484 14.1318 13.6658 13.8922 13.9058 14.0007 14.0611 13.9275 13.1677 14.1501 13.4138 13.9791 13.5434 13.8851 13.1986 14.1995 14.1956 12.8443 13.7382 14.1644 13.6163 13.8395 14.2546 13.0274 13.6285 14.4215 14.2728 13.9964 14.3102 Q9ERI6 Rdh14 12 10.390747 105014 + 10.390747 10.395561 retinol dehydrogenase 14 (all-trans and 9-cis) 3110030G19Rik; AW215439; PAN2 None None None 15.9455 15.5155 15.7893 15.7778 15.5734 15.5821 15.8108 15.7825 15.8592 15.8919 15.5837 15.8023 15.9705 15.5813 15.7836 15.5949 15.6447 15.6729 15.8798 15.9367 15.5107 15.3996 15.6811 15.569 15.5681 15.6399 15.841 15.4805 15.7208 15.673 15.8942 15.6206 Q99JT9 Adi1 12 28.675206 104923 + 28.675206 28.682174 acireductone dioxygenase 1 AL024210; Fe-ARD; MTCBP-1; Ni-ARD None None None 14.1164 13.5583 14.3074 14.3803 14.0045 15.5351 14.229 15.053 14.6633 15.1821 15.7849 13.6109 16.0023 15.6217 13.731 13.5118 13.8712 15.2086 15.3255 13.3161 13.8062 13.7781 13.445 13.493 16.2455 13.6085 13.6644 15.8996 15.2794 14.0869 14.9322 13.4528 Q3U5Q7 Cmpk2 12 26.469116 22169 + 26.469116 26.479836 cytidine monophosphate (UMP-CMP) kinase 2, mitochondrial 1200004E04Rik; TDKI; Tyki None None None 13.5224 14.6807 14.2836 15.3124 14.9858 13.8556 14.8275 14.4258 14.5228 14.0769 14.4283 14.4503 11.9939 12.6894 13.884 14.6152 14.2253 12.9639 14.4205 14.127 12.0178 14.6375 14.6221 15.0974 14.6916 15.6471 14.6061 13.5422 14.6035 13.5467 14.1231 15.3363 Q61334 Bcap29 12 31.595353 12033 - 31.595353 31.634657 B cell receptor associated protein 29 AW208404; Bap29 None None None 12.4478 13.0062 13.0043 13.0084 13.5229 13.4149 13.2718 13.4511 13.1359 13.2959 13.5208 12.8624 13.3281 13.5642 13.1432 13.0514 13.0335 13.526 13.3794 13.0269 13.4898 13.3882 13.0629 13.0167 13.049 12.8441 13.5353 12.8121 13.1371 13.2678 12.8049 13.5714 P61027 Rab10 12 3.247427 19325 - 3.247427 3.309968 RAB10, member RAS oncogene family AW107754 None None None 18.1644 18.0754 17.817 18.2447 18.0474 17.838 18.1523 17.8879 18.032 18.0711 17.9795 16.8988 17.608 18.05 17.9905 17.7737 17.8963 18.1144 17.9175 18.1108 17.5281 17.8089 18.263 18.0426 17.7462 17.9256 18.1383 17.8382 17.9107 17.8729 17.9918 17.8874 O54890 Itgb3 11 104.607999 16416 + 104.607999 104.670475 integrin beta 3 CD61; GP3A; INGRB3 None None None 13.1814 12.2471 12.6491 12.4039 12.8181 13.4362 13.2694 12.7723 12.9212 12.5289 13.1593 12.5747 12.5149 13.192 13.4348 12.1507 13.0045 12.3784 12.849 12.6305 13.2955 13.2508 12.3037 12.6399 12.572 12.3395 12.5849 13.0406 11.5683 13.092 12.6049 12.6203 Q810A7 Ddx42 11 106.216886 72047 + 106.216886 106.249139 DEAD box helicase 42 1810047H21Rik; AW319508; AW556242; B430002H05Rik; RHELP; RNAHP; SF3b125 None None None 14.5537 13.6629 13.9341 13.7951 14.1238 13.7835 13.8379 13.7844 14.1175 13.8477 14.3306 12.1885 15.5469 14.2945 13.5788 13.525 13.54 13.9983 13.026 13.7947 13.8693 14.1295 13.7674 13.8836 14.2037 13.995 13.3708 13.125 14.0566 14.2676 13.7173 14.3734 Q9DBE9 Ftsj3 11 106.249137 56095 - 106.249137 106.256083 FtsJ RNA methyltransferase homolog 3 (E. coli) AA537063; AU045295; C79843; D11Ertd400e; Epcs3 None None None 11.8665 12.4092 11.8909 11.8578 11.7735 12.2008 12.2459 12.1576 11.7481 11.9801 12.3616 12.0086 12.4216 12.7868 11.9819 11.4808 12.3747 12.3822 12.7171 12.9113 11.7526 12.7057 11.9701 12.531 12.9491 12.4122 11.6858 12.9412 12.4478 12.1567 12.3998 12.7924 Q99JR8 Smarcd2 11 106.26317 83796 - 106.26317 106.272997 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 2 AW322457; Baf60b None None None 13.1987 12.5884 13.2171 12.7694 13.331 13.0809 12.2637 13.1207 13.6322 13.0434 13.4183 13.4201 15.027 13.808 13.3028 12.9976 13.3497 12.0989 14.1012 13.1866 12.3414 12.9949 13.6752 12.0488 13.8779 11.8057 12.1203 12.1545 13.3632 13.352 13.5224 13.2316 Q8BTS0 Ddx5 11 106.780354 13207 - 106.780354 106.789184 DEAD box helicase 5 2600009A06Rik; G17P1; HUMP68; Hlr1; p68 None None None 16.8332 16.6157 16.5451 16.8149 16.7925 16.6181 16.3031 16.7286 17.093 16.7001 16.5193 16.252 18.5546 16.8288 16.6246 16.2446 16.8166 16.4263 16.8067 16.8182 16.4171 16.89 16.7228 16.287 16.8942 16.562 16.543 15.9685 16.5128 16.8456 16.7311 16.6124 Q9CQT4 Psmd12 11 107.479527 66997 + 107.479527 107.498035 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 12 1500002F15Rik; AI480719; P55 None None None 16.2717 16.4926 16.4438 16.5309 16.4494 16.5816 16.765 16.1354 16.6359 16.3892 16.4543 16.5306 16.618 16.6566 16.3084 16.2727 16.4107 16.3668 16.8041 16.3637 16.2231 16.2452 16.7029 16.5428 16.564 16.7159 15.7929 16.1155 16.8732 16.5529 16.4202 16.8939 P70441 Slc9a3r1 11 115.16334 26941 + 115.16334 115.181177 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 regulator 1 EBP-50; NHE-RF; NHERF-1; NHERF1 None None None 16.7402 16.2238 16.5065 15.6645 16.3069 17.1748 16.9587 16.8598 16.7131 16.3172 16.8553 15.9686 17.7 16.5593 16.5752 15.7295 16.6072 16.3526 16.2469 15.8733 15.1577 16.7 16.7148 16.3004 16.6934 16.856 16.0522 16.4387 15.9556 15.856 16.22 16.8436 Q8R480 Nup85 11 115.564431 445007 + 115.564431 115.583923 nucleoporin 85 Pcnt1; frount None None None 13.0416 12.9075 12.93 13.2561 12.8801 12.6763 12.3772 12.5504 13.2213 12.6652 13.012 12.3923 14.064 12.982 12.9614 12.667 12.6502 12.7605 12.8131 12.8545 12.6224 13.0089 13.2679 11.8208 13.1497 12.9696 12.5418 11.8533 11.6792 12.5802 12.6426 12.6938 Q9DAM5 Slc25a19 11 115.614164 67283 - 115.614164 115.628295 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate carrier), member 19 2900089E13Rik; DNC; MUP1; TPC None None None 13.2234 12.8775 14.1963 12.8505 12.7815 13.2253 13.1367 13.0274 12.8061 12.9382 12.8212 13.1005 14.5017 13.4974 12.9935 13.6868 13.3092 13.6684 13.1869 13.6661 15.3802 13.2726 13.3012 13.2139 13.8156 12.5611 13.7109 13.7667 13.626 13.2009 13.3899 12.8689 A2A863 Itgb4 11 115.974724 192897 + 115.974724 116.008411 integrin beta 4 AA407042; C230078O20; CD104 None None None 11.9676 11.9539 12.274 11.7569 11.8635 11.6888 11.7453 11.9106 12.0638 12.3943 11.1213 12.261 12.4383 12.8113 12.049 11.6912 11.8109 11.3639 12.2803 12.3257 13.0066 12.5184 12.5947 12.1551 12.9186 12.3731 11.7579 12.1245 12.2801 12.1832 12.0856 12.2386 Q9R0N0 Galk1 11 116.008356 14635 - 116.008356 116.012718 galactokinase 1 AA409894; GALK; Gk; Glk; Glk1 None None None 15.0638 14.7735 14.771 14.7436 14.9927 14.7326 14.9428 14.8102 14.8593 14.7532 14.8734 14.1413 15.8941 14.5795 14.9062 14.775 14.7108 14.7707 14.5372 14.4888 14.5419 15.1402 15.0062 14.4887 14.8444 14.9512 14.7805 14.3745 14.6723 14.4903 14.7069 14.8372 Q8R3P0 Aspa 11 73.304986 11484 - 73.304986 73.326875 aspartoacylase Acy-2; Acy2; nur7 None None None 15.0202 15.4956 16.2836 15.5467 15.613 15.737 15.6788 15.8011 15.5468 15.919 15.1593 15.8447 13.8362 15.4718 15.8605 15.2587 15.6343 15.325 15.6229 14.9286 15.5436 15.4744 15.2649 16.0779 16.0935 15.9919 16.2273 15.9502 15.7168 15.1899 16.2413 15.3747 A2A861 Trim47 11 116.105749 217333 - 116.105749 116.110234 tripartite motif-containing 47 2210023F24Rik None None None 13.9514 12.7541 14.5637 14.7629 14.7733 13.6395 14.8932 14.0573 14.4734 14.1302 12.7868 11.9253 13.9022 14.9035 14.0493 12.2856 14.5182 14.63 14.5819 14.8467 14.2481 13.6481 14.4196 14.6966 14.8276 15.0627 12.583 12.1917 14.6937 15.0855 13.262 15.0677 P51576 P2rx1 11 72.999055 18436 + 72.999055 73.015199 purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 1 AI323649; BB122383; P2x; Pdcd3; RP-2 None None None 12.1207 12.9569 11.6028 11.44 12.5584 12.1312 12.7283 12.1743 12.1672 11.7096 12.6126 12.1254 12.1881 12.5793 12.0187 12.9237 12.3019 12.0857 12.2571 11.4684 11.5452 12.7446 11.7195 12.4432 12.7156 12.9539 12.0039 11.4983 12.9183 12.8175 11.7789 12.1818 Q9CQM5 Txndc17 11 72.207553 52700 + 72.207553 72.210486 thioredoxin domain containing 17 4831443O22Rik; D11Ertd672e; TRP14; Txnl5 None None None 18.1654 18.1349 17.928 17.9612 18.0525 17.9811 18.3806 18.0434 18.1133 18.2543 17.7144 18.5552 18.7529 17.8401 18.5801 17.9882 18.146 17.9186 18.4001 17.8635 17.2586 17.7775 18.2817 17.6774 17.9321 18.1903 18.0185 17.7861 18.531 18.3704 18.0851 18.5347 Q9CX80 Cygb 11 116.645594 114886 - 116.645594 116.654503 cytoglobin 3110001K20Rik; HGb; Staap None None None 17.5209 16.6962 16.8313 16.6659 17.5761 16.585 16.652 17.1088 17.0921 17.0102 16.7296 16.5792 17.3122 17.2705 17.2523 16.5687 17.0158 17.1081 16.728 17.1488 16.4746 16.8248 16.4289 16.4795 16.2321 16.9333 16.4278 16.6162 16.4571 17.2298 16.7974 16.7934 Q9CZH7 Mxra7 11 116.803399 67622 - 116.803399 116.828126 matrix-remodelling associated 7 1810057P16Rik; E130302J09Rik None None None 13.2759 12.7978 12.4362 12.6171 13.4965 13.2076 13.8225 13.0704 12.6773 12.5151 13.4487 12.0094 11.6035 13.6709 13.0014 12.0744 12.8744 13.3214 12.3902 13.1389 12.8191 12.6911 12.4263 12.1524 11.6661 11.5748 13.6985 12.1157 11.7743 12.238 12.7195 12.2017 Q01768 Nme2 11 93.949813 18103 - 93.949813 93.956255 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2 NM23-H2; NM23B; nm23-M2 None None None 21.3261 20.9328 20.7751 20.7743 20.9583 20.7385 20.9306 21.1005 20.967 21.0822 20.7577 21.4556 21.7231 20.6535 21.3658 20.9399 21.0803 21.1016 20.9692 20.7927 20.6352 20.8517 20.6316 20.9356 20.6035 20.4068 21.0394 20.9268 20.8984 20.9849 20.9624 20.9179 Q9CVX4 Abcc3 11 94.343294 76408 - 94.343294 94.393016 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 3 1700019L09Rik; ABC31; MLP2; MOAT-D; MRP3 None None None 17.081 17.29 17.6618 17.5938 17.2308 17.5613 17.5506 17.8009 17.8873 17.5684 17.4 17.4252 17.0369 17.3069 17.5062 17.7496 17.4856 17.8368 17.6824 17.7045 16.501 16.8061 17.4141 17.4122 17.1436 17.7241 18.1662 17.2343 17.9798 17.4725 17.604 17.4041 Q922Q8 Lrrc59 11 94.629776 98238 + 94.629776 94.645222 leucine rich repeat containing 59 AA959742; C78668 None None None 17.5544 17.4131 17.1202 17.4722 17.1269 17.375 17.395 16.9933 17.4815 17.563 17.0286 16.7974 17.3783 17.4245 17.4579 16.7241 17.5103 17.5682 17.8148 17.3657 16.4398 16.8187 17.5142 17.6076 16.7326 17.0996 17.3866 16.8409 16.9385 17.6162 17.3708 17.4935 Q8VCA8 Scrn2 11 97.029892 217140 + 97.029892 97.033959 secernin 2 AV001119; D11Moh48; SES2 None None None 13.9626 13.8493 14.5452 14.3032 14.1506 13.9216 15.6542 13.7417 14.0978 13.6219 14.4195 14.4064 15.0569 14.6777 14.0271 13.6845 13.9926 14.3723 14.0593 13.3679 13.6601 13.8296 13.8685 13.8562 13.7695 13.8398 13.2365 13.7137 14.1491 13.9819 13.8473 13.7738 O35936 Alox8 11 69.183884 11688 - 69.183884 69.197842 arachidonate 8-lipoxygenase 15-LOX-2; 15-LOX-B; 8-LOX; 8S-LOX; Alox15b None None None 16.0637 15.3902 14.3677 15.4411 15.2307 16.7557 15.5861 15.539 15.7863 15.0486 15.8029 11.7941 12.5193 15.7196 14.831 13.4516 16.1408 16.1105 14.9702 14.342 13.0005 15.9921 16.0314 14.1397 15.1079 12.5098 11.7835 14.3186 14.8402 15.7265 15.7594 15.5457 P63044 Vamp2 11 69.088527 22318 + 69.088527 69.09238 vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 Syb-2; Syb2; Vamp-2; sybII None None None 16.8743 16.7207 16.6559 16.865 16.8939 16.6507 16.6268 16.5052 16.7771 16.7016 16.0086 16.4334 15.9642 16.0656 16.9898 16.5963 16.9045 16.3918 16.7132 16.271 15.9586 16.6241 17.0602 16.7947 16.2688 16.8974 17.1179 16.4015 16.4367 16.5279 16.4879 16.2168 Q5SUR0 Pfas 11 68.9857 237823 - 68.9857 69.008459 phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (FGAR amidotransferase) 4432409B16Rik; FGAMS; FGAR-AT; FGARAT; Gm18; PURL; Sofa None None None 14.0663 14.3042 14.3003 13.4638 14.746 13.904 14.2041 13.9966 14.3662 13.9367 14.2007 14.6633 16.3901 14.2397 14.4502 13.1206 14.1176 14.0188 14.301 13.6828 14.3189 13.911 13.6751 13.9026 15.0654 14.6534 13.5013 13.8072 14.1034 14.1127 13.6918 14.8444 O88983 Stx8 11 67.96641 55943 + 67.96641 68.207147 syntaxin 8 0610007H08Rik; 1110002H11Rik; 4930571E13Rik; CARB None None None 14.2826 14.411 14.2938 14.6591 14.5321 14.385 14.3836 14.52 14.3537 14.6129 14.068 15.2396 14.6981 14.8485 14.6594 14.3618 14.5017 14.7015 14.7572 14.5744 13.8711 14.2463 14.5034 14.5388 14.1356 14.2642 14.6389 14.471 14.6743 14.8491 14.4538 14.5808 Q8BHC4 Dcakd 11 102.994046 68087 - 102.994046 103.028369 dephospho-CoA kinase domain containing 3010024O21Rik; 6720485C15Rik; AI849483 None None None 15.8104 15.4857 14.9372 15.9774 14.9613 15.1752 14.9247 15.2919 14.9713 15.3537 14.8152 15.3027 14.248 15.3932 15.4293 14.8202 15.7019 15.8182 16.2843 16.0743 14.7736 15.0616 15.1894 15.3074 14.4814 15.041 15.3686 14.971 14.8827 16.2461 15.5285 15.0905 O35166 Gosr2 11 103.676848 56494 - 103.676848 103.697722 golgi SNAP receptor complex member 2 2310032N09Rik; C76855; Gs27; SNARE; membrin None None None 14.4497 14.8238 14.2548 14.5597 14.4917 14.6001 14.2406 14.7223 14.3349 14.5497 14.2246 13.3449 14.9503 14.4764 14.5919 14.4049 14.9727 14.9202 14.5166 15.1267 14.6871 14.3329 14.3529 14.5039 13.9822 14.2735 14.8894 14.8101 14.3012 15.0338 14.8066 14.3618 Q62446 Fkbp3 12 65.062431 30795 - 65.062431 65.073937 FK506 binding protein 3 25kDa; FKBP-3; FKBP25 None None None 15.3792 15.5524 15.3421 15.3286 15.054 15.3182 15.0538 15.4044 15.6806 15.4498 14.9211 14.8113 16.7217 15.2482 15.1971 15.0557 15.2053 15.0324 15.5482 15.2841 14.8034 15.2958 15.374 15.2635 15.5834 15.1624 15.6954 14.8409 14.7238 15.3163 15.4136 14.397 Q99PM3 Gtf2a1 12 91.555261 83602 - 91.555261 91.590486 general transcription factor II A, 1 6330549H03Rik; AA536742; AA959775; AW060250; TfIIAa/b; Tfiia1 None None None 14.6339 13.0258 13.0359 13.6775 13.801 13.0834 13.2553 13.317 13.7129 12.7273 13.4799 14.1131 15.3695 14.0139 13.6301 12.8957 12.9868 13.6123 12.9095 13.3929 11.945 13.3174 13.4052 13.3565 13.8239 13.4325 13.0754 13.15 14.1919 13.7092 13.079 14.5983 Q9Z2G6 Sel1l 12 91.806042 20338 - 91.806042 91.849156 sel-1 suppressor of lin-12-like (C. elegans) AW493766; Sel1h; mKIAA4137 None None None 15.5756 14.3942 14.4492 15.5473 15.467 14.895 15.1422 15.084 14.9071 15.3963 15.1243 14.4116 15.5186 15.483 15.1169 14.2117 15.1117 15.1916 14.6469 14.5653 13.7862 14.7499 14.5417 15.3794 14.7076 14.6661 14.9431 15.1332 14.4352 14.3903 14.9526 15.2993 Q8CCP0 Nemf 12 69.31154 66244 - 69.31154 69.3572 nuclear export mediator factor 1500011I12Rik; 4933405E14Rik; Sdccag1 None None None 13.2061 14.5521 14.5792 13.3426 12.8969 12.8987 13.1195 13.592 13.4185 13.497 12.5051 12.8373 13.8482 15.6233 12.9618 13.1525 12.8419 13.0602 12.4451 12.6085 12.3071 12.5978 12.5924 12.7698 13.0842 12.811 13.0827 13.028 12.6743 12.7089 13.0815 12.4236 Q91YP0 L2hgdh 12 69.690435 217666 - 69.690435 69.724873 L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase BC016226 None None None 12.2143 12.5319 12.7214 11.9033 11.8191 12.6351 12.583 12.5604 12.4323 12.2598 12.7896 11.9289 12.506 12.5021 12.2189 12.7287 12.0583 12.1947 12.4175 12.5706 12.8858 12.2601 11.9128 12.3854 13.2408 12.9066 12.0454 12.7975 12.6309 11.6425 12.2748 12.2736 Q9CRA7 Atp5s Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9CRA7 None None None 12.7788 13.7225 14.433 13.5321 12.4594 13.5505 13.7959 13.2177 13.4291 13.3136 13.2445 12.7112 13.7881 12.8815 13.3766 13.5241 13.525 13.2171 14.1447 13.7676 14.1315 13.2296 13.3237 13.4666 13.8815 14.6222 12.8833 13.2663 13.4102 13.2192 13.4353 13.3985 Q01405 Sec23a 12 58.958383 20334 - 58.958383 59.012016 SEC23 homolog A, COPII coat complex component Msec23; Sec23r None None None 16.7664 16.6702 16.4926 17.0173 16.4274 16.5924 16.6633 16.5553 16.7192 16.6586 16.4309 16.2927 16.736 16.6995 16.5937 16.1884 16.8612 16.3768 17.1748 16.8098 16.0153 16.5418 16.767 16.5071 16.1865 16.3169 16.3811 16.1171 16.4246 17.1617 16.656 16.7839 Q9D289 Trappc6b 12 59.043091 78232 - 59.043091 59.061471 trafficking protein particle complex 6B 5830498C14Rik; C79212 None None None 12.4217 12.9636 13.3834 12.4532 12.0916 12.1797 11.848 12.587 13.0739 12.4132 11.8648 12.1962 13.4076 11.6829 12.6543 12.1933 13.0188 12.1087 12.8606 13.3527 11.8796 11.7678 12.8372 11.9055 11.6017 13.0445 12.6715 13.0162 12.5071 13.5477 13.0084 12.6848 O35691 Pnn 12 59.066918 18949 + 59.066918 59.074016 pinin AU045199; D12Ertd512e None None None 12.9664 11.9102 12.8042 12.2508 13.4472 12.6921 13.1281 12.5642 13.1673 12.3027 13.1984 13.0064 15.0168 13.5972 12.8699 12.2979 12.9497 12.454 13.6345 12.8173 12.6637 11.8858 12.5923 13.0304 13.2237 11.9749 12.4878 12.0215 13.3026 13.4106 12.5538 13.9098 Q923G2 Polr2h 16 20.717825 245841 + 20.717825 20.722271 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide H None None None 14.1195 14.2164 13.7565 14.2484 14.8977 14.3359 14.0955 14.5981 14.5129 14.2823 14.679 14.5853 15.8585 14.888 14.4324 12.7551 14.517 14.3153 14.2122 14.1541 14.7307 14.3248 13.46 14.2492 14.6075 14.6115 13.4602 14.1667 14.314 14.6853 14.1425 15.073 P97363 Sptlc2 12 87.305057 20773 - 87.305057 87.388354 serine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 2 LCB2; LCB2a; Spt2 None None None 13.1571 15.2518 14.0143 13.198 13.2047 14.1002 12.6933 14.6677 13.4734 13.0566 12.6831 13.2113 14.2566 13.5901 14.3293 12.8717 14.1914 13.0703 13.96 13.7292 12.5508 12.3957 12.9394 12.5515 12.4659 13.5758 16.1349 12.6132 12.7409 13.954 13.2996 13.8627 Q8BK64 Ahsa1 12 87.266414 217737 + 87.266414 87.273997 AHA1, activator of heat shock protein ATPase 1 BC023857; p38 None None None 16.1681 15.7656 15.6363 15.2252 15.8889 15.752 15.6695 15.7289 15.9418 15.5922 15.515 15.3738 16.9687 15.9137 15.8015 15.4195 15.8448 15.6579 15.9416 15.6504 15.7295 15.618 15.3863 15.7595 15.9821 15.8364 15.658 15.5425 15.9208 15.8602 15.6177 15.5602 Q8BGQ1 Vipas39 12 87.238874 104799 - 87.238874 87.266377 VPS33B interacting protein, apical-basolateral polarity regulator, spe-39 homolog 6720456H09Rik; 9330175H22Rik; AI413782; SPE-39; Spe39; Vipar; hSPE-39 None None None 11.759 12.1229 11.7888 11.5352 11.8182 12.164 11.7819 11.7165 11.8822 11.299 10.8216 11.8869 13.0669 11.476 11.9584 11.728 12.069 11.7773 12.3945 12.5255 11.43 11.4658 11.6833 12.2085 11.9361 12.1872 12.098 12.5139 12.6411 12.035 12.1605 12.4698 Q922D8 Mthfd1 12 76.254405 108156 + 76.254405 76.319819 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent), methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase, formyltetrahydrofolate synthase Dcs; E430024A07Rik; Mthfd None None None 15.5872 15.0959 15.2327 15.0799 15.217 15.1773 15.352 15.2013 15.2252 15.3646 15.2123 15.314 16.124 15.2654 15.4701 15.3613 15.1459 15.3927 15.3682 15.2162 14.9338 15.0205 15.4988 15.3489 15.4803 15.2196 15.3884 15.19 15.1894 15.1203 15.2831 15.4261 P15508 Sptb 12 76.580487 20741 - 76.580487 76.710546 spectrin beta, erythrocytic AI842465; D330027P03Rik; Gm1301; Spnb-1; Spnb1; ja; jaundiced; mKIAA4219 None None None 14.3217 13.9208 13.87 13.8977 14.1643 12.9561 13.6977 13.6937 13.214 14.22 13.6369 14.3461 13.6835 13.3818 14.1679 13.7104 14.3 13.8018 13.7695 13.5456 13.4576 13.1828 13.9581 14.6056 13.5328 13.7738 13.6957 14.4112 11.8308 13.0884 13.9836 13.6533 Q8K386 Rab15 12 76.797959 104886 - 76.797959 76.822758 RAB15, member RAS oncogene family 2310012G06Rik; AI840042 None None None 22.6065 22.3598 22.3858 22.6381 22.442 22.4989 22.7402 22.4075 22.5828 22.522 22.3017 22.0515 22.4292 22.5639 22.3763 22.2559 22.4222 22.4877 22.659 22.4685 21.9699 22.1413 22.6038 22.5359 22.238 22.5058 22.5469 22.2613 22.7593 22.6294 22.5758 22.7102 Q8VBT0 Tmx1 12 70.453153 72736 + 70.453153 70.467623 thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 1 2810425A04Rik; Txndc1 None None None 15.3375 15.36 15.4909 15.4234 15.6892 15.5821 15.7069 15.7165 15.5964 15.5406 15.4945 15.9207 15.6632 15.8034 15.6709 15.5248 15.6579 15.583 16.0384 15.9605 15.6249 15.5686 15.5425 15.64 15.5227 15.7899 15.2867 15.5102 15.9031 15.9299 15.5758 16.0138 Q9QZB7 Actr10 12 70.937856 56444 + 70.937856 70.964717 ARP10 actin-related protein 10 Actr11; Arp11 None None None 15.2545 15.0606 14.9376 15.0574 14.9777 15.1398 15.1022 14.8285 15.0525 15.1889 14.7281 14.7509 14.8369 14.8751 15.1138 15.1543 14.939 14.9126 15.1274 14.8361 14.6111 14.849 15.0503 14.7005 14.8198 14.7581 15.0574 15.1419 14.9458 15.1745 14.9699 14.9928 Q9WV98 Timm9 12 71.123171 30056 - 71.123171 71.136707 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 9 2810011L15Rik; Tim10a; Timm10 None None None 13.374 14.6519 15.2531 14.6317 14.3292 14.5359 14.3408 14.7015 14.7343 14.3437 14.4672 14.8257 14.4508 14.2583 14.6274 14.6181 14.8412 14.4031 15.2615 15.0949 15.7247 14.6883 14.7521 13.8541 15.014 15.2628 14.4316 15.0815 14.7632 14.8965 14.6748 14.6205 Q91WP6 Serpina3n 12 104.406645 20716 + 104.406645 104.414333 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 3N Spi2-2; Spi2.2; Spi2/eb.4 None None None 17.4453 16.2702 16.854 16.9601 16.4488 17.9306 16.5758 16.8301 16.7631 16.9216 17.8958 16.8301 15.5248 16.196 16.7357 18.2976 16.9058 17.1628 15.9548 15.0377 17.0963 18.4085 17.8993 18.2355 16.9437 17.916 16.9452 16.0499 16.1763 16.2078 17.343 16.0628 Q9CXR1 Dhrs7 12 72.650352 66375 - 72.650352 72.664827 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7 2310016E22Rik; 5730564L20Rik; AW061210; Retdsr4; Retsdr4 None None None 17.3165 17.588 17.5651 16.9165 17.1556 17.7446 17.6641 17.0828 17.238 17.0809 17.5977 16.9064 17.0801 17.207 17.1934 17.1895 17.0408 17.1464 17.0786 17.1707 17.5796 17.1295 17.2845 17.2669 17.2785 17.6862 17.698 17.7815 17.2858 17.1905 17.5178 17.0206 P49443 Ppm1a 12 72.76121 19042 + 72.76121 72.799818 protein phosphatase 1A, magnesium dependent, alpha isoform 2310003C21Rik; 2900017D14Rik; AI427932; AU017636; MMPa-2; MPPa-1 None None None 15.3504 15.493 15.3856 15.5877 15.0966 15.4364 15.4591 15.3677 15.4343 15.3342 15.1652 15.182 14.7254 15.0607 15.2748 14.9537 15.1541 15.3043 15.3811 15.2089 14.8221 15.1568 15.3763 15.0935 15.2163 15.5828 15.3025 15.0848 15.0295 15.2378 15.456 15.4625 Q80Y14 Glrx5 12 105.032617 73046 + 105.032617 105.04091 glutaredoxin 5 None None None 15.1853 16.7355 17.0475 16.9348 16.1487 16.8412 16.9013 16.4259 16.5505 16.7281 16.2965 15.5491 16.5781 16.2543 16.269 16.3297 16.6899 16.4635 16.8777 16.9052 16.6974 16.4209 16.5815 16.7158 16.6671 17.2169 16.3738 16.5652 16.7185 16.8294 16.6622 16.6248 Q7TPR4 Actn1 12 80.167541 109711 - 80.167541 80.260419 actinin, alpha 1 3110023F10Rik; Actn1a None None None 20.3913 20.1327 19.6886 20.3468 20.3187 20.3905 20.5256 20.4908 20.2807 20.4378 20.83 19.9489 20.4092 20.2126 20.2893 19.6858 20.4919 20.3946 20.4008 20.1302 20.7803 20.2817 20.2584 20.192 19.6368 19.5758 19.9794 20.1193 19.3879 20.4824 20.2683 20.3515 Q4FZH7 Erh 12 80.63402 13877 - 80.63402 80.64411 ERH mRNA splicing and mitosis factor Mer; Prei1 None None None 15.2423 15.9009 16.0061 15.9038 15.8073 15.8091 15.3094 15.7855 15.9424 15.4396 15.7289 15.2397 17.4271 15.6265 15.7027 15.3669 15.812 15.277 16.2056 15.8794 15.1972 16.0266 15.5498 15.2808 15.8796 16.3438 15.0795 15.3797 15.2009 16.1313 15.8385 16.1299 Q8CBE3 Wdr37 13 8.802965 207615 - 8.802965 8.872099 WD repeat domain 37 None None None 14.1962 12.1324 12.7291 12.9432 11.7735 12.1312 11.8764 12.1576 14.4723 12.3279 11.7607 12.1391 16.3684 14.8721 13.2427 13.7182 13.84 12.6295 14.771 12.8277 12.8381 13.7606 12.5715 11.9401 11.8637 13.0032 12.2768 12.3503 11.3623 11.5657 13.6426 14.5257 Q99ME9 Gtpbp4 13 8.972069 69237 - 8.972069 8.996115 GTP binding protein 4 2610028C09Rik; Crfg; Gtpbp3; NGB; Nog1 None None None 13.1468 12.5252 12.7817 12.8263 12.1546 12.2305 11.4836 12.3342 13.2392 12.6955 11.3679 12.4348 15.1155 13.293 12.7409 12.1834 13.0782 12.0857 12.9992 12.8704 11.9769 12.5499 12.9643 12.8749 13.3485 12.5223 11.884 12.7431 12.6459 13.4928 12.5506 13.5142 P62192 Psmc1 12 100.110201 19179 + 100.110201 100.123363 protease (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase 1 AI325227; P26s4; Rpt2/S4; S4; rpt2 None None None 16.3832 16.0925 15.9103 16.085 16.1441 16.1793 15.8986 16.2491 16.116 16.2119 16.0099 15.9642 16.9515 16.3289 16.2009 16.1705 16.1249 16.4223 16.2658 16.0168 15.9132 16.1269 16.0753 15.8764 15.8587 15.876 16.2282 15.9727 16.0804 16.2863 16.2588 15.8574 Q9WVH9 Fbln5 12 101.746564 23876 - 101.746564 101.819118 fibulin 5 A55; DANCE; EVEC None None None 16.885 18.0121 15.6699 16.8938 17.039 16.6573 16.3937 17.1473 16.7795 17.6563 16.8564 16.8229 15.6681 16.7631 17.5109 16.3569 16.6422 17.665 16.3993 16.8843 17.2807 16.6467 16.5836 17.1996 15.0046 15.9378 17.5789 16.9508 16.4763 16.5013 17.162 16.4209 Q9CVD2 Atxn3 12 101.9189 110616 - 101.9189 101.95912 ataxin 3 2210008M02Rik; AI463012; AI647473; ATX3; MJD1; Mjd; Sca3; ataxin-3 None None None 13.0889 12.5582 12.481 12.5138 13.0943 12.403 12.0819 13.0633 12.8508 12.9228 12.6208 12.2017 13.8118 13.2264 12.9847 12.5775 12.7776 13.0139 13.3302 13.027 12.4685 12.103 12.835 12.7517 12.5821 12.1519 12.9889 13.0105 13.259 13.4724 12.7268 13.0496 Q9QYE6 Golga5 12 102.469108 27277 + 102.469108 102.498014 golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 5 Ret-II None None None 13.5247 12.7625 13.305 13.1418 12.7375 13.0605 12.7877 13.0296 13.183 12.9713 12.7802 13.3226 13.0763 13.3356 12.9702 12.9754 13.0143 13.2852 13.647 13.2216 12.2721 13.5742 12.6073 12.9884 12.5962 12.7252 12.789 13.2273 12.9789 14.0795 13.629 12.9774 P70694 Akr1c6 13 4.43431 83702 + 4.43431 4.457529 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C6 3alpha-HSD; Akr1c1; Hsd17b5 None None None 17.576 16.5897 16.1539 16.1731 16.8921 15.1446 15.8658 16.3133 15.6083 15.9209 15.6689 17.0017 12.465 11.5913 15.44 16.078 15.2355 15.4879 16.291 16.2996 12.0602 15.0167 13.3498 16.0687 16.0691 16.0419 16.5735 16.379 12.4714 16.2655 14.655 16.5968 Q3UX10 Tubal3 13 3.924653 238463 + 3.924653 3.935276 tubulin, alpha-like 3 None None None 12.1792 11.4712 13.1144 12.7958 12.6117 12.2008 11.5075 12.1576 13.2579 12.2993 11.6232 12.3027 13.1242 11.8487 12.2812 12.1504 12.2619 12.2462 11.9787 13.4884 12.6907 11.8675 12.7085 11.7926 11.5203 11.4741 12.4242 12.9297 11.5097 11.4183 12.1766 12.054 Q9QYR9 Acot2 12 83.98786 171210 + 83.98786 83.993876 acyl-CoA thioesterase 2 AA571646; MTE-I; Mte1 None None None 17.1007 16.4405 18.3834 16.712 16.936 16.3422 16.8252 17.0034 16.9423 16.3236 17.0565 17.9867 17.9937 16.4522 16.7219 17.6624 16.5352 16.1973 16.7641 17.1267 19.2565 17.1348 16.9021 16.528 18.6607 18.8081 16.4236 17.8156 17.6735 16.1191 16.9336 16.7007 Q9WUZ9 Entpd5 12 84.373874 12499 - 84.373874 84.409028 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5 AI196558; AI987697; Cd39l4; ER-UDPase; NTPDase-5; NTPDase5; Pcph; mNTPase None None None 13.2418 12.8962 12.7571 13.228 13.1121 14.1219 12.8151 12.9529 13.2856 13.1452 12.6531 13.0964 12.2623 12.7692 14.2448 13.0548 13.4021 12.8446 12.9238 13.5579 13.4111 12.8699 12.6916 15.3094 14.9839 12.0383 12.9596 12.896 12.8579 13.251 12.7822 12.7359 O89016 Abcd4 12 84.601868 19300 - 84.601868 84.617484 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD), member 4 P69r; P70R; Pxmp1l None None None 12.8533 12.6167 12.6766 13.5875 12.9591 13.3333 13.7314 12.7374 12.7875 12.8661 13.0908 11.9438 11.9629 13.7343 12.4731 13.0502 13.4339 13.098 13.973 13.6152 12.2113 13.0943 13.9207 13.4271 13.1841 13.7353 12.5785 12.7095 13.7975 13.5555 13.2596 11.5747 Q9DCB8 Isca2 12 84.773229 74316 + 84.773229 84.775088 iron-sulfur cluster assembly 2 0710001C05Rik; 5730594E03Rik; Hbld1 None None None 14.1143 14.1571 14.2535 14.7601 14.1519 13.2857 13.8879 13.8671 13.4805 14.1349 13.9259 14.0647 14.5414 13.7862 14.2302 15.0345 13.9605 14.3557 14.7091 13.7975 14.9237 13.7383 14.0677 14.2804 14.2944 14.2922 14.1359 14.0511 14.0251 14.0086 14.1659 13.7509 Q9Z0J0 Npc2 12 84.754558 67963 - 84.754558 84.773111 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 2 2700012J19Rik; AA408070; AU045843; HE1 None None None 19.245 17.9867 18.31 18.8862 18.3804 17.5463 17.4294 18.3205 18.1336 18.1419 17.9437 19.4341 19.0306 18.9771 18.6319 18.4374 18.7905 18.1076 19.8355 19.3882 17.7402 17.6949 18.1129 18.266 18.1006 18.3899 17.0995 18.1942 19.3877 19.7338 18.0966 18.8666 O88447 Klc1 12 111.758434 16593 + 111.758434 111.807843 kinesin light chain 1 AI874768; Kns2 None None None 15.0651 14.6744 14.5568 14.7287 14.6202 14.6086 14.6978 14.531 14.5276 14.8166 14.5038 14.0935 14.7974 14.9182 14.5213 14.2593 14.7034 14.4737 14.9708 14.7499 14.3939 13.9852 14.5329 14.8952 14.2275 14.3121 14.8739 14.2707 14.7504 14.9579 14.585 14.8369 P28650 Adssl1 12 112.620046 11565 + 112.620046 112.641354 adenylosuccinate synthetase like 1 AI528595; Adss; Adss1 None None None 14.7828 15.8845 13.8053 14.2921 13.7372 11.9964 14.5453 14.6423 14.8243 14.1286 12.15 13.4666 15.6373 15.0753 14.225 14.3702 14.5348 15.1619 15.0127 15.196 14.2783 13.3451 11.9707 12.4207 13.9821 12.9905 11.3292 12.772 14.747 15.4362 13.6517 14.7844 Q9WTN0 Ggps1 13 14.049789 14593 - 14.049789 14.063565 geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 1 1810026C22Rik; 9530089B04Rik; AI843169; C79210 None None None 13.7706 11.9864 13.4074 14.6401 14.7329 14.3478 12.835 13.7756 14.8526 14.3334 14.8126 15.4006 15.3001 14.4401 14.1947 14.3254 14.269 14.5752 12.102 14.2188 14.3553 14.2971 12.4255 14.0831 11.7547 14.5493 14.9113 12.1464 14.3154 12.1844 14.4374 14.5469 O70362 Gpld1 13 24.937784 14756 + 24.937784 24.991935 glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1 6330541J12Rik; AW546131 None None None 15.2097 14.9327 15.0854 13.7398 15.5856 15.311 15.6375 14.7694 14.9187 14.9316 15.6409 15.3705 13.1045 14.4911 15.0395 16.5676 14.956 14.7407 13.0858 15.1642 14.8943 15.5743 15.1094 15.0757 15.1217 15.1152 15.289 14.9175 13.2121 13.3078 14.7767 14.8757 Q9D4H1 Exoc2 13 30.789515 66482 - 30.789515 30.974095 exocyst complex component 2 2410030I24Rik; AI648199; Sec5; Sec5l1 None None None 12.9478 12.9152 13.0513 13.4068 12.9688 13.2795 12.99 12.464 13.1567 13.0569 12.9343 12.5215 12.7341 13.1179 12.5309 12.9566 13.2033 12.9094 13.5753 13.3265 12.9156 12.7893 13.6309 13.0237 13.0441 13.4781 13.0121 12.8128 13.0164 13.2882 13.0958 13.3122 Q9CQN6 Tmem14c 13 41.016249 66154 + 41.016249 41.022581 transmembrane protein 14C 1110021D01Rik; AU020193; HSPC194 None None None 13.6814 13.8906 14.2994 13.9379 14.4274 14.242 14.1296 15.0614 14.0182 14.7768 14.027 14.019 14.6575 13.7979 14.4152 14.7668 14.5032 14.9099 11.7441 14.5504 14.8531 14.1577 13.7043 14.1021 13.6689 11.9291 15.281 14.5979 11.7722 13.5125 14.2643 11.5652 Q9CXD6 Mcur1 13 43.538405 76137 - 43.538405 43.560343 mitochondrial calcium uniporter regulator 1 6230416A05Rik; AU015498; AV136929; AW554392; C88263; Ccdc90a None None None 14.3633 14.7603 15.0878 14.6379 14.9908 14.7992 14.1875 14.2473 14.8238 14.4196 14.7922 14.5904 15.8462 14.5156 14.9045 15.186 14.8021 15.1689 15.2812 14.7196 15.9087 15.2902 15.6111 15.0719 15.612 14.5954 14.1727 15.4635 15.5059 15.1036 14.1886 14.0404 Q9CYT6 Cap2 13 46.501902 67252 + 46.501902 46.65028 CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein, 2 (yeast) 2810452G09Rik; AV045235 None None None 12.8906 14.8529 14.4758 12.1499 14.5223 14.3512 12.6529 12.2628 14.6529 12.3991 12.8854 13.3664 12.2877 12.0791 12.9858 12.2689 12.1585 13.2521 12.3552 13.4991 14.4363 14.1588 12.1639 12.5413 15.49 12.3991 11.9989 15.5282 12.3635 15.3713 13.4 12.2799 O55060 Tpmt 13 47.021986 22017 - 47.021986 47.043337 thiopurine methyltransferase AW106912 None None None 14.823 14.4711 15.1577 15.2603 14.0756 15.4459 15.3759 15.6325 14.3665 15.5906 13.9637 14.2733 14.2155 14.7265 14.145 15.4583 15.17 14.5966 14.7265 14.8268 14.5324 15.7205 15.2207 14.7724 13.7017 13.919 14.8291 14.0704 13.8745 14.8269 14.2934 14.9652 Q99MQ4 Aspn 13 49.544442 66695 + 49.544442 49.567564 asporin 4631401G09Rik; AA986886; Plap1; Slrr1c None None None 16.7087 17.904 17.3848 16.9635 17.0421 17.4926 17.8837 17.5045 18.6201 16.581 18.3674 16.6744 16.2827 17.9697 17.5927 17.1045 17.9635 17.0914 17.3054 17.343 18.4323 19.3522 17.2543 17.991 18.1686 16.2038 17.2005 18.0168 17.1867 17.2681 16.9376 17.0911 Q62000 Ogn 13 49.608014 18295 + 49.608014 49.6245 osteoglycin 3110079A16Rik; OG; OIF; SLRR3A; mimecan; mimican None None None 18.2157 17.4887 16.2791 17.359 17.5143 18.1961 17.9823 18.5783 17.6011 17.5183 18.8899 17.8638 16.8054 18.7096 17.6868 17.334 17.3431 18.008 17.3056 17.2668 18.5296 19.2591 17.7673 17.1133 17.8319 15.9167 18.1019 17.6139 17.1096 17.3403 17.6386 17.4696 Q9CY50 Ssr1 13 37.9714 107513 - 37.9714 37.994207 signal sequence receptor, alpha 2510001K09Rik; 6330400D04; AI159733; AI452176; SSR; TRAPA None None None 16.2435 16.3891 16.2903 16.4842 16.8457 16.5521 16.6279 16.7527 16.9889 16.5507 16.5824 16.7883 17.1974 16.8321 17.1119 16.2255 16.9173 16.6593 17.0161 16.746 16.083 16.6456 16.2736 16.6662 16.1844 16.1525 16.4635 16.3345 16.627 16.9944 16.5978 17.0698 Q922Q2 Riok1 13 38.036988 71340 + 38.036988 38.061432 RIO kinase 1 3110046C13Rik; 5430416A05Rik; Ad034 None None None 13.2071 12.4922 12.4725 11.4565 12.1716 12.3588 10.8335 11.9421 12.8387 12.0935 11.8637 12.245 14.6785 12.2419 12.1808 11.7119 12.0036 12.6285 12.1123 12.843 11.5215 11.536 12.9313 12.2999 11.5038 12.6433 11.665 11.7458 12.6789 11.6971 13.2324 12.2732 P12399 Ctla2a 13 60.934154 13024 - 60.934154 60.936624 cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 2 alpha Ctla-2a None None None 13.615 13.1458 14.0785 13.471 14.7757 13.0649 13.1408 13.1505 13.507 13.6394 14.8012 12.986 14.0534 11.5888 13.8234 12.2377 13.3847 13.6927 13.0739 13.9335 14.3547 13.5872 13.8588 14.7189 17.6776 13.7832 13.5371 13.9603 12.8875 12.8927 13.6496 13.0374 P70695 Fbp2 13 62.836883 14120 - 62.836883 62.858399 fructose bisphosphatase 2 Fbp-1; Fbp1; Rae-30 None None None 13.1785 14.8179 13.7081 13.2438 12.7636 13.2304 13.4207 13.2779 13.5941 13.0601 12.1493 13.5911 11.925 11.8485 12.9011 13.0478 13.682 13.0493 12.4383 12.896 15.7811 12.6873 13.6728 13.3696 12.9936 12.9656 12.7537 13.3105 12.265 13.1654 13.2714 12.5505 O35704 Sptlc1 13 53.332747 268656 - 53.332747 53.377416 serine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 1 AW552086; C77762; E030036H05; Lcb1; SPT1 None None None 14.5895 13.9703 14.2548 14.377 14.7158 14.4312 13.3231 14.0517 14.1027 14.1402 14.146 14.1533 15.0688 14.7902 14.2427 13.7093 14.2309 14.2314 14.9288 14.5437 13.4497 13.7478 14.1532 14.2457 14.3118 14.3552 13.5163 13.4649 14.6858 14.7718 14.1204 15.0121 Q9JKS5 Habp4 13 64.161865 56541 + 64.161865 64.186536 hyaluronic acid binding protein 4 4933413D03Rik; 4933428J01Rik None None None 13.1952 12.3098 12.7291 11.4442 12.1074 13.9111 11.6989 13.0425 11.8805 12.3499 11.9481 12.5212 12.8352 11.5239 12.9887 11.8943 12.6045 11.9687 12.3036 12.4978 14.5964 11.8675 9.55438 13.7638 11.6862 13.4418 11.4307 13.9605 12.8613 11.7431 12.6046 12.3788 Q99JR1 Sfxn1 13 54.071655 14057 + 54.071655 54.108345 sideroflexin 1 2810002O05Rik; A930015P12Rik; f None None None 16.4396 15.7441 17.4088 16.0978 16.4363 16.661 16.5667 16.6699 16.5984 16.409 17.0178 16.9914 17.6212 16.5848 16.6166 17.0434 16.4896 16.4653 16.5385 16.6001 17.3735 16.7311 16.4968 16.6337 17.8027 17.4568 16.6381 17.1185 17.6209 16.2039 16.5117 16.1164 P06797 Ctsl 13 64.361889 13039 - 64.361889 64.370771 cathepsin L 1190035F06Rik; CatL; Ctsl1; MEP; fs; nkt None None None 15.8167 15.0352 15.1979 15.6227 15.4685 15.3804 14.453 15.3644 14.8403 15.3105 15.117 16.6193 16.918 15.7184 15.234 15.1668 15.6357 15.5898 15.8475 15.2049 14.5702 14.9696 14.8433 15.2347 14.7305 14.9672 14.5482 14.6123 14.9714 16.0178 15.0305 15.4849 Q9DBH5 Lman2 13 55.343832 66890 - 55.343832 55.362782 lectin, mannose-binding 2 1110003H06Rik; 1300009F09Rik; AA408240; AL023023; AU040819; GP36B; VIP36 None None None 18.2826 17.8198 17.7132 17.7991 17.5815 17.8873 17.8763 17.7313 17.7235 17.8309 17.5913 18.0191 17.7046 17.9919 17.8081 17.4176 17.9963 17.8284 17.9661 17.9739 17.2318 17.4484 17.6693 18.1438 17.5008 17.7761 17.7217 17.7703 17.6746 17.9303 17.8138 17.8591 Q80YC5 F12 13 55.417957 58992 - 55.417957 55.426803 coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor) FXII; HAF None None None 12.4291 13.4686 12.7778 13.3235 14.3394 13.4256 14.6942 12.8168 13.6864 13.3365 13.8141 15.619 11.4746 12.1525 13.5159 14.9616 13.5534 12.7488 10.7454 14.3653 11.935 13.8243 14.4398 13.2615 14.5157 14.4864 13.4544 13.117 13.5921 12.6665 13.5868 13.5265 Q9CZL5 Pcbd2 13 55.727096 72562 + 55.727096 55.776829 pterin 4 alpha carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha (TCF1) 2 2700061N24Rik; Dcoh2; Dcohm None None None 12.4609 13.9553 13.6635 13.6307 13.5585 13.9342 13.8547 14.0065 13.7889 13.5105 13.7292 13.5426 13.7758 13.7697 13.8693 13.6153 13.7379 13.7162 13.899 13.6715 14.1739 13.6647 13.7217 13.7259 14.0368 13.6109 13.2848 13.7856 14.1557 13.6439 13.6248 13.7555 Q6P6J9 Txndc15 13 55.714649 69672 + 55.714649 55.726226 thioredoxin domain containing 15 2310047H23Rik; AI854086; C5orf14; UNQ335 None None None 13.7769 13.4796 13.3519 13.2193 12.6819 13.4837 12.9339 13.4405 13.0799 13.0917 13.0112 13.0922 12.9313 13.2981 13.0138 13.1076 13.2396 13.2682 13.3749 13.4601 12.7245 12.6089 12.9516 13.5863 12.9716 13.4444 13.2788 13.4232 13.3922 13.3733 13.4573 13.5542 Q9CQB4 Uqcrb 13 66.900575 67530 - 66.900575 66.905349 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein 2210415M14Rik; QP-C; QPC; UQBC; UQBP; UQPC None None None 16.0784 17.2735 18.2123 17.1774 17.2721 17.0099 16.9816 17.4874 17.294 17.1508 17.3016 17.6843 17.7645 16.6897 17.3532 17.9567 17.2572 17.0268 16.8793 17.8091 19.3214 17.8481 17.3538 17.3386 18.0351 17.7049 17.5278 18.2388 17.7944 17.0721 17.4362 16.5777 P12815 Pdcd6 13 74.30312 18570 - 74.30312 74.317325 programmed cell death 6 AV299538; Alg2; MA-3; PS2; alg-2 None None None 16.0108 16.6979 16.4984 16.6778 16.5525 16.4992 16.9338 16.3586 16.791 16.6026 16.5666 16.3577 16.4283 16.6453 16.5654 16.2291 16.5233 16.3846 16.7071 16.531 16.2163 16.492 16.5756 16.4923 16.5256 16.8072 16.2168 16.171 16.8917 16.6079 16.5808 16.8917 Q8K2B3 Sdha 13 74.322254 66945 - 74.322254 74.350239 succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A, flavoprotein (Fp) 1500032O14Rik; 2310034D06Rik; 4921513A11; C81073; FP; SDH2; SDHF None None None 18.3829 18.5324 19.7379 18.3943 18.2845 18.4842 18.4734 18.3834 18.6342 18.3298 18.491 18.3644 19.5821 18.1269 18.1763 19.0161 18.4888 18.229 18.8035 18.9452 20.5971 18.9874 18.6891 18.5829 19.4048 19.2969 18.3943 19.1613 18.8923 18.3911 18.7649 18.4862 Q9QUH0 Glrx 13 75.839884 93692 + 75.839884 75.85015 glutaredoxin C86710; D13Wsu156e; Glrx1; Grx1; TTase None None None 14.7996 14.5874 15.506 15.9747 15.1788 14.7569 13.5412 15.2078 15.4012 14.6035 13.9501 15.297 16.93 14.2485 14.1074 15.3182 13.947 14.2792 14.5313 14.2392 14.4355 14.8438 15.0687 13.2097 15.406 15.0943 13.2451 12.2494 15.0253 14.5502 14.4106 14.3299 Q8BXA5 Clptm1l 13 73.604001 218335 + 73.604001 73.620638 CLPTM1-like C130052I12Rik; Crr9 None None None 14.3984 13.3275 13.2306 13.2146 13.3845 13.9854 13.5648 13.4899 13.6309 13.2498 14.0055 13.2111 13.9389 13.4097 13.7508 13.1957 13.1485 13.449 13.1794 13.5313 11.4067 13.9669 13.0775 13.4929 13.2501 12.6373 12.9291 12.9425 13.0842 13.9253 13.2437 13.5103 Q62059 Vcan 13 89.655308 13003 - 89.655308 89.743026 versican 5430420N07Rik; 9430051N09; Cspg2; DPEAAE; NG2; PG-M; PG-M(V0); PG-M(V1); hdf None None None 13.6309 14.1988 11.7985 13.5533 12.8369 14.9125 14.4787 13.8311 14.1156 13.6318 14.4628 12.1753 12.0613 14.163 13.6707 12.9773 14.2759 13.8094 13.3862 12.7201 15.2298 15.0179 11.929 14.2752 13.9189 12.5112 14.2886 14.6098 12.253 14.3452 13.7039 14.35 Q6P8J7 Ckmt2 13 91.853385 76722 - 91.853385 91.876922 creatine kinase, mitochondrial 2 2300008A19Rik; ScCKmit None None None 12.915 15.993 13.6863 12.136 12.5059 12.2301 12.7695 12.8186 13.4569 12.2988 12.899 12.3358 12.3774 12.7592 12.5357 12.5717 12.8881 12.2873 12.3533 12.8675 13.2234 12.83 12.0398 12.3629 13.3807 12.2322 12.0176 12.3297 13.0717 12.7579 12.464 12.5001 Q62192 Cd180 13 102.693546 17079 + 102.693546 102.70663 CD180 antigen F630107B15; Ly-78; Ly78; RP105 None None None 14.1627 12.9907 12.4328 13.8315 14.41 12.4949 12.3852 13.4821 13.8203 12.9875 12.2695 14.5726 15.4784 14.984 13.6502 12.3398 14.2879 13.328 15.2878 14.8608 12.2825 12.2754 13.5824 13.0081 12.6033 12.9083 12.2064 12.4156 15.1929 14.9599 13.4761 15.6004 Q64152 Btf3 13 98.309896 218490 - 98.309896 98.317005 basic transcription factor 3 1700054E11Rik None None None 14.1751 12.8266 12.5611 13.1593 13.6403 12.6651 12.4451 13.8478 13.2212 13.406 12.4895 13.1581 16.0131 13.4011 13.8891 13.4487 13.3785 13.6996 13.9623 14.0134 12.1641 12.8189 12.7076 13.4158 12.9206 12.4293 13.5544 13.1269 12.9073 14.06 13.3179 13.1236 P20060 Hexb 13 97.17633 15212 - 97.17633 97.198356 hexosaminidase B None None None 16.6395 15.0922 15.7536 15.687 16.337 15.3168 15.2123 15.1233 15.7609 15.1804 14.8213 16.3869 17.6206 16.4929 15.78 15.4981 15.8944 15.6777 16.3101 16.1976 15.2352 15.1868 15.485 15.0922 16.0606 15.9772 14.5495 14.266 16.6278 16.1846 15.4567 16.6175 Q8K021 Scamp1 13 94.201309 107767 - 94.201309 94.28583 secretory carrier membrane protein 1 4930505M11Rik; AI415563; AW122395 None None None 14.1514 13.669 13.5132 13.6622 14.0451 13.9394 13.7605 13.7489 13.7577 13.9151 13.9712 13.1633 13.9044 14.269 14.0698 13.57 13.8854 14.0797 13.7287 13.7429 14.127 14.0261 13.6692 13.88 13.8892 13.5168 14.1872 13.7619 13.4754 13.8119 13.6562 13.386 P28740 Kif2a 13 106.958995 16563 - 106.958995 107.022354 kinesin family member 2A C530030B14Rik; Kif2; Kns2; M-kinesin None None None 12.5544 13.3863 13.9671 13.5153 13.7472 13.9445 13.6429 13.8691 13.6757 13.4251 11.6577 13.3321 14.9482 13.642 13.1602 12.5633 13.7263 13.6384 13.5561 13.8785 12.2667 13.4602 13.6393 13.2188 13.5314 13.5085 13.795 13.8046 13.6556 11.6899 13.5675 13.939 Q8CEC6 Ppwd1 13 104.203593 238831 - 104.203593 104.228843 peptidylprolyl isomerase domain and WD repeat containing 1 4632422M10Rik; A330090G21Rik None None None 15.9806 12.6233 14.0937 12.2485 14.8927 15.9149 12.579 12.2597 13.7278 13.4793 15.7939 12.9661 15.3572 16.6048 14.4103 12.8241 15.6734 16.4862 11.3737 12.4382 15.7623 15.6847 11.8191 12.8641 15.7304 12.0791 16.4868 16.2741 16.8252 17.3874 15.1655 13.2139 Q3TKY6 Cwc27 13 104.631139 67285 - 104.631139 104.817109 CWC27 spliceosome-associated protein 3110009E13Rik; NY-CO-10; Sdccag10 None None None 12.3872 12.1702 11.3074 11.3593 11.1637 11.7642 12.485 10.9181 11.5255 12.0041 11.0898 12.1635 12.1782 10.4746 11.5164 12.2896 11.8534 10.9647 11.684 11.0348 11.4645 11.0558 11.4907 11.5066 12.4977 12.1731 10.9166 11.9523 12.999 10.8702 11.8176 11.2724 P21995 Emb 13 117.220572 13723 + 117.220572 117.274414 embigin AL022799; Gp70 None None None 12.2762 14.1787 14.6095 13.9969 14.1941 13.8414 14.517 14.9573 13.3646 15.045 12.9473 12.9123 13.2893 13.0281 14.6106 13.9675 14.922 14.6438 15.239 14.9793 15.7447 14.8484 13.6456 14.1147 12.7776 12.4424 14.024 14.8555 12.6295 15.4872 14.5695 13.0745 Q99JI4 Psmd6 14 14.112184 66413 - 14.112184 14.120944 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 6 2400006A19Rik None None None 16.4662 16.0077 15.8606 16.0174 16.1807 16.0146 15.8603 16.0328 16.0184 16.0914 15.912 16.1171 16.6289 16.1691 16.286 15.3789 16.1221 16.083 16.2499 15.9041 15.691 15.9194 15.8584 16.1042 15.8416 15.9275 15.9705 16.1343 15.9992 16.3381 16.0561 16.1324 Q05909 Ptprg 14 11.553439 19270 + 11.553439 12.24204 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, G 5430405N12Rik; AW046354; AW549872; RPTPgamma None None None 12.6559 13.0028 12.3932 13.1907 13.3801 12.952 12.9884 12.9994 13.0022 12.9831 13.33 13.7323 11.8769 13.0735 13.0255 13.0182 12.8825 13.318 11.871 12.1669 12.4546 12.9864 13.1589 11.91 12.7369 12.3143 13.6584 13.3317 13.0383 12.1906 12.7609 12.0697 Q9D051 Pdhb 14 8.16599 68263 - 8.16599 8.173302 pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) beta 2610103L06Rik; AL024199; C81408 None None None 19.2966 18.9787 20.376 18.8961 18.8694 19.2195 19.0644 19.0072 19.1809 18.9215 19.2515 18.9607 20.3532 18.7679 18.9071 19.7377 19.1442 18.9148 19.2172 19.6709 21.4565 19.3186 19.2449 19.1328 20.2513 20.2579 19.5338 20.0231 19.5884 19.1775 19.2432 18.6824 Q9CZU3 Skiv2l2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9CZU3 None None None 15.533 17.2833 17.121 16.8037 17.0818 17.1134 17.5138 17.1911 17.0077 16.9553 17.0347 16.3299 16.9982 16.4454 17.2157 16.6367 17.2078 16.871 17.2006 16.7452 16.3629 17.023 17.0494 16.8541 17.1143 17.0639 17.2889 16.8252 17.003 16.9818 17.0813 17.3737 Q9CXZ1 Ndufs4 13 114.287794 17993 - 114.287794 114.388093 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S4 6720411N02Rik; C1-18k None None None 16.4122 15.3445 16.622 15.7012 15.7699 15.6815 15.5193 15.8556 15.7016 15.4928 16.0314 15.9158 16.679 15.9099 15.7957 16.2785 15.569 15.0586 15.012 15.9332 18.0184 16.5742 15.7336 15.5684 16.35 15.9208 16.0174 16.6479 15.97 15.2478 15.9199 14.8759 Q60930 Vdac2 14 21.83156 22334 + 21.83156 21.845878 voltage-dependent anion channel 2 Vdac6; mVDAC2; mVDAC6 None None None 18.8913 18.1553 18.6458 18.6543 18.7241 18.4059 18.0412 18.7444 18.5338 18.4998 18.2621 19.2269 19.013 18.7078 18.6807 18.7242 18.6164 18.5955 18.1977 18.6206 19.2137 18.48 18.4733 18.4545 18.529 17.6458 18.7114 18.5129 18.9061 18.5742 18.4345 17.852 Q9JI78 Ngly1 14 16.249313 59007 + 16.249313 16.311925 N-glycanase 1 1110002C09Rik; PNGase; Png1 None None None 12.3478 13.3994 13.0669 13.2457 12.5339 13.0157 13.0796 12.901 12.9739 13.2464 12.9286 12.7736 11.9744 12.7362 12.7913 12.9069 12.9866 12.8365 12.8903 12.8736 12.4027 13.1075 13.4529 12.8304 12.9242 13.2657 12.9594 12.9616 12.4491 12.5217 13.055 12.2587 Q9D404 Oxsm 14 16.238651 71147 - 16.238651 16.249807 3-oxoacyl-ACP synthase, mitochondrial 4933425A18Rik; C80494 None None None 13.9809 14.1232 14.4785 14.121 13.8644 13.952 13.8962 14.0581 13.9473 14.0661 14.2061 12.2437 14.4923 14.0113 13.8939 14.4278 13.8391 14.1451 14.0544 14.2725 14.5036 14.0957 14.1634 13.9288 14.4709 14.8066 14.0637 14.1814 14.4082 13.9026 14.1994 14.1532 Q9CYH2 Fam213a Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9CYH2 None None None 19.6216 19.6904 19.9251 20.0683 19.2227 19.9602 19.891 19.7716 19.6175 20.073 19.7108 19.3668 17.598 20.0037 19.5425 19.5725 19.8824 19.7704 19.4158 20.0844 19.304 19.4075 19.815 20.4147 19.2167 19.9783 19.7255 19.539 19.7562 19.6834 19.7959 19.8685 P26443 Glud1 14 34.310726 14661 + 34.310726 34.345032 glutamate dehydrogenase 1 AI118167; Gdh-X; Glud; Gludl None None None 19.107 18.9093 19.3775 19.0676 19.3128 19.2999 19.3809 19.1352 19.1903 19.3064 18.7659 18.9903 19.3441 18.9495 19.3596 19.0808 19.336 19.031 19.4048 19.434 18.9677 19.1269 19.2748 19.1825 19.0544 19.5009 18.9877 18.9012 19.4752 19.357 19.2311 19.5525 Q7TQF0 Nid2 14 19.751256 18074 + 19.751256 19.811786 nidogen 2 AW547149; Ly111; NID-2; entactin-2; nidogen-2 None None None 18.3853 18.546 17.1723 19.1222 17.9303 17.966 18.3789 18.166 17.6898 18.3434 18.3376 18.8111 15.4212 18.7066 17.8316 17.874 17.7263 18.4158 17.6689 17.6244 17.8301 17.7045 18.7039 18.3489 17.6745 16.7131 18.3448 18.336 17.8358 17.7006 18.025 17.8302 Q91WN1 Dnajc9 14 20.384637 108671 - 20.384637 20.388909 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C9 5330419I01Rik; AU020082 None None None 12.6276 11.449 12.441 12.3146 13.6592 12.9324 11.5296 13.32 13.2064 13.8007 11.6453 12.2806 16.3207 11.7047 13.0577 12.1725 11.4959 12.6284 13.2823 13.7679 12.4198 11.8831 12.6864 11.8148 14.2758 13.3436 12.8057 12.9076 12.0437 14.1599 12.671 13.5154 Q3UHH1 Zswim8 14 20.706276 268721 + 20.706276 20.723618 zinc finger SWIM-type containing 8 2310021P13Rik; 4832404P21Rik; Kiaa0913; mKIAA0913 None None None 12.5232 12.9181 12.4192 13.1187 13.1163 13.4679 13.5551 12.4511 12.9259 12.8332 13.4184 12.0952 13.2699 13.3481 12.8944 12.3473 12.9795 13.2972 13.0798 13.0468 11.3962 12.9361 13.16 13.2209 12.759 13.4247 12.9886 11.884 11.3909 12.8191 12.8302 13.2348 Q64727 Vcl 14 20.929382 22330 + 20.929382 21.033675 vinculin 9430097D22; AA571387; AI462105; AW545629 None None None 20.0293 19.737 19.6456 19.8633 19.7785 19.932 20.0704 20.001 19.8716 19.9672 20.111 19.8974 18.0648 19.7662 19.7449 19.4735 19.4908 19.7977 19.782 19.5202 20.1835 19.9703 20.1167 19.7202 19.4411 19.5126 19.6915 19.4949 19.6211 19.5973 19.894 19.8333 D3Z7P6 Txndc16 14 45.134447 70561 - 45.134447 45.21955 thioredoxin domain containing 16 5730420B22Rik; C77647 None None None 12.492 11.5783 10.8649 12.3296 12.0419 10.9936 9.71698 12.3955 11.2545 12.1317 10.7138 12.7019 12.4672 11.4756 11.4504 12.0512 11.8017 11.9647 10.3148 11.1639 11.5678 11.8178 11.323 8.65531 10.6725 10.7849 12.4418 11.6846 9.83241 11.9513 11.2063 9.62373 P62334 Psmc6 14 45.329822 67089 + 45.329822 45.349073 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 6 2300001E01Rik; AI451058 None None None 16.3066 15.8966 15.824 15.9823 15.8834 15.9208 15.9016 15.7712 15.9345 15.9491 15.866 15.6207 16.4885 15.9108 15.8518 15.8306 15.9349 15.8624 16.0534 15.9234 15.6169 15.8429 15.9042 15.753 15.7202 15.984 15.7764 15.7412 15.8491 16.0336 15.8242 15.8364 Q9JJH1 Rnase4 14 51.091076 58809 + 51.091076 51.10615 ribonuclease, RNase A family 4 C730049F20Rik; Rab1 None None None 13.1937 13.4812 13.9245 14.8518 13.0431 13.4302 11.7781 13.0368 14.5702 13.0349 13.2779 12.5912 13.5571 13.4312 12.719 13.3663 12.9885 12.3041 13.4852 13.3849 12.4556 14.8981 14.6588 12.7445 14.4103 14.7125 12.4713 12.1321 12.4448 12.8325 13.3666 13.5803 P61750 Arf4 14 26.638133 11843 + 26.638133 26.656841 ADP-ribosylation factor 4 AA407803 None None None 18.1995 17.9484 17.5147 17.9236 18.058 17.96 17.8191 17.9485 17.7001 18.022 17.9156 17.3633 17.6042 17.8931 18.0668 17.7557 18.0283 17.9793 18.05 17.8695 17.1819 17.4934 17.5669 17.9755 17.4121 17.304 17.8001 17.7175 17.4657 18.2991 17.8556 17.9918 Q9R1S8 Capn7 14 31.336621 12339 + 31.336621 31.371986 calpain 7 AU022319; PalBH None None None 14.3371 13.4324 13.689 13.6673 13.9741 13.9945 13.8428 14.1419 14.034 14.0237 13.7804 13.8372 14.4466 13.9738 14.0817 13.682 13.8606 14.2693 14.5382 14.1907 13.1709 13.959 13.9261 13.811 13.0176 13.8129 14.0902 13.6882 12.0556 14.4448 13.9445 14.8862 O35344 Kpna3 14 61.365185 16648 - 61.365185 61.439946 karyopherin (importin) alpha 3 IPOA4 None None None 15.151 14.7814 14.605 14.7607 14.8586 14.7554 14.6911 14.5127 14.8195 14.7118 14.5147 14.7233 15.302 14.9 14.7354 14.2816 14.8887 14.7112 14.8477 14.7708 14.3273 14.5838 14.7564 14.5242 14.3696 14.4158 14.5224 14.3077 14.6726 14.9766 14.6808 14.9584 Q3TFQ1 Spryd7 14 61.53185 66674 - 61.53185 61.556885 SPRY domain containing 7 6330409N04Rik; Clld6 None None None 12.0856 12.2888 12.1822 12.4159 12.0188 12.2832 12.9551 11.8464 12.195 12.3006 12.0764 11.8732 12.0636 12.4288 12.255 12.0879 12.4834 12.4704 13.3395 11.915 12.3108 11.7562 12.2877 12.1112 11.6827 13.0423 12.0958 12.591 12.0897 11.8065 12.4324 12.2006 Q8R326 Pspc1 14 56.72244 66645 - 56.72244 56.778317 paraspeckle protein 1 5730470C09Rik; AI327109; AI449052; PSP1 None None None 14.8417 15.1713 12.441 15.3171 15.7947 16.3311 15.3005 15.5366 16.0687 15.2387 15.6276 15.4426 17.0466 15.4493 15.7331 13.427 16.0244 15.2592 11.3738 13.9807 12.3383 15.4975 15.2738 15.0005 15.8145 15.2907 14.8198 15.376 15.3887 15.3328 13.511 15.5009 Q99KP3 Cryl1 14 57.275033 68631 - 57.275033 57.398482 crystallin, lambda 1 1110025H08Rik; A230106J09Rik; C85932; gul3dh None None None 16.395 15.2535 15.6814 15.2634 15.6578 15.6159 15.7399 15.8531 15.2588 15.188 15.8531 15.6002 16.1422 15.6215 15.8638 15.7832 15.5119 15.7 15.6123 14.6552 15.3884 15.8386 15.5012 15.5226 15.9811 15.7273 15.3796 15.389 15.5237 15.5983 15.5364 15.8319 O35640 Anxa8 14 34.085978 11752 + 34.085978 34.10057 annexin A8 AI466995; Anx8 None None None 12.3545 13.4507 13.5871 12.757 12.5046 15.2716 12.6538 14.0382 12.7082 13.8843 12.1345 12.2945 12.1588 13.0388 13.4216 12.5667 14.2721 12.4785 11.6495 12.1733 12.4747 14.5819 14.0064 14.0754 13.0596 13.161 12.8592 12.0066 12.1602 13.4968 13.5099 12.0182 Q8CD10 Micu2 14 57.916279 68514 - 57.916279 57.999295 mitochondrial calcium uptake 2 1110008L20Rik; 4833427E09Rik; AU041871; Efha1; Smhs2 None None None 13.487 12.2289 12.8024 12.7405 13.1225 12.9949 12.5295 12.6688 13.1422 13.0004 12.5926 12.0651 13.0814 13.3966 12.7582 12.4588 13.1395 13.0069 13.4156 13.0913 12.2912 12.7578 12.6402 12.6914 12.4052 12.0201 12.4061 12.0885 12.4844 13.2756 12.6216 13.4382 Q9DB16 Cab39l 14 59.440933 69008 + 59.440933 59.548903 calcium binding protein 39-like 1500031K13Rik; 2810425O13Rik; 4930520C08Rik; AA589432; MO2L None None None 12.5662 13.0028 13.1856 13.1172 12.6254 12.5834 13.0247 13.0541 13.1585 13.2286 12.8732 12.4851 12.2452 12.1779 12.8701 13.2697 13.0523 12.5869 13.1579 13.0501 12.9142 13.125 13.3819 13.0631 12.8263 11.54 13.1724 13.0311 11.765 12.7051 12.856 12.7207 Q8VE11 Mtmr6 14 60.265179 219135 + 60.265179 60.30237 myotubularin related protein 6 4022440C11Rik; AI428804; AU041072 None None None 11.8312 12.2557 12.1927 11.9698 19.3745 12.1671 12.0229 11.9697 12.2124 14.0085 12.0579 12.4318 16.6465 12.3946 14.0489 12.3927 14.4347 12.2799 12.6962 12.8591 11.9733 12.2651 12.4503 18.7348 12.4372 12.3637 11.5246 12.0863 12.3625 12.0017 12.3265 12.8116 Q9R0P3 Esd 14 74.73215 13885 + 74.73215 74.750764 esterase D/formylglutathione hydrolase Es-10; Es10; FGH; sid478 None None None 17.71 17.6457 17.6215 18.1129 17.4124 17.574 17.6408 17.2547 17.7203 17.3585 16.7735 16.607 17.8985 17.3948 16.9837 17.1406 17.6597 17.4013 18.1757 17.6586 16.2626 17.7895 17.9672 17.0019 17.8004 17.8752 17.1191 16.2656 17.3663 18.2188 17.4414 17.8444 Q9JHH6 Cpb2 14 75.242286 56373 + 75.242286 75.283554 carboxypeptidase B2 (plasma) 1110032P04Rik; 4930405E17Rik; AI255929; CPR; Cpu; TAFI None None None 13.1667 12.1945 12.9653 12.7373 13.4688 13.1022 13.6071 12.1743 12.6516 12.0383 13.4248 14.5242 11.6472 13.6312 12.9388 14.8439 12.7332 13.0442 11.8779 13.3571 12.9595 13.4847 13.7573 12.5916 14.2147 14.743 12.383 11.6538 11.6211 12.724 12.8533 12.4659 Q9DBX1 Rgcc 14 79.288749 66214 - 79.288749 79.301634 regulator of cell cycle 1190002H23Rik; Rgc-32; Rgc32 None None None 12.0778 16.209 15.0925 15.6776 15.2043 15.2989 15.7905 15.059 15.1964 16.2311 14.448 14.2198 12.2212 14.0553 14.5953 15.2388 15.4165 15.7033 15.3241 15.1862 13.9421 15.0078 16.0502 15.4148 14.3048 14.4783 16.5054 15.1025 14.6807 15.6329 15.3505 14.1969 Q9CZX0 Elp3 14 65.530445 74195 - 65.530445 65.593111 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 3 2610507P14Rik; KAT9 None None None 12.5149 13.1788 12.504 12.9509 13.7954 13.0135 12.8971 13.5979 12.9322 12.7997 13.0274 12.8246 14.1403 13.234 13.2158 12.512 13.0552 14.4069 13.2825 13.6664 12.5043 12.9504 12.8948 13.2502 12.6401 12.9625 13.135 13.7612 13.1083 13.0152 13.146 13.2027 Q8K299 Scara5 14 65.666402 71145 + 65.666402 65.764825 scavenger receptor class A, member 5 4932433F15Rik; 4933425F03Rik; AV278087; Tesr None None None 12.5643 12.196 13.4119 13.3315 13.2494 12.9535 13.4775 13.3305 13.3923 12.7493 13.4021 12.4732 12.0162 12.8901 12.3101 12.9053 12.6254 12.8037 13.4746 12.183 12.6941 13.6154 12.9711 12.1233 12.263 13.9948 12.4349 12.7282 12.0247 12.9859 12.6498 12.0095 Q78PG9 Ccdc25 14 65.837301 67179 + 65.837301 65.866603 coiled-coil domain containing 25 2610528H13Rik; NSrp70 None None None 12.9404 12.8266 12.3841 13.0849 12.8407 12.3618 12.8103 13.3136 13.3132 12.7596 13.0712 13.3942 14.4232 12.2138 12.7285 12.8807 12.7748 12.062 13.5525 12.2635 12.1584 12.7575 13.0745 12.8069 13.2294 13.0141 12.3713 11.7027 12.8639 13.0681 12.5192 12.3773 Q06890 Clu 14 65.968482 12759 + 65.968482 65.981547 clusterin AI893575; ApoJ; Cli; D14Ucla3; SP-40; Sgp-2; Sgp2; Sugp-2 None None None 16.6494 16.2467 16.6071 16.4743 17.1966 16.6146 16.8998 16.2247 16.3984 16.5036 16.8342 17.5217 16.5386 16.8555 16.6871 17.3052 16.3169 16.5924 16.1534 16.3669 16.1888 16.5027 16.6172 16.3601 17.4029 18.5307 16.2235 16.291 16.2427 16.4921 16.2317 16.4159 Q3UDE9 Ptk2b 14 66.153256 19229 - 66.153256 66.281099 PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta CADTK; CAKB; CAKbeta; E430023O05Rik; FADK2; FAK2; PYK2; Raftk None None None 13.2262 14.0641 12.3297 12.1549 13.2928 12.6409 12.2249 12.2601 12.834 13.1246 12.6133 13.4472 15.1499 14.7093 12.9038 12.0984 13.0233 12.5026 14.4471 12.4553 11.9943 12.111 13.3429 12.7007 12.2121 12.5037 12.8226 12.2459 12.8054 14.787 12.8751 13.8949 O08553 Dpysl2 14 66.802863 12934 - 66.802863 66.91104 dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 AI851130; Crmp2; DRP2; Musunc33; TOAD-64; Ulip2 None None None 19.5675 18.9537 19.037 18.8659 19.3861 19.2333 19.4233 19.2302 19.4171 19.0593 19.2879 19.223 19.6565 19.5118 19.3071 18.7344 19.2939 19.2975 19.4248 19.1735 19.5234 19.1815 18.8034 19.2731 19.0355 18.8686 19.171 19.1507 19.1139 19.5025 19.1038 19.5411 Q9Z2F7 Bnip3l 14 66.985237 12177 - 66.985237 67.008876 BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3-like C86132; D14Ertd719e; Nip3L; Nix None None None 12.6678 11.6818 11.8909 12.5852 12.6117 12.2008 12.9733 12.1576 11.1352 12.0909 11.4126 12.5133 11.8371 12.0594 12.211 12.778 11.6642 12.2462 11.7681 10.1507 12.48 11.8675 12.9192 11.582 12.9861 11.6848 12.6348 10.3381 11.7204 12.8841 11.1981 11.8434 P08551 Nefl 14 68.083862 18039 + 68.083862 68.089094 neurofilament, light polypeptide AI847934; CMT2E; NF-L; NF68; Nfl None None None 12.1547 13.0468 14.7767 11.5748 11.7735 12.2008 13.071 12.8811 12.7571 12.0041 12.3852 12.379 12.8097 12.4445 12.4998 12.0741 12.8911 12.2462 12.3919 12.1977 16.7009 13.1074 11.9466 12.5546 17.0953 12.3886 11.8691 14.0527 12.7835 12.9523 12.7785 12.8159 Q9R1Z8 Sorbs3 14 70.180467 20410 - 70.180467 70.212022 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3 SCAM-1; SH3P3; Sh3d4; vinexin-g None None None 13.1121 14.1801 13.6987 13.9616 13.6675 13.7733 13.8025 13.73 13.8474 14.2162 13.5998 12.4721 12.414 13.5803 13.4979 12.8332 13.3888 13.6973 12.7435 13.2304 13.5448 13.8184 14.1972 12.8261 14.3529 12.9115 14.3079 13.6089 13.4067 12.8019 13.7921 12.5339 Q9WV69 Dmtn 14 70.602183 13829 - 70.602183 70.636047 dematin actin binding protein AI325486; Epb4.9; Epb49; dematin None None None 12.9099 12.7345 12.441 11.6624 11.7202 12.1312 12.9507 12.1743 11.7481 13.788 12.835 11.903 12.7221 12.3569 13.0491 12.9703 13.6001 12.0857 12.4795 12.9225 11.7676 12.4645 11.4972 12.6656 12.1946 12.7316 15.817 12.2554 12.6959 11.3635 12.04 12.4042 Q9EPK7 Xpo7 14 70.662125 65246 - 70.662125 70.770863 exportin 7 4930506C02Rik; BB164534; Ranbp16; exp7 None None None 14.1853 15.0986 15.1336 15.2409 15.1995 15.103 15.1397 14.0301 14.1266 14.8528 14.6347 15.717 14.3606 13.124 13.9226 14.9035 13.9967 15.2006 15.5551 15.4126 14.689 13.8868 14.8868 15.4284 15.0305 15.481 14.7917 14.8163 13.2409 13.6048 15.1029 15.6955 O89051 Itm2b 14 73.362225 16432 - 73.362225 73.385288 integral membrane protein 2B AI256040; Bri; Bri2; Bricd2b; D14Sel6; E25BMM; imBRI2 None None None 14.1585 14.1611 13.3462 14.2696 14.3278 14.06 14.1131 14.1342 13.9536 14.2435 13.7054 14.1981 13.8037 14.0227 14.0388 13.948 14.4186 14.4308 14.264 14.2838 13.4357 14.0654 13.9982 13.6728 13.1649 13.1748 14.322 13.8308 12.9628 14.7491 14.1394 14.0885 Q91YW3 Dnajc3 14 118.937931 100037258 + 118.937931 118.981701 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C3 AA408985; AU067833; Dnajc3a; Dnajc3b; Prkri; mp58; p58; p58IPK None None None 15.754 15.4714 15.6258 15.4451 15.6864 15.8522 15.7092 15.5439 15.803 15.5195 15.2795 14.8452 16.9199 15.8109 15.7374 15.36 15.9961 15.6088 15.9969 15.8442 15.0919 15.5093 15.3589 15.6521 15.4003 15.6261 15.5026 15.4445 15.6413 15.8349 15.6924 15.7442 P06683 C9 15 6.445345 12279 + 6.445345 6.498824 complement component 9 None None None 15.2418 13.428 14.6662 14.93 14.6672 14.8784 15.0664 13.4624 14.3833 15.4605 14.4045 15.0409 13.6784 14.9194 14.9502 15.6171 14.8969 15.6155 13.2253 15.5363 14.71 14.418 15.3296 15.2324 15.0073 15.7675 15.966 13.2688 13.764 14.9075 15.0131 14.0177 P61804 Dad1 14 54.235484 13135 - 54.235484 54.253928 defender against cell death 1 AI323713 None None None 16.8297 16.6472 16.7081 16.5976 16.925 16.2602 16.8381 16.857 16.9572 16.5422 16.6985 17.1778 17.3294 16.8732 17.0893 16.4553 16.8068 16.7904 17.0459 16.8792 16.3955 16.6211 16.5207 16.7862 16.3806 16.8626 16.4761 16.4796 17.2295 16.9996 16.7086 17.1454 Q8CHQ0 Fbxo4 15 3.963563 106052 - 3.963563 3.979572 F-box protein 4 1700096C12Rik; AI851261; AW494535; Fbx4 None None None 12.1541 14.653 13.9426 14.876 14.7943 14.6591 14.0355 14.3657 14.2985 13.9583 14.0798 12.047 13.3814 14.5275 13.8977 13.2371 14.6715 14.6989 13.9568 14.0872 13.5335 14.531 14.4044 14.0769 13.7221 14.2015 14.348 14.7667 13.9778 14.5366 14.3861 14.7296 Q9JIX8 Acin1 14 54.64216 56215 - 54.64216 54.686964 apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 2610036I19Rik; 2610510L13Rik; Acinus; Acn; C79325; acinusL; acinusS; mKIAA0670 None None None 13.0771 12.8382 13.1569 13.0739 13.2929 12.6714 12.9207 13.1126 13.1056 12.9742 12.8337 12.4313 15.0648 13.5855 12.3953 12.5298 12.6531 13.0316 13.2547 12.8566 13.2129 12.5572 12.2637 12.9815 12.9559 13.1683 13.0068 13.4045 12.9746 12.9772 12.7573 13.1257 P70345 Bcl2l2 14 54.883365 12050 + 54.883365 54.890857 BCL2-like 2 AW048834; Bcl-w; Gtrgal2; Gtrosa41; bclw; c98 None None None 12.6581 13.9666 13.2032 13.6902 12.6746 13.6099 13.8899 12.9756 13.2588 13.5929 13.4129 12.5424 11.7232 13.7688 12.6207 13.2385 12.9342 13.72 13.9359 12.6957 13.361 13.02 13.6337 13.5361 12.8906 11.7138 13.659 13.1773 13.1002 12.9437 13.618 13.211 P11031 Sub1 15 11.981335 20024 - 11.981335 11.996037 SUB1 homolog, transcriptional regulator AI842364; P15; P9; Pc4; Rpo2tc1 None None None 17.1596 16.2585 16.5875 16.277 17.671 16.2218 16.2951 16.7968 17.27 16.5749 16.388 17.2275 20.107 16.6236 17.3068 15.9725 16.4767 16.3002 16.8175 16.6128 16.0018 15.8931 16.6183 16.8286 17.2954 16.6131 16.2503 16.0965 16.662 16.7635 16.3937 17.1474 Q9D2U3 Dhrs4 14 55.47874 28200 + 55.47874 55.490339 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 4 AI043103; AI790593; CR; D14Ucla2; NDRD; PHCR; PSCD; RRD; mouNRDR None None None 17.6137 17.0614 17.3558 16.7589 16.4452 16.564 16.5608 16.3953 16.6678 17.1181 16.5289 16.5902 16.8357 16.569 16.9155 16.9618 16.8556 16.9328 16.174 16.7525 17.7334 16.7442 17.3936 16.9121 16.8532 16.3284 17.5648 17.1997 16.7173 15.2669 16.5138 15.4646 A4QPC5 Cma1 14 55.94145 17228 - 55.94145 55.944674 chymase 1, mast cell MMCP-5; Mcp-5; Mcp5; Mcpt5 None None None 19.4097 13.8233 15.2735 15.9379 15.2945 15.2896 13.219 14.6856 14.182 13.2972 16.831 16.7976 17.8778 18.9168 14.2596 14.7771 14.3236 17.8107 12.4088 14.1522 17.4685 15.711 13.2669 14.6596 16.6973 12.2218 13.9702 14.927 15.8938 13.1974 13.7608 13.2676 P80316 Cct5 15 31.590799 12465 - 31.590799 31.601845 chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 5 (epsilon) CCT-epsilon; Ccte; TCP-1-epsilon; TCPE; mKIAA0098 None None None 17.4455 17.1635 17.3625 17.1924 17.498 17.1513 17.1851 17.6989 17.336 17.381 17.345 17.6683 18.4251 17.3979 17.6752 17.5241 17.489 17.6007 17.5581 17.4377 17.6901 17.3152 17.1958 17.5299 17.2209 17.0704 17.6122 17.726 17.5617 17.6481 17.3814 17.299 Q9D0R2 Tars 15 11.383662 110960 - 11.383662 11.399657 threonyl-tRNA synthetase D15Wsu59e; Tars1; ThrRS None None None 15.8997 15.5605 15.5589 15.5764 15.4983 15.4635 15.5624 15.4825 15.78 15.5544 15.3483 15.5064 16.7579 15.4788 15.5275 15.1767 15.7657 15.5744 15.7953 15.48 15.1531 15.6143 15.4362 15.1668 15.4609 15.3526 15.3236 15.1111 15.2597 15.8169 15.436 15.5778 Q9DCA5 Brix1 15 10.474778 67832 - 10.474778 10.485936 BRX1, biogenesis of ribosomes 1110064N10Rik; Bxdc2; C76935 None None None 12.5397 11.861 12.5165 12.4915 13.0684 12.7305 12.664 12.9169 13.0577 12.6954 12.8385 13.2934 13.9411 12.5675 13.197 12.6102 13.1731 13.0472 12.6633 12.9842 12.5957 12.0337 12.0156 12.7717 13.1388 12.8943 12.8082 12.7702 12.9007 13.5487 12.6457 13.2389 P63101 Ywhaz 15 36.77026 22631 - 36.77026 36.802983 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide 1110013I11Rik; 14-3-3zeta; AI596267; AL022924; AU020854 None None None 20.8642 20.3104 20.5162 20.5895 20.7121 20.4498 20.5541 20.4783 20.951 20.4101 20.3563 20.9333 21.9861 20.6247 20.7002 20.0933 20.5855 20.4891 20.8557 20.4435 20.181 20.2776 20.4916 20.5425 20.6952 20.6546 20.1727 20.0235 20.4024 20.7128 20.486 20.94 Q9Z1G3 Atp6v1c1 15 38.661903 66335 + 38.661903 38.692443 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit C1 1700025B18Rik; U13839 None None None 15.606 14.3664 14.8739 14.3618 14.1859 13.7699 13.7039 14.3051 14.6382 14.2706 13.434 14.8231 15.4882 14.9045 14.7245 13.3587 15.1167 14.2581 15.7912 15.3337 14.3895 13.5653 13.781 13.7756 13.3227 14.5998 13.7021 14.3576 15.2039 15.7417 14.4911 14.7868 Q8BMG8 Slc25a32 15 39.091229 69906 - 39.091229 39.112719 solute carrier family 25, member 32 2610043O12Rik; Mftc None None None 11.7071 12.8874 13.0479 11.3796 11.7735 12.2008 11.7678 12.1576 11.7457 12.4582 11.8835 12.0424 12.8998 11.5885 12.0626 12.2761 12.5285 12.0833 12.239 12.6994 12.9509 11.8675 12.7556 12.0529 11.7508 12.8903 12.1639 12.4631 12.9259 11.6786 12.5499 12.3143 Q91WK2 Eif3h 15 51.786562 68135 - 51.786562 51.86546 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit H 1110008A16Rik; 40kD; 9430017H16Rik; EIF3-P40; EIF3-gamma; Eif3s3 None None None 16.3185 16.0692 15.8222 15.8411 16.0748 16.0273 15.9663 15.8935 16.0452 15.8841 15.8499 16.0171 17.0377 16.0269 16.1877 15.7446 15.9119 16.0868 16.363 16.0009 15.9388 15.7465 15.7267 16.0896 15.8928 15.9234 15.6815 15.8148 16.1031 16.1819 15.8611 16.2019 Q61550 Rad21 15 51.962603 19357 - 51.962603 51.993537 RAD21 cohesin complex component SCC1; mHR21; mKIAA0078 None None None 14.1698 12.8425 13.0842 12.9787 13.3356 13.0163 13.0043 13.0924 13.1271 13.0703 13.1376 13.0828 14.7821 13.509 12.8674 12.7544 12.9544 12.4988 13.4144 13.3054 13.0128 12.977 13.0432 13.2065 13.0934 13.2384 13.1124 13.1009 13.174 13.3343 13.0464 13.5902 P60229 EIF3E Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P60229 None None None 16.321 15.8913 15.7595 15.8263 16.1243 16.0444 15.9394 16.207 15.9864 16.0831 15.6124 15.7513 16.5847 16.1507 16.2625 15.6453 16.0913 16.1046 16.3573 16.1437 15.3626 15.7738 15.8466 16.1067 15.4776 15.8141 15.9561 16.0541 15.9446 16.3275 16.0023 16.2906 Q9CRD2 Emc2 15 43.477228 66736 + 43.477228 43.527776 ER membrane protein complex subunit 2 4921531G14Rik; AV060620; AW209495; Ttc35 None None None 15.7685 16.0866 15.7853 16.0393 15.7154 15.9107 15.8069 15.8055 15.8788 16.0219 15.9113 15.6356 15.347 16.1305 16.0418 15.8276 15.9632 15.9297 16.0948 15.9447 15.2534 15.7 15.804 16.1103 15.6299 15.6361 16.0167 15.8627 15.7616 16.1527 16.0238 15.8149 Q9CQJ8 Ndufb9 15 58.9338 66218 + 58.9338 58.939515 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B9 1190008J14Rik; CI-B22 None None None 16.2134 16.8382 17.5646 16.7682 16.5667 16.6797 16.6261 16.5763 16.8058 16.3106 16.8612 15.7341 17.2147 16.6452 16.4334 17.1789 16.4616 16.082 16.3229 16.896 18.4899 17.0965 16.7399 16.6766 17.5582 16.9391 16.7394 16.9277 17.0071 16.3185 16.8968 16.0625 Q80WB5 Wdyhv1 15 58.141334 76773 + 58.141334 58.158653 WDYHV motif containing 1 2410187C16Rik; AU014961; AW550036; Ntaq1 None None None 14.0657 13.6913 14.0882 13.8744 13.9016 13.9146 14.2479 13.8671 14.2969 13.7 14.081 14.0018 15.7416 14.1191 14.6215 13.7357 14.0767 13.5372 14.4686 13.9012 13.8479 13.8191 13.3251 13.5898 14.4496 14.2146 13.6556 14.1017 14.2929 14.0441 13.9376 14.4647 Q99J56 Derl1 15 57.869501 67819 - 57.869501 57.892417 Der1-like domain family, member 1 1110021N07Rik; AI195141; AW551338; Derlin-1 None None None 16.4133 17.3057 17.1846 16.8703 16.6069 17.5133 17.6063 16.9078 16.8426 17.0118 16.929 16.4267 16.3096 16.8814 16.7327 16.9258 17.1074 16.754 16.9444 16.8668 16.6826 16.4943 16.9245 17.4046 17.0988 17.5995 16.8903 17.3319 17.41 16.5488 17.3362 16.7405 O70579 Slc25a17 15 81.31892 20524 - 81.31892 81.360764 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, peroxisomal membrane protein), member 17 34kDa; 47kDa; PMP34; Pmp47 None None None 13.0056 14.5064 14.3531 14.4507 12.6117 13.9818 12.9687 12.573 13.3645 13.0568 11.408 12.5179 14.4018 14.0109 12.7965 12.7734 13.8458 13.5713 14.3043 12.9 13.8235 12.5561 12.9238 13.2253 12.9815 11.6893 13.723 14.4076 11.725 14.1588 13.154 11.8388 P54822 Adsl 15 80.948489 11564 + 80.948489 80.970946 adenylosuccinate lyase Adl; Asl None None None 16.0176 16.0719 15.9191 15.6785 16.1055 15.886 16.1403 16.1864 16.1317 15.7715 15.929 15.9181 16.931 15.8927 16.2004 15.9581 15.9333 15.9343 15.8384 15.6622 15.8092 15.9593 15.9023 16.094 16.0649 16.131 16.078 16.151 16.066 15.8514 16.0143 15.0221 Q9CPQ3 Tomm22 15 79.670867 223696 + 79.670867 79.672861 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22 2310047D01; Tom22 None None None 16.0249 15.2584 16.2712 15.542 15.5927 16.1201 15.5695 15.4521 15.5369 15.6268 15.9353 15.3295 16.1913 16.2883 15.6765 15.5182 15.5667 15.5763 15.8684 15.899 16.5228 15.5738 15.9224 15.7957 16.2401 15.9685 15.4861 15.7778 15.9702 15.99 15.4109 15.7079 Q9JKX8 Upk3a 15 85.01714 22270 + 85.01714 85.022559 uroplakin 3A 1110017C07Rik; UP3a; UPIII; Upk3 None None None 12.1783 11.9824 14.2073 12.7933 12.6117 12.2008 11.5049 12.1576 12.1672 12.3019 11.6206 12.0086 11.4862 11.8513 13.0547 13.6957 11.5041 12.4795 11.9761 12.1704 16.6747 11.8675 12.7111 11.7901 16.1095 11.4767 12.4268 12.2003 11.5123 11.4157 12.6841 12.0514 Q8BGH2 Samm50 15 84.192239 68653 + 84.192239 84.216082 SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component 1110030L07Rik None None None 15.4287 16.0518 16.7269 16.2003 15.9247 15.9552 16.0802 16.1188 16.151 15.9448 15.9739 16.4185 16.4127 15.9153 15.9678 16.5869 15.9567 16.225 15.9546 16.2766 17.4432 16.1249 16.3885 15.957 16.4926 15.9177 16.3568 16.3163 16.5881 15.7762 16.2756 15.8566 Q9ES46 Parvb 15 84.232042 170736 + 84.232042 84.315688 parvin, beta AI595373; AW742462; D15Gsk1; affixin None None None 13.4743 12.8634 12.9576 13.2188 12.9619 13.253 12.6494 12.7635 12.9322 13.3198 12.6858 12.3233 12.5081 13.2721 12.7806 12.2242 12.9605 13.2836 12.9109 12.9792 12.7078 12.9063 13.4713 13.5806 13.2959 12.9004 13.621 12.5977 13.174 12.8067 12.8491 12.6835 Q9CQZ5 Ndufa6 15 82.350138 67130 - 82.350138 82.35429 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A6 14kDa; 2700038D15Rik; B230217P19Rik None None None 15.8874 15.8032 16.7027 15.7317 15.7019 15.607 15.2401 15.7907 15.7564 15.7014 15.9038 15.787 16.7054 15.5743 15.9595 16.5045 15.6373 15.0444 15.0144 15.9147 18.2452 16.0763 15.6478 15.8014 16.4581 15.7424 16.2012 16.7444 16.0833 15.4973 15.9874 14.7899 Q91YR1 Twf1 15 94.577947 19230 - 94.577947 94.589883 twinfilin actin binding protein 1 A6; Ptk9; twinfilin None None None 16.6622 16.274 15.9816 16.4455 16.5871 15.7008 15.7665 16.3545 16.266 16.2506 15.8713 16.7947 17.1136 16.2807 16.6778 16.32 16.1929 16.2592 16.7618 16.352 16.1991 15.8992 16.1573 16.0521 15.6718 15.6467 16.3696 15.7991 16.4807 16.8665 16.0669 16.3998 Q9QWR8 Naga 15 82.329531 17939 - 82.329531 82.338883 N-acetyl galactosaminidase, alpha None None None 16.3191 16.0162 15.9572 16.2026 16.2673 15.7386 15.9734 15.8604 16.1714 15.9741 16.3597 16.3318 16.9686 16.4855 16.4273 15.4823 16.1196 15.8616 16.1679 15.6996 15.818 15.9894 16.0562 16.048 16.2839 16.4008 15.3137 15.5541 16.4173 16.5328 15.8901 16.7754 Q99KI0 Aco2 15 81.872462 11429 + 81.872462 81.915136 aconitase 2, mitochondrial Aco-2; Aco3; D10Wsu183e None None None 20.4154 20.0738 22.0014 20.138 20.1801 19.9377 20.2587 20.2212 20.2459 19.9204 20.1646 20.8791 21.847 19.9607 19.9554 21.0658 20.0925 19.8676 20.2822 20.7387 23.5889 20.9165 20.7404 20.1126 21.7341 21.5604 19.9802 21.2568 21.3269 19.6761 20.4187 20.0377 P11688 Itga5 15 103.344285 16402 - 103.344285 103.36679 integrin alpha 5 (fibronectin receptor alpha) Cd49e; Fnra; VLA5 None None None 15.1828 15.4024 14.7169 15.5321 15.2195 15.259 15.0658 15.4762 15.4668 15.4183 15.8141 15.1231 13.5444 15.5121 15.5573 15.0004 15.4137 15.3835 14.7933 15.2673 16.0612 15.5943 15.2828 14.7963 14.315 15.0539 15.2834 14.7496 14.7577 15.4833 15.325 15.2562 Q02596 Glycam1 15 103.562758 14663 - 103.562758 103.56508 glycosylation dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 MC26; Sgp50; glyCAM-1 None None None 13.8616 13.5829 12.81 13.5964 14.2833 12.2008 13.4856 13.8023 14.5729 12.4703 12.9041 16.2088 17.4912 14.8675 12.0544 13.1678 12.8699 13.0781 11.8781 13.3472 13.3668 12.3059 11.4328 11.392 16.1783 15.4141 13.2058 13.5377 16.0802 12.4713 13.3437 14.293 Q9R060 Nubp1 16 10.411883 26425 + 10.411883 10.424452 nucleotide binding protein 1 None None None 12.7954 12.6538 12.5591 12.9287 13.082 12.3172 12.4891 12.9677 13.0705 12.7774 12.2607 12.3205 14.5606 13.1452 12.9451 12.2316 12.8496 12.509 13.2933 12.749 11.968 12.0218 12.8999 13.0274 12.7606 12.6137 12.2289 12.8048 13.1457 13.0539 12.5424 13.1106 D3YYT1 Glyr1 16 5.013901 74022 - 5.013901 5.049937 glyoxylate reductase 1 homolog (Arabidopsis) 2810419J22Rik; 3930401K13Rik; AW545332; NDF; Npac None None None 13.4158 13.1509 13.3762 13.0821 13.0558 13.2649 13.1903 13.3329 13.5811 13.1275 12.903 12.7756 14.8724 13.3591 13.0792 12.8781 13.2132 12.9613 13.4205 13.4919 12.7487 13.1229 13.3525 13.2962 13.5228 13.7704 12.9409 12.8762 13.2088 13.303 13.109 13.6721 Q8QZR5 Gpt 15 76.696725 76282 + 76.696725 76.699674 glutamic pyruvic transaminase, soluble 1300007J06Rik; 2310022B03Rik; ALT; ALT1; Gpt-1; Gpt1 None None None 18.5771 18.7713 18.3878 18.6726 18.1218 18.8147 18.3293 18.275 17.9584 18.2425 18.3918 18.2731 15.4687 18.2528 17.9524 18.1134 18.3326 18.6994 17.8441 18.1705 17.4036 17.9536 18.3619 19.2421 17.8821 17.9004 18.8255 18.5644 18.0625 18.3582 18.347 18.0416 Q9D0M3 Cyc1 15 76.343512 66445 + 76.343512 76.346259 cytochrome c-1 2610002H19Rik; AA408921; Cyct1 None None None 16.7339 17.4703 18.7979 17.3878 17.0355 17.4 17.6165 17.3384 17.5766 17.0338 17.4822 16.8144 18.1032 17.0768 17.0438 18.0661 17.5453 17.0905 17.5693 18.0332 19.8511 17.8145 17.9342 17.7229 18.6307 18.5044 17.1476 18.2219 17.911 17.0862 17.6623 17.0817 Q9Z2A7 Dgat1 15 76.502011 13350 - 76.502011 76.51202 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 ARAT; C75990; D15Ertd23e; Dgat None None None 14.2405 15.3396 15.5383 15.0037 14.831 15.2367 15.1648 15.081 14.9931 15.3186 15.2591 15.0852 14.1824 14.9726 14.8808 15.2795 15.1421 15.2149 15.1751 15.3133 14.8005 14.5715 15.5276 15.2416 15.0841 16.0855 15.4066 15.0416 15.4988 14.9266 15.4531 14.9101 Q9WTK3 GPAA1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9WTK3 None None None 13.3496 13.9279 12.9894 14.0189 14.0646 13.5453 13.7172 14.2191 13.5704 13.747 13.5256 14.2518 13.5554 13.8356 14.2647 13.9725 14.0492 14.1722 13.8609 13.782 13.3279 13.8969 13.8276 13.7588 13.2038 12.9028 14.3598 13.9673 13.9366 14.2401 13.821 13.6826 P23591 Tsta3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P23591 None None None 15.3951 15.156 15.1393 15.2401 15.3916 15.1367 15.2154 15.0194 15.4215 15.2736 15.159 14.4768 16.2004 15.025 15.5778 15.6404 15.1812 15.3024 15.3286 15.3973 14.5499 14.7428 15.3854 15.308 15.2986 15.5471 15.3265 15.5917 15.3157 15.1988 15.2975 15.6189 Q8CC86 Naprt 15 75.890962 223646 - 75.890962 75.89448 nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 9130210N20Rik; Naprt1 None None None 13.8806 14.0297 14.0268 14.2783 13.1992 14.2169 13.563 12.5111 14.2274 12.7717 12.8783 11.9757 12.2247 13.6879 12.4562 13.0636 13.3422 12.9508 12.699 11.9878 12.8083 13.851 13.6909 13.9102 14.2112 13.5449 12.1536 11.6186 13.0227 12.3551 13.1983 13.9671 Q9D1N2 Gpihbp1 15 75.596629 68453 + 75.596629 75.598212 GPI-anchored HDL-binding protein 1 1110002J19Rik; GPI-HBP1 None None None 13.9582 14.3814 13.7105 14.4891 13.8698 12.4865 13.8719 13.6836 13.2936 14.3049 13.1383 13.4531 13.0498 13.4718 13.2682 13.75 13.2498 13.7602 12.6852 13.3956 13.8599 12.9672 14.7732 14.721 12.8524 13.9337 14.909 13.887 13.9225 12.7271 13.4394 12.8141 P05533 Ly6a 15 74.994876 110454 - 74.994876 74.99803 lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A Ly-6A.2; Ly-6A/E; Ly-6E.1; Sca-1; Sca1; TAP None None None 14.0752 14.3963 14.413 14.9364 14.0227 15.1871 14.3826 13.686 14.7533 13.6929 14.5664 12.9876 13.7608 14.4268 13.8406 12.8483 14.3473 14.5183 15.1969 14.3107 14.6013 15.3417 14.0266 14.5673 14.1292 13.6854 12.9896 14.188 15.4093 13.8602 14.7544 14.8607 P57096 Psca 15 74.714838 72373 + 74.714838 74.717064 prostate stem cell antigen 2210408B04Rik None None None 12.4659 11.934 11.6028 12.7996 12.5584 12.1312 12.4114 12.1743 12.5839 12.0265 12.2957 12.3233 11.5849 12.8962 12.1166 12.221 11.8488 12.2751 11.9402 11.746 13.0858 12.4645 11.4949 12.1263 12.4921 11.5944 12.3207 11.7161 11.5588 12.5007 11.7369 11.865 Q8BP67 Rpl24 16 55.966274 68193 + 55.966274 55.971436 ribosomal protein L24 0610008L05Rik; Bst; Zbtb11 None None None 16.1831 16.5553 16.4795 16.6275 16.1808 16.7674 16.4799 16.2695 16.8591 16.5056 15.8646 16.2401 17.9797 16.7948 16.3675 16.3954 16.7772 16.3685 16.9696 16.6669 15.9366 16.6676 16.3704 16.3409 16.7251 16.6154 16.2885 15.6032 16.5984 16.9294 16.6444 17.0307 Q9CZ62 Cep97 16 55.899887 74201 - 55.899887 55.934847 centrosomal protein 97 2810403B08Rik; 4932439K18Rik; AA437768; E130116N02Rik; Lrriq2 None None None 11.4346 11.9251 12.192 11.1859 11.1148 11.7564 12.3008 11.7205 10.5083 11.4291 12.1851 11.8659 10.4928 12.3919 11.9882 12.0149 10.4208 11.9578 12.8035 12.5284 11.9643 11.1609 12.4226 12.7296 11.8549 12.6945 9.40272 11.7545 12.3707 11.4211 11.1104 12.4683 Q3U0M1 Trappc9 15 72.589619 76510 - 72.589619 73.061237 trafficking protein particle complex 9 1810044A24Rik; 2900005P22Rik; 4632408O18Rik; Ibp; Nibp; TRS130; mKIAA1882 None None None 12.7384 12.6444 12.3053 14.2221 12.7347 12.5467 12.2402 12.2198 13.3196 12.2553 13.167 12.5304 11.7966 12.1617 12.2674 12.8325 12.4209 12.5464 12.2974 12.8524 12.3912 13.1902 12.8403 11.8124 12.3241 12.4012 12.7372 12.2923 11.8227 12.6943 12.4883 12.55 Q8C3X8 Lmf2 15 89.351003 105847 - 89.351003 89.355693 lipase maturation factor 2 AI451006; Tmem112b; Tmem153 None None None 14.9352 14.6642 14.3848 14.7441 14.6263 14.3873 14.7475 14.6923 14.4336 14.7233 14.8073 14.6368 14.7553 14.5275 14.9944 14.9426 14.6155 14.9504 14.706 14.9064 14.5894 14.7371 14.5665 14.7986 14.3116 14.1923 14.8835 14.5906 14.6059 14.9657 14.5287 14.5119 Q61490 Alcam 16 52.248995 11658 - 52.248995 52.45308 activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule AI853494; BEN; CD166; DM-GRASP; MuSC; SC1 None None None 13.5242 15.4602 14.9384 15.6309 14.6331 14.5773 14.6639 14.5684 15.1553 14.9009 15.0656 13.6686 12.7575 15.0355 14.7261 13.7427 15.2062 14.8367 15.2526 14.8743 13.8152 14.3326 15.0747 15.1014 14.3007 14.3872 14.6638 14.8648 14.5519 15.0131 15.1212 15.0599 Q9CPX6 Atg3 16 45.158828 67841 + 45.158828 45.188537 autophagy related 3 2610016C12Rik; APG3; Apg3l; Atg3l; PC3-96 None None None 15.4985 15.4935 14.7459 15.4251 15.2426 15.0515 15.2685 14.9434 14.6213 15.1237 15.4447 15.4181 15.8439 15.2879 15.5435 14.6059 15.5536 14.7273 15.6108 14.7709 13.934 15.1182 14.3951 15.4971 15.2673 14.7414 15.2038 16.0677 15.5563 14.753 15.4153 15.519 Q99K01 Pdxdc1 16 13.833144 94184 - 13.833144 13.903175 pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 1 2210010A19Rik; AA415817; Kiaa0251-hp None None None 15.6857 15.4903 14.8505 15.4246 14.9361 15.1865 14.6457 15.0564 15.1685 15.2865 14.5198 15.8946 15.6033 15.2428 15.5425 15.0762 15.6805 15.9761 15.5358 15.4715 14.5942 15.0927 15.0237 15.8003 15.1547 14.7207 15.3017 14.8746 15.075 16.0118 15.0812 14.8762 Q64311 Ntan1 16 13.818833 18203 + 13.818833 13.835449 N-terminal Asn amidase PNAA; PNAD None None None 11.8484 12.4508 12.7291 11.5852 10.5605 12.1312 11.558 12.1576 11.0898 11.7116 12.0891 12.4575 11.3839 11.3829 11.6646 11.7533 12.2617 12.1097 12.4446 10.5866 11.4801 11.8675 9.57517 12.2585 11.5452 12.6847 11.9584 12.6687 12.7203 11.8841 12.5633 12.6879 Q9Z2Q5 Mrpl40 16 18.872017 18100 - 18.872017 18.876636 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L40 Nlvcf None None None 10.6853 9.60162 12.441 10.0585 10.149 11.2086 11.6123 11.0997 11.3401 10.0016 9.04138 11.4779 12.6436 11.7873 11.2871 10.6223 11.595 11.2766 7.69174 10.0754 11.2339 10.8156 8.10741 7.22666 8.89796 11.3694 10.9769 11.4298 12.1263 10.6623 9.69321 12.1587 Q9Z2M7 Pmm2 16 8.637612 54128 + 8.637612 8.657607 phosphomannomutase 2 AI585868; C86848 None None None 14.9269 15.3478 15.0163 15.2411 15.4501 15.258 15.2595 15.6514 15.3625 15.6591 15.0344 15.7878 15.4212 14.7338 15.6227 15.531 15.3054 15.6214 15.1095 15.1574 14.6788 15.4183 15.2933 15.1264 15.0021 15.167 15.6105 15.3065 15.1135 15.4344 15.2699 15.3018 Q8K0F1 Tbc1d23 16 57.168861 67581 - 57.168861 57.231527 TBC1 domain family, member 23 4930451A13Rik; AU015720; AU043671; AU043778; D030022P07Rik; W51689 None None None 12.83 12.9163 13.9878 11.9337 13.3156 14.0558 13.5458 12.207 12.2159 12.8297 13.3412 12.1046 12.5162 13.4338 12.1098 11.9338 12.4261 12.6692 13.5621 13.2755 12.0389 13.2042 13.4606 12.1611 11.9887 12.5257 12.4762 12.5267 13.8883 14.6435 13.5359 13.4601 Q9JHW2 Nit2 16 57.156664 52633 - 57.156664 57.167331 nitrilase family, member 2 1190017B19Rik; D16Ertd502e None None None 14.6274 15.193 15.5266 14.7266 15.1274 14.9106 15.642 15.1255 15.1678 15.15 15.1221 15.6702 15.3616 14.7544 15.4768 15.0443 14.991 14.7574 15.1573 15.1926 15.9129 15.086 15.0573 14.8002 15.4732 15.7499 15.0032 15.2548 16.0753 15.0273 14.908 15.314 Q9ERB0 Snap29 16 17.405999 67474 + 17.405999 17.430825 synaptosomal-associated protein 29 1300018G05Rik; AI891940; AU020222; BB131856; Gs32 None None None 13.501 13.9429 13.5844 13.4741 13.8152 13.639 13.8432 13.421 13.9443 13.6856 13.0729 13.5635 14.6004 13.5904 13.9545 13.1287 13.7305 13.4624 14.079 13.8064 13.226 12.9786 13.5545 13.8494 13.6853 13.3257 13.9796 13.3288 14.0689 14.0003 13.6225 13.6177 P49182 Serpind1 16 17.33137 15160 + 17.33137 17.343573 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade D, member 1 AA985900; AI303446; HC-II; HCII; Hcf2 None None None 16.2327 14.95 15.5522 15.8017 16.0096 15.4221 15.4538 15.5528 15.353 15.5295 15.5128 16.9686 14.8844 15.9242 15.6939 17.2415 14.8026 15.7705 14.457 16.0638 15.347 15.2459 15.6508 15.2084 16.4167 16.193 15.9448 15.323 15.8924 15.4557 15.3107 15.0587 Q9ESP1 Sdf2l1 16 17.130137 64136 - 17.130137 17.132382 stromal cell-derived factor 2-like 1 None None None 12.199 12.0331 13.2897 12.8439 12.7897 12.3524 11.9757 13.6176 12.0758 12.681 12.0759 12.0203 11.4355 12.2195 13.784 12.0755 13.4837 12.7729 12.3229 13.4732 12.7388 12.9575 13.5438 11.8408 11.963 11.4261 12.3761 12.9085 12.472 12.1915 12.1361 11.4293 Q9CQ49 Ncbp2 16 31.948545 68092 + 31.948545 31.958471 nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 20kDa; 5930413E18Rik; AA536802; AI843301; C79367 None None None 12.6441 14.3413 13.6417 14.0185 13.8478 12.1312 14.5415 12.1743 14.3143 14.1065 12.5062 12.2318 12.0816 12.6858 12.542 13.3184 14.2028 13.3355 14.7648 14.1295 11.4387 13.0731 14.5322 14.0242 12.6091 14.94 13.8514 13.195 13.4983 14.139 12.3171 14.9667 P63085 Mapk1 16 16.983381 26413 + 16.983381 17.047452 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 9030612K14Rik; AA407128; AU018647; C78273; ERK; Erk2; MAPK2; PRKM2; Prkm1; p41mapk; p42mapk None None None 17.3128 17.3045 17.1349 17.357 17.2453 17.4198 17.5585 17.2708 17.4618 17.4001 17.1038 17.0017 17.3367 17.3601 17.407 17.0692 17.3942 17.4972 17.6071 17.2935 16.6411 17.2484 17.4031 17.2752 17.0207 17.2013 17.2868 17.1918 17.2383 17.43 17.3819 17.528 Q8CIN4 Pak2 16 32.016289 224105 - 32.016289 32.079341 p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 2 5330420P17Rik; A130002K10Rik; AI836325; D16Ertd269e; PAK-2; mKIAA4182 None None None 15.8358 15.7122 15.8768 16.0972 16.1905 15.9898 15.985 16.0046 16.0891 16.0948 15.6765 15.6163 16.6883 15.886 15.8478 15.7725 16.042 15.7448 16.2176 16.139 15.297 15.6722 16.174 15.9168 16.0433 15.9951 15.8941 15.5512 16.0301 16.0381 15.8708 16.459 Q8K1M6 Dnm1l 16 16.312227 74006 - 16.312227 16.359037 dynamin 1-like 6330417M19Rik; AI450666; Dlp1; Dnmlp1; Drp1; python None None None 16.3615 15.546 15.7011 15.8418 15.8407 15.6086 15.4002 16.178 15.6569 15.8205 15.7229 15.4098 16.6025 15.5185 16.0297 15.9769 15.7348 16.0048 15.6072 15.881 16.2032 15.9853 15.6237 15.3711 15.6512 15.3158 16.2026 15.8759 15.6938 15.7959 15.7833 15.4364 Q62351 Tfrc 16 32.608895 22042 + 32.608895 32.632793 transferrin receptor 2610028K12Rik; CD71; E430033M20Rik; Mtvr1; TFR; TFR1; TR; Trfr; p90 None None None 14.1209 12.4895 12.6429 12.1635 13.1192 12.6865 12.3613 12.473 12.6794 13.1088 12.301 13.3923 14.2308 12.7696 13.3581 13.3824 12.8603 12.9533 12.8035 12.861 13.0853 12.2517 12.3114 12.763 12.5958 12.87 12.4475 12.7242 13.1633 13.1278 12.5492 13.5449 Q8BVU0 Lrch3 16 32.914082 70144 + 32.914082 33.016028 leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 3 2210409B11Rik; AW215594; Gm1742 None None None 12.1602 11.815 11.9076 12.2003 12.5831 12.4402 12.1181 12.1191 11.9663 12.2687 12.093 12.3611 13.2701 12.4773 12.2238 11.7887 12.4966 12.178 12.2947 11.8456 12.2903 11.9893 12.1549 12.4184 11.9516 11.408 12.4379 12.0235 12.5575 12.3452 11.8074 12.4028 Q91YJ2 Snx4 16 33.251455 69150 + 33.251455 33.299561 sorting nexin 4 1810036H14Rik; AI037066 None None None 12.528 13.2183 12.9463 13.1431 12.8288 13.2306 12.4637 13.0761 13.0841 13.0932 12.9136 12.7758 12.499 13.0595 13.2777 12.7343 13.3794 13.3824 13.7724 13.7067 12.7417 12.9857 12.9029 13.3312 12.1143 13.079 13.3523 12.9309 13.5378 13.4631 13.3908 13.5286 Q9WV60 Gsk3b 16 38.089 56637 + 38.089 38.246083 glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 7330414F15Rik; 8430431H08Rik; C86142; GSK-3; GSK-3beta; GSK3 None None None 14.4715 15.0325 14.9218 14.8493 14.4952 15.097 14.1866 14.3375 15.1819 15.017 14.2848 14.1922 14.5143 14.495 14.4694 14.1649 15.0586 14.8103 15.0876 15.3475 14.4272 15.6304 14.9063 15.0736 15.8129 14.756 14.7022 14.1744 14.837 15.2565 15.1071 14.7184 P13439 Umps 16 33.954781 22247 - 33.954781 33.967037 uridine monophosphate synthetase 1700095D23Rik; AA408257; AL033308; BB164745 None None None 14.8453 14.4031 14.5079 14.3654 14.5873 14.626 14.3751 14.3075 14.9096 14.4225 14.3801 14.1177 15.9342 14.6702 14.3864 13.4736 14.7067 14.241 14.7962 14.6282 13.433 14.4071 14.22 14.3294 14.7093 14.3514 14.3934 14.2605 14.2075 14.8166 14.3683 14.8465 Q9CQC7 Ndufb4 16 37.647601 68194 - 37.647601 37.654367 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4 0610006N12Rik; 1300010H20Rik None None None 16.7553 16.8498 17.5033 16.4517 16.6019 16.612 16.559 16.6467 16.763 16.6708 16.8929 16.9478 17.5155 16.6665 16.9287 17.1682 16.5794 16.0522 16.2613 16.9125 18.9407 17.0619 16.6236 16.745 17.4459 16.7351 16.9562 17.6393 17.2893 16.5386 16.9382 15.862 P49710 Hcls1 16 36.934982 15163 + 36.934982 36.963213 hematopoietic cell specific Lyn substrate 1 AW213261; HS1 None None None 13.7292 12.5665 13.3394 12.6571 14.1549 12.6117 12.5417 13.4656 13.5293 13.2077 12.6813 14.2417 16.7146 13.9636 13.5353 12.5895 13.7445 13.3443 14.5844 13.9922 12.4599 12.6561 12.9064 13.2561 12.9971 12.9619 12.5969 12.8455 14.3895 14.2508 13.0556 14.574 Q921X9 Pdia5 16 35.397307 72599 - 35.397307 35.490918 protein disulfide isomerase associated 5 2700053F16Rik; AU015525; Pdir None None None 14.9932 14.4766 14.2966 14.5327 13.6863 14.7455 13.1732 13.7085 14.261 14.1779 14.0954 13.1157 14.9368 14.8454 14.504 13.8688 14.7488 14.5173 14.7212 14.8004 14.2815 14.4298 13.3523 14.6764 14.0872 14.607 14.4575 12.4609 12.727 13.6236 13.8649 14.7083 Q9DBM2 Ehhadh 16 21.761284 74147 - 21.761284 21.787833 enoyl-Coenzyme A, hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl Coenzyme A dehydrogenase 1300002P22Rik; HD; L-PBE; LBFP; LBP; MFE1; MFP; MFP-1; MFP1; PBFE None None None 15.5026 15.9827 15.9499 16.2979 14.9461 15.0407 16.1081 15.6892 15.0352 15.3662 15.2398 15.2627 16.2771 15.1383 14.8869 15.286 15.6599 15.5669 15.5934 15.3984 15.7485 15.0779 15.502 15.1781 16.1436 15.8411 15.7945 15.4954 14.6961 14.6562 15.4101 15.6138 P97792 Cxadr 16 78.301225 13052 + 78.301225 78.359784 coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor 2610206D03Rik; AU016810; AW553441; CAR; MCAR; MCVADR None None None 11.6783 12.6 14.3463 11.7891 11.7202 12.1312 11.401 14.144 12.2677 12.8323 14.6562 11.4851 12.5954 12.2302 12.789 12.3509 12.8667 12.1029 12.6062 12.412 11.8943 12.9879 13.3889 12.7923 14.447 12.6049 11.6548 13.6426 12.5692 11.4902 12.6785 12.5309 P57080 Usp25 16 77.013683 30940 + 77.013683 77.116782 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25 None None None 12.5027 12.0078 12.2207 12.4513 12.7073 12.4006 11.9478 12.6044 12.4024 12.4244 12.6419 12.3415 13.1554 13.6483 12.2853 12.2971 12.4522 12.3564 12.2111 11.9787 12.154 12.2671 11.7835 12.2806 12.8072 12.2081 12.5902 11.9007 12.3428 12.5736 12.3617 12.2111 P29699 Ahsg 16 22.892014 11625 + 22.892014 22.89945 alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein None None None 19.737 19.3109 19.6555 19.6309 19.8769 19.691 19.7951 19.2154 19.6677 19.0148 19.7729 20.3646 18.8411 19.1659 20.0371 21.3625 19.2126 19.3086 18.8182 19.7191 19.2137 19.8723 20.3754 19.1424 20.618 20.9176 18.9373 19.6257 19.9323 18.4445 19.5364 19.3028 Q6YK32 Hrg 16 22.951071 94175 + 22.951071 22.961658 histidine-rich glycoprotein AI265597; AW413091; D16jh2; D18020; Hprg; Hrgp None None None 17.628 17.2487 17.356 17.5207 18.0736 17.3172 17.3632 16.7469 17.1989 16.8723 17.6637 18.8041 16.8278 17.2278 17.3341 18.5385 17.0955 16.9691 16.0104 17.4327 17.0442 17.1269 17.4971 16.4535 18.0056 18.7324 16.9935 17.2781 16.7094 16.4817 17.1457 17.0088 Q60994 Adipoq 16 23.146535 11450 + 23.146535 23.157967 adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing 30kDa; APN; Acdc; Acrp30; Ad; Adid; GBP28; adipo; apM1 None None None 20.2786 21.2016 20.1922 21.2674 20.4343 20.5864 20.9023 20.6912 20.6821 20.7969 20.8767 21.7706 18.166 20.7587 20.9591 20.899 20.4876 21.2191 19.6197 20.2181 19.7401 20.3204 20.7031 21.2467 20.1164 21.0098 21.6677 21.1118 20.7097 19.688 20.988 20.7281 P10630 Eif4a2 16 23.107467 13682 + 23.107467 23.114131 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2 4833432N07Rik; BM-010; Ddx2b; Eif4; eIF-4A-II; eIF4A-II None None None 19.9126 19.594 19.6612 19.6382 19.5424 19.7668 19.673 19.5249 19.8493 19.626 19.2539 19.5219 20.5237 19.8798 19.679 19.4396 19.7847 19.591 19.8603 19.7802 19.2964 19.4205 19.4828 19.6179 19.5831 19.6082 19.5153 19.3542 19.7436 19.8864 19.6879 19.815 O35075 Dscr3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: O35075 None None None 14.6441 13.9235 14.0684 14.1911 14.837 14.0254 12.4627 14.3477 14.2812 14.3964 14.2521 14.264 14.9326 14.5701 14.4004 14.1905 14.5896 14.3019 14.3477 14.4557 13.473 14.3387 14.2314 14.2461 13.8899 14.2277 14.1375 13.9438 14.3016 14.6649 14.3511 14.5063 Q9JK23 Psmg1 16 95.979932 56088 - 95.979932 95.990959 proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 1 AW552102; Dscr2 None None None 13.1198 13.9698 13.5551 13.8969 13.6666 14.1652 13.1533 14.2326 13.6235 13.779 13.8002 13.4289 14.6725 14.0255 13.4681 13.5616 13.8924 14.5141 14.0212 14.4219 11.831 13.9572 13.9018 14.075 14.6876 14.1645 13.5634 13.3764 13.7589 13.8603 13.9384 14.1189 Q64737 Gart 16 91.621394 14450 - 91.621394 91.646971 phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase Gaps; Prgs None None None 15.0207 14.8993 15.0395 14.7103 14.9434 14.753 14.6978 14.7256 15.2466 14.3912 14.5885 14.5406 16.0678 14.963 14.6813 14.7066 14.6545 14.4958 14.9135 14.3298 14.8161 14.524 14.7593 14.5957 14.9398 15.212 13.858 14.69 15.1912 14.8287 14.7257 15.1785 P08228 Sod1 16 90.220761 20655 + 90.220761 90.226332 superoxide dismutase 1, soluble B430204E11Rik; Cu/Zn-SOD; CuZnSOD; Ipo-1; Ipo1; SODC; Sod-1 None None None 21.6137 21.3614 21.4946 21.152 21.2672 21.2585 21.5696 21.7162 21.3161 21.6408 21.6356 22.1755 21.7505 21.0001 21.9203 21.6372 21.1106 21.4069 21.0849 20.9613 21.2541 21.816 21.5191 21.6927 21.833 21.7332 21.5578 21.9485 22.1567 20.7309 21.4801 21.2205 Q9CRS6 Krt5 15 101.707068 110308 - 101.707068 101.712904 keratin 5 3300001P10Rik; AW146334; CK5; K5; Krt2-5; Tfip8 None None None 13.3499 12.1289 13.4393 11.9648 14.4191 12.7671 13.4094 13.2628 12.9586 12.3178 15.0118 13.3996 12.1389 12.4268 13.1965 16.0075 12.3921 13.6 11.6129 13.6762 15.5155 17.4478 14.7666 12.5986 15.2715 13.1707 14.8226 13.8216 12.1675 11.8799 12.5691 11.4944 Q3TTY5 Krt2 15 101.810688 16681 - 101.810688 101.818955 keratin 2 BB005427; Krt2-17; Krt2-2; Krt2e None None None 15.7212 15.6931 16.0332 15.8503 16.4063 16.5718 15.9547 13.9808 16.1962 15.8214 16.7108 15.4028 15.8882 16.4081 15.6849 16.6338 15.5092 16.4049 16.4574 16.6948 16.4974 18.4768 16.6349 15.7402 16.0658 15.8392 16.37 16.2818 14.9293 15.9073 15.6207 15.6715 Q9D2C7 Tmbim6 15 99.392946 110213 + 99.392946 99.410048 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6 5031406P05Rik; Bi1; Tegt None None None 14.3384 14.362 13.9513 14.2866 14.0699 14.2242 14.1533 14.3875 13.9097 14.6524 14.033 13.9 14.0966 14.0458 14.1155 14.3463 14.2391 14.5807 14.1204 14.4199 13.9385 13.9365 14.0766 14.1948 13.5664 13.2492 14.5203 14.2188 14.3152 14.5676 14.3309 14.0719 P13707 Gpd1 15 99.717586 14555 + 99.717586 99.725013 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (soluble) AI747587; GPD-C; GPDH-C; Gdc-1; Gdc1 None None None 21.7426 21.1882 21.9354 21.403 20.7807 21.5284 21.3568 21.3666 20.9725 21.9604 20.8808 20.9415 20.1957 21.1852 21.1612 21.6372 21.7641 22.1156 22.0667 22.1501 22.3148 21.0839 21.4519 21.7631 21.1726 20.9861 22.0118 22.0636 20.7856 22.0937 21.5061 21.2429 Q91X79 Cela1 15 100.674421 109901 - 100.674421 100.687919 chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 1 1810009A17Rik; 1810062B19Rik; Ela-1; Ela1; PC-TsF None None None 13.6815 13.1248 12.7786 14.768 12.357 14.0006 16.7156 14.9871 14.046 14.0439 14.9463 13.9503 12.5457 14.8692 12.8354 14.2227 13.3557 14.0862 12.8372 14.0401 12.3497 12.1474 12.2419 14.6478 12.1192 12.692 14.8026 12.6482 12.7169 13.4311 13.008 12.631 P04104 KRT1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P04104 None None None 17.4959 14.3257 15.995 16.3024 17.2255 16.3326 17.2376 15.0641 16.7436 15.7764 17.9795 16.3124 15.4361 18.8082 16.6852 18.1622 14.5372 17.1043 15.9091 17.3381 18.0461 21.1304 18.5074 16.4727 18.2801 16.938 18.1129 17.1527 13.7581 15.9252 15.8958 15.9807 Q8VED5 Krt79 15 101.929331 223917 - 101.929331 101.940323 keratin 79 BC031593 None None None 15.9106 12.8879 13.8393 14.6174 15.6842 15.0647 16.0484 14.1425 15.3075 14.3602 16.2854 15.242 14.9787 15.5593 14.6437 16.0712 13.9153 15.4103 14.7654 16.0021 16.0022 18.4932 16.4085 14.6105 15.7944 15.267 16.0591 15.317 13.7096 14.498 14.4152 14.1784 P05784 Krt18 15 102.028215 16668 + 102.028215 102.032025 keratin 18 CK18; K18; Krt1-18 None None None 13.8947 13.4622 15.0365 12.8719 14.6338 13.0373 13.6738 13.364 14.5138 13.4596 13.7759 14.5136 12.044 13.4995 14.4371 14.662 13.1428 12.9886 12.5498 13.3408 16.7047 13.2271 13.1052 13.8253 16.7931 14.0865 13.0712 13.1905 13.0962 12.456 14.1254 14.1454 Q9DBE0 Csad 15 102.176996 246277 - 102.176996 102.205051 cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase Csd None None None 17.5116 17.7216 17.9663 17.5208 17.2263 17.8835 17.6738 17.5784 17.6135 17.0643 17.9729 17.9489 16.8256 17.2581 17.7276 17.9621 17.3385 17.7957 16.6143 17.2177 17.5718 18.0137 17.5607 18.1359 18.2658 18.4699 17.9705 18.159 18.0805 16.8319 17.7436 17.3778 P47880 Igfbp6 15 102.144185 16012 + 102.144185 102.149511 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 IGFBP-6 None None None 11.7085 12.9055 12.4727 11.8797 11.876 13.3531 11.668 12.6728 12.3867 12.5273 11.3758 11.6857 12.6278 12.4852 12.4045 11.6869 12.7114 12.6459 11.573 12.2939 12.481 13.0265 12.1487 12.8829 12.4394 12.2274 11.5642 12.7351 12.4787 11.7513 12.4868 12.6215 Q8CGU1 Calcoco1 15 102.706776 67488 - 102.706776 102.722177 calcium binding and coiled coil domain 1 1810009B06Rik; Cocoa; Gcap11; mKIAA1536 None None None 11.8227 13.0157 12.4978 12.2904 11.9326 12.3953 12.008 12.5365 12.09 12.4607 12.7632 11.8146 11.976 12.4111 12.4913 11.8858 12.4122 12.5343 12.5918 12.4144 13.3118 12.2544 12.3426 12.2773 11.8343 12.4881 11.959 12.8366 12.2493 12.1057 12.6951 12.2684 Q9Z0F7 Sncg 14 34.370273 20618 - 34.370273 34.374668 synuclein, gamma C79089; persyn None None None 20.7978 21.4505 21.3511 21.7404 20.7072 21.6149 22.2282 21.7913 21.6746 22.1938 21.2759 20.1221 16.6461 20.4647 21.4268 21.3647 21.606 21.3148 21.2701 21.5403 20.2583 21.3551 22.2695 21.9204 20.3436 20.8916 22.0008 21.5177 21.6029 21.4135 22.0686 21.5602 Q64374 Rgn X 20.549765 19733 + 20.549765 20.562088 regucalcin AI265316; GNL; SMP30 None None None 14.0407 14.0209 14.3201 11.6375 12.0353 13.4038 15.179 12.7386 12.4778 13.8148 11.8826 13.531 12.6452 12.3666 12.8981 13.1442 13.0321 13.1047 12.4968 12.5035 11.5323 11.9406 12.5453 15.0776 14.7288 14.5854 12.2995 12.7209 12.6714 11.9364 13.0377 14.8787 P97447 Fhl1 X 56.731208 14199 + 56.731208 56.793345 four and a half LIM domains 1 FHL-1; KyoT; RAM14-1; SLIM; SLIM-1 None None None 17.0805 18.9279 17.837 17.9443 16.8431 17.3741 16.3525 17.1336 17.4312 17.0563 16.6691 17.5955 15.8811 17.1546 16.8301 17.0614 16.9788 16.7361 17.3619 16.9157 17.6907 17.597 17.2018 16.3907 16.6514 16.8374 17.3938 16.5291 16.3807 17.3323 17.4638 16.0197 Q9WUK4 Rfc2 5 134.582689 19718 + 134.582689 134.598327 replication factor C (activator 1) 2 2610008M13Rik; 40kDa; AI326953; Recc2 None None None 12.7226 11.5046 12.3353 12.3155 13.5494 13.3406 12.5041 13.4768 13.4016 12.655 12.8193 12.0086 15.1632 12.3291 12.1731 12.6995 13.2943 12.9791 11.4984 13.7776 12.2103 13.2375 11.9437 12.9888 13.3928 13.6445 13.4469 13.2061 11.9901 14.1885 12.4435 13.858 Q9CQJ6 Denr 5 123.907204 68184 + 123.907204 123.928831 density-regulated protein 1500003K04Rik None None None 16.4623 15.4246 15.227 16.1669 14.5615 15.7601 16.1478 15.9587 15.7827 16.2022 15.9358 12.2542 16.7191 16.2531 14.8862 14.9082 15.7052 16.3322 16.0038 15.7 15.0792 15.8055 16.115 16.0606 15.5196 16.1161 16.1837 16.0685 15.9528 16.0632 16.0347 15.9661 Q8CIG8 Prmt5 14 54.507181 27374 - 54.507181 54.517469 protein arginine N-methyltransferase 5 Jbp1; Skb1 None None None 14.6493 14.9803 14.8822 14.6299 13.9492 15.0154 15.1369 14.4013 14.8292 14.6022 14.7135 14.68 14.8577 14.5749 14.323 14.1309 14.586 14.6883 14.9169 14.5751 14.1038 14.668 14.8113 14.6371 14.4623 14.9365 14.4631 14.3224 14.5825 14.9109 14.7247 15.1502 Q8K0D7 Wrb Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q8K0D7 None None None 11.8676 12.6938 13.4166 11.8282 13.0605 12.1312 12.9915 11.9557 12.4077 12.3279 12.8758 11.8622 12.4512 12.8164 12.6436 11.5103 12.9977 12.0857 13.8417 14.0729 11.8083 12.2597 11.4564 12.7063 12.9787 12.6908 11.7154 12.9117 12.4774 11.4042 12.8825 12.445 P02088 Hbb-b1 7 0.038284 15129 + 0.038284 0.039683 hemoglobin, beta adult major chain AA409645; Hbb1; Hbbt1; Hbbt2; MommeD7; beta1 None None None 25.1547 25.8317 25.6412 25.6194 25.8559 24.8328 25.5635 25.8924 25.1127 25.8879 25.3975 24.0847 25.7538 25.0344 25.9577 25.4129 26.2781 25.6493 25.6254 25.5108 25.3934 25.4834 25.595 26.2614 25.4209 26.2159 25.8506 26.1812 22.8758 24.8382 26.0119 25.6101 P11679 Krt8 15 101.99671 16691 - 101.99671 102.004341 keratin 8 AA960620; AL022697; AU019895; Card2; EndoA; K8; Krt-2.8; Krt2-8 None None None 15.4431 15.8049 15.0868 13.919 15.5043 15.4677 15.3613 15.3408 15.9468 15.1463 15.5537 14.4786 12.9285 15.5253 15.0349 15.1835 14.9635 14.4827 13.8358 14.9838 17.0226 15.1484 14.545 15.2343 16.6516 15.3766 14.1596 14.7735 14.0908 13.9804 15.626 14.5014 P97290 Serping1 2 84.765359 12258 - 84.765359 84.775443 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade G, member 1 C1INH; C1nh None None None 17.2013 15.6442 15.808 15.0138 16.0509 15.7344 15.6849 15.4632 15.618 15.621 15.727 15.6947 16.3034 15.9384 15.5917 16.3903 15.4123 15.3812 15.1033 15.5671 15.6199 15.1269 15.2042 15.3809 16.2269 16.5307 15.355 15.0488 15.1718 15.391 15.6721 15.3907 Q99JW2 Acy1 9 106.43298 109652 - 106.43298 106.438235 aminoacylase 1 1110014J22Rik; Acy-1 None None None 14.3317 14.0821 14.9759 13.7982 14.0024 14.6175 14.8971 14.1448 14.675 13.89 14.4141 14.2163 15.8015 13.6807 14.3719 14.7339 13.7278 14.3055 14.326 13.7741 14.1889 14.7958 14.4972 13.5545 15.1362 14.6625 13.9758 14.5647 14.2766 13.7635 14.0292 14.1082 Q9CYA0 Creld2 15 88.819645 76737 + 88.819645 88.82668 cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 2 5730592L21Rik; C85758 None None None 14.7433 13.644 15.0244 14.1535 14.6955 13.9745 14.1149 14.1175 15.2324 13.6061 13.373 16.1099 18.535 14.1799 14.4896 14.2855 14.0796 13.7208 14.6032 14.2835 13.6729 14.4403 14.0643 14.0596 15.1172 14.7621 13.2708 14.0828 14.9156 14.1803 14.477 14.8358 Q9Z0P5 Twf2 9 106.203107 23999 + 106.203107 106.215386 twinfilin actin binding protein 2 A6-related; AU014993; Ptk9l; Ptk9r None None None 15.9623 14.7536 15.0691 15.1485 15.5206 14.9807 15.2157 15.0615 15.4805 14.9259 14.8399 15.0446 17.4903 15.7251 15.1979 14.5815 15.3501 15.0696 15.5261 15.3045 14.9069 14.8513 14.9026 15.0285 15.3079 15.1618 14.4622 14.6126 15.6065 15.6953 15.1497 15.9683 Q3KNM2 March5 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q3KNM2 None None None 13.9811 13.3752 14.0215 13.4292 13.3875 13.0194 12.1406 13.6235 13.3812 13.1685 12.9691 13.6441 12.9462 13.1431 13.6576 13.6863 13.513 13.4137 14.1458 14.0581 13.8895 12.8698 12.5923 13.396 12.9936 13.732 12.9668 13.8366 13.3731 13.6386 13.7038 13.4437 Q9Z1Y4 Trip6 5 137.309897 22051 - 137.309897 137.314479 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 6 None None None 12.7695 12.7106 11.8295 13.2297 12.7484 12.496 12.7635 13.1838 12.7506 12.2228 13.128 12.4615 11.815 12.7882 12.2572 12.4863 12.4357 12.4133 12.4986 11.9777 13.4082 13.5744 13.0658 11.7615 11.8014 11.4705 12.1933 12.2053 11.708 12.2026 12.6667 11.6071 P15331 Prph 15 99.053578 19132 + 99.053578 99.058977 peripherin Prph1 None None None 21.4053 21.6427 20.3446 21.1168 21.5932 21.1927 21.5492 21.6564 21.4566 22.1035 21.4337 21.0593 20.0246 21.4563 21.2312 21.1018 21.399 21.3789 21.9208 21.7633 20.4158 21.5146 21.9087 21.5981 19.9382 20.598 20.9402 21.2218 21.766 21.9328 21.98 21.3598 Q8VE22 Mrps23 11 88.194105 64656 + 88.194105 88.211506 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S23 D11Bwg1153e; MRP-S23; Rpms23; S23mt None None None 13.603 13.3361 13.9761 13.1812 13.2227 13.3122 13.5984 13.6677 13.5226 13.2047 13.3764 12.7559 14.5776 13.2775 13.4611 13.3264 13.416 13.1316 13.2305 14.0676 14.8016 13.4116 13.2683 13.342 13.9858 13.7479 13.4171 14.0134 14.1447 13.3346 13.3832 13.1889 Q9WTW5 Slc22a3 17 12.419971 20519 - 12.419971 12.507703 solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 3 EMT; Oct3; Orct3; Slca22a3 None None None 15.2397 15.9755 15.9863 15.9815 15.759 15.8025 16.009 15.9544 15.9186 16.0581 15.5825 16.8339 12.5618 15.8177 16.0562 15.4535 15.9366 16.1439 15.4598 15.5098 14.5899 15.398 15.4994 15.8392 14.6728 15.3328 16.0688 15.8782 15.3599 15.765 15.9238 15.9573 Q07113 Igf2r 17 12.682405 16004 - 12.682405 12.769705 insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor AI661837; CD222; CI-MPR; M6P/IGF2R; Mpr300 None None None 14.6051 13.6348 13.7093 14.0045 14.0356 13.7676 13.7065 13.8491 13.772 13.9832 14.0071 14.3635 13.755 14.7291 14.2517 13.7292 14.4172 14.0545 14.5356 14.4544 13.9292 13.7882 13.626 13.6262 13.6756 13.7005 13.6241 13.8998 14.515 14.6854 14.0204 14.5511 Q9WUT3 Rps6ka2 17 7.08897 20112 + 7.08897 7.303314 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 2 90kDa; D17Wsu134e; Rps6ka-rs1; Rsk3; p90rsk; pp90rsk None None None 15.4446 15.187 15.4511 15.9491 15.4614 15.8998 15.5282 15.7096 13.7117 16.0325 15.4273 15.1941 15.2381 15.5084 16.0951 15.6057 14.8414 16.3372 12.8473 14.8844 12.1354 15.0983 14.3049 16.0409 15.0227 12.3637 16.3085 15.9363 15.0942 15.7363 14.731 13.9174 Q9JJE4 Paqr4 17 23.736185 76498 - 23.736185 23.740898 progestin and adipoQ receptor family member IV 1500004C10Rik None None None 12.5218 12.543 14.9084 14.1135 12.804 14.6484 14.5197 13.9651 12.9994 14.7873 14.4136 11.7114 12.602 12.9672 12.3604 15.4131 13.178 13.8112 14.401 12.7309 11.5722 13.6553 14.5906 14.0971 14.145 14.9453 11.8662 12.7609 12.6282 13.6794 13.8271 12.5958 Q9JLQ0 Cd2ap 17 42.748886 12488 - 42.748886 42.876706 CD2-associated protein AL024079; C78928; METS-1; Mets1 None None None 12.4469 14.0398 13.5099 13.4316 13.4111 12.9818 13.7149 12.9453 13.6272 13.3024 13.217 12.8435 14.1006 13.7529 13.2077 12.0629 13.1442 13.118 13.9288 13.5215 12.037 13.2867 14.0503 12.6295 13.5158 14.096 13.1033 12.2804 14.1641 13.4796 13.5655 14.3065 Q80XQ2 Tbc1d5 17 50.733123 72238 - 50.733123 51.181198 TBC1 domain family, member 5 1600014N05Rik None None None 11.7146 13.0424 12.7239 11.4021 12.4946 12.2008 13.1152 12.1576 12.9059 13.0249 11.9059 12.02 12.8773 12.9933 12.0851 12.669 12.4495 12.2462 13.1245 12.6769 12.9734 12.2345 13.4255 13.2305 13.1877 13.107 13.2332 12.4856 13.9301 11.701 12.5454 12.3367 Q9QUT0 Rhag 17 40.811098 19743 + 40.811098 40.844093 Rhesus blood group-associated A glycoprotein CD241; Rh50; Rh50A None None None 12.5272 10.9932 13.0026 12.7932 13.0879 11.5411 11.5049 12.7852 12.2177 12.486 11.6147 12.4243 11.4862 10.6748 12.6395 12.7542 13.3689 12.2462 11.8815 12.4443 12.6881 11.2379 11.6434 12.6304 12.0137 12.9393 11.4426 13.5447 11.5123 11.4157 12.62 12.0514 Q6A068 Cdc5l 17 45.391886 71702 - 45.391886 45.433706 cell division cycle 5-like (S. pombe) 1200002I02Rik; AA408004; PCDC5RP None None None 12.8728 13.2248 12.6908 14.0466 13.5851 12.8835 13.5415 12.8969 13.4709 12.8563 12.4217 12.7374 14.6029 12.4512 13.2451 13.192 13.0937 12.4093 13.3238 13.089 13.1769 12.6702 13.0877 12.5106 13.4469 13.3327 13.2183 13.2632 13.3953 13.6666 12.5536 12.0724 P11499 Hsp90ab1 17 45.567777 15516 - 45.567777 45.57326 heat shock protein 90 alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1 90kDa; AL022974; C81438; Hsp84; Hsp84-1; Hsp90; Hspcb None None None 21.554 20.9009 21.1339 20.7115 21.1258 21.1597 21.3153 21.1752 21.2693 20.8083 20.9829 21.4852 22.459 21.2246 21.2317 20.8038 21.2983 20.9894 21.3296 21.0573 20.9825 20.988 20.8094 21.2023 21.5434 21.3747 20.6719 20.9853 21.336 21.2986 21.0644 21.4233 Q8BTJ4 Enpp4 17 44.096306 224794 - 44.096306 44.105808 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 4 4933413N07Rik; AA986363; AI195364; E-NPP 4; Gm90 None None None 14.1927 13.8555 14.2994 14.0427 13.9937 13.7015 14.1367 14.0102 13.9871 14.307 14.3406 14.0939 15.0747 14.2305 14.0255 13.702 13.8362 13.5451 13.758 13.9834 13.925 13.4326 13.8586 14.2049 14.2049 14.6353 14.1836 14.1922 13.9553 13.5858 13.816 14.2756 O54825 Bysl 17 47.59933 53414 - 47.59933 47.611491 bystin-like Bys; Enp1 None None None 13.6829 12.2127 12.0165 12.2412 12.981 12.0093 11.8397 13.0243 12.527 12.7848 12.615 13.1977 14.6587 12.6387 13.0122 13.0559 12.6735 13.0011 11.9896 12.6919 12.8109 12.3872 12.3035 11.818 12.8511 11.6249 13.3347 12.3593 13.3924 12.8029 12.2944 12.638 Q9D0W5 Ppil1 17 29.250834 68816 - 29.250834 29.26397 peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 1 1110060O10Rik; AI327391; Cypl1 None None None 15.7643 15.2251 16.1247 14.7463 15.1256 16.0659 15.7551 15.5661 15.9459 15.6434 15.7288 15.5378 17.8128 15.8301 14.9977 14.1592 15.0151 15.8009 15.9548 15.0772 15.8885 15.9719 15.6182 15.5718 15.053 15.1596 14.2654 14.3841 14.6812 14.6771 14.8842 16.3527 Q9DBC3 Cmtr1 17 29.660594 74157 + 29.660594 29.705978 cap methyltransferase 1 1300018I05Rik; AI451264; Ftsjd2; MTr1 None None None 11.9552 12.1306 12.7291 12.9415 12.1436 12.1312 11.8782 12.5189 13.0868 12.3279 13.1936 12.1373 14.0239 11.7031 12.5127 12.0735 12.0265 12.6277 12.1244 12.3186 12.8363 11.6966 12.5697 11.593 11.8654 12.1277 12.2786 12.3485 11.3641 11.5639 12.3014 13.0081 Q62234 Myom1 17 71.003331 17929 + 71.003331 71.126855 myomesin 1 D430047A17Rik None None None 12.2582 15.5005 12.372 11.6709 12.228 12.136 12.7958 12.07 12.8479 12.1548 12.6801 12.0676 12.2556 12.6857 12.0444 12.3205 13.6004 12.0906 12.3246 12.4165 11.6127 12.4694 11.6618 12.5107 12.7831 12.8962 11.8624 12.4465 12.7137 12.885 12.3354 12.2493 Q9CX60 LBH Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9CX60 None None None 14.6472 13.8658 14.9055 14.1889 14.7868 14.5427 14.614 14.309 14.8151 13.7928 14.2467 13.6272 16.4841 14.7321 13.9802 13.7544 14.5281 13.9849 14.9398 14.6649 14.4842 13.9757 14.3076 14.4756 14.5824 14.4285 13.1852 13.7869 14.152 14.8478 14.2813 15.4142 Q9QXY6 Ehd3 17 73.80484 57440 + 73.80484 73.832092 EH-domain containing 3 Ehd2 None None None 15.3696 16.4641 14.9174 16.308 16.0059 15.2892 16.3528 15.393 15.3586 16.4205 14.9834 15.1062 14.9312 15.9889 16.1683 16.1299 15.6569 16.1853 14.6586 14.4687 14.1434 15.1078 16.2855 14.8793 14.8249 14.7257 16.7952 15.0944 14.769 15.0631 15.7132 15.5984 Q00519 Xdh 17 73.883894 22436 - 73.883894 73.950396 xanthine dehydrogenase XO; Xor; Xox-1; Xox1 None None None 17.8669 17.6641 17.7888 17.7552 17.8085 17.9679 17.8846 17.8172 17.5963 17.8912 17.8636 18.2304 16.8309 17.6937 17.9288 17.6653 17.7524 17.7879 17.7993 17.5267 17.4811 17.8593 17.7106 17.4159 17.4466 18.3282 17.8277 17.6638 17.7618 17.6416 17.6535 18.2027 O88738 Birc6 17 74.528253 12211 + 74.528253 74.703355 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 6 A430032G04Rik; A430040A19Rik; AA501170; Bruce; D630005A10Rik; mKIAA1289 None None None 14.8047 12.4672 12.8239 14.7814 13.5246 13.4041 12.1826 13.832 14.0363 12.4427 12.6347 13.9564 14.5516 14.8143 13.3127 14.6971 13.8384 13.2675 14.8526 14.0258 12.2677 14.4786 14.5565 14.9771 15.1255 14.8663 13.8763 12.0399 15.234 14.722 13.5043 14.5962 Q03963 Eif2ak2 17 78.850503 19106 - 78.850503 78.882571 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 2 2310047A08Rik; 4732414G15Rik; AI467567; AI747578; Pkr; Prkr; Tik None None None 11.7259 12.5938 12.6568 13.4109 13.3202 12.8287 12.4741 13.0186 12.7073 12.9265 12.5165 12.5007 13.025 11.5321 12.9868 11.6288 12.7478 12.6885 13.1022 13.2444 12.3125 12.3755 12.767 12.83 11.8369 13.4503 12.7799 12.2669 13.0375 12.7627 12.9427 12.6396 Q9CWG8 Ndufaf7 17 78.937105 73694 + 78.937105 78.948051 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 7 2410091C18Rik; AL033374; PRO1853 None None None 12.7384 12.493 12.8026 12.089 12.0866 12.2138 12.4954 12.0335 12.7871 12.5822 13.8063 14.2053 12.3548 12.5938 12.914 12.8993 12.9394 12.6567 12.7907 12.7875 12.1624 12.6316 12.315 12.4872 12.5179 13.44 13.8549 12.0138 12.3648 12.7861 12.572 12.5476 Q9WV55 Vapa 17 65.580052 30960 - 65.580052 65.616461 vesicle-associated membrane protein, associated protein A 33kDa; VAP33 None None None 17.4827 17.2739 17.0284 17.308 17.085 17.0956 16.6948 17.2042 17.0878 17.1956 16.6524 17.0695 17.3124 17.0678 16.9388 16.7251 17.3447 17.0901 17.3042 17.3372 16.674 16.6079 17.2799 17.2882 16.6953 17.0191 17.2978 17.0003 16.8485 17.3753 17.1155 17.0663 P42125 Eci1 17 24.426682 13177 + 24.426682 24.439315 enoyl-Coenzyme A delta isomerase 1 Dci; eci None None None 18.2176 18.2188 19.2861 18.0694 17.9632 17.9375 18.0774 17.7808 18.362 17.4829 17.9779 18.4338 19.0069 18.1057 17.9729 18.3316 18.1712 18.1481 17.6311 18.6135 20.6394 18.801 18.6266 18.03 19.763 19.0833 18.1403 18.9272 19.2144 17.5192 18.5651 17.4874 Q8K5B2 Mcfd2 17 87.254442 193813 - 87.254442 87.265946 multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2 1810021C21Rik; F5f8d; Lman1ip; Sdnsf None None None 13.9127 15.9541 15.8314 15.9378 15.8485 15.9603 16.2093 15.6279 16.0205 16.0925 15.5936 15.9185 14.7825 15.2575 15.7897 16.0779 16.3143 15.6455 16.2608 16.299 14.8045 15.7166 15.9783 16.0234 15.3161 16.3382 15.6929 15.4854 15.4805 16.4831 15.858 16.232 Q9WV85 Nme3 17 24.896499 79059 + 24.896499 24.89753 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 3 1810009F08Rik; AI413736; DR-nm23; Ndk3; Nm23-DR; Nm23-M3 None None None 14.4324 13.225 13.9055 13.5927 13.9445 13.7829 13.6623 13.8757 13.981 13.627 14.0513 14.434 14.9121 13.6572 13.9313 14.2004 13.4648 13.2052 13.3358 13.3602 14.0841 14.0141 13.2567 13.6028 14.434 14.1556 13.3846 14.0215 14.1292 13.679 13.3826 13.6244 P01027 C3 17 57.203966 12266 - 57.203966 57.228135 complement component 3 AI255234; ASP; HSE-MSF; Plp None None None 19.4324 18.6708 19.0732 18.9909 19.4004 19.3425 19.672 18.5911 19.4813 18.9368 19.477 18.9633 19.1465 18.0893 19.3349 21.0187 18.8631 18.5061 17.3698 18.1881 18.7958 19.0667 18.4454 19.3405 20.3913 20.5034 18.8804 19.1035 17.9865 18.0229 18.925 18.6421 Q9CYI4 Luc7l 17 26.252898 66978 + 26.252898 26.285509 Luc7-like 1810045C04Rik; 2410018D03Rik None None None 12.6618 12.0361 13.5543 14.573 12.7788 12.1409 11.9887 12.5432 12.8992 12.3406 12.4327 13.0306 14.3888 12.3172 12.7799 12.8204 12.648 12.6753 11.6736 12.8322 12.0285 12.9582 12.4375 12.9191 12.551 12.3011 12.7699 12.6463 12.1565 12.3739 13.1278 12.1595 Q9JI46 Nudt3 17 27.579381 56409 - 27.579381 27.623451 nudix (nucleotide diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 3 1110011B09Rik; AA960325; Dipp; Dipp1 None None None 14.4778 13.7122 13.8303 14.1071 14.2542 14.1349 14.2928 14.7547 14.7248 14.5651 14.0995 15.909 14.4413 13.9162 15.3291 13.0001 14.4751 13.8977 14.0197 14.4831 13.9904 13.7335 13.951 14.0108 14.037 15.047 14.7346 13.7991 15.9281 14.8738 14.6581 14.5339 Q9DCN1 Nudt12 17 59.000106 67993 - 59.000106 59.013366 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 12 0610016O18Rik None None None 13.4161 14.3826 15.0101 15.3877 14.3517 13.6511 14.4352 14.2466 14.662 14.849 13.3728 14.8924 13.6986 14.4531 14.6512 13.9916 14.3327 14.3302 14.3626 14.2055 13.8356 14.4139 15.1195 13.3995 14.5763 15.2495 14.7045 13.9875 14.4054 13.9834 14.4511 14.53 Q9D4H8 Cul2 18 3.382969 71745 + 3.382969 3.436699 cullin 2 1300003D18Rik; 4932411N15Rik; AI327301; mKIAA4106 None None None 14.2938 14.3701 14.1472 14.4668 14.3346 14.4432 13.5286 14.542 14.1026 14.4504 14.5154 13.4766 14.76 14.4777 14.2 14.2156 14.2566 14.4746 14.315 14.1848 14.3561 14.2744 14.5729 14.356 14.1785 14.1945 14.4532 14.2806 14.184 14.4041 14.3172 14.5275 Q8K4L3 Svil 18 4.920466 225115 + 4.920466 5.119292 supervillin AU024053; B430302E16Rik None None None 12.9223 13.0334 12.9271 12.9627 12.7912 13.2228 13.3712 13.0776 13.2664 12.9331 11.97 12.6981 12.7166 13.4581 12.2651 12.1918 12.6471 12.5105 13.9227 13.5002 13.6166 13.4604 12.0665 12.3094 11.7159 13.2842 12.7467 11.8325 12.7514 13.1194 12.7268 14.3134 Q61768 Kif5b 18 6.201004 16573 - 6.201004 6.241523 kinesin family member 5B AL022807; Khc; Khcs; Kns1; Ukhc None None None 16.2291 15.792 15.8108 16.0673 15.9819 16.0041 15.8594 15.9873 16.0817 16.0679 15.7812 16.0248 16.4278 16.0749 16.1875 15.8644 16.1693 16.2072 16.2577 16.0448 15.6896 15.812 15.9207 15.8638 15.7113 15.5462 15.8703 15.8687 15.8938 16.2416 15.9609 16.1223 Q61387 Cox7a2l 17 83.501916 20463 - 83.501916 83.514332 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A2 like COX7AR; COX7RP; EB1; SIG-81; SIG81; Silg81 None None None 13.2411 13.9749 16.5564 12.6847 12.6077 16.0528 13.2865 12.5785 15.6079 12.8099 13.8824 12.8067 13.0024 12.75 12.783 13.3782 15.725 13.087 16.1402 16.2683 15.338 15.8281 16.0684 15.9045 16.0172 12.9686 15.0181 13.195 15.8583 14.4245 13.1181 15.4218 Q91WG4 Elp2 18 24.60396 58523 + 24.60396 24.638829 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 2 AU023723; Epl2; StIP1; Statip1 None None None 12.7688 12.8513 12.6416 13.5683 13.8779 14.5296 14.1916 13.5452 13.4312 13.6453 12.8618 13.2535 13.0276 12.8946 12.884 12.1107 13.4462 12.9833 14.2583 13.6185 12.1889 13.657 14.0987 13.6444 12.9103 12.9688 12.2454 13.6654 13.8822 14.0146 13.1973 13.8877 Q8R3N6 Thoc1 18 9.958179 225160 + 9.958179 9.995483 THO complex 1 3110002N20Rik; AW107452; NMP-84 None None None 12.0552 12.4926 12.6024 13.0787 12.3024 12.1751 12.3296 12.3273 12.9193 12.2685 12.2848 12.2808 12.8508 12.1801 12.2542 12.0175 12.5204 12.4148 12.1996 12.19 12.2861 12.1537 12.6405 12.2339 12.1526 12.3079 12.1642 12.269 12.2921 11.855 12.2758 12.1924 Q03958 Pfdn6 17 33.938908 14976 - 33.938908 33.940342 prefoldin subunit 6 H-2Ke2; H2-Ke2; Ke-2 None None None 14.0004 12.3678 14.3652 14.783 14.6197 14.1088 12.2873 14.3495 14.7515 14.5848 14.4675 14.7186 15.1658 14.3924 14.5334 13.9366 14.1961 13.4869 14.4288 14.216 14.1933 14.3145 14.5413 14.2972 14.2401 14.4116 14.1889 14.2837 14.5324 14.2839 14.2676 14.6224 Q8C754 Vps52 17 33.955778 224705 + 33.955778 33.967037 VPS52 GARP complex subunit ARE1; D130068D18; D430041K17Rik; SAC2; Sacm2l; tclw5 None None None 12.3765 14.261 12.94 14.189 13.9182 14.0645 13.421 13.6386 13.1855 13.7881 13.3754 12.2826 13.1465 14.1071 13.0753 12.4187 13.9902 14.126 14.3832 13.481 12.512 12.9876 14.2143 13.2915 12.3427 13.4979 14.2611 13.9314 13.9858 13.8834 13.6091 14.0457 P36371 Tap2 17 34.204478 21355 + 34.204478 34.21632 transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP) ABC18; AI462429; APT2; Abcb3; Ham-2; Ham2; MTP2; PSF2; RING11; Tap-2; Y1; jas None None None 12.4301 14.6039 14.8861 15.0641 15.4735 15.2341 15.0905 15.2736 14.9601 15.3918 14.6565 15.025 15.78 15.0197 15.4199 15.182 15.0404 14.8271 15.0987 15.1801 14.9409 14.9317 15.3542 15.403 14.9342 15.6358 15.1784 15.2651 15.3779 15.0281 15.5438 15.9519 Q9D8I1 Mzb1 18 35.647264 69816 - 35.647264 35.650265 marginal zone B and B1 cell-specific protein 1 2010001M09Rik; AV064572; PACAP; pERp1 None None None 12.4718 11.8242 14.0227 12.6634 14.0358 12.1791 12.3341 12.9305 14.292 12.2775 12.291 16.0187 19.5458 12.2051 13.5269 12.8337 12.183 12.5494 11.8244 11.8322 12.309 12.4081 12.134 12.3315 12.2066 11.8932 12.5762 11.8346 12.7289 12.2713 12.6817 11.6378 Q9EPK6 Sil1 18 35.266395 81500 - 35.266395 35.499389 endoplasmic reticulum chaperone SIL1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 1810057E01Rik; AI042831; wz None None None 13.6177 13.7285 13.2901 13.309 13.9963 13.1905 13.0512 13.5903 13.6309 13.2556 13.0351 13.4392 15.1731 13.1535 14.2742 13.3814 13.6047 13.2244 13.7752 13.5134 12.7748 13.2026 13.0459 13.0062 13.2928 13.7146 13.354 12.998 13.884 13.683 13.2643 13.8455 P38647 Hspa9 18 34.937413 15526 - 34.937413 34.95435 heat shock protein 9 74kDa; Csa; Grp75; Hsc74; Hsp74; Hsp74a; Hspa9a; Mortalin; Mot-2; Mot2; Mthsp70; Pbp74 None None None 19.7301 18.9015 19.8907 19.0677 19.3971 19.2607 19.3919 19.467 19.3429 19.3031 18.8906 19.8705 19.5887 19.0002 19.3204 19.1831 19.2877 19.0593 19.1109 19.4158 20.3858 19.001 19.665 19.1642 19.5768 19.9308 18.9778 19.7257 19.9342 19.0647 19.201 19.5796 Q8BWY3 Etf1 18 34.902784 225363 - 34.902784 34.932007 eukaryotic translation termination factor 1 AI463371; D6Ertd109e; ERF; ERF1; SUP45L1; TB3-1 None None None 16.2964 16.0036 15.7752 15.9199 15.8496 16.1421 16.0269 16.2386 16.1403 16.238 15.7721 15.9982 16.515 16.1019 16.2164 15.462 16.24 15.5997 16.2655 16.018 15.4643 15.723 15.9177 16.1897 15.5572 15.8614 16.1574 15.909 15.8112 16.1604 16.1884 15.9245 Q8BGZ4 Cdc23 18 34.628347 52563 - 34.628347 34.651748 CDC23 cell division cycle 23 6030435O18; D18Ertd243e None None None 12.3784 13.2968 13.2056 12.7822 12.7921 13.0747 13.337 12.9078 13.1432 13.142 12.9197 13.1476 13.4893 13.1023 13.1129 12.7103 12.9747 13.1495 13.4017 13.3527 12.7298 13.0369 13.0229 13.1975 12.7293 13.2998 13.1329 13.2969 13.0444 13.1288 13.207 13.2637 Q7TSC1 Prrc2a 17 35.149075 53761 - 35.149075 35.16532 proline-rich coiled-coil 2A 3110039B05Rik; Bat-2; Bat2; D17H6S51E; G2; Wbp12; mKIAA4178 None None None 12.4772 11.2936 11.6786 12.0397 12.081 11.6326 10.4757 12.3161 11.9547 11.8759 11.5929 11.9661 13.2364 12.2183 12.1995 11.3466 11.7309 11.7885 11.477 11.8678 12.4576 11.3343 11.7638 12.094 11.6121 11.1643 11.8074 11.9322 11.7827 11.6889 11.5247 11.5527 Q91XD2 Lims2 18 31.922292 225341 + 31.922292 31.958619 LIM and senescent cell antigen like domains 2 PINCH2 None None None 14.2591 15.5318 15.1141 15.7362 14.9956 15.613 15.7313 15.0798 15.4986 15.6846 15.669 15.1239 13.4993 15.7603 15.0012 15.2462 15.1913 15.7411 15.3566 15.1979 15.4671 15.5175 15.6853 15.2283 14.9399 15.0467 15.6856 14.9379 14.717 15.3853 15.4599 15.3942 Q99N92 Mrpl27 11 94.653769 94064 + 94.653769 94.661931 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 A630055F16Rik; D11Moh47; D18Ertd643e None None None 14.9061 14.597 16.1838 11.3637 15.8731 16.0294 16.5983 16.0241 14.1864 15.3882 15.6114 14.004 15.9561 15.7618 13.0894 14.6393 14.2042 16.2468 16.0297 16.1396 16.3115 13.1477 11.7958 16.042 15.7487 11.3538 16.3261 15.6874 12.9946 13.4917 15.6923 13.6735 O35604 Npc1 18 12.189693 18145 - 12.189693 12.236505 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 1 A430089E03Rik; C85354; D18Ertd139e; D18Ertd723e; lcsd; nmf164; spm None None None 13.534 13.0843 13.4048 14.6183 14.4298 13.7723 14.1198 13.0652 14.3309 13.5267 14.3215 14.9293 14.0546 14.6836 13.602 13.3924 14.6222 13.6034 14.7463 14.3144 13.655 14.0503 14.4455 14.2625 12.8304 14.7117 13.6765 13.1398 14.6633 14.7475 13.8262 14.8629 O55091 Impact 18 12.954689 16210 + 12.954689 12.992949 impact, RWD domain protein E430016J11Rik None None None 12.5026 13.2347 13.4115 13.2516 13.1612 13.7549 14.1851 13.0214 13.6666 13.7236 12.1534 11.991 12.4033 13.2213 13.3695 14.7652 13.6246 13.0787 13.7341 14.6068 11.7934 13.9707 13.536 13.8093 15.3602 15.5125 12.9876 11.9947 12.4294 13.8865 13.3614 13.646 Q8BUY9 Pggt1b 18 46.235343 225467 - 46.235343 46.281088 protein geranylgeranyltransferase type I, beta subunit 2010207C17Rik; 2610100E13; AI451237; AI551093; BGG1; GGT1 None None None 12.7509 12.9487 12.3321 12.9938 12.8557 12.6643 12.1945 13.2552 12.4814 13.4482 12.7885 12.6583 13.721 12.6399 12.5126 12.5045 12.8833 13.1813 12.5834 12.0197 12.6862 12.8102 13.1762 12.7635 11.9584 11.9592 13.2145 12.0338 12.2427 13.2502 12.7355 13.0289 Q8BI08 Mal2 15 54.571365 105853 + 54.571365 54.602845 mal, T cell differentiation protein 2 AI461653 None None None 15.6339 15.4298 15.7467 14.9405 14.3449 15.4738 16.8872 15.4675 15.5772 15.0167 15.0372 15.776 13.8472 15.5266 15.4462 15.7542 15.7545 15.1772 14.9696 14.714 15.7413 16.1615 15.1804 14.9187 15.6957 15.2474 16.0962 15.6451 14.2763 15.2252 16.0981 15.7303 Q9DCR2 Ap3s1 18 46.741693 11777 + 46.741693 46.790825 adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 1 subunit None None None 14.9678 15.2341 14.7392 15.0439 15.0464 15.0805 15.0006 14.8066 15.1119 15.2017 14.3953 14.5838 14.6452 14.9353 14.8564 14.7359 15.1438 14.7284 14.9101 14.8344 14.1516 14.5613 15.1447 14.9293 14.7091 14.8288 15.2857 14.3795 15.0631 15.0321 15.1015 14.7789 Q2KHK3 Lvrn 18 46.848825 74574 + 46.848825 46.907245 laeverin 4833403I15Rik; APQ; Aqpep None None None 11.8197 12.5661 14.2773 12.5933 11.7471 15.7558 12.3717 12.1761 12.8175 12.2674 12.272 12.3111 12.6504 12.2319 12.5807 12.8043 13.3116 14.1407 12.5599 12.3622 12.4157 12.0557 12.1152 12.3058 12.3942 12.8893 14.7871 12.0003 12.6765 13.5739 12.6253 12.7531 Q9EQQ2 Yipf5 18 40.204864 67180 - 40.204864 40.219398 Yip1 domain family, member 5 2610311I19Rik; AA408236; Yip1a None None None 14.3488 15.1622 14.4901 14.6749 14.2781 14.785 14.7075 14.0978 14.5815 14.9716 13.6742 14.3213 13.7343 14.7513 14.8529 14.2744 15.0292 14.3188 14.8931 14.7785 13.697 14.0681 14.6064 14.8963 14.3277 13.8854 14.6583 13.9149 15.2359 15.4316 14.7419 14.1417 P51660 Hsd17b4 18 50.1282 15488 + 50.1282 50.196269 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4 17-beta-HSD; 17[b]-HSD; DBP; MFE-2; MFP2; MPF-2; Mfp-2; perMFE-2 None None None 20.1557 20.1366 19.8618 20.2631 19.7726 19.5779 19.7546 19.2434 19.8285 20.2845 19.2301 20.4076 19.0773 20.0813 19.7477 19.1721 20.0861 20.224 20.1454 19.9586 19.4251 19.4117 20.2633 20.2385 19.7848 20.2902 20.4837 19.7928 19.3211 19.8165 19.7336 20.1211 Q9D8V7 Sec11c 18 65.800577 66286 + 65.800577 65.817659 SEC11 homolog C, signal peptidase complex subunit 1810029G24Rik; Sec11l3 None None None 11.6684 12.6375 12.441 11.7594 11.7202 12.1312 11.3713 12.1743 11.732 12.2284 12.932 11.806 13.8273 12.2599 12.2034 11.5666 12.1955 12.0857 11.5533 12.3823 11.8646 12.4645 11.4001 12.7626 12.0976 12.6346 11.6845 12.3524 12.5989 11.4605 12.6963 12.5012 Q91UZ5 Impa2 18 67.289246 114663 + 67.289246 67.319215 inositol monophosphatase 2 2210415D20Rik; AI326924; AW259601; IMP 2; IMPase 2 None None None 13.9472 13.6731 14.5147 13.6502 14.4983 13.913 14.2936 13.993 14.3103 13.8946 13.804 14.3187 15.9607 14.0846 13.7351 13.8826 14.2904 13.8417 14.254 14.3098 15.2107 14.2892 13.735 13.9743 14.52 14.4263 13.9405 13.9338 14.0753 14.364 14.0073 14.5563 Q9EST4 Psmg2 18 67.641586 107047 + 67.641586 67.65418 proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 2 1700017I17Rik; AW545363; Clast3; Tnfsf5ip1 None None None 14.3355 14.2147 14.0301 14.2633 14.3562 14.4884 13.6591 14.3034 14.541 14.2975 14.2306 14.1234 15.27 14.4814 14.3324 14.0711 14.5479 14.4439 14.4978 14.3408 13.9987 14.1845 14.3382 13.6168 14.2513 14.5275 14.1855 13.8855 14.4522 14.6889 14.3473 14.5873 P30412 Ppic 18 53.40634 19038 - 53.40634 53.418006 peptidylprolyl isomerase C CyP-20c None None None 14.144 16.7074 15.6905 16.8129 16.0892 16.663 16.7411 15.9587 16.1348 16.4871 16.2048 14.8589 11.8704 16.2144 16.0333 15.5042 16.718 16.4536 16.7217 16.4921 15.0871 15.8838 16.3218 16.8336 15.2655 15.3411 16.5093 15.8986 15.1762 16.7889 16.1059 16.5591 Q8R2U0 Seh1l 18 67.774875 72124 + 67.774875 67.795486 SEH1-like (S. cerevisiae 2610007A16Rik; AW540070; SEC13L; SEH1A; SEH1B; Seh1 None None None 13.5414 13.4688 13.3559 13.6066 13.5035 13.26 11.7589 13.3456 13.0969 13.072 13.5138 12.3739 14.2835 13.9042 12.6025 11.6561 12.551 12.8232 13.4784 13.3612 12.6634 13.0301 13.416 13.3885 11.6246 13.5786 13.0245 12.6895 13.6088 12.777 13.3491 12.4789 Q99KE1 Me2 18 73.764953 107029 - 73.764953 73.815437 malic enzyme 2, NAD(+)-dependent, mitochondrial AW120568; D030040L20Rik; NAD-ME None None None 13.4869 13.4598 12.6815 13.3504 14.1359 13.4317 13.7409 13.7393 13.7988 13.7002 13.8645 13.5756 15.2007 13.8986 13.3642 13.0133 13.8648 13.3215 14.0177 13.5162 13.4878 13.3384 13.54 13.6008 14.6701 13.5243 12.7233 13.6836 12.7662 13.8479 13.1211 14.5827 Q9CWW7 Cxxc1 18 74.216211 74322 + 74.216211 74.221492 CXXC finger 1 (PHD domain) 2410002I16Rik; 5830420C16Rik; AI426635; Cfp1; Cgbp; PHF18 None None None 11.3218 12.4788 12.441 11.9181 10.7403 12.1312 11.5299 12.1743 11.0159 12.4889 9.66587 11.4851 12.4664 12.1013 12.3527 11.7309 11.5113 12.2318 12.7352 12.541 12.0232 12.4645 12.9179 12.9212 8.81056 10.6692 11.5258 12.511 12.4403 10.4847 12.6011 12.6599 Q8C7K6 Pcyox1l 18 61.696163 240334 - 61.696163 61.708113 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 like BC060677; C630049M13 None None None 14.961 14.3345 13.9702 13.2492 14.0424 14.8637 15.1451 14.4278 14.6347 13.9941 14.6752 14.293 14.6632 14.8533 14.3212 14.3679 14.6768 14.408 14.6428 14.6187 14.5713 14.7847 14.0616 14.4775 14.2149 14.0834 13.6253 14.0274 14.8062 14.8985 14.2818 14.9834 Q9CWZ7 Napg 18 62.977835 108123 + 62.977835 62.999449 N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein gamma 2400003O04Rik; SNARE None None None 15.326 15.7964 15.581 15.9916 15.5354 15.5031 15.6638 15.6705 15.6558 15.734 15.5498 15.4362 15.4175 15.623 15.5957 15.7285 15.6086 15.767 15.6864 15.7579 15.0739 15.5961 15.8934 15.2978 15.21 15.3491 15.8041 15.2128 15.4932 15.6891 15.6495 15.6175 Q8CDN6 Txnl1 18 63.6628 53382 - 63.6628 63.692358 thioredoxin-like 1 32kDa; TRP32; Txnl None None None 17.1288 16.2807 16.3068 16.7569 16.8545 16.4003 16.2205 16.7106 16.6168 16.8027 16.3605 16.4964 17.4676 16.7678 17.0179 16.3811 16.6924 16.8603 16.8104 16.6754 16.0989 16.3618 16.3164 16.3286 16.2395 15.9914 16.3639 16.2439 16.493 16.9633 16.542 16.6748 Q8BP47 Nars 18 64.499654 70223 - 64.499654 64.516514 asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 3010001M15Rik; AA960128; ASNRS; C78150; NARS1 None None None 17.1466 16.988 16.9054 17.1092 16.9996 16.9531 17.1289 16.8841 17.1392 17.1943 16.8136 17.143 17.9307 17.124 17.0888 16.8838 17.1194 17.1255 17.314 17.1289 16.6725 16.7754 17.0017 16.8783 16.6427 16.9254 16.7932 16.4692 17.0355 17.3147 16.9754 17.3037 P22315 Fech 18 64.456541 14151 - 64.456541 64.489097 ferrochelatase AI894116; Fcl; fch None None None 15.1728 15.551 15.4427 15.5047 15.1576 15.5255 15.6853 15.0464 15.3682 15.4357 15.3879 14.865 14.434 15.2343 14.9668 15.3265 15.2427 15.211 15.4677 15.2589 14.8441 15.0594 15.2901 15.121 15.3846 15.6444 15.3303 14.5389 15.4295 15.2942 15.3942 15.659 P14733 Lmnb1 18 56.707812 16906 + 56.707812 56.753423 lamin B1 None None None 18.8868 17.9586 18.0214 17.8444 18.8188 18.5793 18.4095 18.4751 18.6213 18.3397 18.7584 18.6157 20.2078 18.7449 18.9519 17.8284 18.3268 18.2913 18.2699 18.3125 18.2439 18.4027 18.4572 18.4456 18.5904 17.9933 18.2767 18.5538 18.1934 18.3255 18.3587 18.871 Q3UPH1 Prrc1 18 57.354732 73137 + 57.354732 57.392955 proline-rich coiled-coil 1 1190002C06Rik; 2310058D16Rik; 3110038B19Rik; 9430085A19Rik None None None 14.6968 15.3881 14.8795 15.651 15.213 15.094 14.856 14.8284 14.9011 15.5468 14.4891 13.2301 14.7409 15.412 15.2844 14.6199 15.1297 15.1563 15.6413 15.1856 13.8241 14.7045 14.8502 15.3742 14.1885 14.2956 14.9526 14.8809 15.3844 15.7473 15.0037 15.3769 Q91V64 Isoc1 18 58.659481 66307 + 58.659481 58.679569 isochorismatase domain containing 1 2610034N03Rik None None None 17.0613 17.4629 17.5292 17.373 16.9838 17.6445 17.7723 17.3382 17.3397 17.3414 17.4339 17.0451 16.5937 17.0225 17.4461 17.1065 17.4422 17.294 17.2401 17.0159 16.9411 17.0221 17.2484 17.3725 17.1904 17.9406 17.1663 17.2649 17.4944 17.0094 17.5173 17.2739 P13471 Rps14 18 60.774595 20044 + 60.774595 60.778545 ribosomal protein S14 2600014J02Rik; AL023078 None None None 18.1722 17.8071 17.6058 17.7856 17.8059 18.0734 18.0523 17.518 17.9629 17.73 17.7767 17.977 19.2511 18.0723 18.0624 17.5709 17.8729 17.5812 18.4748 18.0253 17.491 17.4513 17.6645 18.1079 17.9046 17.7967 17.4878 17.4419 17.982 18.1034 17.8681 18.4132 Q8BXZ1 Tmx3 18 90.510153 67988 + 90.510153 90.543266 thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 3 6430411B10Rik; A730024F05Rik; AV259382; Txndc10; mKIAA1830 None None None 16.3612 15.5909 15.7203 15.6572 16.0975 15.6829 15.6872 15.7928 15.8324 15.6712 15.5825 15.6531 16.4949 16.1363 16.1753 15.8036 15.749 15.8769 15.9503 15.8971 15.6348 15.4436 15.4554 15.6822 15.3706 15.6834 15.7938 15.7395 15.8591 15.9827 15.8131 15.9548 P05622 Pdgfrb 18 61.045126 18596 + 61.045126 61.085066 platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide AI528809; CD140b; PDGFR-1; Pdgfr None None None 12.9555 12.0316 11.84 11.9452 13.0507 12.5235 12.9348 11.9873 12.4297 12.5099 12.4718 12.3225 12.3342 13.1387 12.5444 12.172 12.6228 12.7258 12.8045 12.8005 11.9306 12.417 11.8827 12.678 11.1375 12.3248 11.9736 11.7019 12.3604 13.3734 12.1102 12.8798 P09581 Csf1r 18 0.0 12978 0.0 0.0 colony stimulating factor 1 receptor AI323359; CD115; CSF-1R; Csfmr; Fim-2; Fim2; Fms; M-CSF-R; M-CSFR None None None 14.97 13.3341 13.8778 13.6229 14.7139 13.7687 13.6441 13.8547 13.8119 13.853 13.842 15.1848 14.5906 14.4096 14.3714 14.6405 14.6954 14.4617 14.7049 14.7416 13.2421 14.1126 13.5834 13.6623 13.6383 14.2299 13.6569 13.2522 14.5643 15.1141 13.727 15.1209 P21279 Gnaq 19 16.132683 14682 + 16.132683 16.388519 guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha q polypeptide 1110005L02Rik; 6230401I02Rik; AA408290; AW060788; Dsk1; Dsk10; Galphaq; Gq; GqI None None None 17.6093 17.2509 17.1732 17.431 17.0329 16.4656 16.9005 16.6815 17.1558 16.7802 16.9439 17.6045 18.2756 17.0673 17.0728 17.1718 16.6909 17.1187 17.0036 17.0185 17.0009 16.9641 17.3867 17.5865 16.7577 17.1549 17.3663 17.0167 17.1847 16.6236 16.9551 17.1143 Q99K85 Psat1 19 15.905122 107272 - 15.905122 15.925058 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 D8Ertd814e; EPIP; PSA; Psat None None None 17.8343 18.4488 17.3478 17.8447 17.7538 18.1684 18.4562 17.9079 17.9867 18.2935 17.8346 17.2885 16.7607 17.6187 17.942 17.5183 18.1747 18.4101 18.0329 17.668 16.5737 17.5636 17.9606 18.2102 17.319 16.702 18.0775 17.8718 17.655 18.0591 18.1833 18.1724 P10107 Anxa1 19 20.373433 16952 - 20.373433 20.39067 annexin A1 Anx-1; Anx-A1; C430014K04Rik; Lpc-1; Lpc1 None None None 21.0959 20.37 19.4762 20.8455 20.6051 20.7428 20.8494 20.2149 20.1743 20.844 19.6851 20.7918 18.2688 21.1088 20.6057 19.9208 20.4689 21.1188 21.351 20.3651 19.2277 19.9741 20.1269 20.572 18.9529 19.2463 20.1495 19.929 20.4144 21.4486 20.4862 20.7859 P09528 Fth1 19 9.980599 14319 + 9.980599 9.98511 ferritin heavy polypeptide 1 FHC; Fth; HFt; MFH None None None 12.9411 13.3418 12.828 13.2804 13.7315 13.0509 12.0631 13.2379 12.6668 13.101 12.9644 14.2764 14.0448 13.3776 13.842 12.8145 12.8009 12.7161 12.3528 12.8377 13.2682 13.5767 13.3228 12.9804 13.5001 12.0347 13.1416 13.2209 13.5815 12.577 12.5227 12.3426 Q3B7Z2 Osbp 19 11.965843 76303 + 11.965843 11.994113 oxysterol binding protein 1110018F06Rik; AW559088; mKIAA4220 None None None 14.1872 14.1721 13.7448 14.0477 14.0895 14.0353 13.8193 14.1185 14.17 14.2454 13.8867 14.2875 14.1829 13.9787 14.1483 13.8656 14.2018 14.1341 14.2658 14.1247 13.7523 14.0075 14.1202 13.7022 13.6425 13.8203 14.2127 13.9686 14.1229 14.3879 14.0578 14.0602 Q99N69 Lpxn 19 12.795886 107321 + 12.795886 12.833812 leupaxin 4933402K05Rik; A530083L21Rik; AV278559; LDPL None None None 12.6971 12.059 12.4616 12.8435 13.1396 12.2502 11.9909 12.7497 12.7969 12.7606 11.8752 12.7117 15.3798 12.4895 12.7557 12.1862 12.7312 12.8664 13.2269 12.2469 12.4842 12.1152 12.4981 11.7057 11.9903 12.056 12.8255 12.4013 13.362 13.6879 12.6482 12.7704 Q62422 Ostf1 19 18.580363 20409 - 18.580363 18.631812 osteoclast stimulating factor 1 C78236; SH3P2; Sh3d3 None None None 14.0987 15.1027 15.138 15.3985 15.429 15.2021 15.242 14.854 15.366 15.1399 14.5568 13.3075 15.9928 15.4474 15.1668 14.7342 15.5577 15.0296 16.0153 15.6514 13.7263 14.816 15.3938 14.9825 15.1055 15.3371 14.8597 14.343 15.7642 15.9167 14.9699 16.0716 Q99KP6 Prpf19 19 10.89523 28000 + 10.89523 10.909558 pre-mRNA processing factor 19 AA617263; AL024362; D19Wsu55e; NMP200; PSO4; Prp19; Snev None None None 16.2668 15.5601 15.7843 15.8983 16.2228 15.6536 15.8571 15.9647 16.2071 15.4807 15.9065 15.9741 17.6179 16.0226 15.7966 15.3409 15.842 15.2787 16.1251 15.6593 15.661 15.8719 15.8055 15.0925 16.0067 16.1294 14.9348 15.0792 15.9549 16.0446 15.7149 16.3853 O35945 Aldh1a7 19 20.692952 26358 - 20.692952 20.727555 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A7 AI987940; Ahd2-like; Aldh-pb; Aldh1a4; Aldhpb None None None 18.6469 18.1675 17.5486 18.04 17.4875 17.6452 17.6818 18.0862 17.7893 18.1382 17.7825 18.0379 15.7022 17.4935 17.6008 18.0359 18.0878 17.9213 18.5827 18.2873 17.3987 17.1992 18.3047 18.3499 17.4262 17.2789 18.0522 17.8917 17.5731 18.0981 17.9964 17.8168 Q9ES97 RTN3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9ES97 None None None 17.5162 17.583 17.0776 17.6541 17.262 17.2353 16.438 17.7109 16.8637 17.4336 16.6368 16.6561 16.7506 17.1507 17.2964 16.9174 17.2404 17.727 17.1985 17.7319 16.6451 16.5869 16.5693 17.4362 16.1435 16.8628 17.6263 17.4414 16.4744 17.3511 17.3545 16.7697 Q7TQI3 Otub1 19 7.198205 107260 - 7.198205 7.206283 OTU domain, ubiquitin aldehyde binding 1 AI850305 None None None 16.3966 16.682 16.4278 16.3703 16.088 16.535 16.607 16.4753 16.4545 16.5435 16.6372 15.7319 16.5285 16.1009 16.3655 16.2567 16.3457 16.5898 16.3778 16.3275 16.3415 16.4315 16.6755 16.5473 16.6404 16.4977 16.6295 16.5886 16.1343 16.0286 16.4781 15.9637 Q6PD28 Ppp2r5b 19 6.227764 225849 - 6.227764 6.236263 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', beta B'beta; BC026670 None None None 13.8919 13.5679 13.6844 13.1943 12.5648 14.0334 13.7292 13.2132 13.6901 13.6494 13.4889 13.21 13.789 13.4049 12.8649 13.3922 14.173 13.8331 14.2668 13.8583 11.8781 13.5092 13.9726 13.9088 13.1965 13.98 13.4836 13.8253 12.928 14.1002 13.4723 13.0884 Q9WTP7 Ak3 19 28.995052 56248 - 28.995052 29.048079 adenylate kinase 3 AA407498; AI506714; AK-3; Ak3l; Ak3l1; Akl3l None None None 18.2963 18.1102 18.2235 17.9611 17.7569 18.241 18.1081 18.1234 17.8307 18.3795 18.0732 17.2072 17.7251 18.0054 17.9886 18.1149 18.0806 18.4287 18.3871 18.231 18.5797 17.9043 18.1078 18.0634 18.1851 17.6889 18.5624 18.0358 17.7964 18.2513 18.1879 17.9504 Q91WE1 Snx15 19 6.119398 69024 - 6.119398 6.132414 sorting nexin 15 1500032B08Rik; E130013C21Rik None None None 13.0629 13.1023 12.0213 12.9111 13.5138 11.5877 11.6228 12.9373 13.098 12.8245 12.4634 12.1874 14.8488 12.8626 12.8564 12.6155 12.9307 12.2462 13.1673 12.9871 12.8059 13.0432 12.5933 12.6027 13.5083 12.8743 12.3089 12.8144 11.3945 13.2118 12.8619 12.42 Q3UFK8 Frmd8 19 5.850973 67457 - 5.850973 5.875268 FERM domain containing 8 1200004M23Rik; 2310035N23Rik; 4931429L16Rik; AU018809; iTAP None None None 12.5291 11.7443 14.2687 15.3137 12.6453 13.9525 15.452 14.2026 14.1871 14.5475 11.3501 12.5759 11.7746 11.4094 13.5622 14.0435 14.814 12.0854 15.5896 11.5564 12.7151 13.6012 15.8135 16.0269 12.9235 15.499 15.6781 11.5264 15.6154 14.9094 14.9684 15.5432 A8Y5G2 Mrpl21 19 3.282996 353242 + 3.282996 3.292836 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L21 BC028768; L21mt; MRP-L21 None None None 14.0367 13.1473 13.9413 13.2749 13.244 13.8417 13.7414 13.2611 13.5277 13.2083 13.3142 14.0303 14.7572 13.7146 13.5723 13.8558 13.5713 13.4899 13.1299 14.0297 14.4556 13.6193 13.4779 13.2465 14.1396 13.7719 13.5386 13.6174 13.6415 13.6168 13.3595 13.2081 P41317 Mbl2 19 30.232905 17195 + 30.232905 30.239686 mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2 L-MBP; MBL; MBL-C; MBP-C; RARF/P28A None None None 13.0849 14.0819 13.6736 14.5366 14.2034 13.7319 14.9668 13.2935 13.7213 13.8761 14.2858 13.3423 13.4064 14.2714 13.8827 15.1196 13.4678 13.4882 11.9395 13.2643 12.2707 13.9869 14.1322 14.5313 13.4492 14.3069 13.9597 14.0468 13.1291 13.0348 14.0742 12.7378 Q9D1G1 Rab1b 19 5.099206 76308 - 5.099206 5.106995 RAB1B, member RAS oncogene family 1110011F09Rik None None None 19.8659 20.2303 20.064 20.2866 20.0667 19.9935 20.0879 20.3212 20.325 20.3969 20.0488 19.8661 19.9603 19.9464 20.1669 19.985 20.2294 20.1618 20.177 20.1868 19.8229 20.0794 20.2638 20.0518 19.7943 20.1167 20.4332 19.9476 19.933 20.0759 20.3379 19.9465 Q91XB7 Yif1a 19 5.088537 68090 + 5.088537 5.092878 Yip1 interacting factor homolog A (S. cerevisiae) 5330422J23Rik; 54TM; Yif1; Yif1p None None None 13.7157 13.9802 13.7594 13.3737 13.1205 13.0516 12.1789 13.3403 13.6197 13.345 12.5779 13.1351 13.1006 13.0838 13.5442 12.6532 13.423 13.4611 13.3142 13.4809 13.0786 13.4784 14.3217 13.346 14.3238 14.8787 13.1145 14.3607 13.0915 13.7294 13.2958 12.7649 Q8C147 Dock8 19 24.99932 76088 + 24.99932 25.202431 dedicator of cytokinesis 8 1200017A24Rik; 5830472H07Rik; A130095G14Rik; AI461977 None None None 15.2069 13.4397 14.1544 14.095 14.4514 14.1332 14.3383 14.5414 13.9381 14.5508 12.4644 14.4635 16.0423 14.4288 14.3949 14.2341 14.3743 14.6137 14.2678 13.2279 12.6541 13.7102 14.1548 13.7999 13.9999 13.5607 14.3712 13.9193 13.781 14.8621 13.4406 14.363 O88428 Papss2 19 32.595668 23972 + 32.595668 32.667186 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 2 1810018P12Rik; AI159688; AtpsU2; Atpsk2; Sk2; bm None None None 15.4603 15.1014 14.8253 14.966 14.7769 14.7347 14.8698 14.9007 14.5866 15.0701 14.7546 15.0809 15.9743 14.7857 14.7034 14.8275 14.7113 15.0646 14.3741 13.5912 13.6852 14.439 14.8485 14.4941 15.022 14.182 14.7721 14.5576 14.8068 14.861 14.6699 14.9733 P97742 Cpt1a 19 3.322325 12894 + 3.322325 3.385734 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a, liver C730027G07; CPTI; Cpt1 None None None 16.0056 15.2006 15.3797 15.1446 15.9198 15.4577 15.7412 15.6772 15.7863 15.5746 15.3254 15.9282 15.8816 15.8398 15.6326 15.0113 16.2043 15.6675 16.464 15.8981 15.2893 15.8147 15.47 15.4659 14.9944 14.4602 14.3556 15.2577 14.3503 16.2164 15.4713 16.3534 Q99KK7 Dpp3 19 4.907228 75221 - 4.907228 4.928286 dipeptidylpeptidase 3 4930533O14Rik; C86324; DPP III None None None 16.1379 15.2765 15.5339 15.2175 15.5329 15.6164 15.5792 15.629 15.4297 15.6567 15.1195 15.3193 17.0053 15.7769 15.7758 14.9098 15.5137 15.7387 15.7277 15.5791 15.3521 15.0492 15.1329 15.3614 15.3721 15.5061 15.2263 15.2721 15.5518 15.8728 15.5196 15.6825 Q6DIC0 Smarca2 19 26.605072 67155 + 26.605072 26.77832 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 2610209L14Rik; SNF2alpha; Snf2l2; brahma; brm None None None 12.3429 12.8872 12.3068 13.0962 12.6268 12.4742 12.0209 13.1635 13.1971 12.3222 12.4537 12.1267 13.3514 12.979 12.8531 12.5615 12.7711 12.4481 11.9511 12.6102 12.2039 13.1557 12.0046 12.2843 13.7713 12.1338 12.7416 12.4314 12.2259 12.1243 12.5312 12.8086 Q04207 Rela 19 5.637441 19697 + 5.637441 5.648133 v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) p65; p65 NF-kappa B; p65 NFkB None None None 14.0674 14.4307 13.4266 13.7534 14.5219 13.6506 13.792 14.3339 14.4241 14.1403 14.2287 14.0473 15.146 13.7953 14.3116 13.4191 13.9877 14.8445 14.6216 13.7773 13.9074 13.9848 14.2337 13.2964 14.3152 14.453 13.6304 13.3759 13.6003 14.6634 13.6116 14.748 Q9EQC5 Scyl1 19 5.758421 78891 - 5.758421 5.771418 SCY1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) 2810011O19Rik; C85140; Ntkl; mdf; mfd; p105 None None None 13.4813 13.1561 14.0841 14.1876 12.9703 14.1049 13.7775 13.8016 14.26 13.6433 13.3507 12.1718 13.4617 14.3917 13.0002 12.7613 14.0866 13.5128 14.4428 13.3382 13.2739 12.9361 13.7839 13.4518 13.6612 13.2347 14.0624 13.4164 14.0262 14.1177 13.7125 13.5152 Q9Z2B9 Rps6ka4 19 6.829083 56613 - 6.829083 6.842144 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 4 1110069D02Rik; 90kDa; AI848992; Msk2; mMSK2 None None None 12.8666 12.4868 12.292 13.2792 13.0303 13.4447 12.9742 12.5343 12.9066 12.6919 12.7183 12.6467 13.7346 13.3426 12.5892 12.3937 13.0298 12.7098 12.9624 13.0581 11.8998 12.9071 12.595 12.7596 12.2407 13.3263 12.9599 12.6459 12.484 13.6316 13.1538 13.6104 P51432 Plcb3 19 6.953707 18797 - 6.953707 6.975005 phospholipase C, beta 3 mKIAA4098 None None None 13.2081 14.1247 13.4896 13.1367 12.8335 14.6944 13.3428 13.5453 13.707 13.7603 12.988 12.8077 13.0244 13.2056 12.5788 12.2598 14.563 12.8808 13.3023 13.7847 14.2625 13.2586 13.2811 13.0806 13.2916 13.3654 12.6005 12.6683 13.0568 12.8774 13.1222 13.3827 Q60864 Stip1 19 7.020695 20867 - 7.020695 7.040025 stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 Hop; Sti1; p60 None None None 17.1475 16.7181 16.7231 16.4339 16.7565 16.6064 16.7013 16.7473 16.8968 16.5399 16.7336 16.0589 18.1977 16.7882 16.8258 16.5751 16.8171 16.6045 16.9193 16.6012 16.7998 16.6893 16.4593 16.6784 16.9617 16.7916 16.4196 16.7832 16.6435 16.9847 16.6208 16.817 Q4ZJN1 C1qtnf9 14 60.768133 239126 + 60.768133 60.780868 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 9 9130217G22Rik; Adif1; CTRP9; Ciqtnf9 None None None 13.9272 14.7119 13.1736 14.8073 14.0546 13.162 13.1547 14.2923 12.988 15.3364 13.8893 14.1211 12.1172 14.0829 14.0882 13.7468 13.6034 15.0962 13.3817 13.6652 12.6695 13.0611 15.0314 13.8438 12.3901 12.3406 15.771 13.83 13.4674 13.0648 14.1985 13.2964 P23116 Eif3a 19 60.761115 13669 - 60.761115 60.790692 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit A A830012B05Rik; Csma; Eif3; Eif3s10; mKIAA0139 None None None 15.9857 15.5092 15.689 15.7471 15.8239 15.6552 15.7056 15.6895 15.8266 15.6481 15.4705 15.545 16.5199 15.8776 15.807 14.7448 15.5993 15.6367 16.0853 15.8111 15.3557 15.2884 15.5678 15.8967 15.4276 15.871 15.3935 15.5829 15.8003 15.8602 15.5561 15.8777 P20108 Prdx3 19 60.864065 11757 - 60.864065 60.874537 peroxiredoxin 3 AW822249; Aop1; D0Tohi1; Ef2l; Mer5; Prx3; SP22; TDXM None None None 19.2669 19.0986 19.5934 19.0105 19.0013 18.9065 18.8851 19.2054 19.3179 18.5021 19.0463 19.1598 20.1884 19.2005 18.8172 19.5387 18.7215 19.1201 18.9301 19.0639 20.4312 19.4514 19.2543 18.8714 19.6321 20.3233 18.6079 19.3292 19.7898 18.9909 19.2613 18.6491 Q62417 Sorbs1 19 40.292039 20411 - 40.292039 40.513954 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1 2310065E01Rik; 9530001P15Rik; CAP; SH3P12; Sh3d5; mKIAA1296 None None None 17.542 17.6822 17.0308 17.8114 17.1448 17.14 17.3731 17.234 17.1711 18.0362 17.1506 17.2088 14.5656 17.5053 17.0917 16.8126 17.1048 17.6094 17.3724 17.1315 17.1415 17.1277 17.8405 17.1679 16.6935 16.6625 17.7442 17.0165 17.1964 17.0708 17.5122 16.861 Q9Z110 Aldh18a1 19 40.550256 56454 - 40.550256 40.588462 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1 2810433K04Rik; AI429789; Pycs None None None 13.3525 12.6108 12.6553 12.5437 12.9107 12.5414 12.3811 12.8982 13.1153 12.797 12.9774 13.2219 15.2552 13.175 13.0955 12.4453 13.0737 12.7487 12.89 12.9529 13.0118 12.9613 12.6264 12.3966 12.7556 12.3732 11.9697 12.249 12.8021 12.8231 12.7364 12.9898 Q9ET30 Tm9sf3 19 41.210841 107358 - 41.210841 41.264003 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3 1810073M23Rik; 2810031D16Rik; AI115521; AI413748; AW146116; AW549777; Smbp; mKIAA4036 None None None 15.7967 15.8415 15.6762 15.9035 16.025 15.8667 15.7291 15.9669 15.8103 16.0272 15.4796 15.9384 15.8476 16.0126 16.0374 15.5309 16.1117 16.0392 16.0088 16.0551 15.0091 15.2884 15.5671 16.0681 15.2514 15.3142 15.7417 15.7763 15.7998 16.2703 15.6827 15.9978 Q9WUL7 Arl3 19 46.531108 56350 - 46.531108 46.573181 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 3 None None None 14.3912 15.2805 15.2579 14.6785 14.4368 15.1431 14.9854 14.8776 15.3723 14.4248 14.9328 14.0883 14.4099 14.2153 15.0528 15.0703 15.0341 14.4028 15.0879 14.6563 14.7259 14.852 15.2768 14.3025 15.3454 15.6416 14.6341 14.731 15.1222 14.4436 15.1224 14.4236 Q925N2 Sfxn2 19 46.573324 94279 + 46.573324 46.5969 sideroflexin 2 C79732; F630107H02Rik None None None 12.5627 13.1409 12.4096 12.8174 12.8021 12.6097 12.7771 12.3535 12.7554 12.5598 12.6429 12.0909 12.1161 12.4813 12.1824 12.8517 12.7067 11.8505 12.8454 12.221 12.0591 12.8506 12.651 12.3722 12.6436 13.0288 12.3462 11.5713 12.1423 12.4632 12.2807 11.8438 Q64133 Maoa X 16.619697 17161 + 16.619697 16.687811 monoamine oxidase A 1110061B18Rik; AA407771 None None None 17.8905 17.1471 17.1539 17.3114 17.3067 17.4464 17.6922 17.4874 17.6956 17.8746 17.4335 17.6119 15.6984 17.5858 17.5003 17.0309 17.5937 17.7981 18.5077 18.0943 17.105 17.1323 17.1215 17.1011 17.1392 16.7751 17.1857 17.0808 17.3834 17.6644 17.784 17.1229 Q9DB70 Fundc1 X 17.519966 72018 - 17.519966 17.572328 FUN14 domain containing 1 1500005J14Rik; 1810033P05Rik None None None 11.77 12.6988 12.7291 11.5682 11.7735 12.2008 11.9564 11.5423 11.5851 11.8461 12.0721 11.8538 12.7112 11.3999 12.2512 11.761 12.4712 12.2462 12.3743 12.2693 11.4631 11.3231 12.2597 12.2415 11.5622 12.7017 11.9753 12.6517 12.7373 11.8672 11.8626 12.5029 P30204 Msr1 8 39.543231 20288 - 39.543231 39.642749 macrophage scavenger receptor 1 MRS-A; MSR; MSR-A; SR-AI; SR-AII; Scara1; Scvr None None None 12.4485 12.5137 12.441 11.8832 12.0513 12.1312 11.4951 12.1743 11.7417 12.9491 11.3794 12.1381 13.1521 11.834 12.629 11.62 12.5614 12.7925 12.7739 12.1985 11.9884 12.4645 12.9528 12.8864 10.8935 11.3057 11.5606 12.4762 11.7589 12.3533 12.4015 13.0456 O54988 Slk 19 47.580018 20874 + 47.580018 47.645245 STE20-like kinase 9A2; AV021402; AW411554; Etk4; SMAK; Stk2; mKIAA0204; mSLK None None None 13.7464 13.1565 13.1284 13.1346 13.229 13.3649 13.6315 13.3881 13.3437 13.4415 13.377 13.396 13.3994 13.4289 13.0625 13.1628 13.1668 13.4345 13.2914 13.3052 13.2428 13.2531 13.2867 13.1107 13.0434 13.1861 13.3451 13.2373 13.1306 13.5148 13.1947 13.5431 O09131 Gsto1 19 47.854972 14873 + 47.854972 47.864789 glutathione S-transferase omega 1 AA407097; AI194287; AU018802; Gsto-1; Gstx; Spg-r; p28 None None None 17.7453 17.9614 16.9648 17.7692 17.5937 16.5277 17.2501 17.0322 17.465 17.8865 16.9695 17.6772 16.658 17.5953 17.8869 17.2791 16.9658 17.1861 17.088 17.4719 17.9807 16.4846 17.5291 17.6587 19.3002 16.6445 17.2954 16.4832 17.343 17.1628 16.96 17.5833 P97864 Casp7 19 56.396832 12369 + 56.396832 56.442347 caspase 7 AI314680; CMH-1; ICE-IAP3; Mch3; caspase-7; mCASP-7 None None None 12.9998 12.8317 12.946 12.8649 13.3227 12.7143 12.8877 12.5207 13.0216 13.2106 12.3232 11.5787 13.6494 12.4725 12.8778 12.3188 12.8079 12.5565 12.9195 13.0378 12.2935 12.528 13.1074 13.0434 12.8491 12.843 13.4667 12.5352 13.0348 12.8017 12.8347 12.9109 P09103 P4hb 11 120.560297 18453 - 120.560297 120.573252 prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide ERp59; PDI; Pdia1; Thbp None None None 20.3949 19.9808 19.6449 20.0513 20.2825 20.0022 19.9551 20.2351 20.0061 20.1801 19.7593 20.7401 20.308 20.021 20.3904 20.0429 20.1663 20.4896 20.343 19.9209 19.2388 19.7445 19.7197 20.0229 19.6722 19.3469 20.0602 19.8042 20.0759 20.6498 19.8843 20.0773 O08583 Alyref 11 120.594503 21681 - 120.594503 120.598398 Aly/REF export factor Aly; Ref1; Ref1-I; Refbp1; Tho4; Thoc4 None None None 15.8777 15.2754 15.4908 15.4574 15.9334 15.308 15.2304 15.6155 15.8914 15.3741 15.9056 16.1953 17.9045 15.9217 15.7605 15.026 15.5401 15.378 15.5702 15.645 15.2771 15.5762 15.6551 15.4884 16.0773 15.108 14.7695 15.0897 15.4763 15.7787 15.3513 16.0315 Q9CPX9 Anapc11 11 120.59842 66156 + 120.59842 120.608197 anaphase promoting complex subunit 11 1110011I19Rik; R75218 None None None 12.1956 12.1158 12.7291 10.721 12.1585 12.1312 11.893 12.5338 12.212 12.3279 11.7773 12.1224 12.4605 11.718 12.492 12.0884 11.5096 12.6129 12.1095 12.3037 12.8214 11.3142 12.5548 11.6079 11.8803 12.1128 12.2934 12.3336 11.379 11.5491 11.8675 13.023 Q922E4 Pcyt2 11 120.610061 68671 - 120.610061 120.617946 phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2, ethanolamine 1110033E03Rik; ET None None None 12.1862 13.7852 13.2822 13.2293 12.7122 13.0676 13.2519 13.7159 13.1082 13.3007 13.3443 12.7317 13.1588 13.0396 12.6608 13.5019 13.2036 13.628 13.1729 13.3038 12.1517 13.1574 12.7043 13.5422 13.2231 13.2674 13.6719 13.5554 12.9531 13.6485 12.97 13.0678 Q9QYH6 Maged1 X 94.535473 94275 - 94.535473 94.542024 melanoma antigen, family D, 1 2810433C11Rik; 5430405L04Rik; DXBwg1492e; Dlixin; Dlxin-1; Dlxin1; MAGE-D1; NRAGE None None None 14.2403 13.4425 13.0862 13.8424 12.9568 13.6376 13.4822 13.4792 13.6466 12.8771 11.7297 12.17 12.1509 13.3135 12.4561 12.4861 13.5625 13.5963 14.0176 13.9124 12.3388 12.4789 12.6024 11.5603 11.6234 12.1604 12.8867 13.1504 12.1247 11.9347 12.6297 13.6644 Q91X52 Dcxr 11 120.724545 67880 - 120.724545 120.727283 dicarbonyl L-xylulose reductase 0610038K04Rik; 1810027P18Rik; XR None None None 15.8861 16.0341 15.39 15.9075 15.4993 15.3818 15.6107 15.3495 15.9302 15.4593 15.2596 14.5629 15.2936 15.5127 15.7652 15.4271 15.3134 15.6485 15.327 14.7364 15.0125 15.1748 16.0993 15.589 16.0583 15.4351 14.4763 15.3595 16.3247 15.1729 15.8023 15.5151 P08074 Cbr2 11 120.729484 12409 - 120.729484 120.732024 carbonyl reductase 2 MLCR None None None 16.7996 17.9997 18.3838 17.3086 18.8792 18.2391 18.4279 17.8071 18.3447 17.1829 18.15 17.6927 17.973 16.8278 18.4379 18.6823 17.8344 17.532 17.7216 17.5288 18.1291 18.4919 17.493 17.598 18.5285 18.7582 17.5914 17.8626 17.7401 17.3633 17.8366 17.4637 Q9WV06 Ankrd2 19 42.035916 56642 + 42.035916 42.04511 ankyrin repeat domain 2 (stretch responsive muscle) Arpp None None None 12.5317 13.282 12.1991 10.6274 12.3137 12.1312 12.2849 12.1743 12.5522 12.0253 11.1523 12.5688 11.7447 13.0227 12.1761 12.4803 11.8505 11.9117 11.8137 11.9118 11.4817 11.9408 12.1629 11.2577 12.2722 11.2615 11.4376 10.8712 11.6853 12.3741 11.6942 11.7384 P05201 Got1 19 43.499751 14718 - 43.499751 43.524604 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1, soluble AI789014; Got-1; cAspAT; cCAT None None None 16.0279 16.557 15.5381 14.4488 15.3 14.8946 15.627 15.5833 15.6523 14.9254 14.649 16.221 16.7786 14.2953 15.6015 15.0138 15.3578 14.7267 15.5132 14.4442 15.3748 15.3271 15.0164 14.566 15.6209 15.4439 14.3552 14.4727 15.6227 15.0044 15.0367 15.2655 Q9D8X1 Cutc 19 43.753022 66388 + 43.753022 43.768637 cutC copper transporter 2310039I18Rik; AI326282; CGI-32 None None None 12.7048 13.2069 13.0378 12.6699 13.2366 12.4852 12.939 12.7292 13.4535 12.8532 13.0207 12.845 14.4446 12.9343 12.7756 12.769 12.3139 12.8399 12.779 13.0842 12.97 12.7135 13.3569 12.7557 14.0415 13.6111 12.6187 12.5772 12.9271 12.2451 12.7582 13.3216 Q9JJN5 Cpn1 19 43.956306 93721 - 43.956306 43.98655 carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 1 0610011F20Rik; CPN None None None 13.8552 12.9532 12.8075 12.3499 14.6404 13.834 13.3468 13.6462 12.739 13.511 13.4303 15.4939 13.4477 13.0994 14.1578 14.8677 13.5521 13.7298 12.4788 13.9942 13.319 14.3901 14.0994 12.3719 13.3833 12.5005 13.8902 13.0512 11.993 13.0576 13.4682 13.4976 Q8CI33 Cwf19l1 19 44.108636 72502 - 44.108636 44.135875 CWF19-like 1, cell cycle control (S. pombe) None None None 11.8391 15.637 15.0656 11.7755 15.8779 13.4573 12.1637 13.8406 14.5565 12.8504 12.2794 13.2816 16.2092 12.869 14.344 12.7643 13.7896 12.3 15.0419 14.6317 11.6704 11.8675 12.0524 14.9119 11.3549 15.9378 11.768 14.3621 12.53 14.2118 13.2827 15.3515 Q9EQQ9 Mgea5 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9EQQ9 None None None 13.4413 12.2571 12.6192 13.3491 13.0808 13.5734 12.7326 13.0439 13.4525 12.255 13.7614 12.7181 14.1875 14.0394 12.9866 13.3682 12.6403 13.0877 13.057 12.685 12.1405 12.7404 13.4726 12.9013 12.8466 12.6248 13.5284 13.3313 12.9017 13.0834 13.2566 14.1288 P29416 Hexa 9 59.539539 15211 + 59.539539 59.565108 hexosaminidase A Hex-1 None None None 14.2687 15.9759 16.3053 15.9167 16.5352 15.9909 16.0268 15.8541 16.2173 15.896 15.8356 16.9538 15.8769 16.4792 16.3541 16.1025 16.5088 16.0468 16.4449 16.8089 16.3433 16.0023 16.0161 15.8991 16.1009 16.3947 15.5212 15.7337 17.1709 16.6837 16.0871 16.8954 Q8VDL4 Adpgk 9 59.291571 72141 + 59.291571 59.316199 ADP-dependent glucokinase 2610017G09Rik; Adp-gk; C77577 None None None 15.1268 14.9497 14.4707 14.7234 14.6786 14.9535 15.3609 14.5204 14.6587 14.9865 14.6462 14.9163 15.611 14.9074 14.8304 14.601 15.1176 15.0137 14.7383 15.0075 14.1214 14.4266 14.5289 14.6472 14.0859 14.6496 14.7498 14.5484 14.9185 15.0415 14.9556 15.1033 Q9QXD8 Limd1 9 123.47866 29806 + 123.47866 123.521551 LIM domains containing 1 AW822033; D9Ertd192e None None None 12.6364 14.7477 12.6236 12.6836 12.0332 12.5579 12.6271 14.0504 12.7574 12.9137 14.7822 12.2666 13.4057 13.1762 12.2634 12.5796 11.9859 12.5122 11.8665 12.2151 13.4622 13.7497 12.6398 14.4304 11.7587 11.5882 12.5383 11.824 11.6238 12.3482 12.4027 11.9417 Q9EP69 Sacm1l 9 123.529752 83493 + 123.529752 123.592599 SAC1 suppressor of actin mutations 1-like (yeast) SAC1; Sac1p; mKIAA0851 None None None 17.3843 17.5142 17.1404 17.2944 16.9928 17.2479 17.1964 17.1937 17.1859 17.358 17.1318 16.9165 16.9264 17.1068 16.9677 17.3123 17.2581 17.1856 17.0821 17.3726 17.0382 17.2188 17.4827 17.0495 16.9583 17.1417 17.3199 16.902 17.094 17.1506 17.3892 17.0182 O08807 Prdx4 X 155.323917 53381 - 155.323917 155.342271 peroxiredoxin 4 AOE372; Prx-iv; Prx4; TRANK None None None 21.3795 20.2123 20.3013 20.2483 20.8256 20.2522 20.3834 20.565 20.3828 20.6025 20.2742 21.1549 20.9162 21.0174 20.7603 20.2571 20.6346 20.4479 20.887 20.4065 20.3076 20.0584 20.3221 20.2979 20.3161 20.4243 20.3909 20.356 21.0749 21.1168 20.3323 20.9095 P70122 Sbds 5 130.245731 66711 - 130.245731 130.255529 SBDS ribosome maturation factor 4733401P19Rik; AI836084; CGI-97; SDS None None None 15.2898 15.9064 15.4382 15.9121 15.4827 15.8281 15.7011 15.5559 15.8298 16.1308 15.2326 13.9028 16.0808 15.7944 15.6447 15.558 15.7114 15.7572 15.7392 15.602 14.5538 15.3662 15.9148 15.8259 15.4656 15.4953 16.039 15.4095 15.0558 15.6475 15.7912 15.6104 P97377 CDK2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P97377 None None None 16.7749 16.128 16.1517 16.346 16.4142 15.9202 15.8322 16.4878 16.3116 16.2872 16.2033 16.499 18.517 16.2612 17.254 16.0093 16.3739 16.2269 16.2948 16.489 16.1406 15.7695 15.9934 16.1633 15.9571 16.0905 16.4643 16.2368 16.485 16.6488 16.1858 16.2303 P62855 Rps26 10 128.624528 27370 - 128.624528 128.626505 ribosomal protein S26 None None None 17.7154 17.6396 17.456 17.4712 17.4712 17.6722 17.4506 17.4467 17.7273 17.6376 16.9662 17.7656 19.0308 17.4559 17.7289 17.3695 17.7592 17.7273 17.9597 17.6598 17.3623 17.3013 17.2736 17.3092 17.4774 17.2459 17.8075 17.2823 17.3879 18.0367 17.6431 17.6739 P50580 Pa2g4 10 128.557765 18813 - 128.557765 128.565933 proliferation-associated 2G4 38kDa; AA672939; Ebp1; Plfap None None None 17.2686 17.3699 17.2758 17.1292 17.4749 17.415 17.186 17.655 17.5793 17.5755 17.1812 17.4172 18.1164 17.2637 17.8842 17.1947 17.6342 17.4663 17.422 17.3183 17.1299 17.1651 17.0887 17.5454 17.0925 17.1584 17.7405 17.5224 17.0289 17.4881 17.4465 17.3287 Q3U7R1 Esyt1 10 128.510247 23943 - 128.510247 128.525858 extended synaptotagmin-like protein 1 Fam62a; Mbc2; vp115 None None None 18.5449 18.747 18.3368 18.4639 18.4336 18.6333 18.9252 18.2429 18.4778 18.5343 18.8498 17.7572 17.2931 19.0056 18.5589 18.0931 18.2195 18.4778 18.3046 18.3638 18.1829 18.1056 18.5884 18.5638 18.1244 18.3784 18.4163 18.2567 18.6182 18.0465 18.6153 18.3429 Q6PDG5 Smarcc2 10 128.459181 68094 + 128.459181 128.49059 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily c, member 2 5930405J04Rik None None None 14.2284 14.1243 14.3533 14.1559 14.2593 14.1266 14.2351 14.2686 14.6615 13.8787 13.8115 14.6845 15.7092 14.2046 14.3117 13.8049 14.2276 13.582 14.4125 14.3194 13.0173 14.2455 14.1719 13.9448 14.494 14.4224 12.9936 13.849 14.5813 14.1823 14.0083 14.5984 Q9QXT0 Cnpy2 10 128.322157 56530 + 128.322157 128.327186 canopy FGF signaling regulator 2 5330432A10Rik; AW229003; D10Bwg1546e; Tmem4; Zsig9 None None None 16.9413 16.9037 16.8702 16.5398 16.8032 16.7499 16.944 16.9002 16.8915 16.6363 16.9178 16.8476 17.5046 16.6031 16.7512 16.9543 16.6297 16.6308 16.6354 16.6674 16.842 17.0815 16.8256 16.7646 16.9498 17.1106 16.5937 16.6797 17.1255 16.8715 16.8352 16.8001 P56480 Atp5b 10 128.083306 11947 + 128.083306 128.090387 ATP synthase, H+ transporting mitochondrial F1 complex, beta subunit Atp5f1b None None None 21.4989 21.3971 21.5499 21.1841 21.145 21.2467 21.265 21.4235 21.3674 21.2092 21.4587 21.0187 21.3826 20.9961 21.0974 21.3133 21.2378 21.1715 21.3831 21.4885 21.2291 21.0702 21.181 21.1958 21.5388 21.8214 21.1619 21.1132 21.6054 21.349 21.3907 21.2733 Q99KJ8 Dctn2 10 127.266261 69654 + 127.266261 127.281958 dynactin 2 2310042E05Rik; C130077D06Rik; C87049; DCTN-50; GMP23-48K; RBP50; p50 None None None 17.0306 16.8672 16.6023 16.9442 16.788 16.9507 16.8536 16.9072 16.863 16.9652 16.8402 15.3276 16.4812 17.0442 16.7923 16.8545 16.6685 16.8497 16.9354 16.6206 16.6707 16.7528 16.7793 16.9017 16.4774 16.5102 16.9868 16.935 16.7745 17.0982 16.7997 16.7825 Q9CR20 Ier3ip1 18 76.930026 66191 + 76.930026 76.941613 immediate early response 3 interacting protein 1 1110057H19Rik; AI644142; AL022842; AL022863; AV026606 None None None 16.7783 16.6661 16.1277 16.6416 16.4992 16.4063 16.3718 16.7098 16.258 16.8312 15.7096 15.727 14.1593 16.5744 16.5899 16.09 16.2261 16.7444 16.4083 16.8739 14.2343 15.0343 16.4203 16.6362 15.5334 15.8637 16.4127 16.0848 16.5215 16.7807 16.5045 16.4608 Q03265 Atp5a1 18 77.773767 11946 + 77.773767 77.782868 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1 AI035633; AL022851; AL023067; Atp5f1a; Atpm; D18Ertd206e; Mom2 None None None 22.0305 21.8324 21.9222 21.6949 21.6018 21.6842 21.6785 21.9916 21.8251 21.782 21.8517 21.5445 21.9155 21.5323 21.8135 21.8387 21.7312 21.7061 21.8463 21.869 21.7374 21.5947 21.6645 21.8388 21.7573 21.9641 21.8538 21.8509 21.9917 21.8803 21.9067 21.6141 Q61189 Clns1a 7 97.696656 12729 + 97.696656 97.720792 chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A 2610036D06Rik; 2610100O04Rik; Clci; Clcni; ICLN None None None 13.8588 12.3387 13.7435 13.515 13.825 13.0665 13.9359 14.6836 14.2712 14.5003 13.3184 13.0156 14.2458 13.9467 14.7466 13.7727 14.2133 13.9628 14.2491 13.3498 13.2234 14.3454 13.9117 14.6099 11.6883 13.4612 14.7682 13.8032 14.3321 14.2514 13.9058 13.7389 Q8C0L6 Paox 7 140.115734 212503 + 140.115734 140.134333 polyamine oxidase (exo-N4-amino) 2410012F02Rik; AI118225; Pao None None None 13.9447 14.1258 14.0511 14.0197 14.214 13.7922 13.6612 13.9838 14.0509 13.7218 14.0117 14.1715 15.0176 13.389 13.8197 14.515 13.4623 13.8299 13.0251 13.501 13.4385 14.2225 14.0243 13.5678 14.8049 14.4319 14.0079 13.6859 13.7168 13.3152 13.8664 13.4935 Q8BH95 Echs1 7 140.105709 93747 - 140.105709 140.11642 enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase, short chain, 1, mitochondrial C80529; SCEH None None None 18.1925 18.2584 19.5058 18.0318 17.9969 18.3132 18.1298 18.2944 18.3077 18.066 18.6985 18.2907 18.7637 18.0653 18.0559 18.9066 18.1163 18.122 17.9122 18.4638 20.4311 18.6172 18.2808 18.5302 19.3321 19.4081 18.467 19.4229 18.9726 17.7156 18.6329 17.6053 Q05421 Cyp2e1 7 140.763818 13106 + 140.763818 140.774989 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily e, polypeptide 1 CYPIIE1; Cyp2e None None None 14.8491 17.6877 17.2181 14.8073 14.5039 15.3761 16.6957 16.8358 17.9742 15.9134 17.7726 15.1116 17.641 14.3057 16.1763 17.2365 16.6181 15.0144 13.1819 13.9858 16.8945 18.5154 15.9912 15.8932 18.6677 19.803 15.6931 17.2954 16.8085 14.3931 17.3337 15.9051 Q9WVJ2 Psmd13 7 140.882393 23997 + 140.882393 140.898641 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 13 S11 None None None 15.3716 15.6057 15.2728 15.609 15.4186 15.4824 15.2397 15.4256 15.4119 15.2786 15.322 14.7738 15.8671 15.3864 15.4182 15.0612 15.6456 15.2807 15.757 15.4408 14.871 15.4851 15.1385 15.2622 14.9288 15.525 14.944 15.2679 15.3594 15.8207 15.4807 15.6784 Q9CQW9 Ifitm3 7 141.009589 66141 - 141.009589 141.010743 interferon induced transmembrane protein 3 1110004C05Rik; Cd225; Cdw217; DSPA2b; Fgls; IP15; mil-1 None None None 14.7348 14.9927 14.6248 14.4784 15.4348 15.6764 15.1178 14.9601 15.0169 15.0452 15.0201 14.6472 14.92 15.5443 15.143 14.3458 14.9743 14.8962 14.6847 14.961 14.7317 14.9368 15.018 14.9412 15.3046 14.397 15.0648 14.6949 15.5452 14.8052 15.0231 14.9782 Q93092 Taldo1 7 141.392159 21351 + 141.392159 141.402975 transaldolase 1 None None None 19.847 19.4506 20.0935 19.5877 19.5123 19.6793 19.4382 19.3549 19.8966 19.4923 19.7763 19.9636 20.5551 19.6053 19.7308 19.3373 19.551 19.3656 19.8378 19.6038 19.644 19.52 19.4463 19.5795 20.3359 20.4566 19.4625 19.8021 20.1444 19.7614 19.6712 19.675 Q78IK4 Apool X 112.311351 68117 + 112.311351 112.372754 apolipoprotein O-like 6720473G16Rik; 9430083G14Rik; E130106L15Rik; Micos27 None None None 15.2874 16.2421 16.6952 15.8975 15.4125 16.2337 16.2634 16.0899 16.0609 16.2074 15.7741 15.4917 15.4652 15.0931 15.7187 16.3165 16.0951 15.8335 16.5261 16.4398 16.2316 15.9686 16.2295 16.4529 15.7752 16.5747 16.2346 16.3725 16.0362 16.2945 16.454 16.2765 P58021 Tm9sf2 14 122.107081 68059 + 122.107081 122.159602 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2 1500001N15Rik; AA536814; D14Ertd64e; P76 None None None 15.2337 15.3615 14.8641 15.5744 15.3738 15.2856 15.0972 15.2591 15.3744 15.2946 15.0696 15.3655 16.0021 15.368 15.4632 15.0583 15.3962 15.4367 15.6234 15.2854 14.939 15.1176 15.1777 15.0566 14.8562 14.851 15.1675 15.0885 15.1374 15.5754 15.2031 15.3296 Q8R4N0 Clybl 14 122.170993 69634 + 122.170993 122.402233 citrate lyase beta like 0610033J05Rik; 2310014M14Rik; AI256068; Clb None None None 16.7546 16.8637 17.6565 16.9681 16.8498 16.8152 16.6021 17.098 16.7343 17.0103 17.3175 16.9096 16.6566 16.6595 17.0331 17.5871 16.497 16.9174 16.6113 16.9701 18.6369 16.6373 17.2584 17.1255 17.5275 17.4742 17.4952 17.5114 17.6149 16.2878 17.0586 16.5523 O55101 Syngr2 11 117.809645 20973 + 117.809645 117.814285 synaptogyrin 2 Clast2; cellugyrin None None None 15.8764 14.4691 13.2654 14.8634 15.0201 15.0189 14.4577 14.5716 14.5693 14.519 14.7866 14.5043 17.1367 14.9742 15.0501 13.2336 15.0789 14.6496 15.069 14.8316 14.4045 14.3148 13.6891 14.4579 14.5394 14.7588 14.1688 14.8238 14.4934 15.4046 14.6281 15.0619 Q91VC3 Eif4a3 11 119.288362 192170 - 119.288362 119.300042 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A3 2400003O03Rik; Ddx48; eIF4A-III; mKIAA0111 None None None 16.2732 15.7593 15.6403 15.6466 16.0968 15.6254 15.5667 15.8072 16.1626 15.7221 15.7242 15.7396 17.8764 16.0525 16.018 15.3349 15.8661 15.6301 15.9124 15.845 15.6325 15.7791 15.6203 15.6044 15.992 15.8837 15.5597 15.3007 15.6605 15.9606 15.781 15.9936 Q9R0M4 Podxl 6 31.519492 27205 - 31.519492 31.563936 podocalyxin-like AW121214; Ly102; PC; PCLP-1; Pclp1; Podxl1 None None None 13.4601 13.6962 13.9154 14.1018 12.7142 14.3915 14.6858 13.8684 14.0971 14.276 14.9227 12.7336 12.8795 14.3799 13.3358 13.0844 14.2305 13.9014 13.3791 13.2289 14.0197 14.5618 13.7818 13.9189 14.1363 14.3718 14.5673 14.2726 13.2462 13.2543 13.9013 14.1639 P42932 Cct8 16 87.483324 12469 - 87.483324 87.495868 chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 8 (theta) AI132397; Cctq; Tcpq None None None 18.2633 17.7644 17.7946 17.5531 17.9046 18.0098 18.2913 17.9483 17.9652 17.771 17.5629 17.8048 18.607 17.7388 18.0096 17.7491 18.0148 17.7079 18.2441 17.9342 17.3301 17.6331 17.7511 17.9314 17.708 18.0721 17.7605 17.6609 18.0344 18.1808 17.9394 18.2827 Q99LG0 Usp16 16 87.454984 74112 + 87.454984 87.483514 ubiquitin specific peptidase 16 1200004E02Rik; 2810483I07Rik; 6330514E22Rik; UBPM None None None 12.3815 12.3862 12.9364 12.0107 13.0035 11.7894 11.6226 13.1095 12.297 12.1856 11.5069 12.3233 14.5665 13.5653 12.4454 11.6382 13.2401 13.0707 12.8278 14.9119 12.1159 11.6263 12.8253 13.2356 12.4105 12.3832 11.4332 13.4371 13.5568 11.7118 12.7856 12.7525 Q3URS9 Ccdc51 9 109.082495 66658 + 109.082495 109.093362 coiled-coil domain containing 51 5730568A12Rik; AI551049; Mitok None None None 12.5343 12.3073 12.8186 12.1668 12.4628 12.3056 12.3911 12.6174 13.4455 12.8115 12.4777 12.9333 13.3044 12.5537 13.276 12.6901 12.5375 12.2025 12.4792 12.9026 13.9858 12.719 12.5225 12.8005 13.1532 12.7848 12.2143 12.8431 13.1533 12.7779 12.2612 12.5965 Q9CZ13 Uqcrc1 9 108.936647 22273 + 108.936647 108.94964 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase core protein 1 1110032G10Rik None None None 18.9761 19.1357 20.4689 18.837 18.7234 19.0587 19.1134 18.9823 19.1814 18.7123 19.1418 19.2299 19.9834 18.812 18.8237 19.5828 19.0944 18.7591 18.9887 19.6259 21.497 19.5264 19.3202 19.1095 20.067 19.9923 18.8832 19.8728 19.6843 18.6986 19.2862 18.6141 P48999 Alox5 6 116.41007 11689 - 116.41007 116.461177 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase 5-LO; 5-LOX; 5LO; 5LX; AI850497; F730011J02 None None None 12.3813 13.4341 16.7438 12.1663 12.8916 14.3086 14.3627 12.1743 11.7481 12.2407 12.5423 12.2373 12.3216 14.7677 12.911 13.7504 12.8565 12.0857 13.6546 13.2387 14.6966 12.5957 12.6697 13.3157 12.8612 13.5954 12.9541 12.4485 15.9296 13.7655 13.1377 13.7304 Q9CS42 Prps2 X 167.346319 110639 - 167.346319 167.382871 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 2 2610101M19Rik; AA589463; AI464149; Prps-2 None None None 15.6563 15.3305 14.4824 14.6951 14.8596 14.9904 14.3577 14.5301 15.4331 14.7138 14.1957 14.12 16.5525 14.4744 14.6382 14.2268 14.7983 14.9474 14.9106 14.8454 14.0224 14.9594 14.8853 14.5285 14.7612 14.1449 13.9791 13.4446 14.4124 14.8528 14.7377 14.7961 Q99JY0 Hadhb 5 30.155252 231086 + 30.155252 30.184592 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase trifunctional multienzyme complex subunit beta 4930479F15Rik; Mtpb; TP-beta None None None 20.1489 19.6986 21.5035 20.1227 20.1215 19.8221 19.561 20.1368 19.9118 20.0894 19.7158 20.4355 21.2091 19.8898 19.8905 20.8565 20.2466 20.1892 20.5432 21.0446 23.1712 20.6565 20.3541 20.1393 21.0217 20.6225 19.9805 21.1853 20.4256 19.9956 20.2483 19.7451 Q8BJD1 Itih5 2 10.153535 209378 + 10.153535 10.256528 inter-alpha (globulin) inhibitor H5 4631408O11Rik; 5430408M01Rik; E130106B02 None None None 17.5621 17.4758 16.6669 18.1465 17.2139 16.7594 16.7456 17.4179 17.2579 17.6417 16.9611 17.7532 14.7167 17.5172 17.4566 17.4466 16.8188 17.7499 16.4915 16.9538 16.7166 16.806 17.3801 17.1604 16.4249 16.1237 17.688 17.262 17.1589 16.5844 17.1679 16.6247 Q91VR2 Atp5c1 2 10.056029 11949 - 10.056029 10.080509 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, gamma polypeptide 1 1700094F02Rik; Atp5f1c None None None 19.3388 19.4016 19.626 19.1865 19.1185 19.251 19.1552 19.4746 19.4704 19.3414 19.2882 19.2447 19.6076 19.0571 19.1955 19.47 19.2383 19.344 19.5298 19.4942 19.2949 19.3418 19.3374 19.1923 19.4557 19.6071 19.4986 19.2057 19.4743 19.3018 19.5367 19.1531 P43025 Clec3b 9 123.150945 21922 + 123.150945 123.157431 C-type lectin domain family 3, member b Tna None None None 15.4483 15.5668 15.3748 15.8427 15.2925 16.0766 15.3702 15.6895 15.9523 15.0581 15.5054 14.8995 13.8412 15.5314 15.4381 15.4291 15.853 15.3362 15.9409 15.6481 14.8821 16.2122 15.9558 15.2068 15.7035 15.0725 15.0295 15.6385 15.728 15.9297 15.6388 15.5065 Q9QZD8 Slc25a10 11 120.491836 27376 + 120.491836 120.50116 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, dicarboxylate transporter), member 10 Dic None None None 18.5592 17.4904 18.4328 17.8601 17.5798 18.2913 17.9572 18.0475 17.5332 18.1827 17.7555 17.819 17.5263 17.686 17.7746 18.3152 18.4607 18.3472 18.8938 18.9224 16.9492 17.6128 17.6331 18.4632 17.6814 18.3442 18.2047 17.8808 18.212 18.7912 18.2101 17.927 Q99LI8 Hgs 11 120.467604 15239 + 120.467604 120.483983 HGF-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate Hgr; Hrs; ZFYVE8; tn None None None 12.6004 12.821 13.8103 14.5122 13.4398 14.1893 14.3156 14.1219 14.2254 14.5415 12.3715 14.6876 13.1083 12.6787 14.4396 14.2199 14.2592 14.3462 14.6603 14.3237 13.5081 14.0723 14.5898 14.4435 13.8952 14.1657 14.4609 14.3137 14.5307 14.6073 14.1578 14.3574 P97333 Nrp1 8 128.35859 18186 + 128.35859 128.505475 neuropilin 1 C530029I03; NP-1; NPN-1; Npn1; Nrp None None None 13.7086 13.5576 13.6561 13.7825 14.0465 13.4098 13.8318 13.8922 13.6902 13.9366 13.3845 14.1313 13.804 13.8978 13.8143 13.927 13.8648 13.7844 13.7172 13.8321 13.878 13.5452 13.4395 13.5311 13.2206 13.5508 13.8753 13.407 13.782 13.8681 13.7839 14.0409 Q9JKX6 Nudt5 2 5.845033 53893 + 5.845033 5.870819 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 5 None None None 16.0436 15.7895 16.4928 15.9768 15.969 16.2429 16.4904 16.0035 16.3919 15.9401 16.044 16.1378 16.8185 15.7981 16.2476 16.3696 15.981 16.0716 16.1166 15.7267 15.5731 15.7121 16.3037 16.0417 16.5161 16.9627 16.2859 16.1624 16.8545 15.8042 16.0966 16.2165 Q9D7P6 Iscu 5 113.772417 66383 + 113.772417 113.778287 iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme 2310020H20Rik; AA407971; ISCU2; Nifu; Nifun None None None 12.7684 14.6063 14.5992 14.1305 13.3761 13.8972 13.0927 13.4619 14.234 14.0011 14.0244 12.8194 14.0465 13.4889 13.7903 13.9216 13.9718 13.4979 13.8901 13.5923 14.3668 13.934 14.1471 11.9109 14.4191 14.1783 13.9083 14.427 14.2118 13.7046 13.6601 13.3443 B9EJR8 Dnaaf5 5 139.150132 433956 + 139.150132 139.186509 dynein, axonemal assembly factor 5 BC053401; C76907; Heatr2 None None None 11.6396 10.3339 10.3249 10.9474 10.5964 9.70355 9.31346 10.2558 10.0445 10.5234 9.22374 12.0086 12.1601 10.2067 11.3608 9.63661 11.0157 10.6573 10.3417 10.7314 11.385 10.1656 9.06769 12.1635 11.6402 12.7797 10.215 10.0586 12.8153 11.2819 10.4572 10.0451 Q9D1H7 Get4 5 139.252323 67604 + 139.252323 139.270049 golgi to ER traffic protein 4 1110007L15Rik; AW412535; Cee None None None 14.5252 14.3705 13.5082 13.871 14.1301 13.5375 13.8192 13.4365 13.811 14.047 13.5122 12.9271 13.4858 14.2727 13.7404 13.0722 13.7604 13.7779 14.2751 13.3178 12.2079 13.2855 14.3054 11.4294 13.5617 13.6532 13.2789 13.57 14.1397 14.4832 13.8445 14.2541 P84086 Cplx2 13 54.301963 12890 + 54.301963 54.383922 complexin 2 921-L; AI413745; AW492120; Gm34843 None None None 13.338 11.5642 11.7436 12.375 12.6128 11.6258 12.4446 11.2343 11.9471 11.6402 12.3289 12.4091 11.9044 12.2695 11.9241 12.6399 11.9805 12.2684 11.4776 11.7521 12.5954 12.8066 12.0033 12.1595 12.4318 11.5612 12.845 11.7821 11.9305 12.5338 11.2085 11.8981 Q8VE80 Thoc3 13 54.458836 73666 - 54.458836 54.468839 THO complex 3 2410044K02Rik; AL033344 None None None 13.0941 13.9075 13.7143 13.8472 12.9175 13.3758 13.3148 13.6319 13.8074 13.2704 13.1224 12.838 14.0858 13.2839 13.2425 12.387 13.5845 12.6154 14.0755 13.4036 13.5048 13.46 13.065 12.889 13.2923 13.9895 12.231 12.8631 13.3776 13.5748 13.3407 13.3759 P29452 Casp1 9 5.298516 12362 + 5.298516 5.30728 caspase 1 ICE; Il1bc None None None 15.8737 15.2233 14.9374 15.8276 15.8934 14.9893 14.3555 15.5996 15.5807 15.4222 14.5483 15.7034 17.1324 15.8691 15.3918 15.3094 15.4807 15.1694 16.051 15.5152 14.0221 14.9376 15.4829 15.2884 14.9743 15.6369 14.4089 14.2986 15.8791 16.1253 15.4841 16.3601 O35864 Cops5 1 10.024599 26754 - 10.024599 10.038158 COP9 signalosome subunit 5 AI303502; CSN5; Jab1; Mov34; Sgn5 None None None 16.0087 15.779 15.6685 15.8632 15.8236 15.7457 15.738 16.0969 15.8481 15.8533 15.5638 15.9296 16.4045 15.6443 15.941 15.8032 15.7424 15.8814 15.8111 15.7073 15.5094 15.9233 15.8368 15.5596 15.5079 15.9716 15.9667 15.721 15.8096 15.9127 15.9047 15.949 P30115 Gsta3 1 21.240564 14859 + 21.240564 21.265574 glutathione S-transferase, alpha 3 Gst2-3 None None None 19.144 19.269 19.2454 18.766 19.2104 18.2488 19.3477 19.4497 19.2712 19.4499 18.6143 18.4253 16.7507 17.3397 19.4357 19.6334 17.8401 17.775 17.7973 17.773 19.7142 19.1894 19.2378 18.8581 20.0352 19.9721 19.191 19.3011 18.367 17.0452 18.6344 18.7891 Q99KR3 Lactb2 1 13.625892 212442 - 13.625892 13.660582 lactamase, beta 2 Cgi-83; E430032H21Rik None None None 13.4029 13.6855 14.289 13.7323 13.676 13.6352 13.5379 13.9515 13.7341 13.9121 13.674 13.1815 12.9578 13.5741 14.063 13.9954 13.9991 13.9407 14.4611 14.0686 13.4316 13.5779 13.5589 13.8307 13.6655 13.8301 14.22 13.8893 13.013 14.2521 13.8114 13.91 Q91VD9 Ndufs1 1 63.143591 227197 - 63.143591 63.176821 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S1 5830412M15Rik; 9930026A05Rik None None None 17.7211 17.8356 18.9885 17.7701 17.923 17.8987 18.045 17.7538 17.8949 17.6201 18.2391 18.2419 18.3902 17.7565 18.0523 18.4529 17.7797 16.9691 17.6192 18.0734 20.1569 18.303 17.9716 18.106 18.685 18.3818 17.8843 18.7953 18.6344 17.5473 18.0793 17.2648 P63038 Hspd1 1 55.077832 15510 - 55.077832 55.088242 heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin) 60kDa; CPN60; HSP-60; HSP-65; Hsp60 None None None 19.7126 19.2386 20.1847 19.0007 19.3562 19.4852 19.3806 19.5148 19.5181 19.3661 19.4914 18.6981 20.1063 19.2019 19.4655 19.8515 19.6099 19.3366 19.7258 19.8244 20.8886 19.487 19.4886 19.7436 20.2547 20.1199 19.4575 20.0077 20.0962 19.4964 19.5175 19.2554 Q99NB9 Sf3b1 1 54.985168 81898 - 54.985168 55.0275 splicing factor 3b, subunit 1 155kDa; 2810001M05Rik; AA409119; Prp10; SAP155; SF3b155; TA-8; Targ4 None None None 15.3473 14.4348 14.5539 14.5193 14.9436 14.4512 14.577 14.6706 14.9723 14.5466 14.8899 14.366 16.7167 15.1006 14.7703 14.2988 14.7054 14.5346 14.842 14.8001 14.7695 14.726 14.542 14.4712 14.894 14.6883 14.245 14.2654 14.8598 15.0482 14.4609 15.1185 Q8C196 Cps1 1 67.122425 227231 + 67.122425 67.231266 carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1 4732433M03Rik; CPS; D1Ucla3 None None None 15.8558 15.394 16.2821 12.2799 13.4262 15.4684 15.8706 13.2145 14.3799 15.8119 12.6883 12.4497 12.7024 12.1065 14.3195 15.1457 13.039 14.3832 12.1197 12.4907 12.5826 13.2185 14.844 15.1314 14.9961 14.9506 12.3174 15.3742 14.281 14.885 13.3691 15.4916 P05977 Myl1 1 66.924294 17901 - 66.924294 66.947931 myosin, light polypeptide 1 AI325107; MLC1f; MLC3f; Mylf None None None 13.5661 21.6702 15.7161 13.1965 16.4777 13.1445 15.3174 15.767 15.8001 13.823 14.013 13.8506 12.0345 12.8885 13.3698 13.1926 13.37 13.1753 13.5201 13.0168 12.7934 14.5795 14.157 15.7833 12.757 13.4232 13.3044 14.9432 13.4406 13.0375 15.1607 13.7649 P51174 Acadl 1 66.830838 11363 - 66.830838 66.863308 acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, long-chain AA960361; AU018452; C79855; LCAD None None None 18.7206 18.5489 19.3701 18.5748 18.0426 17.6479 17.7202 18.5325 18.4312 18.6851 18.0176 18.8992 19.8761 18.2181 18.0593 18.7824 18.7996 17.9697 18.0048 19.4063 21.5032 18.8826 18.2681 18.3998 19.5786 18.7829 18.6197 19.872 18.4204 18.1933 18.5618 17.9967 Q6DFW4 Nop58 1 59.68496 55989 + 59.68496 59.711509 NOP58 ribonucleoprotein MSSP; Nol5; SIK; nop5 None None None 15.5233 14.3959 13.7771 14.0386 15.0613 14.7053 14.7724 15.055 14.8318 14.4702 15.2944 13.6709 17.0579 15.4257 15.018 13.3471 14.6762 14.4932 14.7773 14.5965 14.9633 14.7129 14.7431 14.3267 15.2212 15.0906 14.2437 13.9937 15.0109 15.1217 14.2982 15.5765 O89110 Casp8 1 58.795232 12370 + 58.795232 58.847502 caspase 8 CASP-8; FLICE; MACH; Mch5 None None None 14.8954 14.6548 15.4972 14.6517 15.1929 15.8811 14.2553 14.8611 15.0464 14.9401 14.7456 14.9348 15.6736 15.1752 14.9496 14.1114 14.7273 14.782 15.1344 14.6256 14.5142 14.541 14.357 14.6812 14.2748 14.5925 14.1516 14.3493 14.6301 15.6885 14.7858 15.2565 Q9CQZ6 Ndufb3 1 58.586396 66495 + 58.586396 58.595963 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B3 2700033I16Rik; CI-B12 None None None 12.4362 12.5656 14.0417 12.6202 12.9589 12.6497 12.6387 12.5114 13.1437 12.6164 12.4035 14.0796 14.1903 12.6999 13.5228 13.3297 13.1287 12.3964 12.6441 13.6118 15.3468 12.8596 12.5793 12.9237 13.2823 13.6695 12.6185 14.0028 13.8654 12.6889 12.9232 12.4871 Q63739 Ptp4a1 1 30.940302 19243 - 30.940302 30.949876 protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a1 AA415290; AU019864; C130021B01; Prl-1 None None None 14.7413 15.6665 15.6195 15.6209 15.3497 15.1128 14.9677 14.7085 15.5735 15.388 14.5437 14.0077 15.4221 15.608 14.9992 15.1102 15.0702 15.3246 14.8351 15.8305 13.8681 15.6003 15.5784 14.4346 15.2233 15.2057 15.8656 14.9703 16.3995 17.7216 15.2329 15.2772 Q8BVF2 Pdcl3 1 38.987813 68833 + 38.987813 38.997235 phosducin-like 3 1110061A19Rik; C80025; Viaf1 None None None 12.5373 12.7977 12.1923 12.2571 12.8467 12.1684 12.7832 12.0886 13.0929 12.3767 12.107 12.2863 13.2488 12.3856 12.0385 13.1267 12.5365 12.8376 12.4377 12.2581 12.2554 12.9495 12.2853 12.9863 12.1313 12.4361 13.2551 12.3459 12.6833 12.3033 12.5076 12.0831 Q05D44 Eif5b 1 37.998009 226982 + 37.998009 38.055578 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B A030003E17Rik; BC018347; IF2 None None None 14.0036 13.7617 13.9391 13.7467 13.7774 14.0247 13.1602 13.6733 13.9048 13.2989 13.8074 13.1263 15.8107 14.001 13.3539 13.5051 13.8447 13.4089 14.0976 13.9858 13.8397 13.9947 13.6976 12.8938 13.6476 13.7662 12.7835 13.3691 13.8064 14.0733 13.8897 13.3537 Q9D7N6 Mrpl30 1 37.890476 107734 + 37.890476 37.898337 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L30 2310001L22Rik; L30mt; MRP-L28; MRP-L30; Rpml28 None None None 11.7414 11.8581 11.8909 10.5875 11.6633 11.4476 12.797 11.7365 11.2841 11.7736 11.2754 11.5095 12.2321 12.2357 11.4727 12.6017 12.191 11.3321 11.5918 11.6701 12.3087 11.7865 11.419 11.4057 11.8989 11.861 11.3855 11.8159 11.8967 11.416 11.6005 11.6671 Q921I0 Ormdl1 1 53.297094 227102 + 53.297094 53.310244 ORM1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) C730042F17Rik None None None 11.9427 12.7032 12.785 12.9788 12.1063 12.9694 11.8408 12.6866 12.5802 12.5824 11.7251 13.1916 12.977 13.3009 13.1347 12.0362 12.2026 13.1711 12.1617 12.8864 12.8736 11.7339 12.607 11.5557 11.8281 12.165 12.2412 12.3858 13.3365 13.4714 12.8102 12.9708 P49442 Inpp1 1 52.785424 16329 - 52.785424 52.817687 inositol polyphosphate-1-phosphatase 2300002C06Rik; AV137389 None None None 14.7598 14.5113 14.6556 14.7213 14.3828 14.3291 14.4587 14.1909 14.426 14.478 14.2904 14.1575 15.4652 14.5306 13.9813 13.9906 14.1262 14.2321 14.3758 14.2558 15.0186 14.4015 14.6902 14.3822 14.5575 14.5247 14.448 14.3961 14.5323 14.2869 14.2905 14.6078 Q8BTE0 Sdhaf4 1 23.995938 68002 - 23.995938 24.005639 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 4 1110058L19Rik; 1700001E18Rik; C6orf57 None None None 11.9813 12.0398 12.7291 11.5496 12.6117 11.4718 11.5195 12.1576 11.7294 12.3279 11.8409 10.8622 11.4164 10.0729 12.4284 12.1519 12.0004 11.5662 12.023 12.2401 11.9205 11.8675 12.4913 12.0883 11.9439 12.2246 11.8459 12.2595 11.4872 10.7238 12.0451 11.4101 Q9DBG1 Cyp27a1 1 74.713147 104086 + 74.713147 74.737896 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 1300013A03Rik; Cyp27 None None None 12.8103 13.8163 13.8559 13.1225 12.9013 13.8922 14.4091 12.0698 13.4411 13.2699 13.7844 12.6157 12.5679 13.1054 13.2803 12.4325 13.2564 12.8867 13.8512 12.9537 13.6874 13.288 13.7939 12.2691 13.4673 13.7672 13.9597 13.3325 13.5171 13.4259 13.5755 13.0189 Q8CGA0 Ppm1f 16 16.896468 68606 + 16.896468 16.927374 protein phosphatase 1F (PP2C domain containing) 1110021B16Rik; 4933427B07Rik; CaMKPase; Popx2; mKIAA0015 None None None 14.8406 15.1347 14.7678 15.2464 14.8709 14.6246 14.9981 15.0692 14.9081 15.1392 14.7875 14.6752 14.7219 14.8048 14.8361 14.6323 14.7659 15.2308 14.8758 14.8921 14.4228 14.6146 14.8446 14.9975 14.3695 14.6418 15.4422 15.082 14.4525 14.8752 15.0528 14.7602 P27641 Xrcc5 1 72.307416 22596 + 72.307416 72.394952 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 5 AI314015; CTC85; CTCBF; Ku80; Ku86 None None None 12.9863 12.9095 12.9592 14.8108 13.7754 13.1043 15.3478 13.1329 13.321 12.5497 13.876 12.9834 14.2078 12.4687 12.3858 12.9238 12.9985 13.0756 12.2497 12.9093 14.0995 13.0254 14.1203 14.2604 12.91 13.5798 12.4585 12.3571 13.7936 13.5217 12.9976 12.6362 Q9CWJ9 Atic 1 71.557155 108147 + 71.557155 71.579402 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase 2610509C24Rik; AA536954; AW212393 None None None 17.7745 17.2272 17.308 16.806 17.3982 17.3364 17.3249 17.5373 17.2833 17.2028 17.26 17.5555 18.846 17.1587 17.5888 17.3852 17.4147 17.2316 17.2991 17.1901 17.0913 17.3464 16.8365 17.0642 17.4625 17.5714 17.0489 17.4176 17.1333 17.3615 17.3441 17.4733 Q9DC29 Abcb6 1 75.171639 74104 - 75.171639 75.180391 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 6 1200005B17Rik None None None 12.1599 13.4137 12.76 12.2298 12.0957 12.1459 13.8862 12.8331 12.6649 12.7031 12.8152 12.5122 12.0791 12.4443 12.6397 12.4552 13.0973 11.9161 12.3702 12.9787 12.1246 12.531 11.858 13.2445 12.6066 12.4483 12.48 12.4742 12.1053 13.0148 13.0724 13.0862 P31001 Des 1 75.360291 13346 + 75.360291 75.368578 desmin None None None 22.3136 23.0804 21.4164 22.361 23.0692 22.7105 22.6363 23.3287 22.9128 23.5337 23.1337 22.7575 21.6232 23.071 22.9153 22.8801 22.4654 22.9965 23.0054 23.0567 22.6607 23.4308 23.1397 22.8012 21.5564 21.4606 22.2553 22.9003 22.7973 23.4923 23.3242 22.4554 Q3TY88 Trip12 1 84.721188 14897 - 84.721188 84.850003 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12 1110036I07Rik; 6720416K24Rik; AA410158; Gtl6; TRIP-12 None None None 13.2964 13.1975 13.2279 13.1616 13.208 13.2869 12.739 12.8879 13.2831 12.9611 12.8379 12.1881 13.9643 13.3138 12.9403 12.7237 13.3353 13.0756 13.0363 13.2865 12.5346 12.8473 13.0149 12.8305 12.38 12.9854 12.7266 12.7763 13.1208 13.2326 12.9923 12.928 P09405 Ncl 1 86.344718 17975 - 86.344718 86.359454 nucleolin B530004O11Rik; C23; D0Nds28; D1Nds28; Nucl None None None 18.8126 18.1866 17.9902 17.9776 18.8219 17.9656 17.6465 18.4175 18.5071 18.3637 18.274 18.9597 20.4656 18.3459 18.8284 17.8906 18.2216 18.3357 18.3394 18.3141 18.2742 18.0107 17.7478 17.8999 18.2178 17.8113 17.8863 17.9728 18.135 18.5553 17.9991 18.5087 Q9CY73 Mrpl44 1 79.776017 69163 + 79.776017 79.781444 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L44 1810030E18Rik; 5730593H20Rik; AI463302 None None None 12.4703 12.6575 13.7985 13.1849 12.3271 12.7424 13.2438 12.8581 13.1786 12.5175 12.7404 12.969 13.591 12.9642 12.9744 13.0245 13.0201 12.5457 13.1803 13.3952 13.0917 13.4546 12.727 12.9202 13.3302 13.6758 12.7194 12.8921 13.4294 12.6212 13.0088 13.2813 Q99LC3 Ndufa10 1 92.439485 67273 - 92.439485 92.473824 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A10 2900053E13Rik None None None 15.8317 16.6441 17.6206 16.3895 16.1224 16.4858 16.3626 16.2465 16.621 16.1119 16.0044 16.1817 17.223 15.8868 16.1178 16.816 16.0595 15.1722 16.2278 16.7603 18.2008 16.9277 16.8119 15.977 17.399 17.2371 16.1492 16.7112 16.7496 15.8924 16.7835 15.8379 Q3UM45 Ppp1r7 1 93.343609 66385 + 93.343609 93.367615 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 7 2310014J01Rik; SDS22 None None None 15.4984 15.9966 15.5327 15.9498 15.9605 15.9133 16.0164 16.2407 16.0688 16.1925 15.9367 16.0068 16.1321 15.9211 16.1616 15.9944 15.8637 16.0508 15.929 15.9294 15.3877 15.8194 16.1495 15.7374 15.7191 15.6482 16.1315 15.7199 15.6551 15.8713 15.9053 15.9253 P42208 Sept2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P42208 None None None 17.7435 17.1124 16.9085 17.4091 17.4881 17.1793 17.2236 17.4518 17.0598 17.6153 17.2804 17.2858 17.2928 17.4111 17.4223 17.0899 17.34 17.6461 17.5856 17.1156 16.8707 17.2391 17.4891 17.1305 16.8262 16.3344 17.3844 16.7689 16.8769 17.4074 17.1406 17.6779 P97930 Dtymk 1 93.792575 21915 - 93.792575 93.802067 deoxythymidylate kinase AU044245; CDC8; D10Ertd203e; TMPK; TYPK; Tmk; mtmk None None None 12.4992 14.7202 14.192 14.3937 13.435 13.4885 12.3116 14.2736 14.2481 13.1527 14.2719 12.3233 14.7016 13.8106 13.4259 14.9834 14.4437 13.438 14.2645 14.6074 13.6044 14.0443 12.1362 12.0265 15.2658 14.7891 14.1835 13.7841 14.9471 14.7536 14.374 11.7651 Q9JLI6 Scly 1 91.298294 50880 + 91.298294 91.321079 selenocysteine lyase 9830169H08; A930015N15Rik; SCL; Scly1; Scly2 None None None 13.6367 13.1408 13.4242 12.1791 13.9183 13.0604 13.5961 13.0918 13.6164 12.8908 13.2587 12.7704 15.8627 13.6795 13.3144 13.515 13.3441 13.1475 13.7755 13.0655 12.2843 13.0893 12.6999 13.3327 13.9252 13.8443 12.2246 11.9065 13.8906 13.889 12.9721 14.4026 Q99JY9 Actr3 1 125.392904 74117 - 125.392904 125.435726 ARP3 actin-related protein 3 1200003A09Rik; Arp3 None None None 19.1701 18.7245 18.8267 19.1654 19.6035 19.1252 19.0411 19.0334 19.2431 19.07 18.7929 19.2382 20.3543 19.7078 19.4235 18.5821 19.4239 19.1033 19.9098 19.4194 18.5601 18.7847 18.9047 19.1511 19.0499 18.7051 18.7589 18.607 19.6343 19.8243 18.8663 20.2122 Q8VCH8 Ubxn4 1 128.243897 67812 + 128.243897 128.279377 UBX domain protein 4 1300013G12Rik; Ubxd2; mKIAA0242 None None None 13.1741 14.4066 13.7284 13.7192 14.2513 13.957 13.6046 13.9715 13.4965 14.0589 13.0373 13.2021 14.0945 13.2537 13.1558 13.4559 13.5343 13.6686 14.543 13.798 13.5805 13.0739 13.1939 14.4651 13.6923 13.5428 13.5809 13.4632 14.1555 14.4482 13.8194 14.4483 P97311 Mcm6 1 128.331574 17219 - 128.331574 128.359704 minichromosome maintenance complex component 6 ASP-l1; D1Wsu22e; Mcmd6 None None None 12.9326 12.0662 12.7291 12.8771 12.6778 11.419 11.5887 12.1974 12.6924 12.3437 11.7044 12.4522 15.3155 12.4109 12.9711 12.1379 12.9423 12.1813 12.9552 12.7017 12.7719 11.8675 11.6812 12.2843 12.3331 11.3929 12.343 12.2841 12.9646 12.9246 11.893 13.5984 Q922B2 Dars 1 128.363706 226414 - 128.363706 128.417415 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 5730439G15Rik; Dars1 None None None 17.1862 17.3985 16.3442 17.0296 16.3827 16.6785 16.5408 16.6015 17.3716 16.4225 17.2132 17.1577 18.0849 17.3365 17.4006 16.2987 16.6607 17.2813 17.4896 16.3905 16.3738 17.247 17.1542 16.3545 17.1164 16.345 17.347 16.2654 17.1237 17.0801 16.4966 17.1713 Q99PG4 Rgs18 1 144.752682 64214 - 144.752682 144.775426 regulator of G-protein signaling 18 None None None 12.5249 10.8836 11.3519 12.6378 11.5018 9.59498 12.2497 11.3293 12.1274 11.8155 10.3104 12.559 15.1056 10.0043 11.5096 11.9416 11.4374 11.4672 10.2077 11.0974 11.1509 11.6911 12.1981 11.9646 12.8956 12.1049 12.4825 10.3908 10.4218 11.1818 11.3746 11.7032 Q62348 Tsn 1 118.298513 22099 - 118.298513 118.31146 translin 2610034C24Rik; AU040286; C3PO; TB-RBP None None None 15.3802 14.8383 14.4865 14.705 14.9363 14.5359 13.9569 14.9711 14.4169 14.6882 14.5618 14.7539 16.2772 14.4005 14.7218 14.3791 14.4576 14.8518 14.4921 14.5292 14.2985 14.8761 14.2494 14.2523 14.1439 14.5648 14.6536 14.8378 13.8637 14.8431 14.6162 14.5158 Q91VE6 Nifk 1 118.321842 67949 + 118.321842 118.33383 nucleolar protein interacting with the FHA domain of MKI67 AI852665; C130020J04Rik; Mki67ip None None None 12.6287 11.7864 11.8909 12.5973 12.6117 12.1312 12.2223 12.1576 12.5863 12.3279 11.4247 12.6313 12.4746 12.0473 12.1046 12.4177 12.1408 12.2836 11.7802 11.9744 12.4921 11.8675 12.2255 11.5941 12.2096 11.6726 12.6227 12.0043 11.7083 12.8962 11.763 11.6758 Q9ES74 Nek7 1 138.483836 59125 - 138.483836 138.619756 NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 7 2810460C19Rik; AU020186 None None None 14.8572 15.5466 15.371 15.6659 15.3971 15.6694 15.4099 15.1526 15.7751 15.7088 14.8764 15.0818 16.0784 15.4721 15.3623 14.4611 15.6462 15.367 15.7197 15.7062 13.4332 15.163 15.7747 15.7965 15.2881 14.8567 15.3089 15.2044 15.3413 15.5675 15.407 15.1917 Q61475 Cd55 1 130.429797 13136 - 130.429797 130.465008 CD55 molecule, decay accelerating factor for complement Daf; Daf-GPI; Daf1; GPI-DAF None None None 13.4279 16.0353 13.4684 16.1067 15.5608 15.6332 14.7065 14.2455 15.7898 13.226 14.514 14.3378 16.491 15.7427 14.8044 14.5107 14.5982 13.8521 13.8672 14.3704 15.4408 16.142 14.5923 14.8582 15.9376 13.7353 14.7518 16.4693 14.5925 14.6215 15.2837 14.6035 Q8VEH3 Arl8a 1 135.146833 68724 + 135.146833 135.156267 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8A 1110033P22Rik; Arl10b; gie2 None None None 16.134 16.6112 16.1706 16.4958 16.1776 16.2782 16.4403 15.9274 16.4396 16.3078 16.2524 15.9217 16.3641 16.7138 16.2793 16.1024 16.5011 16.5545 16.5495 16.45 16.0923 16.3505 16.3747 16.4896 15.981 16.1598 16.3228 16.0206 16.51 16.4154 16.4516 16.1627 Q8BX09 Rbbp5 1 132.477347 213464 + 132.477347 132.505664 retinoblastoma binding protein 5, histone lysine methyltransferase complex subunit 4933411J24Rik; C330016J05 None None None 13.2664 12.016 12.1479 12.0742 12.7279 12.1312 11.597 12.6377 12.7811 12.5198 12.6758 13.0966 14.1317 12.7823 12.8275 12.3244 12.5274 12.4387 12.6098 12.5666 12.372 12.1234 12.3735 12.8106 12.6106 11.8988 12.2564 12.4753 12.2949 12.8313 12.2991 12.771 Q9DB73 Cyb5r1 1 134.40578 72017 + 134.40578 134.411737 cytochrome b5 reductase 1 1500005G05Rik; B5R.1; C80155; Nqo3a2 None None None 15.4145 15.9073 15.4132 15.6191 15.5082 15.5821 15.9055 15.6357 15.2276 15.5052 15.5615 15.6456 14.6743 15.4208 15.5713 15.7521 15.5584 15.7123 15.481 15.4353 15.343 15.2065 15.65 15.4806 15.0581 15.2999 16.1862 15.519 15.7049 15.6948 15.6337 15.4389 Q60695 Rgl1 1 152.516761 19731 - 152.516761 152.766307 ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator,-like 1 Rgl; mKIAA0959 None None None 12.5064 12.166 12.2009 12.8104 12.6117 12.237 12.3189 11.3999 12.3027 12.1426 12.6048 12.1593 12.9586 11.9621 12.0587 12.3457 12.1769 11.9879 12.9603 11.9727 11.9958 12.5267 12.646 12.7743 12.5019 12.5078 12.0969 11.9481 12.5253 12.0334 11.6132 11.9473 Q8CJF7 Ahctf1 1 179.744903 226747 - 179.744903 179.804014 AT hook containing transcription factor 1 6230412P20Rik; AV011447; Elys None None None 12.3146 12.1794 13.1462 12.6357 11.9799 12.2786 11.8505 12.1682 12.25 12.4069 11.7348 12.1861 13.8173 12.7229 12.2552 12.0458 12.503 12.3259 12.1732 12.4058 12.1838 11.878 12.6185 11.9871 12.7565 12.1765 12.2509 12.3973 13.1898 11.8552 12.3647 12.2791 P11103 Parp1 1 180.56889 11545 + 180.56889 180.600998 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 1 5830444G22Rik; AI893648; ARTD1; Adprp; Adprt1; C80510; PARP; PPOL; msPARP; parp-1; sPARP-1 None None None 14.2641 14.7811 14.8383 14.6007 15.4687 14.5883 14.1426 14.8583 15.2585 14.4537 15.0456 15.6555 17.0642 15.4686 15.1639 14.7758 15.0933 14.9018 15.2626 15.3042 13.944 15.0154 15.1396 14.9069 15.6075 14.3551 13.3698 14.5984 15.2613 15.1785 14.772 15.5069 Q8BMP6 Acbd3 1 180.726042 170760 + 180.726042 180.754203 acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 3 60kDa; 8430407O11Rik; D1Ertd10e; GCP60; GOLPH1; Gocap1; Pap7 None None None 15.7648 14.5212 14.6113 15.1176 14.992 14.8013 14.6663 14.6823 14.6486 14.6174 14.7343 14.7696 15.1012 15.8112 15.0259 14.1422 14.9324 14.9479 15.2701 15.0191 15.0706 13.6402 14.503 14.8673 14.5363 14.2363 14.6223 14.5975 15.0682 15.4365 14.5809 15.156 Q9D7J4 Cox20 1 178.318094 66359 + 178.318094 178.322692 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 20 2310005N03Rik; Fam36a None None None 13.2131 13.5244 13.6147 14.1575 12.459 13.7394 14.149 13.3301 13.7631 13.2041 13.731 13.5816 14.6393 13.605 13.0542 13.5321 13.2852 13.6072 14.6056 14.2506 15.2617 14.0664 13.2485 13.5259 14.3258 14.5653 13.2207 13.3223 14.3371 13.7162 13.8438 14.0746 Q922Q4 Pycr2 1 180.904273 69051 + 180.904273 180.908087 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase family, member 2 1810018M05Rik; P5cr2 None None None 13.5261 13.4597 12.8109 13.0106 13.9649 12.7673 12.5536 13.504 13.6562 13.4666 13.0161 12.3553 14.8099 13.3705 13.5051 13.0469 13.5145 13.1573 13.704 13.0281 12.9009 13.0445 12.5428 12.0438 13.7641 13.5779 13.4675 12.0897 13.6112 12.9451 13.2242 13.8485 P08032 Spta1 1 174.172738 20739 + 174.172738 174.248448 spectrin alpha, erythrocytic 1 AF093576; AI451697; Spna-1; Spna1; ha; ihj; nmf4; sph None None None 16.8465 17.3018 16.8515 17.7745 17.1853 17.3531 17.663 17.473 17.2416 17.784 17.2236 17.4199 15.7535 17.2331 17.3069 17.0911 17.423 17.5953 17.1958 17.1947 16.5376 17.1215 17.7641 17.5102 16.3641 16.7375 17.6142 17.3004 16.7044 17.0264 17.5839 17.3188 P12246 Apcs 1 172.89396 20219 - 172.89396 172.895053 serum amyloid P-component Sap None None None 15.6087 13.3673 16.7918 16.466 15.3783 16.0421 16.5813 15.8551 14.5803 15.6113 16.639 17.0947 14.83 16.8129 16.7207 16.8526 13.6661 14.5658 15.2895 12.844 15.7471 15.9024 16.4827 14.3166 17.3276 19.3477 15.823 16.1285 16.9381 15.0564 15.9396 14.5748 Q6NT99 Dusp23 1 172.630768 68440 - 172.630768 172.632973 dual specificity phosphatase 23 1300005N15Rik; LDP-3 None None None 12.8414 14.0029 11.8909 11.4434 11.7735 12.1973 12.4009 12.6802 12.7756 12.2442 12.5166 12.2476 12.9535 12.5759 12.0202 12.2056 13.155 11.408 12.2605 12.8833 11.9076 12.5183 11.8152 13.1653 13.1969 13.0491 12.0005 12.0363 12.915 12.3117 12.6993 13.1538 Q9D023 Mpc2 1 165.461259 70456 + 165.461259 165.481217 mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2 0610006C01Rik; 2010002I07Rik; 2610205H19Rik; AA108335; Brp44; ESTM43 None None None 17.5069 16.4486 18.01 16.8509 16.3131 16.6559 16.1846 16.4191 16.715 16.4147 16.3724 16.2077 17.4491 15.7726 16.6188 17.0436 16.8781 16.7678 16.6618 17.4659 18.9891 16.147 15.8883 16.6971 16.9103 17.0415 17.2199 17.9292 16.6542 16.7323 17.0468 15.7013 Q9QZZ6 Dpt 1 164.796662 56429 + 164.796662 164.824273 dermatopontin 1810032B19Rik; 5033416F05Rik; EQ-1; Eq1 None None None 15.0967 18.136 15.7125 18.1615 17.0228 17.4527 16.6552 17.6169 16.9699 17.0406 17.444 18.5858 13.6328 16.4523 17.8409 17.2943 17.4034 17.72 16.3956 16.6371 17.8429 18.7844 17.5379 18.2378 17.2738 15.387 17.3931 18.1821 16.6414 16.5885 16.6065 16.7806 P14094 Atp1b1 1 164.437098 11931 - 164.437098 164.458354 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, beta 1 polypeptide Atp4b; Atpb; Atpb-1; NKbeta1 None None None 13.5803 15.2027 15.3441 13.7336 14.652 15.1335 15.5466 14.9078 15.0875 14.1086 15.1379 13.5393 14.417 15.2404 14.3001 14.3934 14.6675 13.8404 15.0498 13.9842 16.1613 15.6904 14.711 14.2105 15.196 14.3844 14.5891 14.7314 14.2215 14.2136 14.5343 14.3558 P70188 Kifap3 1 163.762137 16579 + 163.762137 163.917106 kinesin-associated protein 3 KAP-3; KAP3; SMAP None None None 12.7571 12.6887 12.4464 12.6147 12.8748 13.1793 12.9906 12.978 12.9677 13.0323 12.6225 11.9233 14.3778 13.131 13.039 12.9089 13.1478 13.1672 13.0071 13.1439 13.0437 12.7114 13.091 12.9059 12.4493 12.4025 12.9832 12.8547 12.7425 13.2011 12.9338 12.7062 Q8R5A0 Smyd2 1 189.880491 226830 - 189.880491 189.922494 SET and MYND domain containing 2 1110020E07Rik; 4930402C15; KMT3C; Zmynd14 None None None 12.6382 11.4172 13.1375 13.0548 13.0399 12.2008 11.8437 12.1743 11.9281 12.3596 12.5992 11.7017 12.2061 11.7365 12.1417 11.6129 11.516 12.5814 11.4235 12.517 13.4861 11.6263 12.203 11.6095 11.5742 11.4202 11.6877 12.8758 12.0755 11.9839 12.0671 12.1079 Q9Z0S1 Bpnt1 1 185.329427 23827 + 185.329427 185.357776 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1 BPntase None None None 15.1272 16.8 16.7205 16.3596 16.0536 16.362 16.461 16.3578 16.5587 16.3672 16.1031 15.8434 16.1681 15.7934 16.2978 16.3573 16.3949 16.3104 16.3968 16.1849 16.0413 16.3022 16.2946 16.0107 16.3832 16.6209 16.3582 16.2757 16.4195 16.1964 16.6124 15.946 Q64735 Cr1l 1 195.09871 12946 - 195.09871 195.131569 complement component (3b/4b) receptor 1-like Crry; Mcp; mCRY None None None 16.6834 16.8052 16.7422 17.0545 16.7872 16.5922 16.6857 16.561 16.8917 16.746 16.6013 16.6036 16.7875 16.8313 16.9029 16.7372 16.8587 16.8173 16.7316 16.7934 16.9683 16.5463 17.0011 16.8696 16.4949 16.5842 17.0126 16.9469 16.4761 16.7337 16.7881 16.9407 Q8BIJ6 Iars2 1 185.286641 381314 - 185.286641 185.329418 isoleucine-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 2010002H18Rik; C79125 None None None 16.4729 15.7853 16.8145 16.1718 16.1373 16.1156 16.1443 16.2477 16.2325 16.1724 16.2749 16.5295 16.3343 15.9722 16.2249 16.607 16.0896 16.1139 16.1436 16.4807 17.4703 16.4195 16.416 16.1436 16.8006 16.9207 16.2187 16.5285 16.6671 16.0332 16.3078 16.2833 Q8K1C0 Angel2 1 190.925107 52477 + 190.925107 190.946962 angel homolog 2 2610307I21Rik; 5730410O10Rik; AI845692; D1Ertd396e; D1Ertd654e None None None 12.7214 16.9363 11.8909 12.7459 12.6117 13.5479 11.4576 12.8703 12.9561 15.2858 11.5733 12.3527 11.9978 11.8987 12.3112 12.9387 14.2968 15.0495 16.3843 13.2507 12.6407 13.1035 14.1923 14.6977 17.8074 18.2647 12.4742 12.1529 16.616 15.9511 12.8449 12.004 P70207 Plxna2 1 194.61979 18845 + 194.61979 194.816868 plexin A2 2810428A13Rik; AA589422; AW457381; OCT; PlexA2; Plxn2; mKIAA0463 None None None 13.5689 12.959 12.8295 13.3708 12.9641 13.5011 13.3195 13.4968 13.1909 13.9191 12.8411 11.963 12.0718 13.3721 13.0654 12.8575 13.2404 13.301 13.1479 13.1095 12.3665 12.8668 13.2276 13.0355 12.0379 12.3372 13.6084 12.6033 11.6179 13.5465 13.3862 12.9799 Q99M31 Hspa14 2 0.0 50497 0.0 0.0 heat shock protein 14 70kDa; HSP70L1; Hsp70-4; NST-1; hsr.1 None None None 13.2084 13.5864 12.9437 13.8864 13.4735 13.5672 12.5779 13.8816 13.3869 14.0223 13.2677 12.8351 14.6762 12.853 13.8678 12.1334 13.4021 13.8565 12.5419 13.3492 12.0593 13.08 13.1647 13.534 11.9401 12.5886 13.8763 13.7849 12.8227 14.1597 13.1055 12.491 Q8BH69 Sephs1 2 4.881563 109079 + 4.881563 4.910556 selenophosphate synthetase 1 1110046B24Rik; AA589574; AI505014; AW111620; SELD; SPS; SPS1 None None None 14.4193 14.2844 14.319 14.4965 14.7755 14.1932 14.3442 14.4128 14.6065 14.2729 14.5947 14.0864 15.7278 14.5077 14.5548 14.0663 14.4644 14.3677 14.5404 14.4699 14.3381 14.5829 14.3206 14.2557 14.4862 14.5152 14.071 14.0389 14.3127 14.8448 14.3221 14.7168 O35386 Phyh 2 4.918995 16922 + 4.918995 4.938742 phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase AI256161; AI265699; Lnap1; PAHX None None None 12.5637 14.7253 14.7315 14.5831 13.5954 13.2752 12.9991 13.6362 12.9176 13.3892 13.5103 12.6911 13.0462 14.0295 13.2154 13.3216 12.8977 13.0467 14.4399 13.9226 13.3896 13.5483 12.9723 13.1215 13.241 14.471 13.8366 13.1074 12.8465 13.1053 13.3864 13.0252 O88736 Hsd17b7 1 169.949534 15490 - 169.949534 169.969241 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 7 AI266814; ERG27 None None None 13.0922 12.3606 12.4212 13.4662 12.7204 12.3025 12.7069 12.8437 12.5826 13.5676 12.2348 12.292 11.6198 12.7427 12.5368 12.9685 12.6984 13.2918 13.779 13.4064 13.3036 12.2829 12.8795 13.2708 12.1657 11.7862 13.1138 12.898 11.6109 13.3119 12.7338 12.1553 Q9JLJ2 Aldh9a1 1 167.349962 56752 + 167.349962 167.368529 aldehyde dehydrogenase 9, subfamily A1 AA139417; Abaldh; ESTM40; TMABA-DH; Tmabadh None None None 18.4252 17.6551 18.2972 17.7936 18.087 17.688 17.7387 18.0202 18.0892 17.7564 18.0211 18.3949 18.6189 17.8218 18.2019 18.1595 17.9566 17.8785 18.1344 18.0228 18.3118 18.057 17.9461 17.8444 18.5777 18.6402 17.6501 18.2842 18.6581 17.9478 18.0496 18.3123 Q9CPU4 Mgst3 1 0.0 66447 0.0 0.0 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 2010012L10Rik; 2010306B17Rik; 2700004G04Rik; AA516734; GST-III None None None 13.1597 16.1585 15.9863 16.3874 15.9105 15.6985 15.8418 16.0797 15.7366 16.1614 15.9128 15.5646 13.923 14.8887 15.8489 16.7969 15.5993 15.6672 14.9856 15.5367 15.1833 15.3996 16.6537 15.855 16.2342 16.6462 16.1599 15.6032 16.8773 14.4976 15.8834 15.7288 Q61830 Mrc1 2 14.229413 17533 + 14.229413 14.332022 mannose receptor, C type 1 AW259686; CD206; MR None None None 16.5303 16.2033 16.5602 16.361 17.4464 16.9094 16.7171 16.5852 16.7835 16.2992 16.7798 17.06 16.5186 16.691 16.9 17.3341 17.0339 16.5124 16.9959 17.2674 16.0885 17.2271 16.5674 16.153 16.4402 16.5208 16.2796 16.3417 17.1869 17.1402 16.6057 17.7141 Q9DC11 Plxdc2 2 16.355739 67448 + 16.355739 16.761131 plexin domain containing 2 1200007L24Rik; 5430431D22Rik; AI646728; AU022916; AV231634; Tem7r None None None 16.1957 15.9178 15.29 15.8727 16.0141 16.029 15.5517 16.1719 15.6848 16.3247 16.0535 16.006 13.4203 16.2369 16.2194 14.9495 16.2049 16.0695 15.7951 15.7863 15.5807 16.4198 15.612 15.8306 14.2468 14.921 16.1513 16.1343 15.4439 16.1804 15.8293 15.9064 P70195 Psmb7 2 38.588045 19177 - 38.588045 38.643951 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 7 AU020723; MC14 None None None 15.183 16.565 14.2301 15.0299 15.1663 15.0695 13.822 15.1774 14.9731 15.2559 14.1796 15.9396 15.0604 14.8542 15.5263 14.6759 15.3776 14.7273 14.7372 14.7652 14.8217 15.098 14.5599 14.2603 14.665 14.4296 15.3896 15.158 15.3058 14.8942 15.0494 14.6114 Q9CQR6 Ppp6c 2 39.194368 67857 - 39.194368 39.226348 protein phosphatase 6, catalytic subunit 2310003C10Rik; Pp6C None None None 13.705 14.2826 14.248 14.3609 14.6297 14.3057 14.2478 14.5748 14.6646 14.1618 14.2037 14.374 15.3104 14.2679 14.5857 14.4376 14.0361 14.2763 14.2277 14.4863 14.1205 14.4858 14.2737 14.0766 14.2259 13.6685 14.1169 13.7435 14.4749 14.5685 14.3311 13.9625 Q5XG73 Acbd5 2 23.068165 74159 + 23.068165 23.114512 acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5 1300014E15Rik None None None 13.7234 13.4571 14.4566 14.7751 14.708 13.8219 14.7085 13.7204 13.845 14.75 15.0042 13.8214 13.2586 13.5697 14.6876 13.7355 14.6703 14.644 14.8898 14.1643 13.5446 13.1861 14.0807 14.4405 15.2375 13.218 15.2911 13.8673 14.9177 14.7229 14.1863 14.9428 Q9JIF3 Slc2a8 2 32.97298 56017 - 32.97298 32.982082 solute carrier family 2, (facilitated glucose transporter), member 8 D2Ertd44e; GLUT8; GlutX1 None None None 12.6491 12.8756 12.8943 13.5287 12.8399 12.5719 11.649 13.1883 12.0398 12.8605 13.243 12.1623 12.5949 12.4303 12.5558 11.6255 12.7443 12.5781 12.4185 12.7408 12.8322 12.845 13.0495 11.9342 11.6618 13.418 13.085 12.5636 12.6307 11.9429 12.8446 12.9709 Q8R1F1 Fam129b Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q8R1F1 None None None 16.556 14.8462 14.8797 15.4572 15.5918 15.1807 15.4762 15.1552 14.8995 15.6138 15.0322 15.6411 13.5996 16.5798 15.2734 14.6051 15.9968 15.7451 16.8946 16.1151 14.6186 14.7503 15.0429 15.198 14.7765 15.0194 14.9305 14.3875 16.257 16.8943 15.1238 16.4275 P48760 Fpgs 2 32.682608 14287 - 32.682608 32.704195 folylpolyglutamyl synthetase AA408187 None None None 18.665 14.967 11.8909 12.598 12.6117 14.2454 15.3694 16.2027 15.4469 13.8541 17.1186 13.7395 11.6814 17.8505 14.3699 14.5502 12.128 16.7104 11.7809 14.2891 16.1032 16.9043 12.2262 11.5948 13.3778 21.4176 12.6221 17.0407 17.6306 17.3322 12.5007 11.8562 Q8BWM0 Ptges2 2 32.395889 96979 + 32.395889 32.402739 prostaglandin E synthase 2 0610038H10Rik; C79137; Gbf1; Mpges2; Pges2 None None None 13.3506 14.2844 15.3134 14.6696 14.4127 14.415 13.9756 14.4779 14.1753 14.1316 14.5363 13.906 13.5217 14.3826 14.1576 14.7712 14.53 14.2279 14.6631 14.9492 16.1378 14.6595 14.4897 14.5169 15.0733 15.2657 14.1794 14.86 15.1179 14.697 14.4538 14.3093 Q8K348 Acvr1c 2 58.267452 269275 - 58.267452 58.357895 activin A receptor, type IC ACTR-IC; ACVRLK7; ALK7; Alk-7; C230097P10 None None None 12.311 14.9751 12.9433 13.3221 13.5723 13.0105 12.6903 13.0977 13.0386 13.7705 13.372 12.8295 13.6459 12.3872 12.9463 13.187 13.6058 13.3919 12.6854 13.1323 12.7309 12.9064 13.4946 13.3775 12.727 13.2164 13.8384 13.5223 12.7353 12.8422 13.9492 12.8435 Q9ER41 Tor1b 2 30.952938 30934 + 30.952938 30.964072 torsin family 1, member B 2610016F05Rik; DQ1; torsinB None None None 14.6473 14.5836 14.1315 14.5418 14.2877 14.5344 14.1362 14.476 14.4783 14.66 14.0223 13.9938 14.5153 14.4163 14.4833 14.3874 14.4021 14.7765 14.2947 14.3757 14.0588 14.4125 14.4587 14.3222 13.83 14.1481 14.9736 14.2819 14.0421 14.7046 14.4283 13.9585 Q9ER39 Tor1a 2 30.96056 30931 - 30.96056 30.967917 torsin family 1, member A (torsin A) DQ2; Dyt1; torsinA None None None 13.0355 12.8246 14.1097 14.0726 13.7686 12.9271 11.4825 14.0412 13.8364 13.4171 13.9285 14.0283 14.1356 14.9515 13.3229 13.5375 13.1991 14.0615 14.3522 14.1463 14.3067 11.9121 14.0193 11.7677 13.8095 14.1891 12.7586 14.0035 14.0122 13.5457 13.6056 14.088 Q8R3V5 Sh3glb2 2 30.344776 227700 - 30.344776 30.359357 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B2 SPAS-1 None None None 15.319 16.3479 16.1409 16.0952 15.7793 16.195 16.2201 15.8887 16.2557 16.2554 16.2261 15.0007 14.3711 15.9003 16.1308 16.3698 15.96 16.0598 15.9354 15.9683 15.3799 16.1072 16.5834 16.2934 16.0691 16.471 16.4631 16.2917 16.6379 16.0408 16.2008 16.0436 Q8BJY1 Psmd5 2 34.852086 66998 - 34.852086 34.870964 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 5 1500032A03Rik; AW475925; S5b; W91691; mKIAA0072 None None None 16.238 16.0351 15.87 16.212 15.8096 16.0834 15.9916 16.1431 16.1255 15.9027 16.012 15.402 16.5684 15.9697 15.8256 14.9149 16.0812 15.9432 15.9127 15.9017 15.7984 16.0841 15.8088 15.7983 15.8619 16.0882 15.9082 15.7058 15.5199 15.7769 16.0695 15.789 P54116 Stom 2 35.313989 13830 - 35.313989 35.337008 stomatin Epb7.2 None None None 16.6587 16.1808 16.4868 16.4314 16.6529 16.0632 16.2058 16.424 16.0867 16.4431 16.4088 16.687 15.9592 16.4837 16.7814 16.2231 16.617 16.2953 17.0009 16.7582 17.1791 16.0842 15.9941 16.6372 16.0295 16.2674 16.1743 16.842 16.679 16.7011 16.3932 16.6734 Q9D6S7 Mrrf 2 36.135659 67871 + 36.135659 36.190283 mitochondrial ribosome recycling factor 2400002D02Rik; MRFF; MTRRF; RRF None None None 13.6436 13.398 14.0022 13.2284 12.8529 13.6001 13.8068 13.372 13.7676 12.9256 13.7776 12.3271 14.4755 13.2815 12.6743 13.2494 13.0857 13.3379 13.3784 13.7075 14.1667 13.414 13.5027 13.3347 14.3725 14.3468 12.2056 12.9492 14.0764 13.4251 12.8088 13.6422 Q8VC88 Gca 2 62.664326 227960 + 62.664326 62.694108 grancalcin 5133401E04Rik; AI573844 None None None 13.1131 12.6163 12.8565 13.4782 13.2514 12.7103 12.6012 12.872 13.4758 13.0886 12.51 13.0722 15.1273 12.9154 13.5765 12.219 12.9214 12.9886 12.1891 12.9248 12.176 13.2927 12.6144 12.1172 13.2044 12.6723 13.3584 12.6604 12.2975 12.9062 12.755 12.5171 Q8K3K7 Agpat2 2 26.593056 67512 - 26.593056 26.604416 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 2 (lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, beta) 2510002J07Rik; AV000834; BSCL; BSCL1; LPAAB; LPAAT-beta None None None 19.1118 18.8912 19.3671 19.0706 18.2626 18.9093 18.517 19.118 18.7175 19.0099 19.269 18.8869 18.4917 18.8743 18.2634 18.7699 19.3021 19.0778 19.1851 19.8537 19.4702 18.9694 19.1943 19.1767 18.8114 19.6839 18.6888 19.0817 18.9341 19.1007 19.5074 18.468 O35309 Nmi 2 51.948497 64685 - 51.948497 51.973488 N-myc (and STAT) interactor None None None 14.3611 14.46 14.8435 14.8346 15.2203 14.8788 14.879 14.9623 14.6306 14.6872 14.9518 15.1941 16.0296 14.7158 14.4678 14.637 14.6573 14.8238 15.0465 14.6978 14.6942 14.5726 14.5811 14.6664 14.754 15.2467 14.8217 14.7158 14.8703 14.5013 14.9447 15.3358 Q8BZQ7 Anapc2 2 25.272465 99152 + 25.272465 25.285915 anaphase promoting complex subunit 2 9230107K09Rik; AL024279; Apc2; Emi4; Imi4; mKIAA1406 None None None 12.5886 12.294 12.2258 13.2475 12.6845 12.5142 12.8581 12.4124 13.0547 12.3203 13.1243 12.5027 12.2681 13.8924 12.3798 12.7251 12.6086 12.5457 14.5343 12.487 12.0797 12.8858 12.2376 12.3612 12.4173 12.2926 12.4715 12.3105 12.2753 13.0996 12.3398 12.8066 Q9DCG2 Cd302 2 60.251992 66205 - 60.251992 60.284483 CD302 antigen 1110055L24Rik; AI159627 None None None 14.4646 14.2767 13.6162 13.9493 14.5772 13.5777 14.0776 14.2052 13.9752 14.061 14.2131 14.2456 13.6195 14.286 14.5314 14.0477 13.2416 14.068 13.8687 13.3807 13.4537 14.161 13.5987 13.7488 13.1163 13.5874 14.2987 12.4049 14.563 14.1184 13.9613 14.5744 Q9D0I6 Wdsub1 2 59.852363 72137 - 59.852363 59.882619 WD repeat, SAM and U-box domain containing 1 1700048E19Rik; 2610014F08Rik None None None 13.6363 12.8896 13.0959 13.0698 12.8405 13.4313 14.0654 12.7221 13.3214 12.836 13.1156 12.8896 11.6951 13.2674 13.1225 12.636 13.2292 12.8498 13.1369 12.7912 12.7945 12.3177 13.4712 13.0897 12.9204 13.4996 13.1479 12.7673 13.4598 13.1946 13.245 13.57 P28660 Nckap1 2 80.500511 50884 - 80.500511 80.581181 NCK-associated protein 1 C79304; H19; Hem-2; Hem2; Nap1; mKIAA0587; mh19; p125Nap1 None None None 15.0249 14.499 14.6094 14.9378 14.8598 14.8173 14.6437 14.7895 14.7371 15.1426 14.9874 14.6478 12.9908 14.9215 14.724 14.3464 14.6255 14.875 14.5379 14.6434 14.5515 14.78 14.8747 14.5682 14.6392 14.5188 15.1732 14.7454 14.3627 14.5648 14.7636 14.5245 Q9DC23 Dnajc10 2 80.315445 66861 + 80.315445 80.354054 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C10 1200006L06Rik; D2Ertd706e; ERdj5; JPDI None None None 12.7382 11.8625 12.2874 12.2713 12.1764 12.9472 12.2885 12.1426 12.6955 12.2823 12.5239 11.9799 12.748 12.5121 12.5988 11.906 12.3685 12.2196 12.0578 12.4143 11.8162 12.6177 12.2401 11.8013 12.3108 11.8705 12.2082 12.3173 12.3169 12.6589 12.0646 12.9235 Q00651 Itga4 2 79.255425 16401 + 79.255425 79.333113 integrin alpha 4 CD49D; Itga4B None None None 12.1782 12.7843 12.441 11.6126 11.7202 12.1312 12.9009 11.9908 12.4332 12.3753 12.7852 11.9528 13.3102 12.4068 12.0762 11.4198 12.8032 12.0857 12.4297 12.1341 11.7177 12.4645 11.547 12.6157 12.8881 12.7814 11.8313 13.0022 12.7458 12.9901 12.1706 12.3544 Q08943 Ssrp1 2 85.037119 20833 + 85.037119 85.047113 structure specific recognition protein 1 C81323; Hmg1-rs1; Hmgi-rs3; Hmgox; T160 None None None 14.5367 14.4565 13.4781 14.5355 14.9327 14.8159 14.9825 14.4679 15.0552 14.5855 14.615 14.3742 16.2817 14.6581 14.7191 14.1324 14.5338 14.168 14.4548 14.6187 11.8427 14.6404 14.8944 14.6659 14.918 14.9941 13.0927 14.0947 14.9363 15.0139 14.4922 15.8551 Q61878 Prg2 2 84.98046 19074 + 84.98046 84.983631 proteoglycan 2, bone marrow EMBP; MBP; mMBP; mMBP-1 None None None 14.9333 15.1273 14.2161 12.2613 13.4387 18.3572 16.5708 12.864 14.3719 14.1326 13.5369 12.346 15.4464 13.98 16.321 15.13 16.7012 14.3204 15.4492 13.6404 17.705 15.7433 12.3309 16.2253 15.858 11.9384 12.2336 17.5574 12.3285 15.4441 14.4941 17.8031 O88441 Mtx2 2 74.825811 53375 + 74.825811 74.876747 metaxin 2 1500012G02Rik None None None 14.5792 14.8968 15.6773 15.4668 14.6344 15.0666 14.934 14.9225 15.3681 14.8751 15.0118 14.8542 15.3736 14.7715 14.7929 15.3092 15.0681 14.861 15.1413 15.2156 15.9704 15.3129 15.5402 14.9164 15.4723 15.2396 14.8968 14.8703 15.2131 14.7662 15.1501 15.0959 Q9CZ30 Ola1 2 73.0928 67059 - 73.0928 73.214446 Obg-like ATPase 1 2510025G09Rik; 2810405J23Rik; 2810409H07Rik; Gtpbp9; PTD004 None None None 16.652 16.5068 16.2082 16.549 16.3234 16.5814 16.6044 16.5257 16.5429 16.914 16.3601 16.4517 16.6637 16.1084 16.5315 16.5956 16.486 16.5188 16.4517 16.4935 16.021 16.3865 16.7466 16.4916 16.186 16.1429 16.8222 16.2915 16.2502 16.6213 16.4517 16.451 Q9CZX9 Emc4 2 112.363018 68032 - 112.363018 112.379475 ER membrane protein complex subunit 4 2610318K02Rik; Tmem85 None None None 15.9302 15.4308 15.2528 15.6422 14.8788 15.532 15.3986 15.1065 15.2353 15.6102 15.4327 15.4714 15.0296 15.7681 15.5188 15.3104 15.5967 15.5385 15.1297 15.5237 15.4543 14.9688 15.4126 15.6726 14.8353 14.8389 15.8097 15.6177 14.0941 15.9139 15.6065 14.9244 Q9CQS2 Nop10 2 112.261925 66181 + 112.261925 112.262897 NOP10 ribonucleoprotein 1110036B12Rik; NOP10P; Nola3 None None None 13.5345 13.54 14.0659 13.9328 13.4903 13.3398 11.9409 12.6784 14.4188 13.0093 11.8252 12.9855 16.2178 11.7658 12.8623 13.1272 12.6008 12.9239 13.9003 13.3879 12.4342 14.4777 14.081 11.6558 14.7873 14.334 12.3413 12.2858 12.7452 12.0301 13.6171 11.3944 O88952 Lin7c 2 109.890877 22343 + 109.890877 109.900936 lin-7 homolog C (C. elegans) 9130007B12Rik; AI303698; AU019331; AW125731; D2Ertd520e; LIN-7-C; LIN-7C; MALS-3; Veli3 None None None 13.6992 15.5035 15.3196 15.3593 14.9331 15.5565 15.4681 15.6158 15.3489 15.3778 15.3629 13.7694 13.6759 14.235 15.0707 14.7663 15.4217 15.4098 15.212 15.4354 15.2042 15.6152 15.4867 15.2735 12.8556 14.8363 15.6084 15.2909 14.004 14.7272 15.5528 15.0243 Q99LI7 Cstf3 2 104.590483 228410 + 104.590483 104.665424 cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 3 4732468G05Rik; C79532; CstF-77 None None None 14.8429 14.0915 14.2025 14.0825 14.3526 14.3331 14.3141 14.3567 14.4537 14.2225 14.4455 14.604 14.6203 14.1822 14.5762 13.8023 14.4511 14.3925 14.4964 14.347 14.5718 14.2532 14.1876 14.2402 13.8566 14.4936 14.1458 14.1131 13.865 14.2848 14.1806 14.5396 Q9DC63 Fbxo3 2 104.027798 57443 + 104.027798 104.063236 F-box protein 3 1200002G09Rik; 1700026K02Rik; AI046358; Fba None None None 13.8212 12.7118 12.7291 13.3011 13.3792 12.0922 12.7675 12.5115 12.3444 12.9299 12.5848 12.9237 12.7468 14.3571 12.6442 11.7254 13.5062 12.2462 12.9295 13.0096 11.4274 11.7555 12.7324 12.2059 11.5978 12.5648 12.011 12.6161 12.9744 13.2191 13.1162 12.7574 Q60865 Caprin1 2 103.762944 53872 - 103.762944 103.797668 cell cycle associated protein 1 AL022980; Caprin-1; Gpiap; Gpiap1; Mmgpip137; P137; rng105 None None None 15.6871 15.17 15.0978 15.2102 15.3522 15.3016 14.9687 15.532 15.2485 15.329 14.9178 15.8737 16.1309 15.4151 15.5371 15.1363 15.3659 15.3 15.73 15.5417 14.8739 15.0525 14.9932 15.4022 15.1015 15.0371 15.2328 15.3292 15.4662 15.7182 15.2226 15.6379 P24270 Cat 2 103.453903 12359 - 103.453903 103.485152 catalase 2210418N07; Cas-1; Cas1; Cs-1 None None None 19.8518 20.0167 19.7368 19.8346 19.638 19.2345 19.2313 19.9336 19.4222 19.701 19.6793 20.3253 19.4959 19.411 19.7026 19.1378 19.5803 20.0776 19.4832 19.6017 19.1662 19.4985 19.4856 19.9726 19.5348 20.2767 20.0086 19.7971 19.2912 19.3166 19.7573 19.5538 O35841 Api5 2 94.411726 11800 - 94.411726 94.438185 apoptosis inhibitor 5 AAC-11; AI196452; API-5 None None None 14.7404 13.7953 14.2441 13.909 14.5847 14.0202 14.1377 14.3283 14.6471 13.9756 14.3041 14.0886 16.2171 14.4518 14.3581 13.5622 14.3265 13.8777 14.5938 14.393 13.9751 14.0706 13.9328 14.0095 14.5089 14.6713 13.7102 13.8414 14.4405 14.4305 14.074 14.9244 Q9D964 GATM Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9D964 None None None 11.9449 12.1615 13.4042 12.9723 12.1128 12.9694 11.8473 12.488 12.8187 12.3279 11.7316 12.1681 12.9835 11.6723 13.0941 12.0427 12.0368 12.6586 12.1552 12.3494 12.8671 11.7274 12.6005 11.5622 11.8346 12.1585 12.2477 12.3793 13.0097 11.5948 12.2097 12.9773 Q61554 Fbn1 2 125.300593 14118 - 125.300593 125.506484 fibrillin 1 AI536462; B430209H23; Fib-1; Tsk None None None 20.395 21.3308 17.3895 21.983 20.5233 21.7662 20.532 20.2667 19.301 20.0179 19.5166 21.4188 19.9133 21.6238 20.28 21.6586 19.7993 20.615 19.3748 19.3959 21.7281 21.0153 19.069 21.2857 21.4609 19.711 21.3178 21.8636 21.0037 19.625 19.8059 19.3874 P40237 Cd82 2 93.419101 12521 - 93.419101 93.462949 CD82 antigen AA682076; AL023070; C33; IA4; Kai1; Tspan27 None None None 14.2968 13.8015 13.5598 13.9756 14.4562 13.6811 12.714 14.4635 13.686 14.3634 14.3989 13.656 15.6901 13.6136 13.9711 13.2526 13.5641 14.508 12.2714 12.634 13.8812 14.0602 13.6085 13.3137 13.6289 13.0292 14.5997 14.2028 12.8331 13.0601 13.4842 13.3136 O88627 Slc28a2 2 122.426356 269346 + 122.426356 122.461151 solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 2 2010208B10Rik; B430217P18; BB152493; Cnt2; SPNT None None None 14.7745 14.1951 14.7578 14.4133 15.0202 14.7861 13.696 14.2221 15.3075 13.9619 15.3898 14.0808 16.0413 14.7016 14.9721 13.2644 15.0798 14.8821 14.6565 13.2817 11.6748 14.781 14.7849 15.371 12.2874 12.8244 11.8743 15.1812 12.7888 14.9537 12.7886 14.7381 Q3UGC7 Eif3j1 2 122.028579 78655 + 122.028579 122.053631 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J1 1810016I04Rik; 2700079K05Rik; AA409117; AA409446; C78575; Eif3j; Eif3j-1; Eif3j-2; Eif3j2; Eif3s1; eIF-3-alpha-A; eIF-3-alpha-B; eIF3-alpha; eIF3-p35; eIF3j-A; eIF3j-B None None None 15.658 15.4314 15.4318 15.2205 14.8658 15.4536 15.4503 15.636 15.641 15.4953 15.1416 15.2188 15.983 15.4817 16.1014 15.5595 15.34 15.3564 15.7175 15.3154 15.7284 15.1317 15.1768 15.2948 15.2409 15.2101 15.7441 15.5474 15.1816 15.5205 15.7435 15.4931 P19221 F2 2 91.612396 14061 - 91.612396 91.636456 coagulation factor II Cf-2; Cf2; FII None None None 17.9542 17.3447 17.5016 17.3528 18.0892 17.5507 17.988 17.1417 17.5578 17.4862 17.8565 18.5989 16.673 17.3788 17.5735 19.1777 17.3415 17.0481 16.389 17.8107 17.2159 17.5836 17.9027 17.4668 18.2751 18.4231 17.3449 17.457 17.1016 16.9139 17.5176 17.238 P27773 Pdia3 2 121.413901 14827 + 121.413901 121.438686 protein disulfide isomerase associated 3 58kDa; ERp57; ERp60; ERp61; Erp; Grp58; PDI; PDI-Q2; PI-PLC; PLC[a]; Plca None None None 20.956 20.4902 20.4616 20.5253 20.8502 20.9343 20.9653 20.6101 20.7572 20.5832 20.5423 21.2307 21.4985 20.9546 20.9393 20.5233 20.8432 20.6417 21.0622 20.7444 20.1189 20.5299 20.4964 20.8398 20.5637 20.5061 20.3605 20.4281 21.0021 20.8973 20.7135 21.1577 O70481 Ubr1 2 120.860271 22222 - 120.860271 120.970759 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 1 AI504731 None None None 12.6845 13.8753 12.3757 12.8848 12.6164 12.6711 13.5214 12.8668 12.3529 12.3529 12.4414 12.3764 12.7609 13.4795 12.1126 12.1635 12.3858 12.947 12.461 12.5659 11.6059 12.5707 13.67 12.4399 12.7516 11.9924 11.906 12.5172 12.756 12.4695 12.5645 13.3653 Q8R5L3 Vps39 2 120.31646 269338 - 120.31646 120.353141 VPS39 HOPS complex subunit A230065P22Rik; AW743070; Vam6; Vam6P; mVam6 None None None 13.0808 12.9487 13.007 13.0427 12.882 12.2595 13.0005 13.5706 12.9475 13.3067 12.0066 13.1618 13.5141 13.0478 12.8768 12.0575 13.1064 13.1976 13.6538 13.4913 12.6191 12.2881 12.3556 11.8596 11.9276 12.4164 14.2605 13.9113 13.8114 13.879 13.1762 13.4703 Q9EQP2 Ehd4 2 120.089486 98878 - 120.089486 120.154574 EH-domain containing 4 2210022F10Rik; AI197390; AI846352; AV006278; Past2 None None None 16.8052 16.526 16.4161 17.0304 16.6618 16.6859 16.9371 16.4551 16.7224 16.6946 16.5551 16.2833 16.1813 17.3285 16.7041 15.9658 16.9834 16.7046 17.392 16.9694 16.1467 16.4187 16.7056 16.4079 16.3673 16.6239 16.4925 16.1247 17.0861 17.2641 16.6312 17.3171 Q62230 Siglec1 2 131.0678 20612 - 131.0678 131.086777 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin Cd169; Siglec-1; Sn None None None 13.9116 12.8408 13.8772 13.6741 14.5596 14.2885 13.4919 14.0583 14.2106 13.4179 13.8135 15.1725 17.0999 13.7919 14.0231 14.4612 13.5899 13.2224 14.7874 14.9808 13.5117 13.8577 13.104 13.5413 14.0985 13.8413 13.173 13.3004 14.4012 13.5737 13.641 15.1833 Q9JHI5 Ivd 2 118.861958 56357 + 118.861958 118.882908 isovaleryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase 1300016K07Rik; 6720455E18Rik; AI463340 None None None 18.4321 18.2261 19.2866 17.6231 18.1115 18.4781 18.5118 18.3105 18.4824 17.968 19.2014 18.5771 18.4331 17.4775 18.2846 19.0285 17.7675 17.8757 17.4549 17.6818 19.8102 18.5712 18.3206 18.5378 19.7419 19.4378 18.3486 19.0992 19.1882 17.3434 18.5996 18.0715 Q8BMS9 Rassf2 2 131.992849 215653 - 131.992849 132.030415 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 2 3830431H01Rik; 9030412M04Rik; AI852669; AW495050 None None None 13.2432 12.4013 12.8163 12.5283 13.7426 13.5879 12.451 13.1915 13.7641 12.2127 12.7479 12.6302 15.7305 12.8467 13.1152 12.7125 13.0443 12.1394 14.0279 12.5916 12.2928 13.3335 12.9592 12.6815 13.9775 13.6866 12.2557 12.1579 13.9516 13.8802 12.9362 14.3945 P17918 Pcna 2 132.249285 18538 - 132.249285 132.253179 proliferating cell nuclear antigen None None None 15.2899 14.3324 15.2889 14.8138 15.6725 15.3229 15.0043 15.1948 15.6167 15.8816 14.3136 15.5543 17.6492 15.1869 15.7228 15.7565 16.3594 15.0121 16.7032 15.8863 14.5467 16.0557 15.9678 15.3813 15.6888 15.5184 14.7823 14.9275 15.9886 16.1658 15.6425 16.4827 Q80VD1 Fam98b 2 117.249712 68215 + 117.249712 117.271539 family with sequence similarity 98, member B 2610510H03Rik None None None 13.4173 13.2721 13.3945 13.1337 13.4701 13.3192 13.5312 13.537 13.776 13.3844 13.9424 12.7375 15.3103 13.8986 13.713 13.2183 13.5288 13.3108 13.7289 13.6666 13.4884 13.8475 13.4603 12.9799 13.8991 13.9274 13.0031 12.8433 13.4287 13.7092 13.4396 13.8728 Q80ZM8 Crls1 2 132.846649 66586 + 132.846649 132.866785 cardiolipin synthase 1 0610009I22Rik; 4930557M15Rik; 5730490M08Rik None None None 11.6925 12.5652 11.7736 9.9571 11.7202 11.2265 11.4435 9.20973 10.7994 10.5914 13.0043 11.2348 12.6893 12.1876 10.9141 10.8764 12.1714 11.2529 9.81541 10.7554 13.9525 11.9565 10.1171 12.8349 11.6387 10.1235 10.6209 11.4789 10.6968 11.5328 10.9136 12.5735 Q9JJF9 Sppl2a 2 126.89039 66552 - 126.89039 126.93379 signal peptide peptidase like 2A 2010106G01Rik; C130089K23Rik None None None 14.0079 14.5108 14.6058 14.5636 15.1098 14.9926 14.8399 14.7818 14.6337 14.5029 15.1472 14.5597 13.8728 14.884 15.0755 14.6411 14.8955 14.3548 14.9433 14.8822 14.8767 14.7629 14.7044 14.923 14.7834 15.1647 12.7604 14.8153 14.6865 14.8694 14.5299 15.5837 Q9D8U8 Snx5 2 144.250122 69178 - 144.250122 144.270901 sorting nexin 5 0910001N05Rik; 1810032P22Rik; AU019504; D2Ertd52e None None None 16.677 16.5725 16.6 16.566 17.1034 16.8264 16.3355 16.6372 16.9069 16.5546 16.4488 16.8767 17.5002 16.7757 17.0066 16.451 16.8199 16.4581 16.9381 16.7892 16.1693 16.6865 16.6634 16.5722 16.7948 16.6414 16.6782 16.6064 16.9597 16.9031 16.5682 17.0125 O88851 Rbbp9 2 144.542264 26450 - 144.542264 144.550858 retinoblastoma binding protein 9, serine hydrolase Bog None None None 14.8015 15.701 15.8754 15.4792 15.1576 15.5353 15.8994 15.2803 15.9399 14.9534 15.4437 14.3335 15.2738 15.0203 15.3504 14.6383 15.4016 14.5063 15.3971 14.8402 15.2221 15.7981 15.8332 14.3019 16.3388 16.2635 14.3051 14.9645 15.7856 14.9697 15.3621 15.5046 Q9DD18 Dtd1 2 144.599952 66044 + 144.599952 144.768746 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 1 0610006H08Rik; DTD; DUE-B; Hars2 None None None 15.6375 15.3811 15.1789 15.1967 15.1269 14.9827 15.514 15.2354 15.177 15.3078 15.2536 15.0309 15.6816 14.7687 15.2445 16.229 14.718 15.1188 14.568 14.6932 15.25 15.0987 15.4856 14.995 15.9119 16.0941 15.6486 15.5632 15.3714 14.1632 15.2982 15.3833 Q9DBR1 Xrn2 2 147.012754 24128 + 147.012754 147.077999 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 None None None 13.2095 14.111 14.3808 13.4896 13.8516 13.6251 14.2957 13.4362 14.7208 13.4751 13.8346 13.5289 14.6425 14.2845 13.3825 13.3096 13.7031 13.4119 15.8392 14.3402 12.2644 13.4167 13.3876 13.4384 14.4546 13.4341 13.2531 12.6896 13.3234 14.0428 13.1827 16.3183 P21460 Cst3 2 148.871721 13010 - 148.871721 148.875511 cystatin C CysC None None None 16.0824 15.8288 16.0186 15.9901 16.573 16.0195 15.5229 16.0187 16.1316 15.7881 16.0488 16.5721 16.3786 16.418 16.6724 16.2853 16.1668 16.0429 15.8677 16.0434 16.0286 15.667 15.7076 15.7703 16.0255 16.1203 15.6813 15.9406 15.8901 15.7789 15.669 16.1844 Q69Z91 Acss1 2 150.61811 68738 - 150.61811 150.668239 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 1 1110032O15Rik; AI788978; Acas2; Acas2l; AceCS2 None None None 12.1501 12.443 14.1251 12.0948 13.1612 12.2252 14.5729 12.2624 13.1416 13.4152 12.4091 14.1348 14.9911 13.4062 12.671 12.8191 12.4976 12.0431 14.7338 13.2651 15.8014 12.8011 12.1187 12.4327 14.5814 14.648 12.0884 12.6282 13.5656 16.3638 13.3379 14.0875 Q61771 Kif3b 2 153.291394 16569 + 153.291394 153.333389 kinesin family member 3B AI854312; AW549267; mKIAA0359 None None None 12.7206 14.657 12.441 13.1419 12.8459 13.1572 11.5154 12.5277 12.9214 13.3755 11.3997 12.1117 12.6516 13.2566 13.889 11.7107 13.2937 12.437 13.8528 13.023 12.0087 12.4645 12.9492 14.4912 11.9535 12.4905 11.5404 12.4965 13.0509 13.7592 13.6096 12.7075 Q61166 Mapre1 2 153.741286 13589 + 153.741286 153.773316 microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 1 5530600P05Rik; AI462499; AI504412; AW260097; BIM1p; D2Ertd459e; Eb1 None None None 17.4127 16.4913 16.3103 16.7065 16.6609 16.4699 16.3125 16.7623 16.6635 16.716 16.3609 16.7403 17.5173 16.98 17.0154 16.2653 16.7608 17.0928 16.8104 16.7299 16.3771 16.4008 16.424 16.5335 16.1228 16.0119 16.5503 16.3973 16.58 17.0291 16.5553 16.8776 Q61234 Snta1 2 154.376312 20648 - 154.376312 154.408106 syntrophin, acidic 1 AW228934; Snt1 None None None 12.7609 16.26 13.5127 11.478 14.8851 13.6193 15.748 15.3668 14.0544 15.4519 15.3448 12.3233 12.9065 14.7936 11.9127 15.8255 13.5941 13.1094 14.9032 13.2188 15.0268 12.4645 16.1219 12.4812 12.379 12.9159 15.1566 12.071 15.3545 14.2747 14.9794 12.2198 P55821 Stmn2 3 8.509526 20257 + 8.509526 8.561603 stathmin-like 2 AI159727; SCG10; Scgn10; Stmb2 None None None 14.0971 14.2052 14.3805 14.2081 14.5603 14.3653 14.0722 13.8942 14.7353 15.034 13.4826 11.8476 16.6931 14.1884 14.0419 13.873 15.1764 14.624 15.1531 15.2566 14.1587 13.836 14.5663 15.1123 14.3461 13.9313 14.791 14.4185 14.7725 15.1385 14.3946 14.6649 Q8C570 Rae1 2 173.000115 66679 + 173.000115 173.015738 ribonucleic acid export 1 3230401I12Rik; D2Ertd342e; MNRP; MNRP41 None None None 13.3009 12.875 13.2757 13.9292 13.9855 13.1641 13.1248 14.0411 13.9694 13.5599 13.785 13.9129 14.8648 13.6696 13.9271 13.7186 13.079 13.3633 13.6966 13.6569 12.8588 13.6291 13.843 13.4226 13.2725 13.6615 13.8532 12.9665 13.8463 13.7626 13.7776 14.2317 Q9Z2V4 Pck1 2 173.153072 18534 + 173.153072 173.159273 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1, cytosolic AI265463; PEPCK; PEPCK-C; Pck-1 None None None 17.8549 18.2827 19.1674 18.0826 17.5876 17.8839 19.2289 17.4696 18.7634 17.9291 18.6252 18.0925 16.776 17.8971 17.9342 18.2131 17.1927 17.9281 17.3808 17.7894 18.8966 18.3831 18.2963 18.4678 18.9704 19.4088 18.923 18.445 18.3912 16.7956 18.5468 17.6717 P04117 Fabp4 3 10.204341 11770 - 10.204341 10.208615 fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte 422/aP2; AFABP; ALBP; ALBP/Ap2; Ap2; Lbpl; P15 None None None 26.1648 26.6474 26.5845 26.841 26.612 26.2317 26.0538 27.0876 26.491 26.9064 26.5278 27.5953 24.4674 26.238 27.0163 26.9653 26.3952 26.9051 26.2978 26.149 26.2505 26.5204 26.8022 26.5227 26.1889 26.5581 27.0432 27.03 26.7769 26.1698 26.8314 26.1228 Q05816 Fabp5 3 10.012584 16592 + 10.012584 10.016609 fatty acid binding protein 5, epidermal E-FABP; Fabpe; Klbp; PA-FABP; mal1 None None None 20.9177 20.1365 20.5397 20.5508 20.6767 20.5425 20.2794 20.7477 20.0636 21.3279 20.0652 21.2494 19.6625 20.2455 20.9591 20.3868 20.6677 21.0852 21.317 21.3523 19.4044 19.38 20.4682 20.8879 20.0764 20.0453 21.2354 21.0132 20.4842 21.0483 20.5324 20.6939 O70228 Atp9a 2 168.634437 11981 - 168.634437 168.742369 ATPase, class II, type 9A IIa None None None 15.078 14.5966 14.6174 14.5824 14.4048 14.6995 15.1538 13.8286 13.2785 14.255 14.8898 14.6112 12.7397 14.4173 14.6878 14.6224 13.7186 14.8062 11.8517 13.5959 14.2781 13.702 14.5519 14.8926 14.0763 13.2678 15.0897 13.2239 14.5223 14.4804 14.4717 14.4277 Q99PG2 Ogfr 2 180.589406 72075 + 180.589406 180.595836 opioid growth factor receptor 2010013E17Rik None None None 14.0201 14.7454 13.9511 13.8085 14.1773 13.8225 13.7501 14.425 14.1649 14.3556 13.3213 11.8861 15.5945 13.5386 13.844 13.7005 14.0872 14.7301 14.4752 14.2926 13.272 14.1775 14.2365 14.4765 14.044 14.6588 13.7259 14.0441 14.22 13.6877 13.972 14.2283 Q9D7M1 Gid8 2 180.710121 76425 + 180.710121 180.721598 GID complex subunit 8 2310003C23Rik; 4833420G11Rik; AI451474; Twa1 None None None 12.4382 12.0045 13.872 14.7216 14.4623 13.4466 14.8245 14.231 14.5665 14.4419 11.8885 12.0112 11.9921 14.2446 14.4274 12.1996 14.3031 13.6614 14.6045 14.1973 12.4976 13.342 15.1251 15.3781 11.4646 14.8752 14.006 12.9854 14.4211 14.5 13.758 14.7031 Q9QXG4 Acss2 2 155.518042 60525 + 155.518042 155.562742 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2 1110017C11Rik; ACAS; ACS; Acas1; Acas2; AceCS1; Acs1; aceCS None None None 13.675 15.8262 16.1052 15.5704 14.8906 16.182 15.5906 15.1884 15.9805 15.3064 15.7571 14.9446 14.9056 15.0789 14.6286 15.2499 16.2168 15.1591 16.7769 16.3532 13.9089 15.7249 15.3762 15.4563 16.3693 17.2242 15.4452 15.5574 15.6398 16.097 15.5663 15.7586 Q64695 Procr 2 155.751124 19124 + 155.751124 155.755477 protein C receptor, endothelial AI325044; Ccca; Ccd41; Epcr None None None 14.6254 15.2219 15.4009 15.1716 15.01 16.1926 15.7621 15.5987 15.761 15.13 16.2496 15.4533 15.7502 15.8687 15.5037 15.102 15.7148 14.1291 15.8518 15.2179 15.4113 16.0153 15.9473 15.519 16.0412 15.8125 15.435 15.7269 15.5574 15.5667 15.6282 16.5282 Q545K4 Eif6 2 155.819836 16418 - 155.819836 155.826924 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 1110004P11; AA408895; CAB; Itgb4bp; eIF-6; imc-415; p27(BBP); p27BBP None None None 13.9703 13.9144 16.281 13.7177 14.7041 14.83 16.1952 14.6433 15.1646 14.8119 13.6559 13.5568 14.7612 12.9016 15.7086 14.2397 15.7713 15.3485 16.4749 14.866 15.1819 13.8706 13.8893 15.551 13.5666 16.3092 13.5034 15.1897 16.0031 13.8215 14.2239 16.3716 Q9Z2N8 Actl6a 3 32.708545 56456 + 32.708545 32.726972 actin-like 6A 2810432C06Rik; AI851094; ARP4; Actl6; Baf53a; C79802 None None None 14.5182 14.7901 14.3011 14.9856 15.0871 14.9509 14.4979 15.1693 14.8948 14.7478 15.0661 14.9678 16.3227 15.1875 15.0866 14.6686 14.721 14.7967 15.2006 15.0838 14.2372 15.0681 15.2975 15.3248 15.149 15.4852 14.7499 14.7387 15.1148 15.0163 14.4783 15.2639 Q8BU14 Sec62 3 30.792875 69276 + 30.792875 30.821262 SEC62 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 3100002M17Rik; AI844545; AW545092; Dtrp1; HTP1; Tloc1 None None None 14.3446 14.5165 14.4688 14.5058 14.6245 14.4096 14.5654 14.6415 14.6893 14.8187 14.623 14.3785 13.8691 14.5463 14.7342 14.7075 14.6488 14.7205 14.5857 14.5193 13.9543 14.0586 14.6533 14.8045 14.1581 14.2725 14.729 14.8483 14.7791 14.7383 14.6998 14.4357 P48036 Anxa5 3 36.448922 11747 - 36.448922 36.475886 annexin A5 Anx5; R74653 None None None 23.1707 22.5645 22.1035 22.685 22.5254 22.4504 22.571 22.7181 22.4294 22.9223 22.2175 23.1118 21.6612 22.8359 22.9252 22.3031 22.6717 23.0019 22.5176 22.539 21.7763 22.2783 22.6178 22.7223 21.618 21.7912 22.8756 22.4331 22.4863 22.5036 22.8678 22.7399 Q80UM3 Naa15 3 51.416015 74838 + 51.416015 51.475984 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 15, NatA auxiliary subunit 5730450D16Rik; 6330400I15; ASTBDN; Narg1; Tbdn-1; mNAT1 None None None 14.4265 13.958 13.9545 13.8403 13.7859 14.196 13.8157 13.918 14.1384 14.0953 13.7716 14.1801 14.6762 14.4074 14.039 13.8651 14.1201 14.2203 14.3458 14.2244 13.9251 13.7364 13.9069 14.2147 13.8412 13.9412 13.7932 13.8182 13.8889 14.3835 14.1496 14.173 Q8VHK9 Dhx36 3 62.468014 72162 - 62.468014 62.507033 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 36 2810407E23Rik; AI452301; AU022184; Ddx36; mKIAA1488 None None None 12.6285 13.0789 12.2964 12.4043 12.5584 11.9617 12.33 12.4318 12.8341 12.3033 12.2143 12.5237 13.3013 12.9777 11.8859 12.5253 12.0435 12.0857 11.8588 11.8668 12.5852 12.9334 12.8125 12.0448 12.5869 12.8342 12.4022 11.8967 11.6402 12.8768 12.1519 11.7835 O35343 Kpna4 3 69.07222 16649 - 69.07222 69.127091 karyopherin (importin) alpha 4 1110058D08Rik; IPOA3 None None None 15.1203 16.1326 15.8168 16.2749 15.3957 15.973 15.93 15.5014 16.014 15.4853 15.4564 14.6342 15.8077 15.805 15.3744 14.7526 15.8108 15.5242 15.9868 15.6432 14.2588 15.5896 16.036 15.3582 15.6728 15.7194 14.8813 14.7149 15.6201 15.7192 15.6744 15.7953 Q03311 Bche 3 73.635804 12038 - 73.635804 73.708435 butyrylcholinesterase C730038G20Rik None None None 15.6735 15.8275 15.6252 15.9361 15.7225 15.8247 16.0974 15.5967 15.5274 15.6827 16.0332 15.4479 14.1789 15.8055 15.5451 15.5248 15.6238 15.6826 15.2135 15.0792 15.4391 15.5118 15.7747 15.4811 15.4488 15.6388 16.0204 15.3664 15.2514 15.4828 15.4678 15.8331 Q921G7 Etfdh 3 79.603787 66841 - 79.603787 79.628766 electron transferring flavoprotein, dehydrogenase 0610010I20Rik; AV001013 None None None 17.9671 17.7224 19.1998 17.8516 17.9813 17.7386 17.6086 18.0666 17.6789 17.8425 17.8029 18.3854 19.2033 17.7516 17.8041 18.6808 17.9332 17.8265 18.0218 18.6299 20.8351 18.53 18.1507 18.1177 18.7226 18.6049 18.0037 19.0976 18.2063 17.8164 18.1936 17.6063 Q8BJW6 Eif2a 3 58.52582 229317 + 58.52582 58.5575 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A D030048D22; D3Ertd194e None None None 14.698 14.9974 14.5401 14.0233 13.6106 14.5995 14.3893 14.4037 14.7207 14.7071 14.1176 13.4906 15.1321 14.4446 14.3247 13.895 14.9244 14.8185 15.1193 14.9594 13.9589 14.2126 14.3891 15.1441 14.3646 14.6057 14.7457 14.3997 14.2021 14.8938 14.4631 14.2365 Q61391 Mme 3 63.29521 17380 + 63.29521 63.383712 membrane metallo endopeptidase 6030454K05Rik; C85356; CALLA; CD10; NEP; SFE None None None 15.7326 14.8126 14.9642 16.7039 14.3201 14.2005 14.6941 14.867 14.5481 15.4473 14.8954 14.53 15.0612 15.273 14.9171 14.4969 15.2701 15.2786 15.3658 15.6441 14.5539 14.4225 15.2047 15.2061 14.0791 13.5668 14.6949 14.5623 14.1107 15.4755 15.2432 14.6015 Q3THK7 Gmps 3 63.963632 229363 + 63.963632 64.021553 guanine monophosphate synthetase 670032; AA591640; AI047208; Gm9479 None None None 13.8556 14.2837 14.2871 14.1585 14.6329 14.1363 13.9332 14.5654 14.4939 14.3344 14.3265 14.5397 14.9803 14.2045 14.5081 14.6994 14.5463 14.1388 14.3724 14.2713 14.2744 14.4345 14.2332 14.192 14.4479 14.4815 14.1633 14.089 14.4273 14.5751 14.1956 15.053 Q9DCF9 Ssr3 3 65.379656 67437 - 65.379656 65.392552 signal sequence receptor, gamma 0610038P07Rik; AL022999; AU022074; AW553833; TRAPG None None None 15.7164 14.9142 15.1504 14.9871 15.3457 15.2234 15.5215 14.9791 15.544 15.0198 14.9673 15.0935 16.0873 15.6527 15.4209 14.6012 15.3868 15.008 15.624 15.3972 14.775 15.0428 14.9595 15.3008 14.8707 15.0143 14.4835 14.8731 15.4135 15.6485 14.9545 15.7897 Q91W50 Csde1 3 103.02043 229663 + 103.02043 103.058185 cold shock domain containing E1, RNA binding AA960392; BC016898; D3Jfr1; mKIAA0885; unr None None None 16.1963 15.6776 15.4959 15.7912 15.5065 15.7414 15.256 15.7581 15.6853 15.862 15.5274 15.409 15.7732 15.8702 15.8135 15.5039 15.4771 15.8593 15.7521 15.684 16.1001 15.5745 15.4216 15.6957 15.2776 15.0114 16.0269 15.7942 15.4226 15.7955 15.6092 15.4864 Q922J6 Tspan2 3 102.734769 70747 + 102.734769 102.772309 tetraspanin 2 6330415F13Rik; B230119D02Rik; tspan-2 None None None 12.6758 12.5739 11.8709 12.3424 11.6237 12.4405 11.7526 13.0204 12.9762 11.6447 13.7478 11.9801 12.7992 12.809 12.2348 11.6693 12.2657 12.2792 11.0125 12.6867 14.3963 13.0649 10.9347 12.2948 12.2717 11.4599 12.507 12.4783 12.7731 11.9879 12.4966 12.3571 Q9DBL2 Gdap2 3 100.16238 14547 + 100.16238 100.206988 ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated-protein 2 C77050; D3Ertd801e None None None 12.1664 12.9353 12.3286 12.691 12.7927 12.2071 12.6195 12.3045 12.4352 12.457 12.2989 12.2423 12.9449 13.0948 12.282 12.5119 12.5244 12.1996 13.0685 12.5638 11.5668 12.4264 12.1614 12.2979 12.4321 12.3437 11.7186 11.4767 12.6061 12.8337 12.7068 12.7801 O35469 Hsd3b6 3 0.0 15497 0.0 0.0 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 6 D19210 None None None 14.3904 12.5487 11.8909 11.6831 11.7735 12.1312 11.46 12.1576 11.9497 12.3279 13.0208 11.7172 12.5963 12.9614 12.3661 11.7352 12.2985 12.2076 12.5425 12.7367 11.578 11.8675 12.9878 12.3564 11.4473 12.5868 11.8604 12.7666 12.6224 11.9821 12.6164 12.59 P24815 Hsd3b1 3 98.842355 15492 - 98.842355 98.859793 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 1 3-beta-HSD I; D3Ertd383e None None None 15.037 11.8096 12.5737 14.0981 12.6106 12.0572 14.3707 12.4132 12.7879 12.1005 12.5994 12.5176 11.9573 12.4474 12.6251 12.7645 12.523 12.3604 13.2373 11.7926 12.2327 12.7407 11.8056 12.1503 12.6869 11.8101 12.7671 13.7716 11.9691 12.4949 12.1024 12.0719 O08547 Sec22b 3 97.901226 20333 + 97.901226 97.922317 SEC22 homolog B, vesicle trafficking protein 4930564D15Rik; AA517334; AI480645; C81333; ERS-24; Sec22l1 None None None 16.6931 16.9354 16.3205 17.0663 16.5795 16.679 16.6161 16.5193 16.5728 17.007 16.3926 16.6497 16.2143 16.7983 16.733 16.2265 16.947 16.8246 16.9514 16.8707 16.0084 16.2869 16.693 16.9009 16.098 16.1339 16.8508 16.5214 16.5964 17.078 16.743 16.4947 Q8BMD8 Slc25a24 3 109.123148 229731 + 109.123148 109.168408 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, phosphate carrier), member 24 2610016M12Rik None None None 15.2109 14.1859 14.1516 14.6264 14.9063 14.591 14.8467 14.3811 14.475 14.532 14.557 14.7114 13.7372 14.9941 14.6564 14.2293 14.511 14.619 15.2339 14.7382 14.4947 14.5421 14.1699 14.4402 14.0965 14.2984 13.8904 14.3139 14.6241 14.9786 14.2685 14.9851 P50543 S100a11 3 93.520495 20195 + 93.520495 93.526287 S100 calcium binding protein A11 EMAPI; Emap1; S100a14; S100c; cal None None None 15.3201 19.6359 18.4565 19.6296 18.5958 19.5646 19.2611 18.2917 19.1324 18.898 18.6006 17.974 17.4102 18.9307 18.8505 18.286 19.1289 19.1424 19.7072 18.7297 17.6223 18.9394 19.5274 19.3856 18.2547 18.4109 18.6695 18.6926 17.8345 19.2229 18.8431 19.3787 P18293 Npr1 3 90.45059 18160 - 90.45059 90.465927 natriuretic peptide receptor 1 AI893888; GC-A; NPR-A; NPRA; Pndr None None None 12.7153 15.4316 12.8519 12.2517 12.7249 12.9959 12.2762 13.5365 13.0415 13.095 12.3287 12.2628 12.784 12.0946 12.3309 12.2584 13.323 13.3372 12.9214 13.4236 12.7757 12.7997 12.8018 11.6105 15.2806 12.4006 12.3859 14.5895 12.4597 14.561 12.9544 12.2037 O88824 Jtb 3 90.231596 23922 + 90.231596 90.235839 jumping translocation breakpoint Gm622 None None None 12.9058 12.6449 12.8903 13.2181 12.8396 12.8675 12.455 12.705 12.9176 13.0084 12.306 12.9573 13.4655 13.1225 13.0717 12.6585 12.8619 12.9204 13.3868 12.7597 12.0592 12.3602 12.4503 13.0485 12.728 12.5915 12.6329 12.7114 12.9352 13.29 12.799 12.9126 Q9D2F7 Nup210l 3 90.101006 77595 + 90.101006 90.21215 nucleoporin 210-like 4930548O11Rik; R26-EGFP; Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-EGFP)130910Eps None None None 16.3013 15.4034 16.6392 16.2626 15.8805 15.9331 15.9991 16.1445 15.9752 16.3949 15.7695 17.1794 15.2711 16.3439 16.3899 14.6824 16.1443 16.4551 18.0188 16.7146 15.509 16.1466 15.9895 15.5989 14.5698 16.518 14.5882 15.2463 17.8832 16.9549 16.2901 17.7951 Q9D1G2 Pmvk 3 89.45454 68603 + 89.45454 89.469013 phosphomevalonate kinase 1110011E12Rik; 2900002L22Rik; AV001327; PMK; PMKA; PMKASE None None None 13.8813 12.3069 14.2526 16.1187 15.5817 14.5072 11.6795 13.8654 14.2506 13.0649 11.7621 14.0485 11.9101 16.0473 14.4621 13.7809 15.0191 12.2915 14.4455 15.1459 12.249 13.9649 14.9076 15.6995 15.5486 16.784 14.7142 14.6321 15.7153 13.8068 13.7478 12.2065 P29533 Vcam1 3 116.110019 22329 - 116.110019 116.129687 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 CD106; Vcam-1 None None None 13.146 14.7905 13.3868 14.8719 15.2392 13.2009 13.0791 15.0486 13.4965 14.4346 15.1551 15.599 15.58 13.4649 14.4032 14.6688 13.6788 13.4435 13.4675 13.8012 15.2589 13.0393 13.3225 14.0745 14.9638 15.1762 12.9616 13.8837 13.7148 14.1105 14.0077 15.3844 Q05CL8 Larp7 3 127.536713 28036 - 127.536713 127.553348 La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 7 C330027G06Rik; D3Wsu161e None None None 11.2876 11.1036 11.0482 11.7551 11.4607 11.6699 12.8422 11.9895 11.9065 11.8039 10.5344 12.0114 11.8652 10.8102 11.0708 11.5459 11.0655 11.6402 9.68187 10.9196 10.2619 11.3093 11.7302 10.2931 11.7345 10.4473 11.8899 10.8354 10.7517 11.1604 10.7194 10.9333 Q61425 Hadh 3 131.233418 15107 - 131.233418 131.2721 hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase AA409008; AU019341; AW742602; HCDH; Hadhsc; Schad None None None 18.8925 18.8551 19.8492 18.8869 18.3894 18.7138 18.0055 19.0721 18.6492 18.9842 18.6609 19.5431 19.8475 18.5388 18.2761 19.6303 18.962 18.9622 18.6993 19.3121 20.9702 19.6861 18.9156 18.6418 19.4303 18.9749 19.0474 19.8321 18.9151 18.851 19.1131 18.0329 O08738 Casp6 3 129.901414 12368 + 129.901414 129.914111 caspase 6 CASP-6; Mch2 None None None 15.2134 13.9672 14.4433 14.4214 14.7394 14.5093 14.0736 14.5902 14.7312 14.325 14.1281 14.5851 16.5827 14.5218 14.4931 14.2284 14.8333 14.5255 15.0967 14.781 13.8826 14.4084 14.2933 14.3597 14.451 14.6637 14.2402 14.3573 13.8823 14.7845 14.4493 15.16 O54865 Gucy1b3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: O54865 None None None 13.2284 13.2747 13.1417 13.376 13.4426 12.6591 12.9425 13.6468 13.1235 13.1914 13.2005 12.3467 12.8531 13.4028 12.7359 12.6984 13.5603 13.0681 13.179 12.8389 13.3147 13.2498 12.4615 12.927 12.7111 12.5631 12.9447 13.4373 12.2733 13.6358 13.1309 12.4961 Q9CY18 Snx7 3 117.781496 76561 - 117.781496 117.868935 sorting nexin 7 2510028H01Rik None None None 12.1202 13.6827 12.6849 13.7557 13.4791 13.579 13.6043 13.8283 13.6327 13.766 13.3441 12.1269 12.1866 13.7634 12.9379 12.9221 13.4232 13.5597 13.3622 13.5797 12.8182 13.5097 11.7211 13.7689 12.9184 12.9555 13.8782 13.5683 12.9199 13.8644 13.4802 13.4273 Q9CY66 Gar1 3 129.824911 68147 - 129.824911 129.831406 GAR1 ribonucleoprotein AA409823; AI326794; C430047J18Rik; Nola1 None None None 12.5198 12.8902 12.7291 13.6151 13.9827 13.6657 11.7649 12.7196 13.1572 13.2438 14.382 12.8355 15.1603 14.0479 12.971 12.8134 13.4221 13.432 13.5173 12.7022 13.8587 13.9723 14.1826 13.3459 14.7053 13.9704 12.1668 12.4603 14.1639 13.7272 13.4413 14.3499 Q91VM9 Ppa2 3 133.310058 74776 + 133.310058 133.378234 pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 2 1110013G13Rik; Sid6306 None None None 14.1472 15.4983 16.1319 15.216 15.5733 15.4471 16.1043 15.5742 15.904 15.3423 15.894 15.1482 15.7691 15.0443 15.2729 16.0615 15.1239 15.1503 15.7318 15.518 16.6739 15.9501 15.7999 15.4755 16.3529 16.9437 14.8375 15.8102 16.3265 15.2495 15.5015 15.7386 P16406 Enpep 3 129.269176 13809 - 129.269176 129.332748 glutamyl aminopeptidase 6030431M22Rik; APA; Bp-1/6C3; Ly-51; Ly51 None None None 16.1694 16.0627 16.2056 15.8496 16.0368 16.8644 16.4587 15.8596 17.022 16.028 16.6781 17.3567 20.257 16.7091 16.2268 15.672 16.8525 16.5766 16.4364 15.8782 15.2441 15.8781 15.4656 16.1385 16.1011 15.6594 16.7801 16.3527 16.8371 16.4844 16.4694 16.256 P31230 Aimp1 3 132.660497 13722 - 132.660497 132.684389 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 9830137A06Rik; AIMP1/p43; EMAPII; Emap2; Scye1; p43 None None None 15.9601 15.3972 15.3475 15.4332 15.5649 15.6673 15.8183 15.5569 15.781 15.4917 15.4655 15.7933 16.5982 15.7554 15.5934 15.2766 15.5567 15.4623 15.9238 15.36 15.3371 15.3769 15.5983 15.2743 15.4897 15.1015 15.4096 14.9352 15.4758 15.6618 15.5064 15.7198 Q8BM85 Tbck 3 132.684112 271981 + 132.684112 132.841687 TBC1 domain containing kinase 1700120J03Rik; 9430001M19; A630047E20Rik; C030007I09Rik; Tbckl None None None 12.5994 11.9198 11.8909 12.7307 12.6117 11.5956 13.7303 11.9407 12.5634 12.3279 11.794 12.0086 11.5487 11.9139 12.2961 12.2843 11.9885 12.417 13.6773 12.2328 12.6255 11.8675 12.3589 13.759 12.0762 11.5392 12.2475 12.1377 11.5749 11.3532 12.5882 13.935 Q60967 Papss1 3 131.564763 23971 + 131.564763 131.64367 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 1 AI325286; Asapk; SK1 None None None 13.0199 12.5633 12.4595 11.1146 12.4991 12.6229 13.8058 12.3699 12.5791 11.8774 12.1458 12.1089 11.8753 12.316 12.0996 12.1968 12.0174 13.0114 13.287 12.8775 12.1664 12.0682 13.5275 12.8374 12.9908 13.0434 11.8839 11.7223 13.5861 13.0569 12.6071 13.5375 Q05895 Thbs3 3 89.215179 21827 + 89.215179 89.22684 thrombospondin 3 TSP3; Thbs-3 None None None 14.9793 16.3395 16.2401 16.2159 15.2056 16.5358 15.3058 16.4108 16.6035 15.7535 16.4349 16.9387 14.708 16.9493 15.7755 16.0113 16.6446 16.8778 12.3347 16.7365 11.6228 16.3559 16.4905 11.3956 16.4165 16.169 11.9263 16.8082 16.2109 16.651 16.5729 16.4534 O35609 Scamp3 3 89.17739 24045 + 89.17739 89.182769 secretory carrier membrane protein 3 Sc3 None None None 16.1651 15.9421 15.9471 16.0932 15.7498 15.9713 16.0892 15.7151 15.9368 16.2016 15.7106 14.9763 16.2987 16.2116 15.9006 15.6778 16.0518 16.0981 16.2737 15.9566 15.3874 15.3732 15.7724 16.3801 15.6775 16.0735 16.4221 15.9575 16.3146 16.4214 16.0547 16.0386 Q60875 Arhgef2 3 88.593104 16800 + 88.593104 88.649531 rho/rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 AA408978; GEF; GEF-H1; GEFH1; LFP40; Lbcl1; Lfc; P40; mKIAA0651 None None None 12.7005 12.8295 13.1328 12.7205 12.4706 12.8927 14.2608 13.0486 12.6179 13.0193 12.2053 12.221 14.2954 12.5927 12.2577 12.5323 13.1486 13.1122 14.6361 14.1628 12.6685 12.8687 14.0172 12.6976 11.9431 14.4845 13.1676 13.131 12.6918 14.4155 13.7728 14.3199 Q9JHS3 Lamtor2 3 88.549818 83409 - 88.549818 88.55295 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 2 2010111E04Rik; AL022628; Mapbpip; P14; Rab25; Robld3 None None None 16.0575 15.5746 15.5085 15.5927 15.6426 15.3069 15.1808 15.5878 15.8757 15.5394 15.6688 14.7068 16.3584 15.8475 15.6091 15.2639 15.7152 15.3405 15.5251 15.5748 15.3467 15.62 15.9952 14.8446 15.2095 15.1678 15.4059 15.1988 15.1959 15.7591 15.3671 15.5056 P48678 Lmna 3 88.481147 16905 - 88.481147 88.509931 lamin A Dhe None None None 20.728 20.0008 19.4537 20.0436 20.105 19.9861 19.8282 20.2498 19.9972 20.1061 20.6744 20.0592 19.857 20.8195 20.466 19.2932 20.1835 20.0655 20.4873 20.0284 20.4923 20.3838 19.8999 19.8825 19.5722 19.7852 19.7916 19.8746 20.3757 20.5577 20.0621 20.3127 Q564F3 Rps3a Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q564F3 None None None 18.0249 18.2116 18.1574 18.1809 17.471 18.2536 17.7742 17.3435 18.6098 17.8948 17.4579 18.1292 19.7392 18.2362 17.801 17.5565 18.2376 17.937 18.5711 18.1717 17.3129 18.1872 18.0521 17.7638 18.2758 18.3423 17.6057 16.9346 17.9496 18.3545 18.171 18.1355 Q9D483 Polr3c 3 96.711519 74414 - 96.711519 96.727497 polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide C 4933407E01Rik; RPC3; RPC62 None None None 11.7387 12.3072 12.441 11.4416 11.7202 12.1312 11.7015 12.3423 12.3767 12.4054 10.6512 12.3139 13.154 12.7 13.0564 11.8969 11.3904 10.0053 12.301 12.4952 12.1949 11.8732 12.7463 11.0863 11.6888 12.3043 12.1019 12.5251 12.8639 11.7908 11.9979 11.304 Q9QZK2 Bcar3 3 122.419756 29815 + 122.419756 122.53019 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 3 AI131758; AND-34 None None None 12.6426 13.4836 12.2348 13.7421 11.7202 12.9174 12.9358 13.5797 12.7282 13.2559 12.8201 11.9179 12.7717 13.6933 12.1602 11.4547 13.1336 13.0605 12.7432 13.1121 11.7786 12.3154 13.3783 13.6129 12.9231 12.7465 13.5729 12.9673 12.4217 13.9299 12.469 12.3893 O09172 Gclm 3 122.245486 14630 + 122.245486 122.267214 glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier subunit AI649393; Gcmc; Glclr None None None 15.3323 14.969 15.2533 14.9123 15.2792 14.9605 15.1205 15.111 14.7938 15.3271 14.7739 14.99 14.8539 14.9952 15.1557 14.9079 15.3716 15.1164 15.6956 15.2937 14.8224 14.6784 14.7929 15.2043 14.8022 15.0865 15.0622 14.9465 14.858 15.5103 15.0668 14.9866 Q9DAW9 Cnn3 3 121.42654 71994 + 121.42654 121.458204 calponin 3, acidic 1600014M03Rik; C85854; Calpo3 None None None 13.007 14.3059 13.9025 14.0012 14.0125 13.7151 13.5857 13.6171 13.7951 14.0969 13.6113 12.497 14.3279 14.0525 13.8406 13.3002 13.6347 13.4185 13.7314 13.0384 14.5324 13.7378 13.8647 13.5109 14.3512 13.5232 14.6798 14.1589 14.0942 13.8426 13.9307 13.5107 Q91Z31 Ptbp2 3 119.71874 56195 - 119.71874 119.784646 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2 Ptb2; brPTB; nPTB None None None 17.1936 16.9574 16.8154 17.0986 17.4103 16.8855 16.1871 17.4797 17.4538 17.3271 17.057 16.6397 18.9133 16.8176 17.2419 16.6079 17.2176 16.6312 16.9579 17.1168 16.8591 17.1204 17.1048 16.1858 17.2171 16.8163 17.1964 16.2341 16.6359 17.0614 16.9125 16.7899 Q3UHD6 Snx27 3 94.497541 76742 - 94.497541 94.582735 sorting nexin family member 27 5730552M22Rik; ESTM45; ESTM47; R75405 None None None 14.5844 13.7783 14.7753 14.021 14.8826 15.0768 13.6335 16.889 14.2073 14.2206 14.5117 14.7659 15.583 14.6114 14.8064 14.6091 14.381 14.3084 15.191 14.3661 14.2993 14.0513 13.7864 14.0642 14.134 14.8229 15.4733 14.0931 14.2453 14.8989 14.6821 14.2515 P63073 Eif4e 3 138.52619 13684 + 138.52619 138.559695 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E EG668879; Eif4e-ps; If4e; eIF-4E None None None 15.0691 15.5709 15.6196 15.6423 15.3782 15.6202 15.5992 15.7472 15.8216 15.4127 15.2149 15.3483 16.4587 15.3984 15.5549 15.0495 15.6614 15.4282 16.1989 15.6621 15.07 15.4189 15.6848 15.3721 15.6912 16.049 15.0414 14.6706 15.4788 15.7593 15.4721 15.9897 Q8BP48 Metap1 3 138.458959 75624 - 138.458959 138.489381 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 1700029C17Rik; AW047992; mKIAA0094 None None None 14.3555 14.3059 14.256 14.3677 14.1341 14.333 13.9677 14.2715 14.3594 14.1444 14.2371 14.5948 14.8642 14.5296 14.2149 14.0601 14.2322 14.1952 14.2095 13.9435 13.7675 14.1343 14.0932 13.6524 14.3708 14.1066 16.0114 13.6762 14.0657 14.4365 14.3025 14.0563 P25799 Nfkb1 3 135.584654 18033 - 135.584654 135.691968 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1, p105 NF-KB1; NF-kappaB; NF-kappaB1; p105; p50; p50/p105 None None None 12.8709 13.8213 14.0113 13.9438 14.0234 13.9639 13.9876 13.592 14.2546 13.7547 13.5323 13.9036 15.0483 14.1325 14.5348 13.4483 13.8882 13.3625 14.516 14.1606 12.3667 13.9209 13.7241 13.9009 14.2657 14.5695 13.4776 12.9999 14.5127 14.067 14.2103 14.9467 Q9CQB5 CISD2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9CQB5 None None None 15.9953 15.3301 15.4036 15.3989 15.5069 15.4781 15.7138 15.364 15.5718 15.3959 15.3404 15.7118 16.3692 15.8879 15.4286 15.4851 15.6744 15.4461 15.6484 15.6787 15.1726 15.2142 15.541 15.6983 15.5582 15.6993 14.9899 15.1761 15.7984 15.5774 15.4633 15.7851 Q9CWS0 Ddah1 3 145.758691 69219 + 145.758691 145.894276 dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 2410006N07Rik; 2510015N06Rik; AI987801; AW050362 None None None 16.3334 16.3733 15.7637 16.4105 16.0952 15.622 15.9716 16.4322 16.1089 16.633 15.419 16.2297 14.8294 16.079 15.7171 15.6382 16.0601 16.5233 15.6893 16.0135 14.2924 15.4784 16.2693 15.9964 15.5144 15.2549 15.1339 15.6081 15.4856 15.9093 16.1793 16.2369 P12658 Calb1 4 15.881263 12307 + 15.881263 15.906708 calbindin 1 Brain-2; CB; Calb; Calb-1 None None None 14.0799 11.5495 13.5757 12.8475 12.5584 12.1312 14.1668 12.1743 13.0629 11.9786 12.3436 12.3233 11.537 12.8483 12.1645 12.4779 11.9283 12.323 14.1481 11.7939 12.9526 12.4645 11.9885 12.1742 18.4 11.5465 12.2729 12.3476 11.5109 12.5485 11.9153 11.9128 Q9CQ62 Decr1 4 15.917239 67460 - 15.917239 15.945376 2,4-dienoyl CoA reductase 1, mitochondrial 1200012F07Rik; Decr; Nadph None None None 19.8687 19.761 20.5743 19.6979 19.3436 19.5706 19.3351 19.7572 19.4511 19.8184 19.4771 20.3503 19.7767 19.5175 19.323 20.1689 19.7791 19.8561 19.7465 20.3693 21.7041 20.0093 19.7059 20.0259 20.1532 20.0253 19.7711 20.4171 19.7712 19.611 20.1069 19.1112 Q8BT60 Cpne3 4 19.519251 70568 - 19.519251 19.570107 copine III 5430428M23Rik; 5730450C07Rik; C85108; CPN3 None None None 16.1791 16.2426 16.2458 16.3952 16.9554 16.6317 16.9328 16.4518 16.6493 16.6068 16.5588 16.8074 17.2631 16.6372 17.1921 16.4889 16.4351 16.6216 16.5369 16.5392 16.429 16.3829 16.608 16.4783 16.4397 16.4118 17.0079 16.1537 16.7563 16.5717 16.58 16.7817 Q8BMS4 Coq3 4 21.879645 230027 + 21.879645 21.912162 coenzyme Q3 methyltransferase 4732433J24; C77934 None None None 13.9156 13.6017 14.258 14.0701 13.327 12.8168 12.6261 13.6006 13.2749 13.3877 13.4071 12.6911 14.4448 12.678 13.2882 14.0796 13.1109 13.2412 12.9314 12.9722 15.0645 13.7665 13.576 13.431 13.933 14.1778 13.1401 14.3051 13.9323 12.7561 13.6345 12.0703 O08992 Sdcbp 4 6.365679 53378 + 6.365679 6.396121 syndecan binding protein MDA-9; Sycl; syntenin-1 None None None 13.0285 11.4317 11.6028 11.6913 13.2735 11.3123 12.5771 12.1743 12.3595 11.9451 12.4614 14.6475 14.5606 13.7459 13.1065 12.3601 13.0623 12.4924 13.2769 13.2028 13.0906 12.4645 11.8707 12.4666 11.5634 12.3517 12.1551 11.8818 13.2472 13.3378 11.7575 13.4135 Q9D1H6 Ndufaf4 4 24.898082 68493 + 24.898082 24.905 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 4 1110007M04Rik; 3000003G13Rik; AW214064 None None None 12.0426 11.7535 12.3957 11.8463 11.8954 11.4783 11.3462 12.1988 12.0382 11.8347 11.8673 12.5677 13.1237 12.0105 11.8173 12.2712 12.1439 12.3423 11.5097 12.2762 13.7627 12.4732 11.6332 11.2131 12.483 12.471 11.7663 12.5199 12.0999 12.4549 11.6431 10.6775 Q8CI51 Pdlim5 3 142.239584 56376 - 142.239584 142.395718 PDZ and LIM domain 5 1110001A05Rik; AI987914; C87059; Enh; Enh1; Enh2; Enh3; LIM None None None 15.733 15.4816 15.5922 15.8088 15.3673 15.571 15.3564 15.8083 15.7681 15.513 15.5217 14.9552 16.2793 15.6126 15.3047 15.4152 15.5618 15.5939 16.0766 15.5098 16.0956 15.5383 15.7444 15.6451 15.0059 14.9511 15.2085 15.51 14.9379 15.6175 15.5596 15.4171 Q3U186 Rars2 4 34.614956 109093 + 34.614956 34.660166 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 1500002I10Rik; PRO1992; Rarsl None None None 11.7374 12.7851 13.5624 12.9431 12.7525 13.6132 11.8859 13.2975 12.9804 12.8078 12.2817 11.8625 13.9188 12.3361 12.3005 12.4518 13.0296 12.3429 12.5616 13.485 14.2743 13.2806 13.2107 13.5066 13.1284 13.37 12.0272 12.5162 13.1649 13.5154 12.7411 12.7056 Q61420 Slc35a1 4 34.663256 24060 - 34.663256 34.688112 solute carrier family 35 (CMP-sialic acid transporter), member 1 AA408150; AI314851; CST None None None 12.2466 12.9328 11.0701 9.55663 11.7735 11.843 12.4553 12.1805 12.1672 11.2353 10.7518 10.5029 12.2122 11.0234 12.1913 12.9478 11.4187 11.5927 11.0012 11.4968 11.962 12.7057 11.6954 10.98 12.7397 12.2028 11.4764 11.4408 11.0101 11.6223 11.2301 13.0018 Q91Y97 Aldob 4 49.535992 230163 - 49.535992 49.549545 aldolase B, fructose-bisphosphate Aldo-2; Aldo2; BC016435 None None None 17.5509 15.8947 17.7304 14.4511 14.3166 16.3513 18.5266 16.3638 15.6072 16.4005 14.0178 15.7053 13.8295 16.5448 15.5947 15.3925 15.086 14.629 17.6636 15.117 12.6656 12.6124 15.7696 16.3956 16.3553 16.643 15.6277 16.0531 12.097 16.3077 14.8546 16.5935 P41233 Abca1 4 53.035488 11303 53.035488 53.040926 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A member 1 ABC-1, Abc1, ENSMUST00000030010.3 None None None 13.7848 13.3831 13.3008 13.2623 13.3201 13.8168 13.6922 13.3826 13.5998 13.5084 13.6914 13.3436 12.5597 13.4825 13.559 13.3682 13.404 13.5169 13.4737 13.6008 12.6872 13.6364 13.2505 13.3985 13.167 13.4649 13.499 13.3783 13.3017 13.6522 13.4906 13.5709 Q3UYV9 Ncbp1 4 46.13851 433702 + 46.13851 46.172402 nuclear cap binding protein subunit 1 AU014645; AW538051; CBP80 None None None 13.8758 13.8185 14.1231 13.4391 13.644 12.8698 12.5243 13.3568 13.2856 12.4763 13.0786 12.5608 15.1818 13.4443 13.6299 13.185 13.4635 13.1512 13.7363 12.9943 12.9703 12.8327 13.222 11.4689 12.578 12.9672 12.7134 13.3876 13.4212 13.5647 12.7744 13.8523 Q99J77 Nans 4 46.489328 94181 + 46.489328 46.503437 N-acetylneuraminic acid synthase (sialic acid synthase) 4632418E04Rik; BB056474; Sas None None None 15.623 15.2286 15.5438 15.7102 15.8847 15.4723 15.508 15.5482 15.9438 15.4483 15.1814 16.1546 17.6959 15.7074 15.8071 15.3192 15.7761 15.6227 16.0143 15.6377 14.7454 15.3115 15.5257 15.2319 15.9863 15.5777 15.0291 14.8259 15.8338 16.003 15.4905 16.1446 Q9D1Q6 Erp44 4 48.19071 76299 - 48.19071 48.279634 endoplasmic reticulum protein 44 1110001E24Rik; AI849526; AL033348; Txndc4 None None None 16.7187 16.5014 16.6688 16.275 17.092 16.7638 16.7943 16.7634 16.7847 16.4826 16.5958 17.5374 18.3943 16.6571 17.194 17.0161 16.813 16.5789 16.7329 16.5773 15.9392 16.711 16.7788 16.7398 16.5755 16.8872 16.7571 16.5475 17.1383 16.6861 16.742 17.172 Q07456 Ambp 4 63.143274 11699 - 63.143274 63.154171 alpha 1 microglobulin/bikunin precursor AI194774; ASPI; HI-30; Intin4; Itil; UTI None None None 14.9845 14.6764 15.2166 15.3768 15.8693 14.4452 14.4841 15.3851 15.1223 14.5647 15.3717 17.0079 15.561 14.4642 15.5011 17.0194 14.4106 14.1751 13.5496 14.4333 15.1391 15.5742 15.2526 13.9633 16.2742 16.556 14.4218 15.0432 14.8359 14.418 15.0331 14.1398 Q60590 Orm1 4 63.344555 18405 + 63.344555 63.348162 orosomucoid 1 Agp-1; Agp-2; Orm-1 None None None 13.6256 14.9827 15.1186 15.5941 15.7596 15.1289 15.7343 15.003 14.9623 15.4735 16.7575 16.8887 12.4997 15.2533 15.8037 17.03 15.2509 15.4395 14.1376 15.5586 14.2156 15.0209 15.134 15.7781 16.3047 19.0272 15.581 15.378 16.9611 15.5954 14.5967 15.2056 Q91YR9 Ptgr1 4 58.965589 67103 - 58.965589 58.98713 prostaglandin reductase 1 2510002C21Rik; Ltb4dh; Zadh3 None None None 16.4724 15.5467 16.0083 15.192 16.0183 15.7183 15.0105 15.2584 15.7246 15.5007 16.0928 16.2199 14.4969 15.6273 16.8187 15.1116 16.4858 16.1075 16.4935 15.9755 17.0522 15.6205 15.6691 15.0413 16.9199 15.2714 15.4444 15.5076 16.4172 16.7099 15.6697 16.6647 Q8BHD7 Ptbp3 4 59.471867 230257 - 59.471867 59.549377 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 3 5830471K22Rik; AA407443; AI462022; AW107884; C86549; Rod1 None None None 14.0306 13.3449 13.853 13.5574 14.1103 13.2076 14.3675 13.6245 13.9992 13.7594 13.1385 13.3675 15.7904 13.5631 14.1094 13.533 13.6903 13.758 13.6854 13.8552 13.5755 13.664 13.1211 13.4985 13.4426 13.8202 13.8478 13.2226 14.3323 13.9766 13.5813 13.442 Q2TPA8 Hsdl2 4 59.581516 72479 + 59.581516 59.618693 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 2 2610207I16Rik None None None 16.8032 16.7582 17.1972 16.6995 16.0452 16.4059 16.4571 16.5396 16.2024 16.7837 16.0564 16.2215 16.5818 16.6375 16.2612 16.6043 16.2365 16.7191 16.8132 16.5634 17.6441 16.2851 16.8773 16.6832 16.988 17.015 16.8149 16.625 16.7049 16.2661 16.5877 16.4429 Q9CQ00 Dmac1 4 75.27735 66928 - 75.27735 75.278291 distal membrane arm assembly complex 1 1700027K24Rik; 3110001D03Rik; Tmem261 None None None 13.6106 13.0424 13.2873 13.2024 12.6691 12.1788 12.8066 13.2251 12.9034 13.2754 13.1819 13.6509 14.7314 13.4804 12.7355 13.6512 13.4831 13.5464 13.266 13.5132 14.8267 13.6279 12.8254 12.8065 13.6735 12.2624 13.3692 13.8653 13.6345 13.4563 13.1571 12.9228 Q3UKJ7 Smu1 4 40.735648 74255 - 40.735648 40.757884 smu-1 suppressor of mec-8 and unc-52 homolog (C. elegans) 2600001O03Rik; 2610203K23Rik; AB044414; AI845086; AW556129; Bwd None None None 14.4659 14.1072 14.3472 13.4521 14.2555 14.1996 14.1333 14.141 14.2895 14.1805 14.5702 13.4402 15.8104 14.4239 14.5304 13.8223 14.379 13.529 14.1239 13.7943 12.8348 14.311 14.4291 13.6409 14.0781 13.8963 12.995 14.0122 13.3405 14.5105 13.9788 14.2138 A2AMH4 Slc44a1 4 53.440386 100434 + 53.440386 53.622477 solute carrier family 44, member 1 2210409B22Rik; 4833416H08Rik; AW547365; CHTL1; CTL1; Cdw92 None None None 12.4421 12.741 14.2657 14.2256 12.7675 14.8435 14.8377 13.9405 13.705 13.5619 14.5974 12.9672 12.7286 14.3882 12.5441 12.8551 14.1137 14.3792 13.8848 13.4526 14.0248 14.643 14.6418 14.4412 14.3247 14.6929 14.8939 14.5398 13.9479 11.357 14.0564 14.0626 P15535 B4GALT1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P15535 None None None 13.9359 13.9717 14.742 14.2885 14.3894 14.2056 14.1829 14.3362 14.7893 14.3218 14.0432 15.1469 15.6359 14.4878 14.6346 14.7181 14.5782 14.1749 14.7077 14.8013 15.8773 14.6309 13.861 14.0687 14.592 14.1905 14.0946 14.4955 14.4729 14.8868 14.3318 14.7239 Q9DAV9 Tmem38b 4 53.825987 52076 + 53.825987 53.862018 transmembrane protein 38B 1600017F22Rik; AA437809; AV051057; D4Ertd89e; TRIC-B; mg33b None None None 11.8443 13.3951 13.6874 13.2492 14.1569 13.9093 14.254 12.6972 12.2518 13.7274 14.0387 13.344 12.6819 13.9552 13.917 11.7411 13.3697 13.6735 14.3091 14.3247 11.4923 13.1449 12.9021 13.7215 11.533 12.6725 13.6052 13.4441 14.1844 13.8775 13.2243 13.7251 Q9D7S9 Chmp5 4 40.948552 76959 + 40.948552 40.965301 charged multivesicular body protein 5 2210412K09Rik; AW545668 None None None 13.9467 14.4129 14.1691 14.7098 14.3009 14.3846 14.3583 14.0447 14.8476 14.334 13.7027 13.6759 14.6962 13.4835 14.2246 14.3395 14.2238 13.9697 14.5583 14.3423 12.9332 14.2813 14.7408 13.9603 14.5419 14.3329 14.0584 13.2235 14.2504 13.9904 14.2259 13.7249 P54728 Rad23b 4 55.350041 19359 + 55.350041 55.392236 RAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein 0610007D13Rik; AV001138; HR23B; mHR23B; p58 None None None 17.8084 16.9425 16.9206 17.1168 17.2659 16.9389 16.834 17.3156 17.0641 17.3473 17.116 17.3984 18.1799 17.3029 17.4971 16.9619 16.99 17.4404 17.2855 16.9945 16.8812 16.9269 16.8758 17.2457 16.9987 16.7869 17.1251 17.1966 17.1324 17.3464 17.0839 17.2157 P56380 Nudt2 4 41.46508 66401 + 41.46508 41.480925 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 2 2310051L06Rik; AA939917; APAH1 None None None 15.2349 15.3181 15.3697 15.3896 14.7754 14.8361 14.6438 15.4184 15.1224 15.0361 15.0218 15.6025 15.4432 14.7817 15.0735 15.083 15.1751 15.0469 15.1033 15.1536 14.9335 14.7984 15.0229 14.7982 15.5038 15.6863 15.213 15.001 15.6566 15.1786 15.4869 14.9659 Q01853 VCP Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q01853 None None None 19.1303 19.3551 19.2754 19.283 19.0658 19.2475 19.3143 19.267 19.4286 19.3414 19.2341 19.1906 19.4802 19.1244 19.2672 19.1949 19.4832 19.2184 19.2847 19.333 18.9 19.2419 19.2997 19.305 19.129 19.3771 19.2443 19.0981 19.0708 19.2237 19.4155 19.1864 Q99JB2 Stoml2 4 43.027689 66592 - 43.027689 43.031975 stomatin (Epb7.2)-like 2 0610038F01Rik; MSLP2; SLP-2 None None None 15.1841 14.3072 14.6886 14.2667 14.3729 14.4936 14.3675 14.7113 14.6578 14.6251 14.5186 14.8694 15.4762 14.5266 14.9021 14.6866 14.7183 14.662 14.8319 14.8461 15.4103 14.7702 14.4694 14.3641 14.5382 14.5751 14.689 14.6865 14.7228 14.611 14.5505 14.467 P26039 Tln1 4 43.531512 21894 - 43.531512 43.562582 talin 1 Tln None None None 19.1888 18.1867 18.1641 18.5977 18.7155 18.3846 18.5364 18.4973 18.3733 18.6248 18.7839 18.7289 18.5771 18.9526 18.6354 18.1596 18.4241 18.6866 18.6359 18.5493 18.8415 18.3464 18.5324 18.3038 17.938 18.1809 18.5307 18.2275 18.1988 18.7785 18.3663 18.8133 Q69ZF3 Gba2 4 43.566927 230101 - 43.566927 43.578885 glucosidase beta 2 F630034E04 None None None 12.3898 15.2363 14.5857 12.3816 12.1511 12.2888 12.8665 12.7346 12.6224 12.4529 12.2399 12.2961 12.0523 12.8748 12.5149 13.9932 13.6813 14.1142 12.3744 12.4787 12.193 15.4824 15.4042 12.5067 13.0277 15.6997 12.7681 12.5985 13.4563 12.0847 12.4965 12.1078 Q9CYL5 Glipr2 4 43.957701 384009 + 43.957701 43.979117 GLI pathogenesis-related 2 5730414A08Rik; C77180; GAPR-1 None None None 12.1831 13.8597 13.3695 13.6163 14.4314 14.6659 14.5438 13.8856 14.084 14.0634 14.7177 14.2669 14.3119 14.1012 14.331 13.847 14.0359 13.8632 14.3279 13.9187 12.8839 14.248 13.8597 14.5018 14.3105 14.325 13.764 13.9013 14.8965 14.3562 14.1241 15.1612 Q99JF8 Psip1 4 83.455679 101739 - 83.455679 83.486462 PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1 AA408851; AU015605; Dfs70; Ledgfa; Ledgfb; Psip2 None None None 14.622 14.6498 13.8796 13.0275 15.3782 14.6115 14.6996 13.6716 14.3285 13.7162 14.7186 15.2076 17.0659 14.9304 13.8817 14.6885 14.5753 13.8434 14.5317 14.5264 14.5623 13.7423 14.3609 14.6179 14.8067 14.5032 14.2622 12.6438 14.7546 14.8916 13.6048 14.8604 O89013 LEPROT Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: O89013 None None None 12.9562 13.3915 13.193 13.8665 13.1378 13.1899 13.163 12.6285 12.9808 13.3865 13.145 12.8133 12.9219 13.387 13.0514 12.7672 13.4579 13.501 13.3866 13.3848 12.6527 13.0596 13.0064 13.0586 12.3764 12.3681 13.3653 13.0351 12.9545 13.4811 13.2731 12.9164 Q9CQU0 Txndc12 4 108.834677 66073 + 108.834677 108.862119 thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum) 0610040B21Rik; ERp16; ERp19 None None None 13.2414 15.4596 14.9571 15.4957 14.9431 15.2296 15.1458 15.5543 15.2189 15.5124 14.7685 15.079 14.8736 13.9574 15.1734 15.0672 15.3733 14.5897 15.4309 15.3841 13.7999 15.0775 15.4809 14.8606 14.6421 15.3869 15.3002 14.9567 14.5241 15.6854 15.4445 15.096 Q80U78 Pum1 4 130.663237 80912 + 130.663237 130.781563 pumilio RNA-binding family member 1 AA517475; Pumm; mKIAA0099 None None None 12.1803 12.193 12.241 12.4922 12.2685 12.1336 12.4439 12.2324 12.1674 12.1697 12.4177 12.3021 12.4874 12.312 12.2087 12.1406 12.2987 12.2553 12.2263 12.3745 12.3871 12.3504 12.1129 12.0402 12.4743 12.4779 12.6489 12.4504 12.565 12.3118 12.3883 12.3016 Q8BRN9 Cc2d1b 4 108.619939 319965 + 108.619939 108.638603 coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 1B A830039B04Rik; Freud2 None None None 13.7117 15.1577 14.2637 14.4898 14.451 14.2485 14.384 14.8768 14.4689 14.4793 14.3973 14.3092 15.1743 14.5726 14.5207 14.1937 14.4241 14.4172 14.2115 14.2562 14.1196 14.295 14.5047 13.9747 14.018 13.801 14.5536 13.9698 14.419 14.1979 14.2076 14.3508 Q99LJ6 Gpx7 4 108.400216 67305 - 108.400216 108.406712 glutathione peroxidase 7 3110050F08Rik; AI327032; GPX6 None None None 14.8703 15.3386 14.6554 15.8389 14.844 15.2959 15.1295 14.8744 14.98 15.1591 14.5751 14.0397 13.4436 14.9229 14.7494 14.519 15.5515 14.9265 15.6267 15.5283 14.0605 14.9065 16.1227 15.2079 14.3588 14.3779 14.6051 14.1133 14.7186 15.4548 15.3553 15.2184 P32020 Scp2 4 108.043829 20280 - 108.043829 108.14497 sterol carrier protein 2, liver AA409774; AA409893; C76618; C79031; NSL-TP; SCP-2; SCP-X; SCPX; ns-LTP None None None 18.1254 18.6308 18.5282 19.4404 18.15 17.6325 17.397 18.8639 17.9109 18.916 17.7269 17.1872 18.9566 17.7087 18.0778 18.5189 18.1685 18.5557 18.3699 18.8132 18.2374 18.5161 19.2248 17.8647 18.3541 19.1908 19.5138 17.9095 17.9306 18.2279 18.5364 17.7206 P52825 Cpt2 4 107.903981 12896 - 107.903981 107.923588 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 AI323697; CPTII None None None 17.8091 17.8865 18.8112 17.9659 17.6874 17.5402 17.2677 18.2714 17.7161 17.7659 17.9827 18.3503 18.3483 17.4876 17.8291 18.4558 17.9722 17.5348 18.0572 18.4115 20.0563 18.31 17.7947 18.0781 18.6326 18.5898 17.9573 18.8406 18.2842 17.6474 18.3416 17.5091 P61327 Magoh 4 107.879754 17149 + 107.879754 107.887423 mago homolog, exon junction complex core component Mago-m; Mos2 None None None 14.6634 14.4447 15.0286 14.6331 15.2115 14.4819 14.5453 14.6591 14.9265 14.3988 14.7363 14.6154 16.8009 14.8104 15.1835 12.9783 14.6865 13.9017 15.0122 14.6413 14.7571 14.2064 14.0818 14.4311 14.5257 14.9551 14.4435 14.3238 15.0499 14.3069 13.998 15.0968 Q921S7 Mrpl37 4 107.055873 56280 - 107.055873 107.066865 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L37 2300004O14Rik; AI132596; MRP-L2; Rpml2 None None None 13.5634 14.6658 13.1732 13.9744 13.45 15.6711 15.582 14.3924 14.1691 14.1227 12.8873 14.9424 16.4037 13.9064 13.5327 15.2905 13.0334 15.0944 16.9712 15.6428 15.4461 13.6809 12.7382 15.0541 15.9634 15.0159 13.1878 14.7112 15.4826 16.0251 13.1185 13.4646 Q99K70 Rragc 4 123.917432 54170 + 123.917432 123.936996 Ras-related GTP binding C AU041672; Gtr2; RAGC; TIB929; YGR163W None None None 16.5759 15.4512 15.5596 15.7802 15.532 15.2609 15.3187 15.594 15.4916 15.4246 15.1226 15.8884 15.8213 15.7771 15.6777 15.3905 15.5993 15.7421 15.6225 15.5876 15.5201 15.0951 15.4541 15.2856 15.0979 15.4031 15.6019 15.318 15.4954 15.5702 15.5058 15.4634 Q9EQS3 Mycbp 4 123.905012 56309 + 123.905012 123.912249 MYC binding protein 5730488M09Rik; AW552132; AW742590; Amy-1 None None None 15.501 15.2719 15.2829 15.3164 15.1127 15.2674 15.5647 14.7873 15.1987 15.1031 14.9158 13.5582 15.0909 15.3068 15.0873 14.9019 15.1264 15.1566 15.5961 15.1248 15.1098 15.0275 15.2516 15.4255 14.983 15.3396 15.1474 15.0517 14.8022 15.2178 15.1779 15.2854 Q9QZH3 Ppie 4 123.127113 56031 - 123.127113 123.139989 peptidylprolyl isomerase E (cyclophilin E) 2010010D16Rik; Cyp33 None None None 13.685 14.3956 14.8596 14.1453 14.4822 14.0322 13.9975 14.2548 13.7374 13.7577 12.5008 13.0867 16.063 14.0759 13.8087 14.2175 14.2285 12.7647 14.4571 14.4513 15.3203 14.6021 13.6817 12.4483 14.8173 14.3254 13.8724 13.8039 14.2506 13.9265 14.2484 13.9929 O88531 Ppt1 4 122.836076 19063 + 122.836076 122.859174 palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 9530043G02Rik; AA960502; C77813; CLN1; D4Ertd184e; INCL; PPT None None None 15.8567 14.6965 15.5616 15.9346 16.5559 15.4699 15.7047 15.299 15.7494 15.1765 15.9188 16.8606 17.8578 16.742 15.8488 15.6024 15.7991 15.3845 16.4418 16.0168 15.7082 16.1226 15.2358 15.1345 15.7302 16.7806 14.582 15.3797 17.1076 16.6555 15.2867 16.2863 P38060 Hmgcl 4 135.946447 15356 + 135.946447 135.962667 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A lyase AW476067; HL None None None 14.5864 14.8411 15.5774 14.8685 14.1289 14.7099 14.7067 14.0887 15.0507 14.2975 14.7452 13.8545 15.4565 14.496 14.0014 14.6797 14.6633 14.0592 15.2499 14.7918 14.7053 14.9337 14.8645 13.9929 15.5851 15.9302 13.7003 13.918 14.8324 14.5006 14.715 14.6461 Q99LJ1 Fuca1 4 135.920725 71665 + 135.920725 135.940299 fucosidase, alpha-L- 1, tissue 0610006A03Rik; 9530055J05Rik; Afuc; Fuca None None None 14.354 14.1203 14.3002 13.9563 14.1911 12.9332 13.8409 13.6948 13.8262 13.8311 13.3892 12.8326 14.5071 14.1188 13.9044 12.9357 14.2043 13.738 14.156 14.1787 13.5571 13.8094 13.636 13.8255 14.0574 14.3615 13.4815 13.6835 12.4586 14.4557 13.8084 14.117 P70697 Urod 4 116.989964 22275 - 116.989964 116.994435 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase AI323803; UPD; Uro-d None None None 13.5884 14.6016 15.2701 15.2157 13.7957 14.8917 14.6068 14.1853 15.0558 14.4162 14.3615 14.1842 14.2197 13.8223 14.1158 14.7486 14.7573 14.2593 14.8434 14.7538 14.0443 14.5819 14.4507 14.7904 14.848 15.2828 14.3398 14.6225 15.0332 14.895 14.8155 15.0601 Q9JII6 Akr1a1 4 116.636509 58810 - 116.636509 116.651673 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member A1 (aldehyde reductase) 2610201A18Rik; Akr1a4 None None None 17.9491 17.6341 17.3939 17.7617 17.7967 17.4057 17.6051 17.6754 17.3787 17.8378 17.372 17.8891 17.4517 17.7095 18.0691 17.4596 17.6137 17.8651 18.008 17.6112 16.7672 17.2797 17.6833 17.5854 17.2109 17.157 17.5162 17.3863 17.9607 18.2323 17.4021 18.0113 Q64462 Cyp4b1 4 115.624697 13120 - 115.624697 115.64772 cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 CYPIVB1 None None None 16.6366 16.0198 16.5002 16.637 16.7035 15.684 16.785 16.7122 15.9611 17.1459 16.1246 17.1566 16.5728 16.522 16.3815 16.9207 16.124 17.121 16.851 16.6598 15.8942 15.9624 16.9332 16.4065 16.0792 16.8666 16.4931 15.9065 16.4011 16.3282 16.5791 16.5311 Q9DBP5 Cmpk1 4 114.960612 66588 - 114.960612 114.987227 cytidine monophosphate (UMP-CMP) kinase 1 0610011D08Rik; CK; Cmpk; UMP-CMPk None None None 18.4419 18.285 18.2361 18.603 18.3101 18.2212 18.3197 18.3172 18.1979 18.5132 17.9055 18.1869 18.9335 18.3335 18.411 17.7827 18.5131 18.5734 18.9514 18.6409 17.9277 17.9292 18.2937 18.4474 17.8607 18.1864 18.4566 18.108 18.0824 18.9923 18.2286 18.3768 Q9D903 Ebna1bp2 4 118.620798 69072 + 118.620798 118.627775 EBNA1 binding protein 2 1810014B19Rik; AA537058; B830003A16Rik; C81321; Ebp2; Nobp; p40 None None None 12.6657 14.2262 12.6813 11.9159 12.5297 11.8147 12.7259 12.267 12.4697 12.0942 12.258 11.8247 14.8917 13.4307 12.4155 11.5478 12.6474 12.5738 13.4228 12.2113 12.4573 12.3161 11.4189 12.2342 12.5294 12.3439 11.7032 12.8742 12.1812 13.3791 12.3992 12.9786 O54734 Ddost 4 138.304737 13200 + 138.304737 138.312618 dolichyl-di-phosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase None None None 18.2622 18.0379 18.0239 18.1168 18.4235 18.2515 18.2091 18.412 18.3912 18.1858 18.1741 18.4587 18.8158 18.2662 18.5295 18.2758 18.4098 18.1658 18.1769 18.3009 17.9138 18.2797 17.9724 18.1625 17.883 18.2168 18.2283 17.9225 18.3043 18.5282 18.2132 18.2421 P09242 Alpl 4 137.74173 11647 - 137.74173 137.796383 alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney ALP; APTNAP; Akp-2; Akp2; TNAP; TNSALP None None None 14.1408 13.468 13.168 13.4012 14.6725 12.5717 13.4127 14.0278 12.5491 13.897 14.4582 12.467 13.0123 13.5207 14.1467 12.7029 13.8119 13.1357 13.505 13.08 14.6417 12.6618 12.8297 13.0892 13.2481 12.5466 13.309 13.666 14.634 12.6014 13.3278 13.2138 P35831 Ptpn12 5 20.986644 19248 - 20.986644 21.05591 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 12 P19-PTP; PTP-P19; PTP-PEST; PTPG1 None None None 11.9422 12.2315 11.7332 11.5673 11.9802 12.2703 10.7848 12.1169 11.7888 11.5751 12.1347 12.3326 11.1854 12.3441 11.8738 12.1304 11.6464 12.0464 9.93097 11.8637 12.1857 10.7665 11.9621 12.1655 11.8601 12.232 12.2286 10.4686 12.2388 12.8515 11.5341 12.2495 Q99JR5 Tinagl1 4 130.165599 94242 - 130.165599 130.175121 tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 1110021J17Rik; AZ-1; AZ1; Arg1; Lcn7; TARP; Tinagl None None None 16.0598 15.4938 15.3133 17.7072 15.7693 15.6318 14.2786 16.0615 15.0295 15.6731 15.6777 17.1408 14.73 16.303 15.4887 16.1409 14.6886 16.1572 14.0391 14.7353 16.9169 15.4691 16.0859 16.288 16.0746 13.4369 16.3836 15.9302 15.3066 14.0332 14.4593 14.8234 Q8VIJ6 Sfpq 4 127.020715 71514 + 127.020715 127.0511 splicing factor proline/glutamine rich (polypyrimidine tract binding protein associated) 1110004P21Rik; 2810416M14Rik; 5730453G22Rik; 9030402K04Rik; AU021830; D4Ertd314e; Gm12940; PSF; REP1 None None None 16.3844 15.9912 16.0067 15.9196 16.2278 16.2223 16.3418 16.4661 16.5702 16.431 16.1957 15.4621 17.3442 16.1026 16.4074 15.7524 16.3161 15.8162 16.7751 16.58 15.5712 16.0147 16.3167 16.5366 15.9356 16.2877 16.3202 16.2116 16.2126 16.8343 16.2553 16.7125 P54227 Stmn1 4 134.468319 16765 + 134.468319 134.473842 stathmin 1 19k; Lag; Lap18; Op18; P18; P19; Pig; Pp17; Pp18; Pp19; Pr22; Smn None None None 13.1478 13.1225 13.6838 12.6984 13.1933 12.7172 13.7469 12.7162 12.9138 13.5399 12.1042 12.6337 15.3663 12.0711 12.5825 12.4153 12.5032 12.5359 14.8608 14.2149 12.7132 11.8264 13.216 13.7682 12.2072 11.7859 13.6022 12.0067 11.7059 13.8954 12.5296 13.386 Q9Z0E0 Ncdn 4 126.743749 26562 - 126.743749 126.753764 neurochondrin AU042419; MMS10-AE; Ms10ae; mKIAA0607; norbin None None None 12.5934 11.8922 11.8909 12.7031 12.6117 12.1312 12.1165 13.0936 12.5863 12.3279 12.0008 12.7371 11.5763 14.043 12.2684 12.3119 11.6877 12.3893 11.886 12.0802 12.5979 12.3626 12.3313 11.6999 13.5095 11.5669 12.517 14.6084 11.6025 13.002 12.0771 11.5701 Q9R1P3 Psmb2 4 126.677636 26445 + 126.677636 126.709714 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 2 AU045357; AW108089; C7-I; D4Wsu33e; HC7-I None None None 14.3854 15.7896 14.5395 13.6109 14.2403 14.1469 13.8402 14.2134 14.3238 14.3524 13.8299 15.717 15.4361 13.7374 15.1459 13.8668 14.7224 13.386 13.9888 13.8329 14.1202 14.2119 13.4029 13.7288 14.0272 14.7602 13.9349 13.8146 15.9895 13.7989 14.4298 14.0631 Q91VW3 Sh3bgrl3 4 134.127405 73723 - 134.127405 134.128732 SH3 domain binding glutamic acid-rich protein-like 3 1110004L05Rik; AU022188 None None None 16.972 17.2724 17.2278 18.2449 19.3177 17.437 17.1654 18.2641 17.8217 17.687 17.6573 19.7465 20.5567 18.9159 18.085 17.7772 18.7617 18.6431 18.7661 17.9666 16.5512 17.5153 17.9661 17.661 17.5847 17.8062 17.3233 17.3154 19.0733 19.2175 17.9861 19.4189 O55013 Trappc3 4 126.262404 27096 + 126.262404 126.275882 trafficking protein particle complex 3 1110058K12Rik; AI835942; AU019197; Bet3 None None None 17.7703 17.3352 17.3692 17.4038 17.287 17.2015 16.8385 17.4083 17.3074 17.3936 17.2441 17.57 17.6656 17.4168 17.3785 17.4428 17.162 17.4565 17.2945 17.1036 17.5277 17.4065 17.3208 17.0434 17.2957 17.526 17.4973 17.7259 17.4197 17.3535 17.3564 17.1122 O35685 Nudc 4 133.532541 18221 - 133.532541 133.546026 nudC nuclear distribution protein SIG-92; Silg92 None None None 16.465 15.8424 15.6761 16.1808 15.9646 16.0143 15.7541 15.9113 15.9586 16.2388 15.8893 16.436 16.9548 15.9934 16.1871 16.1239 15.7825 16.2533 16.0704 16.1009 16.911 15.9887 15.8737 16.3896 16.395 15.5244 16.0934 16.6611 15.9729 16.2899 15.8705 15.8478 Q61165 Slc9a1 4 133.36971 20544 + 133.36971 133.423701 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 1 AW554487; Apnh; Mir5122; Nhe1; mir-5122; swe None None None 14.658 14.1934 14.3062 11.8936 13.2374 14.3348 14.6101 13.0233 14.476 13.8934 14.3857 12.7944 14.4313 13.9927 14.0702 14.5623 13.7629 14.1939 14.5214 14.0048 14.4278 14.2852 14.4145 13.4224 14.1208 14.5336 13.9698 14.0218 13.814 13.7791 13.58 14.8179 Q9ER00 Stx12 4 132.854063 100226 - 132.854063 132.884457 syntaxin 12 AI850350; AU041521; Stx13 None None None 16.4503 16.8475 16.4548 16.7366 16.8471 16.4733 16.5446 16.4937 16.3607 16.4231 16.6001 16.8958 16.0265 16.709 16.3595 16.5665 16.826 16.6999 16.4484 16.2982 15.9013 16.5067 16.8681 16.3693 16.1539 16.896 16.4164 16.2049 16.8108 16.3958 16.7495 16.7218 P58242 Smpdl3b 4 132.732965 100340 - 132.732965 132.75717 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3B 1110054A24Rik; AU045240; Asml3b None None None 12.6189 13.4218 13.1769 13.5899 13.1343 13.8691 14.0152 13.9791 13.3467 13.1221 14.0822 13.3346 12.2329 13.1893 13.4401 12.1769 13.3517 13.8273 12.9127 12.5397 12.301 13.8522 13.4548 13.3459 11.2586 12.2301 12.1978 12.2905 12.2408 12.7287 12.6796 13.4278 Q9D554 Sf3a3 4 124.71486 75062 + 124.71486 124.732422 splicing factor 3a, subunit 3 4930512K19Rik; 60kDa None None None 13.5418 13.3185 12.6377 12.8031 13.473 12.7632 12.2201 13.8457 12.8949 13.032 13.0371 13.4263 15.3486 12.906 13.2351 12.997 13.4671 13.2792 12.7319 13.0869 12.7636 13.9893 12.3805 12.2172 12.4555 12.6856 13.2371 12.7702 12.5793 13.0929 13.2024 12.8517 Q9DCS3 Mecr 4 131.843443 26922 + 131.843443 131.867786 mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase AI195831; NRBF-1; Nrbf1 None None None 16.1631 16.8846 17.7347 16.7905 16.161 16.9924 16.9965 16.629 16.7042 16.537 16.5657 15.8671 16.5123 16.4208 16.1815 16.9405 16.7688 16.3412 16.8875 17.2481 18.2896 17.1843 17.3455 16.8124 17.29 17.8082 16.6577 16.8949 16.8798 16.3512 16.9734 16.3403 Q9D1J1 Necap2 4 141.066511 66147 - 141.066511 141.078356 NECAP endocytosis associated 2 1110005F07Rik; AA409105; C78898; NECAP-2 None None None 15.7722 15.371 15.6624 15.1035 15.5067 15.3944 15.386 15.4338 15.4381 15.3017 15.2085 15.108 15.6436 15.3078 15.4971 15.0494 15.6215 15.4406 15.7436 15.7704 13.8034 15.4263 15.6375 15.2701 15.3391 15.1809 15.4142 15.1683 15.2425 15.5812 15.3492 15.4504 P46471 Psmc2 5 21.785274 19181 + 21.785274 21.803786 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase 2 None None None 17.2785 16.9781 16.8511 16.9373 16.8916 17.1218 16.9065 16.9406 16.9534 17.0693 16.868 16.7922 17.2629 17.0559 17.005 16.8736 17.0483 17.0356 17.2355 16.9819 16.5719 16.8523 17.0332 17.0999 16.8149 16.9848 16.8762 16.9456 16.9952 17.0933 17.0729 17.0111 P54103 Dnajc2 5 21.757265 22791 - 21.757265 21.785263 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C2 AU020218; MIDA1; Zrf1; Zrf2 None None None 13.3955 13.1015 12.5716 12.9551 13.4073 12.8912 12.7934 12.6918 12.5548 12.502 12.1234 13.3325 14.7965 13.5013 12.9081 11.2516 12.4694 12.705 12.9418 12.5794 13.115 12.1903 11.9809 11.9775 12.7433 11.9401 13.307 12.5999 12.1328 12.847 12.7502 12.9505 Q91WG5 Prkag2 5 24.862734 108099 - 24.862734 25.106281 protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 2 non-catalytic subunit 2410051C13Rik; AAKG; AAKG2; AI854673; H91620p; WPWS None None None 11.7014 12.5511 12.441 11.7402 11.8386 12.2008 12.1041 12.8889 12.1862 12.1692 12.2198 11.7722 12.6443 12.5405 12.1748 11.9087 12.422 12.6181 12.5573 12.3631 12.8235 12.1685 12.112 12.3892 12.1168 12.554 11.7037 12.3332 12.6181 11.4413 12.5324 12.6505 Q921J2 Rheb 5 24.802822 19744 - 24.802822 24.84236 Ras homolog enriched in brain Rheb1 None None None 16.6529 16.8667 17.0448 17.1201 16.6912 17.1689 16.9209 17.1108 17.2559 17.1217 16.9536 16.9925 16.3009 16.903 17.0417 17.09 16.8855 17.401 17.0724 17.0637 16.1512 16.4354 16.8937 16.9663 16.6919 16.9693 17.6068 16.8869 17.3223 16.9391 17.0058 16.8179 Q99LE6 Abcf2 5 24.56534 27407 - 24.56534 24.577466 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family F (GCN20), member 2 0710005O05Rik; Drr3; E430001O06 None None None 13.7718 13.7779 13.2697 13.7466 13.0225 13.9012 13.1417 14.0596 13.7515 13.9424 13.5714 13.0815 14.3086 12.7012 13.6894 13.0913 13.9779 13.9376 13.8456 13.771 12.093 13.5867 13.2146 13.6524 13.4868 12.7506 13.4261 13.0992 13.5401 13.711 13.6392 13.0868 P63024 Vamp3 4 151.047304 22319 - 151.047304 151.057952 vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 D130027G05Rik; VAMP-3; ceb None None None 14.613 14.4903 14.4205 14.932 14.7724 14.5547 14.8724 14.4972 14.3256 14.7202 13.7373 13.7799 13.4558 14.3875 14.7334 14.623 14.7715 14.5849 14.2837 14.3646 14.2263 14.6602 14.9782 14.8166 13.4996 14.1112 15.2989 13.9574 14.5155 14.6635 14.1911 14.2207 P49615 Cdk5 5 24.407596 12568 - 24.407596 24.423586 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 AW048668; Crk6 None None None 13.9321 13.837 13.3942 14.1699 13.8633 13.7271 13.8493 13.9834 13.8534 14.0561 13.7106 13.6168 14.152 13.8091 13.7964 13.699 13.8337 14.0726 13.7525 13.9883 13.7517 14.3988 14.1019 13.6673 13.6166 13.5819 14.2189 13.7646 13.4075 14.0034 13.9042 13.7547 Q9EPC5 Rbp7 4 149.449686 63954 - 149.449686 149.466461 retinol binding protein 7, cellular 1110002J23Rik; CRBP-III None None None 15.0175 14.2883 16.5366 15.1307 14.283 15.7241 15.9251 13.8751 14.3953 14.4427 13.9381 15.0266 14.3776 13.9206 14.413 13.9371 13.934 14.1922 16.278 15.9938 15.2017 13.8661 14.4891 14.8912 16.3774 15.1355 15.0658 16.1508 14.4152 15.0337 16.3287 15.4839 Q9WVK0 Agtrap 4 148.07706 11610 - 148.07706 148.088063 angiotensin II, type I receptor-associated protein 3300002E14Rik; AT1R; Atrap; D4Wsu124e None None None 12.937 13.9629 12.7618 12.894 14.3614 13.3284 12.6267 12.9814 13.4504 13.6035 14.2245 12.0217 12.5982 14.6771 12.0955 12.8667 15.4012 13.7525 11.4215 11.8404 12.1334 13.0718 14.3756 15.1933 13.1268 15.2588 12.2263 11.8105 14.8857 14.0401 12.3135 14.1497 Q80U63 Mfn2 4 147.873585 170731 - 147.873585 147.904908 mitofusin 2 D630023P19Rik; Fzo None None None 12.8311 14.3196 14.8192 14.2344 14.0504 14.4864 14.398 14.5645 14.4803 14.5019 14.0931 13.9623 13.8717 13.9787 14.0478 14.6559 14.4782 14.3824 14.6309 14.8746 14.9275 14.2845 14.691 14.4546 14.6194 14.8174 14.5625 14.5439 14.4493 14.3353 14.5409 14.3891 Q9CY97 Ssu72 4 155.704814 68991 + 155.704814 155.733878 Ssu72 RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase homolog (yeast) 1190002E22Rik; 1500011L16Rik; 2610101M12Rik None None None 12.5656 12.6551 12.5033 13.2064 11.4047 11.8708 11.6009 12.6166 12.8461 11.484 9.44829 12.9127 15.6042 9.23987 12.7488 11.7918 13.4866 12.0667 12.4016 11.5469 11.4194 11.9361 12.4097 12.2155 11.5882 12.6767 12.0013 12.6257 11.6846 14.0208 12.8871 11.7638 Q80YV4 Pank4 4 154.964122 269614 + 154.964122 154.980939 pantothenate kinase 4 D030031I12Rik; R75150 None None None 12.8224 12.8729 12.8386 12.2736 12.8503 12.9091 12.7205 13.1632 12.9905 12.8299 12.552 12.8209 13.9331 12.5671 12.7822 12.5905 12.7537 12.7637 12.9781 12.5142 13.1338 12.9218 13.0522 12.248 12.4431 13.1187 13.5079 12.6212 13.0139 13.0567 13.1325 12.9382 Q9DB60 Fam213b Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9DB60 None None None 16.4377 16.8672 15.6338 16.6192 16.271 16.2605 16.086 16.3555 15.9508 16.4924 16.1375 15.0092 14.7112 15.897 15.5712 15.567 16.1943 16.2007 16.3139 16.3096 15.0628 15.303 16.1014 16.9948 14.8642 14.1378 16.8924 16.0549 14.8375 16.5795 16.3668 15.872 P58058 Nadk 4 155.56238 192185 + 155.56238 155.591 NAD kinase 4432404C02Rik; BC004012 None None None 12.9118 14.6911 13.3546 14.626 13.7217 15.0558 14.4811 14.8246 14.0383 14.7256 14.4655 13.7604 14.7167 14.4281 14.3018 13.5688 14.7999 14.2245 14.7949 14.2641 12.6376 14.532 14.869 14.411 14.5261 15.6584 15.0251 14.1528 15.892 14.2999 14.8753 15.0241 P56528 Cd38 5 43.868808 12494 + 43.868808 43.912373 CD38 antigen ADPRC 1; Cd38-rs1; I-19 None None None 15.2436 16.6231 16.8637 16.6935 16.7958 16.5788 17.1028 15.9691 17.014 16.3406 17.0435 16.6333 17.022 16.5627 16.0732 15.9546 16.4244 16.4333 16.3926 16.3996 16.2797 16.4796 17.0231 16.742 17.2722 17.3842 16.19 16.2862 17.3549 16.2221 15.948 17.0679 Q9R098 Hgfac 5 35.041508 54426 + 35.041508 35.04846 hepatocyte growth factor activator HGFA None None None 13.9874 12.8655 12.4856 12.9184 14.948 12.4405 13.2034 13.2921 13.2841 13.4804 13.2198 15.1707 12.7499 13.2819 13.5229 14.5098 13.2815 12.8918 11.5862 13.0814 13.4874 12.3864 12.7196 13.1454 13.4102 13.4234 13.2103 13.7766 12.9911 12.3315 12.6651 13.6211 P55302 Lrpap1 5 35.091489 16976 - 35.091489 35.105698 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein associated protein 1 AA617339; AI790446; AU042172; C77774; HBP44; RAP None None None 16.7907 16.8481 16.2903 16.6928 16.7046 16.9002 16.4875 16.9287 16.3159 16.7923 16.5913 14.4107 15.6667 16.8185 16.4178 16.4248 17.011 16.989 16.833 16.6382 16.0427 16.5257 16.4144 17.0364 15.9033 16.3626 17.0963 16.7792 15.9452 17.052 16.4828 16.5137 O54782 Man2b2 5 36.806812 17160 - 36.806812 36.830648 mannosidase 2, alpha B2 mKIAA0935 None None None 14.0217 14.5489 14.4914 14.5014 15.6753 14.4671 14.2309 13.1561 13.616 14.1176 14.5555 14.022 16.2853 15.323 14.7945 15.147 14.4617 15.0752 14.8053 12.1394 14.3409 13.6379 14.0736 14.7229 15.3152 12.3459 14.9071 15.0523 14.199 12.223 13.4916 15.2224 Q61074 Ppm1g 5 31.202667 14208 - 31.202667 31.220544 protein phosphatase 1G (formerly 2C), magnesium-dependent, gamma isoform AI385652; Fin13 None None None 14.1022 13.1863 13.9377 13.6907 14.4542 13.5392 13.5173 13.9938 14.1641 13.7095 13.9857 14.5988 15.7717 13.9918 14.231 13.5018 13.8369 13.636 13.9921 13.9307 13.575 13.9117 13.8315 13.8509 14.1494 14.2501 13.4518 13.7577 14.02 13.9672 13.7176 14.339 Q99K41 Emilin1 5 30.913386 100952 + 30.913386 30.921278 elastin microfibril interfacer 1 5830419M17Rik; AW229038; BB105748; EMILIN-1; gp115 None None None 15.34 13.2511 12.545 13.7244 14.9092 13.8425 13.0466 14.6844 13.8714 13.5496 15.5026 15.3496 15.1224 15.0405 14.2413 13.7471 13.397 14.2305 12.427 13.356 16.122 15.0006 13.1419 13.885 13.5907 11.9948 13.8616 13.6308 13.2884 12.7273 12.9363 12.2838 Q6PER3 Mapre3 5 30.814605 100732 + 30.814605 30.866105 microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 3 AI790651; EB2; EB3; EBF3; RP3 None None None 14.7134 18.195 16.1417 18.5018 16.4795 14.4635 13.8949 15.0487 15.7219 16.5743 14.0531 13.6174 15.4326 14.6709 17.4763 16.2987 15.5005 18.7481 14.5842 14.604 14.7842 16.5496 18.0329 18.5971 13.6786 13.4215 15.0617 18.6632 14.0752 14.917 16.6022 14.4267 O35286 Dhx15 5 52.150202 13204 - 52.150202 52.190545 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 15 DBP1; DEAH9; Ddx15; HRH2; mDEAH9 None None None 15.1731 13.8642 13.5175 14.1611 14.9094 13.9956 14.2728 14.6345 14.6809 14.274 13.5086 14.8668 16.5103 14.88 14.7433 13.307 14.1719 14.1714 14.7095 14.3651 14.4854 14.458 14.1621 14.2177 14.4803 14.5141 13.9329 13.7581 14.1743 14.6347 14.3002 14.9466 Q6P6M7 Sepsecs 5 52.640088 211006 - 52.640088 52.669763 Sep (O-phosphoserine) tRNA:Sec (selenocysteine) tRNA synthase AA986712; D5Ertd135e; SLA; SecS None None None 16.1397 16.682 17.5435 16.5422 15.9231 16.4197 16.0141 16.1989 15.9706 15.9521 16.2646 15.282 17.0023 16.1965 15.9012 16.6994 16.5259 16.1555 16.9761 17.1388 18.4319 16.5728 15.9149 16.3673 16.7083 17.2296 15.995 17.2482 16.1947 16.5989 16.5907 16.2134 Q91W96 Anapc4 5 52.834134 52206 + 52.834134 52.866733 anaphase promoting complex subunit 4 2610306D21Rik; APC4; D5Ertd249e None None None 12.1555 14.2079 12.6274 11.9441 12.5666 13.5895 13.4162 11.8399 12.8474 12.7146 13.3182 12.8836 13.1197 13.358 13.1653 13.4086 13.4392 13.189 12.8034 12.6397 11.8389 12.3756 11.5723 13.6743 13.5099 12.8067 11.5995 13.564 13.3694 12.243 13.1488 12.3291 Q9D281 Fam114a1 5 64.970074 68303 + 64.970074 65.0419 family with sequence similarity 114, member A1 1190001N04Rik; 9130005N14Rik; Noxp20 None None None 13.3427 14.3994 13.4753 13.5709 13.9462 13.7045 13.8306 12.6808 14.258 14.6223 12.7855 12.952 12.6256 14.3377 13.8007 13.3574 13.4382 13.3132 13.3781 13.7216 12.8258 13.0348 13.0747 13.082 12.3472 13.3084 13.6258 13.7217 13.6402 14.2691 13.3187 13.715 Q99LP6 Grpel1 5 36.465184 17713 + 36.465184 36.474076 GrpE-like 1, mitochondrial AA408748; mt-GrpE#1; mt-Grpel1 None None None 14.9072 14.7933 15.5186 14.7752 14.2438 14.7506 14.4004 14.8145 14.8825 14.4977 14.5323 15.1775 15.7139 14.4647 14.5464 14.7991 14.9279 14.73 15.059 15.1693 15.9071 14.7885 14.6121 14.5656 15.5832 15.4252 14.2533 14.8698 14.9699 14.8304 14.7376 14.5817 Q99M04 Lias 5 65.391496 79464 + 65.391496 65.410422 lipoic acid synthetase 2900022L22Rik; 4933425M12Rik; 7a5ex; C77512; LS; lip-syn None None None 13.4465 14.4184 16.9465 14.9343 12.2338 15.7014 15.6571 16.2468 15.6441 14.0194 15.892 12.4544 16.6251 15.7901 14.4486 14.3625 14.653 15.653 15.5576 15.9941 16.7084 16.1591 15.3129 15.9202 16.022 16.7753 13.8976 16.6279 12.1293 15.769 14.4202 15.2469 E9QPI5 Pds5a 5 65.605718 71521 - 65.605718 65.698235 PDS5 cohesin associated factor A 9030416H16Rik; B230308N11Rik; E230024D05Rik None None None 14.2355 13.3043 14.1431 13.9151 13.3928 13.7099 14.0669 13.2731 13.9866 13.2013 13.9712 12.9903 15.1924 14.1824 13.6416 14.2663 13.567 13.3777 14.0839 13.9895 14.9394 13.7257 13.7717 13.1197 14.1013 14.1293 13.0584 13.253 13.7387 13.7236 13.5433 14.6133 Q9R0P9 Uchl1 5 66.67612 22223 + 66.67612 66.687233 ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 AW822034; C88048; PGP 9.5; PGP9.5; R75593; UCH-L1; UCHL-1; gad None None None 14.556 14.9763 14.6568 13.1262 15.4677 13.2978 14.3182 14.4555 15.6501 15.122 14.4631 14.8538 12.6743 15.0861 15.5057 15.4869 13.954 14.8381 13.5608 13.009 16.7049 15.2911 12.7077 14.9976 16.2264 15.2657 12.6032 15.9379 14.6381 14.1944 13.4693 13.5644 Q9DCL9 Paics 5 76.951301 67054 + 76.951301 76.967508 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase, phosphoribosylaminoribosylaminoimidazole, succinocarboxamide synthetase 2610511I09Rik; ADE2H1; AIRC; PAIS None None None 15.949 15.9279 16.1163 16.2077 16.1385 16.0921 16.1903 15.53 16.1364 15.9711 15.9869 16.0499 16.7591 15.8425 15.9026 15.5674 16.0002 15.9508 16.4324 15.807 15.3012 15.8633 16.366 15.651 15.9946 16.2578 15.4173 15.0582 16.189 16.0779 16.0026 16.6171 Q8CFI7 Polr2b 5 77.310483 231329 + 77.310483 77.349327 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide B Pol2rb; Rpb140; Rpb2 None None None 13.5211 13.5423 13.458 13.7285 13.9794 13.7662 13.1538 13.896 13.9002 13.7023 13.9094 13.8625 14.6532 13.9287 13.7026 13.4802 13.7028 13.7881 13.5462 13.5795 12.9173 13.8846 13.613 13.0491 13.6006 13.4493 13.6875 13.5248 13.7835 13.7534 13.4937 13.7823 Q91WV0 Dr1 5 108.268896 13486 + 108.268896 108.28052 down-regulator of transcription 1 1700121L09Rik; Dr1l; NC2; NC2beta None None None 15.0161 12.1407 14.5428 14.3308 14.4361 12.9677 14.743 11.8737 14.572 14.2708 12.6301 12.1341 15.6039 14.2512 14.2685 13.1056 14.3662 13.3935 14.3247 13.0374 12.0211 14.2364 11.7017 14.2137 14.7017 14.7857 14.0465 14.1023 14.467 14.5503 12.5183 11.3844 P70663 Sparcl1 5 104.079107 13602 - 104.079107 104.114087 SPARC-like 1 Ecm2; Sc1; hevin; mast9 None None None 14.012 13.6964 13.3946 13.551 13.9291 13.6279 13.2118 14.1882 13.4787 13.748 14.5363 13.276 14.3352 13.8388 13.6172 13.2804 13.1299 13.6606 13.3842 13.4498 14.0711 13.7712 13.3522 13.8166 14.0775 13.8254 13.2638 13.4792 13.2875 13.5028 13.5406 13.4092 Q9EQ06 Hsd17b11 5 103.989764 114664 - 103.989764 104.021795 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 11 Dhrs8; Pan1b; SDR2; retSDR2 None None None 16.251 15.8926 16.256 15.9512 16.4957 16.1614 16.2098 16.531 16.2551 16.3149 16.339 16.7585 16.0767 16.4793 16.2753 16.0605 16.3122 16.1633 16.3724 16.4583 16.0035 16.4155 16.0064 16.2577 15.9891 16.4494 15.9016 15.9414 16.798 16.5676 16.3947 16.5503 Q8BGB7 Enoph1 5 100.039027 67870 + 100.039027 100.068924 enolase-phosphatase 1 2310057D15Rik; BB183658; C81437 None None None 12.6794 15.3507 14.6173 15.6108 14.9123 14.9115 15.7732 14.7474 15.4503 15.1055 14.6825 15.3346 13.3645 14.6947 15.5366 15.1494 15.0955 14.8769 15.9205 15.616 13.6322 14.6438 15.1923 14.931 15.1272 15.3122 14.934 14.8516 15.4479 15.49 15.1849 15.7947 Q6DFX2 Antxr2 5 97.884687 71914 - 97.884687 98.031016 anthrax toxin receptor 2 2310046B19Rik; AW561899; CMG-2; CMG2; cI-35 None None None 12.8358 12.8987 13.1071 13.1072 12.4549 13.0716 13.2235 13.0452 13.1113 12.6661 13.6765 12.9467 12.1092 13.5352 13.1265 13.3694 12.6485 13.0997 13.7013 13.5139 12.8575 13.4553 13.1622 13.4369 11.4613 12.9045 12.7246 13.4981 11.9626 13.6059 13.0088 13.4546 P07724 Alb 5 90.460869 11657 + 90.460869 90.476601 albumin Alb-1; Alb1; BCL002 None None None 26.7009 26.4355 26.3375 26.4657 27.2811 26.5514 26.6976 26.3791 26.51 26.5683 27.0383 27.887 25.2382 25.9193 27.1141 28.1127 26.6927 26.7025 26.0063 26.9936 26.2645 26.9079 27.0279 26.2827 26.9553 26.8578 26.9955 26.6611 26.6725 26.1785 26.1946 26.8073 Q9Z126 Pf4 5 90.772434 56744 + 90.772434 90.773382 platelet factor 4 Cxcl4; Scyb4 None None None 13.7788 13.1756 13.9766 13.8871 13.2661 13.202 12.9996 13.1339 13.7288 13.4216 11.9347 11.9912 13.2793 11.9941 12.385 14.6536 13.6673 12.2462 13.6754 13.9262 13.0022 13.8674 14.7706 12.1041 14.5203 14.7244 11.4186 12.6182 12.8787 12.4691 14.1896 13.1514 Q99LC8 Eif2b1 5 124.570213 209354 - 124.570213 124.57913 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 1 (alpha) D5Ertd406e; EIF2BA None None None 12.8096 14.4397 14.0539 13.5205 14.3199 14.4872 13.8795 13.8752 14.4736 13.5506 13.7611 12.0309 14.021 14.0941 13.1692 13.8975 13.8866 14.0473 13.44 14.1035 13.6177 14.3102 14.2315 14.1851 14.4772 13.8118 13.1746 13.3624 14.4924 14.2672 13.8466 13.6875 Q9JJ59 Abcb9 5 124.061856 56325 - 124.061856 124.095954 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 9 TAPL; mKIAA1520 None None None 18.7979 16.5545 17.1239 17.5299 18.2524 17.2512 16.7614 17.2154 16.4866 16.7564 17.9227 17.499 18.4251 18.0667 17.1947 18.7891 16.6681 17.3701 15.1079 16.8764 17.1781 17.4533 17.1842 16.679 18.1326 17.986 17.1294 17.1905 16.5017 16.235 16.6817 16.5123 O35114 Scarb2 5 92.44131 12492 - 92.44131 92.505656 scavenger receptor class B, member 2 9330185J12Rik; Cd36l2; LGP85; LIMP II; LIMP-2; MLGP85 None None None 13.5444 15.3618 15.714 15.9011 15.9362 15.4971 15.7569 15.2228 15.6292 15.4568 15.4115 15.5978 14.9568 15.8635 15.5836 15.2293 15.8422 15.2798 16.1339 15.8097 15.3759 15.5917 15.5887 15.3727 15.36 16.2174 14.9003 15.1398 16.1129 16.0594 15.422 15.9465 Q00262 Stx2 5 128.984556 13852 - 128.984556 129.008599 syntaxin 2 AW538950; Epim; G1-536-1; Syn-2; repro34 None None None 12.6659 13.3246 12.775 13.4598 13.1437 13.0885 13.2972 12.6833 13.5837 13.3863 13.3212 11.5977 12.0755 13.0454 12.6726 12.8555 12.7992 13.1536 13.3862 13.0722 12.5581 13.0197 13.3713 13.073 12.6295 12.7065 13.3534 12.9245 12.3688 13.0664 12.7222 13.2488 P62827 Ran 5 129.020155 19384 + 129.020155 129.024321 RAN, member RAS oncogene family None None None 18.6706 18.3748 18.5787 18.4923 18.8221 18.5221 18.494 18.7716 18.8242 18.5918 18.5116 17.9978 20.165 18.4337 18.6313 18.2753 18.7216 18.726 18.8527 18.7212 18.3121 18.6349 18.4413 18.4613 18.7179 18.7373 18.4473 18.436 18.8152 18.8642 18.5276 18.8074 Q9D2N9 VPS33A Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9D2N9 None None None 13.1858 13.786 13.0868 13.7524 13.4389 13.6472 12.7118 13.2292 13.7248 13.4589 13.0674 12.548 14.1885 13.6597 13.1113 13.2838 13.7103 13.6662 13.1361 13.1529 12.6353 13.8679 13.7397 12.5551 13.3831 13.6052 13.4302 12.6879 12.8329 13.7726 13.6795 12.6994 Q99LS3 Psph 5 129.765557 100678 - 129.765557 129.787442 phosphoserine phosphatase AI480570; PSP; PSPase None None None 13.4224 14.4491 15.1249 14.4661 14.0786 14.7698 12.3116 13.0729 14.7347 13.706 14.5777 12.9514 14.4695 13.9439 13.846 14.0432 14.2353 13.0054 14.5462 13.1971 11.8183 13.2275 15.0456 14.7306 14.3661 15.6246 14.5327 13.922 15.2236 14.0162 13.8003 14.8753 Q52KG9 Cct6a 5 129.787355 12466 + 129.787355 129.846442 chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 6a (zeta) CCT-zeta; CCT-zeta-1; Cct6; Cctz-1; TCP-1-zeta None None None 17.0614 16.1763 16.2349 16.0939 16.5404 16.3772 16.3418 16.6581 16.3989 16.3992 16.3778 16.5545 17.5866 16.5771 16.5836 16.4835 16.5456 16.6468 16.542 16.4736 16.2549 16.5587 16.1987 16.3929 16.4478 16.138 16.5465 16.4473 16.4518 16.7248 16.5126 16.2471 P47738 Aldh2 5 121.566026 11669 - 121.566026 121.593823 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial AHD-M1; ALDH-E2; ALDHI; Ahd-5; Ahd5 None None None 20.5292 20.2697 20.6817 20.2676 20.1479 20.1417 20.0646 20.2159 20.2596 20.0087 20.5741 20.2313 20.3992 19.7328 20.1609 20.6214 19.985 20.106 20.0655 20.0641 20.5458 20.5169 20.3228 20.055 20.8823 21.0563 20.2824 20.5263 20.7541 19.9795 20.2927 19.9287 Q8K370 Acad10 5 121.621025 71985 - 121.621025 121.660602 acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase family, member 10 2410021P16Rik None None None 15.267 16.2816 17.2607 16.334 15.8375 16.3908 16.5584 15.918 16.0723 16.0522 16.3187 15.4119 15.6378 15.8476 15.7611 16.8591 15.4406 15.9416 15.6812 15.9337 17.3604 16.2926 16.3343 15.9422 16.8843 17.3394 16.5406 16.7506 16.7969 15.1776 16.3214 15.9972 O55143 Atp2a2 5 122.453512 11938 - 122.453512 122.502224 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, slow twitch 2 9530097L16Rik; D5Wsu150e; SERCA2; SERCA2B; Serca2a; mKIAA4195 None None None 18.2211 17.909 17.5587 17.6498 17.8449 17.6753 17.5722 17.9429 17.9605 18.0137 17.8803 18.0689 17.717 17.7367 17.774 18.1025 17.7292 17.9183 17.7543 17.8454 18.2522 17.7301 17.8211 17.8205 17.5789 17.2554 17.9382 18.0343 17.6549 17.9151 17.8908 17.5078 Q9JJX6 P2rx4 5 122.707517 18438 + 122.707517 122.729738 purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel 4 AI504491; AW555605; D5Ertd444e; P2X4 None None None 14.7774 15.5659 14.1057 12.4403 15.449 15.164 15.6347 14.2445 15.6672 13.9477 12.5436 15.1215 15.1064 15.4476 13.6687 12.8443 15.0034 15.5481 16.392 15.218 16.1184 13.6916 15.6761 14.9141 12.3184 16.8243 11.9155 12.2833 16.8355 15.9574 13.7779 16.2132 Q9D2R0 Aacs 5 125.475872 78894 + 125.475872 125.517404 acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase 2210408B16Rik; SUR5 None None None 14.9514 14.7875 15.7788 14.7502 14.5045 15.8976 15.1432 15.4664 15.2621 14.7717 15.4213 15.038 15.7675 14.7535 14.7021 15.6902 15.0278 14.741 15.3206 14.8079 15.0514 15.6631 14.7754 15.156 16.0416 16.5092 15.1617 15.7353 16.1486 14.9899 15.3726 15.1107 O35639 Anxa3 5 96.793384 11745 + 96.793384 96.845967 annexin A3 Anx3 None None None 18.7228 18.2476 18.2572 17.9367 19.0848 18.6593 18.6263 18.5493 19.0247 18.4754 18.5666 18.5001 18.4915 18.4582 18.6422 18.6542 18.7711 18.5031 18.0257 18.3568 18.3099 19.028 18.4867 18.43 18.0497 18.1798 18.5498 18.7141 18.111 18.613 18.5437 18.3105 P42925 Pxmp2 5 110.274285 19301 - 110.274285 110.286221 peroxisomal membrane protein 2 22kDa; PMP22 None None None 11.8714 14.1105 13.4807 14.1949 11.8923 12.1312 11.6268 13.9006 12.9066 13.0368 11.5111 12.3887 12.763 11.4517 13.4342 13.1333 13.585 12.9533 12.3757 12.5699 11.4112 11.8675 12.8211 13.0181 11.6141 13.4881 14.9753 13.8541 12.7892 11.8153 13.3525 12.7568 Q6PHN9 Rab35 5 115.631903 77407 + 115.631903 115.647157 RAB35, member RAS oncogene family 9530019H02Rik; AU040256; H-ray; RAB1C; RAY None None None 19.7946 19.826 19.6949 19.8418 19.6286 19.6163 19.6213 19.9291 19.9989 19.9997 19.6513 19.3676 19.7195 19.5298 19.7578 19.5822 19.8489 19.7048 19.7129 19.7958 19.4708 19.6975 19.8664 19.6634 19.4204 19.724 20.0303 19.3826 19.4781 19.5545 19.9587 19.3747 Q9D8Z2 Triap1 5 115.34123 69076 + 115.34123 115.343552 TP53 regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1 1810015M01Rik; AU020874; AU043831; P53csv; Wf-1 None None None 12.1477 12.0796 12.4275 12.0244 11.7449 12.3628 11.6391 12.3315 12.0764 12.3266 11.4055 12.718 13.1376 12.3016 12.4229 11.4856 12.498 12.069 12.7737 12.581 12.2272 12.5705 12.2422 11.5282 11.1103 12.7993 11.4326 12.499 12.2052 12.8249 12.4769 11.7095 Q9D0B0 Srsf9 5 115.327162 108014 + 115.327162 115.333842 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 9 25kDa; 2610029M16Rik; SRp30c; Sfrs9 None None None 13.8911 14.0535 14.2746 14.0432 14.3546 15.2003 14.8059 14.7077 14.2414 14.2075 14.2258 14.2173 15.6343 13.9402 13.8406 13.3547 14.6726 12.7751 14.2605 14.0307 11.7797 13.8301 14.1807 13.7577 14.7205 14.8748 12.1139 12.6844 14.6678 15.0888 14.3534 14.3893 Q9CZH3 Psmg3 5 139.823612 66506 - 139.823612 139.826893 proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 3 1810042K04Rik; 4930403H09Rik; AI303239 None None None 12.3489 12.5523 13.1195 12.2192 12.8342 12.5035 12.0985 12.7603 13.1601 12.502 12.3952 11.8261 14.0975 12.6259 12.8363 11.7519 13.3787 12.2671 13.4058 13.2402 12.9027 12.3251 12.0694 12.2426 12.238 13.5114 12.106 12.3615 12.8837 13.3912 12.935 13.3503 Q9D273 Mmab 5 114.431033 77697 - 114.431033 114.444072 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblB type homolog (human) 9130222L19Rik; ATR None None None 11.7568 12.668 12.3752 12.1127 12.8809 12.2992 12.5366 12.6518 12.0834 12.363 11.9359 11.8365 12.4978 12.623 12.2985 11.9019 12.63 12.0545 14.1323 12.386 12.4781 12.4651 12.6541 12.6216 14.379 12.8431 11.6682 12.4329 12.7053 12.3223 12.9794 12.4916 Q61553 Fscn1 5 142.960354 14086 + 142.960354 142.973188 fascin actin-bundling protein 1 AI663989; Fan1; fascin-1 None None None 16.2719 16.4951 16.6973 16.5904 17.5082 16.3231 16.125 16.6721 16.7842 16.7767 16.3807 16.8331 17.7039 16.3511 16.7004 16.1888 16.5735 16.3533 16.9509 16.9742 15.6908 16.3224 16.9264 16.5232 16.3561 16.5954 16.8305 16.0744 16.2472 16.49 16.7371 16.1764 Q3TCN2 Plbd2 5 120.483892 71772 - 120.483892 120.503622 phospholipase B domain containing 2 1300012G16Rik; AU019810; P76 None None None 15.12 14.7217 14.5805 14.7297 14.843 14.2988 14.5978 14.548 14.4637 14.463 14.6656 15.2042 15.4488 14.76 14.9966 14.3186 14.6182 14.7147 14.3358 14.3694 14.6434 14.6913 14.4634 14.5136 14.3769 14.1498 14.534 14.4452 14.8242 14.7317 14.3152 14.8406 P47911 Rpl6 5 121.2045 19988 + 121.2045 121.20924 ribosomal protein L6 Taxreb107 None None None 19.4427 18.9754 18.8328 19.0104 18.9651 19.129 18.8291 18.8467 19.1611 18.9537 18.6563 19.4236 20.2411 19.2064 19.1377 18.7536 19.1803 18.8245 19.3827 19.0501 18.6721 18.8544 18.6278 18.7718 19.0089 18.8789 18.6739 18.4019 18.9853 19.3285 19.046 19.2384 Q8C1Y8 Ccz1 5 143.987908 231874 - 143.987908 144.014882 CCZ1 vacuolar protein trafficking and biogenesis associated AU022870 None None None 12.3975 14.5994 15.3518 14.8814 16.3929 13.4452 14.0973 14.3181 15.1134 15.0735 16.506 13.2417 11.924 16.5867 13.2132 15.1704 15.3492 14.8462 16.7941 15.7409 12.6982 16.4806 16.437 16.4838 15.6343 14.2996 12.0338 15.9351 16.5004 14.5861 15.4831 16.7715 Q9R0Q6 Arpc1a 5 145.083868 56443 + 145.083868 145.108755 actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1A 0610010H08Rik; 1110030K07Rik; 41kDa; AA407347; Sid32; Sid329 None None None 13.9492 13.4744 13.6777 13.1883 13.4469 13.306 13.6647 14.0194 13.7042 13.2138 13.6225 13.6061 14.9639 13.6213 13.8445 13.6956 13.2378 13.6364 13.3983 13.2775 14.3758 13.7502 13.2414 13.5283 13.5332 12.8677 14.0185 13.7345 13.493 13.425 13.6235 13.174 Q3UHX2 Pdap1 5 145.128769 231887 - 145.128769 145.140024 PDGFA associated protein 1 HASPP28; PAP; PAP1 None None None 15.894 15.612 15.7728 15.577 15.3161 15.9661 16.0272 15.5561 15.812 15.8864 15.5306 14.3937 16.6228 15.4937 15.1898 15.2874 15.6642 15.6144 16.0218 15.7819 15.5856 15.2273 16.0038 16.2588 15.753 15.9817 15.9733 15.6869 14.3608 15.8137 15.6828 15.7248 Q62425 Ndufa4 6 11.900371 17992 - 11.900371 11.907449 Ndufa4, mitochondrial complex associated MLRQ None None None 18.733 19.0344 19.9141 18.7913 18.7197 19.0258 18.6578 18.9595 18.9444 18.775 18.3212 18.4504 19.3486 18.3228 18.9507 19.5845 18.953 18.5774 18.9378 19.5645 20.2705 19.502 19.2471 19.2343 19.8324 19.8584 19.2869 19.6733 19.3511 18.8396 19.0839 18.8631 Q8BH35 C8b 4 104.766316 110382 + 104.766316 104.804547 complement component 8, beta polypeptide 4930439B20Rik; AI595927 None None None 12.8475 11.9408 12.8467 13.006 13.569 14.7148 12.7766 12.0917 13.0801 12.5609 14.2079 14.227 12.4459 12.3827 12.9668 14.2612 13.988 12.7073 11.816 12.9148 12.6453 12.9991 12.611 12.6186 12.4076 13.8741 12.6234 11.9438 12.1464 12.8485 13.31 12.4274 Q91YD9 Wasl 6 24.613809 73178 - 24.613809 24.664994 WASP like actin nucleation promoting factor 2900021I12Rik; 3110031I02Rik; N-WASP None None None 13.9379 13.7595 13.5704 13.7684 13.6418 13.03 13.2237 13.5952 13.6296 13.6383 13.3943 13.4369 13.8606 13.4249 13.4766 13.2448 13.3342 13.6418 13.3176 13.7294 14.1233 13.2576 13.4039 13.5324 13.4657 13.27 14.0274 13.5805 13.4142 13.4115 13.2324 13.0242 Q9QWG2 Gnb2 5 137.528126 14693 - 137.528126 137.533448 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 2 Gnb-2 None None None 19.7362 19.4516 19.3516 19.5645 19.7073 19.2755 19.5751 19.6481 19.5845 19.6053 19.4855 19.7744 19.1315 19.3643 19.5902 19.3671 19.3359 19.6502 18.9618 19.2893 18.9367 19.2363 19.6649 19.4508 18.9579 19.4507 20.0396 19.2751 19.2269 19.0409 19.4992 19.2877 Q99MR1 Gigyf1 5 137.510262 57330 + 137.510262 137.527934 GRB10 interacting GYF protein 1 Perq1; mKIAA4110 None None None 12.5113 12.6848 12.8189 12.2507 12.5584 12.2136 12.4608 13.3002 12.6061 12.4388 12.1596 12.3233 11.7211 12.2384 12.5393 13.1056 12.427 13.0172 11.8041 12.8007 13.7451 12.4645 12.6344 11.9902 12.9156 12.6258 12.4569 11.58 12.3208 12.8135 13.0228 11.7288 Q80WC7 Agfg2 5 137.650462 231801 - 137.650462 137.684805 ArfGAP with FG repeats 2 A630095P14Rik; Hrbl; RAB-R; RABR None None None 13.5658 14.0623 14.0197 14.568 13.4084 14.1906 13.6689 13.3892 14.046 13.8656 13.6871 12.5402 13.8443 12.6687 12.6926 14.1612 13.7641 12.5003 14.1043 13.9884 11.8707 13.8777 14.0766 14.2265 14.1069 13.6773 13.1127 13.2643 13.4873 13.9131 13.3818 12.9105 Q99L13 Hibadh 6 52.546229 58875 - 52.546229 52.640299 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase 6430402H10Rik; AI265272 None None None 17.8769 18.0938 18.5228 17.951 17.7799 17.8239 17.5333 18.2277 17.9459 17.8193 18.0965 18.0435 17.9193 17.5806 17.7441 18.2904 17.7794 18.0239 17.7748 18.0011 19.067 17.9435 17.9895 17.8283 18.3862 18.3828 18.143 18.2511 18.1224 17.6127 18.1202 17.5658 Q9Z247 Fkbp9 6 56.832058 27055 + 56.832058 56.879359 FK506 binding protein 9 1810014L23; AW549641; FKBP-63; FKBP-9; FKBP60; FKBP63; FKBP65RS None None None 15.1265 15.5954 15.3419 15.6814 15.4908 15.5808 15.5966 15.477 15.6753 15.4684 15.3893 15.671 13.5606 15.0557 15.7649 15.7792 15.6078 15.6164 15.7175 15.3079 14.6425 15.4778 15.1921 15.6593 16.0983 15.6061 15.6163 15.4234 15.585 15.7558 15.4458 15.5717 Q7TPZ8 Cpa1 6 30.639217 109697 + 30.639217 30.64536 carboxypeptidase A1, pancreatic 0910001L12Rik; Cpa None None None 12.1032 13.0223 12.441 12.2114 11.7202 12.5592 14.9134 12.1743 13.4547 12.3202 11.7076 12.3233 12.1731 11.8079 12.0872 11.4375 12.0448 12.5251 11.3521 12.8343 12.3166 12.9805 12.5832 11.5381 11.6456 12.1826 12.9089 12.8044 12.1469 11.9125 12.4804 12.9532 Q99P91 Gpnmb 6 49.036517 93695 + 49.036517 49.058181 glycoprotein (transmembrane) nmb DC-HIL; Dchil; ipd None None None 16.3246 11.6687 12.441 17.4039 16.9777 13.7368 12.9864 15.0458 12.5839 12.0041 12.0304 12.3233 11.8502 19.9588 12.4101 13.7178 16.645 12.0098 18.7743 17.2789 12.6394 14.0567 15.9101 15.7417 12.9992 11.8597 12.586 11.4508 11.8241 18.5155 13.7213 17.8553 Q6PFR5 Tra2a 6 49.24392 101214 - 49.24392 49.264247 transformer 2 alpha 1500010G04Rik; AL022798; G430041M01Rik; mAWMS1 None None None 13.7781 15.1527 15.2532 15.0276 15.305 15.306 15.3332 14.8939 15.2039 14.8014 14.978 13.5755 15.6926 15.1626 15.0653 13.6251 15.138 14.6372 15.2422 15.3693 15.0171 15.2678 14.9677 15.0047 15.3823 15.8712 14.9439 12.9603 15.3866 15.0541 14.9301 15.1312 P62774 Mtpn 6 35.508823 14489 - 35.508823 35.539887 myotrophin 5033418D15Rik; Gcdp; V1 None None None 16.8985 17.1112 17.1593 17.2377 17.3273 16.8814 17.0112 17.416 17.3877 17.2948 17.1556 17.9207 18.0944 17.0612 17.6713 17.0832 17.3517 17.281 17.4391 17.3 16.8504 16.9232 17.1985 17.0883 16.9206 16.8125 17.1333 17.017 17.2583 17.5285 17.13 17.531 Q921K8 Tcaf2 6 42.623042 232748 - 42.623042 42.64504 TRPM8 channel-associated factor 2 Fam115c None None None 12.4028 13.8116 13.4299 13.9582 13.5219 13.9775 14.0714 13.2858 13.5796 13.5118 13.3632 12.4725 12.3449 13.2752 13.3334 12.9235 13.4536 13.7182 13.7664 13.4321 13.17 13.477 13.5205 13.5438 12.8669 12.4949 13.5677 13.8396 12.6087 14.0199 13.7216 13.669 Q9DCM2 Gstk1 6 42.245934 76263 + 42.245934 42.25044 glutathione S-transferase kappa 1 0610025I19Rik; AW260476; DsbA-L None None None 16.1745 16.42 16.7496 16.4896 15.5723 16.2179 16.3981 16.093 16.0395 16.0858 15.8169 16.344 14.9763 16.1166 15.8644 16.336 16.2267 16.4809 15.972 15.8859 16.3709 16.2024 16.4338 16.2397 16.4742 16.5991 16.7841 15.9919 16.4457 16.0426 16.0536 16.2559 Q9ESW4 Agk 6 40.325075 69923 + 40.325075 40.397569 acylglycerol kinase 2610037M15Rik; 6720408I04Rik; AI465370; Mulk None None None 13.9036 14.0752 14.4629 14.0044 12.9187 14.1674 14.2487 13.9096 14.2808 13.5809 13.5854 12.9676 14.4983 13.9097 13.8461 13.6142 14.3116 13.698 14.5097 14.4282 14.5077 14.2955 14.1223 13.8522 14.3183 15.1178 13.2147 13.3916 14.2937 14.1295 13.7331 14.2868 Q9CQF9 Pcyox1 6 86.386005 66881 - 86.386005 86.397149 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 1200015P13Rik; AI115532; AI448340; PCL1; Pcly None None None 16.7238 16.9119 16.2837 17.058 16.4113 16.566 16.7443 16.6147 15.9934 17.3064 16.5593 16.8782 15.4402 16.5046 16.6364 16.8354 17.0907 17.0446 15.9659 16.3119 16.1751 16.2893 16.5216 16.5566 15.5785 15.5909 17.075 16.1116 15.8696 16.6748 16.5325 16.2714 P80313 Cct7 6 85.451504 12468 + 85.451504 85.468476 chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 7 (eta) AA408524; AL022769; Ccth; Cctz None None None 18.5078 18.0545 18.0478 18.201 18.2135 18.1289 18.325 18.2536 18.3033 18.2752 18.1105 17.702 19.0187 18.2914 18.1622 18.0717 18.3814 18.3022 18.4719 18.2232 17.8662 18.1913 18.1557 18.0063 17.9323 18.0987 18.3802 18.2137 17.9565 18.3226 18.2821 18.1891 Q80UM7 Mogs 6 83.115505 57377 + 83.115505 83.118901 mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase 1810017N02Rik; AI181835; Gcs1 None None None 15.291 14.6738 14.6806 14.4379 15.1403 15.0483 15.0799 14.7273 15.1634 14.5518 14.6821 14.6912 16.0572 15.2875 15.2967 14.4373 15.162 14.7213 15.0433 15.0766 14.8667 14.6954 14.5341 14.8914 14.9014 15.0099 14.571 14.3489 15.3156 15.2293 14.7044 15.4813 Q9D338 Mrpl19 6 81.957825 56284 - 81.957825 81.965948 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L19 9030416F12Rik; 9130412E02Rik; D6Ertd157e; MRP-L15; RLX1; Rpml15 None None None 12.6185 12.2468 12.926 12.6698 13.8747 12.6048 13.2174 13.3499 12.7233 13.4118 13.3713 13.0238 11.8801 13.3821 14.4262 12.9969 13.199 12.988 12.6083 13.0351 13.8161 12.7579 12.3407 14.7698 13.1152 12.9686 13.7617 14.8611 13.041 13.1619 13.1296 13.822 P53996 Cnbp 6 87.842614 12785 - 87.842614 87.851105 cellular nucleic acid binding protein AA408710; Cnbp1; Znf9 None None None 14.7974 14.9797 15.15 15.0949 15.4992 15.0941 14.7548 15.1781 15.367 14.3693 15.1604 15.2082 16.4811 15.3874 15.0447 14.8824 15.1149 15.4062 15.4122 15.0789 15.2899 15.2385 15.2525 14.6611 14.6535 14.947 13.5447 15.2294 14.6325 15.3611 15.1878 15.5939 Q91YQ5 Rpn1 6 88.084472 103963 + 88.084472 88.105303 ribophorin I AU018702; D6Wsu137e; Rpn-1 None None None 19.0279 18.7529 18.2037 18.7303 19.1252 18.9349 18.9144 18.5996 18.8815 18.8044 19.2385 19.7359 18.4532 18.6947 18.3709 19.6637 18.8612 18.6844 18.782 19.2135 18.6075 18.652 18.871 19.1041 19.0757 19.099 19.0045 19.0913 17.2541 18.7645 18.5827 18.9823 P60122 Ruvbl1 6 88.465408 56505 + 88.465408 88.497565 RuvB-like protein 1 2510009G06Rik; Pontin52; Tip49a None None None 14.8131 14.228 14.3958 14.2347 14.8596 14.548 14.784 14.512 14.7381 14.3179 14.5974 14.1651 16.0015 14.6787 14.6519 14.1788 14.4274 14.2656 14.4853 14.3821 14.2732 14.7277 14.5342 14.2629 14.7221 14.8491 13.8057 13.8445 14.5985 14.5721 14.3356 14.8897 P61620 Sec61a1 6 88.503606 53421 - 88.503606 88.518799 Sec61 alpha 1 subunit (S. cerevisiae) AA408394; AA410007; Sec61a None None None 17.6245 16.4828 16.8634 16.7915 17.2421 16.9373 16.9926 17.0214 17.1899 16.8286 16.9719 17.1746 18.4151 17.1929 17.149 16.8097 17.1503 17.1409 17.3747 17.262 16.6055 16.9886 16.6025 17.0057 16.5617 16.7677 16.6038 16.8912 16.6536 17.31 16.8596 17.1224 Q9QY81 Nup210 6 91.013066 54563 - 91.013066 91.118321 nucleoporin 210 9830001L10; AI836801; Pom210; gp190; gp210 None None None 13.0478 12.6085 12.0485 12.9914 13.1731 12.0361 12.5483 13.4723 13.157 12.6039 12.4076 13.1718 15.3377 12.965 13.0325 12.5474 12.7822 12.5983 12.5915 12.419 11.8781 12.8495 12.2767 12.5674 12.7641 12.305 13.5213 12.2856 12.3985 12.6754 12.5379 13.0149 Q9DBS1 Tmem43 6 91.473706 74122 + 91.473706 91.488462 transmembrane protein 43 1200015A22Rik; LUMA None None None 18.75 19.0623 18.4609 18.8972 18.7656 19.2865 19.2797 18.6237 18.7112 18.9374 18.8246 18.3762 17.1578 19.2573 19.023 18.7717 18.6879 19.1699 18.4072 18.2313 18.2706 18.4493 18.9972 19.0882 18.3803 18.5561 19.4573 18.8436 19.0627 18.5447 19.1297 18.6196 Q9CQW2 Arl8b 6 108.783058 67166 + 108.783058 108.823722 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8B 2610313E07Rik; 3100002J04Rik; Arl10c; gie1 None None None 17.4088 17.2543 16.7049 17.2376 17.002 16.9214 16.9261 16.8011 17.1348 17.0678 16.9095 17.1704 17.3873 17.2269 16.9142 16.7164 17.2592 17.2259 17.4882 17.2182 16.6153 16.887 17.0351 17.3703 16.5629 16.8154 17.0348 17.0348 17.1425 17.6389 17.2187 17.1873 Q6GQT1 A2m 6 121.636164 232345 + 121.636164 121.679237 alpha-2-macroglobulin A2mp None None None 12.0014 12.6406 12.1986 11.9045 12.1897 12.0363 11.9018 12.1092 11.6142 12.2437 12.4647 13.2545 13.0082 12.4862 12.2086 11.6875 12.4588 12.3242 12.7415 12.9154 11.9149 12.3996 12.5213 12.3205 12.5387 12.6436 11.599 12.748 12.4318 11.9165 12.5171 12.3023 Q99KX1 Mlf2 6 124.931387 30853 + 124.931387 124.936148 myeloid leukemia factor 2 AI256856; AU018944; C77284 None None None 12.4806 12.3304 12.441 12.0666 11.7202 12.1312 11.6784 12.1743 12.2181 12.3404 11.5627 12.337 12.8146 11.9528 12.2276 11.8738 12.0931 12.0857 12.8837 12.5183 12.1717 11.6263 12.7694 11.3933 11.6657 12.3274 11.3773 12.5482 12.2918 11.7676 12.5967 12.8084 Q9D0J8 Ptms 6 124.913674 69202 - 124.913674 124.917945 parathymosin 2610009E16Rik None None None 17.328 16.4445 16.8403 16.3697 16.2254 16.7215 16.493 17.1842 16.4122 16.6681 16.9475 15.935 17.2068 16.7913 15.8359 16.7851 16.4629 17.0617 16.6059 16.5674 17.1755 17.4654 16.5719 16.6497 16.2812 16.1588 17.1064 16.8521 16.0807 16.8239 16.7478 16.6813 P28665 Mug1 6 121.838495 17836 + 121.838495 121.889056 murinoglobulin 1 None None None 19.009 17.7927 18.3411 18.1842 18.9335 19.1212 18.1318 18.11 17.9807 18.0093 19.1098 19.3817 17.1267 17.4082 18.6277 18.4019 18.846 18.5325 16.6995 18.5389 18.1837 18.844 18.0469 18.276 17.4507 17.6535 18.3645 17.763 16.3151 17.5161 18.6403 18.1522 Q2VLH6 Cd163 6 124.304635 93671 + 124.304635 124.330528 CD163 antigen CD163v2; CD163v3 None None None 13.7797 15.4105 15.8019 13.6328 16.1399 16.3971 16.3233 14.8836 16.0324 14.4002 15.6025 13.5145 15.1302 14.4081 15.7599 15.2628 15.959 14.3895 15.2046 14.4257 15.3603 16.5779 15.0631 15.3344 15.8877 15.9568 14.9232 15.8709 13.0935 15.0012 15.1217 15.1401 Q91V08 Clec2d 6 129.180614 93694 + 129.180614 129.186534 C-type lectin domain family 2, member d Clr-b; Clrb; Ocil None None None 13.5414 15.4914 13.8082 13.07 15.5181 14.134 13.8391 15.0985 14.6326 14.6391 15.5324 15.426 16.1429 13.0624 14.4744 13.3548 14.9537 14.737 14.4117 14.4395 13.8191 13.847 13.1747 14.1022 14.683 14.6933 13.8567 13.0937 15.6638 14.9025 14.833 15.4018 Q8R3R8 Gabarapl1 6 129.533191 57436 + 129.533191 129.54233 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor-associated protein-like 1 3110025G09Rik; 9130422N19Rik; AI196471; Apg8l; Atg8l; GECI; MNCb-0091 None None None 12.6113 14.0494 12.777 13.8311 12.6117 12.2008 12.804 12.7109 13.2917 13.4001 12.9197 12.6827 11.8636 12.2287 12.965 12.6086 12.1887 12.2462 11.5987 11.6632 12.3107 13.408 13.4625 11.4126 12.3911 13.2396 12.8042 11.8229 13.7069 13.2976 12.8447 11.674 Q99MI1 Erc1 6 119.570795 111173 - 119.570795 119.848183 ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 1 4930404L01Rik; 5033405M01Rik; 9630025C19Rik; B430107L16Rik; CAST2; ELKS; Elks1; RAB6IP2A; RAB6IP2B; Rab6ip2; mKIAA1081 None None None 13.7601 13.8168 13.7119 13.3426 14.2855 14.2468 14.3208 14.2143 13.8247 14.334 13.9783 12.3434 12.6163 13.9268 13.5072 13.358 14.0627 13.6233 13.9034 13.1655 12.3559 13.89 13.6497 13.9314 13.2512 13.7408 14.176 13.9192 13.9955 13.7853 13.9741 13.0054 Q9JKB3 Ybx3 6 131.364857 56449 - 131.364857 131.388449 Y box protein 3 Csda; Dpba; MSY3; MSY4; Yb2; dbpA; oxyR None None None 14.5689 14.337 14.2996 14.0951 13.7223 13.9191 13.7993 13.7901 13.8553 14.162 13.9362 12.9252 14.5437 13.9513 13.8648 13.7491 13.8638 14.0605 13.8263 14.0902 14.417 13.7322 13.8997 14.107 13.8292 14.0683 13.8452 14.0426 13.7144 14.1735 14.0554 13.9548 Q8VCI0 Plbd1 6 136.61207 66857 - 136.61207 136.662302 phospholipase B domain containing 1 1100001H23Rik None None None 15.1861 14.3843 15.3124 14.1174 14.726 14.3586 15.048 14.1228 15.2484 14.5316 14.5662 15.2308 17.2467 14.6367 15.2229 13.3828 14.6901 13.6571 14.3543 13.9894 15.0171 14.774 14.4597 14.9419 15.3102 14.8311 13.9602 14.992 13.9548 14.5012 14.6526 15.4027 Q61599 Arhgdib 6 136.923654 11857 - 136.923654 136.941898 Rho, GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) beta D4; Gdid4; Ly-GDI None None None 16.416 15.975 16.3852 15.8596 16.6028 16.4735 16.5056 16.3022 16.9634 15.9835 16.3759 14.9191 18.9578 16.0452 15.8549 15.759 16.1556 15.9154 16.4231 15.9497 16.1429 15.6414 16.5557 16.4103 16.9787 16.6295 15.3586 16.1035 16.7013 16.0514 16.1455 16.7929 Q8VCB3 Gys2 6 142.422611 232493 - 142.422611 142.473129 glycogen synthase 2 BC021322; LGS None None None 13.0702 12.9145 12.5761 11.6405 11.9793 12.353 12.7719 12.6428 12.4302 12.3296 12.2667 12.2458 11.8738 12.2829 12.127 12.285 12.8171 11.9596 13.5662 13.2066 12.3595 12.1307 11.8745 12.691 12.097 12.348 11.7772 12.1191 12.2238 13.6649 12.7289 12.1235 Q9CR60 Golt1b 6 142.38721 66964 + 142.38721 142.413834 golgi transport 1B 2310061A22Rik; AA407874; AU024291; CGI-141 None None None 14.6802 14.6391 14.3748 15.1969 14.6179 14.7662 14.9409 14.7386 14.4542 14.933 14.6 14.1624 14.1273 14.986 14.576 14.4997 14.9341 14.958 14.9627 14.8384 14.2207 14.6047 14.7096 14.8554 14.1437 14.1634 14.7437 14.8243 14.6131 15.3645 14.611 14.7329 P16125 Ldhb 6 142.490248 16832 - 142.490248 142.507956 lactate dehydrogenase B AI790582; H-Ldh; LDH-B; LDH-H; Ldh-2; Ldh2 None None None 18.6303 18.6846 18.4666 16.8985 17.5528 17.8942 18.504 18.5977 18.3498 18.025 17.9343 18.3335 18.1362 17.2664 18.1351 19.15 17.5434 17.8513 17.3348 17.3124 19.9338 18.6813 17.9345 17.2324 18.9655 17.6186 17.9794 18.4283 17.88 17.5652 18.0915 17.6679 P97770 Thumpd3 6 113.046301 14911 + 113.046301 113.068277 THUMP domain containing 3 AW556087; Gt(ROSA)26asSor; Gtrosa26as None None None 12.4093 12.662 12.7209 12.5688 12.0038 12.496 12.3458 12.5663 12.4481 12.8644 12.3116 12.2401 14.143 12.0458 12.841 12.3618 12.6741 12.9518 12.2997 12.5806 11.9693 12.5751 12.6185 12.4225 12.3182 12.5571 12.3235 12.5204 12.8017 12.5574 12.7339 13.4517 P32883 Kras 6 145.216698 16653 - 145.216698 145.250419 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog AI929937; K-Ras; K-Ras 2; K-ras; Ki-ras; Kras-2; Kras2; c-K-ras; c-Ki-ras; p21B; ras None None None 12.4277 14.1741 14.2948 14.6202 14.1637 14.8113 14.5451 13.831 14.618 14.3241 14.2934 14.0984 13.1512 14.6528 13.871 13.9851 14.1881 14.3947 13.9691 14.0498 14.1846 14.575 15.1247 14.0047 14.3348 14.5654 14.3091 14.2527 14.1905 13.7519 14.1662 14.2726 P24288 Bcat1 6 144.993834 12035 - 144.993834 145.076156 branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic BCATc; Eca39 None None None 13.1675 11.8994 11.8909 12.3676 12.6117 12.2008 12.7557 11.8044 12.5839 11.6397 12.8714 12.8548 11.6195 12.277 11.5451 12.5604 12.2048 11.5335 11.3161 11.7114 12.2624 12.7057 11.2444 11.3644 12.7685 11.9023 12.8524 11.6815 11.938 12.6665 11.6503 11.6258 Q91YS8 Camk1 6 113.334123 52163 - 113.334123 113.343921 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I AI505105; CaMKIalpha; Camk; D6Ertd263e None None None 14.4935 14.5231 13.9996 14.6975 13.9735 14.6215 14.6428 14.2636 13.9013 13.7803 14.26 13.7809 13.6197 14.5564 14.336 13.9158 14.5539 14.693 14.1488 14.4393 13.6612 13.7878 14.0908 14.3253 13.7726 13.6691 14.4306 14.472 14.5788 14.5236 14.2871 14.2913 Q99KK2 Cmas 6 142.756685 12764 + 142.756685 142.775713 cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase AW208911; CMPNeu5Ac; D6Bwg0250e None None None 13.2124 13.6401 14.1014 13.5374 14.287 13.1519 14.1564 13.4229 14.1377 13.4295 14.2707 14.3469 14.8065 13.3782 13.3765 13.3227 13.7028 12.7747 14.3475 13.7669 12.8039 13.7443 14.0605 13.9351 14.1331 13.5133 12.973 12.5227 14.366 13.699 13.5543 14.596 Q91XD7 Creld1 6 113.483355 171508 + 113.483355 113.493342 cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 1 AI843811; i11E7 None None None 16.2256 16.3289 15.798 16.2969 15.9692 16.3297 16.3553 16.143 15.8571 16.3453 15.8611 16.3475 14.5281 16.4772 16.176 16.0241 16.1624 16.6738 16.2445 16.2411 15.6477 15.3681 16.374 16.3687 15.5961 15.7261 16.7648 16.0819 15.859 16.3009 16.1479 16.2054 Q99KI3 Emc3 6 113.514886 66087 - 113.514886 113.531637 ER membrane protein complex subunit 3 0610039A15Rik; AI225901; AW260416; Pob; Tmem111 None None None 12.315 14.3457 13.8852 14.1792 13.4598 14.243 14.6389 13.5265 14.2122 14.2041 13.7374 13.7361 13.1389 13.9757 13.425 12.988 14.258 13.8925 14.5745 14.5712 13.5349 13.6418 14.3974 14.0732 13.884 14.1283 13.9374 13.5675 14.331 14.2787 13.9101 13.6542 Q9D1M0 Sec13 6 113.728051 110379 - 113.728051 113.74068 SEC13 homolog, nuclear pore and COPII coat complex component 1110003H02Rik; Sec13l1; Sec13r None None None 16.0815 15.959 15.9436 16.0682 15.9338 15.9424 16.046 16.1166 16.1487 16.0049 15.9016 16.3403 16.4837 16.115 16.1168 15.7339 16.1655 15.8864 16.3379 16.0145 15.5864 15.9586 16.0734 15.955 15.6927 16.0193 15.838 15.7576 15.9002 16.2254 16.0098 16.125 Q9D8L5 Ccdc91 6 147.47587 67015 + 147.47587 147.632612 coiled-coil domain containing 91 1700086G08Rik; 1810060J02Rik; AU045683; AW555238; p56 None None None 13.2067 11.9532 13.2524 14.2672 12.5133 12.7208 13.2079 12.971 12.5137 12.456 13.3232 12.1848 11.7254 13.7235 12.1826 12.8398 13.2496 12.8003 13.42 13.1343 12.9701 12.6809 11.9171 13.0586 12.9098 12.4464 12.2886 13.0005 12.3706 13.1125 13.0791 13.2977 Q9D906 Atg7 6 114.643126 74244 + 114.643126 114.860603 autophagy related 7 1810013K23Rik; Agp7; Apg7l; Atg7l; Gm21553 None None None 14.6944 15.4348 15.3904 15.5885 15.3372 15.6327 15.7431 15.1844 15.3562 15.4103 15.3677 14.9284 14.6118 15.6605 15.0337 15.0752 15.263 15.44 15.8672 15.4347 14.448 15.0223 15.6332 15.3532 15.026 15.6752 14.887 15.0687 15.6881 15.6476 15.3731 15.8756 Q3TUH1 Tamm41 6 115.00438 68971 - 115.00438 115.037928 TAM41 mitochondrial translocator assembly and maintenance homolog 1500001M20Rik; TAM41 None None None 12.8861 12.3197 14.0625 11.4541 14.1851 12.2008 11.8422 13.5571 12.39 13.7025 11.9579 12.0086 15.5674 14.2427 13.4807 13.5565 13.3358 13.0511 14.3078 12.5076 14.5493 14.2945 13.8616 14.0171 11.6764 12.8159 14.6537 12.5376 12.8515 11.753 13.7743 14.141 P40240 Cd9 6 125.460265 12527 - 125.460265 125.494759 CD9 antigen Tspan29 None None None 17.0253 16.5465 16.235 17.2305 16.5563 16.1954 15.9912 16.1784 16.3534 16.3495 16.5495 16.1694 15.5267 17.0894 16.4298 15.4395 16.9538 16.753 16.6792 16.4252 17.2529 16.4969 16.262 15.8933 16.959 15.2819 15.3901 15.9953 16.5899 16.8725 16.4185 16.8246 Q05512 Mark2 19 7.275395 13728 - 7.275395 7.341859 MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 2 EMK-1; Emk; Par-1; Par-1b None None None 12.6517 13.9777 12.719 14.3932 13.3714 13.8251 14.2602 13.044 14.283 13.0822 14.0388 13.1354 14.6552 14.1191 13.7795 13.5742 14.0822 12.8622 14.2469 14.4858 12.795 13.7905 14.1909 12.9035 12.4576 14.3682 12.374 12.7442 14.6663 14.6879 13.8689 14.5165 O70622 Rtn2 7 19.282623 20167 + 19.282623 19.296163 reticulon 2 (Z-band associated protein) MMS10-P; Ms10p; NSPLI; Nspl1 None None None 14.5611 15.5296 13.4101 14.3441 13.9009 13.9163 13.54 14.3389 13.3122 13.9631 11.6954 12.4201 11.6318 13.6353 13.2068 13.5597 13.8456 13.8868 13.8869 14.4503 12.7915 12.2063 13.6272 14.6215 12.6164 11.5958 14.0849 13.8054 11.7055 14.1566 14.0916 13.349 P70460 Vasp 7 19.256928 22323 - 19.256928 19.271853 vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein None None None 14.4705 14.1764 14.0087 13.7686 14.5667 14.0812 13.9831 13.9842 14.42 14.0639 13.7875 13.7396 16.4304 14.0206 14.2958 13.6105 13.9951 13.5359 14.3699 13.9966 14.1721 13.9129 14.1546 13.9057 14.3791 13.6995 14.1044 13.336 14.0993 14.2838 14.0327 14.3248 Q8BH73 Qpctl 7 19.140216 67369 - 19.140216 19.149195 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like 1810019P04Rik; BB101812; gQC None None None 12.8197 11.583 12.1941 12.4022 12.8113 12.2107 12.3935 12.0223 12.6481 13.466 12.4631 13.6019 11.9559 11.9472 12.4362 12.999 12.1991 13.1704 11.566 13.265 12.3967 13.1802 12.8203 11.7008 11.9768 11.5859 12.7757 12.4703 13.5017 13.107 12.3159 11.9621 P54265 Dmpk 7 19.083645 13400 + 19.083645 19.09382 dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase DM; DMK; Dm15; MDPK; MT-PK None None None 11.6511 12.702 12.441 11.8912 11.7202 12.9102 11.9531 12.1743 12.7001 12.4803 11.3873 11.4851 12.4933 12.1282 12.3258 11.7578 12.8054 12.2049 12.7083 12.5141 11.9963 12.4645 12.2629 12.8944 14.9281 12.5028 11.5527 12.4841 12.4672 11.5923 12.9377 12.633 O88593 Pglyrp1 7 18.884689 21946 + 18.884689 18.890437 peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 PGRP; PGRP-S; Pglyrp; Tag7; Tasg7; Tnfsf3l None None None 12.6544 12.2082 11.8909 14.2087 12.8025 12.2008 12.4469 11.8062 12.1648 12.0711 12.5626 12.2016 13.5709 12.6219 12.2579 13.9282 12.3077 11.408 12.2145 12.0203 11.9536 12.6423 11.7692 12.732 12.4596 12.2112 12.0465 11.9903 12.961 12.3577 12.0292 12.9934 P41105 Rpl28 7 4.792964 19943 + 4.792964 4.794546 ribosomal protein L28 D7Wsu21e None None None 17.6852 17.4816 17.5221 17.5414 17.4148 17.9325 17.1143 17.4459 17.8041 17.6362 16.991 17.8611 18.5227 17.7841 17.8223 17.1569 17.8778 17.5717 18.04 17.6168 16.9664 17.4064 17.4808 17.6763 17.541 17.4373 17.5824 17.3385 17.7478 18.0663 17.6837 17.8182 Q9D114 Hddc3 7 80.343074 68695 + 80.343074 80.346715 HD domain containing 3 1110033O09Rik; C86475; MESH1 None None None 11.5724 12.9382 13.1113 12.8529 11.4515 12.8537 11.717 12.1743 11.7457 12.4232 11.8327 12.0933 12.2572 12.6915 12.0031 11.5216 11.9922 13.2297 12.9444 12.7502 12.2325 11.6263 12.4991 11.454 13.2118 13.916 12.993 12.7203 12.231 11.8284 12.4904 12.2634 P59016 Vps33b 7 80.26962 233405 + 80.26962 80.291578 vacuolar protein sorting 33B None None None 13.1034 12.5389 12.58 12.3111 12.7794 12.2452 14.5347 12.1467 12.2769 12.2762 11.8965 12.387 13.5351 12.3165 12.3685 12.7627 12.8743 12.4482 12.5461 12.5021 12.262 11.7294 12.4843 11.8779 11.9984 12.3271 11.8639 12.4381 12.1909 13.0091 12.7636 12.4095 Q3UER4 Pex11a 7 79.735956 18631 - 79.735956 79.74313 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 alpha PEX11alpha None None None 12.5439 14.5373 15.4529 14.6334 12.5182 15.4621 12.3379 12.0252 13.6857 12.2413 12.3366 12.5168 12.4616 14.8001 12.1242 12.5238 14.827 12.6682 14.7912 13.5846 12.5612 12.7862 11.8281 11.8829 14.5615 14.7565 12.4381 12.4228 11.7363 14.5757 13.4609 14.8847 Q8CGN5 Plin1 7 79.721163 103968 - 79.721163 79.732903 perilipin 1 6030432J05Rik; Peri; Plin None None None 22.0617 22.6741 22.0609 22.7045 22.2845 22.1193 22.162 21.795 22.3019 22.5508 22.017 22.0317 20.2038 21.9956 22.4727 22.2082 22.0393 22.3667 21.5216 21.6071 21.9056 22.2657 22.9314 22.2415 22.1692 22.1551 23.1794 21.6433 22.6077 21.7393 22.4964 21.7962 P43135 Nr2f2 7 70.351945 11819 - 70.351945 70.366745 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 2700033K02Rik; 9430015G03Rik; ARP-1; Aporp1; COUP-TF2; COUP-TFII; COUPTFB; EAR3; SVP40; Tcfcoup2 None None None 11.9609 12.1134 12.7291 12.9242 11.9937 12.1312 11.8954 12.1576 12.1672 12.3279 11.7797 12.12 11.3552 11.7204 12.4896 12.0908 12.0208 12.6105 12.1071 12.3013 12.819 12.5304 12.5524 11.921 11.8827 12.1104 12.2958 12.3312 11.3814 11.5467 12.2783 12.4173 P97821 Ctsc 7 88.278023 13032 + 88.278023 88.31586 cathepsin C AI047818; CatC; DPP1; DPPI None None None 14.8047 14.4307 15.3278 14.9611 15.8206 14.8022 14.8732 14.9283 15.6219 14.3741 15.1008 16.45 17.1988 14.9888 15.7019 14.271 15.3253 14.3162 15.3605 14.69 14.4304 15.3227 14.895 14.23 15.5899 16.0372 13.7765 14.6825 15.7603 15.7071 14.7941 16.3038 Q6ZWN9 PSMC4 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q6ZWN9 None None None 15.1195 14.3827 14.367 14.4621 14.5285 14.5825 14.643 14.5255 14.3623 14.5497 14.368 13.5735 15.1865 14.7169 14.4405 14.1995 14.4412 14.481 14.7304 14.3298 14.1951 14.3012 14.2811 14.4003 14.0718 14.3143 14.3834 14.4426 14.3527 14.9077 14.3738 14.8057 Q9EQI8 Mrpl46 7 78.77534 67308 - 78.77534 78.783088 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L46 3110052F15Rik; C15orf4; C80107; LIECG2; P2ECSL None None None 12.6708 12.7804 12.4999 12.7545 12.7484 12.8823 12.9527 12.6347 12.7976 12.7157 13.2619 12.5044 11.846 13.3954 13.0242 12.5718 12.4076 12.2462 11.777 13.0039 13.1227 12.0206 12.9544 12.7558 13.3495 13.4991 12.6259 12.8294 11.7115 12.893 12.6092 11.8523 P35505 Fah 7 84.585158 14085 - 84.585158 84.605941 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase swst None None None 12.6665 14.7746 12.4973 13.3001 13.3077 13.1819 13.1359 12.7421 13.4064 13.8993 13.0995 13.1957 12.0304 12.7119 13.1406 13.8841 13.4407 13.562 12.217 12.9265 13.4401 14.5432 13.453 14.4161 12.9926 12.1448 14.5185 14.0071 15.9081 12.3412 13.0929 12.0305 Q62421 Sh3gl3 7 82.173807 20408 + 82.173807 82.307419 SH3-domain GRB2-like 3 EEN-B2; SH3P13; Sh3d2c; Sh3d2c2 None None None 15.9902 14.1178 15.0085 15.2244 15.0997 14.4436 12.1733 15.4482 13.7494 12.5658 16.0351 14.4313 15.0603 16.297 13.7571 14.458 14.7143 15.8954 13.2129 12.8385 15.9307 14.7755 12.0428 13.8339 14.271 12.3605 12.8916 14.6996 15.4113 14.3481 13.74 14.7959 Q923S9 Rab30 7 92.741636 75985 + 92.741636 92.844534 RAB30, member RAS oncogene family 5033421K01Rik; AI323892; Rsb30 None None None 11.6375 11.767 11.836 12.1391 11.5151 12.5356 11.9864 11.8679 11.983 11.7936 11.6784 11.794 12.6692 11.5363 11.5589 11.0586 12.1025 11.9629 12.7491 12.5549 12.0372 11.3789 11.6907 12.2369 11.8862 11.6185 11.557 12.2846 10.8597 12.2837 12.0249 12.2085 Q9CQ54 Ndufc2 7 97.400002 68197 + 97.400002 97.407799 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2 1810004I06Rik; 2010300P09Rik; G1; R75094 None None None 15.7943 15.5985 16.4169 15.4631 15.6637 15.6372 15.0316 15.9954 15.5066 15.6532 15.7037 16.0703 16.5226 15.2198 15.9965 16.3931 15.5932 15.2775 14.7978 15.9308 17.872 16.1582 15.5542 15.695 16.2367 15.7144 16.3181 16.8366 15.8855 15.392 15.9484 14.6261 Q9JKW0 Arl6ip1 7 118.118889 54208 - 118.118889 118.129624 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 1 AIP-6; AL022945; ARMER; AU042858; Aip-1; Arl6ip; C85138; mKIAA0069 None None None 16.7803 17.7324 16.9577 17.0724 15.6898 16.9783 17.2659 16.6286 17.0892 16.9988 16.7576 15.6905 16.8312 17.1061 16.159 16.8466 17.1404 17.1907 17.7079 17.0445 12.545 16.7405 17.0193 17.1641 16.5796 17.0226 16.5342 16.2609 16.9027 17.1648 17.4085 17.4561 P81117 Nucb2 7 116.504351 53322 + 116.504351 116.540587 nucleobindin 2 AI607786; Calnuc; Nefa; Nesfatin-1 None None None 15.5367 14.6424 15.113 15.2771 15.4415 14.8139 14.6841 15.5983 15.0657 15.1316 14.6983 15.7892 15.6954 14.8958 15.4462 14.639 14.9859 15.1603 15.3068 15.0982 14.2208 14.7594 14.5729 15.159 15.2503 14.6857 15.3291 14.8256 15.499 15.3124 15.1519 15.1694 Q61409 Pde3b 7 114.415221 18576 + 114.415221 114.537937 phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited 9830102A01Rik; AI847709 None None None 13.4962 14.6057 14.6024 14.7045 14.1213 14.0058 14.2456 14.484 14.3095 14.7293 14.4465 14.781 12.8693 14.6136 14.6059 13.4607 14.2303 14.7661 13.7879 14.1726 13.8695 14.5481 14.7084 14.435 14.4182 15.3788 14.9194 14.1274 15.1364 14.1806 14.5741 13.5771 P97457 Mylpf 7 127.208847 17907 + 127.208847 127.214287 myosin light chain, phosphorylatable, fast skeletal muscle 2410014J02Rik; MLC-2; Mlc2 None None None 12.4848 20.9428 14.5519 12.6557 15.1208 12.1749 14.1716 14.4109 14.8304 13.0509 12.0684 12.1544 11.6999 12.1064 12.4093 12.3635 12.1182 12.1309 12.0839 12.1118 12.6903 13.0217 12.1781 14.4324 12.2551 13.2536 12.2639 12.0632 11.7915 12.448 13.8084 11.8638 Q91X91 Qprt 7 127.107769 67375 - 127.107769 127.122028 quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase 2410027J01Rik; AI647766; QPRTase None None None 12.6724 10.9861 12.456 12.4212 11.8238 12.1312 10.5416 11.483 12.4488 11.7184 12.2828 12.8176 13.6292 12.2234 12.8222 11.7751 11.5121 12.0857 10.6971 11.5233 12.8918 12.4645 12.0494 12.1133 10.811 11.6073 12.7989 11.8282 11.4848 11.6332 11.4626 11.3547 Q9EQK5 Mvp 7 126.986859 78388 - 126.986859 127.014593 major vault protein 2310009M24Rik; LRP; VAULT1 None None None 17.9897 17.4314 17.1753 17.3872 17.4117 17.3634 17.3194 17.5256 17.1973 17.7493 16.7629 17.9285 17.5782 17.7577 17.8032 17.2323 17.7149 17.7754 18.1244 17.6858 16.5746 16.8023 17.2866 17.5975 16.6018 16.8447 17.464 17.2201 17.6334 18.0785 17.6485 17.7389 Q8VDP6 Cdipt 7 126.976457 52858 + 126.976457 126.980498 CDP-diacylglycerol--inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase (phosphatidylinositol synthase) 9530042F15Rik; D7Bwg0575e; Pis; Pis1 None None None 15.2162 14.4263 13.9882 14.2323 14.9028 14.1405 14.364 15.2356 14.3924 14.8684 13.9855 14.9301 15.3694 14.1239 14.7263 14.7616 14.6573 14.8133 13.552 14.9113 14.3572 14.3495 14.0436 14.0449 13.4505 13.4376 15.1092 14.4175 14.2321 14.7992 14.6938 13.5769 P05064 Aldoa 7 126.795233 11674 - 126.795233 126.800993 aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate Aldo-1; Aldo1 None None None 21.0902 21.4856 21.1954 20.748 20.2096 20.7161 21.2083 20.8947 20.6643 21.1994 20.756 20.8022 20.0806 20.7509 20.797 20.4549 20.8469 21.2311 21.5176 21.0904 20.7055 20.0241 20.795 21.1239 20.4786 20.6638 21.2186 20.9174 20.6967 21.1907 20.8625 20.6063 P97470 Ppp4c 7 126.785865 56420 - 126.785865 126.792556 protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit 1110002D08Rik; AU016079; PP-X; PP4C; Ppx; pp4 None None None 13.6368 13.3037 14.1939 14.1608 14.2242 13.6849 14.2627 13.9147 14.1751 13.7048 14.1562 13.9878 15.0636 13.2426 14.2989 13.4874 14.2352 13.4656 14.3868 13.8372 13.4473 13.9077 14.0875 14.0262 13.0777 14.3709 12.7679 13.7949 14.7258 14.3541 14.0137 14.9109 O89053 Coro1a 7 126.699773 12721 - 126.699773 126.704815 coronin, actin binding protein 1A Clabp; Lmb3; TACO; p57 None None None 19.0706 17.006 17.5661 17.8921 19.5019 17.4039 17.0996 18.2592 18.7171 17.939 17.3133 18.4873 21.8539 18.9853 18.1921 17.2877 18.3066 17.9329 19.0309 18.3161 17.1691 17.0244 17.8833 18.0929 19.0649 17.2887 16.829 17.6443 18.812 18.9181 17.7215 19.5266 Q8BVQ5 Ppme1 7 100.326736 72590 - 100.326736 100.371895 protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 1110069N17Rik; 2700017M01Rik; PME-1; Pme1 None None None 13.1985 13.2759 13.0784 13.029 14.3538 13.1458 13.286 13.8271 14.7455 14.6443 13.1924 12.9467 14.8028 13.3433 13.7189 13.9016 13.6579 13.8913 13.5648 14.6668 12.9929 13.4984 13.4642 13.541 13.4821 13.8537 13.556 13.4632 13.4 13.4363 13.8663 13.993 Q9D009 Lipt2 7 100.159276 67164 + 100.159276 100.16093 lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 2 (putative) 2610209A20Rik None None None 11.7372 13.2726 14.0527 12.0781 11.7434 14.1562 12.4594 13.1273 12.3666 12.3468 14.0866 12.1884 14.115 12.1462 12.1137 12.8109 13.2785 12.292 12.7367 12.867 13.8645 13.0348 13.564 12.1743 13.8899 13.7619 12.4988 13.8441 13.7763 12.344 13.49 12.6614 Q8R429 Atp2a1 7 126.445857 11937 - 126.445857 126.463102 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, fast twitch 1 SERCA1 None None None 18.3066 20.5779 18.0828 17.9205 18.1932 17.9305 18.096 18.4474 18.6058 18.1066 18.1049 18.1026 17.9498 18.001 17.9566 18.213 17.8023 17.9342 17.9303 17.9488 18.47 17.8557 18.2038 17.9459 17.8454 17.7079 18.0368 17.9664 18.0655 17.8771 18.1189 17.8697 Q8R1B4 Eif3c 7 126.54691 56347 - 126.54691 126.566365 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C 110kDa; 3230401O13Rik; Eif3s8; NIPIL(A3); NipilA3; Xs; Xsl None None None 17.0648 16.7008 16.5784 16.8246 16.7966 16.7495 16.6209 16.8422 16.9742 16.7443 16.5783 16.3037 17.8328 16.8773 16.8374 16.6436 16.7784 16.755 16.93 16.7292 16.2628 16.6848 16.6195 16.5786 16.5787 16.6432 16.5488 16.4726 16.5369 16.8092 16.7432 16.7578 Q8R0G7 Spns1 7 126.370059 73658 - 126.370059 126.377933 spinster homolog 1 2210013K02Rik; Spin1; Spinl None None None 12.4171 11.6223 11.2369 11.9458 12.4034 11.6615 11.5527 12.0458 11.8274 12.1999 11.2377 12.2463 12.6706 11.6431 11.9718 12.191 12.1644 12.3072 10.3708 12.3994 11.1119 11.867 11.1866 11.342 10.1754 10.467 12.3091 10.8896 11.3731 12.4829 11.913 11.7116 Q5YLW3 Rps3 7 99.477895 27050 - 99.477895 99.483708 ribosomal protein S3 D7Ertd795e; Rs_3 None None None 19.7273 19.1211 19.2625 19.0799 19.4365 19.3244 19.4031 19.1999 19.5341 19.1738 18.9804 19.5089 20.3844 19.3859 19.601 18.8871 19.4592 19.0801 19.6287 19.3947 18.7859 18.6959 18.9841 19.2366 19.2386 19.4295 19.1271 18.9659 19.3734 19.6124 19.2838 19.7641 Q9DCV3 Dgat2 7 99.153662 67800 - 99.153662 99.182712 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 0610010B06Rik; ARAT; DGAT-2 None None None 11.7726 13.6006 13.2543 13.0402 11.7735 14.1811 11.9642 13.3877 12.2613 13.1052 12.0799 12.5516 12.7033 13.3731 13.1212 13.3481 12.8511 12.7763 13.2319 13.2801 13.6601 11.8675 12.2519 13.4961 13.1364 12.6939 13.6312 13.2964 14.3111 13.9229 13.4687 12.5107 Q9R1P4 Psma1 7 114.264549 26440 - 114.264549 114.276115 proteasome subunit alpha 1 C2; HC2; Pros-30; alpha-type None None None 17.508 17.7257 16.8327 16.9508 17.0632 17.0977 15.7562 17.0771 17.1438 17.1705 16.703 17.8339 18.0796 16.8083 17.3921 16.5729 17.197 16.6757 16.7708 16.7745 16.6471 16.7462 16.8748 17.0319 16.9527 17.1733 16.8307 17.1421 17.3882 17.0166 16.9276 17.1931 Q9JIF7 Copb1 7 114.215558 70349 - 114.215558 114.254679 coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 1 2610019B04Rik None None None 17.298 16.8443 16.6549 17.0061 16.6324 16.949 16.895 16.7073 16.8668 16.7873 16.6156 16.3867 17.5634 17.1074 16.6064 16.431 17.0347 16.8657 17.1759 17.0303 16.3979 16.6664 16.7278 16.789 16.4012 16.5699 16.6713 16.4518 16.7756 17.1869 16.7966 16.9837 Q922J9 Far1 7 113.513718 67420 + 113.513718 113.571505 fatty acyl CoA reductase 1 2600011M19Rik; 2900034E22Rik; 3732409C05Rik; AI850429; Mlstd2 None None None 13.2814 12.6533 13.0013 12.4251 12.0416 12.3024 12.4788 12.0272 12.509 12.2299 12.2823 12.2078 14.388 12.602 13.0493 12.3295 13.8422 12.3654 14.4906 13.7358 11.9724 12.6326 12.0256 12.4981 12.5214 12.6637 11.6262 11.586 11.9378 14.3873 12.716 12.3797 Q8BHC0 Lyve1 7 110.850606 114332 - 110.850606 110.862952 lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 1200012G08Rik; Crsbp-1; Lyve-1; Xlkd1 None None None 13.6585 14.7742 15.2249 13.7963 15.6335 15.7799 15.6782 15.1291 15.7447 13.7631 15.5188 14.9167 15.4733 13.6119 16.0747 15.465 14.9816 13.9047 14.0412 12.7768 15.6466 16.2228 14.5225 13.3355 15.8766 15.0413 13.6213 15.5395 13.9457 13.8945 14.8299 12.9884 Q9EPB4 Pycard 7 127.991372 66824 - 127.991372 127.993866 PYD and CARD domain containing 9130417A21Rik; Asc; CARD5; TMS-1; TNS1; masc None None None 15.7642 14.4194 15.2479 15.3146 16.753 15.1953 14.8289 15.4785 15.7941 15.2223 14.8736 16.2246 18.4228 15.7928 16.2671 14.8151 15.9706 15.177 16.2921 15.7258 14.5327 14.9378 14.9119 15.1043 15.8091 15.8986 14.456 14.6708 16.359 16.397 15.1571 16.8431 Q9WTM5 Ruvbl2 7 45.421895 20174 - 45.421895 45.43617 RuvB-like protein 2 mp47; p47 None None None 16.0982 15.473 15.4231 15.2252 16.077 15.6394 15.5802 15.7474 15.8896 15.4914 15.7963 15.322 16.9613 15.7628 16.0142 15.4305 15.5319 15.499 15.661 15.4862 15.6692 15.7511 15.5049 15.4399 15.683 15.7177 15.314 15.4796 15.4482 15.6518 15.559 15.8006 Q07813 Bax 7 45.461694 12028 - 45.461694 45.466902 BCL2-associated X protein None None None 15.7814 15.1217 15.3511 15.4969 15.8455 15.4788 15.354 15.2696 15.552 15.2409 15.3649 15.0464 16.7986 16.2093 15.6828 14.7686 15.7547 15.5574 16.4797 15.7436 15.2569 15.2364 15.4358 15.6667 15.5907 15.5598 15.1485 15.1978 15.4986 15.8573 15.412 16.2176 Q02819 Nucb1 7 45.492673 18220 - 45.492673 45.510407 nucleobindin 1 B230337F23Rik; C77483; Calnuc; MTEST82; Nucb None None None 16.9864 17.1693 16.9103 17.2947 16.815 16.9509 17.1565 16.9691 16.9173 17.1654 16.911 16.1912 16.9994 16.7581 16.9993 16.7111 16.9097 16.9535 17.3532 16.9477 16.2036 16.7141 16.6824 17.1958 16.6502 16.7371 16.9141 17.0064 16.8768 17.5253 16.8608 17.1745 O35855 Bcat2 7 45.568966 12036 + 45.568966 45.589709 branched chain aminotransferase 2, mitochondrial Bcat(m); Bcat-2; Eca40 None None None 18.4422 17.9297 19.2597 17.9433 17.6615 18.3692 17.7085 17.7769 18.0539 17.9622 19.1809 18.1583 19.043 17.8265 17.8003 18.9448 18.0501 18.4818 17.8939 18.0754 18.7519 18.3539 18.2822 18.0226 19.0924 19.1363 18.0452 18.3398 18.6677 18.0523 18.1605 18.0916 Q6GQT9 Nomo1 7 46.033695 211548 + 46.033695 46.084211 nodal modulator 1 D7Ertd156e; Nomo; pM5 None None None 15.8478 15.7186 15.4471 15.5678 15.636 15.7745 15.9205 15.619 15.4989 15.7071 15.5661 15.4788 14.6523 15.725 15.7369 15.4515 15.6029 15.7207 15.9135 15.6794 15.3136 15.3871 15.8531 15.7944 15.2192 15.6469 15.8206 15.3821 15.6077 15.8403 15.5932 15.6573 Q9CQ22 Lamtor1 7 101.905836 66508 + 101.905836 101.911902 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 1 2400001E08Rik; Pdro; p18 None None None 16.8708 16.4077 16.1196 16.1959 16.0294 16.0729 16.1411 15.8339 16.0672 16.2458 16.0221 15.7575 16.9741 16.5441 16.0205 15.7295 16.2839 16.2124 16.3682 16.3062 16.0604 15.7576 16.1647 16.4434 15.7084 15.9345 16.3999 16.1986 16.5014 16.4121 16.1783 16.2696 Q9CQE5 Rgs10 7 128.37362 67865 - 128.37362 128.419505 regulator of G-protein signalling 10 2310010N19Rik None None None 14.6787 13.9227 13.9018 14.3247 14.7112 13.9704 13.958 14.3512 14.5814 14.0613 13.9421 13.1544 16.8067 14.5072 14.0412 13.8746 14.5404 14.1662 14.9236 14.8084 12.8014 14.3553 14.3612 14.2194 14.4504 14.8778 13.8379 14.2523 14.2384 14.7262 14.1523 14.8826 Q9JLV1 Bag3 7 128.523582 29810 + 128.523582 128.54698 BCL2-associated athanogene 3 AA407278; Bis; mg638 None None None 16.3646 16.0955 15.6197 15.9564 15.75 16.0465 15.9761 15.9494 16.017 15.9834 15.9194 16.0682 14.5451 16.2234 15.7782 15.5751 16.0545 15.9518 15.9645 15.9113 16.0348 15.8039 15.7698 16.0757 15.5312 15.7779 15.654 15.8845 15.9768 16.0421 15.9584 16.0358 Q9Z2A5 Ate1 7 130.391492 11907 - 130.391492 130.520618 arginyltransferase 1 AI225793; AW547406 None None None 13.3114 13.5889 13.7533 14.0233 13.9977 13.8672 13.8109 13.7428 14.0361 14.0878 15.535 13.9087 13.6983 13.649 13.8189 14.0895 13.8324 14.0951 13.7989 14.2264 13.6768 13.9241 14.4906 14.4133 15.1563 14.582 14.2101 13.811 13.8077 14.4392 13.9186 13.8611 Q9QZB9 Dctn5 7 122.13304 59288 + 122.13304 122.149043 dynactin 5 4930427E12Rik; C78178; b2b315Clo None None None 13.7133 13.9886 12.8364 14.3333 13.644 14.2126 14.1042 13.8122 13.8982 14.2755 13.237 14.2723 13.3212 13.4779 13.8955 13.8346 13.4221 13.6798 14.1285 14.0229 12.3776 13.6888 14.2154 13.9694 13.3382 13.8773 14.1556 13.9027 13.7748 14.5115 13.9673 14.2297 Q9CR21 Ndufab1 7 122.086814 70316 - 122.086814 122.101847 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1 2210401F17Rik; 2310039H15Rik; 2610003B19Rik; 8kDa; 9130423F15Rik; ACP; CI-SDAP; SDAP None None None 12.3827 14.1207 14.8464 13.3929 14.081 14.1467 14.1625 14.6944 14.2392 14.1366 14.1454 14.9619 13.901 13.5637 14.4107 14.9951 14.1733 13.9837 13.7881 14.6745 15.8964 14.9252 13.3056 14.1289 14.7406 14.4076 14.8295 15.0943 14.4128 14.3179 14.5283 12.7329 Q9DB77 Uqcrc2 7 120.635188 67003 + 120.635188 120.659522 ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase core protein 2 1500004O06Rik None None None 18.2182 18.1974 19.4629 18.1554 18.1795 18.1082 18.2578 18.2394 18.2696 17.9411 18.4867 18.2873 19.2782 18.131 18.2053 18.8717 18.2565 18.0677 18.162 18.6829 20.9304 18.6722 18.4585 18.3484 19.2485 18.9416 18.2606 19.3333 18.9583 17.9529 18.4183 17.8186 O55222 Ilk 7 105.736589 16202 + 105.736589 105.742924 integrin linked kinase AA511515; ESTM24 None None None 17.731 17.6257 17.2133 17.8766 17.2927 17.2892 17.0065 17.3916 17.5606 17.7242 17.4631 17.3078 16.9928 17.6483 17.4056 16.756 17.3734 17.715 17.3427 17.1012 18.2028 17.5962 17.3639 17.1388 16.8265 16.7655 17.7145 16.8146 16.728 17.4378 17.3183 17.1555 O89023 Tpp1 7 105.74481 12751 - 105.74481 105.752281 tripeptidyl peptidase I Cln2; LPIC; TPP-1; TPP-I None None None 16.7044 16.1012 16.224 16.3123 16.7088 16.0013 15.7011 16.4324 16.06 16.1837 16.3279 16.3237 16.8222 16.8511 16.4072 15.8963 16.6089 16.437 16.5692 16.6522 16.2876 16.5838 16.1034 15.7494 16.0782 15.9161 15.9574 15.2406 16.6335 17.1854 16.0543 16.5271 Q91X72 Hpx 7 105.59161 15458 - 105.59161 105.600115 hemopexin Hpxn; hx None None None 20.6278 20.1968 21.2934 20.8909 21.9267 19.9293 20.3814 20.5337 20.5059 20.0496 21.2729 22.4131 19.5226 20.6606 21.4912 22.6879 19.8099 20.4539 19.4016 21.0832 20.3558 20.4166 20.4723 20.1593 21.6089 23.1789 21.1564 20.4231 21.615 20.0137 20.355 20.2752 O54983 Crym 7 120.186379 12971 - 120.186379 120.201988 crystallin, mu None None None 14.7724 15.8242 15.6286 15.6262 14.9394 15.1366 14.4482 14.635 15.3314 14.526 14.7563 15.4108 15.3111 15.8732 13.779 15.0216 14.5402 14.7131 15.2101 15.733 14.9852 15.0694 14.7968 15.3527 13.9369 14.9186 13.7645 14.7608 14.775 15.2235 14.1013 15.9108 Q99J36 Thumpd1 7 119.715092 233802 - 119.715092 119.723618 THUMP domain containing 1 6330575P11Rik None None None 12.4167 12.9322 13.579 14.1312 13.1042 13.2392 13.6861 12.9743 14.6633 13.2904 13.2038 12.3806 16.1882 13.2532 13.3273 13.5103 13.3266 13.0449 13.3777 13.7878 12.723 13.7669 13.9283 13.0594 14.8723 13.519 12.3734 12.3975 13.2586 13.9958 13.4948 14.55 Q91YM8 Rrm1 7 102.441694 20133 + 102.441694 102.46977 ribonucleotide reductase M1 RnrM1 None None None 12.3647 12.3082 12.4457 12.0847 12.5383 12.8655 12.9971 12.0936 13.045 12.5797 12.0299 11.8432 14.2877 12.0681 12.3342 12.4712 12.4485 12.4956 11.7805 12.2584 12.392 12.7433 12.8674 12.1994 12.7464 13.5253 12.064 12.2945 12.0035 12.6657 12.2432 12.6281 P70302 Stim1 7 102.261513 20866 + 102.261513 102.437318 stromal interaction molecule 1 SIM None None None 14.7782 15.0383 14.8358 14.6283 14.9537 15.0229 15.2398 14.7125 15.061 14.8666 15.0767 14.5676 15.0135 15.0507 14.5973 14.8576 14.8264 14.5321 15.1957 14.9183 15.5665 14.8775 15.1595 14.8634 14.916 15.2826 14.5885 14.6696 14.8328 14.7533 14.9911 15.2194 Q8BZS9 Dhx32 7 133.720934 101437 - 133.720934 133.782784 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 32 3110079L04Rik; 4732469F02Rik; AA408140; Ddx32; muDDX32 None None None 12.1177 12.8994 12.6029 12.938 12.4225 13.2773 12.6794 13.8757 13.3512 12.5902 12.8933 12.0895 12.0597 15.9824 12.8094 12.5929 12.826 13.2252 12.9286 13.764 12.3146 13.4736 13.13 13.4181 12.5268 13.0211 12.6326 12.9095 12.8073 13.0919 13.7622 12.3652 Q6A028 Swap70 7 110.221702 20947 + 110.221702 110.283505 SWA-70 protein 70kDa; AV235546 None None None 14.8904 14.8438 13.5114 14.5867 15.5156 14.7972 14.3191 15.0871 15.4294 14.6116 15.1247 14.0731 17.2478 14.9181 15.2453 13.9397 14.7314 14.6718 15.1268 14.646 13.3232 15.0417 14.4725 14.2998 14.818 14.2227 14.6908 14.4004 15.0187 15.048 14.6589 14.7216 Q9JJR8 Tmem9b 7 109.735835 56786 - 109.735835 109.752262 TMEM9 domain family, member B 2310004K06Rik; AW539847; D7H11orf15; ICRFP703B1614Q5.3 None None None 12.3812 12.7845 12.3546 11.3774 13.1075 12.819 12.9205 12.7996 12.6626 12.2705 12.5826 12.1816 13.0071 12.6419 12.2496 12.4557 13.1952 11.8829 13.0754 13.3226 11.4826 12.6223 12.4675 13.1129 12.4796 13.0261 13.1392 12.4208 13.0931 12.996 12.7556 13.2498 Q9DCH4 Eif3f 7 108.934414 66085 + 108.934414 108.941941 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit F 0610037M02Rik; AA409853; Eif3s5 None None None 16.2076 15.6468 15.414 15.6525 15.8626 15.6759 15.5011 15.9026 15.8623 15.767 15.34 15.8334 17.0153 15.769 16.0549 15.4633 15.8453 15.7914 15.7731 15.7132 15.2156 15.2107 15.5043 15.4522 15.4366 15.4411 15.5133 15.2906 15.4684 15.88 15.6626 15.818 O08791 Ebf3 7 137.19367 13593 - 137.19367 137.322804 early B cell factor 3 3110018A08Rik; O/E-2; mKIAA4201 None None None 12.2311 15.0445 13.9659 12.4105 12.6937 12.8171 15.9148 13.7004 13.3995 13.0658 12.788 12.5985 12.3079 12.2919 12.7172 14.1062 12.9027 13.7641 14.9683 12.4702 12.7034 14.2041 12.8616 15.095 13.475 16.0794 15.2446 12.9534 16.2046 15.0587 12.92 12.31 Q8VCJ6 Mrgprf 7 145.300908 211577 + 145.300908 145.309556 MAS-related GPR, member F BC019711; Mgrc; MrgF None None None 15.6679 15.3166 14.8523 14.8923 14.9192 16.672 16.4813 16.5339 16.2593 15.2978 16.9537 13.9545 14.2907 16.501 15.3296 15.0855 15.8333 15.464 15.1227 15.4814 18.0632 17.1002 15.3545 15.1463 15.2852 15.171 15.8425 15.6273 14.0899 15.3544 15.5446 15.8439 Q60598 Cttn 7 144.435723 13043 - 144.435723 144.471559 cortactin 1110020L01Rik; Ems1 None None None 15.8776 17.1509 15.4837 15.6987 15.3773 15.6037 15.4672 15.2305 15.3646 15.5037 15.0318 15.204 14.529 15.4028 15.0825 14.3651 15.2858 15.4576 15.7951 15.5088 15.3918 15.3982 15.5314 15.6397 15.2319 14.9135 15.7745 15.4307 15.5849 15.8751 15.432 14.95 A2AF47 Dock11 X 35.88727 75974 + 35.88727 36.076569 dedicator of cytokinesis 11 5033414A21Rik; 8030476J24; Zizimin2; sph238 None None None 13.8029 12.9916 12.818 12.75 14.0202 13.874 13.5928 13.3816 14.0258 13.5937 13.2629 13.1998 14.9363 13.5261 13.3953 13.4189 13.1489 13.1354 13.066 12.8301 12.8281 12.7279 13.9863 13.201 13.3592 13.109 13.1159 13.3659 13.7898 13.2105 12.9634 13.8832 Q99JT2 Stk26 X 50.841173 70415 + 50.841173 50.893102 serine/threonine kinase 26 2610018G03Rik; Mst4 None None None 16.2281 11.9452 13.0173 12.6265 12.5696 14.7369 13.1972 12.1855 14.2317 12.2102 13.9079 12.0505 16.914 14.566 12.2677 12.3953 12.5412 12.7458 11.7671 12.0592 12.7317 12.1237 13.7142 11.9532 14.0768 13.3724 12.5161 11.543 11.7541 15.6601 13.0143 13.3623 P51655 Gpc4 X 52.051006 14735 - 52.051006 52.164922 glypican 4 9530073D23Rik; AF311610; AI385680; AI661372; K-glypican None None None 15.0068 14.5306 13.8851 14.4576 14.6029 13.2757 13.9089 14.6107 14.5253 14.6831 14.2868 14.0003 12.2049 14.4924 13.89 14.4404 14.8975 14.8573 14.3825 14.3754 14.3383 13.9305 14.1263 13.7929 11.6706 13.5328 14.8594 14.3016 14.2578 14.4684 14.5541 13.8359 Q8BZ00 Slc9a9 9 94.669556 331004 + 94.669556 95.230452 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 9 5730527A11Rik; 9930105B05; AI854429; Nhe9 None None None 12.1621 14.6908 12.9606 11.5643 13.2478 13.0577 13.5656 12.1743 12.521 12.3489 12.8368 12.3233 12.8202 13.1995 11.9989 13.2109 12.8347 11.878 12.3814 12.6094 11.6695 12.3377 11.5953 12.5675 12.2927 12.8297 11.8796 12.1573 12.7941 12.9418 12.9482 13.1934 Q9JIG7 Ccdc22 X 7.593808 54638 - 7.593808 7.605419 coiled-coil domain containing 22 AI481216; DXImx40e; Ppp1r3f; Sfc22 None None None 14.8182 14.5023 14.4139 14.4816 14.5741 14.6505 14.4325 14.6158 14.3413 14.4953 14.1627 13.9473 14.6614 14.6393 14.3773 14.3823 14.6464 14.5411 14.7217 14.6018 14.0137 14.2433 14.2298 14.325 13.953 14.5074 14.4774 14.232 14.0244 14.7876 14.6085 14.5234 Q9R1Q7 Plp2 X 7.66794 18824 - 7.66794 7.671389 proteolipid protein 2 mIMA4 None None None 18.1068 18.0244 17.6076 18.5902 18.0391 17.9523 18.005 17.8274 17.9332 18.6951 18.1773 18.5056 16.26 18.5048 18.5223 18.2499 18.1068 18.9268 18.0441 17.7033 17.6534 17.9115 18.8371 18.0523 17.6531 16.3674 18.6605 18.1607 18.3836 17.7875 17.9075 17.8839 Q9Z0V7 Timm17b X 7.899335 21855 + 7.899335 7.907651 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17b 17kDa; Sfc3; mTim17b None None None 12.3462 13.199 14.0441 13.0122 12.4624 13.6833 13.7992 12.9218 13.7578 13.0092 13.5347 12.6375 14.0314 13.6212 13.0921 13.3718 13.6499 13.326 13.8147 13.8585 14.3655 13.5191 13.4142 13.5541 14.1614 13.8194 13.0071 13.6873 14.259 13.4963 13.4222 13.4596 P70315 Was X 8.081465 22376 - 8.081465 8.09049 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome U42471; Wasp None None None 13.7796 12.0226 13.4604 13.1176 14.7201 12.3359 11.9928 14.2524 13.7573 13.7537 12.3306 15.0123 18.0165 14.297 13.7994 12.7716 15.1183 13.0056 13.3166 14.7312 12.5952 12.5726 13.1651 12.0364 14.2052 12.1118 12.268 12.1455 14.42 15.7659 13.26 15.6064 Q91V09 Wdr13 X 8.1233 73447 - 8.1233 8.132857 WD repeat domain 13 1700060B08Rik; 5730411P10Rik; DXHXS7467e; W51679; mMg21 None None None 12.7797 14.1593 13.6044 13.9011 12.9266 13.4902 13.8924 13.8148 14.129 13.9524 14.2124 13.4016 12.3626 13.5882 13.7639 13.2482 13.5929 13.1366 13.5662 12.5895 12.046 13.7693 14.0031 13.5817 13.7775 13.8622 14.0901 13.7465 13.4839 13.5081 13.5638 13.41 P70245 Ebp X 8.185328 13595 - 8.185328 8.193511 phenylalkylamine Ca2+ antagonist (emopamil) binding protein AI255399; Pabp; SI; Td; mSI None None None 16.6097 16.21 16.001 15.8716 16.455 15.9012 15.8981 16.265 16.1938 16.2665 16.0284 16.496 16.6431 16.1994 16.4851 16.0575 16.309 16.1984 16.6218 16.4319 15.5884 15.7428 15.9255 16.1968 15.8774 16.0619 16.1637 16.1888 16.4577 16.5353 16.3199 16.02 P56387 Dynlt3 X 9.654269 67117 - 9.654269 9.662982 dynein light chain Tctex-type 3 2310075M16Rik; AU042796; Tcte1l None None None 14.9698 15.6633 15.6852 15.7469 15.2625 15.0095 15.4763 15.5881 15.8842 14.8899 15.717 14.9147 15.3735 15.1562 15.0479 15.405 15.3145 15.468 15.1226 15.1801 15.7857 15.5098 15.3281 15.1655 15.7044 15.7956 15.5793 15.1776 15.3832 14.8013 15.6139 15.0034 P61759 Vbp1 X 75.514296 22327 + 75.514296 75.534945 von Hippel-Lindau binding protein 1 VBP-1 None None None 13.1171 14.1018 13.583 13.6433 13.2305 13.9233 13.8237 14.535 14.159 14.4211 13.1965 14.6743 14.7432 12.9337 13.7716 14.0594 14.6057 14.0655 14.0585 14.1678 13.9323 14.2848 14.4253 14.2251 13.8619 14.6911 14.4545 13.41 14.1825 14.4526 14.3502 14.2463 Q9D6K8 Fundc2 X 75.382398 67391 + 75.382398 75.397157 FUN14 domain containing 2 4833415N24Rik; DC44; HCBP6 None None None 15.1125 15.0784 15.264 15.0198 14.6552 15.089 15.3297 14.8436 14.8531 14.9195 14.8001 14.3132 14.2695 15.2358 14.8255 15.1022 15.0432 15.1846 15.352 15.2505 15.3007 14.6257 14.946 14.8267 14.69 14.6754 14.7984 15.1357 14.9194 15.071 15.1632 15.1516 Q9Z0Z4 Heph X 96.455435 15203 + 96.455435 96.574484 hephaestin C130006F04Rik; Cpl; mKIAA0698; sla None None None 13.9811 14.0417 13.5117 14.8424 15.4406 13.6133 13.7613 13.95 14.0141 14.1825 14.3741 14.5167 12.3295 14.4857 14.4569 13.6348 14.9252 14.6627 14.5525 13.7231 12.5021 14.5388 14.026 14.5591 13.4083 12.8654 14.184 13.5744 13.8588 14.7037 14.3829 14.2083 Q9D0B6 Pbdc1 X 105.07973 67683 + 105.07973 105.117093 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 2610029G23Rik None None None 15.0647 17.3592 17.2875 17.7454 17.0264 17.3185 17.8263 16.7081 17.3956 17.3078 17.4076 16.6415 16.61 16.9058 15.2006 14.5586 17.0994 17.1376 16.7081 16.686 16.6645 17.17 17.4327 17.3256 16.9641 17.5084 17.67 17.4668 17.2565 16.3656 16.9797 18.173 Q9JL35 Hmgn5 X 109.004536 50887 - 109.004536 109.013379 high-mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 GARP45; NBP-45; Nsbp1 None None None 13.6223 12.4725 13.1641 12.8784 13.3996 12.6008 12.9111 13.5433 13.3276 13.2397 13.5581 14.3514 15.1076 13.4124 13.6672 13.6087 13.0895 13.4176 12.9948 12.9561 13.8107 12.6865 13.2026 13.6522 13.5998 13.1004 13.1531 13.4734 13.6503 13.1468 13.0355 13.3145 Q9JJU8 Sh3bgrl X 109.095406 56726 + 109.095406 109.162466 SH3-binding domain glutamic acid-rich protein like 1190008F14Rik None None None 15.5647 19.1273 18.5924 18.9856 19.2313 18.4751 18.9345 18.8333 18.7099 19.2101 18.8702 19.4891 17.7768 18.1611 19.4588 18.9694 18.5659 18.7816 19.0592 18.7115 18.2758 18.5187 19.4916 18.8307 18.2447 18.7026 19.209 19.0097 18.9711 18.8685 18.7792 19.2696 P51569 Gla X 134.588168 11605 - 134.588168 134.601004 galactosidase, alpha Ags None None None 12.5572 12.498 12.0029 13.7175 13.7025 12.2008 12.4229 13.0054 12.6674 13.347 12.9652 15.8156 12.5104 14.2191 13.6324 11.5695 14.4178 14.1627 14.9226 14.5542 11.6638 11.8675 12.0589 14.0306 13.2348 14.223 11.7746 13.8161 15.263 15.344 13.4483 14.6089 Q9QUJ7 Acsl4 X 142.317992 50790 - 142.317992 142.390801 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 4 9430020A05Rik; ACS4; AU018108; Facl4; Lacs4 None None None 13.2177 13.3256 12.9369 13.2132 12.9187 12.6375 12.9033 12.8557 13.3381 12.9701 12.9632 13.1572 15.7837 13.0722 13.103 12.8411 12.9754 12.8288 13.235 13.437 12.9405 13.2201 13.2254 12.7463 14.1822 13.0294 12.4596 16.8742 12.771 12.6554 13.0091 13.2845 P35486 Pdha1 X 160.122218 18597 - 160.122218 160.138429 pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha 1 Pdha-1 None None None 18.5159 18.2819 19.3433 18.1693 18.2808 18.4601 18.037 18.4445 18.297 18.4239 18.4009 18.5256 19.41 17.8094 18.6619 19.2014 18.3577 18.4898 19.2205 19.0372 20.5763 18.8256 18.4512 18.0553 18.9387 18.6907 19.0752 19.5297 18.3876 18.5768 18.5874 18.5644 P62702 Rps4x X 102.18494 20102 - 102.18494 102.18939 ribosomal protein S4, X-linked Rps4; Rps4-1 None None None 17.604 17.0051 16.8031 16.774 17.0091 16.8964 16.6752 17.1435 17.1925 17.1301 16.4835 17.2925 18.5975 16.6257 17.2622 16.9139 17.2374 17.1169 17.1414 17.1638 16.4899 17.0867 16.5578 16.7085 16.8022 16.7442 17.0575 16.3845 16.8162 17.4809 17.0524 17.0367 Q61102 Abcb7 X 104.280564 11306 - 104.280564 104.413845 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 7 AA517758; AU019072; Abc7 None None None 12.6847 13.0803 13.1448 13.3566 13.0366 12.5438 13.0344 13.3013 12.6938 13.1073 12.7904 12.9619 13.722 12.8153 13.0167 13.0673 13.2964 12.9751 12.9516 13.1927 14.7049 13.1682 11.4883 12.8285 12.7667 12.9676 12.6229 12.7419 12.8526 13.418 12.7223 12.0556 Q9R1J0 Nsdhl X 72.91852 18194 + 72.91852 72.958527 NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like AI747449; Bpa; H105E3; Str; XAP104 None None None 15.7801 15.9314 15.6947 16.356 14.8957 15.8947 14.7906 15.1222 14.966 15.5166 15.2655 14.2124 14.3643 15.2278 14.6068 14.9833 15.8662 15.3919 16.8581 17.1721 14.6747 14.9665 15.6435 16.3721 15.2127 16.0539 15.4919 15.4131 14.7894 16.7319 15.6836 16.1213 Q60973 Rbbp7 X 162.760371 245688 + 162.760371 162.779089 retinoblastoma binding protein 7, chromatin remodeling factor AA409861; AI173248; AU019541; BB114024; mRbAp46 None None None 15.8805 14.8777 15.4194 14.9718 15.6946 14.9431 15.0761 15.515 15.6259 15.2586 15.3289 15.2728 17.3066 15.4394 15.8317 14.5846 15.3217 15.2128 15.4728 15.5923 15.3998 14.9032 15.1877 15.3651 15.3878 15.3459 15.3296 15.1128 15.4959 15.6064 14.9874 15.773 Q9D5V6 Syap1 X 162.856842 67043 - 162.856842 162.888461 synapse associated protein 1 2010110O17Rik; AW011796; BSTA None None None 14.2707 15.1155 14.8557 14.8601 14.4259 15.0094 15.3268 14.4103 14.7299 15.2342 14.1033 14.1585 13.613 14.7114 14.8753 14.6405 14.7461 15.3687 15.0923 14.9749 13.9827 14.0607 15.079 15.232 14.4812 14.732 15.2866 14.7485 15.1447 14.8399 15.0593 14.6806 Q61191 Hcfc1 X 73.942791 15161 - 73.942791 73.966994 host cell factor C1 AW060991; HCF; HCF1 None None None 12.7713 12.8743 12.4741 13.4205 13.4477 12.3546 12.4686 13.0678 13.3243 12.9078 12.5831 12.4651 14.5536 13.2616 12.6219 12.4471 12.7103 12.8629 12.3688 13.1045 12.4592 13.2601 12.9302 12.9866 13.5067 13.3934 12.8935 12.5142 12.7726 13.3623 12.7921 13.2287 Q9QY36 Naa10 X 73.916869 56292 - 73.916869 73.921943 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 10, NatA catalytic subunit 2310039H09Rik; Ard1; Ard1a; Te2 None None None 12.9254 13.361 12.6858 13.4638 13.8333 13.4133 13.1336 13.1682 13.0903 13.076 13.1777 12.435 12.9756 13.5728 12.7906 12.5155 13.1762 13.2611 13.726 13.2018 11.9781 12.9092 13.5031 13.4742 12.9705 13.3679 12.8864 12.4749 13.262 13.4144 12.7797 13.8439 P70290 Mpp1 X 75.109732 17524 - 75.109732 75.131015 membrane protein, palmitoylated 55kDa; C130070C03Rik; p55 None None None 17.9287 17.9798 17.7465 18.2699 17.4246 17.6334 17.7442 17.4841 17.4508 18.2255 17.485 17.1241 16.7654 17.3486 17.8004 17.5221 17.9427 17.7661 18.0318 17.8009 17.0402 17.2167 18.616 18.2106 17.2757 17.5107 18.3848 17.5899 17.4106 17.7248 17.7935 17.7526 Q9ESX5 Dkc1 X 75.095853 245474 + 75.095853 75.109775 dyskeratosis congenita 1, dyskerin BC068171 None None None 13.5047 14.4121 14.5648 13.0349 14.1669 14.1556 14.4699 14.2967 14.6347 13.3825 13.4361 13.5988 16.7827 13.5862 13.7433 13.1514 13.6991 13.259 14.8114 13.9963 15.2575 14.15 13.3252 13.0553 14.7543 14.9666 13.0934 14.016 14.0017 14.3601 13.9811 14.5458 Q9CQW3 Proz 8 13.060583 66901 + 13.060583 13.076025 protein Z, vitamin K-dependent plasma glycoprotein 1300015B06Rik None None None 12.1373 12.0747 12.0758 11.6753 11.8831 12.1406 12.7549 11.907 11.5434 12.1133 12.9056 12.3045 11.9375 12.3941 12.0245 14.7902 12.7554 11.9012 11.9434 12.6222 11.5012 12.2912 11.7553 12.1756 12.7504 12.6219 11.8413 12.5818 12.4985 12.0315 12.3034 11.9653 P11438 Lamp1 8 13.15916 16783 + 13.15916 13.175337 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 CD107a; LGP-120; LGP-A; Lamp-1; P2B; Perk None None None 18.1019 17.1351 17.2957 17.3434 17.5074 17.4741 17.3479 17.496 17.3989 17.3781 17.1353 18.0786 17.717 18.2704 17.7315 17.2928 17.9959 17.7025 18.0251 17.6768 17.1267 17.4763 17.0437 17.7328 17.0588 17.2459 17.27 17.5915 17.6583 18.0036 17.5319 17.7796 Q61592 Gas6 8 13.465373 14456 - 13.465373 13.494534 growth arrest specific 6 Gas-6 None None None 12.779 12.2602 11.8702 11.9761 12.7538 12.7047 12.6726 12.3284 12.3736 12.1235 12.3257 12.3296 12.3284 12.69 12.8905 12.4065 12.1714 12.0934 12.1171 12.129 12.5418 12.4941 12.533 12.1643 12.5881 12.2482 11.8333 11.5333 11.6692 12.5673 12.1036 11.8135 Q91XD6 Vps36 8 22.192832 70160 + 22.192832 22.220952 vacuolar protein sorting 36 1700010A24Rik; 2210415M20Rik; 2810408E15Rik; Eap45 None None None 15.1406 15.0084 14.121 15.2233 14.6289 14.5091 15.2309 15.1896 14.6929 15.1111 14.9957 14.2513 15.3292 14.6086 16.7059 13.8631 14.1689 14.5855 14.3431 14.1449 14.1968 14.945 14.2666 14.6627 14.3668 13.9872 15.1502 14.2612 14.1368 15.1018 14.9005 14.3103 Q8BFZ9 Erlin2 8 27.02337 244373 + 27.02337 27.039436 ER lipid raft associated 2 BC036333; C87251; Spfh2 None None None 17.3264 16.6967 17.0148 17.3164 17.023 17.4863 17.6015 17.0466 16.6785 17.3216 16.898 16.6139 16.0264 17.4544 17.1071 16.8885 16.7742 17.4873 17.1442 16.9548 16.9237 16.8194 17.2913 17.3911 16.4705 16.268 17.3578 16.8819 16.6363 17.146 17.0587 17.2554 Q60876 Eif4ebp1 8 27.260326 13685 + 27.260326 27.275655 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 1 4e-bp1; AA959816; PHAS-I None None None 16.7982 17.0847 17.0074 16.7911 16.2973 16.9645 17.2866 17.3619 16.9407 17.0094 16.7229 16.4255 16.0858 16.5407 16.7077 16.9301 16.7056 17.4172 16.5754 16.5773 16.7511 17.042 16.8281 17.0878 15.7958 16.4025 17.8116 17.441 15.9828 16.8558 16.9698 16.3865 P02463 Col4a1 8 11.198422 12826 - 11.198422 11.312888 collagen, type IV, alpha 1 Bru; Col4a-1; Raw; Svc None None None 19.4009 18.4993 16.5481 20.1979 18.0504 17.4365 14.6088 18.2918 16.7387 17.9147 18.1691 19.5629 16.6459 18.9469 17.9223 18.6292 17.0434 19.3554 14.0018 16.4177 18.8184 18.188 18.7047 18.8531 18.0971 14.9145 18.6949 19.1224 17.5937 15.384 16.3318 15.6129 P08122 Col4a2 8 11.312804 12827 + 11.312804 11.449286 collagen, type IV, alpha 2 Col4a-2 None None None 20.5819 19.0005 17.6293 20.7816 18.6795 18.2505 15.3285 19.0354 17.7396 18.6365 19.0308 20.7582 17.9077 20.2228 19.02 19.6601 17.931 20.3281 15.2731 17.0065 19.9341 19.003 19.4142 19.7938 18.9934 15.5132 19.7446 20.0098 18.7369 16.1729 16.8857 16.5866 Q9ES28 Arhgef7 8 11.728 54126 + 11.728 11.835218 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF7) Cool; PIX; Pak3bp; beta-Pix; betaPix; betaPix-b; betaPix-c; cool-1; mKIAA0142; p85Cool1; p85SPR None None None 14.128 12.6877 13.6557 13.9512 13.0893 13.7747 13.7036 13.401 13.4038 13.6303 13.8323 14.1841 13.9944 14.2677 13.3312 12.4486 13.3333 13.4586 13.8954 13.6671 13.387 13.4862 13.6731 14.0275 13.3226 13.5498 13.157 13.4521 12.0032 13.5808 12.9599 14.2611 P35802 Gpm6a 8 54.779433 234267 + 54.779433 55.060877 glycoprotein m6a Gpm6; M6A None None None 15.747 15.6859 15.7482 15.0773 15.1429 17.0289 17.0273 16.2182 16.0527 16.2307 16.1451 14.6518 11.3571 15.9552 15.7018 15.2771 16.0102 15.9548 14.1511 15.4448 16.0845 16.3701 16.6379 15.6956 15.8896 16.0878 15.7729 15.9435 14.6656 14.0166 15.7923 15.3548 Q61733 Mrps31 8 22.410448 57312 + 22.410448 22.429668 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31 1500002D03Rik; AA960481; Imogen38; Imogen44 None None None 12.4721 11.5038 11.611 11.9426 12.3116 11.689 12.1033 12.1008 12.5106 11.6064 12.344 12.4027 13.303 11.7962 11.8761 12.1693 11.9072 12.0548 11.1134 11.7302 11.9638 12.5779 11.0373 10.8734 12.1589 13.5258 12.3058 11.4456 12.4541 12.3505 11.4862 11.339 O88351 Ikbkb 8 22.659204 16150 - 22.659204 22.706588 inhibitor of kappaB kinase beta AI132552; IKK-2; IKK-beta; IKK2; IKK[b]; IKKbeta None None None 15.7763 15.8965 15.4494 16.6057 16.0624 15.2246 13.6503 16.2349 15.8594 15.2707 15.8275 15.3102 16.2689 15.7768 16.0278 15.3129 16.4547 15.6872 17.0472 15.0863 15.1311 15.5419 14.6441 16.1645 15.291 16.3797 16.0202 15.1607 16.2141 15.2193 14.7033 16.4108 P97376 Frg1 8 41.38918 14300 - 41.38918 41.417137 FSHD region gene 1 None None None 12.2841 11.7462 12.0014 12.3121 12.2374 11.584 11.1874 12.0333 12.439 11.9712 11.6251 12.2959 14.2485 11.6815 12.2549 12.2908 12.5032 11.7853 11.5551 12.2801 12.0715 12.0783 12.2156 11.4468 12.2582 12.0229 12.1539 12.6147 11.4696 12.7158 12.0652 11.8903 Q9WV54 Asah1 8 41.340645 11886 - 41.340645 41.397643 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase 1 2310081N20Rik; AC; Asah None None None 17.3409 16.5569 16.888 16.6207 17.1757 16.3482 16.7807 16.8165 17.3444 16.2434 16.6723 18.1796 18.299 17.4905 17.251 16.9808 17.2154 16.4931 17.1001 17.203 16.5757 17.4225 17.0235 16.3203 17.0566 17.6305 16.2394 16.3701 18.2274 17.6434 16.6317 17.228 Q8VCC1 Hpgd 8 56.294551 15446 + 56.294551 56.321045 hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15 (NAD) 15-PGDH; AV026552 None None None 11.9551 12.2892 11.7159 12.0885 12.3219 12.1894 13.2514 12.6898 12.9152 12.4148 14.2348 12.5448 12.6535 12.8189 12.4111 12.5374 12.9173 12.0595 12.0107 13.2819 12.4319 12.2489 11.9743 12.3205 12.1188 13.3721 12.081 12.7212 12.4621 12.05 12.5633 12.7038 P41216 Acsl1 8 46.471036 14081 + 46.471036 46.53605 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 1 Acas; Acas1; Acs; FACS; Facl2; LACS 1; LACS1 None None None 21.5434 21.3013 21.5201 21.3029 20.7408 20.713 20.4599 21.3615 21.1077 21.1837 20.7235 21.5403 20.2901 20.9571 20.7915 21.3805 21.3892 21.1604 21.346 22.0502 21.1185 20.6662 21.307 21.4167 20.922 21.5274 21.2997 20.933 21.2433 21.2962 21.5845 20.6549 P48962 Slc25a4 8 46.207167 11739 - 46.207167 46.211061 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, adenine nucleotide translocator), member 4 AU019225; Ant1; mANC1 None None None 19.3586 19.5673 19.8407 18.9926 18.9172 19.2674 19.3285 19.2725 19.6835 18.9892 19.35 19.0713 19.3016 19.081 19.0369 19.3461 19.2209 18.9775 19.092 19.5048 20.2421 19.2123 19.0628 19.2409 19.3272 19.5476 19.1591 19.4322 19.557 18.9699 19.3101 18.9667 Q99K23 Ufsp2 8 45.975514 192169 + 45.975514 45.996957 UFM1-specific peptidase 2 1810047C23Rik None None None 12.9316 14.2095 11.9772 14.6107 13.2731 14.4224 13.0624 13.2887 13.0691 14.5047 13.0738 13.0687 12.2221 14.3272 13.5119 13.2031 14.3604 13.3526 14.9228 14.7364 12.6705 12.9637 14.8681 14.2149 12.4415 12.1871 14.3498 12.7805 12.626 14.486 13.5499 12.7226 O70209 Pdlim3 8 45.885486 53318 + 45.885486 45.919634 PDZ and LIM domain 3 AI463105; ALP; Actn2lp None None None 15.1998 16.441 14.6085 14.5493 15.4963 15.8934 15.4765 15.7107 15.8187 13.7767 16.6254 12.6912 14.1549 16.0197 15.3067 15.5577 14.6428 13.3529 14.0843 13.8414 17.5378 16.3185 14.2988 13.8256 16.2224 15.1977 13.4797 14.198 12.2499 15.3845 14.4721 15.0775 Q91VT4 Cbr4 8 61.487733 234309 + 61.487733 61.503499 carbonyl reductase 4 A730083J17Rik; BC009118 None None None 14.8857 15.6871 16.5958 15.5447 15.3464 15.7968 15.2928 15.5135 15.8673 15.662 15.6756 15.4796 16.441 15.3988 15.3438 15.8438 15.4423 15.4706 15.2985 15.4182 17.1108 16.1555 15.6754 15.5789 16.4242 16.412 15.6326 16.0448 15.9236 15.0347 15.8412 14.7804 P05202 Got2 8 95.864132 14719 - 95.864132 95.8884 glutamatic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial AL022787; FABP-pm; Got-2; Kyat4; mAspAT None None None 18.3087 17.763 17.9103 16.8253 17.7968 17.6062 18.0068 17.4913 17.8738 17.1757 17.7148 17.4601 19.0851 17.6306 17.7326 17.4512 17.3516 17.5157 17.7732 17.1652 17.9894 17.2665 17.0762 17.1974 17.9838 17.8678 16.8787 17.5273 17.5212 17.4953 17.1417 17.8121 O09159 Man2b1 8 85.082729 17159 + 85.082729 85.098738 mannosidase 2, alpha B1 AW107687; LAMAN None None None 15.0733 15.0637 15.6117 14.8867 15.5589 15.3241 14.9627 15.0212 15.207 14.924 14.7187 15.5778 15.4684 15.548 15.1068 14.8157 15.2197 15.257 15.8343 15.3611 15.8536 15.1759 14.6153 15.0474 14.7532 15.358 14.9164 15.4059 14.884 15.5532 14.7597 15.7151 Q9EQH3 Vps35 8 85.260384 65114 - 85.260384 85.299516 VPS35 retromer complex component AI647796; Mem3 None None None 18.7211 18.424 18.1441 18.4029 18.4308 18.34 18.4075 18.5285 18.4355 18.4186 18.187 18.2283 18.4535 18.554 18.3613 18.3739 18.6012 18.4825 18.39 18.3268 18.033 18.5196 18.5416 18.2046 18.0612 18.2879 18.5059 18.1769 18.1697 18.4936 18.4706 18.3799 Q3UIZ8 Mylk3 8 85.324927 213435 - 85.324927 85.386339 myosin light chain kinase 3 D830007F02Rik; MLCK None None None 17.8964 16.4446 16.6482 17.3622 17.279 17.0234 17.1404 17.0728 17.8851 17.5804 18.5882 17.7594 18.4334 17.5312 17.6011 17.2341 17.1592 16.5123 15.8312 16.9964 20.0965 18.0099 15.3527 17.2567 18.2289 16.5923 16.1258 16.4953 14.5556 16.3697 17.2282 17.6438 Q8BGT5 Gpt2 8 85.492575 108682 + 85.492575 85.528901 glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 2 4631422C05Rik; ALT2; AU014768; AU041193; C87201 None None None 14.2317 14.5673 15.5744 15.458 13.083 15.6978 15.0488 13.2374 13.2511 15.6345 15.8775 12.7987 12.2439 12.0748 14.5872 15.6425 12.8778 15.254 14.7271 15.6201 12.6857 15.4558 15.49 13.0188 15.7476 13.9039 16.0918 13.9282 15.886 14.4695 15.4269 12.7323 Q9QYJ0 Dnaja2 8 85.537632 56445 - 85.537632 85.55536 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A2 1500017M13Rik; 2010206B19Rik; DNAJ; DNJ3; Dnaj3; HIRIP4; PRO3015; mDj3 None None None 16.9689 17.1057 16.7321 16.9814 16.5803 16.879 16.7535 16.6976 17.0063 16.9276 16.708 16.6594 17.562 16.881 16.594 16.6483 16.866 16.7853 16.9135 16.6398 16.3791 16.8297 17.0046 16.7932 16.7682 16.7793 16.5204 16.3988 16.6458 16.8296 16.9964 16.9087 Q99KW9 Itfg1 8 85.717556 71927 - 85.717556 85.840948 integrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 1 2310047C21Rik; AI314457; Cda08; D8Wsu49e None None None 12.9775 13.4408 13.2698 13.2275 13.1278 13.7215 13.6279 12.7484 12.7643 13.0547 12.9684 12.7616 12.6296 13.4219 13.0367 12.4971 13.3697 13.3551 13.023 12.7313 11.8345 12.8764 12.3807 13.5502 12.4991 12.1778 13.4255 13.0375 12.7426 13.1755 13.1116 12.8351 P12242 Ucp1 8 83.290347 22227 + 83.290347 83.298455 uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) AI385626; Slc25a7; Ucp None None None 15.2296 15.7163 19.792 14.2773 15.586 12.5142 14.6601 14.9147 13.3133 13.5428 11.5729 15.4123 20.6782 13.3702 13.0794 17.753 15.0111 14.1626 14.1144 17.6405 23.2406 19.495 17.6763 14.5401 18.7291 15.8206 14.0912 19.2961 13.916 13.075 15.2223 13.8158 Q9CX00 Ist1 8 109.67132 71955 - 109.67132 109.693296 increased sodium tolerance 1 homolog (yeast) 2400003C14Rik; AW536298; mKIAA0174 None None None 14.0945 15.4272 14.0902 15.2801 15.0755 16.0057 15.3483 14.8648 15.2584 15.155 15.3732 15.1912 15.9821 15.5514 15.958 15.5866 15.2219 15.1453 16.2138 16.2957 12.914 14.9472 15.1524 15.9673 16.6958 14.8222 14.2962 15.3657 15.4686 15.1939 14.468 16.3353 Q8VCT4 Ces1d 8 93.166071 104158 - 93.166071 93.197803 carboxylesterase 1D Ces3; TGH None None None 20.1895 21.1566 21.1536 20.1203 20.4192 20.4562 21.098 21.3825 20.9133 20.9016 21.3063 21.7433 20.1295 19.4712 21.3159 22.115 20.0283 20.1346 18.7986 19.9308 21.5154 21.312 20.9235 20.4534 21.3836 21.675 21.7088 21.4076 21.5704 18.832 21.1901 20.5959 Q91WU0 Ces1f 8 93.256235 234564 - 93.256235 93.279765 carboxylesterase 1F AU018778; CesML1; TGH-2 None None None 16.633 17.1185 17.2542 16.7906 16.2901 15.9377 15.658 17.6424 16.9315 16.3328 17.2973 17.9443 15.9972 14.8449 16.6927 17.5539 15.6007 15.7417 14.0668 15.0024 16.7697 16.8229 16.2939 16.9818 17.3781 16.9864 17.2932 17.3811 17.3435 13.518 17.0256 15.7473 P23953 Ces1c 8 93.099014 13884 - 93.099014 93.131282 carboxylesterase 1C Ces-N; Ee-1; Ee1; Es-4; Es-N; Es1; Es4; EsN; PESN None None None 19.3648 18.5805 18.7362 18.5712 19.0237 19.4471 19.5322 18.7299 18.6035 19.0525 18.4379 20.2472 18.2718 18.2715 19.2711 20.5217 18.0807 19.1916 18.0445 19.5233 18.8895 19.4315 19.7877 19.5719 19.7407 19.3585 19.4827 18.1354 18.9827 17.9176 18.8234 19.5119 Q9CQF3 Nudt21 8 94.019402 68219 - 94.019402 94.037038 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 21 25kDa; 3110048P04Rik; 5730530J16Rik; AU014860; AW549947; Cpsf5 None None None 14.877 14.5557 14.6792 14.1911 15.146 14.5601 14.0431 15.0195 15.1247 14.8333 14.9521 14.9828 16.3149 14.403 15.082 15.0015 14.829 14.9324 14.9612 15.4055 14.5377 14.6986 14.6242 13.7324 15.0575 15.1188 14.5591 14.1503 15.0321 15.036 14.4888 15.2514 P02798 Mt2 8 94.172617 17750 + 94.172617 94.173566 metallothionein 2 AA409533; MT-II; Mt-2 None None None 17.1876 15.4633 16.1215 16.5858 17.3972 16.0862 16.0238 17.0426 15.76 17.4763 16.1249 16.6968 14.7736 18.0865 16.5172 16.4554 16.9417 17.6281 17.29 15.9156 14.9267 16.6331 16.9626 15.9815 15.9411 17.3176 14.8391 15.1477 16.1085 17.4559 15.8233 17.6632 P02802 Mt1 8 94.178882 17748 + 94.178882 94.180326 metallothionein 1 MT-I; Mt-1 None None None 17.3305 15.6888 16.3895 17.1313 17.6283 16.2369 14.9298 17.4166 16.4063 17.3563 16.2648 17.3365 16.2117 18.1139 16.6447 16.6857 17.1872 17.7964 16.3908 16.0809 15.0218 16.7435 17.4752 16.2684 16.6726 17.5572 15.0657 15.4114 16.8744 17.6787 15.8324 17.654 Q8K1Z0 Coq9 8 94.838412 67914 + 94.838412 94.854894 coenzyme Q9 2310005O14Rik; C78387 None None None 15.9244 15.8209 16.5928 14.7005 14.7948 15.3033 15.0905 15.8105 15.3097 15.2731 15.4863 15.9537 16.7048 15.4358 15.3647 16.15 15.1372 15.1661 15.4649 15.7237 17.5792 15.7974 15.2707 15.4584 16.6025 16.1361 15.7426 16.4832 16.1571 15.1567 15.7237 15.0891 Q8BTU1 Cfap20 8 95.420248 14894 - 95.420248 95.434868 cilia and flagella associated protein 20 2600014O15Rik; AL024127; Gtl3; T10-2A2 None None None 12.5841 13.5257 13.3147 13.7389 12.6117 13.7111 12.0886 12.1576 13.7687 12.8026 13.6226 12.0086 14.1118 11.9135 12.6712 12.2839 11.5248 12.4173 14.0223 13.1827 12.6259 12.9904 14.1079 13.9995 14.2178 11.5389 12.489 12.1381 13.9462 11.3535 13.0646 13.8027 Q9CQ60 Pgls 8 71.592183 66171 + 71.592183 71.596266 6-phosphogluconolactonase 1110030K05Rik; AI447866; Plgs None None None 18.8157 18.3253 18.391 18.3788 18.5354 18.3652 18.372 18.568 18.4406 18.2822 18.2943 18.1794 19.3229 18.221 18.413 18.3941 18.3727 18.3422 18.2844 18.3987 18.2439 18.2626 18.4014 18.2363 18.5215 18.7657 18.3847 18.2601 18.3699 18.3678 18.437 18.3751 Q60714 Slc27a1 8 71.568727 26457 + 71.568727 71.587306 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 1 FATP1; Fatp None None None 16.9258 18.6992 17.9682 18.5448 17.4845 17.2343 16.6649 17.8303 17.9066 17.894 17.8986 18.3993 17.3295 16.936 17.2485 17.8853 17.1724 17.3894 17.4978 17.5052 17.0861 17.9611 18.4114 17.9392 18.2234 19.6325 17.1165 17.687 18.4923 16.5544 18.6411 17.688 Q9CQV6 Map1lc3b 8 121.590437 67443 + 121.590437 121.598759 microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta 1010001C15Rik; Atg8; LC3b; MAP1A/MAP1B; Map1lc3 None None None 12.8926 13.7017 13.0181 13.0397 13.649 13.6245 13.1459 14.0138 13.3611 13.2473 13.469 13.3964 13.51 13.6616 13.9779 13.6837 13.4787 13.5091 12.5793 13.2279 14.0572 13.5852 12.9676 12.4381 13.1688 13.0849 12.9527 13.2086 13.3738 13.7064 13.4665 13.3556 P19783 Cox4i1 8 120.668224 12857 + 120.668224 120.674208 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4I1 AL024441; COX; COX IV-1; COXIV; Cox4; Cox4a; IV-1 None None None 19.0182 19.1334 20.1669 18.9539 19.1365 19.1725 18.7385 19.2852 19.1 18.8601 19.1332 19.5349 20.1121 19.0529 19.423 19.8974 19.2362 18.9425 18.8382 19.4887 21.7278 19.516 19.1227 19.6541 20.1347 19.1141 19.3244 20.3084 19.6711 19.1562 19.1159 18.404 O70378 Emc8 8 120.653913 18117 - 120.653913 120.668086 ER membrane protein complex subunit 8 Cox4nb; Fam158b; Noc4 None None None 13.9847 14.7038 14.1417 14.5941 14.214 14.2723 14.4362 14.0254 14.4416 14.5544 14.6577 14.2366 13.8907 14.6312 14.3589 14.2188 14.2093 14.4041 14.5018 14.4683 14.1009 13.9379 14.724 14.7305 14.2045 14.7018 14.3077 14.0179 14.6573 14.5224 14.4135 14.4039 Q9ESY9 Ifi30 8 70.762772 65972 - 70.762772 70.766662 interferon gamma inducible protein 30 GILT; IP30 None None None 15.9669 14.4142 14.8652 15.1989 16.3263 13.3595 13.7259 15.3791 15.7324 15.4731 14.6828 17.124 18.1074 15.4406 15.3551 14.4942 15.1207 15.0103 15.5837 14.8919 14.731 14.4233 15.2842 15.1354 15.6173 15.2455 14.8349 14.878 15.79 16.1508 15.6788 16.3708 Q9CQZ1 Hsbp1 8 119.344537 68196 + 119.344537 119.348928 heat shock factor binding protein 1 0610007A03Rik; AA408769; Hsp25 None None None 14.4228 15.1945 14.9251 12.67 15.0072 15.5878 15.1834 15.1897 15.0965 14.9494 14.9835 15.1384 15.1385 15.6478 15.0565 14.0303 14.8633 15.1767 15.0168 15.1745 15.475 14.664 14.8678 15.2376 15.353 14.9848 14.8069 14.9036 15.5483 13.6692 14.8683 15.5241 Q9QXA5 Lsm4 8 70.67323 50783 + 70.67323 70.678751 LSM4 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated None None None 14.2371 13.9707 14.0281 14.1083 14.8519 13.0965 13.2482 14.3159 14.4507 13.7435 13.7966 13.5261 15.9782 13.5113 14.1768 13.9534 13.797 13.3531 14.2665 14.2002 14.037 13.7587 14.0003 13.5713 14.5718 14.2953 13.3535 13.386 13.573 14.3076 13.6956 14.4522 Q9EPE9 Atp13a1 8 69.791162 170759 + 69.791162 69.807748 ATPase type 13A1 Atp13a; Cgi152; catp None None None 15.349 14.6419 14.7677 14.4356 15.026 14.6039 14.4899 15.0696 14.4975 14.5758 15.0869 13.9418 15.2211 14.7437 14.8401 14.94 14.6061 14.8405 14.7026 14.9164 14.0252 14.7753 14.3693 14.5861 15.0271 14.323 14.4039 14.3927 13.9186 14.8513 14.773 14.7547 Q8K2A7 Ints10 8 68.793928 70885 + 68.793928 68.829409 integrator complex subunit 10 4921521J11Rik; AI462004 None None None 15.3367 13.1876 13.9597 12.9465 12.6358 13.4243 13.0053 12.9425 13.3372 12.1165 14.1222 12.6439 14.9329 15.2552 12.5178 12.3375 13.1266 13.9783 13.7528 13.7015 14.4234 12.849 12.9342 12.9441 14.1492 14.4008 12.4813 12.8978 14.1287 12.7797 13.1855 13.2813 P55284 Cdh5 8 104.101612 12562 + 104.101612 104.144503 cadherin 5 7B4; AA408225; Cd144; VE-Cad; VECD; VEcad; Vec None None None 15.1661 15.2675 15.3681 15.4663 15.3792 14.9514 15.5223 15.0172 15.3564 15.3356 15.2494 15.0494 14.6612 14.6714 15.0967 14.9684 15.059 15.1337 15.3539 15.2308 14.9414 14.8042 15.3149 15.3597 15.0219 15.4566 15.5431 15.2548 15.4465 14.9501 15.2141 15.3023 Q99LJ5 Cmtm3 8 104.339382 68119 + 104.339382 104.347671 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 3 9430096L06Rik; AI413895; BNAS2; Cklfsf3 None None None 14.4033 14.47 13.8614 14.1835 14.8976 14.4701 14.9397 14.4039 14.5296 13.9754 14.9879 14.1661 14.2016 16.0829 14.6531 14.0029 14.8943 14.5357 15.5466 15.2811 14.0338 14.3411 13.9618 14.2593 13.8522 15.3415 13.7657 13.7265 14.7105 16.0676 14.1386 16.3962 Q3U0V2 Tradd 8 105.258574 71609 - 105.258574 105.264593 TNFRSF1A-associated via death domain 9130005N23Rik; AA930854 None None None 13.2359 13.1834 13.16 13.102 13.4868 13.2137 13.3014 13.1027 13.2343 13.0318 13.0994 13.6462 14.6346 14.3925 13.0759 12.5402 13.1887 13.4201 13.761 13.3947 13.0512 13.1966 13.2038 13.3094 12.9552 12.6198 12.776 12.5976 13.7474 13.6126 13.1785 13.8916 O35955 Psmb10 8 105.935727 19171 - 105.935727 105.938391 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 10 Mecl-1; Mecl1 None None None 13.4552 13.7345 13.1808 12.5917 13.8837 13.9186 13.0509 13.5351 13.8392 13.8763 12.4938 15.5008 16.413 12.4048 14.5275 13.2189 13.5892 12.4565 13.8511 14.0501 12.3683 12.5332 11.7785 13.8086 12.7991 14.2187 12.7523 13.9565 14.4741 13.7502 13.5426 14.3927 Q8VEB4 Pla2g15 8 106.150353 192654 + 106.150353 106.164717 phospholipase A2, group XV ACS; C87498; LLPL; Lpla2; Lypla3 None None None 13.3529 13.3334 12.8219 13.5039 13.6843 13.2526 12.8321 13.577 13.0609 13.1299 13.0338 13.8931 14.001 13.4064 14.0062 13.0913 13.6876 13.7222 13.0976 13.5621 12.4525 13.5135 13.3166 12.9267 12.9392 13.0892 13.1819 13.2497 12.9982 14.0777 13.0116 12.9407 Q8BGK6 Slc7a6 8 106.168218 330836 + 106.168218 106.198713 solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 6 AI643885; LAT-2; LAT3; y+LAT-2 None None None 12.1563 10.8428 11.0166 11.7879 11.7547 10.1636 10.7706 11.0461 11.1537 11.9892 11.1814 12.0186 11.9995 10.2082 11.5173 11.6278 11.7345 11.4012 9.65359 10.3854 12.4902 11.2161 11.5004 11.1804 9.96922 12.009 12.5006 11.6677 11.9733 10.0883 12.2103 11.4504 Q8VEJ9 Vps4a 8 107.031268 116733 + 107.031268 107.045759 vacuolar protein sorting 4A 4930589C15Rik; AI325971; AW553189 None None None 12.6896 11.6037 11.8909 12.4145 12.6117 12.2304 12.8027 13.1115 12.5863 12.2549 12.9184 13.8613 12.5969 12.23 11.9799 12.6004 12.5831 12.7308 11.5974 12.6855 12.3094 12.5849 12.0428 11.4113 12.3924 11.8554 12.8055 12.8646 11.891 12.4735 12.1928 11.6727 Q9Z2D1 Mtmr2 9 13.747259 77116 + 13.747259 13.808895 myotubularin related protein 2 6030445P13Rik None None None 12.8109 13.5702 12.686 13.3705 12.9972 13.0482 13.3222 12.8254 12.8074 13.1042 13.2116 12.8291 13.3624 13.3918 13.0381 12.2666 13.1091 13.2671 13.375 13.2152 12.1438 13.1617 13.4846 13.0924 12.8208 13.0408 13.1181 12.6528 13.3587 12.9231 13.1486 13.5385 Q9CQX2 Cyb5b 8 107.15066 66427 + 107.15066 107.187469 cytochrome b5 type B 1810044O22Rik; AU015618; Cyb5m None None None 17.327 18.2525 17.1585 17.7836 18.2786 18.3327 18.9556 18.3505 17.3721 18.8676 18.1204 18.5989 15.6772 18.8761 18.2392 17.5853 18.1494 19.4667 18.5355 19.0449 17.7492 16.629 18.0039 19.1239 16.3637 16.5766 19.3101 18.8355 18.0307 18.9043 18.3038 18.303 O88271 Cfdp1 8 111.766681 23837 - 111.766681 111.854336 craniofacial development protein 1 AA408409; Bcnt; Bucentaur; Cfdp; cp27 None None None 11.7685 11.7267 11.8234 11.2686 12.0052 11.8279 11.8493 11.9914 12.3885 11.9059 11.6003 12.2815 13.5515 11.4586 11.8433 11.4374 11.5758 11.9976 12.0908 11.9523 11.4762 11.5246 12.0157 11.9795 12.4679 12.2761 11.9609 11.7685 12.2113 11.4378 11.8025 11.6308 Q9CR35 Ctrb1 8 111.686509 66473 - 111.686509 111.691009 chymotrypsinogen B1 2200008D09Rik; AI504462; Ctrb; Prt-2 None None None 14.2004 12.8196 14.2516 14.3394 12.4394 12.8296 17.8201 15.8256 15.0265 14.1078 13.8588 14.5575 12.3937 14.8656 11.9829 13.4735 14.1954 14.1991 14.9592 14.6503 12.3124 12.9789 12.0458 12.5994 12.3893 12.5902 14.5442 12.2973 14.04 15.3118 12.3607 13.7435 P68134 Acta1 8 123.891757 11459 - 123.891757 123.894774 actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle AA959943; Acta-2; Acts; Actsk-1 None None None 15.4725 21.205 18.3928 17.4736 18.8253 18.317 18.9538 18.1589 18.9963 18.267 17.6604 18.2974 17.2666 17.3534 17.6327 17.9171 17.417 17.7597 20.3299 17.407 18.4468 18.4859 18.1695 18.2241 17.3022 17.9091 17.8015 18.2315 17.9669 17.1283 18.8596 17.6154 Q6PB93 Galnt2 8 124.231393 108148 + 124.231393 124.345721 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 AI480629 None None None 14.2806 14.3512 14.4759 14.502 14.0881 15.077 14.7458 14.1009 14.3781 14.3367 14.1624 13.8587 13.3731 14.6476 14.1314 13.8697 14.8432 14.5476 14.8801 14.7493 13.2595 13.8447 14.1988 14.463 13.9799 13.2478 14.2375 14.5542 14.6831 15.1671 14.1839 14.6218 Q8R390 Gnpat 8 124.863032 14712 + 124.863032 124.890056 glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase AU019525; D1Ertd819e; DHAPAT None None None 12.5676 14.0467 13.782 13.8424 12.7129 13.8236 13.4502 13.3462 13.3744 13.6839 12.9375 13.2999 12.3529 13.2935 13.0389 13.3557 13.8911 13.7317 14.2669 13.9267 12.1114 13.4826 13.783 13.6697 13.2838 13.9229 13.7938 13.2722 12.965 13.7531 13.3541 13.8747 Q8C0E2 Vps26b 9 27.004501 69091 - 27.004501 27.030093 VPS26 retromer complex component B 1810012I05Rik; 2310075A12Rik; AI848392 None None None 15.2025 15.4169 15.1067 15.0106 15.1141 15.2257 15.1055 15.0206 15.1482 15.3613 14.8836 14.7541 14.8304 15.2448 15.1364 14.9619 15.2156 15.2107 15.2968 15.0786 14.8121 15.5267 15.5341 15.412 15.1373 15.1872 15.7344 15.2545 15.2848 15.1182 15.1977 15.2865 Q9D8S4 Rexo2 9 48.468511 104444 - 48.468511 48.48061 RNA exonuclease 2 1810038D15Rik; AW107347; Rex2; Sfn; Smfn None None None 15.9682 16.2742 15.2684 15.3993 15.0611 15.3394 15.1004 15.4369 15.5135 15.3318 15.2521 15.5521 16.9414 15.1573 15.5222 15.0484 15.1302 15.4317 15.6617 15.4905 15.08 15.6809 15.1158 15.0836 15.5238 14.9326 15.3562 14.5061 14.6457 15.4479 15.5482 14.9383 Q9DAR7 Dcps 9 35.124413 69305 - 35.124413 35.175986 decapping enzyme, scavenger 1700001E16Rik; AA408441 None None None 16.199 14.9674 15.6968 15.0919 16.0704 15.3291 14.9252 15.8319 15.9733 15.2796 15.7994 15.5153 17.9498 15.66 15.9892 15.4633 15.4755 15.3469 14.9511 15.0004 15.6346 15.4967 14.8037 15.2159 16.2231 15.7345 14.9633 15.3461 15.7534 15.4104 15.3963 16.0208 Q8QZT1 Acat1 9 53.580521 110446 - 53.580521 53.610349 acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 1 6330585C21Rik; Acat None None None 19.1594 18.9105 19.4168 18.9002 18.774 18.5525 18.6827 18.9079 18.8054 18.76 18.9147 18.6222 19.4331 18.5224 18.823 19.2729 18.4572 18.6593 18.4938 18.9342 20.7553 18.9738 19.2951 19.2975 19.5403 19.0099 19.0207 19.4961 19.6203 18.1573 18.9727 18.3351 P46656 Fdx1 9 51.943022 14148 - 51.943022 51.963601 ferredoxin 1 None None None 16.5277 14.3234 14.7984 14.4639 14.7665 14.4713 11.6762 14.7138 13.8184 14.6542 14.7048 14.5414 15.1317 14.1698 14.9261 14.9385 14.326 14.0891 14.1389 14.2557 16.04 14.5972 14.1824 14.4199 14.9189 14.1538 15.1523 15.2942 14.6795 13.7205 14.2188 13.9809 Q8BMF4 Dlat 9 50.634632 235339 - 50.634632 50.659779 dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) 6332404G05Rik; DLTA; PDC-E2 None None None 19.148 18.7017 19.9341 18.6734 18.6497 18.6766 18.5518 18.7208 18.8846 19.0634 19.0941 19.6075 19.9225 18.6759 18.8596 19.5031 19.2033 19.0745 19.1779 19.6301 21.1558 18.9195 18.6354 18.854 19.6766 19.0246 19.5172 20.163 18.9032 19.1859 19.0057 17.8072 Q9R1Z7 Pts 9 50.521616 19286 - 50.521616 50.528715 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase PTPS None None None 15.0037 14.9787 14.9692 14.7428 14.9321 14.8762 15.0875 15.2406 15.0815 14.9939 15.431 15.4679 15.4324 14.2668 15.6879 15.2329 14.8311 14.8262 14.4815 14.2571 15.4919 15.4449 15.1142 14.8698 15.3368 15.0084 15.3357 15.6492 15.2941 14.2758 15.1016 14.7156 P06728 Apoa4 9 46.240843 11808 + 46.240843 46.243457 apolipoprotein A-IV Apoa-4 None None None 20.4763 20.0448 20.273 20.8571 20.8684 20.5311 20.6482 20.2993 20.3626 20.7312 20.8143 20.6929 19.5055 20.8475 20.4981 22.0518 19.8906 20.5508 20.1103 20.2668 19.6806 20.56 20.3951 20.2294 20.985 21.3959 19.7892 20.2078 20.2212 19.5533 20.6498 20.5043 Q00623 Apoa1 9 46.228629 11806 + 46.228629 46.230468 apolipoprotein A-I Alp-1; Apoa-1; Brp-14; Ltw-1; Lvtw-1; Sep-1; Sep-2; Sep2; apo-AI; apoA-I None None None 21.5412 20.7521 20.4054 20.477 20.4659 20.5613 20.7807 20.1532 20.7744 20.4412 21.0076 20.0449 19.4691 20.1127 19.8165 21.8131 20.4397 20.4789 20.0133 21.0271 19.9911 20.5866 20.8024 20.5685 20.7291 21.502 20.6718 21.0325 18.3743 19.5034 20.7766 20.0155 P37804 Tagln 9 45.929627 21345 - 45.929627 45.936057 transgelin Sm22; Sm22a; Ws310 None None None 18.8962 19.463 19.0211 17.4708 18.7845 18.9354 18.7227 19.7001 18.9882 17.2433 20.5488 17.4125 16.7415 18.5184 19.2546 18.6714 18.3071 18.1057 17.7855 17.6028 21.3192 20.0666 16.7565 17.6324 20.0442 18.5335 17.5416 18.4617 16.543 18.4031 18.473 18.8379 Q5XJY5 Arcn1 9 44.742142 213827 - 44.742142 44.767807 archain 1 4632432M07Rik; nur17 None None None 17.1684 17.0103 16.7902 17.108 16.8514 16.9954 16.8964 16.7164 17.0953 16.9398 16.4414 16.8779 17.5379 16.9581 16.8902 16.4826 17.1614 16.594 17.4831 17.0236 16.0199 16.6169 16.9857 16.8159 16.5731 16.8843 16.5125 16.5881 16.8583 17.5088 17.0011 17.3118 Q80X80 C2cd2l 9 44.309236 71764 - 44.309236 44.320281 C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 2-like 1300006O23Rik; Tmem24 None None None 12.2493 14.355 12.9726 11.898 11.7534 14.0799 11.9576 12.177 12.8897 13.0407 12.4165 13.2938 13.6904 12.6344 12.8973 12.4909 12.6084 12.9634 12.9327 12.4917 12.5253 12.6336 12.5312 12.7421 12.9713 12.4373 11.5962 13.2786 12.3231 12.624 13.032 12.5461 Q91W86 Vps11 9 44.347748 71732 - 44.347748 44.361672 VPS11, CORVET/HOPS core subunit 1200011A11Rik None None None 14.5661 12.9458 13.0594 13.1901 13.3204 12.9646 12.8623 13.2465 13.0809 13.1374 12.9866 13.3394 13.3131 13.5416 13.1972 12.9994 13.1915 13.3473 13.4467 13.0267 12.8848 12.9502 12.8928 13.0307 12.974 12.7435 12.9729 12.9822 13.1241 13.361 13.0894 13.1338 Q9QUR7 Pin1 9 20.652117 23988 + 20.652117 20.663711 protein (peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting 1 0610025L01Rik; D9Bwg1161e None None None 13.0014 13.7731 13.4159 13.6502 13.0654 13.3352 13.5588 13.1556 13.6679 13.6983 13.2232 12.5231 13.4592 12.9424 13.2562 12.9458 13.5028 13.1495 14.3309 13.5566 12.5994 12.525 13.8803 13.434 12.8563 13.4655 13.1873 12.9153 13.0449 13.7722 13.4952 13.8122 Q8BY89 Slc44a2 9 21.320718 68682 + 21.320718 21.355027 solute carrier family 44, member 2 1110028E10Rik; CTL2 None None None 13.9308 14.6099 13.7242 13.5897 13.8232 14.5693 14.5675 14.2566 14.1851 14.2596 14.4674 12.9967 14.7055 13.8565 13.6012 13.9323 14.0055 14.1656 13.5441 13.5848 13.7101 14.4883 14.1074 13.6493 14.1476 13.8182 14.2615 13.896 13.3217 13.5299 14.4679 13.7758 Q3V009 Tmed1 9 21.507379 17083 - 21.507379 21.510233 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 1 Il1rl1l; Ly84l; St2l None None None 13.5647 13.7789 13.6221 13.6573 13.4403 14.0227 13.9028 14.3261 13.4366 13.7095 13.8841 13.5041 13.0523 13.7662 13.7882 13.4058 13.8783 13.4916 13.7062 14.0458 13.6053 14.1658 13.6241 13.7287 13.4216 13.7454 13.6446 13.4834 13.7434 14.1556 13.6562 13.5536 Q9WVG6 Carm1 9 21.546893 59035 + 21.546893 21.589466 coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 Prmt4 None None None 12.8395 12.8317 13.6282 12.5113 13.5585 14.1402 14.4161 13.9952 14.5101 13.4875 14.7987 12.2157 15.1959 14.6401 13.7299 14.3296 13.7722 13.7461 13.1385 13.9027 13.9772 14.5103 13.995 13.6106 14.9507 15.1622 12.4282 12.9752 13.8954 14.6825 13.6019 13.2928 Q8BX02 Kank2 9 21.766772 235041 - 21.766772 21.798545 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 2 AI504612; Ankrd25; BC010245 None None None 15.1119 14.2788 14.2178 14.4833 14.4761 14.567 14.149 15.1998 14.5874 14.4561 15.314 13.8341 14.4475 14.7938 14.1716 14.3228 14.2948 14.7146 14.0793 14.4124 16.2716 15.5394 14.3176 14.0514 14.3092 14.2214 15.0222 14.7415 13.7322 14.3947 14.3795 13.9125 Q62148 Aldh1a2 9 71.215788 19378 + 71.215788 71.296242 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A2 AV116159; Aldh1a7; Raldh1; Raldh2 None None None 13.2729 13.0193 12.9459 12.296 12.2781 13.5836 13.8931 13.4467 13.8311 13.1335 13.2839 12.4507 12.0495 11.9171 12.8535 12.904 13.3642 12.6703 12.1508 12.7428 12.3749 13.612 13.8529 12.5424 13.8897 13.2274 12.1485 12.1937 12.7135 12.2308 13.3579 13.3378 P46935 Nedd4 9 72.66233 17999 + 72.66233 72.74985 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4 AA959633; AL023035; AU019897; E430025J12Rik; EG639396; Gm7265; KIAA0093; Nedd4-1; Nedd4a None None None 18.3377 18.1182 17.8942 18.1755 17.8609 18.2002 18.0232 18.228 17.8965 18.1628 17.917 17.8133 16.7376 18.1463 18.1281 17.8458 17.8648 18.3338 17.7825 17.7574 17.699 17.8149 17.8782 18.1078 17.6522 17.6377 18.3125 18.1647 18.0004 17.8277 18.1659 17.7312 Q8C123 Myo1e 9 70.207349 71602 + 70.207349 70.400066 myosin IE 2310020N23Rik; 9130023P14Rik; AA407778; myosin-1e; myr 3 None None None 14.738 12.1036 13.0049 13.5855 13.9187 12.7598 12.7478 13.2955 13.586 13.5323 11.8985 14.1724 14.6821 15.1079 13.8042 12.3175 14.6531 13.9691 15.6114 14.9384 11.8952 12.1576 13.3363 13.8823 12.9938 12.9653 11.8739 12.2503 15.1782 15.4113 13.0175 15.5795 P07356 Anxa2 9 69.453682 12306 + 69.453682 69.491791 annexin A2 AW215814; Cal1h None None None 21.9653 21.7589 21.5693 22.2427 21.9402 22.2552 22.4753 22.0802 21.9248 22.1821 22.2925 22.2707 19.0359 22.4359 22.1353 21.1475 22.2053 22.2465 22.3713 21.9114 21.1527 21.7933 22.3433 22.3466 20.8358 20.6396 22.0228 21.9651 22.2202 22.2436 22.2833 22.1457 Q8BG73 Sh3bgrl2 9 83.548337 212531 + 83.548337 83.600291 SH3 domain binding glutamic acid-rich protein like 2 A930014C21Rik; AA408038; B930089I21 None None None 12.6475 14.158 11.8909 13.6408 13.3439 12.2008 11.2779 13.1153 12.939 12.6256 11.3517 13.6054 12.2644 12.1203 12.0897 12.7171 13.5328 13.3298 11.7072 13.2839 14.334 11.8675 13.8915 11.5211 12.2826 15.3518 12.6957 12.7785 11.7813 12.8232 12.1116 14.1691 Q6P3A8 Bckdhb 9 83.92511 12040 + 83.92511 84.124239 branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide BCKDE1B; BCKDH E1-beta None None None 16.0516 15.6105 17.737 15.5043 15.7487 15.8714 15.4719 15.9358 16.8321 16.1914 15.7204 15.1994 15.9365 14.9696 14.6244 16.9792 15.3086 16.0408 16.2283 16.6127 16.6264 17.0062 16.9491 16.1617 17.6335 17.0715 16.0373 16.2501 16.0538 15.6082 15.8163 16.1169 O54692 Zw10 9 49.055575 26951 + 49.055575 49.078774 zw10 kinetochore protein 6330566F14Rik; MmZw10 None None None 13.0878 12.6704 12.1717 12.0133 12.8945 12.7305 12.4509 12.8191 12.6652 12.6116 12.2245 12.1409 13.9705 12.8101 12.8217 12.856 12.8873 12.6499 12.3494 12.8671 12.0905 12.883 12.3997 12.2579 11.6365 12.363 12.7161 11.8139 12.6333 13.148 12.7317 12.794 Q9D6R2 Idh3a 9 54.58651 67834 + 54.58651 54.604661 isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) alpha 1110003P10Rik; 1500012E04Rik; AA407078; AI316514 None None None 19.4103 19.1598 20.5519 19.4196 19.0775 19.1575 19.1769 19.337 19.0475 19.4568 19.008 19.1372 19.8765 19.2552 19.1621 19.9289 19.3956 19.4087 19.8897 20.2026 21.9565 19.6157 19.6429 19.7724 20.0517 19.8185 19.5367 20.175 19.8766 19.3767 19.4018 19.1404 Q99PU5 Acsbg1 9 54.604885 94180 - 54.604885 54.661884 acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member 1 BG1; Bgm; E230019G03Rik; GR-LACS; Lpd; R75185 None None None 13.0858 12.7445 12.7291 11.9336 11.7735 12.2008 11.9107 12.1082 11.7457 12.2864 12.0264 11.8996 12.4509 12.0857 12.4156 11.7153 12.4865 12.2462 12.7507 12.5565 11.4173 11.5021 13.1758 12.1958 11.9234 12.7474 11.5103 12.5266 12.4247 11.8214 12.5925 12.4571 O35239 Ptpn9 9 56.994967 56294 + 56.994967 57.062807 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9 MEG2 None None None 13.956 13.3822 13.4849 13.6356 13.9378 13.7054 13.6056 13.8174 13.7296 13.5932 13.7572 13.4572 14.3466 13.809 13.7524 13.4398 13.52 13.498 13.5955 13.8245 13.2188 13.703 13.4935 13.5292 13.311 13.6939 13.432 13.3985 13.4866 13.7174 13.7061 13.8682 P52480 Pkm 9 59.656575 18746 + 59.656575 59.679371 pyruvate kinase, muscle AA414905; AL024370; AL024424; Pk-2; Pk-3; Pk3; Pkm2 None None None 21.6693 21.6833 21.4284 20.8788 21.3925 21.2184 21.2856 21.1707 21.2471 21.0466 20.8762 21.8577 22.3479 21.0409 21.326 20.9004 21.1148 20.8438 21.57 21.3127 21.8431 21.0208 20.9077 20.9665 21.3175 21.328 21.0781 20.9863 21.3139 21.3871 20.9346 21.3731 Q9R1P0 Psma4 9 54.95078 26441 + 54.95078 54.958033 proteasome subunit alpha 4 C9 None None None 12.8493 16.9538 14.3342 15.0971 14.6998 14.6683 13.5492 15.1597 15.1714 15.1099 14.0653 15.5951 15.4207 13.7496 15.3264 13.6403 15.4375 13.2547 15.2812 15.5119 13.935 14.9108 14.2108 15.0077 15.2934 17.3027 14.4335 14.9267 15.3938 14.6756 14.8781 14.7179 Q924M7 Mpi 9 57.544259 110119 - 57.544259 57.552811 mannose phosphate isomerase 1110002E17Rik; AI315153; Mpi-1; Mpi1 None None None 14.6367 15.241 15.0896 15.0141 14.6361 14.885 14.205 14.8052 15.2318 14.5365 14.7382 14.4864 15.7391 14.8553 14.335 14.3534 14.0631 14.5793 14.7012 14.9773 14.7135 14.7044 15.033 13.6963 15.1818 14.7327 13.5766 13.5958 14.9614 14.2121 14.7188 14.9932 Q78JE5 Fbxo22 9 55.208934 71999 + 55.208934 55.224432 F-box protein 22 0610033L19Rik; 1600016C16Rik None None None 14.4989 14.2036 14.1835 13.8667 14.1306 14.6203 14.5315 14.0825 14.4614 14.4671 14.1336 14.3133 14.8009 14.3651 14.2076 14.0832 14.3599 14.4857 14.353 14.1454 13.5077 14.1048 14.2638 14.1868 14.0606 14.5233 14.2254 13.9179 14.1991 14.3701 14.1316 14.3111 P41241 Csk 9 57.626645 12988 - 57.626645 57.65363 c-src tyrosine kinase AW212630; p50CSK None None None 16.4889 15.2617 15.7604 15.9659 16.7236 15.7635 15.4172 16.3093 15.8401 16.0027 16.2538 16.7944 17.2221 16.111 16.3338 16.6308 15.8826 15.9686 15.5527 16.1131 16.2874 16.1246 15.8093 15.6247 16.3219 16.1512 16.2535 15.8775 15.8954 16.098 15.8613 15.8867 Q99LC5 Etfa 9 55.454435 110842 - 55.454435 55.512242 electron transferring flavoprotein, alpha polypeptide 2010200I21Rik; D9Ertd394e None None None 19.1596 19.242 20.3808 19.2292 18.949 19.0815 19.1642 19.3358 19.3574 18.8864 19.3467 18.2896 19.8392 19.0049 18.6291 19.5556 19.106 18.8297 19.5012 19.649 21.0808 19.5285 19.4643 19.3017 20.3557 20.2506 18.6201 19.3399 19.9608 19.0095 19.4955 19.0582 Q9QZ82 Cyp11a1 9 57.998023 13070 + 57.998023 58.02703 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 Cyp11a; Cypxia1; D9Ertd411e; P450scc; Scc; cscc None None None 14.9792 11.9462 12.1147 12.4347 12.3495 12.1945 12.5305 11.8757 12.3036 13.0692 12.4286 12.1431 11.9068 11.8373 12.8789 13.5152 12.1091 14.0 11.8288 13.6324 12.2851 12.454 11.9346 12.4732 12.4343 11.9703 12.5952 12.1641 11.579 12.4174 12.2634 11.789 P48771 Cox7a2 9 79.75524 12866 - 79.75524 79.771421 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A2 COX7AL; Cox7a3; CoxVIIa-L None None None 19.3624 18.9352 19.9467 19.0209 19.1734 18.9562 18.9242 19.4525 19.0433 18.991 19.2361 18.838 19.9175 18.9793 19.4605 19.7593 19.0232 18.9884 18.6386 19.2097 20.5611 19.0783 18.8792 19.2364 19.7732 19.1901 19.2904 19.9756 19.2929 19.1317 19.1922 18.4372 P24472 Gsta4 9 78.191965 14860 + 78.191965 78.209348 glutathione S-transferase, alpha 4 GST5.7; mGsta4 None None None 16.926 16.4099 18.0795 17.4886 17.8104 16.3471 16.406 18.1939 17.816 17.6681 16.4603 16.0357 15.2614 14.4154 18.1427 18.5955 15.4528 15.3306 15.9995 16.6754 18.5276 18.4236 18.0259 17.1183 18.6773 18.3343 17.8118 17.8968 16.3266 15.2553 16.3728 17.6135 Q8BHI7 Elovl5 9 77.917364 68801 + 77.917364 77.984518 ELOVL family member 5, elongation of long chain fatty acids (yeast) 1110059L23Rik; AI747313; AU043003; HELO1 None None None 13.0483 13.8605 14.0321 14.4802 14.0171 14.1027 11.8345 13.5826 14.1657 13.805 13.7425 12.3233 14.371 14.0002 13.5191 13.1177 14.0647 13.4237 14.385 14.2277 13.5108 14.0978 14.0356 14.0494 14.2034 13.4997 13.6987 13.894 13.2582 14.2825 13.2752 14.3154 P97494 Gclc 9 77.754534 14629 + 77.754534 77.794488 glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit D9Wsu168e; GLCL-H; Ggcs-hs; Glclc None None None 15.0082 14.106 14.692 14.1376 14.4274 13.6496 14.721 14.5331 14.4113 14.4251 14.3337 14.0069 15.0832 14.1895 14.3725 14.5199 14.128 13.9178 14.0538 14.182 14.3877 14.3501 14.217 14.324 14.8555 15.0752 14.1642 14.185 13.4513 14.0027 14.0255 14.6178 Q9EP89 Lactb 9 66.955381 80907 - 66.955381 66.975483 lactamase, beta LACT-1; Lact1; Mrpl56 None None None 14.5888 15.146 15.1237 14.6848 14.3909 15.2501 15.0937 14.7509 14.8654 15.0336 14.9347 13.9755 14.3985 14.7433 14.7642 14.3429 14.8809 14.8652 14.735 14.5628 14.2247 15.0821 15.1599 14.5982 15.3316 15.3464 14.5455 14.9134 14.7151 14.5125 14.8903 14.8103 P58196 Plscr4 9 92.457371 235527 + 92.457371 92.493512 phospholipid scramblase 4 AV245873 None None None 12.6275 14.6296 13.8641 14.2416 13.8426 13.1903 11.5772 14.2163 13.5863 14.2021 14.6123 12.3233 12.93 14.3296 13.985 13.7608 12.8302 14.3949 13.62 13.7772 14.3092 14.0703 14.2398 13.8681 12.4025 12.9395 14.2382 14.4983 13.6951 13.8952 14.2753 13.8616 Q8VDF3 Dapk2 9 66.158225 13143 + 66.158225 66.272241 death-associated protein kinase 2 None None None 12.7297 11.9272 12.441 12.738 12.3987 11.807 11.1333 11.8841 11.8732 11.874 9.7604 11.9339 11.5638 11.9065 12.3619 12.2769 11.9587 12.0857 11.9209 12.1151 11.8618 11.4931 12.3663 11.7965 12.0689 11.9242 12.0881 12.3013 11.5675 12.1708 12.0655 11.5351 Q9DCL2 Fam96a Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9DCL2 None None None 12.8166 11.3056 13.2248 13.0396 12.9365 12.5314 11.4734 12.2591 12.7405 12.797 12.4388 12.8711 14.1024 12.4157 12.9598 12.7088 12.085 13.4591 13.0483 13.051 12.3564 13.1033 12.9453 13.0883 12.82 12.1496 13.226 13.1887 13.1216 12.3856 12.8682 13.3419 Q9WV80 Snx1 9 66.088126 56440 - 66.088126 66.124885 sorting nexin 1 None None None 16.7176 16.5716 16.8457 16.6423 17.1376 16.8581 16.9036 16.6904 17.0791 16.5085 16.6795 16.1162 17.5744 16.9505 17.0022 16.6656 16.9938 16.4741 17.3188 17.0411 16.5099 16.8557 16.5234 16.6775 16.7626 17.0597 16.4575 16.5825 17.1974 17.0706 16.7541 17.3231 P24369 Ppib 9 66.060168 19035 + 66.060168 66.066628 peptidylprolyl isomerase B AA408962; AA553318; AI844835; Cphn-2; Cphn2; CyP-20b None None None 18.8421 18.6198 18.0146 18.0083 18.5083 18.4858 18.6444 18.3925 18.6131 18.4874 18.363 19.1215 19.9554 18.424 18.9546 18.2323 18.5562 18.5735 18.5629 18.5302 18.1209 18.0497 17.9721 18.3392 17.9828 17.687 18.7675 18.1567 18.3517 18.5648 18.4727 18.508 Q9CQC8 Spg21 9 65.453288 27965 + 65.453288 65.488469 SPG21, maspardin ACP33; BM-019; C78576; D9Wsu18e; GL010; MAST None None None 13.4747 14.3127 14.7263 15.5535 14.8581 14.8339 15.6319 14.035 15.5175 15.074 13.9756 14.2227 15.4786 15.72 14.7141 13.9037 15.4463 15.3421 15.9336 15.1191 13.308 15.3496 15.7575 15.0326 15.4232 15.7538 15.3317 13.7273 14.8004 15.8991 15.638 16.0852 Q80YA7 Dpp8 9 65.032405 74388 + 65.032405 65.084502 dipeptidylpeptidase 8 2310004I03Rik; 4932434F09Rik; AI666706; DPP VIII None None None 13.2212 13.5371 12.802 13.1572 13.2775 13.1713 13.3078 13.0033 12.9954 13.053 13.5166 13.1985 12.983 13.2534 12.6948 12.4839 13.1953 12.9094 13.577 13.0466 12.9281 13.0337 13.4509 12.9084 13.0707 13.5743 13.0635 12.4854 12.8192 14.0219 13.114 13.8566 Q9D8E6 Rpl4 9 64.173386 67891 + 64.173386 64.178561 ribosomal protein L4 2010004J23Rik None None None 18.12 17.8713 17.8434 17.9018 17.5766 18.0667 17.8152 17.5132 17.9892 17.6666 17.1233 17.4201 19.0383 17.98 17.5834 17.3545 18.0231 17.5922 18.2133 18.0305 17.1934 17.7116 17.399 17.448 17.6623 18.0208 17.3194 16.8063 17.7319 18.2566 17.8136 18.1786 P97370 Atp1b3 9 96.332654 11933 - 96.332654 96.36443 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, beta 3 polypeptide AA409958; AI664000; AW212096 None None None 17.6069 17.434 17.5487 17.4665 17.2204 17.4296 17.78 16.8187 17.3601 17.0321 17.5685 16.462 17.0604 17.5828 17.0556 16.8957 17.5801 17.2074 17.8325 17.3644 17.4675 16.9864 17.6298 17.3208 17.1142 17.4053 17.3113 17.0051 17.341 17.4881 17.2118 17.862 P06801 Me1 9 86.581362 17436 - 86.581362 86.695913 malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic D9Ertd267e; Mdh-1; Mod-1; Mod1 None None None 20.3249 20.2461 19.5722 20.164 19.3912 20.1102 20.0969 19.2048 18.9924 18.9506 20.1973 20.2859 19.6801 19.9324 19.0798 19.2166 20.6966 19.104 19.6475 20.0472 19.666 19.3026 19.2775 20.3761 19.7675 21.2465 19.3522 19.8108 19.6977 20.0711 20.2622 18.7496 Q61503 Nt5e 9 88.327608 23959 + 88.327608 88.372088 5' nucleotidase, ecto 2210401F01Rik; 5'-NT; AI447961; CD73; NT; Nt5; eNT None None None 13.1978 11.4097 11.8909 12.2206 12.8646 12.1312 12.5991 15.8571 13.7531 13.3083 12.4834 12.2546 16.2183 12.424 12.3447 13.4544 12.345 13.5369 11.4035 12.694 14.6071 14.2672 16.0555 12.3139 13.9959 11.4067 13.9117 11.6276 12.085 12.5195 11.775 12.0526 Q9CZ69 Cmtm6 9 114.731156 67213 + 114.731156 114.749358 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 6 2810051A14Rik; AA536733; Cklfsf6 None None None 12.1377 14.3296 14.5867 14.3796 14.3707 14.401 14.5628 13.7284 14.298 14.0445 13.3559 13.1632 13.9565 14.1176 14.1158 13.6786 14.5475 14.2771 14.7476 14.6568 13.2418 13.5899 13.8024 14.3166 13.644 14.8428 14.1601 13.9474 13.9421 14.5324 14.2016 14.5148 Q3TDQ1 Stt3b 9 115.242469 68292 - 115.242469 115.310467 STT3, subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex, homolog B (S. cerevisiae) 1300006C19Rik; Simp None None None 17.0969 16.9023 16.5904 16.9073 16.755 16.8725 16.8005 16.8891 16.6786 16.8817 16.5789 16.9237 16.6115 16.8019 16.8151 16.7818 16.7885 16.7201 16.797 16.8818 16.3033 16.5635 16.7103 16.8814 16.1789 16.6052 16.8646 16.4199 16.6689 17.0013 16.8656 16.8482 O55029 Copb2 9 98.56373 50797 + 98.56373 98.588374 coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 2 (beta prime) AI256832 None None None 18.1244 17.6084 17.4952 17.8052 17.5456 17.7562 17.6545 17.5097 17.7339 17.5506 17.3351 17.2238 18.1377 17.9217 17.648 17.106 17.8147 17.5495 18.1425 17.7575 16.9199 17.2482 17.5049 17.7369 17.2902 17.4539 17.242 17.2308 17.6218 18.0889 17.6512 18.0283 Q8BTI9 Pik3cb 9 99.038401 74769 - 99.038401 99.140234 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta 1110001J02Rik; AI447572; p110beta None None None 12.1096 13.2216 12.6071 12.695 12.3103 11.9691 12.9293 12.4493 12.4317 12.4672 12.6322 12.7169 12.311 12.4635 12.141 12.1545 12.3735 12.176 12.414 12.4147 12.0178 12.0553 13.1183 13.1246 12.6472 13.2064 12.687 12.4542 12.9834 12.4275 13.0965 12.4238 Q9WUD8 Faim 9 98.986372 23873 + 98.986372 99.002018 Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule None None None 13.37 13.085 13.2806 13.2284 13.5307 12.59 12.1446 13.4276 13.0568 13.5029 12.8186 12.94 14.3551 12.7773 13.6731 12.7189 13.4191 13.1886 13.4442 13.3857 13.0192 12.6412 13.188 13.1356 13.2739 13.0156 13.2537 13.3869 13.591 13.4817 13.1286 13.625 Q9DBR3 Armc8 9 99.478384 74125 - 99.478384 99.568906 armadillo repeat containing 8 1200015K23Rik; Gid5; HSPC056 None None None 13.7839 12.93 12.9791 11.4669 13.0624 13.775 12.7552 14.0003 13.484 13.8961 12.6395 13.0062 12.6812 13.434 13.3612 14.294 13.6241 14.1197 13.0654 13.764 13.5876 14.0787 14.02 13.8142 13.1455 12.927 14.1822 13.5842 13.0865 12.8323 14.0374 12.274 P27546 Map4 9 109.92984 17758 + 109.92984 110.083953 microtubule-associated protein 4 AA407148; MAP-4; Mtap-4; Mtap4 None None None 18.2253 17.1502 17.2169 17.6061 17.1993 17.4035 17.2463 17.4932 17.2501 17.5811 17.2787 16.8262 17.3402 17.7629 17.0053 16.9729 17.2939 17.9128 17.5419 17.3717 17.5311 17.0099 17.4444 17.5341 16.4748 16.411 17.5746 17.153 17.0355 17.6638 17.3708 17.4583 O08692 Ngp 9 110.419807 18054 + 110.419807 110.423011 neutrophilic granule protein bectenecin None None None 12.5439 12.3221 13.8309 18.1536 14.7985 12.9269 12.4076 12.5022 13.7486 13.8734 11.7585 13.6421 17.4907 13.3132 14.2065 12.9209 12.5666 12.2431 12.3911 12.1061 16.5511 12.72 12.4682 12.8518 14.8023 13.9356 12.0155 11.869 13.0647 13.3698 12.8338 12.3613 P08071 Ltf 9 111.019291 17002 + 111.019291 111.042765 lactotransferrin Csp82; Lf; MMS10R; Ms10r None None None 12.8747 12.8807 14.3066 16.1564 16.1248 13.9321 12.9669 13.9309 13.8668 13.7085 13.2704 13.2447 15.1057 16.4709 15.7541 17.6357 14.6625 12.4668 15.8387 14.5305 13.6963 15.0826 13.7274 11.8146 14.6097 14.6061 14.9821 12.2948 14.8512 15.4684 14.5972 15.1614 Q9WU78 Pdcd6ip 9 113.651743 18571 - 113.651743 113.708278 programmed cell death 6 interacting protein AI480591; AW544830; Aip1; Alix; C76364; Eig2; mKIAA1375 None None None 17.1616 16.3173 16.2952 16.3523 16.6397 16.6557 16.5853 16.5796 16.6669 16.4967 16.5911 16.8319 17.0208 16.769 16.7272 16.1521 16.5185 16.8608 16.7892 16.4135 16.3076 16.4698 16.76 16.4093 16.3025 16.3803 16.5275 16.1845 16.6475 16.7205 16.4873 17.0137 Q8C163 Exog 9 119.444924 208194 + 119.444924 119.465517 endo/exonuclease (5'-3'), endonuclease G-like AW557704; ENGL-B; ENGL-a; Endogl1; Endogl2; Engl; Engla; Englb None None None 11.7097 12.8503 12.5119 11.8965 11.7118 12.3035 12.6838 12.1374 12.3796 12.3981 12.1987 11.9743 12.6479 12.354 12.1491 11.6035 12.8223 12.3197 12.6151 12.7292 11.9035 12.1585 11.9547 12.3681 12.3302 12.8735 11.6008 12.7483 12.2562 12.006 12.5414 12.321 P14206 Rpsa 9 120.127765 16785 + 120.127765 120.132368 ribosomal protein SA 67kDa; 67lr; AL022858; Lamr; Lamr1; Lamrl1; MLR; P40; P40-3; P40-8 None None None 18.6831 17.9593 18.1728 18.0641 18.5246 17.3519 17.3097 18.2685 18.2822 17.9517 17.5958 18.8571 19.8474 18.2897 18.7225 18.0855 18.1819 18.0657 18.6666 18.4196 18.1229 17.5262 17.5515 18.3229 17.7153 17.9153 18.0868 18.155 18.3075 18.6788 18.0334 18.2039 P61294 Rab6b 9 103.111666 270192 + 103.111666 103.185275 RAB6B, member RAS oncogene family 9630015C03; AI844641; C330006L04Rik; D9Bwg0185e None None None 12.4946 13.5557 11.6028 12.7134 13.2998 12.2008 11.8872 12.8837 13.914 12.0507 12.923 13.1347 11.6711 12.9824 13.2241 12.612 13.4422 13.2836 11.8541 11.6599 12.8186 13.4203 13.9517 12.7525 12.8201 11.8508 14.0034 12.1923 11.6449 12.4145 11.766 11.6773 P47758 Srprb 9 103.188032 20818 - 103.188032 103.202064 signal recognition particle receptor, B subunit AA409543 None None None 14.9335 14.5878 14.5851 14.5645 14.5271 14.6523 14.6133 14.3844 14.7588 14.4558 14.4568 14.0332 15.6396 14.6863 14.5819 14.5637 14.6704 14.4723 14.9485 14.7163 14.0891 14.1471 14.3632 14.814 14.4446 13.2323 14.4259 14.3105 14.6904 14.8833 14.4901 14.7008 Q8VE47 Uba5 9 104.046586 66663 - 104.046586 104.063175 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 5 5730525G14Rik; AW240750; Ube1dc1 None None None 14.7295 15.3071 15.2237 15.562 15.0854 15.7223 15.6742 15.1074 15.6348 15.3658 14.9811 14.6294 15.3628 15.3097 15.0924 15.3128 15.615 15.7452 15.7587 15.5752 14.4852 15.4004 15.7432 15.6181 15.2721 15.1016 15.3119 15.262 15.2573 15.6397 15.1756 15.7069 Q6P3D0 Nudt16 9 105.129331 75686 - 105.129331 105.133132 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 16 2310041H06Rik; 2810047L04Rik; 2900006H04Rik; AI851783 None None None 14.9407 14.1054 14.3688 14.2594 14.7347 14.5546 14.3775 14.4698 14.7703 14.2931 14.3842 15.056 15.5308 14.4916 14.6878 14.1432 14.8529 14.7035 14.7078 14.8063 14.1377 14.6985 14.5372 14.4906 14.5853 14.2632 14.126 14.2045 14.6446 14.6931 14.2596 15.2652 Q3UMW7 Mapkapk3 9 107.254926 102626 - 107.254926 107.289876 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 3 3PK; AI874665; MAPKAP-K3; MAPKAP3; MK-3; MK3; MapkKapk3 None None None 13.7456 13.3428 12.7529 13.6598 13.5063 13.5867 12.6672 13.3041 13.4319 13.4844 13.6619 12.6398 14.3034 13.9882 12.9395 11.6685 13.0977 13.6543 14.0347 13.7358 13.1741 12.3173 13.3118 12.6191 13.1675 12.1714 13.107 12.3141 13.8962 13.8597 12.8977 14.409 Q9ESJ4 Nckipsd 9 108.808345 80987 + 108.808345 108.818838 NCK interacting protein with SH3 domain AF3P21; DIP1; ORF1; SPIN90; WASLBP; WISH; Wasbp None None None 11.8773 13.755 13.2573 11.8901 12.9721 12.2008 12.2783 12.1576 12.2587 12.4637 12.394 12.3702 12.3893 12.7544 11.8712 13.0005 12.6966 11.4096 12.7495 13.8125 11.785 12.7057 13.4037 12.5634 12.9168 14.3627 11.6535 12.9736 13.9636 13.4061 12.5362 12.8247 Q9Z2Z6 Slc25a20 9 108.662135 57279 + 108.662135 108.684641 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase), member 20 1110007P09Rik; C78826; CAC; Cact; mCAC None None None 17.7422 17.4612 18.7837 17.6745 17.4287 16.9601 16.7589 17.7819 17.2192 17.4118 17.1217 17.7239 19.0438 17.3386 17.3603 17.8107 17.7456 17.2302 17.6629 18.2875 20.6872 18.0859 17.6344 17.7218 18.1628 17.7103 17.1866 18.5123 17.3883 17.2586 17.9711 16.9853 P35123 Usp4 9 108.346563 22258 + 108.346563 108.392544 ubiquitin specific peptidase 4 (proto-oncogene) F730026I20Rik; Unp; mKIAA4155 None None None 13.7682 12.5124 12.3632 12.7674 12.6518 12.9104 13.3945 12.526 12.4897 12.4254 12.5656 12.7323 13.9014 12.7713 12.5631 12.585 12.6801 12.9177 12.8975 12.7464 13.0628 12.697 12.8735 12.6254 12.3551 12.2555 12.5736 12.3238 12.7149 13.0168 12.4806 12.9513 P35290 Rab24 13 55.319222 19336 - 55.319222 55.321979 RAB24, member RAS oncogene family 6530406O07Rik None None None 12.7985 13.5219 13.4506 13.3929 13.5246 13.3026 12.7928 13.42 12.7905 13.48 13.4625 13.0308 12.7196 11.974 13.2446 13.7107 13.0001 13.5713 14.1356 13.3479 13.6079 13.4852 13.4627 13.46 12.9524 13.2983 13.6357 13.3641 13.4136 13.2336 13.4225 12.5385 Q9WUB3 Pygm 19 6.384407 19309 + 6.384407 6.398463 muscle glycogen phosphorylase AI115133; PG None None None 16.0837 18.4764 16.5694 15.5822 15.399 15.8023 16.7109 16.5332 16.6134 15.6355 15.9929 15.2033 15.5883 15.4544 15.5302 15.8115 15.2952 15.4839 15.0752 15.5175 16.1892 15.7672 15.5398 15.5264 15.913 16.3657 16.2144 15.9624 15.6837 15.1771 16.2359 15.6273 Q9CR51 Atp6v1g1 4 63.544764 66290 + 63.544764 63.5507 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit G1 1810024D14Rik; AA960677; ATP6J; Atp6g1; VAG1; Vma10 None None None 14.5608 15.1808 14.1686 14.5965 14.4153 14.1815 14.9057 14.4116 14.9489 15.2365 13.3385 14.9802 14.7317 14.1955 14.9186 14.5974 14.6584 13.9315 16.4053 15.7358 12.786 13.5047 15.7015 14.6292 13.2878 15.2445 14.9009 13.9479 14.908 16.2306 15.3638 15.476 Q8BND5 Qsox1 1 155.778154 104009 - 155.778154 155.812898 quiescin Q6 sulfhydryl oxidase 1 1300003H02Rik; QSOX; Qscn6; SOx; b2b2673Clo None None None 15.2687 14.6984 14.6173 15.257 15.6888 14.9584 15.2814 14.7787 15.2674 15.2193 15.3897 16.2196 14.8855 15.4777 15.3249 16.2181 15.1856 15.1157 14.8608 15.2282 14.6734 14.9726 14.9159 14.9625 15.6656 16.3613 14.8122 14.5893 14.931 15.0174 14.7872 14.9107 Q64726 Azgp1 5 137.98152 12007 + 137.98152 137.990232 alpha-2-glycoprotein 1, zinc Zag None None None 15.8025 15.3878 15.8095 15.8248 15.8175 15.7568 16.3718 15.198 15.7973 15.6608 16.1322 16.6573 14.8002 15.5717 15.7808 16.7143 15.499 15.6499 15.2899 16.0433 15.2673 15.6827 16.3208 15.9068 15.8701 16.5229 15.3493 15.0385 15.7868 15.1157 15.4063 15.6815 P26450 Pik3r1 13 101.68076 18708 - 101.68076 101.768216 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 PI3K; p50alpha; p55alpha; p85alpha None None None 13.0704 13.6667 13.5904 13.5918 13.4916 13.3344 13.1529 13.6377 13.1213 13.4423 13.7665 12.0564 14.2161 13.5218 13.049 13.2009 12.9413 13.5743 13.5994 13.2506 12.9897 13.0735 13.6238 13.2879 13.5109 14.0654 13.9059 13.4066 13.5313 13.2596 13.5242 13.5829 Q9WTU0 Phf2 13 48.801749 18676 - 48.801749 48.870884 PHD finger protein 2 GRC5 None None None 12.6102 11.5011 12.441 12.3667 12.5584 12.2779 13.3003 12.1743 12.7889 12.0402 11.8629 12.3233 12.0178 11.6526 12.2425 12.9587 11.993 12.6805 11.5074 12.1514 12.4719 12.7138 12.7385 11.6935 13.7618 12.0272 12.7536 12.9597 11.9916 12.0678 12.3319 11.4321 Q8VDP4 Ccar2 14 70.138167 219158 - 70.138167 70.15379 cell cycle activator and apoptosis regulator 2 2610301G19Rik; Dbc1; mKIAA1967 None None None 16.1623 16.31 15.4819 16.411 16.1387 14.7995 12.6681 16.485 15.2078 15.5205 16.2056 14.2059 15.9963 13.5518 15.0916 16.0576 15.4413 16.2974 15.7275 14.0435 12.6946 13.938 15.5944 14.4326 15.254 12.4714 16.5015 16.1537 15.6827 16.593 15.2573 12.1623 Q8VHY0 Cspg4 9 56.865103 121021 + 56.865103 56.899869 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 4732461B14Rik; AN2; Cspg4a; NG2 None None None 15.0756 14.5625 15.2141 15.0916 14.6361 14.9871 14.7907 14.7424 14.9093 14.9568 15.3302 13.9076 13.1538 14.9709 14.4547 14.6672 14.7952 14.7578 15.2974 15.2389 15.3855 14.8758 14.4644 15.1215 14.7336 14.8867 15.0701 15.0954 14.4473 15.3618 15.0967 14.6613 Q9R269 Ppl 16 5.08629 19041 - 5.08629 5.13248 periplakin AW553870 None None None 12.6206 13.1894 12.9822 11.623 12.7247 14.2623 13.5046 13.4322 13.1785 12.9918 13.818 12.3154 12.4189 13.4132 12.5659 12.8945 13.0415 12.8283 12.488 12.8272 12.3399 13.7955 13.3898 12.6156 13.709 13.3732 13.3147 12.8729 12.3222 12.0403 13.0692 12.788 Q6Y5D8 Arhgap10 8 77.250365 78514 - 77.250365 77.517998 Rho GTPase activating protein 10 A930033B01Rik; PS-GAP; PSGAP; PSGAP-m; PSGAP-s None None None 13.3752 12.6823 12.441 12.3925 13.0193 12.9081 12.0043 12.9072 12.2898 12.4336 12.8247 12.0111 11.992 13.2519 12.9144 12.1997 12.7589 12.6439 13.1605 12.2942 13.4797 12.7546 12.4435 11.7192 11.4645 13.1156 12.7278 12.9855 12.6943 12.0936 12.7007 11.4579 Q6NVE8 Wdr44 X 23.692401 72404 + 23.692401 23.806025 WD repeat domain 44 2610034K17Rik; RAB11BP; RPH11 None None None 13.0945 13.1561 13.1839 12.7754 13.4232 13.351 13.1391 13.4391 13.1776 13.3853 13.1752 13.1159 12.4831 13.5343 13.188 12.766 13.1158 13.2237 13.3499 13.064 12.8558 13.3414 13.2523 13.1676 13.2665 13.293 13.3146 13.352 13.4817 13.3794 13.3169 13.3735 Q9CQQ8 Lsm7 10 80.852824 66094 - 80.852824 80.855208 LSM7 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated 0910001B06Rik; 1110033F18Rik None None None 14.252 14.2798 14.1051 13.691 15.5176 15.0505 14.0701 14.8145 15.269 15.5952 14.1972 16.5449 18.393 15.0338 15.6351 16.0879 15.1827 14.509 13.6345 14.2356 14.6399 15.6693 14.0456 13.8173 15.714 15.312 16.0493 15.5901 15.2436 15.6038 14.841 13.5036 P12804 Fgl2 5 21.372672 14190 + 21.372672 21.378385 fibrinogen-like protein 2 AI385601; musfiblp None None None 14.7526 14.2228 13.4293 14.5857 14.7455 13.9662 13.7549 13.5623 15.9147 14.3485 15.1329 14.0671 12.7036 14.6759 13.5662 13.8763 12.3673 13.773 14.382 13.3708 12.0607 13.2104 13.8109 13.767 14.0335 12.4385 15.0122 16.7737 15.244 14.4778 14.2802 14.8905 P60334 Cdo1 18 46.713192 12583 - 46.713192 46.728501 cysteine dioxygenase 1, cytosolic 1300002L19Rik; Cdo; D18Ucla3 None None None 19.4675 18.9533 18.1289 18.5831 17.9264 18.9472 18.4583 19.3641 18.5804 19.6564 18.4252 18.5918 20.6523 18.3307 19.5349 18.9689 19.6564 18.4619 16.3043 19.3757 18.0849 19.2406 18.8804 18.1867 18.527 19.1652 19.5694 18.8025 18.3447 18.5479 19.223 18.6097 Q64331 Myo6 9 80.164975 17920 + 80.164975 80.311728 myosin VI BC029719; Myo6; Tlc; rsv; sv None None None 14.5386 15.7425 14.6503 15.5278 15.134 15.3304 16.0088 15.2711 14.8928 15.525 15.2014 13.7132 13.0097 15.344 15.1554 15.1583 15.0247 15.3973 15.7565 15.2883 13.6318 15.0402 15.7892 15.8217 15.3112 15.5495 15.3634 15.092 15.3728 15.395 15.3119 15.4905 Q8R015 Bloc1s5 13 38.602697 17828 - 38.602697 38.637116 biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 5, muted 1810074A19Rik; Muted; mu None None None 12.2552 13.5962 13.5821 13.6291 12.8694 13.5017 13.7713 13.3098 12.3613 12.6176 12.5613 12.4083 12.3729 13.207 13.2095 12.7176 13.8552 12.0669 13.3196 13.2516 12.0593 13.8789 12.6045 12.1514 13.5262 13.8026 12.9558 12.8912 13.8729 14.434 13.1169 12.1305 Q6KAR6 Exoc3 13 74.169801 211446 - 74.169801 74.210031 exocyst complex component 3 2810050O03Rik; E430013E20Rik; Sec6; Sec6l1 None None None 13.5622 14.0457 13.8111 14.1763 14.2648 13.981 13.6524 14.2342 14.1459 13.7765 13.8593 12.7968 13.053 14.365 13.96 13.6106 14.0895 14.0208 14.1612 14.3473 14.1768 13.919 13.8774 13.7637 13.7295 13.1848 14.0443 13.6491 13.4748 14.2582 13.9933 14.279 O09167 Rpl21 5 146.832889 19933 + 146.832889 146.837031 ribosomal protein L21 8430440E03Rik; L21 None None None 14.1329 15.0632 14.9438 15.1023 14.7113 15.1381 14.9983 14.8878 15.3782 15.1126 14.2673 14.7612 16.1419 15.2651 14.9172 14.6034 15.5419 14.9892 15.3604 15.1108 13.7234 15.1018 14.6404 15.2673 14.9868 15.16 14.8905 14.0285 15.1839 15.4689 15.1267 15.3577 Q7TQK5 Ccdc93 1 0.0 70829 0.0 0.0 coiled-coil domain containing 93 4633402D15Rik; 9230102M16Rik None None None 14.6215 13.9125 13.615 13.7304 14.1841 14.0344 13.5263 13.8859 13.8432 14.0334 13.6571 13.2978 14.5567 14.2618 13.8494 13.5488 14.0954 13.9942 14.2983 13.7828 13.3664 13.8458 13.9855 13.9404 13.4915 13.9444 13.8843 13.9016 14.0354 13.7033 13.9338 14.2976 Q8BTX9 Hsdl1 8 119.561977 72552 - 119.561977 119.575213 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 1 2700067E09Rik None None None 13.8027 12.915 13.5529 14.1255 13.8171 13.4704 12.7444 12.7529 13.2779 12.5477 14.5178 12.8687 14.884 14.1846 13.8848 12.4433 12.2886 12.729 14.0356 12.9257 14.0515 13.0842 12.6963 12.9036 13.4937 12.4403 12.1749 14.0573 14.2722 13.471 13.1089 12.5067 O88554 Parp2 14 50.807896 11546 + 50.807896 50.8213 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 2 ADPRT-2; ARTD2; Adprt2; Adprtl2; Aspartl2; C78626; PARP-2; mPARP-2; pADPRT-2 None None None 12.3261 12.3533 12.441 11.5424 11.7202 12.1312 12.8307 10.7046 10.6986 12.0263 12.715 11.6242 11.5884 12.4769 11.9771 11.1101 12.8266 11.8562 12.3595 12.1653 11.6476 11.2172 11.9142 12.5456 12.3146 12.8515 11.9014 12.1354 12.8159 12.92 11.5653 12.2843 Q8VBV7 Cops8 1 90.602959 108679 + 90.602959 90.61334 COP9 signalosome subunit 8 9430009J09Rik; AA408242; Csn8; Sgn8 None None None 15.7613 15.6961 15.7283 15.7439 15.5918 15.7673 15.9654 15.578 15.6968 15.6196 15.636 15.6407 15.7783 15.416 15.7265 15.3339 15.6329 15.5917 15.9529 15.5798 14.9571 15.458 15.732 15.7975 15.6015 16.0308 15.5174 15.5923 15.9656 15.6919 15.7046 15.9377 E9Q3L2 Pi4ka 16 17.28035 224020 - 17.28035 17.406313 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha Pik4ca None None None 14.5182 14.6204 14.5179 14.4285 13.9208 14.3094 14.1317 14.3163 14.1492 14.3607 14.3127 12.864 11.8282 14.5679 13.9178 13.9328 14.3362 14.6621 14.5297 14.5648 14.1168 14.001 14.3751 14.4054 13.5789 13.7812 14.7449 14.3633 13.3455 14.4562 14.4779 14.0484 Q8BYB9 Poglut1 16 38.525057 224143 - 38.525057 38.550256 protein O-glucosyltransferase 1 9630046K23Rik; Clp46; Ktelc1; Rumi; wsnp None None None 13.4539 14.0623 13.6508 12.478 13.6624 14.2806 14.4258 13.9098 13.7878 13.8108 13.7175 13.6647 13.9816 14.1761 13.7535 13.3128 13.9236 13.955 13.745 13.5656 13.414 13.9109 14.1176 14.0329 13.6962 13.8517 13.955 13.0481 12.8649 13.9156 13.8722 14.3978 Q9CYN2 Spcs2 7 99.837568 66624 - 99.837568 99.870339 signal peptidase complex subunit 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 5730406I15Rik; AA408713; mKIAA0102 None None None 15.0809 15.0975 14.8128 14.9937 15.7908 14.8116 14.7612 15.5566 15.3283 15.4128 15.1689 15.1987 16.3645 15.1968 15.319 14.9743 15.2524 15.3652 15.2568 15.1552 15.0287 15.2395 14.9885 15.1493 14.5958 13.7113 15.0246 15.3575 15.0701 15.7255 15.1368 15.2505 Q8R1T1 Chmp7 14 69.716978 105513 - 69.716978 69.732569 charged multivesicular body protein 7 4930596K11Rik; 6330407G04Rik; AI450338; AW550775 None None None 12.032 11.8552 11.6816 11.7522 12.2806 12.1312 12.3327 10.9888 11.8005 12.1053 11.2944 12.3233 12.5308 11.8034 11.96 12.1384 11.9085 12.1963 12.0015 12.0761 12.826 12.0422 12.1152 12.0475 12.8127 11.6732 11.2149 11.6373 11.3556 12.1982 11.4068 11.839 P50114 S100b 10 76.253835 20203 + 76.253835 76.261318 S100 protein, beta polypeptide, neural AI850290; Bpb None None None 12.1064 12.8404 14.1509 13.2014 12.5517 12.7342 14.0814 13.0016 12.6277 13.3877 13.6339 13.6869 12.2133 12.8318 12.8945 12.7229 13.2419 13.0089 12.8662 13.197 15.4726 14.2966 13.4671 13.0828 13.4733 12.3032 12.5146 14.3356 12.7993 12.9601 12.7949 12.4382 Q8CDM8 Fam160b1 19 57.360922 226252 + 57.360922 57.389593 family with sequence similarity 160, member B1 AI450540; mKIAA1600 None None None 12.5972 13.2632 12.8704 12.8468 12.8574 13.6705 12.0676 13.2292 13.5803 12.9991 12.1702 11.9723 12.4637 12.3637 12.4414 12.5461 13.0333 12.9691 13.7892 13.3262 12.0306 12.8538 13.3491 12.5131 12.0727 13.8793 12.1895 12.7467 13.2231 13.889 12.7981 12.4295 Q8VDN2 Atp1a1 3 101.576218 11928 - 101.576218 101.604706 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 1 polypeptide Atpa-1; BC010319 None None None 17.8092 16.7813 17.471 16.8501 17.5097 17.1531 17.3025 17.2458 17.339 16.9871 17.4736 17.142 17.6739 17.401 17.4065 16.8293 17.274 16.8642 17.5424 17.1248 17.9442 17.2771 17.0837 16.9817 17.1284 16.944 17.1321 17.145 16.8569 17.1961 17.0521 17.466 Q8BH57 Wdr48 9 119.894894 67561 + 119.894894 119.926585 WD repeat domain 48 8430408H12Rik; Uaf1; mKIAA1449 None None None 12.5701 13.1256 12.9757 13.6837 12.9928 12.94 12.8329 12.9042 13.3234 12.8571 12.8618 13.4868 14.044 13.4764 12.7343 12.6132 12.7854 12.7575 13.5806 13.1779 12.6448 13.1779 13.4091 12.9514 13.296 13.3682 13.3656 12.9214 12.9196 12.6414 13.3763 13.3827 Q8K3H0 Appl1 14 26.918985 72993 - 26.918985 26.97061 adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interaction, PH domain and leucine zipper containing 1 2900057D21Rik; 7330406P05Rik; AI585782; AW209077; BB022931; C88264; DIP13 None None None 15.0998 14.7948 14.8578 15.0435 14.9273 14.721 14.9647 14.8305 14.9304 14.8185 14.8959 14.8478 14.8172 14.954 14.5188 14.6886 14.5791 14.9085 14.8815 14.5648 14.7647 14.7818 14.9986 14.8801 14.7392 14.751 15.009 14.7164 14.9833 14.8001 14.7645 15.1342 Q8K2C9 Hacd3 9 64.986982 57874 - 64.986982 65.021731 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 3 4930523M17Rik; AW742319; B-ind1; Hcad3; Hspc121; Ptplad1 None None None 14.9144 14.6425 14.494 14.1766 14.6358 14.4839 14.9475 14.5382 14.6143 14.406 14.5315 14.4906 14.9249 14.4091 14.4449 14.3379 14.4902 13.9307 14.3373 14.5747 14.112 14.1673 14.5308 14.4645 14.7164 14.8264 13.8639 13.8947 15.176 14.488 14.4068 14.7065 Q8R4Y4 Stab1 14 31.139016 192187 - 31.139016 31.16865 stabilin 1 FEEL-1; FELE-1; MFEEL-1; MS-1; STAB-1; mKIAA0246 None None None 14.6243 13.3839 14.2427 13.9661 15.3093 14.4377 14.4686 14.3036 14.4615 14.0773 14.5333 14.5646 14.5648 14.5234 14.7372 14.9937 14.6237 14.0922 14.2466 14.8754 13.6854 14.3956 14.2216 13.7053 13.7708 14.0039 13.9424 14.0058 14.999 14.5827 14.1253 14.594 Q8R3I3 Cog6 3 52.982122 67542 - 52.982122 53.017222 component of oligomeric golgi complex 6 4933405E16Rik; AU018618; mKIAA1134 None None None 12.7006 12.4204 13.325 12.485 12.3922 11.9247 12.2347 12.1576 11.8178 12.0456 12.3504 12.8539 13.6843 13.2838 12.0993 12.0827 12.7376 12.6305 13.3704 12.7777 11.7414 12.4135 11.9813 12.5198 12.9603 12.4234 12.5473 12.93 12.9216 13.2439 12.6465 12.7812 Q69ZK0 Prex1 2 166.566344 277360 - 166.566344 166.713831 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1 G630042G04; P-REX1; Setd6 None None None 11.8654 13.306 13.0899 12.1318 13.4406 12.3179 11.6444 12.4253 12.5999 12.9183 11.8578 11.6392 14.5299 12.4129 12.8928 11.93 12.6015 12.1031 12.2692 12.4348 12.7342 12.0881 13.7575 13.4987 12.0824 11.5452 14.1112 11.9888 11.3611 11.4935 12.1955 12.4009 Q9D8Y0 Efhd2 4 141.858141 27984 - 141.858141 141.874919 EF hand domain containing 2 2600015J22Rik; AA408606; D4Wsu27e None None None 14.8171 15.0032 15.5487 15.7673 16.3597 15.5684 15.4224 15.3645 15.826 15.555 15.288 16.7924 16.6979 16.4042 16.107 15.0163 16.3115 15.6816 16.9978 16.4524 15.3802 15.0828 15.3467 15.7023 15.6662 15.2754 14.6995 15.1028 17.2055 17.0424 15.3368 17.3588 Q80W47 Wipi2 5 142.629532 74781 + 142.629532 142.669671 WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 2 1110018O08Rik; 2510001I10Rik None None None 14.0168 14.2147 12.8602 14.3412 13.4049 13.5763 14.2478 13.9171 13.518 13.5954 14.0563 12.3475 11.5959 14.3606 13.1951 13.5947 13.5003 14.1211 14.0717 13.0004 12.8938 12.9845 14.4054 14.1981 14.1249 11.926 13.8874 14.0067 14.1447 12.4897 13.4611 14.4117 P70296 Pebp1 5 117.28265 23980 - 117.28265 117.287563 phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1 HCNP; Pbp; Pbp1; Pbpr; Rkip None None None 20.1538 20.0142 20.2531 20.0093 19.8678 19.9373 20.3644 20.1284 20.0685 20.1676 20.0374 20.2923 20.44 19.9476 20.233 19.8597 20.0335 20.1149 20.0003 20.0287 20.1308 20.038 20.1142 20.0691 20.406 20.1897 19.799 19.7801 20.4586 20.0071 19.8942 20.2006 Q9JK92 Hspb8 5 116.40849 80888 - 116.40849 116.422863 heat shock protein 8 AU018630; AW413033; Cryac; D5Ucla4; E2IG1; H11; H11K; HSP20-like; HSP22 None None None 13.7829 14.5752 13.6275 14.192 13.6419 14.4058 13.6576 14.2664 14.1408 14.0496 13.9702 14.2275 12.3452 13.7086 13.8139 13.5884 14.0919 13.9352 13.9868 13.7764 13.6312 13.961 13.7658 14.0279 13.4976 13.3786 13.8723 14.3609 13.4877 13.951 14.1857 13.6449 Q9CR61 Ndufb7 8 83.566757 66916 + 83.566757 83.571622 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B7 1110002H15Rik None None None 16.1311 16.7255 17.7561 16.7067 16.3303 16.7822 16.8004 16.2928 16.8346 16.345 16.7591 16.3839 17.4154 16.5247 16.3143 17.0546 16.4968 15.839 16.298 16.8416 18.3435 17.1156 16.9289 16.6475 17.5904 17.3242 16.4632 16.9354 17.2879 16.1416 16.9023 16.1816 Q924L1 Letmd1 15 100.46242 68614 + 100.46242 100.479251 LETM1 domain containing 1 1110019O13Rik; AI593524; BB130465; BB235638; HCCR-2; HCCR1; MCC-32; Mccr None None None 13.8775 13.6819 15.4638 13.4757 13.9316 13.6335 13.9183 13.8688 13.6455 13.7386 13.5546 14.3332 15.8515 13.5631 13.7124 14.6471 14.2138 13.857 14.1631 14.7888 17.9494 14.9713 14.1513 13.7915 14.9588 14.4359 13.6219 15.5602 14.1451 13.8512 14.1625 13.6861 Q9D952 Evpl 11 116.220558 14027 - 116.220558 116.238164 envoplakin None None None 11.6403 12.7218 11.4486 11.6751 11.7202 11.4612 12.9634 10.4469 11.7513 12.3128 12.8477 11.4851 12.7094 12.3443 12.1097 11.9739 11.1321 11.9888 12.4922 12.298 11.7802 12.4645 10.5367 12.6782 12.1819 12.7189 11.7688 12.268 12.6833 11.3761 12.4116 12.4169 Q9QYB1 Clic4 4 135.213968 29876 - 135.213968 135.272759 chloride intracellular channel 4 (mitochondrial) D0Jmb3; TU-74; mc3s5; mtCLIC None None None 18.7236 18.3427 18.2225 18.4734 18.2848 18.4933 18.2615 18.4416 18.3591 18.6599 18.3326 17.8216 18.2771 18.7922 18.5387 17.9101 18.5925 18.8401 18.8495 18.6486 18.0628 18.1196 18.3246 18.5715 18.0316 17.9756 18.4715 18.2257 17.9293 18.754 18.4096 18.5738 Q8C460 Eri3 4 117.55024 140546 + 117.55024 117.674296 exoribonuclease 3 PINT1; Prnpip1 None None None 12.4294 13.3214 12.6747 12.7649 12.6047 13.1544 13.3599 12.1725 13.021 12.3875 13.0042 12.2749 12.5645 12.8822 12.4252 12.5202 12.7727 12.4233 12.78 12.3496 12.2796 12.8693 12.9899 12.5963 13.1928 13.5629 12.0174 11.8156 13.2025 12.7803 12.7165 12.819 Q8VHL1 Setd7 3 51.515317 73251 - 51.515317 51.560822 SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7 1600028F23Rik; H3K4MT; KMT7; Set7; Set7/9; mKIAA1717 None None None 13.2843 14.1242 13.6655 14.0967 13.7047 13.7728 13.8014 13.7287 13.9095 13.9295 13.7604 13.5725 13.6019 13.7238 13.4417 13.7516 13.7344 13.5598 13.7614 13.7652 13.1106 13.6209 14.0192 13.6468 13.6095 13.7502 13.9019 13.4784 13.1319 13.7063 14.0583 14.0526 Q8BUK6 Hook3 8 26.02142 320191 - 26.02142 26.119617 hook microtubule tethering protein 3 5830454D03Rik; AI317159; E330005F07Rik None None None 14.7595 14.1004 14.1258 14.3889 14.264 14.3108 14.3339 14.1381 14.1627 14.1958 14.0971 14.344 14.4816 14.438 14.0987 14.5707 14.0354 14.3124 14.284 14.1121 14.1406 13.9374 14.3338 14.3573 13.9674 14.0703 14.2492 14.2762 14.268 14.3777 14.2379 14.4495 Q9D1I5 Mcee 7 64.392621 73724 + 64.392621 64.41212 methylmalonyl CoA epimerase 1110007A04Rik None None None 13.5506 14.5339 14.7267 13.2628 13.9318 14.0953 14.3937 14.3678 14.6154 13.7964 14.2206 14.0606 13.1824 14.425 13.658 14.0795 13.6816 14.4342 14.4759 14.6009 15.7812 14.2753 13.9 12.1421 14.5973 13.8993 14.4002 14.604 14.4716 14.252 13.916 12.6071 Q9WU84 Ccs 19 4.825365 12460 - 4.825365 4.839355 copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase Ccsd None None None 14.5424 13.7665 14.2423 12.4897 13.6475 13.8821 13.9289 13.7736 14.0392 13.8863 14.1586 13.6232 14.8159 14.0025 14.0792 12.9668 13.7919 13.8353 14.3933 13.2249 13.7267 13.6055 14.1595 13.6984 13.6625 14.6483 13.4351 13.6099 14.0594 13.7009 13.4703 14.4604 Q68FF6 Git1 11 77.493287 216963 + 77.493287 77.507773 GIT ArfGAP 1 Cat-1; p95Cat None None None 13.0934 13.0694 13.6821 13.8983 13.1846 13.6749 12.5444 13.6006 13.0756 13.0805 13.5079 12.0245 12.5639 13.6747 12.7259 13.0572 11.9938 13.2865 13.4707 13.4437 13.2094 13.769 13.7815 13.6163 13.7825 12.4927 12.6894 12.3959 13.5165 13.1278 13.1927 14.1074 Q68FL6 Mars Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q68FL6 None None None 15.173 14.4079 14.0027 14.5844 14.4674 14.5868 14.7188 14.3454 14.2661 14.4894 14.2844 14.7642 15.9059 14.7093 14.384 14.0726 14.6079 14.4402 14.8062 14.5512 14.5494 13.9466 14.4177 14.4768 14.4739 14.6851 14.3903 13.5008 14.71 14.7459 14.3995 14.7344 P59326 Ythdf1 2 180.904376 228994 - 180.904376 180.920935 YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 1 2210410K23Rik; 8030473O16 None None None 15.0558 14.3266 14.2543 14.2551 13.848 14.3747 14.0122 14.6375 14.7151 14.463 14.3038 12.4502 15.698 14.9405 14.8079 13.9318 14.4986 14.4305 14.7289 14.4892 14.6026 14.3078 14.2337 14.4363 14.6172 14.0803 14.4536 14.6015 14.5697 13.249 14.4897 14.5388 Q9QZ08 Nagk 6 83.794982 56174 + 83.794982 83.802555 N-acetylglucosamine kinase Gnk None None None 16.4677 15.7974 15.5283 15.8466 16.3763 15.8689 15.735 16.314 15.8241 16.1715 15.8732 16.7546 16.382 15.9113 16.5607 16.3024 16.047 16.5924 15.6371 15.9084 15.5716 16.2414 15.231 15.5808 15.4589 15.4325 15.7679 16.1446 15.8467 16.3921 15.9516 16.0613 P70704 Atp8a1 5 67.618138 11980 - 67.618138 67.847483 ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter (APLT), class I, type 8A, member 1 AI481521; AI853962; APLT; AW743152; AW822227; Atp3a2; B230107D19Rik; ClassI None None None 12.9261 13.6467 13.2756 13.5705 12.7227 13.1037 12.5421 12.4797 12.935 12.9464 11.9187 12.7522 13.1532 12.1956 12.784 12.4587 12.3199 12.4384 12.2215 12.5248 12.6216 12.0671 12.7331 12.1708 12.5053 12.7836 12.7765 12.3798 12.3556 12.4298 12.5983 12.9059 Q8BVA5 Ldah 12 8.208094 68832 + 8.208094 8.30081 lipid droplet associated hydrolase 1110057K04Rik; mLDAH None None None 17.373 17.7607 17.1227 17.1725 17.1417 16.8341 16.8459 17.425 17.2681 17.168 17.0971 17.1483 17.6701 17.0468 17.3397 17.6187 17.1764 17.0956 17.2681 17.2272 16.9894 17.345 17.699 16.9169 17.0314 17.2788 17.6878 16.9675 17.0477 16.8604 17.4365 17.3138 Q923D2 Blvrb 7 27.447977 233016 + 27.447977 27.46598 biliverdin reductase B (flavin reductase (NADPH)) None None None 18.4872 18.6056 18.5324 18.6997 18.9486 18.0128 18.0715 18.6608 18.4637 18.8811 18.3305 18.9987 19.3325 18.1624 19.143 18.6491 18.6843 18.5723 18.5648 18.2819 17.958 18.3222 18.737 18.399 18.2623 18.7041 18.7398 18.3979 18.8456 18.4676 18.7899 18.3621 Q3UHI4 Tmed8 12 87.166241 382620 - 87.166241 87.200456 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 8 6430595O10Rik; AI447224; Gm1184; Mem1 None None None 12.65 12.4543 11.8909 12.1561 12.6216 12.1169 12.2722 12.8824 12.6393 12.2151 11.8419 12.0086 13.2997 12.3534 12.6525 12.8189 12.2303 12.5813 11.013 11.6683 12.4592 12.4771 13.2202 12.9644 12.5157 11.7482 13.6211 11.6982 12.0144 12.5901 12.731 12.7436 Q8BH61 F13a1 13 36.867177 74145 - 36.867177 37.050243 coagulation factor XIII, A1 subunit 1200014I03Rik; AI462306; F13a None None None 18.4807 18.9021 19.1575 18.5962 20.129 19.7442 19.6544 18.6826 19.4183 18.8049 18.9667 19.4948 18.7122 18.8117 19.6632 19.8081 19.5809 18.8747 18.6998 19.1463 18.7135 19.22 19.1243 19.1828 19.121 19.1334 18.8794 19.0384 18.6622 19.0043 18.8223 19.4224 Q80TL7 Mon2 10 122.992059 67074 - 122.992059 123.076504 MON2 homolog, regulator of endosome to Golgi trafficking 2610528O22Rik; AW495628; Sf21; mKIAA1040 None None None 12.6812 12.3038 12.0906 12.6909 12.1589 12.718 12.5552 12.6212 12.5957 12.864 12.5643 12.0709 12.1008 12.5876 12.6074 12.8431 12.6483 12.3555 12.2239 12.6112 12.055 12.5897 12.915 12.8677 12.106 11.9645 12.7194 12.7241 13.4911 13.2141 12.4358 12.1789 Q62073 Map3k7 4 31.963491 26409 + 31.963491 32.023469 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 B430101B05; C87327; Tak1 None None None 14.0801 11.9297 14.9906 17.0554 14.7593 11.831 12.7254 17.3483 16.0648 16.1298 12.8411 16.9068 14.7403 12.3073 16.1071 14.6162 16.7521 16.3288 11.5201 14.3794 12.2321 15.243 11.4907 13.0105 12.9341 11.9327 13.5652 16.8293 11.9683 13.849 16.1055 13.4022 Q3UDW8 Hgsnat 8 0.0 52120 0.0 0.0 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase 9430010M12Rik; AW208455; D8Ertd354e; Tmem76 None None None 15.3499 15.1439 12.7714 14.3382 14.5864 14.3557 14.2813 14.2818 14.8612 14.3785 15.4031 15.329 14.8885 14.7903 14.6052 14.9113 15.7619 14.3861 14.0834 15.2813 14.1583 14.8918 14.8489 14.3214 12.4924 16.1714 14.7732 14.4518 14.7233 15.3183 14.486 14.0989 Q8BWF0 Aldh5a1 13 24.907578 214579 - 24.907578 24.93766 aldhehyde dehydrogenase family 5, subfamily A1 6330403E24Rik; Ahd-1; Ahd1; D630032B01Rik; SSADH; Ssdh1 None None None 15.9027 15.5019 16.3691 14.9958 14.7324 15.6934 15.8537 15.1335 15.8253 15.099 15.7433 15.8245 14.4474 15.401 14.8438 15.7132 15.1479 15.1333 15.5958 15.7123 16.6974 15.5296 15.626 15.7217 16.4808 16.4516 15.3407 15.9428 15.9059 15.2614 15.6174 15.6102 P22682 Cbl 9 44.142975 12402 - 44.142975 44.234258 Casitas B-lineage lymphoma 4732447J05Rik; Cbl-2; c-Cbl; cbl None None None 13.8536 12.2658 12.0935 12.0459 12.3286 12.1437 11.4896 12.2678 12.6374 12.7635 11.7784 12.556 13.5182 13.0207 12.2221 12.2951 12.3959 12.3498 12.7023 12.4152 11.8948 12.5267 11.3858 12.8131 12.2379 11.789 12.6059 12.8611 12.2605 12.6403 12.7338 12.7023 Q80UJ7 Rab3gap1 1 127.868754 226407 + 127.868754 127.943875 RAB3 GTPase activating protein subunit 1 1700003B17Rik; 4732493F09Rik; AL117896; Rab3gap; p130 None None None 13.0087 13.2889 12.8098 13.3133 13.2129 12.9309 12.7526 13.5235 12.9358 13.6137 12.5477 13.5412 12.5747 12.3169 13.1743 13.4774 13.1468 13.253 13.2078 13.4768 12.7535 13.3614 13.3568 13.2257 11.7178 12.9372 13.7874 13.023 12.9773 13.6079 13.2302 13.1748 Q8VC30 Tkfc 19 10.592196 225913 - 10.592196 10.605481 triokinase, FMN cyclase BC021917; Dak None None None 13.7222 14.099 14.3237 13.871 13.6442 14.491 14.5358 13.7312 14.1924 14.0725 13.5251 13.1599 13.8659 13.3446 13.4614 13.7912 13.7435 13.9454 14.2107 13.1847 12.0781 14.3363 14.0102 13.4262 13.9882 14.1054 14.1429 13.7124 12.6838 13.5221 13.8006 13.8956 Q8CI11 Gnl3 14 0.0 30877 0.0 0.0 guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar) Ns None None None 13.0863 12.3981 12.9897 11.5873 11.9228 12.8527 12.6994 13.6626 13.047 12.6247 12.6797 13.0144 14.768 12.4391 12.0219 14.0513 12.8796 12.5818 12.6132 13.1061 11.6924 13.6637 13.5639 12.5905 14.7657 12.3712 11.8636 12.1802 12.7521 12.6617 12.8912 12.8415 Q922H4 Gmppa 1 75.43591 69080 + 75.43591 75.443178 GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A 1810012N01Rik None None None 14.4722 14.4409 14.3913 14.9011 14.7581 14.5746 14.4465 14.6602 14.5973 14.7754 14.428 14.768 15.8331 14.6041 14.8743 14.4665 14.7789 14.8283 14.8746 14.3737 14.0819 14.3713 14.3942 14.5734 14.448 14.2387 14.6468 14.4184 14.4015 15.0392 14.631 14.7462 Q3UH74 Apob 12 7.977628 238055 + 7.977628 8.016838 apolipoprotein B AI315052; Apo B-100; apob-100; apob-48 None None None 12.7516 12.7807 12.441 11.9699 14.0655 12.2008 12.7844 12.1743 12.702 12.8297 11.9901 11.9358 12.4146 12.0495 12.4045 14.5732 12.4264 12.2836 12.787 12.92 12.075 12.0493 13.9026 12.9731 14.447 12.7837 13.6946 12.5628 12.3885 12.5349 12.5744 12.4209 Q9CYW4 Hdhd3 4 62.499053 72748 - 62.499053 62.502199 haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain containing 3 2810435D12Rik None None None 13.2352 13.4609 14.6633 12.9406 12.8245 12.9189 12.6597 13.0327 12.9796 13.8157 14.073 12.945 12.7621 13.5355 13.3406 12.982 14.0931 13.7476 13.9521 13.9297 14.5807 13.8607 13.8726 11.9911 14.9873 14.3993 13.1682 13.1237 13.9497 14.0242 14.0241 13.5948 Q9CRA9 Fgfr1op2 6 146.577902 67529 + 146.577902 146.599197 FGFR1 oncogene partner 2 1500031J01Rik None None None 12.0163 11.8179 11.563 11.8387 12.1258 11.7857 11.5531 11.7467 11.72 11.7374 11.5869 11.665 13.9156 12.098 12.0773 11.4149 11.5075 11.2639 11.83 11.3011 12.0572 11.6073 11.8751 11.5406 11.2207 11.5382 11.0318 11.7858 11.6198 11.5848 11.8706 11.8227 Q9CWK8 Snx2 18 53.176291 67804 + 53.176291 53.220865 sorting nexin 2 0610030A03Rik None None None 15.5393 15.6895 15.9602 15.871 16.4182 16.0193 15.9946 15.6848 16.2267 15.6843 15.7261 14.6166 17.034 15.8015 15.7388 15.8998 15.9792 15.5096 16.1369 15.9715 15.3875 16.0043 15.9028 15.6031 16.0689 16.2436 15.5562 15.3918 16.0813 16.0666 15.8664 16.3114 Q8BPE4 Tmem177 1 119.907889 66343 - 119.907889 119.913182 transmembrane protein 177 2300008B03Rik None None None 12.9765 12.3286 12.9606 12.7532 12.8696 12.4065 12.8648 13.0506 12.8726 12.6355 12.9383 12.7786 13.5625 12.2109 12.2968 13.4575 12.7531 12.6413 11.6173 12.6366 14.0908 12.8088 12.7198 11.4312 13.4419 13.4804 13.4854 13.327 13.7894 12.7333 12.575 11.6926 Q9CR67 Tmem33 5 67.260564 67878 + 67.260564 67.29146 transmembrane protein 33 1110006G02Rik; 1600019D15Rik; 2410089A21Rik; 2700052H22Rik; 5430406L04Rik; AA388285; AI314185; AI426615; db83 None None None 16.8637 16.4308 15.8819 16.3582 15.9424 15.9653 15.8366 16.882 15.9289 16.5445 16.1578 15.7644 15.7486 16.0824 16.143 16.4435 16.5196 16.5202 15.6772 16.395 15.8436 16.2338 16.0417 16.3688 15.694 15.6609 16.7336 16.1754 15.4816 16.2486 16.4451 15.2787 P35762 Cd81 7 143.052749 12520 + 143.052749 143.067929 CD81 antigen Tapa-1; Tapa1; Tspan28 None None None 16.6836 17.3674 17.3046 17.333 16.9031 17.5719 17.9379 16.9417 17.5406 17.1768 17.4781 17.0539 15.6457 17.7938 16.7779 16.8068 17.5153 17.3385 17.2558 16.9598 17.3267 17.4072 17.427 17.2522 17.1637 17.4228 17.2566 16.8227 17.0996 17.035 17.3862 17.5319 P60840 Ensa 3 95.624979 56205 + 95.624979 95.632116 endosulfine alpha 1700020C18Rik; 2610007F17Rik; AI451924 None None None 14.1133 14.0079 14.03 14.2381 13.1757 13.8697 13.9199 13.7894 13.5979 14.1124 13.4225 12.9602 14.4714 13.8057 12.8808 14.1226 13.4003 13.6634 14.2343 13.7218 13.777 13.7175 14.9459 13.958 13.0251 13.7757 14.1992 13.8509 13.1276 13.9174 13.8672 13.7423 Q8BFW7 Lpp 16 24.393349 210126 + 24.393349 24.992577 LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma 9430020K16Rik; AA959454; AU024130; B130055L10Rik; C79715; D630048H16 None None None 16.5708 16.8688 16.7041 16.2846 16.22 16.7095 16.5345 16.8982 16.886 16.0676 17.377 15.7267 15.4926 16.7436 16.1527 16.2761 16.266 16.1048 16.4494 16.1063 18.3223 17.4173 16.6091 16.1566 16.383 16.8549 16.191 16.2805 16.0306 15.9625 16.4738 16.2433 Q8K274 Fn3krp 11 121.421372 238024 + 121.421372 121.431287 fructosamine 3 kinase related protein FN3K-RP None None None 13.8406 15.2637 15.1679 14.9305 14.975 15.2719 15.5182 15.0767 15.1931 15.0636 14.9964 15.1054 14.0477 14.5336 15.0809 15.4968 14.9348 14.7458 14.8531 14.8705 14.4821 15.201 15.2952 14.8819 15.1995 14.2215 14.9959 14.6508 15.2448 14.6375 15.1761 15.0936 Q3UBX0 Tmem109 19 10.870656 68539 - 10.870656 10.881742 transmembrane protein 109 1110006I15Rik; AA958958; C77652 None None None 16.5707 15.0547 15.1675 12.3887 16.0875 13.7048 15.5462 15.7329 13.778 14.7136 15.6061 16.6199 15.4214 15.0437 16.551 13.9279 15.3507 14.9939 15.0616 15.3631 15.1446 13.7861 12.0169 15.127 12.4182 16.0661 16.9812 15.4445 16.4849 15.4785 14.2776 14.9542 P51885 Lum 10 97.5655 17022 + 97.5655 97.572702 lumican Ldc; SLRR2D None None None 21.7747 21.4231 20.5837 21.3156 20.916 21.6357 21.4244 21.7963 21.3974 20.9684 22.1112 21.3895 19.5355 22.0321 21.5477 20.9011 21.4659 21.4761 21.0822 21.0184 21.8234 22.2095 21.0001 21.1716 21.515 20.9749 21.2049 21.2847 20.6511 21.5144 21.4262 21.42 P34884 Mif 10 75.859352 17319 - 75.859352 75.860276 macrophage migration inhibitory factor (glycosylation-inhibiting factor) DER6; GIF; Glif None None None 18.1069 18.3851 18.0582 18.2097 18.5654 17.0945 17.11 19.1461 18.6137 17.6795 17.9644 19.0628 20.9443 17.0501 18.7058 18.2756 18.3197 17.3655 17.4906 17.4514 18.861 19.5479 18.0844 15.8271 18.4502 18.1689 17.2873 18.0863 17.7442 17.8766 18.2275 17.0471 Q80TA6 Mtmr12 15 12.204969 268783 + 12.204969 12.272239 myotubularin related protein 12 3Pap; 4932703C11; C730015A02Rik; Pip3ap; mKIAA1682 None None None 12.1518 12.3954 12.4609 12.033 12.5124 12.2347 12.4212 12.3809 12.5727 12.2259 11.924 12.1505 14.4357 12.2791 12.7525 12.1743 12.4472 12.4188 12.2795 12.7158 11.9279 12.1533 12.4756 12.0934 12.3688 12.3984 12.1913 12.3776 13.015 12.9264 12.4267 12.3548 Q8C0L0 Tmx4 2 134.5945 52837 - 134.5945 134.64412 thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 4 2810417D04Rik; 4930500L08Rik; AI843224; AW046784; D2Bwg1356e; Txndc13; mKIAA1162 None None None 11.7234 12.0813 12.1708 12.5999 12.2796 11.4582 12.3485 12.7065 12.4619 12.5025 12.1872 12.2083 12.3191 11.8808 12.2459 12.2676 12.2185 12.3508 12.8197 12.5871 12.5194 13.2694 12.0827 11.0425 11.6798 12.3096 11.5932 11.9612 10.652 12.739 12.2114 11.3175 Q61133 Gstt2 10 75.831841 14872 - 75.831841 75.837418 glutathione S-transferase, theta 2 AI266894; Yrs; mGSTT2 None None None 16.535 16.9442 17.6006 17.1319 16.9365 16.7947 17.4013 16.9165 17.4084 17.0875 17.348 17.1777 17.2293 16.9213 17.1043 17.5564 16.4633 16.9403 16.8249 16.7316 16.9887 17.4198 17.3 16.7077 17.7019 18.0093 17.3895 16.7443 18.1607 16.3409 17.3961 17.3564 Q3U1Z5 Gpsm3 17 34.589805 106512 + 34.589805 34.591753 G-protein signalling modulator 3 (AGS3-like, C. elegans) AA960287; AGS4 None None None 15.0512 14.4885 14.5188 14.7336 15.8129 14.8967 14.7966 15.181 15.4495 15.0086 14.5521 15.6865 17.4198 15.8337 15.6412 12.4769 14.376 15.1848 15.8187 15.4405 12.7748 14.9725 14.8517 14.7549 15.2299 11.7243 14.6372 14.6436 15.9899 15.6529 13.5532 16.2242 Q8BTV2 Cpsf7 19 10.525222 269061 + 10.525222 10.547734 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 7 5730453I16Rik; AL022757; C330017N18Rik None None None 13.5567 13.6905 12.8085 12.6729 13.8435 12.4902 12.2165 13.1487 13.3358 12.8467 13.4966 12.2168 14.5973 13.8643 13.4229 12.5172 12.8861 12.3087 13.4164 12.8579 13.5052 13.3655 12.6799 12.9113 13.04 13.3793 12.9704 13.5685 12.4461 12.84 12.4278 12.2561 Q8BZ20 Parp12 6 39.086411 243771 - 39.086411 39.118348 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 12 9930021O16; AA409132; AA536654; ARTD12; PARP-12; Zc3hdc1 None None None 13.5811 13.0893 12.7718 13.3193 13.1759 12.963 12.4484 13.1664 13.0613 13.2248 12.9152 13.3016 12.6855 12.9396 13.0927 13.0499 12.817 13.1668 12.8336 12.8899 13.1583 13.1611 13.1298 13.0383 12.5548 12.2413 13.1775 13.3646 12.7529 13.3711 13.0443 12.9148 P45377 Akr1b8 6 34.354145 14187 + 34.354145 34.36846 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B8 FR-1; Fgfrp; Fgrp None None None 17.4233 16.9302 16.8978 17.0416 17.3058 16.9531 16.5489 17.2313 16.762 16.813 16.9052 17.2912 17.0171 17.0143 17.5391 16.6578 17.1908 17.3746 17.3246 16.967 16.7583 17.0696 16.246 16.7575 17.0884 16.8298 16.8853 15.95 17.4928 16.9834 16.9383 17.054 Q8VC85 Lsm1 8 25.785317 67207 + 25.785317 25.803974 LSM1 homolog, mRNA degradation associated 2810025O06Rik; CASM None None None 12.1757 12.5113 12.1592 12.3188 12.7747 12.4119 11.8683 13.1277 12.6655 12.3727 12.34 12.4522 12.3182 12.2355 12.951 12.673 13.0456 12.9387 12.5666 12.6539 12.1027 13.0125 11.6066 11.8298 12.3272 12.494 12.6883 12.4621 12.5466 12.8828 12.8051 12.1116 Q8K3X4 Irf2bpl 12 86.880702 238330 - 86.880702 86.884813 interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein-like 6430527G18Rik; Eap1 None None None 13.4555 14.2956 12.7451 12.4899 12.8233 12.5794 13.0603 12.9157 12.8717 12.6339 13.038 11.9432 14.2709 13.0283 12.6299 12.5047 13.1636 12.5685 12.7747 12.5145 12.4825 13.1043 12.5901 12.521 12.6989 12.9069 11.9671 12.321 12.5621 12.731 12.7046 13.0982 Q9ER80 Rtp4 16 23.520218 67775 + 23.520218 23.614221 receptor transporter protein 4 5830458K16Rik; Ifrg28 None None None 11.7879 11.9607 11.2004 12.03 12.234 11.6292 12.6944 12.1576 11.2176 11.8296 11.6992 11.7351 11.9731 11.3815 11.8425 11.3267 11.7422 11.5574 11.2964 10.8237 12.2011 10.7184 10.4754 12.9796 10.3818 9.87569 12.9137 11.7133 11.1734 12.6052 11.1755 10.8216 Q9JK42 Pdk2 11 95.026257 18604 - 95.026257 95.04137 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 2 None None None 14.2601 15.133 15.7411 15.0073 14.0543 14.7235 15.3913 14.2981 14.6754 14.5057 14.1216 14.5846 15.6847 13.508 14.4796 14.802 14.7869 14.1351 15.1125 15.3438 16.7527 15.4244 14.4798 15.5452 15.2714 16.0171 13.3714 15.3104 14.6519 14.2634 15.0627 14.3706 Q3THE2 Myl12b 17 70.973962 67938 - 70.973962 70.990515 myosin, light chain 12B, regulatory 1500001M02Rik; C77744; Mylc2b; RLC-B None None None 19.6193 19.6697 19.0944 19.3973 20.0097 19.8946 20.0235 20.1976 20.2912 19.647 20.8185 19.1773 19.8046 20.2535 20.2343 19.3406 19.7791 19.5532 19.7572 19.5925 21.8379 20.4196 19.3182 19.611 19.7743 18.7672 19.5267 19.5947 18.9217 20.2258 19.8212 19.8145 Q8VBV3 Exosc2 2 31.670714 227715 + 31.670714 31.681351 exosome component 2 Rrp4 None None None 12.877 11.857 12.0979 11.9995 12.8037 12.0204 12.101 12.6469 12.8561 12.0862 12.847 12.6747 14.3104 12.8856 12.6215 12.5503 12.3623 12.0645 12.1778 12.3731 12.7036 12.4192 12.0558 11.4274 12.4576 12.8901 11.7837 11.8416 11.9562 11.6291 12.0948 12.771 Q8CIF6 Sidt2 9 45.937856 214597 - 45.937856 45.957999 SID1 transmembrane family, member 2 B930096O19; BC023957; CGI-40 None None None 13.5156 14.1124 13.5035 13.8546 14.0905 14.1107 14.0175 14.0173 14.0534 13.9483 13.9048 13.8199 14.0744 13.69 14.3267 13.7953 13.9051 13.9321 13.5496 13.7533 13.9357 14.1251 13.4934 13.6195 13.4305 13.7166 14.1778 14.2516 13.5771 13.5294 14.1178 13.5712 P14847 Crp 1 172.698055 12944 + 172.698055 172.699965 C-reactive protein, pentraxin-related AI255847 None None None 12.1447 12.9796 12.5791 11.5858 12.3468 11.9336 12.5392 12.1606 12.0375 12.4984 12.2373 13.734 12.992 12.663 13.3677 13.9037 12.006 12.3434 11.1788 12.4095 12.8586 11.7329 12.3696 12.4199 12.6186 14.3973 12.2562 12.0253 13.0162 11.5863 12.0154 11.7478 Q3TDD9 Ppp1r21 17 88.530123 73825 + 88.530123 88.588366 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 21 1110018J12Rik; AI426045; AW550781; Ccdc128; Klraq1 None None None 12.914 12.8242 12.9041 12.1612 13.0213 12.5465 11.7316 13.0669 12.8015 12.6538 12.9866 13.2292 13.4325 13.1057 13.6351 11.8662 12.8335 13.1231 13.0176 12.5646 12.382 12.2874 12.2259 12.6555 13.2114 13.4998 12.2921 12.9055 12.9972 12.0917 12.9051 13.2735 Q9D2V7 Coro7 16 4.626883 78885 - 4.626883 4.679719 coronin 7 0610011B16Rik; AW048373; AW556392 None None None 14.7643 14.4015 14.6676 14.5678 15.1073 14.5347 14.1261 14.786 14.9154 14.3228 14.766 15.2339 16.5766 14.9934 14.3802 14.7625 14.6803 13.1582 14.7461 14.6966 13.2792 14.9324 15.0311 13.6828 14.9942 14.5822 14.3911 14.317 15.0435 14.9365 14.4819 15.0975 O55125 Nipsnap1 11 4.87395 18082 + 4.87395 4.8942 nipsnap homolog 1 None None None 14.6646 14.6018 14.9882 14.4954 14.4633 14.294 15.0339 14.4657 14.6394 14.58 14.7923 14.9669 15.4972 13.9712 14.6328 15.0896 14.1195 13.9026 14.0723 13.6783 15.1819 14.5146 14.8051 14.1998 15.1449 15.0953 14.4281 14.7606 15.0386 12.3092 14.3484 14.6456 Q6PGC1 Dhx29 13 112.927679 218629 + 112.927679 112.969431 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 29 3732415M03; AU043276; Ddxx; E130202M19Rik None None None 13.4829 12.6859 12.5074 12.6873 12.8418 12.9716 12.2601 13.0581 12.716 12.7992 12.7936 13.0782 13.1207 12.8177 12.7161 13.1458 12.6662 13.1053 12.2837 12.7574 12.5766 12.7442 13.3693 12.6872 12.1651 12.1254 13.2991 13.0536 12.2141 12.8538 13.0032 12.2313 Q8CHK3 Mboat7 7 3.677788 77582 - 3.677788 3.693188 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 7 5730589L02Rik; BB1; LPLAT 7; Leng4; Lpiat; Lpiat1; m-mboa-7 None None None 12.7254 11.8833 12.343 12.7183 12.5815 12.1357 12.0634 12.4078 12.8115 12.9 11.9477 12.707 12.6549 11.6306 12.7126 12.495 12.0566 12.5311 11.7768 12.1869 12.2659 11.893 12.7259 11.8691 12.0139 11.9502 13.1473 12.12 13.3702 12.1527 12.6328 12.5484 Q8K4G1 Ltbp4 7 27.305139 108075 - 27.305139 27.339719 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 2310046A13Rik None None None 12.6746 14.5234 12.0417 14.564 13.2327 13.1686 12.5162 12.7623 12.6416 12.8512 12.4257 12.6884 11.815 12.553 12.7235 12.7395 11.9071 12.3685 11.8689 11.8299 13.4321 12.8356 12.4819 12.7348 12.5845 11.7353 13.5193 15.7603 11.6219 12.5412 12.3642 12.1607 Q6P5B0 Rrp12 19 41.859482 107094 - 41.859482 41.896152 ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog (S. cerevisiae) AA408556; AA536972; mKIAA0690 None None None 12.5584 12.0126 12.441 12.8235 12.5584 12.9326 12.6484 12.5035 12.3514 12.8698 13.1638 12.0193 15.1333 11.8211 12.3335 12.8995 12.3965 12.9239 11.5249 12.2006 12.4895 12.5021 12.4517 11.711 11.9834 12.0097 12.3966 13.0144 11.4821 12.0854 12.325 11.4497 Q6R891 Ppp1r9b 11 94.991211 217124 + 94.991211 95.006897 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9B SPL; Spn None None None 13.2398 14.3546 14.0254 12.1133 13.9602 13.6695 14.5609 14.2124 14.1988 14.5572 13.1708 13.5666 14.8008 13.5982 14.4492 13.5864 13.6819 14.7529 13.1674 14.3429 12.6496 14.229 14.3569 14.3604 12.9523 12.7059 14.9524 13.3204 14.4521 14.4355 13.2623 14.4838 Q6PIP5 Nudcd1 15 44.375226 67429 - 44.375226 44.428306 NudC domain containing 1 4921532K09Rik; AA407246; AW260430; AW556235; CML66-L; Cml66 None None None 13.092 12.4146 12.2724 12.2862 13.0516 12.7272 12.2483 12.8627 14.7367 12.7136 12.1326 12.932 13.5715 12.0802 14.8291 12.8536 12.6355 12.821 12.2622 12.4035 12.6381 12.7137 12.7247 12.5653 12.7226 12.5588 12.7186 12.1281 12.3301 12.9392 12.6603 12.3514 Q8BI72 Cdkn2aip 8 47.709343 70925 - 47.709343 47.71393 CDKN2A interacting protein 4921511I16Rik; AW208986; CARF None None None 11.8116 10.7673 11.1904 11.0393 11.3744 11.3993 11.2935 11.2371 11.5236 11.4202 11.5417 12.0694 12.8481 11.3544 11.7762 11.0766 11.5953 12.0853 12.5322 11.2355 11.1771 11.5535 10.8898 11.6595 11.7331 11.5441 10.9936 10.7433 11.3229 11.9718 11.0193 11.8846 A2AAY5 Sh3pxd2b 11 32.347772 268396 + 32.347772 32.428188 SH3 and PX domains 2B G431001E03Rik; TSK4; fad49 None None None 14.4859 12.1391 12.7856 14.135 12.6117 12.721 12.516 12.7624 13.7922 13.1365 14.0256 12.1324 12.1515 14.0131 12.2521 13.0532 13.7001 14.1112 14.6422 14.2526 12.0227 13.1072 13.59 14.1131 12.679 12.1421 11.4157 11.5349 14.205 14.6559 13.6283 14.5493 Q9CZT5 Vasn 16 4.639944 246154 + 4.639944 4.651165 vasorin 2610528G05Rik; Atia; Slitl2 None None None 12.3617 12.7266 13.0805 12.7017 13.6644 12.5963 13.5452 12.7536 13.3161 13.919 13.0867 13.7565 12.5014 13.1422 13.2386 11.9708 12.9626 13.139 12.6373 13.9068 13.5228 11.8675 13.5785 13.4616 15.1758 12.492 13.385 13.4811 14.6356 12.1703 13.4086 14.9182 Q8BVG4 Dpp9 17 56.186673 224897 - 56.186673 56.218888 dipeptidylpeptidase 9 6430584G11Rik; A330078I11; DPP IX; DPRP2 None None None 13.0271 13.3014 13.2757 13.2961 13.8392 13.4571 13.1537 13.7963 13.456 13.5203 13.3352 14.2898 14.7664 13.5556 13.7654 13.5573 13.5139 13.6355 13.31 13.6005 13.4689 13.5092 13.0886 13.6424 11.7269 13.323 13.7957 13.6407 13.243 13.6955 13.4332 13.0337 Q8VDC0 Lars2 9 123.366926 102436 + 123.366926 123.462674 leucyl-tRNA synthetase, mitochondrial AI035546; Kiaa0028; LEURS None None None 13.424 14.7036 14.2716 14.1846 12.9566 13.4354 12.6325 14.7363 13.4253 14.346 13.9919 12.8978 12.5709 12.4961 13.6543 13.1709 14.5664 14.0549 11.8917 14.7512 14.5876 13.7789 14.3386 12.8369 14.3768 13.6189 14.6781 13.8752 13.6149 14.3502 14.0888 12.4309 Q3TVI8 Pbxip1 3 89.436674 229534 + 89.436674 89.450951 pre B cell leukemia transcription factor interacting protein 1 4732463H20Rik None None None 14.2552 14.3396 14.6742 12.698 13.4961 12.8159 15.0618 14.991 12.8435 14.7957 15.0586 12.0206 13.9336 12.8903 12.4975 14.9097 12.0399 12.4491 12.046 13.8663 15.6482 13.5059 12.5642 12.8208 14.4284 14.3795 12.4007 12.3743 13.8293 14.4106 14.7758 12.8945 Q9WV95 Phlda3 1 135.766084 27280 + 135.766084 135.769133 pleckstrin homology like domain, family A, member 3 Tih1 None None None 13.8071 15.6279 14.7231 16.2252 14.2532 15.5707 14.5268 15.0365 15.6884 15.4001 14.4286 14.7368 12.357 15.0962 14.8349 14.5057 14.8231 15.1712 15.1129 14.4107 13.5155 14.8073 16.1563 15.186 15.017 14.2857 15.7602 14.6882 14.7983 14.8936 15.1829 14.0348 B2RXC1 Trappc11 8 47.490127 320714 - 47.490127 47.533469 trafficking protein particle complex 11 AW558465; D030016E14Rik; R75422 None None None 14.3253 13.9728 14.0249 14.5478 13.8881 14.1995 14.1785 13.9875 14.0771 14.4072 14.0154 13.7736 13.981 14.3713 13.8651 14.1016 14.2472 14.4435 14.1702 14.2286 13.6893 14.1559 14.3908 13.9903 13.7127 14.1272 14.5558 13.7404 13.7243 14.4074 14.2254 14.2689 Q9DAK9 Phpt1 2 25.573429 75454 - 25.573429 25.575513 phosphohistidine phosphatase 1 1700008C22Rik; PHP; Php14 None None None 15.5488 15.4818 15.6704 15.218 15.4916 15.2289 15.3426 15.7163 15.7723 15.2254 15.6189 15.6273 16.2985 15.2199 15.806 15.5824 15.2311 15.3437 14.9623 15.0947 15.561 15.981 15.523 15.2737 16.1733 15.6647 15.0535 15.5451 15.8001 15.017 15.3722 15.3731 Q91YJ3 Thyn1 9 26.999641 77862 + 26.999641 27.007335 thymocyte nuclear protein 1 D730042P09Rik; HSPC144; MDS012; MY105; Thy28 None None None 17.66 13.897 13.2586 14.3007 14.9564 13.321 13.1544 14.7368 13.8558 13.274 14.0009 14.5702 15.0721 14.5276 14.4028 13.8246 13.5938 13.8619 14.2759 13.7022 14.0837 14.2812 13.697 12.4277 13.6827 13.2817 14.2691 13.3865 13.8791 13.5745 13.9835 14.0758 Q8CHR6 Dpyd 3 118.562108 99586 + 118.562108 119.432923 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase AI315208; DHPDHase; DPD; E330028L06Rik None None None 13.1933 13.3857 13.8227 13.265 13.0129 14.6169 13.6959 13.4579 13.4591 13.0229 13.4566 12.3584 12.3853 12.0201 13.0775 12.1587 12.5098 13.5613 11.8145 12.9043 12.1904 13.5128 13.8622 12.0006 13.3402 13.6673 14.313 12.6782 14.5345 12.3749 13.844 13.6513 Q8K157 Galm 17 80.127457 319625 + 80.127457 80.185031 galactose mutarotase A530057M15Rik; AU015645; AU020959 None None None 15.3157 15.5447 15.5687 14.9447 15.083 15.2381 15.8527 15.2912 15.2072 15.3395 15.4125 15.5296 14.9131 14.7181 15.4981 15.6204 14.9579 15.2711 15.218 14.7094 14.8974 15.3648 15.6424 15.0659 15.8728 15.7364 15.076 15.3895 16.029 14.548 15.2638 15.5013 Q99J83 Atg5 10 44.268321 11793 + 44.268321 44.364298 autophagy related 5 2010107M05Rik; 3110067M24Rik; AW319544; Apg5l; Atg5l; C88337; Paddy None None None 12.5223 13.1756 13.0305 13.6007 12.2553 14.2211 13.0735 12.6827 13.3956 13.2294 13.1662 13.4734 11.7341 12.0993 13.4741 12.7028 12.9075 12.1119 13.7523 13.5755 12.5142 13.8275 13.3506 12.5057 13.6543 13.7635 12.6747 13.2844 14.5954 12.1314 13.6402 13.9666 Q8BHK3 Slc36a2 11 55.158467 246049 - 55.158467 55.185098 solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter), member 2 A530067G19Rik; PAT2; Tramd1 None None None 12.2886 12.3187 11.8766 12.7506 12.5238 11.8341 11.8573 12.5009 12.1508 12.6076 12.222 11.7239 11.4332 11.506 11.7053 12.3859 12.3249 12.7131 11.906 12.5227 12.6816 12.3154 11.2617 11.9972 11.4922 11.4361 12.6132 11.8895 11.2136 13.0298 12.516 11.7505 Q8C7R4 Uba6 5 86.110719 231380 - 86.110719 86.172742 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 6 4930542H01; 5730469D23Rik; AU021846; AW124799; E1-L2; Ube1l2 None None None 14.8425 14.1472 13.9689 14.4487 14.2894 14.064 13.9682 14.0524 13.9 14.068 13.8084 14.0933 14.2837 14.7218 14.2492 13.8685 14.0634 14.4567 14.3109 14.3247 14.0337 13.9471 13.8875 14.5731 14.3734 13.3074 14.3149 14.5097 14.7847 14.3774 13.867 14.6096 Q9D081 Alg14 3 121.291711 66789 + 121.291711 121.363095 asparagine-linked glycosylation 14 5430428G01Rik; AI854024 None None None 12.7691 13.6378 12.8738 14.0126 12.2244 12.9627 12.9067 12.8595 12.2312 12.8823 13.9184 12.2247 12.0629 12.531 12.3878 12.2302 12.7303 13.1215 12.4207 13.5281 12.348 12.7998 12.1841 13.8446 12.3687 13.5512 11.9556 13.5456 12.0367 12.1996 13.1088 12.1825 Q71LX4 Tln2 9 67.217084 70549 - 67.217084 67.634044 talin 2 5730421P04Rik; AI507121; AI787438; AL118320; mKIAA0320 None None None 16.6555 16.461 15.6817 17.0139 16.159 16.1336 16.1399 16.4002 15.995 16.7984 16.045 16.0337 13.3986 16.3578 15.9308 16.0664 16.0092 16.6846 16.0323 16.0539 15.7052 16.2837 16.8448 16.0669 15.2956 15.2405 16.4827 15.7674 15.4805 16.2151 16.2562 16.0197 Q8VBT6 Apobr 7 126.584917 171504 + 126.584917 126.589124 apolipoprotein B receptor Apob-48r; Apob48r None None None 12.6046 13.6406 12.2943 12.8737 12.6274 12.2914 12.022 12.8107 12.3194 12.2676 14.6836 12.1336 12.6517 14.1503 12.3867 12.2173 13.8583 12.1404 14.5805 13.191 12.2767 12.6498 11.9824 12.2886 12.0093 14.4167 12.4613 12.1564 14.9899 13.4998 12.4506 13.0282 Q8K0Q5 Arhgap18 10 26.772407 73910 + 26.772407 26.918647 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 4833419J07Rik; AI314906; AI843501 None None None 12.2182 13.176 13.0219 13.1827 12.5788 13.3427 13.4327 12.5403 12.8569 12.8333 12.9739 12.181 12.0345 13.743 12.3923 12.3568 12.9106 12.6307 13.8681 13.2959 12.3806 12.8478 13.1024 13.3443 12.7874 13.284 12.5067 12.1853 13.7634 13.2393 12.8785 12.956 P35441 Thbs1 2 118.111875 21825 + 118.111875 118.127132 thrombospondin 1 TSP-1; TSP1; Thbs-1; tbsp1 None None None 15.1996 14.9743 14.6622 14.902 15.2206 13.949 15.3462 14.9482 14.6357 15.4239 14.5713 14.977 14.1489 14.9401 15.1331 14.8535 15.2823 15.0264 15.2511 15.2351 14.3885 15.065 15.4044 14.6815 14.4405 15.1931 14.8715 14.8924 14.0269 14.8852 15.3198 14.805 Q8K354 Cbr3 16 93.683218 109857 + 93.683218 93.69099 carbonyl reductase 3 1110001J05Rik; C81353 None None None 17.7855 17.3018 17.845 17.2886 17.5398 17.5006 17.8997 17.5253 17.8467 17.4114 17.6361 17.2401 18.0349 17.3018 17.6331 17.8349 17.3367 17.7689 17.1723 17.1659 17.4806 17.7453 17.4755 17.1646 17.8177 17.7995 17.6231 17.3677 18.3027 17.3485 17.6851 17.4947 P62737 Acta2 19 34.240335 11475 - 34.240335 34.255584 actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta 0610041G09Rik; Actvs; SMAalpha; SMalphaA; a-SMA; alphaSMA None None None 21.7452 23.3036 21.0831 21.0731 22.216 21.8987 21.7125 22.6745 22.3933 21.1689 23.0387 20.888 22.5049 22.2482 22.1668 21.2032 21.548 20.8058 21.9193 21.5362 23.9962 22.8903 21.1602 21.3308 21.4252 20.8205 21.0233 21.7111 21.481 22.3285 21.6718 22.143 P48758 Cbr1 16 93.607836 12408 + 93.607836 93.610348 carbonyl reductase 1 AW261796; CR; Cbr; PG-9-KR None None None 18.8065 18.6307 18.9737 18.5112 18.5924 18.7259 19.0254 18.5955 18.8193 18.6851 18.7736 18.2703 19.0283 18.5144 18.8053 18.9867 18.4207 18.925 18.331 18.2876 18.7001 18.6411 18.629 18.7413 18.9421 18.9821 18.8032 18.8586 19.2483 18.4014 18.7905 18.7017 Q8CI95 Osbpl11 16 33.169762 106326 + 33.169762 33.243311 oxysterol binding protein-like 11 9430097N02Rik; AI132306; AU019795; ORP-11 None None None 13.5915 13.6312 13.8006 14.0875 14.0171 13.8431 13.2496 13.6205 13.7184 14.1328 13.678 13.5932 13.1949 13.9072 13.89 13.9104 13.6802 14.1733 13.806 13.8834 13.3204 13.716 13.5756 13.3684 13.4401 13.535 14.2166 14.2102 13.7524 14.2122 13.7409 13.7328 Q5U5V2 Hykk 9 54.917289 235386 + 54.917289 54.949923 hydroxylysine kinase 1 Agphd1; C630028N24Rik None None None 12.1774 13.1033 13.0011 12.7558 12.9746 12.8094 13.24 12.7493 12.7553 12.2907 12.9264 12.8862 14.0945 12.5158 12.3097 13.0124 12.8751 12.2271 12.6331 12.5902 11.9169 12.4154 11.9189 12.4396 12.8968 12.6414 12.8964 12.4974 12.6681 12.9199 12.8373 13.0474 Q99L88 Sntb1 15 55.636387 20649 - 55.636387 55.907301 syntrophin, basic 1 None None None 16.1891 16.3114 15.8244 16.7752 15.8936 16.294 16.043 16.1231 16.2287 16.3301 16.3397 15.3686 14.3093 15.9946 15.7809 16.0463 15.9072 16.2734 15.3249 15.8661 15.6573 15.7986 16.1922 16.1977 15.7798 15.8442 16.8218 16.3014 15.6058 15.7181 16.225 15.906 Q921H8 Acaa1a 9 119.341027 113868 + 119.341027 119.350295 acetyl-Coenzyme A acyltransferase 1A Acaa; Acaa1; D9Ertd25e; PTL None None None 18.3687 18.6214 18.731 18.9002 17.9997 18.2416 18.487 17.866 17.9866 18.3037 17.7636 16.7463 18.3156 18.4468 18.0451 17.4647 18.0529 18.3716 18.8806 18.615 17.6062 17.7689 18.7004 18.2772 18.6086 19.0457 18.4623 18.0229 18.3327 18.5798 18.0602 18.4705 Q9CRT8 Xpot 10 121.587379 73192 - 121.587379 121.626505 exportin, tRNA (nuclear export receptor for tRNAs) 1110004L07Rik; 3110065H13Rik; AI452076; C79645; EXPORTIN-T None None None 11.8478 12.5346 12.3991 11.429 11.7782 12.2055 12.1299 12.3055 11.8232 12.1055 12.2456 12.1932 13.2672 12.9122 12.0824 11.9346 12.4485 12.2509 12.5282 12.2567 11.6366 12.3588 12.0955 12.4151 11.9297 12.5376 11.8828 12.472 12.7209 12.2361 12.5787 12.6764 Q8CHT0 Aldh4a1 4 139.62287 212647 + 139.62287 139.64969 aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1 A930035F14Rik; Ahd-1; Ahd1; Aldh4; Aldh5a1; E330022C09; P5cd; P5cdh; P5cdhl; P5cdhs; Ssdh1 None None None 15.8202 15.4144 16.8343 15.261 15.2887 15.2378 15.465 16.2196 15.9208 15.3433 16.509 15.9173 17.4429 15.1996 15.2949 16.0624 15.1939 15.6597 15.3225 15.3839 17.3732 16.1584 15.4204 15.4491 16.6705 16.6176 15.4097 16.1871 15.9393 15.7671 15.7208 14.8927 Q8BZA9 Tigar 6 127.085115 319801 - 127.085115 127.109551 Trp53 induced glycolysis regulatory phosphatase 9630033F20Rik; AA793651; AI595337; C79710; C85509 None None None 14.0902 14.6703 15.3239 13.7707 14.4152 13.2101 13.5467 14.487 14.4565 14.5431 13.065 13.194 13.5141 14.2795 13.983 13.1884 14.0702 13.9851 13.797 14.2431 13.9402 13.0841 15.0373 13.5211 14.5361 15.0862 14.0222 13.9159 13.3227 14.4995 13.9149 14.2918 Q99MR3 Slc12a9 5 137.314557 83704 - 137.314557 137.340069 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters), member 9 CIP1 None None None 13.4517 13.4182 13.051 13.2584 13.6471 12.977 13.9375 13.8261 13.7736 13.9146 12.2134 13.4252 13.8521 13.18 13.6151 12.7535 13.6798 13.6991 13.3777 13.7446 11.6044 12.8007 13.486 12.3828 13.9536 13.6102 13.8022 13.8459 13.2293 13.4389 13.8058 12.6277 Q6ZWZ2 Ube2r2 4 41.13602 67615 + 41.13602 41.193369 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2R 2 1200003M11Rik; Cdc34b; Ubc3b None None None 14.1445 14.8702 14.7985 11.6315 13.5218 13.4452 15.2025 13.6077 14.1696 13.2624 12.8041 12.4357 12.753 12.3878 14.4702 13.5571 14.9816 13.6736 15.0327 12.2544 11.7367 13.7074 14.9918 15.1618 12.2255 14.9981 14.8909 15.0914 14.8115 14.8489 13.928 15.0403 Q8VE19 Mios 6 8.20911 252875 + 8.20911 8.240572 meiosis regulator for oocyte development C81488 None None None 12.8335 13.0145 12.8707 12.6653 12.7334 13.106 12.6995 12.6552 13.0456 12.5677 12.6447 12.6108 13.7713 13.2709 13.0165 12.6106 12.2365 12.3228 12.9813 12.7903 12.7626 12.8361 13.2756 12.5981 12.876 13.9291 12.2911 12.6437 12.8594 12.7804 12.5127 12.9308 Q6PB44 Ptpn23 9 110.385083 104831 - 110.385083 110.408209 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 23 AI462446; PTP-TD14 None None None 13.6939 13.4225 13.6713 13.6037 13.3651 13.7312 13.2414 14.0953 13.6575 13.5776 13.7527 13.1488 13.5441 14.2212 13.5981 13.6892 14.623 13.4805 13.969 13.5835 13.8898 13.8012 14.0435 13.625 14.6392 15.7526 13.6302 13.3992 13.7322 13.8857 14.0002 14.198 Q8K4Q8 Colec12 18 9.707647 140792 + 9.707647 9.877994 collectin sub-family member 12 CL-P1; SRCL; Scara4 None None None 13.0191 13.2254 12.4661 12.3902 13.2495 13.4963 13.3293 12.9352 13.1634 13.1699 13.2782 13.0648 13.4574 13.1895 12.8996 12.7333 12.9491 13.1391 13.1663 13.197 12.8419 13.197 12.9739 13.7127 12.932 13.1499 12.9407 11.8881 13.1739 13.2344 12.8561 13.5109 Q9CWD8 Nubpl 12 52.097745 76826 + 52.097745 52.310969 nucleotide binding protein-like 2410170E07Rik None None None 12.7041 12.6215 13.8267 12.8928 12.9013 13.164 11.4057 12.3967 12.8993 12.56 11.5214 12.1279 11.5854 11.9506 12.2593 12.5413 11.5372 12.2462 13.858 12.0711 14.0519 11.8675 12.8104 11.6908 12.1129 11.576 13.4092 13.5921 13.3347 12.9929 12.4557 11.9522 Q9JHU2 Palmd 3 116.918261 114301 - 116.918261 116.968951 palmdelphin 4631423C22Rik; PALML None None None 16.2178 17.4342 16.5408 17.3962 16.3715 16.9503 17.1316 16.4022 16.6548 17.3393 16.2421 15.0136 12.9766 16.8774 16.7745 16.4055 16.6946 17.1992 16.3743 16.6164 16.5645 16.3617 17.532 17.2491 15.9193 16.2033 18.0545 17.0003 16.4961 16.2776 17.0773 15.606 P59235 Nup43 10 7.667503 69912 + 7.667503 7.678885 nucleoporin 43 2610016K01Rik; 2610529I12Rik; AA409950; p42 None None None 12.5971 11.5404 12.441 12.406 13.1435 12.1312 15.6104 13.4959 12.8816 12.8897 11.9022 12.3233 14.3939 11.6133 12.2818 12.9194 12.9397 11.8815 11.5467 12.1907 13.985 12.8304 14.675 14.6017 13.2037 14.8468 14.1011 12.999 13.8682 12.1071 12.6473 14.2796 P43024 Cox6a1 5 115.345651 12861 - 115.345651 115.348957 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A1 VIaL None None None 13.5277 12.4221 14.2451 13.7338 13.9123 13.4736 12.0696 14.612 13.8106 14.0593 12.6875 14.1093 14.0117 12.5244 14.9978 15.3541 13.6328 12.2602 12.7523 14.9815 14.3483 13.8194 13.2347 14.2733 15.4111 14.4944 15.4695 16.2711 13.6291 14.4183 13.8424 12.7778 Q99LB6 Mat2b 11 40.679313 108645 - 40.679313 40.695202 methionine adenosyltransferase II, beta 1110064C04Rik; 2410018D16Rik; AI182287; AU022853; MAT-II; MATIIbeta; TGR None None None 15.7089 15.2733 15.3326 15.4592 15.4009 15.1926 15.4466 15.3713 15.3887 15.2614 15.2536 14.822 16.048 15.1959 15.4776 15.2712 15.3538 15.2219 15.4785 15.2382 14.7875 15.25 15.5617 15.3015 15.4104 15.5745 15.2389 14.8831 15.4833 15.3368 15.3229 15.7796 Q7TQH0 Atxn2l 7 126.491707 233871 - 126.491707 126.507818 ataxin 2-like A2D; A2LG; A2RP; A2lp; Atxnl2 None None None 12.5874 13.6589 12.43 12.7348 13.1597 13.123 13.8173 13.041 13.0347 12.9901 12.3366 12.6531 14.2998 12.419 12.6916 12.5924 13.4679 13.0513 12.7861 12.8906 12.2386 13.0113 13.4006 13.7321 12.0161 13.4273 13.6534 11.8083 11.7162 12.3369 12.4729 11.7674 Q3UJB9 Edc4 8 105.880872 234699 + 105.880872 105.893224 enhancer of mRNA decapping 4 BC022641 None None None 13.8572 14.3849 14.7055 13.5276 13.878 14.0944 14.1334 13.9441 15.0707 14.0432 13.4271 12.2466 15.511 15.1855 14.1585 12.4468 14.4131 14.4579 15.2149 14.978 13.1982 13.6888 13.6263 13.4386 14.6534 14.844 12.709 14.5759 13.6052 14.7859 13.7908 14.4576 Q922B1 Macrod1 19 7.056727 107227 + 7.056727 7.198061 mono-ADP ribosylhydrolase 1 AI604841; AW743046; D930010J01Rik; Lrp16 None None None 14.9068 15.9909 16.0279 15.0678 14.7753 15.0791 15.294 15.1222 15.2185 14.5945 15.0785 14.9302 15.4953 14.5579 14.4688 15.4473 14.433 14.3892 14.3437 14.6751 16.2066 15.4187 15.3497 14.7734 16.2374 16.5335 14.9263 14.8693 15.5975 14.338 15.0604 14.9261 P61164 Actr1a 19 46.376812 54130 - 46.376812 46.39574 ARP1 actin-related protein 1A, centractin alpha Arp1; actin-RPV; alpha-Arp1 None None None 13.5888 15.1911 14.8538 15.2092 14.7169 14.9985 15.3611 14.7278 15.0538 15.0497 14.1558 14.0252 13.3219 14.3293 14.7309 14.6214 14.9027 14.5265 15.2919 14.8565 13.1252 14.5821 15.2528 14.9245 14.2865 14.974 14.7453 14.392 14.9142 15.1019 14.9383 15.1562 P01898 H2-Q10 17 35.470088 15007 + 35.470088 35.474562 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 10 H-2Q10; H2-K1; Q10; Qa10 None None None 15.5991 14.7257 15.5787 15.7314 15.4661 15.6801 15.7007 15.0958 15.4729 16.1632 15.9217 15.5372 14.6788 15.3145 15.1739 16.6667 15.2111 15.0809 15.4571 15.384 14.9277 15.1088 15.8542 15.932 15.3424 15.6916 14.6846 15.6701 13.5056 15.3641 15.1031 15.9731 Q6GQS1 Slc25a23 17 57.04371 66972 - 57.04371 57.059908 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23 2310067G05Rik; SCaMC-3 None None None 12.3514 11.1648 12.0368 12.2023 12.0977 12.4831 12.1946 12.3196 12.2112 12.0269 12.3716 12.1619 12.0728 11.8714 12.0956 12.9542 11.6018 12.0744 12.4449 12.5496 12.8085 12.4978 12.6075 12.0683 12.5066 12.2819 12.5663 12.4981 12.7235 12.3154 12.3003 12.4782 Q8BFR4 Gns 10 121.365089 75612 + 121.365089 121.397253 glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase 2610016K11Rik; AU042285; C87209; G6S; N28088 None None None 15.0365 14.7269 14.9252 14.6454 15.2185 15.0754 15.3125 14.5168 14.9266 15.0677 14.6275 16.2521 16.5062 15.0701 15.4699 14.904 14.9693 15.1992 15.2822 14.8212 14.6155 14.8647 14.4444 15.2679 14.9392 15.0667 14.9378 14.6981 14.8265 15.3787 14.8564 15.2823 Q8BSE0 Rmdn2 17 79.578595 381110 + 79.578595 79.684975 regulator of microtubule dynamics 2 AW061290; Fam82a1; RMD-2; mRMD-2 None None None 13.2679 12.8587 13.357 12.2171 12.516 12.0584 14.5092 12.3109 12.2764 12.5066 12.606 12.2399 12.1739 12.0561 12.3475 12.1973 12.4523 12.3375 12.6616 12.4622 12.2421 12.3071 12.3097 12.3632 12.6836 12.0307 12.4944 13.3555 11.8906 12.4429 12.3021 12.8815 P61166 Tmem258 19 10.204201 69038 + 10.204201 10.207823 transmembrane protein 258 1810006K21Rik None None None 16.2508 15.3396 15.0739 15.5393 15.9058 15.6035 14.8952 15.937 15.513 15.4875 15.5889 15.7829 16.3905 15.927 15.864 15.1904 15.5443 15.7635 15.5351 15.4783 15.6531 15.4339 15.3251 15.561 15.1435 15.0176 15.609 15.3889 15.4188 15.7536 15.3984 15.7455 Q91W39 Ncoa5 2 165.000352 228869 - 165.000352 165.03487 nuclear receptor coactivator 5 CIA None None None 14.3956 17.442 14.5447 12.0648 14.962 14.4439 12.453 17.8015 15.2288 17.391 14.1764 12.0086 20.0648 12.5797 17.4535 14.6542 14.1458 15.6243 17.8984 17.9033 11.9597 14.9446 14.5008 17.9195 18.019 12.2051 11.4787 11.4719 17.8887 17.7278 16.3152 12.9995 Q3UPY5 Glb1l2 9 26.763043 244757 - 26.763043 26.806472 galactosidase, beta 1-like 2 None None None 12.5494 14.1312 12.4879 13.3864 12.6625 13.4082 12.9686 13.2272 13.2949 13.0832 13.0978 12.4229 12.3221 12.7819 13.194 13.3983 12.934 13.6273 12.1331 12.3758 12.3751 13.2456 13.1341 13.838 12.9623 12.7032 13.8561 13.0592 12.512 12.5882 13.4085 12.3226 P35459 Ly6d 15 74.762055 17068 - 74.762055 74.763566 lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus D Ly-61; Ly61; Thb None None None 13.0823 12.6442 14.1741 11.6228 13.9898 12.2008 12.011 13.0094 14.1001 12.215 12.1267 11.7992 17.7631 13.0217 13.8604 13.6205 12.453 12.2462 12.4822 12.4562 16.2258 11.8675 12.2051 12.2961 16.7577 12.1754 11.9207 12.4263 12.6827 11.9218 12.8654 12.5575 Q61655 Ddx19a 8 110.97499 13680 - 110.97499 110.997822 DEAD box helicase 19a DBP5; Ddx19; Eif4a-rs1 None None None 14.216 14.2909 14.2273 14.4786 14.1998 14.3216 14.29 14.2709 14.5037 14.5543 13.9109 13.7303 15.4058 14.2815 14.3301 13.9177 14.4459 14.1437 14.6166 14.4802 13.7928 14.2353 14.4066 14.2126 14.4278 14.0515 14.401 14.074 14.666 14.5093 14.2871 14.2702 Q9CXI0 Coq5 5 115.279665 52064 + 115.279665 115.296973 coenzyme Q5 methyltransferase 1810014G04Rik; D5Ertd33e None None None 11.9766 12.6305 13.1875 12.1215 11.88 12.3292 12.3972 12.5285 12.1786 12.5137 12.6537 12.5978 12.986 12.4524 12.5088 12.6763 12.3891 12.3347 12.6891 12.7837 13.2243 12.3556 12.3181 12.8825 13.1994 13.0428 12.4055 13.1436 12.9944 12.133 12.7234 12.4844 Q62465 Vat1 11 101.458747 26949 - 101.458747 101.466198 vesicle amine transport 1 VAT-1 None None None 19.8007 18.6419 18.4515 18.9511 19.4809 18.5779 18.6479 19.2148 18.9599 19.1742 19.0083 18.397 18.5072 19.8275 19.3478 18.9802 19.0973 19.3807 19.3317 19.2455 18.6388 19.0411 18.7215 18.678 18.3761 18.4295 19.0712 18.515 19.2153 19.6185 18.7746 19.2879 Q8VCN9 Tbcc 17 46.89062 72726 + 46.89062 46.892462 tubulin-specific chaperone C 2810055C19Rik None None None 14.0055 14.9419 14.3304 15.2396 15.7758 14.7449 13.7658 13.9725 14.6366 14.873 15.7522 13.1145 15.1924 15.0705 15.064 13.625 15.1135 14.8748 14.2397 14.465 14.7833 14.872 15.4525 15.2947 15.7346 15.2687 14.5969 14.8285 13.752 15.0176 14.3383 12.397 Q91WK5 Gcsh 8 116.981966 68133 - 116.981966 116.993497 glycine cleavage system protein H (aminomethyl carrier) 1100001L02Rik; 5730591C18Rik None None None 16.6702 15.5502 16.2245 16.2507 15.8839 16.0336 16.0569 16.2391 15.7224 16.1908 15.8989 16.0277 14.7199 16.2613 16.1213 15.8667 16.1206 16.3458 16.3149 16.4634 16.0994 15.8689 16.0825 16.3575 15.7512 15.7311 16.1129 16.1771 16.1736 16.3863 16.0784 16.3217 Q8QZY1 Eif3l 15 79.075222 223691 + 79.075222 79.094399 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit L 0610011H21Rik; D15N1e; Eif3eip; Eif3ip; Eif3s6ip; HSP-66Y; PAF67 None None None 16.9329 16.3081 16.2915 16.5588 16.5673 16.3539 16.215 16.5699 16.451 16.4919 16.3933 16.2018 17.4645 16.7491 16.6681 16.3107 16.5574 16.6201 16.6229 16.3055 16.6232 16.4361 16.2237 16.4016 16.2273 16.3027 16.4447 16.5354 16.2809 16.5876 16.4551 16.4795 Q5PRF0 Heatr5a 12 51.87587 320487 - 51.87587 51.97137 HEAT repeat containing 5A C230081H03Rik; D930036F22Rik; mKIAA1316 None None None 12.2822 12.1235 11.3752 12.2485 11.8886 11.9231 11.7803 11.9162 11.8456 12.0331 11.1714 12.0914 12.468 12.4668 12.005 11.4478 12.347 12.0181 12.317 12.1834 11.5018 12.165 12.2032 11.8544 11.7897 11.3503 11.5871 11.9286 12.3696 12.8646 11.7391 12.2731 P61148 Fgf1 18 38.838671 14164 - 38.838671 38.929469 fibroblast growth factor 1 Dffrx; Fam; Fgf-1; Fgfa None None None 15.5356 14.4961 14.4359 14.5849 13.8462 15.7035 15.0521 15.1234 14.7994 15.1171 14.9507 14.1276 11.7425 15.0076 14.6628 14.1324 15.2372 15.0823 14.6247 14.3145 13.9934 15.1209 15.4104 15.0154 14.2254 14.1789 15.2609 15.0951 13.3103 14.2647 14.7835 13.7111 Q3TGW2 Eepd1 9 25.481512 67484 + 25.481512 25.604109 endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain containing 1 2310005P05Rik; AI481005 None None None 14.6062 16.1978 15.3862 15.8795 15.715 15.9263 16.0982 15.6342 15.6117 15.9945 15.7587 15.2214 12.9908 15.3605 15.6074 15.7142 15.7504 15.7763 15.6529 14.9947 14.5749 15.7893 16.1623 15.6216 15.3599 15.7821 16.244 15.6707 15.6465 15.2755 15.7552 15.3239 Q9DBG9 Tax1bp3 11 73.177082 76281 + 73.177082 73.182045 Tax1 (human T cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 3 1300011C24Rik; TIP-1 None None None 14.7052 14.8688 14.7058 15.1782 14.9858 15.0628 15.2127 14.934 15.054 15.0506 14.9486 13.5966 14.0736 14.4048 14.7991 14.2237 14.8014 14.674 15.0361 15.0192 14.6797 14.6728 15.0225 14.7891 14.1883 14.7256 14.7901 14.8256 15.2034 15.0148 14.7942 15.1013 Q3UPR9 Sbspon 1 15.853861 226866 - 15.853861 15.892721 somatomedin B and thrombospondin, type 1 domain containing Gm106; Rpesp None None None 10.5032 10.5091 11.8909 12.6211 11.2287 12.2008 13.0093 11.6046 12.0365 8.96691 10.1251 12.4774 9.62104 12.0234 12.1865 9.73799 12.1203 12.2462 11.804 10.4585 10.0169 11.575 11.2172 11.6179 11.3293 11.6488 12.5989 12.0282 11.6844 12.92 10.2871 10.2826 Q8BIK4 Dock9 14 121.538364 105445 - 121.538364 121.797899 dedicator of cytokinesis 9 AA959601; AW538057; B230309H04Rik; D14Wsu89e; Zizimin1; mKIAA1058 None None None 14.4464 14.3236 14.1859 14.2945 13.9976 14.166 14.2011 14.2682 14.1629 14.34 14.1528 13.5594 15.0068 14.2631 13.9423 14.2444 14.0086 14.2008 13.9194 13.8889 13.4069 13.6007 14.3717 14.2085 14.0969 13.8905 14.4593 14.0639 13.8412 13.992 13.9967 14.3641 Q8CBC4 Cnst 1 179.546443 226744 + 179.546443 179.627477 consortin, connexin sorting protein 9630058J23Rik None None None 12.6083 11.5068 12.441 12.3723 12.8829 12.2008 11.4719 12.5076 12.8964 12.6953 11.5876 12.3383 12.0121 11.647 12.2482 12.953 11.7361 12.6861 11.513 12.157 12.4775 11.9408 12.7441 14.1776 11.4847 13.0304 12.748 14.4766 11.986 13.4122 12.5803 12.0184 Q99JI1 Mustn1 14 30.879256 66175 + 30.879256 30.881609 musculoskeletal, embryonic nuclear protein 1 1110028G01Rik; Mustang None None None 11.7667 13.8587 12.5932 11.7695 11.763 12.4374 13.0643 12.1761 11.7624 12.6481 11.7465 12.306 12.6217 11.7739 12.5665 11.7696 12.4834 12.1728 12.5197 12.5776 12.6316 12.5374 13.2419 12.7335 11.7598 12.62 14.2111 12.5747 12.6267 11.7348 12.6611 12.8263 O70496 Clcn7 17 25.133377 26373 + 25.133377 25.162102 chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 7 ClC-7; D17Wsu51e None None None 12.5036 12.1744 12.3554 14.2818 13.115 13.0286 12.4807 14.027 13.4175 12.8525 13.3749 13.29 12.1869 14.6422 12.7203 12.8186 13.1786 14.2288 14.2445 13.7723 11.9874 13.1598 14.4804 13.5749 12.6035 12.1774 12.9572 11.4996 14.1533 13.5761 13.8917 13.6115 Q9D1D4 Tmed10 12 85.340613 68581 - 85.340613 85.374716 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 10 1110014C03Rik; Tmp21; p23; p24delta1 None None None 17.2048 16.7621 16.5616 16.7968 16.7212 16.7859 16.696 16.901 16.7082 16.8762 16.7086 16.8623 16.7448 16.728 16.9972 16.5209 16.8895 16.8379 16.941 16.7534 16.2601 16.4441 16.5225 16.9501 16.3924 16.496 16.7621 16.8875 16.9132 17.0891 16.8164 16.7636 Q8K1B8 Fermt3 19 6.998957 108101 - 6.998957 7.019468 fermitin family member 3 C79673; Kindlin3 None None None 15.7602 15.2744 14.941 15.0399 16.0061 14.7081 14.515 14.8828 15.2668 15.4152 14.4163 15.8311 17.5189 15.6231 15.3026 14.6978 15.6707 14.3936 16.2291 15.8451 13.408 14.9052 14.6896 14.9771 15.1829 15.5153 14.4086 14.8208 16.0851 16.0445 14.8739 16.346 Q8BW75 Maob X 16.70928 109731 - 16.70928 16.817365 monoamine oxidase B 6330414K01Rik; MAO-B None None None 16.1427 16.0046 16.4684 15.826 15.8844 16.4316 16.622 16.1356 16.7158 16.2002 16.2971 16.3802 16.2095 15.9375 15.9892 16.4177 16.2011 16.312 16.4828 16.3779 16.4955 16.2738 15.9448 16.0477 16.838 16.4921 16.2208 16.2739 16.1303 16.2642 16.4114 15.9391 P01921 H2-Ab1 17 34.263226 14961 + 34.263226 34.269417 histocompatibility 2, class II antigen A, beta 1 AI845868; Abeta; H-2Ab; H2-Ab; I-Abeta; IAb; Ia-2; Ia2; Rmcs1 None None None 15.7132 13.4243 16.3806 15.6168 14.3219 16.0041 16.2487 13.9176 16.6383 16.1314 15.8576 14.6304 17.3497 14.8753 14.125 15.3043 14.2831 13.7956 16.6385 17.233 13.2034 13.2957 13.3453 16.8032 14.4412 13.4873 13.3098 16.098 14.5209 16.3967 13.9662 18.9505 Q8VEA4 Chchd4 6 91.464275 72170 - 91.464275 91.473422 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 4 2410012P20Rik; 2810014D17Rik; AI838740 None None None 14.6498 14.1136 14.7243 14.1797 14.5864 14.2639 14.5992 14.4046 14.3348 14.3315 14.4225 14.9951 15.1212 14.4904 14.5171 14.3989 14.5026 14.302 14.5274 14.5224 15.3387 14.2424 14.1345 14.1884 14.547 15.0126 14.4738 14.2655 14.693 14.5077 14.2672 14.9181 Q6P9R2 Oxsr1 9 119.238431 108737 - 119.238431 119.322683 oxidative-stress responsive 1 2210022N24Rik; 2810422B09Rik; AI462649; AW209236; Osr1; mKIAA1101 None None None 15.9049 15.9957 15.8288 16.1393 15.7979 15.9279 15.6006 16.0233 15.9111 16.1311 15.7087 16.2359 16.1128 15.5851 16.0207 15.6785 15.8096 16.0257 15.7146 15.6128 15.4097 15.5918 16.3919 16.191 15.756 15.952 16.0324 15.8543 15.9857 15.7547 15.87 15.953 Q99MR6 Srrt 5 137.295703 83701 - 137.295703 137.307715 serrate RNA effector molecule homolog (Arabidopsis) 2810019G02Rik; ASR2A; ASR2B; ASR2C; ASR2D; Ars2; Asr2 None None None 14.3347 13.9633 14.2339 14.3349 14.6731 14.3211 13.9489 14.1901 14.6958 14.0435 14.3044 14.1178 16.4645 14.7831 14.3758 13.837 14.3351 14.3104 14.6066 14.3424 13.8304 14.5109 14.3129 14.3549 14.3407 13.955 13.9462 13.8852 14.3917 14.5778 13.9911 14.7886 Q5RL79 Krtcap2 3 89.245903 66059 + 89.245903 89.249728 keratinocyte associated protein 2 0610010I12Rik; Kcp2 None None None 11.8135 7.43418 11.8909 11.6899 10.4431 9.80837 12.0781 12.1576 11.8623 12.1456 7.67031 12.0086 12.5895 12.9546 12.3729 11.6486 11.8794 9.94436 12.5156 12.7435 11.5848 11.8675 12.9946 9.25345 11.4405 12.58 11.8536 12.7734 12.6156 11.9889 12.6934 11.4119 Q9WV68 Decr2 17 26.081207 26378 - 26.081207 26.090321 2-4-dienoyl-Coenzyme A reductase 2, peroxisomal None None None 13.2196 14.7247 15.1926 15.1226 14.304 14.4581 14.5373 14.0568 14.5516 14.4864 13.4776 13.3136 15.171 14.5267 14.0313 13.9767 14.0493 14.6024 14.6963 14.1903 14.9187 14.0893 14.882 14.3846 15.1344 15.4718 15.1762 14.2271 14.9795 13.4118 14.1544 14.9689 Q6ZWY3 Rps27l 9 66.944623 67941 + 66.944623 66.949521 ribosomal protein S27-like 1810034D23Rik None None None 16.1702 16.9541 16.4731 16.7912 15.4624 16.6657 15.8125 15.8225 17.2406 15.9684 15.7978 15.8389 18.5124 15.9535 15.8217 16.1641 16.3407 15.4642 16.9317 16.6638 15.1448 16.8863 16.4869 15.9173 17.0522 17.1987 15.6101 15.1962 16.0827 16.4718 16.839 16.6834 P11930 Nudt19 7 35.547184 110959 - 35.547184 35.558642 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 19 D7Rp2; D7Rp2-r; D7Rp2-s; D7Rp2e; RP2-r; RP2-s None None None 13.3694 14.0987 13.4939 14.4345 13.7649 12.999 14.8947 12.9695 13.7078 13.8939 12.7475 12.9969 12.283 13.7287 13.466 12.5095 13.9856 12.8462 14.2119 13.9423 13.6378 13.7344 14.1516 13.8152 13.976 13.6614 13.7743 13.6307 13.4403 13.2032 12.7142 13.425 O08688 Capn5 7 98.121558 12337 - 98.121558 98.178945 calpain 5 nCL-3 None None None 12.1217 12.9541 11.6028 11.4429 12.9944 12.1312 13.4142 12.1743 12.6403 12.4101 12.6155 12.1225 12.9416 12.5765 12.1678 12.9265 13.1328 12.0857 12.26 11.4656 13.3785 12.7827 13.4725 12.6682 12.4142 12.9511 13.1806 12.0358 12.9155 12.9195 13.0077 13.8618 Q8CC88 Vwa8 14 78.849057 219189 + 78.849057 79.202309 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 8 1300010F03Rik; 4932416F07Rik; AI957255; Kiaa0564; mKIAA0564 None None None 15.279 14.7521 15.7766 14.9059 14.5334 14.3865 14.3942 12.2557 14.5038 14.8512 14.8967 15.2638 15.4105 14.4347 14.5121 15.3323 15.14 15.0079 14.5987 15.2445 17.2907 15.1366 15.1094 14.587 15.3051 15.3315 15.0327 15.7211 14.7903 14.4216 15.2654 14.1293 Q8K1R7 Nek9 12 85.299513 217718 - 85.299513 85.339361 NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 9 C130021H08Rik None None None 14.0065 13.7425 13.7748 13.9938 13.7994 14.1314 14.1386 14.1064 13.8188 14.1577 13.7113 13.7832 13.8091 14.202 13.8687 13.7404 13.7532 14.2824 13.9931 13.8566 13.8107 13.8224 14.0512 14.2052 13.4235 13.4089 14.036 13.9647 13.8142 14.0613 13.9392 14.1138 Q91YE6 Ipo9 1 135.382311 226432 - 135.382311 135.430498 importin 9 0710008K06Rik; AI845704; C78347; Imp9; Ranbp9 None None None 15.7189 14.6792 14.8094 14.9304 13.8358 14.8841 13.9311 14.6704 15.0225 14.9195 14.4219 13.4773 16.1877 15.6012 14.4556 14.497 15.1418 15.0757 15.2062 15.0878 12.7729 14.1102 14.5637 14.7803 13.7022 14.6212 14.7199 14.4011 14.5666 15.2625 15.0074 14.0909 P0C0S6 H2afz Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P0C0S6 None None None 18.4516 17.6714 17.5004 17.526 18.2668 17.6746 17.8712 17.982 18.1294 17.7305 18.1564 17.6988 19.7674 18.0582 18.1206 17.5974 17.8971 17.743 17.7228 17.9403 18.0573 18.0793 17.5066 17.5605 18.0032 17.5479 17.7053 17.4161 17.3658 18.2587 17.7329 18.2109 Q8C129 Lnpep 17 17.527722 240028 - 17.527722 17.624488 leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase 2010309L07Rik; 4732490P18Rik; CAP; IRAP; PLAP; gp160; vp165 None None None 15.7138 15.3215 15.1505 15.2156 15.7035 15.4461 15.4388 15.7264 15.4729 15.6015 15.4928 15.59 16.1215 15.3793 15.8871 15.7077 15.2898 15.3861 14.788 15.001 15.2568 15.8455 15.2465 15.0954 15.2507 15.4168 15.7744 15.6354 15.2546 15.1341 15.3376 15.4867 Q8BWT1 Acaa2 18 74.779211 52538 + 74.779211 74.806206 acetyl-Coenzyme A acyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial 3-oxoacyl-Coenzyme A thiolase) 0610011L04Rik; AI255831; AI265397; D18Ertd240e None None None 19.9 19.1674 20.9838 18.7899 19.6829 19.0711 19.5923 19.4283 19.0997 19.6214 18.8789 19.7636 20.5696 19.3661 19.1712 20.1864 19.5163 19.5833 20.0436 20.4231 23.0009 20.2288 20.1558 19.2737 20.4863 19.7581 19.3846 21.1842 19.7948 19.1114 19.4671 18.8184 Q5SYD0 Myo1d 11 80.482125 338367 - 80.482125 80.780054 myosin ID 9930104H07Rik; AW544947; D11Ertd9e; myosin-1d None None None 15.5106 15.6614 15.2786 15.9831 15.4309 15.2481 15.251 15.2328 15.5683 15.6428 15.6307 14.9505 13.8987 15.393 15.338 15.1745 15.2775 15.672 15.0059 15.295 14.732 15.3736 15.7932 15.106 14.5599 15.1782 15.6179 15.2437 14.979 14.6937 15.6533 15.1335 Q9QXV0 Pcsk1n X 7.919821 30052 + 7.919821 7.924409 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 inhibitor AI848336; KEP; PEN; PEN19; PEN20; Pan3; SAAS; SAASCT; bLEN; lLEN; proSAAS None None None 10.8331 12.4984 9.56081 11.6876 11.7202 12.2008 12.1567 8.74434 12.2262 12.0041 9.37345 11.6535 8.75391 12.3317 11.2163 11.2312 10.0735 12.0013 12.5047 10.1775 11.9606 11.993 12.0594 12.6908 10.4665 12.5014 9.08009 10.8339 12.6708 11.3887 11.2301 12.7032 P61028 Rab8b 9 66.843608 235442 - 66.843608 66.919704 RAB8B, member RAS oncogene family 5930437D16; D330025I23Rik None None None 15.8802 15.0728 15.6268 15.6009 16.4282 15.4921 15.305 15.8564 15.9055 15.6143 15.4285 16.0667 16.6047 16.1995 15.7919 15.5044 15.9563 15.6174 16.287 16.1152 15.0774 15.5305 15.7899 15.5529 15.3922 15.8431 15.3642 15.3551 16.209 16.1756 15.5802 16.5733 Q9CXP8 Gng10 4 59.035155 14700 + 59.035155 59.041898 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 10 AV006524 None None None 13.0242 14.4025 14.6723 14.5401 14.0423 13.6102 14.3082 13.808 14.0407 13.2463 14.4361 12.1637 13.4184 12.5824 13.4332 13.5269 13.2423 12.7511 13.1564 12.6192 12.545 13.8087 13.1025 13.7762 13.0524 14.0061 13.8427 14.2891 12.396 12.9552 13.9004 13.6836 Q8VD66 Abhd4 14 54.254128 105501 + 54.254128 54.269168 abhydrolase domain containing 4 1110035H23Rik; AI429574; Abh4 None None None 19.4958 14.475 14.7049 15.3381 14.8046 15.0972 14.6917 14.4799 14.9251 14.5697 15.375 15.0546 12.8003 16.8856 14.454 13.1942 15.2475 15.3747 15.5245 15.2652 15.6717 14.2526 14.9505 14.6521 12.9221 13.433 14.4641 13.4344 15.4185 15.5817 14.6026 15.5664 Q60953 Pml 9 58.217178 18854 - 58.217178 58.249795 promyelocytic leukemia 1200009E24Rik; AI661194; Trim19 None None None 13.4682 13.0495 13.3097 13.7176 13.7444 13.3579 13.6712 13.7829 13.9158 13.3001 13.7146 13.3582 16.6837 13.0583 13.201 13.0629 13.175 13.1566 12.9344 13.4774 13.4902 13.5787 13.7767 13.7163 14.1575 13.7972 13.0835 13.3595 12.4312 13.0289 13.3979 14.1772 P13516 Scd1 19 44.394449 20249 - 44.394449 44.407708 stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 1 AA589638; AI265570; Scd; Scd-1; ab None None None 15.8435 17.653 18.0948 17.7054 17.2977 17.839 17.1302 17.3153 16.002 17.523 14.9562 17.0129 12.5303 14.7863 16.0603 18.0062 17.5294 17.4056 17.7321 16.572 13.6585 16.3747 17.5649 17.559 17.9251 17.2204 17.5792 16.341 17.22 16.9546 17.5038 14.8485 Q8CFH6 Sik2 9 50.889643 235344 - 50.889643 51.009131 salt inducible kinase 2 G630080D20Rik; Snf1lk2 None None None 12.6134 13.9052 13.2959 12.043 13.2765 13.7246 13.8603 12.1933 13.5267 13.6221 12.1582 12.8959 12.5717 13.0145 13.2032 13.3268 13.3412 12.373 13.2135 12.7823 13.2163 12.9044 13.3764 13.2774 13.882 13.5992 13.8689 13.1703 14.3234 13.5247 13.6185 12.5861 P25911 Lyn 4 3.678067 17096 + 3.678067 3.791611 LYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase AA407514; Hck-2; p53Lyn; p56Lyn None None None 15.4222 15.1655 14.8502 15.4052 15.752 14.9462 14.8804 15.2536 15.2013 15.5337 14.7096 15.5927 16.1671 15.5275 15.6639 14.7252 15.2049 15.6021 15.3947 15.1053 13.8785 14.579 15.5917 15.2916 14.6695 14.4567 15.4694 15.0164 14.8024 15.2006 15.0043 15.5293 Q6VN19 Ranbp10 8 105.768307 74334 - 105.768307 105.83383 RAN binding protein 10 4432417N03Rik None None None 11.421 12.7303 11.6748 11.9194 11.7735 10.8347 11.9248 12.1223 11.1035 12.3371 12.0406 11.8854 10.7874 12.0999 11.8791 11.7295 12.4818 12.2462 9.4911 11.4696 11.4315 11.3657 10.3954 12.21 11.9376 12.7332 11.5244 12.5124 12.4389 10.33 12.242 10.1634 Q9Z0K8 Vnn1 10 23.894687 22361 + 23.894687 23.905343 vanin 1 V-1 None None None 14.0078 14.024 13.8143 15.3091 14.6652 13.5921 14.343 14.3448 14.2387 14.2864 13.9836 15.771 14.0617 14.4947 14.5548 15.1686 13.8667 14.2838 14.5353 13.7831 13.0652 14.7525 14.7302 14.6928 14.6374 15.7929 13.8639 14.2627 15.2997 12.8044 14.499 14.0935 P37889 Fbln2 6 91.212459 14115 + 91.212459 91.272539 fibulin 2 5730577E14Rik; FIBL-2 None None None 14.8047 13.8603 13.6877 14.238 14.2556 14.1974 13.9852 14.2158 13.7765 14.1848 14.037 14.2175 13.7992 14.3158 14.4751 14.176 14.4454 14.6722 14.4357 14.4242 14.2283 14.5411 13.538 14.2477 12.4629 13.4758 14.015 14.3352 13.3392 14.4874 14.0417 13.6772 Q8R0H9 Gga1 15 78.877166 106039 + 78.877166 78.894584 golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 1 4930406E12Rik; AU016030; AW209092 None None None 12.498 13.4768 12.7746 13.4033 13.134 13.279 12.9795 14.1298 12.5116 13.2236 12.7307 11.7612 12.5886 13.0233 13.6452 12.7866 13.2445 14.004 13.3496 13.533 12.9693 12.9711 12.7739 13.4758 12.3246 13.1596 12.811 13.8571 13.1288 13.7039 13.652 13.2833 Q8K183 Pdxk 10 78.436746 216134 - 78.436746 78.464947 pyridoxal (pyridoxine, vitamin B6) kinase 2310036D04Rik; AA119688; C77999 None None None 16.542 15.8373 15.9403 15.8129 15.8859 15.8931 15.7252 16.1977 16.0895 15.8691 15.9029 16.7689 15.6227 16.3307 16.3904 15.7907 16.0239 16.2009 16.6599 16.374 15.9162 16.0497 15.8433 16.0018 16.2079 15.8943 16.0265 15.9918 16.6591 16.5102 15.9885 16.6913 Q6ZWR6 Syne1 10 5.020191 64009 - 5.020191 5.550691 spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 1 8B; A330049M09Rik; BE692247; C130039F11Rik; CPG2; KASH1; Myne1; mKIAA1756; myne-1 None None None 12.1668 15.6576 15.4243 15.1193 15.3718 15.1688 15.4952 15.7706 15.134 15.3142 14.7316 12.2468 14.3682 14.4156 15.6844 13.8143 16.1955 13.6288 15.5521 15.6874 11.9284 15.3401 15.3689 15.8316 14.8255 15.9983 15.5806 15.991 14.1799 14.954 15.8072 15.0382 Q3U0J8 Tbc1d2b 9 90.202046 67016 - 90.202046 90.270771 TBC1 domain family, member 2B 1810061M12Rik; AI480956; AV021536; AV023399; AW491493; mKIAA1055 None None None 13.394 12.2514 12.6339 12.3114 13.1317 12.7269 11.9637 12.8543 13.4255 12.8774 12.0745 12.7803 14.256 13.6576 12.6549 12.3892 12.8052 13.1382 13.5845 13.0222 12.9517 12.6528 13.7948 12.1735 12.9641 12.1857 12.2454 12.4361 13.5211 13.5591 12.2694 13.8565 Q6PDL0 Dync1li2 8 104.417673 234663 - 104.417673 104.443049 dynein, cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 2 AA409702; C920003I06; Dncli2; Dnclic2; LIC2 None None None 14.479 14.2569 14.0942 14.5606 14.13 14.1298 14.1517 14.3771 14.1419 14.4153 13.9695 13.4861 13.5777 14.0723 14.1263 14.179 14.1423 14.4529 14.1779 14.0792 14.2365 14.2418 14.3251 13.9567 13.6477 13.9786 14.3754 13.9584 13.9969 14.323 14.3017 13.8556 Q8R2U4 Ntmt1 2 30.807944 66617 + 30.807944 30.823032 N-terminal Xaa-Pro-Lys N-methyltransferase 1 2610205E22Rik; AL033331; AL033332; Mettl11a; NTM1A None None None 16.2923 14.9635 14.1559 14.7508 14.1462 15.3655 16.434 15.2141 15.9503 15.2226 16.1077 16.2739 15.8581 14.8941 16.5941 15.1483 16.2149 14.9916 14.296 15.9003 13.4572 16.5832 15.9765 16.1733 15.7478 13.8076 16.7365 14.2117 13.0459 16.0177 15.4022 13.7976 Q8K0C9 Gmds 13 31.819582 218138 - 31.819582 32.338761 GDP-mannose 4, 6-dehydratase BC031788; C87208 None None None 14.5399 14.2724 13.6787 14.3625 14.6195 13.6668 14.3702 14.6228 15.1041 14.5885 14.0051 15.0333 15.8402 14.1992 14.9723 14.2904 13.7379 14.5555 13.8398 13.0011 11.9147 14.5712 14.4571 14.1542 14.2287 14.2783 13.1514 14.3774 14.8483 13.0188 13.8485 14.3848 Q9DCJ9 Npl 1 153.503015 74091 - 153.503015 153.549713 N-acetylneuraminate pyruvate lyase 0610033B02Rik None None None 16.5397 14.0266 15.8795 15.8372 16.3779 15.5124 15.3941 15.4876 14.6136 15.6687 15.2617 14.3241 16.6179 14.8162 14.4635 15.604 14.8901 15.8145 16.7758 16.3444 15.1272 14.7173 14.2567 13.847 14.6038 15.873 13.3913 14.8243 14.8466 16.173 15.7034 15.1908 Q3UGF1 Wdr19 5 65.199695 213081 + 65.199695 65.260414 WD repeat domain 19 C330027H04Rik; D330023L08Rik; DYF2; Ift144; PWDMP; mKIAA1638 None None None 13.1461 15.8624 13.9627 15.7151 15.6929 14.6693 16.6076 13.7413 12.8604 13.9031 15.6586 14.9156 16.5698 16.3472 14.4002 11.9702 15.9077 12.0857 16.7219 14.0695 12.2682 16.0196 12.673 16.438 14.5176 12.231 12.9573 15.4891 16.5023 15.9167 14.6096 12.9048 Q7TT50 Cdc42bpb 12 111.292971 217866 - 111.292971 111.379312 CDC42 binding protein kinase beta MRCKb None None None 13.9227 13.4434 13.4104 13.8304 13.4689 13.5419 13.3695 13.7228 13.4864 13.633 13.5571 12.8966 13.2316 13.7835 13.2848 13.1168 13.4315 13.6652 13.4266 13.3522 13.5997 13.3096 13.5087 13.5126 12.9554 13.1146 13.6338 13.4768 13.1526 13.5484 13.5432 13.3092 Q9CYV5 Tmem135 7 89.140021 72759 - 89.140021 89.404702 transmembrane protein 135 2810439K08Rik; AW319712; PMP52 None None None 12.8341 13.5272 13.1988 14.7418 13.1952 14.4761 13.7216 12.994 13.0 14.2299 13.5751 14.0151 11.7945 13.95 13.4034 13.3403 14.8808 15.1504 14.8602 14.3291 13.4643 12.8746 12.1132 13.7416 13.6727 11.6711 14.7458 13.6132 9.07731 14.6816 13.7166 13.7987 Q9CZ52 Antxr1 6 87.133852 69538 - 87.133852 87.335808 anthrax toxin receptor 1 2310008J16Rik; 2810405N18Rik; Antrx1; Tem8 None None None 12.511 12.7267 12.441 12.611 12.5584 13.2423 12.8934 12.6563 12.7706 12.2365 13.1975 12.6308 11.7735 13.0782 12.4868 12.6289 12.639 12.3699 12.4607 12.0673 13.3037 12.8672 13.7476 12.9957 12.9225 11.783 12.5093 11.5275 11.7474 12.3121 12.0908 12.9312 Q69ZR2 Hectd1 12 51.74372 207304 - 51.74372 51.829756 HECT domain E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 A630086P08Rik; AI844876; b2b327Clo; opm None None None 12.9625 14.9217 14.3998 14.7484 14.2703 13.2492 14.1668 14.8282 13.7991 14.9092 13.8436 12.839 14.5565 13.8757 13.5351 14.3639 15.0252 14.5173 14.7998 13.7164 11.585 14.0292 14.4697 14.7699 13.089 14.3144 15.1127 14.9366 13.4032 14.5842 14.751 14.7543 Q8C7X2 Emc1 4 139.352586 230866 + 139.352586 139.378734 ER membrane protein complex subunit 1 2700016F22Rik None None None 15.7266 15.6318 15.1053 15.3657 15.2958 15.2914 15.1438 15.4124 15.3737 15.594 15.3408 15.3378 15.1961 15.6183 15.5154 15.2139 15.572 15.7413 15.3887 15.4291 15.2921 15.1641 15.1773 15.4006 14.9868 14.8783 15.5217 15.3294 15.0314 15.6632 15.4136 14.7827 Q6PFQ7 Rasa4 5 136.083915 54153 + 136.083915 136.111859 RAS p21 protein activator 4 AA793972; AW112107; BB079060; CAPRI; GAPL None None None 13.5727 12.2799 12.6781 13.2874 13.5525 12.782 11.3836 12.8931 12.5683 13.1201 12.8373 12.9178 14.2277 13.8511 13.2045 12.2105 13.1947 12.6983 13.7498 12.9615 12.4719 12.5401 12.9472 13.0853 12.5584 12.5748 12.6816 12.5585 14.0549 13.5586 12.7716 13.9799 O70133 Dhx9 1 153.455755 13211 - 153.455755 153.487687 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 9 AI326842; Ddx9; HEL-5; NDHII; RHA; mHEL-5 None None None 17.0726 16.111 16.3568 16.2431 16.6112 16.2077 16.3465 16.4271 16.7176 16.2039 16.4197 16.9361 18.1896 16.6175 16.5344 15.9399 16.4295 16.0719 16.7809 16.4928 16.2019 16.1789 16.2664 16.0685 16.496 16.6627 15.8367 15.9085 16.4872 16.5575 16.3579 16.9733 Q9CY16 Mrps28 3 8.802145 66230 - 8.802145 8.923856 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S28 1500012D08Rik; AW061224 None None None 12.697 12.824 13.3254 12.0298 12.4954 12.4799 12.3038 13.017 12.9474 12.431 12.4587 12.7519 14.1451 11.9717 12.7475 12.935 12.7468 12.3564 12.5884 13.1705 14.4473 12.8457 12.4346 11.6697 13.6728 13.5247 11.999 13.4238 13.2863 12.0659 12.7858 11.6397 Q8BWZ3 Naa25 5 121.397913 231713 + 121.397913 121.442548 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 25, NatB auxiliary subunit 4833422K13Rik; A630046C11; AI450868; C330023M02Rik; Mdm20 None None None 13.0181 14.6917 12.4073 12.886 11.5743 12.0629 14.6898 13.5804 13.3879 13.4002 12.3102 12.0776 12.0534 12.5311 12.1914 14.3564 13.4014 12.2228 12.8279 12.6738 12.1635 13.4814 13.1988 12.337 13.7983 12.3983 12.2235 12.4755 12.3583 12.899 13.2806 12.4151 Q9WVJ3 Cpq 15 33.083128 54381 + 33.083128 33.594551 carboxypeptidase Q 1190003P12Rik; 2610034C17Rik; Hls2; Lal-1; Pgcp None None None 16.032 15.9978 16.5343 15.8229 16.7514 16.4646 16.5664 16.2989 15.9597 16.0156 16.7005 17.0553 15.752 15.7775 16.6244 17.2614 16.2418 16.0147 15.8972 16.0203 16.0115 16.5385 16.2182 16.2751 16.5968 17.0929 16.2298 16.1076 16.4649 16.226 16.1646 15.9502 Q8R2Z5 Vwa1 4 155.768494 246228 - 155.768494 155.774692 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 1 4932416A11Rik; WARP None None None 11.8888 13.9341 13.0777 13.9976 13.5253 14.2494 14.1125 14.4049 13.5726 14.1286 14.7366 13.4545 12.9214 14.4953 13.2523 13.0978 13.6097 13.9683 13.6789 13.5653 14.7274 14.2935 13.447 13.8468 14.1655 12.5122 13.9283 14.1002 13.1146 13.8895 13.6595 13.9575 P10126 Eef1a1 9 78.478452 13627 - 78.478452 78.481723 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 None None None 22.6167 22.6819 22.1684 22.4405 22.6489 22.6351 22.275 22.7003 22.6312 22.6489 22.3268 22.0341 23.2153 22.5718 22.8732 22.2938 22.4705 22.7728 22.5956 22.5684 21.9836 22.2605 22.4588 22.5916 22.3899 22.1779 22.9265 22.6621 22.4968 22.7565 22.5975 22.4271 Q8CI78 Rmnd1 10 4.403168 66084 - 4.403168 4.432404 required for meiotic nuclear division 1 homolog 0610042C05Rik; AA408137; AI462664; AW536662 None None None 11.8693 13.854 14.0599 13.8427 13.9074 13.2764 13.5661 14.0685 13.7032 13.9082 14.1336 15.0643 12.7568 11.4455 13.9115 15.026 13.8435 12.9804 13.9134 14.7773 11.4174 13.9912 14.0241 14.1659 14.658 14.715 14.1138 14.1247 15.5469 11.8215 13.4905 12.7505 Q99J47 Dhrs7b 11 60.83063 216820 + 60.83063 60.858422 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7B BC003479; C79874; C80074; PexRAP None None None 18.1382 17.3652 17.6251 17.5467 16.4793 16.9095 16.7842 17.3779 17.1162 17.2685 16.4877 18.3531 17.0473 17.8398 16.8979 17.2334 17.8171 17.3442 17.6272 18.5659 17.3343 17.2336 17.5786 18.1044 17.4896 17.8993 17.0815 16.8989 17.3979 17.5212 17.7248 17.1747 Q9JL26 Fmnl1 11 103.171003 57778 + 103.171003 103.198901 formin-like 1 8030453N10Rik; AI553564; Fmnl; Fnrl; Frls None None None 13.4362 12.2238 12.6643 12.9091 13.9268 12.7413 12.5384 13.1724 13.3232 12.7373 12.8671 12.9734 15.9923 13.7867 13.4434 12.6618 13.0499 13.0117 13.8266 13.4925 12.0681 12.6162 12.7089 13.1635 13.3665 11.9925 12.149 13.0101 13.2589 12.666 12.6895 14.3576 P53026 Rpl10a 17 28.32847 19896 + 28.32847 28.331032 ribosomal protein L10A CsA-19; Nedd6 None None None 18.7796 18.0495 18.1646 18.0468 18.4287 18.2878 18.0912 18.3712 18.528 18.2778 18.1945 18.6665 19.7497 18.5714 18.7104 18.1152 18.4565 18.538 18.4082 18.2959 18.1161 18.3388 17.912 18.2722 18.2219 17.9994 18.2603 18.3365 18.2539 18.7433 18.328 18.4197 P26231 Ctnna1 18 35.118901 12385 + 35.118901 35.254775 catenin (cadherin associated protein), alpha 1 2010010M04Rik; AA517462; AI988031; Catna1 None None None 15.3281 15.1952 15.4546 15.2342 15.1174 15.0482 15.3968 14.9904 15.3998 15.1302 15.2872 15.2603 15.0401 15.4 14.9122 14.7796 15.0918 15.1225 15.3244 15.0925 15.2689 14.9919 15.4013 15.1352 15.1113 15.404 14.8623 14.8779 15.0198 14.9777 15.0935 15.5363 Q69ZA1 Cdk13 13 17.711675 69562 - 17.711675 17.805211 cyclin-dependent kinase 13 2310015O17Rik; Cdc2l5 None None None 12.1701 12.8089 12.441 10.4075 11.7202 12.1312 9.48411 12.1743 11.6762 11.7862 12.7606 11.9773 12.3727 12.4313 12.0681 12.2335 12.8114 12.0857 10.1453 10.3968 11.3047 12.4645 11.5715 12.5912 11.393 10.0528 11.8558 11.3503 10.8098 12.9656 11.4348 12.3299 P35550 Fbl 7 28.168892 14113 + 28.168892 28.179268 fibrillarin AL022665; FIB; FLRN; RNU3IP1 None None None 16.7102 15.7077 16.1104 15.8752 16.64 15.9788 16.0612 16.2644 16.6127 15.8947 16.3784 16.4437 18.8393 16.4779 16.4325 15.8631 16.24 15.9548 16.4581 16.2308 16.4118 16.1584 15.8178 15.6341 16.7143 16.1681 15.5407 15.1337 16.4404 16.4613 16.1496 16.5568 Q8BHL8 Psmf1 2 151.716061 228769 - 151.716061 151.744198 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 AW048666; BC012260; PI31 None None None 13.4968 13.8966 13.3922 14.0254 13.7671 13.1027 13.9049 13.2959 13.4533 13.5735 13.5009 12.9911 14.1944 13.8726 12.6445 12.34 13.1735 13.6883 13.7895 12.8951 12.2184 12.6406 13.771 13.8182 13.867 13.7041 13.7752 13.0524 12.1699 13.595 13.7742 13.7757 Q9CSH3 Dis3 14 99.076633 72662 - 99.076633 99.099779 DIS3 homolog, exosome endoribonuclease and 3'-5' exoribonuclease 2810028N01Rik None None None 12.8188 11.6223 12.5179 12.4544 12.6445 12.4952 12.1808 12.3275 12.6783 12.5872 12.371 12.2086 14.0546 12.4979 12.6522 12.0514 12.8495 12.45 12.3639 13.06 12.4797 12.5348 12.8225 12.3367 12.2345 12.4231 12.3525 12.1276 12.5751 11.9805 12.5109 12.7942 Q9CQ80 Vps25 11 101.252325 28084 + 101.252325 101.25955 vacuolar protein sorting 25 1110020N13Rik; AW107467; D11Wsu68e None None None 14.7882 15.7652 15.1951 15.6207 15.2515 15.1916 15.2772 15.2959 15.7308 15.6185 14.9117 13.3441 15.4229 15.2582 15.4656 15.1082 15.3047 15.431 14.9405 15.1439 14.8688 15.3285 15.3802 15.079 15.13 15.0791 15.6507 14.8464 15.1208 15.3335 15.4442 14.8778 Q8BH79 Ano10 9 122.175873 102566 - 122.175873 122.294443 anoctamin 10 AI604832; Tmem16k None None None 15.441 15.6705 15.0778 15.4486 15.2498 15.3715 15.5621 15.7012 15.3499 15.8462 15.3382 16.0764 13.6891 15.2034 15.4875 15.6295 15.4233 15.5207 15.1119 15.4155 14.801 15.0166 15.593 15.5486 14.7693 14.847 15.8766 15.1817 15.4532 15.2287 15.6843 14.7905 Q8R0P4 Aamdc 7 97.550328 66273 - 97.550328 97.579556 adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing 1810020D17Rik; 1810037D19Rik; LI2 None None None 13.548 14.5049 14.3973 13.7631 13.8347 14.3934 14.7484 13.9681 14.4115 13.4085 14.3842 14.5896 14.3752 13.7654 14.2484 14.2094 13.771 13.9559 13.4334 13.4549 14.0577 14.3146 13.5755 14.0234 14.8161 14.1879 14.3674 14.5248 14.2359 13.6905 13.5702 13.591 Q9D7J9 Echdc3 2 6.188464 67856 - 6.188464 6.212993 enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase domain containing 3 2310005D12Rik; AI662097 None None None 13.9772 14.4941 15.6509 14.3589 14.4978 14.9409 14.4201 15.3329 14.1856 14.8217 15.4174 14.7324 15.1001 13.0089 13.9333 15.4279 14.3254 14.7058 13.9087 14.4363 16.6211 15.5267 14.3006 14.5823 15.8058 15.3734 15.8319 16.0543 14.9945 12.6963 14.5904 13.9113 O70324 Slc16a2 X 103.697413 20502 - 103.697413 103.821987 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 2 AW105741; Mct8; Xpct None None None 13.785 16.6989 13.5322 12.9315 14.4991 15.236 14.0277 14.5835 13.6843 15.0237 14.4413 12.2953 14.6477 13.9902 14.3199 13.6131 13.7846 13.4775 12.502 13.7226 14.5451 13.9917 12.0567 12.9883 12.1721 13.9908 17.0832 13.4962 12.6734 12.0701 13.3453 14.3249 Q2EMV9 Parp14 16 35.831891 547253 - 35.831891 35.871517 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 14 1600029O10Rik; ARTD8; BC021340; CoaSt6; mKIAA1268 None None None 12.8105 12.4381 13.1729 13.9994 12.7896 13.4347 13.7275 12.9051 13.1147 13.1052 12.8572 13.5451 13.8254 13.5553 12.9588 12.5518 13.6227 13.5247 14.257 13.3259 12.5324 13.016 13.5146 12.9697 13.845 14.026 12.885 12.3486 13.4407 13.7384 13.431 14.3038 Q8BH00 Aldh8a1 10 21.377299 237320 + 21.377299 21.396577 aldehyde dehydrogenase 8 family, member A1 Raldh4 None None None 20.043 19.6246 19.6325 19.5521 19.3655 19.5676 19.4253 19.7305 19.4615 19.5718 19.8427 19.4578 18.8254 19.0851 19.4932 19.9145 19.3351 19.712 19.5209 19.4097 19.5414 19.7232 19.6176 19.8664 19.7944 19.8979 19.7603 19.9542 19.7376 19.4014 19.5924 19.3453 Q6ZPJ0 Tex2 11 106.502138 21763 - 106.502138 106.613432 testis expressed gene 2 4930568E07Rik; AI553404; Def-5; Taz4 None None None 12.2543 12.2396 12.5037 12.5478 12.5578 11.9801 11.0857 11.8895 12.0235 11.8812 11.5442 12.205 12.4794 12.4707 12.5714 11.5252 11.5692 11.5665 11.982 12.3549 12.7259 11.882 12.1607 11.6809 11.998 11.8122 11.8796 11.0614 11.4029 12.0044 12.035 11.2416 Q9CR68 Uqcrfs1 13 30.540311 66694 - 30.540311 30.545315 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 1 4430402G14Rik; AI875505 None None None 18.893 18.7211 19.9198 18.6845 18.7692 18.6384 18.5012 18.8928 18.8329 18.6592 18.9665 19.1709 19.8071 18.5731 18.7746 19.3982 18.7716 18.6101 18.6249 19.4384 21.1671 19.1176 18.8451 18.9328 19.6956 19.3731 19.1299 19.922 19.4867 18.6604 18.9056 18.3128 A2AVA0 Svep1 4 58.042795 64817 - 58.042795 58.206595 sushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain containing 1 1110021D17Rik; 4833413O10Rik; AA387071; D430029O09Rik; Polydom None None None 12.9838 13.0568 12.5501 13.35 14.2671 11.9365 13.3558 12.6036 13.4652 13.6628 12.4263 14.2575 12.2 12.8865 13.4222 14.4343 12.9635 13.3394 12.6184 13.5115 12.1177 12.9234 13.6388 12.7384 12.8667 13.1259 13.099 12.2137 12.0876 12.3529 12.8614 12.4786 Q8BGY7 Fam210a 18 68.260174 108654 - 68.260174 68.300332 family with sequence similarity 210, member A 4933403F05Rik; AA987140; AV134576; AW491926 None None None 12.3598 12.9036 13.8766 12.038 12.3019 12.1312 12.7816 12.8611 12.5309 12.6332 12.3462 12.6706 14.3195 12.6066 13.4353 12.9277 13.1778 13.3153 13.7787 13.429 15.1511 12.9742 12.8728 12.9234 13.1395 12.9006 13.0857 14.107 13.158 12.8709 13.2093 12.2352 P19157 Gstp1 19 4.03541 14870 - 4.03541 4.037911 glutathione S-transferase, pi 1 GstpiB None None None 15.5423 17.7983 18.0238 17.7135 17.7942 17.7774 18.4476 17.7885 18.1623 17.671 18.16 18.4345 17.7002 17.5944 18.0341 17.8769 17.5161 17.5922 17.5868 17.3383 17.4313 17.9122 18.0912 17.8607 18.4785 18.7422 17.403 17.6122 18.6566 17.4358 17.6948 17.9697 Q6NZC7 Sec23ip 7 128.744861 207352 + 128.744861 128.784835 Sec23 interacting protein D7Ertd373e; p125 None None None 15.1544 14.3488 14.272 14.7545 14.6372 14.7006 14.706 14.5397 14.4811 14.3095 14.5722 14.6832 15.2317 15.0033 14.598 14.0551 14.5657 14.6118 14.8752 14.3376 14.1596 14.437 14.5964 14.7608 14.3039 14.286 14.188 14.6327 14.6899 14.5862 14.4622 14.9404 Q9CY58 Serbp1 6 67.266978 66870 + 67.266978 67.289301 serpine1 mRNA binding protein 1 1200009K13Rik; 9330147J08Rik; AL022786; Pairbp1 None None None 16.0348 15.4833 15.5022 15.6111 15.7181 15.6594 15.5466 15.635 15.857 15.5634 15.5423 14.6975 17.2041 15.7537 15.3662 15.3685 15.5817 15.6219 16.2411 15.7155 15.5728 15.4041 15.7933 15.6793 15.7254 15.7251 15.3401 15.3102 15.2698 15.8451 15.6266 15.8578 P07759 Serpina3k 12 104.338485 20714 + 104.338485 104.345738 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 3K 1300001I07Rik; D12Rp54; MMCM2; MMSpi2; RP54; Spi-2; Spi2; contrapsin None None None 20.1507 18.8751 19.9009 19.9857 18.8295 21.2866 19.6983 19.4526 19.4338 19.3831 20.9898 19.1913 17.9104 18.1367 19.1715 21.036 19.5817 19.8651 18.4282 13.5652 19.8277 21.432 20.6737 21.0877 19.5309 20.2714 19.4418 18.3722 18.406 18.8257 20.1782 19.1525 Q9D1Y9 Fam159b Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9D1Y9 None None None 12.7914 14.3443 12.9317 11.5261 11.7202 13.7346 12.8144 13.2502 13.2874 12.4623 12.6987 12.0393 14.005 12.7867 11.9607 12.1715 13.3498 12.9059 12.3432 12.2206 11.6312 13.2757 14.367 12.5292 12.3309 12.8679 14.0514 14.0655 13.6142 12.9036 12.9987 12.2679 Q2XU92 Acsbg2 17 56.843102 328845 - 56.843102 56.874504 acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member 2 Bgr None None None 17.87 16.3948 17.3988 16.4148 17.5111 16.6727 16.9986 16.5487 17.6335 16.547 16.7143 17.8041 17.9924 16.1834 17.2761 18.3268 17.1717 16.2142 15.4448 16.5758 16.6642 16.2195 15.4616 16.3845 17.2088 19.3138 16.2569 16.7887 16.5351 16.0852 16.6993 16.2935 P35545 Fau 19 6.057946 14109 + 6.057946 6.059523 Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (fox derived) MNSFbeta None None None 16.8487 18.0879 17.9047 18.2849 17.2531 18.35 18.1082 17.6594 18.2413 18.0291 17.2553 17.6009 14.4721 16.2426 17.8123 17.4315 18.3488 17.319 18.7326 16.8625 16.6189 17.8773 18.085 18.0252 17.0432 18.2655 17.8468 17.1837 17.3615 17.3864 18.0191 18.0954 Q62264 Thrsp 7 97.412932 21835 - 97.412932 97.417549 thyroid hormone responsive S14; SPOT14 None None None 14.2491 14.879 16.6043 13.1555 14.712 16.2624 15.8053 15.1272 15.758 14.2449 15.6823 13.3861 16.003 13.7251 14.1327 16.0365 14.7397 13.5347 14.6117 14.3529 15.7353 15.6716 14.9575 13.5601 16.9912 17.828 15.6779 16.557 16.4314 14.5849 14.498 14.7868 Q9DAS9 Gng12 6 66.896396 14701 + 66.896396 67.02136 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 12 2010305F15Rik; AA536815; AI115529; AI314170; AI842738 None None None 19.2322 18.6194 18.7607 18.7754 18.8722 18.6502 18.624 18.8767 18.6658 19.1208 19.1865 18.6327 18.458 18.85 19.0 18.7702 18.7989 18.9506 19.1147 18.9296 19.1409 18.8191 18.7845 19.0295 18.3726 18.4817 19.3999 18.9885 18.422 19.1112 18.8757 18.6636 Q8JZR0 Acsl5 19 55.25186 433256 + 55.25186 55.296627 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5 1700030F05Rik; ACS2; ACS5; Facl5 None None None 21.4128 21.3658 21.4938 21.6352 20.646 20.469 20.2737 21.3005 21.0438 21.1486 20.687 21.8969 20.2969 21.1338 20.8224 21.5565 21.2593 21.0826 21.5461 21.9165 21.2759 20.5535 21.4809 21.7125 21.1055 21.4366 21.2747 20.9883 21.4682 21.2902 21.5628 20.765 Q05144 Rac2 15 78.559168 19354 - 78.559168 78.572782 Rac family small GTPase 2 AI323801; AI452260 None None None 17.4093 15.5832 16.8103 17.0328 18.2326 16.3632 16.1573 16.7021 17.7802 16.214 16.2881 17.0761 20.7674 17.3382 16.7132 16.7433 16.6554 16.3366 16.9788 16.913 16.3507 16.3977 16.7572 16.2557 18.0919 17.1113 15.3467 15.9382 17.9833 17.1102 16.3337 18.1852 Q8BH58 Tiprl 1 165.212285 226591 - 165.212285 165.282658 TIP41, TOR signalling pathway regulator-like (S. cerevisiae) 1810011K17Rik None None None 12.9756 13.0185 13.0708 13.2369 13.2381 12.0644 11.5608 12.6466 13.0008 12.8008 12.4499 12.8084 14.6584 12.7559 13.3124 13.2356 12.9697 12.5367 13.2147 12.8936 13.1586 12.787 12.702 13.2677 12.4825 12.5962 12.2461 13.5353 13.2654 13.3558 12.9063 12.774 P21812 Mcpt4 14 56.059743 17227 - 56.059743 56.062309 mast cell protease 4 MMCP-4; MMCP-4A; MMCP-4B; Mcp-4; Mcp4 None None None 17.6903 14.9725 16.5283 16.8632 17.0278 16.6282 15.3311 16.009 15.279 15.2045 17.6473 17.2915 17.576 19.1858 16.0729 16.2482 15.8917 18.2898 13.195 15.9815 18.1935 16.5397 14.98 15.5981 18.113 15.5819 15.1332 15.6202 17.2854 14.4085 15.2361 15.1908 Q8VD57 Sft2d2 1 165.17434 108735 - 165.17434 165.194521 SFT2 domain containing 2 2010005O13Rik; AI506168; AW561909; cI-45 None None None 13.2498 13.7965 12.0344 13.2381 13.1399 12.5592 10.6654 13.4711 12.1782 13.5683 11.8851 12.8442 13.3583 12.5657 12.761 11.8103 12.7921 12.9368 11.5296 11.4385 12.3838 13.4155 13.0084 12.9563 12.3219 10.0319 13.627 13.618 11.6433 12.5389 12.5605 10.9608 Q91ZW3 Smarca5 8 80.699942 93762 - 80.699942 80.739458 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5 4933427E24Rik; D030040M08Rik; D330027N15Rik; MommeD4; Snf2h None None None 13.8221 13.0527 13.3787 14.3973 14.266 13.5146 13.7342 14.0417 14.0421 13.5796 13.7932 14.5833 15.9054 13.9386 13.8873 13.1652 13.7834 13.4769 14.1656 13.7265 13.5246 13.5522 13.5376 13.5999 13.7113 13.6726 13.7353 13.0646 13.6954 13.8795 13.5239 14.4072 Q8C1E7 Tmem120a 5 135.735489 215210 - 135.735489 135.744171 transmembrane protein 120A 2010310D06Rik; Tmpit None None None 17.0267 17.6581 17.1237 17.4634 16.2523 17.1217 17.0791 17.2707 17.0929 17.2889 16.9314 17.0445 15.3569 17.1166 16.3888 17.121 17.4312 17.2824 17.4786 17.5795 16.2312 16.9346 17.6078 17.3611 16.9629 16.9998 16.7682 16.8493 16.9636 17.1023 17.7304 16.8714 Q8R311 Ctage5 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q8R311 None None None 14.2201 13.6561 13.7293 13.5453 13.5301 13.8478 13.7945 13.4702 13.7478 13.5314 13.8404 13.7164 13.6659 14.0377 13.6148 13.2099 13.6743 13.5785 13.8469 13.6014 13.1802 13.6276 13.6134 13.5735 13.6903 13.7498 13.1755 13.1749 14.0452 14.0167 13.7113 14.1335 Q8VD31 Tapbpl 6 125.223926 213233 - 125.223926 125.231859 TAP binding protein-like BC017613; TAPBPL-R; Tapbplr None None None 13.7219 12.4174 14.0235 12.6786 14.125 14.0884 13.932 14.4087 14.1923 13.5637 11.9227 13.6304 14.6383 14.536 13.2166 13.7592 14.2134 13.1756 14.0276 13.5101 12.2181 13.722 12.8287 13.8327 14.1889 13.9067 13.7105 13.5757 13.9138 14.0891 14.0161 14.5691 Q6VNB8 Wdfy3 5 101.832952 72145 - 101.832952 102.072214 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 3 2610509D04Rik; ALFY; AW319683; B930017C24; BWF1; Bchs; D5Ertd66e; Ggtb3; ZFYVE25; mKIAA0993 None None None 12.0608 10.4031 11.0277 11.7734 12.1847 11.3662 10.5623 10.7587 11.3764 10.7668 12.2697 11.6563 12.5136 11.3852 11.7239 10.7019 11.741 11.3589 12.2131 12.1781 11.5481 11.3622 11.1572 10.5356 10.4354 11.1224 10.5137 12.8493 8.8995 12.0514 11.0408 11.9967 Q6ZPS6 Ankib1 5 3.689998 70797 - 3.689998 3.803123 ankyrin repeat and IBR domain containing 1 2310061P20Rik; 4631416I11Rik; AW494740; C80642; mKIAA1386 None None None 11.5753 11.6808 11.4425 11.6161 11.4195 11.7622 11.2318 11.692 11.3544 11.9415 12.3208 11.9293 11.8597 12.3177 11.7287 11.0859 11.6519 11.8954 10.5936 11.1973 11.234 11.6539 11.2508 11.0565 11.1345 10.5098 11.5781 12.4684 11.9694 11.6222 11.5887 11.9451 O54942 Cldn5 16 18.776846 12741 + 18.776846 18.778261 claudin 5 AI854493; MBEC1; Tmvcf None None None 14.1863 14.8771 15.1098 15.563 15.6336 13.9904 14.7849 15.2468 14.9163 15.3255 15.1035 13.8781 15.7026 14.5558 14.8327 14.8836 14.8503 15.2853 14.8233 15.2871 14.8367 15.0216 15.0753 14.8285 14.229 14.7943 15.5311 15.1624 14.3681 14.7175 15.2685 14.7566 Q6P9T8 Tubb4b 2 25.222157 227613 - 25.222157 25.224701 tubulin, beta 4B class IVB 4930542G03Rik; Tubb2c; Tubb2c1 None None None 21.3074 21.2648 20.7129 21.1301 20.9096 20.8671 20.9612 21.3401 21.071 21.3955 21.1008 20.8914 21.0794 21.1012 21.1249 21.1328 21.2258 21.3636 20.8225 21.1709 21.1409 21.1251 21.2423 21.0815 20.4128 20.2301 21.6202 21.1144 20.6029 21.1846 21.1384 20.2825 P21278 Gna11 10 81.528723 14672 - 81.528723 81.545161 guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 11 Dsk7; E430025L19; g alpha-11 None None None 17.8095 17.8102 17.5436 17.868 17.2291 17.5237 18.1113 17.7741 17.6004 17.8622 17.8815 17.0918 15.4053 17.6553 17.5687 17.7425 17.5026 17.8574 17.1125 17.1432 17.539 17.6211 18.0345 17.8035 17.316 17.5526 18.3826 17.6052 17.2499 16.6547 17.7675 17.0922 Q9DB15 Mrpl12 11 120.484636 56282 + 120.484636 120.488753 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L12 0610034O11Rik; 1500031N16Rik; L12mt; MRP-L12; Rpml12 None None None 15.709 14.9795 16.0521 15.0458 14.9384 15.3206 15.4562 15.4205 15.2968 14.9632 15.4518 13.4945 16.3364 15.3732 14.9724 15.3572 15.492 15.2666 15.8192 15.8185 16.4529 15.1844 15.1816 15.525 15.8672 16.1139 15.0505 15.8389 15.5902 15.4399 15.3087 15.463 Q3U2A8 Vars2 17 35.655633 68915 - 35.655633 35.667638 valyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial 1190004I24Rik; Vars2l; mKIAA1885 None None None 10.7224 11.1742 11.4985 10.8821 10.5512 10.6846 9.35797 11.0269 10.1555 10.4118 10.2335 11.5964 12.2027 10.3571 11.0547 9.79802 10.6816 10.8881 12.1466 10.5756 12.2164 10.9659 10.483 8.53358 10.6205 9.76809 10.9002 10.6129 10.7602 12.7071 10.9259 9.35422 Q9CPQ8 Atp5l 9 44.913247 27425 - 44.913247 44.920741 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit G 4933437C06Rik; Atp5mg None None None 17.4342 17.2216 17.7829 17.1383 16.659 17.2169 17.3903 16.7382 17.4321 16.9503 17.1748 16.888 17.2413 17.2455 16.8471 17.0794 17.1462 16.9426 17.5692 17.4963 17.4696 16.8424 17.1057 17.2303 17.4751 18.0928 16.4896 17.0359 18.0313 17.33 17.2465 17.3809 P83887 Tubg1 11 101.119903 103733 + 101.119903 101.126422 tubulin, gamma 1 1500010O08Rik; AI451582; AI503389; GCP-1; Tubg None None None 14.6729 14.6046 14.1584 14.7171 14.998 14.2339 14.8001 14.8074 14.7192 14.8648 14.527 14.7658 15.188 14.8677 14.815 14.393 14.7024 14.5845 14.6695 14.6758 13.857 14.3533 14.4108 14.4038 14.3254 14.4547 14.7227 14.4613 14.2695 14.843 14.5845 14.7805 Q07797 Lgals3bp 11 118.392746 19039 - 118.392746 118.401958 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 binding protein 90K; CyCAP; MAC-2BP; Ppicap; Tango10b None None None 17.177 16.2679 16.2024 17.8161 17.8088 16.849 16.336 16.7566 16.675 16.7776 16.6817 17.8336 17.9654 17.1829 17.1185 16.5741 16.7796 16.7955 16.9585 16.8312 16.1504 16.4871 16.5223 17.1251 16.5691 16.4378 15.9707 16.2158 16.5748 16.5985 16.7364 17.426 Q6P542 Abcf1 17 35.956818 224742 - 35.956818 35.969749 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family F (GCN20), member 1 AU041969; Abc50; D17Wsu166e; GCN20 None None None 14.3267 14.0169 13.9332 14.1835 13.9028 14.218 13.9899 14.0326 14.3265 14.1458 13.9728 13.96 15.3011 14.3033 14.1073 13.9912 14.315 14.162 14.1834 14.1281 13.8932 14.0414 13.9079 14.1058 14.2032 13.8905 13.9894 14.0191 14.0871 14.241 14.0477 14.099 Q8VDM6 Hnrnpul1 7 25.72116 232989 - 25.72116 25.756267 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1 E130317O14Rik; E1B-AP5; E1BAP5; Hnrnpul; Hnrpul1 None None None 16.7176 16.0584 16.3506 16.0483 16.362 16.1581 15.9737 16.1952 16.6977 15.9049 16.5063 16.7174 18.4592 16.5514 16.3359 15.6966 16.3637 15.8966 16.6891 16.0588 16.3456 16.0835 16.2368 15.9007 16.5593 15.804 15.3897 15.6841 16.6788 16.571 16.1516 16.949 Q91WF7 Fig4 10 41.188171 103199 - 41.188171 41.30324 FIG4 phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase A530089I17Rik; AI326867; Sac3 None None None 12.7788 13.425 12.4932 12.7468 12.5935 12.8721 12.2698 12.8225 12.7535 12.9017 12.647 12.9443 12.4364 13.4193 12.5435 12.5669 12.5438 12.942 12.3563 12.3487 12.4091 12.5208 12.7556 12.2268 11.74 11.9742 12.8223 12.631 11.7957 12.3281 12.7385 12.4518 O88792 F11r 1 171.43756 16456 + 171.43756 171.464592 F11 receptor 9130004G24; AA638916; ESTM33; JAM; JAM-1; JAM-A; Jcam; Jcam1; Ly106 None None None 13.0157 14.6749 14.8422 15.3291 14.7805 15.2406 15.6275 14.9044 14.6716 15.1893 14.944 14.7642 12.4266 14.239 15.0673 14.6396 14.627 14.6524 14.6366 14.7093 13.5395 15.0917 15.4433 15.1711 14.001 15.0225 15.3355 14.9959 14.6993 14.063 15.2655 14.4327 A2AQJ6 Tmem87a 2 120.355308 211499 - 120.355308 120.404153 transmembrane protein 87A A930025J12Rik None None None 12.5234 14.485 14.3242 14.3864 14.3298 14.32 12.5403 14.0082 14.4155 13.4831 14.316 12.6241 13.4984 13.9379 13.962 12.8628 14.4925 14.0911 14.6933 14.5678 12.047 14.1974 14.2133 14.3171 14.2502 15.3856 11.3914 13.6903 15.0484 14.564 13.8512 11.4103 Q9JIK9 Mrps34 17 24.895119 79044 + 24.895119 24.896288 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S34 0610007F04Rik; 5330430D13Rik; AV001970; Tce2 None None None 12.7994 12.18 12.8167 12.087 13.3893 12.2008 12.4752 13.6505 12.4237 12.697 12.5909 13.3031 13.4073 12.5575 12.9493 12.2798 12.6152 11.408 12.9464 12.7949 14.1116 12.7057 11.7409 12.7603 12.7199 12.5998 12.9087 13.5056 12.2185 12.386 12.0319 13.0217 Q78XF5 Ostc 3 130.695916 66357 - 130.695916 130.709443 oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) 2310008M10Rik; 5730557H03Rik None None None 13.4014 12.0178 13.7351 15.5593 14.1253 13.7616 13.9194 13.1624 14.1119 13.8321 12.7531 16.4664 15.8627 15.3591 14.2338 16.3658 13.0049 13.7427 15.2561 15.3657 15.6651 12.7057 11.5787 15.4362 12.6501 16.3758 12.237 14.4583 15.687 15.2424 13.7582 14.4738 Q8R5C5 Actr1b 1 36.698113 226977 - 36.698113 36.710016 ARP1 actin-related protein 1B, centractin beta 2310066K23Rik; AA960180; AI851923; Arp1b None None None 15.9275 16.7225 16.4794 16.8258 16.2973 16.7277 16.5753 16.42 16.8409 16.552 16.2031 16.2333 16.5947 16.5396 16.2756 16.555 16.4506 16.4404 16.617 16.2797 15.8378 16.6464 16.7968 16.1074 16.3687 16.4306 16.2712 15.8182 16.4828 16.5615 16.6114 16.5416 Q8R349 Cdc16 8 13.757648 69957 + 13.757648 13.78195 CDC16 cell division cycle 16 2700071J12Rik; 2810431D22Rik; APC6 None None None 13.3045 11.9549 12.1013 14.8229 14.8078 13.4989 12.4755 13.6863 14.7805 13.5786 14.8038 14.1064 14.5399 15.0693 13.5273 13.6663 13.1011 15.16 15.1015 13.3496 14.649 13.7101 11.9928 14.9282 12.6903 11.5508 15.0174 11.7802 12.4917 12.5648 13.4226 14.5677 P56695 Wfs1 5 36.966103 22393 - 36.966103 36.988981 wolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein AI481085; wolframin None None None 13.2528 13.1719 13.6315 13.8459 12.9833 13.4821 14.8142 13.5445 13.5782 13.5855 13.6857 14.1463 13.8764 15.1266 13.8146 13.9805 14.5846 13.1664 15.4568 14.9815 13.8375 12.5809 13.8587 14.4257 11.7294 14.3901 13.2222 13.0638 15.5214 15.4956 14.0054 15.1229 Q8BW96 Camk1d 2 5.293456 227541 - 5.293456 5.714859 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ID A630059D12Rik; CKLiK; CaMKIdelta; E030025C11Rik; mCKLiK None None None 14.6108 14.5124 13.5585 14.6218 14.6132 14.0872 14.245 14.5541 14.1637 14.0059 13.9975 14.5884 14.4615 14.2163 14.7809 13.8073 14.3206 14.6313 14.3256 14.5247 13.8253 13.4763 13.5953 14.4588 13.8908 13.23 14.4101 14.3747 14.2467 14.6576 14.2438 14.4289 P26883 Fkbp1a 2 151.542482 14225 + 151.542482 151.56169 FK506 binding protein 1a FKBP12; Fkbp; Fkbp1 None None None 15.7633 16.7711 16.3121 16.0018 15.9112 16.2029 16.2393 16.2378 16.5399 16.3992 15.7768 16.4178 16.0759 15.5569 16.2814 16.5117 16.3457 16.2733 16.424 16.3363 15.5779 16.5725 16.254 15.9951 15.7983 16.5211 16.7188 15.7405 16.2055 16.4251 16.4771 15.8091 Q921R8 Slc41a3 6 90.604729 71699 + 90.604729 90.646411 solute carrier family 41, member 3 1010001P06Rik; AI480742; SLC41A1-L2 None None None 11.6778 15.2189 13.7004 13.8178 13.6032 14.7586 12.9669 13.9896 12.8262 13.5837 13.0331 11.7866 12.5639 13.8942 13.8489 13.6213 13.7264 14.0735 14.1212 14.265 11.5303 12.6309 13.6127 12.3088 13.683 12.8662 13.6672 12.4136 14.0127 14.7865 14.5868 13.9286 P26516 Psmd7 8 107.580379 17463 - 107.580379 107.588481 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 7 AW107203; Mov-34; Mov34 None None None 14.6967 14.7156 14.3438 14.6627 14.9202 14.2273 14.665 14.7723 14.7482 14.7532 14.3142 14.908 15.3225 14.582 14.6475 14.3872 14.7646 14.6841 14.747 14.5926 14.1766 14.7479 14.5574 14.4414 14.3315 14.684 14.495 14.1828 14.5906 14.8042 14.7157 14.8991 P10833 Rras 7 45.017941 20130 + 45.017941 45.021645 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene AI573426; Rras1 None None None 19.0823 19.1711 18.8595 19.0001 18.9808 19.2255 19.5117 19.4067 19.2303 19.2852 19.2964 18.2186 17.8447 18.8162 19.3847 19.0946 19.0563 19.4871 18.538 18.475 18.9553 19.2823 19.1737 18.7245 18.5991 18.7191 19.9092 19.3547 18.4852 18.7766 19.248 18.8599 Q8CJG0 Ago2 15 73.101624 239528 - 73.101624 73.184946 argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 2 1110029L17Rik; 2310051F07Rik; AI225898; AL022874; AW546247; Eif2c2; Gerp95; Gm10365; mKIAA4215 None None None 13.7799 12.6692 13.4444 13.4763 13.9917 13.8955 13.8302 13.6216 14.1106 13.8237 13.6754 13.0476 15.1575 14.3897 13.7543 13.3639 13.7203 13.4253 14.317 13.2772 13.7079 14.0097 14.057 12.3342 14.3182 14.0041 13.7687 13.0401 14.3362 13.6176 13.898 13.9409 Q06770 Serpina6 12 103.646629 12401 - 103.646629 103.657217 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 6 Cbg None None None 17.2292 16.7776 16.1846 15.9998 17.2611 16.6774 16.8879 16.6026 17.2683 16.3941 17.1517 17.478 14.6589 15.6983 16.64 20.6502 16.3258 17.0699 15.1355 17.8721 16.7611 16.5967 17.3881 16.6805 17.5049 15.0404 16.8534 16.8979 16.4006 16.2426 16.0473 16.6304 Q8R121 Serpina10 12 103.616674 217847 - 103.616674 103.631489 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 10 PZI; ZPI None None None 12.7443 13.2979 13.2672 11.9301 13.6235 13.5899 13.9397 12.3006 13.3718 13.0431 13.6299 12.3753 12.6973 14.0709 12.6932 13.6598 13.8436 13.8501 13.8846 13.5113 11.3751 12.6722 13.9918 13.7886 13.8263 14.8915 13.6311 13.6201 14.3909 12.2115 12.9433 12.3193 Q9R061 Nubp2 17 24.88261 26426 - 24.88261 24.886349 nucleotide binding protein 2 D17Wsu11e None None None 11.8587 12.6015 13.5248 13.2651 12.5153 12.9382 13.3932 12.1811 12.7723 13.462 13.1804 11.9549 13.2786 13.2988 12.6487 12.3859 12.9706 13.3686 13.847 13.0648 12.0561 12.9729 12.5905 13.3644 12.7059 13.3712 12.8637 12.6044 12.3343 12.3158 12.9373 13.4878 B2RXR6 Ankrd44 1 54.645339 329154 - 54.645339 54.928982 ankyrin repeat domain 44 4930444A19Rik; A130096K20; E130014H08Rik; PP6-ARS-B None None None 13.3159 11.8546 13.0911 12.7971 13.466 12.5828 12.7755 13.2465 13.2237 12.5879 12.7306 13.1111 14.7761 12.9347 12.9763 12.942 12.7369 12.7543 12.8772 12.7852 12.4767 12.4427 12.5493 12.5614 12.8037 12.6364 12.3711 12.3934 12.8434 12.8614 12.937 13.1524 Q8BVE3 Atp6v1h 1 5.082977 108664 + 5.082977 5.163212 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H 0710001F19Rik; AU022349; CGI-11; SFD; SFDalpha; SFDbeta; VMA13 None None None 16.0856 15.11 15.399 15.4572 15.4916 15.3319 15.3525 15.277 15.1699 15.7144 15.1664 15.4291 14.9627 15.7378 15.5087 15.2303 15.539 15.8166 16.0218 15.669 14.5774 14.6705 15.1298 15.9734 14.9456 15.271 15.6034 15.3918 15.7842 15.7008 15.2874 15.6371 Q9CZS1 Aldh1b1 4 45.799021 72535 + 45.799021 45.804607 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1 2700007F14Rik None None None 13.7734 12.2707 13.4359 12.2008 12.2415 12.925 12.851 12.3767 13.3608 12.4672 14.327 12.1663 13.2637 13.7016 13.1753 11.6888 12.6758 12.9825 12.2833 12.488 14.6195 13.0605 12.0358 12.0277 14.1895 12.5925 12.4097 12.1353 12.3428 12.4184 12.6457 13.7925 Q6NSR8 Npepl1 2 174.110337 228961 + 174.110337 174.122701 aminopeptidase-like 1 BC023239; C85514; mKIAA1974 None None None 15.9132 15.3024 15.7152 15.2193 15.3329 15.4375 15.4018 15.4968 15.6421 15.2607 15.3116 15.7475 16.1882 15.4213 15.5421 15.4081 15.4252 15.4176 15.4691 15.4329 15.3874 15.6952 15.324 15.2784 15.6724 15.8532 15.5484 15.4319 15.5147 15.5366 15.4132 15.5417 Q8BKG3 Ptk7 17 46.56445 71461 - 46.56445 46.630048 PTK7 protein tyrosine kinase 7 8430404F20Rik; chz; mPTK7/CCK4 None None None 13.214 12.3793 12.7544 12.2925 14.1444 14.2185 13.5068 13.7867 13.715 12.8883 14.6981 12.5529 12.5683 13.8044 13.2423 12.398 13.1921 12.9558 12.8932 12.566 14.1592 14.3927 13.1357 12.538 12.8973 13.1018 11.6253 13.3812 12.7442 13.2076 13.2859 13.2618 Q6A0D4 Rftn1 17 49.993257 76438 - 49.993257 50.190496 raftlin lipid raft linker 1 2310015N21Rik; AI853526 None None None 13.5073 11.8679 12.063 12.25 12.7726 12.5513 12.3106 11.9984 12.9463 12.7011 12.1144 12.3543 14.8682 12.8997 12.5765 12.2144 12.6102 12.6703 12.1263 12.281 12.2092 11.9016 11.6643 12.6066 12.1299 11.187 12.4774 12.4246 11.6245 12.9078 11.846 12.7378 Q8R3D1 Tbc1d13 2 30.133729 70296 + 30.133729 30.152013 TBC1 domain family, member 13 2600014A06Rik; BC025586 None None None 13.8437 14.6103 14.5849 14.4701 14.8938 14.4971 14.2583 14.616 14.2324 14.7527 13.6131 15.4266 14.6481 14.504 14.7517 13.6122 14.507 14.8191 14.1416 14.7815 14.2828 14.7737 14.6603 14.1846 14.7279 14.7831 14.5465 14.1155 14.4662 14.5444 14.4444 14.4385 Q9DB25 Alg5 3 54.735538 66248 + 54.735538 54.749794 asparagine-linked glycosylation 5 (dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase) 1500026A19Rik; 2600005J22Rik; AV009521; AV170001; AW545564 None None None 16.3345 16.0155 15.7442 15.8603 15.9167 15.2802 15.8975 15.4363 15.7011 16.0017 15.6156 15.7832 15.2894 16.1321 16.0112 15.6412 15.9133 15.8036 16.1426 15.9317 15.3815 15.1061 15.8529 15.9276 15.507 15.7358 15.7687 15.4873 15.9483 16.1225 16.0051 15.963 P97929 Brca2 5 150.522296 12190 + 150.522296 150.570146 breast cancer 2, early onset Fancd1; RAB163 None None None 14.3968 14.6975 14.6812 14.6657 15.5259 14.6981 14.5499 14.7981 14.8427 14.9908 14.9746 14.9822 14.8675 15.1158 15.3325 14.2272 14.627 15.1608 14.3991 14.8623 15.2011 14.333 14.361 14.7699 14.4789 14.7015 14.898 15.0323 14.6744 14.9684 14.5588 15.1194 Q8R5J9 Arl6ip5 6 97.210791 65106 + 97.210791 97.233314 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 5 5930404D22Rik; AV001879; Aip-5; Gtrap3-18; addiscin None None None 17.9475 17.734 17.3603 17.7699 17.6727 17.847 17.9467 17.6338 17.6611 17.6772 17.6227 17.5856 17.63 18.1683 17.6529 17.3749 17.7913 17.6848 18.131 17.9509 17.2562 17.4723 17.755 17.8355 17.2579 17.3855 17.4527 17.3522 17.7866 18.1819 17.7006 18.113 Q91YN9 Bag2 1 33.745483 213539 - 33.745483 33.757749 BCL2-associated athanogene 2 2610042A13Rik; BC016230 None None None 13.0884 11.9661 12.2129 12.4212 12.5886 15.2254 15.4119 12.0827 13.18 12.2431 14.8588 13.4981 11.8953 14.2869 13.166 12.3737 12.1122 13.6641 11.6041 11.9616 14.66 12.8958 11.9912 12.4482 14.1746 11.9664 12.1031 13.682 11.9214 14.5512 12.274 11.5379 Q8R0G9 Nup133 8 123.897113 234865 - 123.897113 123.949264 nucleoporin 133 mermaid None None None 12.5904 12.7908 12.2454 12.805 12.5261 12.4178 11.6129 12.3384 12.7049 12.8935 12.5741 12.4568 13.1203 11.9792 12.5862 12.5419 12.0121 12.4715 12.828 12.3848 12.3147 12.1958 12.5742 12.1376 12.1742 15.5282 12.5763 12.2291 12.3606 12.4488 12.6251 12.0226 Q8K449 Abca9 11 110.100748 217262 - 110.100748 110.168273 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 9 D630040K07Rik None None None 12.9975 12.553 13.384 12.5847 13.8455 13.9723 14.1011 13.3758 13.4141 12.4792 12.5301 12.5144 12.6451 13.0694 13.4845 13.477 13.566 12.5081 13.3807 13.6243 12.6899 13.9064 13.2873 11.9115 13.4864 13.2325 13.1329 13.1805 12.6682 13.5323 13.0111 13.6311 Q9CQA1 Trappc5 8 3.676476 66682 + 3.676476 3.68092 trafficking protein particle complex 5 4021401A16Rik; TRS31 None None None 15.588 15.1127 15.1672 15.0788 15.056 14.8912 14.6684 14.9813 15.1712 15.0394 14.5356 13.3122 15.8658 14.9686 15.3296 14.9719 15.1116 15.1466 15.1701 15.1801 14.8117 14.8557 14.464 14.6819 14.6149 15.0337 14.9478 14.9331 14.7323 15.3417 15.1892 14.9453 Q9WUD1 Stub1 17 25.830633 56424 - 25.830633 25.832918 STIP1 homology and U-Box containing protein 1 0610033N24Rik; 2210017D18Rik; 2310040B03Rik; AW046544; Chip None None None 14.5794 14.0468 14.9387 15.4113 14.0936 14.3778 14.4073 14.6495 14.321 14.5074 15.0503 14.6246 14.037 14.4347 14.4936 13.5292 14.5691 14.4712 14.9681 14.9877 14.1501 14.6412 14.1657 14.1793 14.3155 12.5011 15.288 14.1573 14.6611 14.6519 14.5351 14.5034 Q60738 Slc30a1 1 191.906696 22782 + 191.906696 191.913247 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 1 AI839647; C130040I11Rik; Znt1 None None None 12.1725 12.2298 11.6028 11.419 12.5584 10.9269 12.4253 12.1743 12.4494 12.0041 11.4124 12.2232 12.9655 12.6003 11.8536 12.2299 11.5978 11.7327 12.2361 11.6505 12.4611 11.1389 11.7908 12.4222 12.438 12.975 12.0249 12.012 12.9394 10.8366 12.2968 11.5331 Q91Z53 Grhpr 4 44.981393 76238 + 44.981393 44.990733 glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase 1110059D05Rik; 6430629L09Rik; Glxr None None None 17.7989 17.587 17.7029 17.2811 17.2733 17.4139 17.7181 17.5323 17.787 17.5483 17.684 18.0181 17.4072 17.1672 17.6792 17.791 17.2267 17.4687 16.9941 16.8071 17.188 17.7746 17.5456 17.3021 17.9506 18.0595 17.6209 17.7217 18.042 16.9389 17.5904 17.1956 O88327 Ctnnal1 4 56.810934 54366 - 56.810934 56.865374 catenin (cadherin associated protein), alpha-like 1 ACRP; AI616177; AW545119; C86009; Catnal1 None None None 10.7887 12.6942 10.353 11.8287 11.7735 9.07481 12.991 12.1576 9.45314 10.4281 9.48822 12.0086 12.4508 12.8159 11.0209 11.5099 10.9409 12.3531 12.688 10.3195 11.7235 9.53724 11.4569 12.5019 12.9782 12.4413 11.7149 8.64728 12.4769 12.1276 10.8085 12.4445 Q4VBE8 Wdr18 10 79.960151 216156 + 79.960151 79.969246 WD repeat domain 18 2310012I10Rik; AU044733; AW122032 None None None 13.3117 12.2798 12.5156 12.242 12.7523 12.5559 12.1902 12.4015 12.7793 12.3271 12.8478 12.7773 13.9776 12.5554 12.8694 12.7662 12.6766 12.4149 12.6783 12.4853 12.5871 12.4279 12.3892 12.5994 12.9723 13.2878 12.114 12.5102 12.4796 12.7423 12.5032 12.8266 Q80ZQ9 Fam206a Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q80ZQ9 None None None 12.3423 12.4948 13.7715 12.4394 12.1797 12.2262 11.7912 14.7287 12.9391 14.1447 14.6801 12.4322 14.3504 12.1298 12.2533 12.0848 13.4874 12.497 14.7893 15.046 15.425 12.3309 12.4032 12.1622 12.2585 12.6614 13.5656 12.2769 15.1502 12.1004 13.2867 14.3577 P15327 Bpgm 6 34.476355 12183 + 34.476355 34.505135 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate mutase AI323730; AL022789; C86192 None None None 16.5104 16.2309 15.777 15.8102 15.3474 15.0232 16.2394 16.3543 15.5007 16.3471 15.6706 16.0387 15.8075 15.1359 16.2684 14.8134 16.7706 16.2714 16.612 16.0784 15.4992 16.0152 16.4004 16.9565 16.063 16.7393 16.5763 16.5102 14.2291 15.2936 16.2452 16.5492 B5LTA0 Adk 14 21.052573 11534 + 21.052573 21.448568 adenosine kinase 2310026J05Rik; 5033405D03Rik; AI255373; AI987814; Ak None None None 17.1405 16.852 16.8535 16.7765 16.6427 16.6822 16.7159 16.9757 16.7009 16.7714 16.5582 16.5448 17.3914 16.3771 16.9703 16.5851 16.885 16.8664 16.5146 16.3734 16.5174 16.9091 16.3872 16.3898 17.0662 17.0696 16.9578 16.1131 16.3274 16.5393 16.7728 16.6437 Q3UFF7 Lyplal1 1 186.087731 226791 - 186.087731 186.117309 lysophospholipase-like 1 BC027340; Q96AVO None None None 13.2269 15.8308 15.3852 15.2302 15.0335 15.3221 15.8576 15.3378 15.2096 15.6001 15.3446 14.3306 12.8221 14.7772 15.1224 15.3183 15.5456 15.4039 15.9007 15.6105 14.6218 15.0206 15.6708 15.3361 15.1711 15.9631 15.7677 15.2665 15.4019 15.5827 15.607 15.6825 Q5I012 Slc38a10 11 120.10395 72055 - 120.10395 120.15135 solute carrier family 38, member 10 1810073N04Rik None None None 12.6032 12.8716 12.014 11.6877 13.322 12.1189 12.3412 12.4605 11.9937 12.4742 11.6534 12.1452 12.0085 11.9882 12.6401 11.5213 12.6542 13.8452 12.5708 12.5022 11.6235 12.2523 12.5242 12.3526 12.1049 12.1368 12.8764 12.8493 12.5548 13.8088 12.8246 12.6913 Q8CI94 Pygb 2 150.786795 110078 + 150.786795 150.831747 brain glycogen phosphorylase None None None 17.4089 17.6511 17.8137 17.2481 17.1511 17.868 17.532 17.317 18.1653 17.3993 18.0455 16.9363 17.1597 16.9738 17.6736 18.0049 17.1078 17.2856 16.655 16.9703 17.8427 17.8 17.4569 17.106 18.0906 17.707 18.4344 18.3148 17.7808 16.9012 17.8714 17.3242 Q8BPM0 Daam1 12 71.830949 208846 + 71.830949 71.992375 dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1 None None None 11.8115 12.208 12.441 12.1889 11.7202 13.0635 11.8007 12.1743 12.2884 12.3038 11.685 12.2147 12.937 11.8304 12.2683 11.9961 12.0523 13.4145 13.006 12.8373 11.9857 11.6263 12.6471 13.2959 11.788 12.2051 12.9314 12.7818 12.1695 13.4548 12.7169 12.9307 P50171 Hsd17b8 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P50171 None None None 14.1496 15.469 16.2206 15.0759 15.233 15.4931 15.3647 15.3656 15.538 15.4145 15.3341 14.6508 15.8152 14.7786 15.2997 15.9853 15.2301 14.9891 15.0807 15.2225 16.7924 15.4368 15.3351 15.5343 16.1362 16.3358 15.6333 16.1168 16.0661 14.8864 15.5767 14.6548 A2AJX5 Dennd4c 4 86.748517 329877 + 86.748517 86.850602 DENN/MADD domain containing 4C 1700065A05Rik; AA420392 None None None 13.3268 13.168 13.3488 13.4766 13.6258 13.4255 12.8373 13.5941 13.1708 13.9325 13.2394 12.8324 12.5926 14.047 13.8419 13.6649 14.051 13.5352 14.2178 13.9104 12.9462 13.3508 13.8956 13.491 13.1442 13.8776 14.0179 13.364 13.7805 14.3631 13.6179 14.0824 Q8BJ03 Cox15 19 43.733253 226139 - 43.733253 43.752999 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 15 2900026G05Rik None None None 12.6991 12.2159 12.9472 13.3943 12.8585 12.58 12.7108 12.7061 12.6663 12.8214 12.9567 12.2521 12.2439 12.9016 12.4764 13.124 12.9619 12.4919 13.5637 12.6779 14.6838 13.2875 12.161 12.8884 13.1945 13.0782 12.2497 12.1723 12.5879 13.1791 13.1024 13.6364 Q91WC9 Daglb 5 143.464483 231871 + 143.464483 143.504441 diacylglycerol lipase, beta E330036I19Rik None None None 15.481 13.7906 13.5078 14.8612 14.7836 14.3297 13.8326 14.5409 13.5664 14.6369 13.6634 13.9616 14.7024 15.98 14.6811 13.8522 15.1701 14.9073 15.395 15.327 13.3774 13.7787 13.8073 14.6498 13.3633 13.125 14.3016 14.4589 14.8653 16.4119 13.8481 15.7182 Q9CQN7 Mrpl41 2 24.972469 107733 - 24.972469 24.975097 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41 MRP-L27; Rpml27 None None None 12.6822 11.6436 12.0746 12.6273 12.613 12.202 12.3751 12.3648 13.2007 12.0478 12.4052 13.4408 15.3895 12.2431 12.2622 12.8187 12.0018 12.3647 11.8088 12.133 12.5207 12.5073 12.8902 12.1634 12.3879 13.1919 12.0564 11.5662 11.7083 12.8255 12.2807 13.3579 Q8BG95 Ppp1r12b 1 134.754657 329251 - 134.754657 134.955962 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 12B 1810037O03Rik; 9530009M10Rik; AI132431; Mypt2 None None None 13.2586 13.4317 12.5336 12.5782 13.3215 13.8969 13.4181 13.7592 13.8987 13.1267 14.2488 12.5773 11.852 14.0865 13.3434 14.0069 12.9671 12.8325 12.4869 12.5198 15.6088 13.9962 12.9328 12.3687 14.7881 11.655 13.0907 12.132 12.0962 13.282 13.3238 12.5618 Q922H2 Pdk3 X 93.764615 236900 - 93.764615 93.832149 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 3 2610001M10Rik; AI035637 None None None 12.6256 14.0098 14.5432 13.7092 13.1996 12.4572 13.8577 14.6518 13.6071 13.8134 13.2638 12.2824 13.6491 12.0999 12.9922 13.5812 14.2818 13.3286 14.0157 14.0972 14.2048 14.8725 13.6762 15.0227 14.0536 14.595 12.6702 13.5629 13.4097 13.2955 13.844 13.8855 P08207 S100a10 3 93.555116 20194 + 93.555116 93.564644 S100 calcium binding protein A10 (calpactin) 42C; AA409961; AL024248; CAL12; CLP11; Cal1l; p10; p11 None None None 20.869 21.0722 20.4183 21.1753 20.9924 21.1103 21.129 21.1767 20.8831 21.0097 21.1091 21.3203 18.7302 20.8064 21.1663 20.906 20.9934 20.8972 20.8127 20.5736 20.0386 21.0686 21.1266 20.6727 20.0859 20.3973 21.2745 20.6635 20.8426 20.7757 21.2427 20.8158 Q9QZQ8 H2afy Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9QZQ8 None None None 22.0265 20.7755 20.6316 20.3884 21.8815 20.0799 20.788 21.774 21.2357 21.3019 20.6991 22.3742 24.7914 20.8966 21.7399 21.5225 21.3012 21.6464 20.2867 21.2528 21.5102 21.6606 20.6571 20.6849 21.084 20.6908 21.3687 21.6131 20.3161 21.6036 20.9137 21.1612 Q9ERN0 Scamp2 9 57.560943 24044 + 57.560943 57.588797 secretory carrier membrane protein 2 AI875466; Sc2 None None None 14.051 13.9102 14.0155 13.6245 14.8547 14.2644 14.3148 13.7503 14.1968 13.8807 13.8227 14.2535 14.9993 14.176 14.4283 13.8599 14.5243 13.915 14.4246 14.3709 13.4329 13.7782 13.9293 14.017 14.0824 14.2121 14.1866 13.8286 14.6404 14.5975 14.0661 15.0321 Q925N0 Sfxn5 6 85.213048 94282 - 85.213048 85.333481 sideroflexin 5 C230001H08Rik None None None 13.5699 12.5364 13.3749 13.4051 12.5752 12.2926 12.6803 12.9082 12.2374 12.3447 12.9136 13.0651 14.2542 13.547 12.3448 13.4221 12.4198 13.8323 13.7665 14.1003 16.0526 13.0477 13.177 12.689 12.7983 12.5358 11.6796 11.8707 12.5292 13.6763 12.5386 13.0532 Q9R257 Hebp1 6 135.137518 15199 - 135.137518 135.168214 heme binding protein 1 Hebp; p22HBP None None None 17.7345 16.5457 17.745 19.2089 18.62 18.0178 18.0321 18.329 17.9037 18.6847 15.8977 15.3937 13.8914 18.2966 18.3926 17.881 18.1291 16.1393 18.2871 18.3506 14.6073 17.1578 18.6463 16.2108 17.0669 17.4222 18.906 18.0389 15.464 17.8193 16.1768 18.0744 Q9JIK5 Ddx21 10 62.580246 56200 - 62.580246 62.602297 DExD box helicase 21 AI255159; AL022742; D10Ertd645e; D10Wsu42e None None None 13.5533 13.2887 13.2303 13.4012 13.9547 13.0889 13.0144 13.2792 13.8812 13.0996 13.3236 14.0621 16.2694 13.9159 13.8772 12.6902 13.1565 13.7866 13.8292 13.3568 12.6495 13.0678 13.337 13.4273 14.0641 13.1387 12.8236 13.0051 13.675 13.993 13.2952 13.7577 Q921I2 Klhdc4 8 121.796307 234825 - 121.796307 121.829582 kelch domain containing 4 AA408426; AV352552; BC012312; G430025P05Rik None None None 12.28 11.3128 11.9639 11.4379 11.6946 11.6662 11.8788 11.4019 11.6704 11.4954 11.6463 11.8099 12.4939 11.8737 11.6003 11.871 11.6354 11.422 11.137 11.8473 12.3452 11.6476 11.6012 10.7032 11.6749 11.3769 11.7172 11.289 11.1736 11.9635 11.5623 11.438 Q91WS0 Cisd1 10 71.330493 52637 - 71.330493 71.344848 CDGSH iron sulfur domain 1 AU043990; AW743335; D10Ertd214e; Zcd1; mitoNEET None None None 16.6892 16.7291 17.2728 16.8495 16.1936 16.5347 16.6047 16.5958 16.648 16.7534 16.3691 15.9489 17.1887 16.4619 16.6033 16.9797 16.5861 16.6867 16.2819 16.6506 17.6132 16.6725 16.5709 16.5635 17.131 16.735 17.01 16.8422 16.6175 15.9544 16.918 16.2196 Q0VGU2 Ptma 1 86.526556 19231 + 86.526556 86.530711 prothymosin alpha Thym None None None 17.9201 16.3721 17.0031 16.6715 17.488 16.8409 16.5024 17.0141 17.2747 16.7953 17.3021 17.1379 19.7683 17.1132 16.9844 16.6746 16.9633 16.9483 17.1151 16.9749 17.1735 17.1759 16.8741 17.1164 18.0538 17.5143 16.5713 17.0646 17.4009 17.0859 16.7015 17.643 Q8K2I3 Fmo2 1 162.874316 55990 - 162.874316 162.898757 flavin containing monooxygenase 2 2310008D08Rik; 2310042I22Rik; AW107733 None None None 16.7069 15.7973 16.3118 15.4894 17.1086 15.8646 16.7309 16.4527 16.1378 16.867 16.1874 16.499 14.4349 15.6292 16.1732 17.2168 15.5895 16.4382 14.3682 15.4742 16.5114 16.4053 17.0243 15.39 15.3091 17.3659 15.7556 15.8015 16.0108 14.6811 16.2898 15.2273 Q8CIB5 Fermt2 14 45.458791 218952 - 45.458791 45.530309 fermitin family member 2 AA960555; Kindlin-2; Mig2; Plekhc1 None None None 18.1105 18.3332 18.0773 18.4765 18.0593 18.1931 18.2933 18.1146 18.2588 18.4261 18.3717 17.5779 16.6089 18.2514 18.0943 17.827 18.0107 18.323 18.1389 17.9114 18.3964 18.219 18.3667 18.1442 17.8768 17.7365 18.4793 17.9734 17.4567 17.9443 18.1657 17.9452 Q8BGB5 Limd2 11 106.156253 67803 - 106.156253 106.160728 LIM domain containing 2 0610025L06Rik; AI413966 None None None 13.264 12.9444 12.8984 12.999 13.0163 11.9962 11.7107 12.8398 13.2201 12.344 13.3237 12.0995 17.0629 14.343 12.9248 11.5154 12.1278 12.1527 12.1819 13.2721 12.0879 11.8675 12.2167 11.6337 13.8508 12.6051 12.221 12.7265 13.5113 12.2211 12.3966 13.1812 Q9QZF2 Gpc1 1 92.831644 14733 + 92.831644 92.86021 glypican 1 AI462976 None None None 14.1742 14.0047 13.3161 14.403 13.0293 13.485 13.1642 13.3029 13.3536 14.1496 13.1817 13.4016 12.577 13.5383 13.0385 13.5737 14.0702 13.2318 12.9917 13.7529 12.9571 12.8096 14.1149 13.2279 12.6684 12.5216 13.5251 12.9764 12.7403 12.9527 13.856 13.585 Q64105 Spr 6 85.133679 20751 - 85.133679 85.137763 sepiapterin reductase AA409688; Gm10328 None None None 18.2925 17.5463 18.0105 17.6133 17.7413 17.7307 17.7777 17.9657 18.3552 17.7592 17.6843 18.0472 19.244 17.7367 18.2511 18.1733 18.0005 17.7535 17.4982 17.549 17.8718 18.1439 17.7052 17.6871 18.3369 17.9325 17.939 17.9456 17.859 17.492 17.9299 17.6365 O88544 Cops4 5 100.518294 26891 + 100.518294 100.547801 COP9 signalosome subunit 4 AW208976; D5Ertd774e; SGN4 None None None 15.9245 15.7466 15.8085 15.8077 15.8401 16.0764 16.2179 15.8547 15.9901 15.7433 15.8733 15.5799 15.9888 15.9958 15.9027 15.7391 15.7814 15.8128 16.0577 15.8057 15.5824 15.8977 15.962 15.917 15.8282 16.2421 15.792 15.8418 15.9656 15.8848 15.9859 16.107 Q7TPW1 Nexn 3 152.236981 68810 - 152.236981 152.266349 nexilin 1110046H09Rik; AA553326; NELIN None None None 19.1567 18.6481 17.9672 19.0135 18.6186 18.8001 18.8354 18.3529 18.5722 18.5693 17.5694 18.1427 18.0926 18.9897 18.4095 17.5025 18.6499 19.0629 19.4151 18.5029 17.308 18.3964 18.2707 18.0222 17.3959 17.6586 18.0529 17.6082 18.2031 19.3589 18.63 18.8411 P50285 Fmo1 1 162.82956 14261 - 162.82956 162.866609 flavin containing monooxygenase 1 None None None 17.428 17.1992 17.5419 16.9491 17.3285 16.964 17.2309 17.7709 17.5784 17.0509 17.9537 17.3565 17.7069 16.2461 17.1318 18.0851 16.7013 16.386 16.3252 16.0193 18.0465 17.4196 17.4486 16.5181 17.4307 18.6702 16.9265 17.8175 18.2081 16.3423 17.9763 16.4847 P62137 Ppp1ca 19 4.192173 19045 + 4.192173 4.195418 protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha Ppp1c; dism2 None None None 16.5481 16.064 16.018 16.0515 16.508 16.1849 16.1408 16.5538 16.511 16.2927 16.1386 16.9914 17.5971 16.3181 16.7847 16.1965 16.3858 16.4369 16.1801 16.2665 15.7049 16.2821 16.0738 16.0188 16.2462 16.0269 16.4481 16.0547 16.3133 16.6448 16.2337 16.4647 Q9CPY7 Lap3 5 45.493373 66988 + 45.493373 45.51269 leucine aminopeptidase 3 2410015L10Rik; AA410100; LAP-3; Lap; Lapep; Pep-7; Pep-S; Pep7; Peps None None None 17.6202 17.1612 17.738 17.2781 16.8393 17.4793 17.4506 17.2274 17.2267 17.2457 17.3782 17.4154 17.8699 17.0461 17.2625 17.7215 17.3936 17.2724 17.6473 17.346 17.2482 17.4366 17.5355 17.4867 17.6797 17.643 17.2451 17.1594 17.5203 17.3949 17.4898 17.6699 Q8VC12 Uroc1 6 90.333238 243537 + 90.333238 90.36455 urocanase domain containing 1 AI265605; BC022133 None None None 13.6432 12.1907 12.7809 11.3799 12.5584 12.1312 12.6682 12.1743 12.1648 12.2783 12.5525 12.3233 13.0046 12.6394 11.8145 12.269 12.322 13.037 12.197 12.0028 11.4851 12.4645 11.7797 12.4851 13.0579 13.0141 12.064 11.9729 12.9785 12.7574 12.127 12.1217 Q8CGB6 Tns2 15 102.098474 209039 + 102.098474 102.1164 tensin 2 C1-ten; Tenc1; nep; nph None None None 13.8984 13.7647 13.9997 13.7902 14.127 14.0399 13.9686 14.5251 14.1783 14.1178 14.5615 14.4224 13.0713 14.1057 13.606 13.8573 14.3137 13.816 14.1171 14.4229 14.6567 14.7582 14.5154 13.4845 13.8218 14.0942 14.2223 14.5918 12.9807 14.3709 14.1564 13.4932 Q80ZS3 Mrps26 2 130.563756 99045 + 130.563756 130.565393 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S26 AI648866; GI008; MRP-S13; MRP-S26; Rpms13 None None None 13.426 14.1807 14.2495 13.5685 13.6939 13.7051 13.6912 14.2852 13.3873 14.0735 14.4239 12.7095 14.8646 13.909 14.0561 11.9905 13.934 13.7958 13.7518 14.2977 14.9985 14.0885 13.516 14.078 14.0183 14.4259 14.2246 14.7607 14.5692 14.0204 13.5853 13.5959 Q9JK38 Gnpnat1 14 45.37642 54342 - 45.37642 45.388986 glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 1 AU017428; AU040593; EMeg32; Gpnat1; Gsnpat None None None 13.8951 13.6777 14.1167 13.8672 13.8509 13.7915 14.0374 13.6744 14.65 13.6927 12.3596 13.7661 15.3775 13.7542 14.4524 13.6373 14.1362 14.0025 13.7347 13.2128 13.5825 13.9894 13.672 13.6834 14.6417 15.1542 12.8808 14.0843 14.0571 13.7182 14.2387 13.774 P59708 Sf3b6 12 4.817607 66055 + 4.817607 4.827658 splicing factor 3B, subunit 6 0610009D07Rik; 6030419K15Rik; AV001342; Sf3b14 None None None 14.9746 14.8566 14.945 14.7519 14.8645 15.1001 15.2276 14.3087 15.0865 14.4219 15.002 15.1929 16.2384 15.1992 14.653 14.2031 14.6036 14.0915 15.2161 15.0275 14.2992 14.5754 14.9609 14.877 15.1371 15.4729 13.9025 12.8434 15.3528 15.0773 14.467 15.5784 P53986 Slc16a1 3 104.638663 20501 + 104.638663 104.658461 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 1 AL022710; Mct1 None None None 16.232 16.2944 16.1006 16.153 15.8031 16.5109 16.0772 16.2023 16.1474 16.1606 16.1594 15.9174 15.4297 16.1233 16.0155 15.5461 16.3124 16.0616 16.1849 16.2915 16.7799 16.3472 16.2907 16.1702 15.8551 15.9477 16.4982 16.4759 15.1352 15.8897 16.4134 15.5894 Q8BM72 Hspa13 16 75.755189 110920 - 75.755189 75.767275 heat shock protein 70 family, member 13 1600002I10Rik; AV006182; B230217N24Rik; Stch None None None 14.6892 14.3589 14.3404 14.3564 14.3687 14.4999 14.5549 14.4271 14.1019 14.2668 13.7774 13.9006 14.7794 14.4736 14.4587 14.3425 14.3265 14.5243 14.3427 14.3307 13.7071 14.1478 14.3393 14.452 14.0901 14.223 14.5526 14.0357 14.2615 14.7342 14.5668 14.2306 P98086 C1qa 4 136.895915 12259 - 136.895915 136.898843 complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha polypeptide AI255395; Adic; C1q None None None 11.8777 14.8374 14.9545 15.6701 16.1671 15.421 15.5164 15.4179 14.8808 15.4963 15.3722 17.4409 14.1412 15.6992 15.8334 15.3513 15.4059 15.5241 14.9378 16.2007 11.778 15.3025 14.9399 15.3741 14.7899 14.326 15.481 12.942 16.1058 15.8552 15.2971 16.304 Q3UPL0 Sec31a 5 100.361648 69162 - 100.361648 100.416272 Sec31 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) 1810024J13Rik; ABP125; ABP130; AU042160; HSPC275; Sec31l1 None None None 15.9473 15.88 15.6642 16.101 15.6993 15.9918 15.5623 15.7355 15.9219 15.8477 15.6283 15.4867 16.4079 15.8846 15.6177 15.5316 15.9652 15.8998 16.1565 15.873 15.3786 15.8146 15.7262 15.7483 15.5102 15.4341 15.6301 15.5174 15.7314 16.1648 15.7771 15.8811 Q02105 C1qc 4 136.8898 12262 - 136.8898 136.892935 complement component 1, q subcomponent, C chain AI385742; Adib; C1qg; Ciqc None None None 14.8823 14.5924 15.5675 15.8522 16.4585 15.5087 15.1379 15.6837 14.9937 15.5492 15.3849 17.8707 15.3896 15.2462 15.9412 15.7354 15.8547 15.5924 15.346 16.5531 13.7692 15.6075 15.2732 14.6871 14.9868 14.385 15.374 14.316 16.404 16.2779 15.4345 16.7549 Q8BM55 Tmem214 5 30.869578 68796 + 30.869578 30.877468 transmembrane protein 214 1110039B18Rik; 4921530J21Rik; AI841294; AU018742; C76280 None None None 12.0187 11.7029 11.5028 11.4283 11.8114 10.8947 11.7296 12.3098 12.3272 11.7381 12.2669 12.2005 12.9263 12.2618 11.7665 11.9716 11.8382 12.2226 10.8103 12.0257 12.1917 11.8567 12.0704 12.3399 12.16 12.2539 12.0037 12.3824 12.3177 11.0594 11.9094 11.8533 P14106 C1qb 4 136.880125 12260 - 136.880125 136.886199 complement component 1, q subcomponent, beta polypeptide Adia None None None 15.2668 14.0717 15.6819 15.4683 16.3343 15.6222 15.8249 15.1926 15.1094 15.1145 15.3442 17.7288 15.4432 15.3979 15.6331 15.1584 15.5723 15.3951 15.3212 16.2913 14.8589 14.9787 15.1002 15.0192 15.047 15.0111 14.9832 14.0161 16.7603 16.148 15.251 17.1336 P46735 Myo1b 1 51.749757 17912 - 51.749757 51.916062 myosin IB AA406997; MIH-L; MMIa None None None 13.3312 15.7845 14.8189 16.3158 14.9915 15.7949 16.4493 14.8298 15.0769 15.8795 15.1417 14.7229 13.2985 13.9348 14.8434 15.2488 15.1822 14.9604 15.9591 15.3762 12.9212 15.4382 16.6906 15.9707 14.8459 15.9351 15.7512 15.028 15.2028 15.3972 15.2409 15.7759 Q9D7N9 Apmap 2 150.583079 71881 - 150.583079 150.608566 adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein 2310001A20Rik; AI314817 None None None 18.4401 18.8793 18.4433 18.9154 18.2733 18.7111 18.6572 18.4107 18.1752 18.7695 18.6511 18.2488 17.3207 18.4534 18.3457 18.4632 18.5685 18.9526 18.3838 18.6997 18.3365 18.1617 18.5742 19.0542 18.3338 18.316 19.0011 18.6886 18.0755 18.4749 18.906 18.2346 Q9EQJ0 Tpcn1 5 120.534156 252972 - 120.534156 120.588677 two pore channel 1 5730403B01Rik; Tpc1; mKIAA1169 None None None 12.0347 11.7992 12.1554 11.5569 11.6139 12.1623 11.9928 11.6489 11.9826 12.0094 11.9827 12.0086 12.9728 12.1512 12.1627 12.2413 11.9864 12.2504 11.7777 11.8174 12.8779 11.8686 11.2346 11.2382 11.8238 10.7604 12.3718 12.4461 11.99 12.273 12.091 11.4753 O08582 GTPBP1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: O08582 None None None 11.7322 12.2875 12.441 11.4219 11.7202 12.1908 12.9806 12.362 12.2626 12.6202 11.6055 12.2942 12.8575 11.5462 12.8234 11.9166 12.4025 12.0857 12.8896 13.1172 12.2146 12.5456 12.7266 12.549 11.7085 12.2846 13.6904 12.5054 12.838 12.3598 12.8079 12.8512 Q8CGC7 Eprs 1 185.361416 107508 + 185.361416 185.428359 glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase 2410081F06Rik; 3010002K18Rik; C79379; Eprs1; Qprs None None None 16.6281 16.3127 15.8985 16.3601 16.1089 16.2592 16.4134 16.0842 16.1868 16.2945 15.9264 16.2639 16.5165 16.3749 16.252 15.9559 16.3535 16.3927 16.5714 16.0866 15.7981 15.854 16.0875 16.4383 15.6596 15.8702 16.12 16.1015 16.1123 16.5452 16.108 16.2681 Q8BLF1 Nceh1 3 27.183003 320024 + 27.183003 27.245265 neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 Aadacl1; B230106I24Rik; CPO-BP; Nceh None None None 16.7488 13.0959 15.0283 15.4527 15.5257 14.8041 15.1106 15.1644 15.4227 15.3373 13.8517 16.4571 17.2559 16.817 15.3591 14.7868 16.0467 15.5192 17.132 16.3905 13.2246 14.7603 15.0513 15.1334 15.0286 15.2248 14.0978 13.9042 16.884 16.969 14.7867 17.0382 Q8BJE2 Btnl9 11 49.168324 237754 - 49.168324 49.187088 butyrophilin-like 9 B430208I01; Btn3; D330012D11Rik None None None 14.8214 14.8225 15.54 15.6003 14.9169 14.6037 15.4403 14.5009 14.7768 15.2386 14.9259 15.4765 13.8779 15.3034 14.3278 14.5097 14.6355 14.4094 15.1065 15.1835 15.0072 13.8857 15.1095 15.5682 15.2318 15.9095 14.9897 15.1421 15.2168 14.4087 15.0348 15.3213 Q9WV35 Apobec2 17 48.41923 11811 - 48.41923 48.432727 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 2 Arp1 None None None 13.3719 18.7487 13.9471 12.0858 12.8323 12.7885 16.2731 13.5396 14.3016 12.5925 12.7047 12.4663 13.153 11.2118 12.6305 12.452 12.2247 12.1618 11.5992 13.1881 13.6193 12.487 12.3132 13.3474 12.7819 17.4614 12.9477 12.9376 12.2478 12.0284 13.8599 11.8941 B2RU69 Cuzd1 7 131.308553 16433 - 131.308553 131.322291 CUB and zona pellucida-like domains 1 Erg-1; Itmap1; Uo-44; Usg; Utczp None None None 11.8535 12.4483 11.8909 11.8186 11.7735 12.2008 12.2068 12.1576 11.7457 12.0192 12.3225 12.4417 12.747 12.8259 11.9428 14.0268 12.3878 12.2462 12.678 12.2604 11.7135 12.7057 12.0093 12.4919 12.9883 12.4513 11.7249 12.9021 12.4869 12.1176 12.4621 12.7533 Q3TLH4 Prrc2c 1 162.671784 226562 - 162.671784 162.740559 proline-rich coiled-coil 2C 1810043M20Rik; 9630039I18Rik; A630006J20; Bat2d; Bat2d1; Bat2l2; E130112L15Rik; Prrc3; mKIAA1096 None None None 12.3332 12.1883 12.4899 12.341 12.2257 12.2836 12.4287 12.3504 12.301 12.3577 12.1197 12.2829 14.0643 12.0874 12.4031 12.1634 12.2903 12.2809 13.0007 12.3432 12.3747 12.096 12.3353 12.6287 12.0654 12.1871 12.9121 12.2631 12.0066 12.2478 12.3324 11.9967 P48428 Tbca 13 94.788919 21371 + 94.788919 94.842922 tubulin cofactor A Tbca13 None None None 17.206 16.9505 16.8999 17.1646 16.9161 16.9562 16.8283 17.1587 17.0836 17.0879 17.0287 15.9273 18.0492 17.0281 17.0035 16.6892 16.9899 17.2358 17.6015 17.2061 16.7384 16.814 17.0085 17.1872 16.983 16.6086 16.8765 17.082 17.2073 17.3457 17.1719 17.2906 Q8VCC9 Spon1 7 113.765997 233744 + 113.765997 114.043374 spondin 1, (f-spondin) extracellular matrix protein AI666765; AW455831; BC020531; D330035F22Rik; FSP None None None 12.9958 13.6721 13.8633 11.8995 14.0598 14.0878 14.5056 14.5464 13.6687 12.8745 15.3188 13.0551 12.9851 12.8875 13.9129 13.9454 13.6776 11.998 13.6603 12.4901 13.6036 14.9546 13.6038 12.9116 14.2874 15.3407 12.3792 12.5038 12.7663 13.5225 13.5882 13.1788 Q920B9 Supt16h Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q920B9 None None None 13.8798 13.4715 14.1599 13.5882 14.3983 14.1388 14.0121 13.934 14.557 13.7 14.1552 13.7249 16.2854 14.5337 14.2338 13.4346 14.2513 14.0417 14.6952 14.1702 13.7256 13.7301 14.0686 13.7867 14.4451 14.3654 13.0737 13.2573 14.331 14.4394 13.9915 14.9296 Q3T9E4 Tgtp2 11 0.101375 100039796 + 0.101375 0.107881 T cell specific GTPase 2 TGTP None None None 13.0106 12.699 13.8231 13.4035 14.9499 12.7088 13.2058 13.9242 13.9118 13.2609 13.7101 13.8892 16.4169 13.3628 13.4799 13.1747 12.3997 13.5315 13.7808 13.6666 14.1208 12.8988 13.9482 12.9005 14.2702 14.4031 12.6439 12.4812 14.2322 12.7507 13.7253 15.4239 Q61581 Igfbp7 5 77.349239 29817 - 77.349239 77.408044 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 AGM; Fstl2; Mac25 None None None 13.826 13.5335 13.1876 13.4927 14.5533 13.5323 13.5215 13.8546 13.7086 13.5259 13.5545 13.627 14.4874 13.3595 13.9493 13.7932 13.286 13.2858 13.4005 13.5515 13.4361 13.9277 13.4134 13.3157 13.535 13.0489 13.363 13.3909 13.3637 13.7184 13.5234 13.3213 Q9CQ45 Nenf 1 191.306786 66208 - 191.306786 191.31813 neuron derived neurotrophic factor 1110060M21Rik; SCIRP10; Spuf None None None 14.9037 15.0801 14.8303 15.3385 14.8593 14.8894 15.0609 15.1256 14.8507 15.2863 14.9373 15.6889 14.3276 14.8864 15.1023 14.9592 14.8446 15.2566 14.8519 14.8938 14.6402 14.8144 15.1488 15.3732 14.633 14.5117 14.9937 14.9973 15.4358 15.0123 15.1738 15.1055 Q91XE8 Tmem205 9 21.921008 235043 - 21.921008 21.927534 transmembrane protein 205 None None None 17.3324 17.6606 16.9561 17.073 16.6827 17.0137 17.3808 17.5059 16.896 17.4462 16.9109 17.2603 14.847 17.1732 16.8344 17.3238 17.2909 17.3753 16.9284 17.3889 16.2721 16.8366 17.6112 17.4364 16.5232 16.8028 17.4465 16.7328 16.9077 16.8968 17.563 16.8342 P56213 Gfer 17 0.0 11692 0.0 0.0 growth factor, augmenter of liver regeneration Alr; ERV1 None None None 13.3045 14.3976 13.95 14.459 14.1305 13.7486 13.6773 13.7909 14.0872 13.8345 12.5963 13.3541 14.6652 13.1594 14.2087 13.702 14.3598 13.8293 14.2313 14.4667 14.1414 13.8836 14.4651 13.2886 14.7294 14.4218 14.5046 13.8503 14.5472 14.2764 14.1436 13.2187 Q6P5E4 Uggt1 1 36.140027 320011 - 36.140027 36.244319 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 0910001L17Rik; A930007H10Rik; AA589501; AI414429; AI448372; C820010P03Rik; GT; UGT1; Ugcgl1 None None None 15.905 15.3831 15.3151 15.2961 15.4821 15.627 15.9137 15.3992 15.3879 15.481 15.2778 15.8023 16.0368 15.6907 15.6389 15.096 15.5203 15.4485 15.6253 15.4207 15.1726 15.1364 15.3626 15.4253 15.2247 15.5029 15.2313 15.0498 15.6968 15.4558 15.5023 16.0448 P47809 Map2k4 11 65.688243 26398 - 65.688243 65.788358 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 JNKK1; MAPKK 4; MEK4; MKK4; PRKMK4; Sek1; Serk1 None None None 14.3436 14.2242 14.5292 14.8114 14.2483 14.1868 13.7977 14.043 14.1916 13.9214 14.0699 12.5334 14.3537 14.0138 13.4268 13.6432 14.2354 14.0857 14.5386 14.2524 15.0104 14.5087 14.0219 13.525 14.7599 14.5052 14.335 13.86 14.0758 14.6747 14.2942 14.2947 Q8C636 Spata16 3 26.637619 70862 + 26.637619 26.983248 spermatogenesis associated 16 4921511F01Rik; 4930503K02Rik; Nyd-sp12 None None None 12.3441 14.1421 14.4494 12.9484 13.2867 13.2007 14.0029 13.5841 13.564 12.9472 14.2952 12.6453 15.2756 13.4708 13.4645 13.5673 12.9787 13.2803 13.5328 13.7701 13.9323 13.5024 12.8912 13.833 14.159 12.978 14.0662 14.1902 13.6852 13.0692 13.122 14.7605 Q8VED9 Lgalsl 11 20.823354 216551 - 20.823354 20.831915 lectin, galactoside binding-like 1110067D22Rik; A530071M23; Grpa; Hspc159; Lgalsla None None None 12.1476 11.8576 12.2508 12.2375 12.26 11.7303 12.6353 12.4484 12.7891 12.5449 12.4032 12.3866 12.6331 11.7403 12.0821 12.404 11.9808 12.2306 12.6324 12.078 12.1215 12.3387 12.4516 12.1022 13.1024 11.9275 12.7446 11.6185 11.7857 12.4223 12.3597 12.2932 Q6ZQL4 Wdr43 17 71.616177 72515 + 71.616177 71.65903 WD repeat domain 43 2610318G08Rik; AU020887; AV024208; Wrd43; mKIAA0007 None None None 12.0514 12.3961 12.598 11.9148 12.2917 12.137 11.6242 12.169 12.9623 12.6001 11.5085 12.0904 14.7909 12.5408 12.6792 11.6028 12.6181 12.3237 12.7497 12.9902 11.9359 11.7669 12.8352 11.9587 11.6041 12.9975 12.5386 12.7331 12.453 14.0201 12.6797 13.7599 P53657 Pklr 3 89.136121 18770 + 89.136121 89.146814 pyruvate kinase liver and red blood cell Pk-1; Pk1; R-PK None None None 11.856 12.4506 13.4949 11.6146 12.7629 12.172 14.2773 12.3042 12.4253 13.3159 11.9242 12.0708 12.725 11.939 12.1089 11.8864 13.3879 12.131 12.4647 12.4508 11.5002 11.8973 12.4866 11.9724 11.9039 14.9363 11.8957 12.452 12.7266 11.9043 12.9985 14.2905 Q8VI75 Ipo4 14 55.625399 75751 - 55.625399 55.635867 importin 4 8430408O15Rik; AA409693; Imp4a; RanBP4 None None None 12.9168 13.5401 13.4251 13.3705 13.8515 13.937 13.7479 14.1939 13.5643 13.7042 13.8671 12.0751 13.3849 13.95 14.0028 13.6167 14.1106 14.0873 14.1419 13.9927 12.0915 14.0234 13.2772 13.912 13.4561 13.7591 13.4852 14.1059 12.7711 14.096 13.9549 14.0378 Q8CGK3 Lonp1 17 56.614296 74142 - 56.614296 56.626902 lon peptidase 1, mitochondrial 1200017E13Rik; LON; Prss15 None None None 15.9508 15.1402 15.8782 15.1691 15.1804 15.162 15.0503 15.6452 15.1786 15.3043 15.1956 15.3704 15.9226 15.2363 15.2758 15.6492 15.4617 15.5199 15.6616 15.7019 16.705 15.6013 15.3314 15.4836 15.7429 15.9336 15.4455 15.8864 15.6195 15.4716 15.456 14.9757 A2AL50 Agps 2 75.832176 228061 + 75.832176 75.931349 alkylglycerone phosphate synthase 5832437L22; 9930035G10Rik; AW123847; Adaps; Adas; Adhaps; Adps; Aldhpsy; bs2 None None None 13.9518 13.846 13.9438 14.3995 14.4017 14.62 14.0606 13.9983 14.1534 13.9422 12.7267 13.4417 14.8108 12.7039 14.5302 12.3803 14.3877 13.4998 14.7688 13.7341 11.8612 13.2304 14.3662 14.1223 14.1954 14.0126 13.9459 12.4644 14.397 14.5411 13.3509 14.7058 Q91X83 Mat1a 14 41.105011 11720 + 41.105011 41.124427 methionine adenosyltransferase I, alpha AI046368; AdoMet; Ams; MAT; MATA1; SAMS; SAMS1 None None None 16.411 17.1294 17.3449 16.4508 14.1866 17.2217 17.259 14.4663 15.7778 17.0861 11.8328 16.1591 12.5911 16.7247 15.199 16.4905 16.1585 16.9764 15.0141 15.6843 11.999 16.4679 16.4299 16.6943 16.7038 17.0981 11.9233 13.8522 12.6019 17.1882 14.8313 17.059 O35218 Cpsf2 12 101.975758 51786 + 101.975758 102.005992 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 2 100kDa; 2610024B04Rik; AI662483; Cpsf; MCPSF; mKIAA1367 None None None 12.7005 13.6743 11.7737 12.414 11.8746 12.1909 12.4648 11.5626 11.8462 12.2307 12.4518 12.6479 14.7156 12.7248 12.389 11.9927 11.9379 12.2107 12.4693 12.8245 11.4296 12.4204 11.888 13.1779 12.4035 12.7513 11.8951 13.1171 12.7447 12.772 12.1122 14.3219 Q8R1Q8 Dync1li1 9 114.68883 235661 + 114.68883 114.723787 dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 1 1110053F02Rik; Dnclic1; LIC-1 None None None 15.4528 14.9234 14.9034 15.0379 14.9079 14.9535 15.0942 14.9342 15.0622 14.8939 14.7074 13.7602 15.591 15.2589 14.8919 14.6446 15.0839 14.9557 15.3544 15.0772 14.7804 14.9303 14.9443 15.0409 14.6223 14.8295 14.8983 14.4969 14.8307 15.3157 15.0072 15.127 Q8K1X4 Nckap1l 15 103.453782 105855 + 103.453782 103.502859 NCK associated protein 1 like 4930568P13Rik; AI463083; Hem1; Hemp1 None None None 13.6056 12.1636 12.9335 12.8574 13.4513 12.703 12.5316 12.4987 13.1707 12.4429 12.0523 13.3534 15.3872 13.5108 12.9683 12.5594 12.9333 12.6365 13.6347 13.2794 12.592 12.4532 12.6965 12.7234 12.8726 12.2458 12.0666 12.0278 13.7387 13.55 12.4161 14.3256 P50637 Tspo 15 83.563572 12257 + 83.563572 83.574202 translocator protein Bzrp; IBP; PBR; Tspo1 None None None 14.2114 16.6385 17.4332 17.8136 16.6833 17.3778 17.5362 16.7157 17.6638 17.2775 16.8245 17.8938 16.0485 17.0872 17.6223 17.6495 17.0057 17.9183 16.6872 16.5665 17.6734 17.5627 17.809 17.4153 17.8712 16.446 17.919 16.4174 18.5251 16.8273 17.5772 17.1485 Q61235 Sntb2 8 106.935739 20650 + 106.935739 107.014231 syntrophin, basic 2 SNT3; SNTL; Snt2 None None None 16.0026 15.0597 15.4402 15.5826 15.7167 15.9101 15.8982 15.728 15.4679 15.7223 16.2034 15.383 15.4268 15.7636 15.5619 15.1421 15.352 15.5376 15.0496 14.9006 16.1925 15.9513 15.7488 15.3896 15.3649 15.3795 15.5133 15.3137 15.0058 15.2503 15.1373 15.3368 P56399 Usp5 6 124.815018 22225 - 124.815018 124.829483 ubiquitin specific peptidase 5 (isopeptidase T) AA407472; ISOT; ISOT-1; Ucht None None None 17.8334 17.4525 17.4847 17.6588 17.4686 17.532 17.6436 17.509 17.5507 17.6059 17.6325 17.275 17.8219 17.5591 17.4605 17.3437 17.5762 17.5525 17.7852 17.5524 17.1419 17.4935 17.7373 17.5385 17.4699 17.6889 17.3736 17.4477 17.7344 17.8049 17.486 17.7927 Q3U0B3 Dhrs11 11 84.82072 192970 - 84.82072 84.829066 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 11 None None None 12.9063 13.5709 13.9299 13.4751 13.6923 12.787 13.9798 13.1869 13.4582 12.738 12.8217 12.0286 13.639 12.3778 12.3465 12.7255 13.4813 12.1911 13.5657 13.4457 11.7543 12.8614 13.1409 13.7476 14.166 14.8598 12.996 12.4693 13.4632 12.0805 13.6842 12.9382 O35980 Nthl1 17 24.632679 18207 + 24.632679 24.638837 nth (endonuclease III)-like 1 (E.coli) Nth1; Octs3 None None None 18.9886 20.1491 19.893 16.7781 20.7624 18.9966 22.061 19.1662 19.1178 17.4939 20.5941 20.876 18.7556 20.3995 20.4613 22.3892 18.6811 19.291 18.7829 20.7532 18.0087 22.0187 22.1752 18.5552 19.5266 21.8817 21.2301 17.8772 19.9221 19.014 18.4716 20.3816 Q8QZY6 Tspan14 14 40.906426 52588 - 40.906426 40.967072 tetraspanin 14 AA958793; D14Ertd226e; Tm4sf14; tspan-14 None None None 13.8207 14.5248 14.3871 14.7809 13.8603 14.6489 15.1476 13.7859 14.4611 14.1639 14.5306 12.8436 14.006 14.776 12.9094 13.1495 14.4979 14.5719 14.8515 13.8499 14.0874 14.1623 14.3505 14.1372 11.6095 11.3849 14.1895 14.094 11.4205 14.6776 13.8811 14.9363 Q8BZF8 Pgm5 19 24.67826 226041 - 24.67826 24.861841 phosphoglucomutase 5 4833423B07; 9530034F03Rik; D830025G17; aciculin None None None 14.408 14.4022 13.7566 13.9943 14.994 15.0663 14.3256 15.135 14.8989 13.9597 15.7014 13.0826 12.6879 15.0376 14.8223 14.4054 14.2584 14.4481 13.7645 14.3243 16.9224 15.3985 13.7328 13.9735 14.857 13.0814 14.6163 14.4675 13.5484 14.938 14.2518 14.5777 P80314 Cct2 10 117.050996 12461 - 117.050996 117.063851 chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 2 (beta) Cctb None None None 18.1211 17.591 17.6563 17.4471 17.7309 17.7225 17.9169 17.7847 17.8261 17.5271 17.62 17.3487 18.91 17.747 17.7987 17.5417 17.9183 17.5776 18.1303 17.7818 17.5361 17.5711 17.4626 17.7252 17.6974 17.9205 17.4921 17.6199 17.8816 17.8408 17.7528 17.9541 P38575 Upk2 9 44.452714 22269 - 44.452714 44.454766 uroplakin 2 AW491716; UPII None None None 12.1872 12.2142 13.4571 12.3358 13.3524 12.2757 12.3583 12.3981 12.2317 12.1975 12.474 12.3132 12.2524 12.308 13.4915 13.6333 12.3996 12.5344 12.2132 12.2557 16.4022 12.1763 11.9513 12.6434 15.6779 12.3933 12.1422 12.2633 12.2628 12.2377 12.7052 12.0947 P21447 Abcb1a 5 8.56709 18671 + 8.56709 8.748574 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 1A Abcb4; Evi32; Mdr1a; Mdr3; P-gp; Pgp; Pgy-3; Pgy3; mdr-3 None None None 13.4193 13.7799 12.7816 13.8566 13.7222 13.3168 13.9504 13.3644 13.3525 13.0702 13.4643 13.1398 13.2392 14.1287 13.0056 11.8661 13.5079 13.3562 13.2741 12.724 12.5143 13.6924 13.9455 12.8082 12.6147 13.1715 13.0874 13.4618 12.5285 13.4261 13.0866 13.5706 P28843 Dpp4 2 62.330072 13482 - 62.330072 62.412314 dipeptidylpeptidase 4 Cd26; Dpp-4; THAM None None None 12.7885 14.938 12.6804 12.1713 13.126 14.8191 14.5393 13.5673 14.1572 14.1965 14.2314 13.1837 12.0428 13.5264 14.0255 12.4856 13.725 13.394 12.6976 13.1845 12.2212 14.3834 14.105 13.2945 13.8145 13.1622 14.8544 14.0512 14.2887 12.3411 13.1886 13.7278 Q8R4D1 Slc9a8 2 167.421598 77031 + 167.421598 167.476999 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 8 1200006P13Rik; 6430709P13Rik; AI182282; NHE-8; NHE8 None None None 16.1921 12.3132 13.1959 12.0837 12.958 11.6613 11.6955 12.401 12.5824 12.6424 13.3763 13.9006 18.7417 13.9164 13.2277 11.7907 12.7973 13.2834 15.9881 13.6192 14.4981 12.231 12.179 11.4104 11.7733 12.3103 12.6716 12.6766 13.1043 11.7847 13.0687 12.8255 P97819 Pla2g6 15 79.286227 53357 - 79.286227 79.328384 phospholipase A2, group VI BB112799; PNPLA9; iPLA(2)beta; iPLA2; iPLA2beta None None None 12.7331 13.3384 13.518 13.6585 12.7481 13.3583 13.2138 12.8973 13.2522 13.0304 12.8314 12.9339 12.0069 12.5568 12.3112 13.3893 13.2987 13.1903 14.0089 13.7044 12.1431 13.2462 13.6888 13.0608 13.488 13.7722 12.9268 11.7914 13.1663 13.5179 13.5697 13.4157 P58252 Eef2 10 81.17663 13629 + 81.17663 81.182508 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 Ef-2 None None None 20.4647 20.0405 20.0903 20.0748 20.3489 20.3471 20.1517 20.2516 20.4004 20.3026 19.9802 20.4662 21.233 20.1782 20.5341 20.072 20.5261 20.3879 20.6924 20.4695 19.8065 20.0683 19.9615 20.4189 20.1312 20.0005 20.3374 20.3886 20.2198 20.6985 20.2536 20.4074 F7BWT7 Tspan15 10 62.185395 70423 - 62.185395 62.231275 tetraspanin 15 1110036D12Rik; 2700063A19Rik; AW048364; Tm4sf15 None None None 12.5087 11.7931 12.441 12.6038 12.5584 13.4151 14.6746 12.1743 12.5839 12.2222 12.1 12.3233 11.7807 14.1578 12.4796 12.7216 11.914 12.5412 14.9075 11.5503 12.709 12.4645 14.5614 12.5237 12.9296 11.7901 12.5165 14.5722 13.4658 12.3049 12.9283 11.6692 P59997 Kdm2a 19 4.316143 225876 - 4.316143 4.39872 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2A 100043628; 5530401A10Rik; AA589516; AW536790; Cxxc8; Fbl11; Fbl7; Fbxl11; Gm4560; Jhdm1; Jhdm1a; lalina None None None 16.6201 16.6081 16.6263 16.4309 16.2329 16.7278 16.7883 16.3584 16.5187 16.5697 16.646 16.521 15.7791 16.4741 16.4213 16.1948 16.3703 16.6541 16.4624 16.3144 16.4263 16.415 16.6342 16.1613 16.4045 16.3684 16.3257 16.2429 16.0151 16.2988 16.284 16.9048 Q8K297 Colgalt1 8 71.610041 234407 + 71.610041 71.62491 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 1 2810024B22Rik; Glt25d1 None None None 15.4598 15.0407 14.5083 14.6958 15.2939 15.2355 15.1135 15.3604 14.7917 15.0359 14.5713 14.9563 15.5046 15.4331 15.5705 14.8523 15.8196 15.4989 15.3571 15.6339 14.5379 14.7275 14.3702 15.3213 14.3588 14.2863 15.1515 15.0055 15.2126 15.95 14.9207 15.2785 O08663 Metap2 10 93.858488 56307 - 93.858488 93.897089 methionine aminopeptidase 2 4930584B20Rik; A930035J23Rik; AI047573; AL024412; AU014659; Amp2; Mnpep; p67; p67eIF2 None None None 13.3567 13.1751 13.4523 13.4164 13.3352 13.678 13.2678 13.4023 13.7032 13.3084 13.0102 13.8405 14.5695 13.8114 13.5281 13.2131 13.4416 13.5695 13.7001 13.4909 13.5201 12.9558 13.4216 13.5936 13.4511 13.0026 13.1233 12.7629 13.7872 13.7947 13.4086 13.406 P97468 Cmklr1 5 113.612354 14747 - 113.612354 113.650474 chemokine-like receptor 1 ChemR23; DEZ; Gpcr27; mcmklr1 None None None 14.6252 15.8475 14.7462 15.3981 15.5675 14.6745 15.1798 14.9485 15.0278 14.623 15.4603 14.6177 13.862 14.8612 14.5888 14.8657 14.5016 14.1944 13.482 13.433 14.8298 14.8229 14.3689 14.2676 14.6544 15.5461 15.0973 14.7592 14.9422 13.8756 15.2718 14.6408 Q8VCH6 Dhcr24 4 106.561037 74754 + 106.561037 106.589112 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase 2310076D10Rik; 5830417J06Rik; mKIAA0018 None None None 13.0586 14.8002 13.9408 12.4182 13.8584 14.3961 13.6439 13.825 13.938 13.9032 13.0298 16.0174 11.9663 11.6011 13.3253 14.5717 14.487 13.2176 14.8224 14.7132 12.5234 13.274 14.2946 14.4231 13.3983 11.5556 14.0178 13.8399 15.1925 14.8894 13.8875 11.9725 Q91X96 Rabif 1 134.494638 98710 + 134.494638 134.507888 RAB interacting factor AI842864; AW549708; E130318E12Rik; MSS4; RASGFR3 None None None 11.85 15.9246 14.3417 14.8004 15.626 14.7411 14.341 16.0611 14.389 15.2187 15.6057 15.8146 12.4712 14.6349 15.6072 13.6725 14.9859 13.5336 14.2028 14.999 11.703 16.2625 12.0197 14.4402 14.1885 14.0161 15.6983 12.8917 12.4974 15.3928 15.0454 14.2353 Q8BHC9 Fut11 14 20.694967 73068 + 20.694967 20.700196 fucosyltransferase 11 3110009G03Rik; AI317183 None None None 12.5073 12.9064 12.4555 12.4949 12.1873 12.7797 13.1806 12.402 12.5785 12.448 13.2471 12.1933 12.9965 12.4554 12.7756 12.8418 12.66 12.8768 12.6328 12.4709 12.2105 12.9229 12.5462 12.512 12.8487 12.9061 13.0937 12.8278 12.7502 12.6176 12.8216 12.8248 Q8BH44 Coro2b 9 62.419489 235431 - 62.419489 62.537043 coronin, actin binding protein, 2B CLIPINC; E130012P22Rik None None None 12.3837 13.7034 12.4332 12.5055 12.083 12.3548 12.8028 12.2525 13.3087 13.2923 12.5156 13.2714 12.4303 12.1873 12.3279 12.0554 13.2052 13.1219 13.6499 13.2897 12.4038 12.7093 12.2647 12.0673 12.4493 12.6662 12.3017 12.5239 12.5125 13.1721 13.2802 13.3057 Q6PD26 Pigs 11 78.328421 276846 + 78.328421 78.342775 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class S BC058979; Gm393; Gm689 None None None 15.016 15.0342 14.9305 15.3263 15.0223 14.9597 14.9828 15.1624 14.8091 15.1415 15.0651 14.1847 13.3596 15.0767 15.0856 14.8301 15.2819 15.1415 15.1069 15.0284 14.915 14.8028 15.0145 15.0002 14.4327 14.4112 15.1135 15.0939 15.1608 15.2355 15.0654 15.0264 P97352 S100a13 3 90.514232 20196 + 90.514232 90.52458 S100 calcium binding protein A13 None None None 18.0616 18.2008 18.4839 18.4724 18.5738 18.6316 18.8157 18.4327 18.2706 18.8249 18.0361 18.9908 18.4053 18.5846 18.737 18.1329 18.4966 18.8032 18.305 18.286 18.565 18.5828 18.5012 18.7931 17.9595 17.7598 18.9392 18.8204 17.9689 18.2673 18.3517 18.0781 B2RY56 Rbm25 12 83.632207 67039 + 83.632207 83.683126 RNA binding motif protein 25 2600011C06Rik; 2610015J01Rik; A130095G20Rik; AI159652; AL023075; AU043498; RNPC7 None None None 14.8238 14.0687 14.3203 14.3404 14.8569 14.3332 14.7041 14.5043 14.7038 14.4479 14.5515 14.4789 16.205 14.5638 14.564 14.0682 14.3679 14.4755 15.0432 14.6706 14.3348 14.5014 14.6557 14.7155 14.5861 14.5393 13.9024 14.1889 14.6684 14.8924 14.266 15.1237 Q80Y55 Bsdc1 4 129.461678 100383 + 129.461678 129.488497 BSD domain containing 1 1110063F24Rik; AW011758 None None None 12.9451 15.2099 13.9734 14.6145 13.0903 13.7361 15.2644 14.306 14.4244 14.4929 12.8223 13.5805 13.1902 15.2566 12.946 12.9975 13.8695 14.6735 14.7664 14.0042 12.8924 14.2961 12.92 14.8418 15.0543 11.9663 12.9785 13.1241 15.4155 13.303 13.7246 13.0912 P50608 Fmod 1 134.037253 14264 + 134.037253 134.048279 fibromodulin AI131919; AU041740; FM; SLRR2E None None None 11.661 12.6722 12.441 11.8613 11.9886 12.3104 11.983 12.4144 12.2415 13.2566 11.3575 11.4851 12.5232 12.158 12.296 11.7876 12.1615 12.1751 12.6784 12.4842 11.9665 12.4645 12.2331 12.8645 11.9957 12.5326 12.2693 12.4543 12.497 11.5624 13.0623 12.6032 Q8K0E8 Fgb 3 83.042245 110135 - 83.042245 83.049862 fibrinogen beta chain 2510049G14Rik None None None 19.9705 17.8589 18.4153 18.7455 19.5995 18.6425 18.1696 18.4577 17.8411 18.3347 19.3186 20.2328 19.544 19.5419 18.6752 20.2174 18.0009 18.828 16.6435 18.2036 18.6391 18.6441 18.7845 18.4751 19.6634 19.451 18.4674 18.8468 18.3244 17.4409 17.9409 17.9678 Q9Z1P6 Ndufa7 17 33.824571 66416 + 33.824571 33.838315 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A7 14.5kDa; 2400007M02Rik; CI-B14.5a None None None 16.1681 16.6548 17.5167 16.5105 16.0915 16.3966 15.6788 16.1421 16.3795 15.8768 16.4823 15.6534 17.0753 16.091 16.0301 16.6491 15.9933 15.1695 16.0585 16.4654 18.4281 16.7939 16.6972 16.0847 17.3681 16.9987 16.1419 17.011 16.601 15.781 16.6863 15.58 Q9D0F3 Lman1 18 65.980738 70361 - 65.980738 66.002634 lectin, mannose-binding, 1 2610020P13Rik; AI326273; AU043785; C730041J05; ERGIC53; F5F8D; MCFD1; MR60; P58; gp58 None None None 17.3472 16.9894 16.7381 17.0744 16.7922 17.178 17.1229 16.8522 17.0698 16.9939 16.688 17.1136 17.6664 17.2424 17.0338 16.5442 17.3308 17.016 17.5506 17.1527 16.7266 16.4841 16.7498 17.2687 15.8639 16.4839 16.595 16.7066 17.0131 17.4023 16.9086 17.252 Q9JK53 Prelp 1 133.910303 116847 - 133.910303 133.930101 proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat 7330409J17Rik; SLRR2A None None None 20.4795 20.1735 19.0067 20.8852 19.787 20.4684 20.253 20.1313 19.711 20.231 20.6571 19.6375 17.7987 21.1903 20.3546 19.7079 20.1787 20.7003 19.9925 19.908 20.0021 20.2025 20.2182 20.1145 19.8051 18.2549 20.1854 19.7826 19.0647 20.4312 19.8394 20.1614 Q91VC4 Plvap 8 71.497752 84094 - 71.497752 71.511805 plasmalemma vesicle associated protein MECA32; Pv1 None None None 14.9831 15.249 14.631 15.6019 15.0406 14.8813 15.2884 15.0365 15.2589 14.81 15.149 14.0356 15.1676 15.8162 15.098 13.9867 15.0328 15.2297 15.489 14.4694 14.3078 15.1803 14.7631 14.5246 14.7233 14.8215 15.0755 14.4938 14.7008 15.7112 15.1245 15.0998 Q8VCM7 Fgg 3 83.007723 99571 + 83.007723 83.015055 fibrinogen gamma chain 3010002H13Rik; AI256424 None None None 19.7036 17.9154 18.4306 18.8659 19.81 18.6659 18.4085 18.5008 17.8723 18.3271 19.3895 20.8315 19.3477 19.5085 18.8831 20.1963 17.9591 18.7598 16.6082 18.2096 18.8803 18.6624 18.7933 18.3868 19.7277 19.4466 18.4269 19.1797 18.5076 17.4532 17.9161 18.0526 Q8VCR7 Abhd14b 9 106.447736 76491 + 106.447736 106.452922 abhydrolase domain containing 14b 1810013B01Rik None None None 17.1909 17.5352 17.0828 17.6478 17.3363 17.0043 18.012 17.5624 16.9502 17.6202 17.561 17.015 16.0222 17.3764 17.3249 17.5153 17.1738 16.9376 16.3514 16.1806 16.4646 16.9223 16.9968 17.3533 17.0832 17.8155 17.4427 16.6145 17.6368 16.6419 17.3871 17.4138 Q91ZP3 Lpin1 12 16.535668 14245 - 16.535668 16.653902 lipin 1 Lipin1; fld None None None 15.048 15.3241 15.0466 15.1491 14.4692 15.0116 14.6831 14.7101 14.8645 15.1597 14.6034 15.2927 13.979 15.0792 14.7379 14.8903 15.2361 15.3061 15.2523 15.2105 14.6898 14.5316 14.8977 15.3537 14.7349 15.5157 15.1105 14.8001 15.0981 15.3456 15.0887 14.2618 Q9Z1P7 Kank3 17 33.810522 80880 + 33.810522 33.822919 KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 0610013D04Rik; Ankrd47; D17Ertd288e; NG28 None None None 15.0834 14.6085 14.3102 14.5486 14.4377 14.0282 14.8595 14.6001 14.0676 14.8424 14.5984 13.9542 12.5566 14.5839 13.7054 14.2276 13.7201 14.7437 14.8331 13.0461 12.2356 13.4508 14.8667 15.3424 12.8481 14.6863 14.9592 15.1049 14.1486 14.5661 14.5346 14.5965 P23492 Pnp 14 50.944302 18950 + 50.944302 50.953411 purine-nucleoside phosphorylase AL024301; AU015798; Np; Np-1; Np-2; Pnp1 None None None 17.2288 18.3905 18.0138 17.68 18.2324 18.321 18.5896 18.283 18.1038 17.9427 18.3238 18.7319 18.3229 17.7597 18.1307 18.5414 18.078 17.9472 18.551 17.7113 18.094 18.4231 18.094 17.9732 18.1808 19.1208 17.9015 17.8028 17.9762 18.1877 18.6341 18.3874 P59108 Cpne2 8 94.532673 234577 + 94.532673 94.570528 copine II 3322401K10Rik None None None 12.5656 13.6634 13.193 13.954 13.8788 13.792 13.1211 13.7258 13.7015 13.5569 13.3978 13.5109 12.7728 13.7615 13.9431 12.8313 13.6306 13.6982 13.1036 12.5602 11.4014 12.825 13.5958 13.1591 12.9615 12.7633 14.6087 12.5901 12.799 13.6376 13.5792 13.2025 Q8C7H1 Mmaa 8 79.263596 109136 - 79.263596 79.295001 methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) type A 2810018E08Rik; AI840684 None None None 12.0603 12.8142 13.7574 11.9782 12.0391 12.4583 12.4944 12.4398 12.5252 12.4304 12.4037 11.9295 12.1841 12.4172 12.299 13.2099 12.8306 12.2408 13.0948 13.1729 13.846 12.8225 12.9476 12.7793 13.4808 13.454 12.644 12.9588 13.426 12.1187 12.8946 12.2131 Q9D0A3 Arpin 7 79.925358 70420 - 79.925358 79.935263 actin-related protein 2/3 complex inhibitor 2610034B18Rik None None None 13.7543 13.4223 13.7927 13.218 14.2256 13.7294 13.791 13.6436 13.8725 13.441 13.5239 13.8309 14.5737 14.0934 12.996 13.1292 12.9255 13.2424 13.7844 12.7552 13.7931 14.3408 14.0821 12.8738 14.1208 13.9134 13.283 13.256 14.2426 13.3733 13.352 13.8069 Q9WUZ7 Sh3bgr 16 96.200469 50795 + 96.200469 96.228932 SH3-binding domain glutamic acid-rich protein 5430437A18Rik None None None 11.7706 13.7444 12.1555 12.0661 11.7202 11.5494 11.6779 12.2959 12.2413 12.3409 11.1774 12.3233 12.3184 11.9533 12.239 11.5829 12.0933 12.3798 12.8832 12.689 12.8928 11.9059 12.7699 11.3928 12.1167 9.54603 11.3778 12.659 12.2923 10.0348 12.3104 12.8079 Q9QXK3 Copg2 6 30.747553 54160 - 30.747553 30.896814 coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 2 AW227625; gamma-2-COP None None None 14.7976 14.6825 14.9167 14.4834 14.3154 14.8282 14.7674 14.5178 14.8605 14.6033 14.7146 14.4265 14.7725 14.9164 14.3812 14.4836 14.7691 14.7299 15.0605 14.9936 14.7948 14.5864 14.8158 14.8535 14.7308 14.8926 14.5315 14.431 14.9154 14.873 14.7974 15.0028 Q8BH04 Pck2 14 55.540262 74551 + 55.540262 55.550019 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 (mitochondrial) 1810010O14Rik; 9130022B02Rik; PEPCK-M None None None 15.4508 14.7125 15.297 14.9453 15.3647 15.0048 15.341 14.8647 15.4176 14.9731 15.2042 14.5098 16.568 15.1784 15.0311 14.7432 15.0713 14.9274 15.3446 15.0461 15.2797 15.0348 14.9215 14.8209 15.1803 15.3907 14.5262 14.2148 15.2277 15.0328 14.9273 15.6957 Q9CWZ3 Rbm8a 3 96.629927 60365 + 96.629927 96.63379 RNA binding motif protein 8a 2310057C03Rik; AA673428; Rbm8 None None None 12.6711 11.3981 12.0937 11.4146 13.2223 12.3181 14.3229 11.9682 12.6609 13.3156 11.5356 12.833 12.9698 12.6047 13.6956 12.8245 12.6403 13.3022 12.8404 13.2847 11.5198 12.7767 11.7777 14.247 12.0035 12.7342 14.4244 13.6522 12.8619 13.164 12.6494 13.3213 Q9ERL9 Gucy1a3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9ERL9 None None None 12.0768 12.5549 12.8763 13.0834 12.8178 12.8106 13.0315 13.1574 12.3522 12.8651 13.0054 11.8348 12.4593 13.2093 12.1204 11.9095 13.0425 12.7658 12.8972 12.653 12.0788 13.1127 12.8658 12.9812 12.1716 12.9704 12.6652 12.7199 12.6278 12.8837 12.8327 12.7696 Q8VIM9 Irgq 7 24.530647 210146 + 24.530647 24.538599 immunity-related GTPase family, Q AF322649; FKSG27; Irgq1 None None None 13.6353 13.4298 12.9487 12.4222 12.2342 13.5463 12.7897 13.333 12.8797 13.5048 13.1919 12.3637 12.3696 12.9073 12.8548 13.1081 13.3218 13.4874 12.8726 13.6507 12.4059 12.5152 13.7985 13.3001 11.9498 11.9759 13.319 13.4171 11.9681 13.2315 13.5162 12.4691 Q8BXV2 Bri3bp 5 125.441567 76809 + 125.441567 125.460884 Bri3 binding protein 2410150I18Rik; AI841257; AW742481 None None None 13.3738 13.2794 13.3135 12.41 13.4723 13.296 11.8957 12.8162 13.5512 12.7163 13.4181 12.3556 14.9474 12.1761 13.2452 12.7719 12.9378 13.0364 13.4992 12.9212 13.7489 12.5894 12.7744 11.7565 13.4189 12.0214 12.3865 12.6161 13.297 13.522 12.9456 13.4669 P61226 Rap2b 3 61.364506 74012 + 61.364506 61.368702 RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family 4021402C18Rik; AA408554 None None None 15.8204 16.0189 16.0748 16.1575 16.3017 16.2418 16.2984 16.1709 16.3195 16.0779 16.3056 16.3758 15.5856 16.0678 16.531 16.0457 16.3938 16.2077 16.4577 16.3925 15.8028 16.3003 16.183 16.2064 15.852 16.1737 16.5314 16.1334 16.5051 16.3064 16.395 16.6837 Q91ZX7 Lrp1 10 127.538156 16971 - 127.538156 127.621147 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 A2mr; AI316852; CD91; Lrp; b2b1554Clo None None None 17.3948 16.6065 16.5513 16.9173 17.0725 17.0318 16.9197 16.9718 16.7161 16.8951 16.8425 16.9834 15.4022 17.2386 17.1049 16.7327 17.104 16.7883 17.0797 16.938 16.4564 16.7189 16.5633 16.6289 16.2843 16.7686 16.608 16.5804 17.314 17.2033 16.8818 17.3164 Q8CI04 Cog3 14 75.70235 338337 - 75.70235 75.754637 component of oligomeric golgi complex 3 E430004N23 None None None 13.1592 11.8534 12.1205 12.332 12.5334 12.2381 12.203 12.3546 12.7428 12.6392 12.541 13.0829 13.897 12.5215 12.3035 12.9748 12.5392 12.4501 12.3082 12.6306 12.2086 12.4151 12.0026 11.8037 12.2618 12.0769 12.659 12.1851 12.0781 12.786 12.5459 12.0791 P21614 Gc 5 89.41751 14473 - 89.41751 89.457897 vitamin D binding protein DBP; VDB None None None 19.7575 18.9896 19.0082 19.8182 19.8351 19.1744 19.6908 18.9064 19.4004 19.0123 19.3984 20.7935 18.7239 19.4508 19.4458 20.9418 18.8248 19.4984 18.9626 19.6484 19.0031 19.1142 19.6532 19.5247 20.1551 20.1677 19.4074 19.3671 19.5579 18.867 19.3234 19.1071 Q91VM5 Rbmxl1 8 78.505268 19656 - 78.505268 78.508927 RNA binding motif protein, X-linked like-1 Hnrpg; Rbmx; Rbmxrt None None None 15.2808 14.6786 14.429 14.8676 15.3217 14.3153 13.39 15.2808 15.1712 14.1488 15.4134 14.4408 17.5452 15.3891 14.8172 14.4941 14.8 14.058 14.5781 14.5803 15.2924 15.2729 14.723 13.2949 14.9246 14.0262 12.5753 13.5763 14.3146 14.8061 14.5637 14.7465 P62317 Snrpd2 7 19.149444 107686 + 19.149444 19.152733 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 1810009A06Rik; SMD2 None None None 15.3244 15.5443 15.4926 15.7617 15.4411 15.5967 15.4133 15.1648 16.051 15.2781 15.607 15.6713 17.0221 15.9352 15.3239 15.1416 15.3612 15.1755 16.1107 15.6203 15.0257 15.767 15.7186 14.9882 16.0778 15.7883 14.7353 14.8591 15.4558 15.7591 15.5355 16.1641 P70227 Itpr3 17 27.057001 16440 + 27.057001 27.122222 inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3 IP3R 3; Ip3r3; Itpr-3; tf None None None 11.944 12.1639 12.7291 12.9748 11.7735 12.5949 11.8448 12.1576 12.7044 12.3279 11.8022 12.0086 13.4898 11.6698 12.5402 12.0402 12.0024 12.6611 12.1577 12.3519 12.8696 11.8675 12.603 11.9716 11.8321 12.9716 12.2452 12.3818 13.0072 11.5973 12.4002 12.233 P52431 Pold1 7 44.532743 18971 - 44.532743 44.548814 polymerase (DNA directed), delta 1, catalytic subunit 125kDa None None None 12.9259 12.3728 12.245 11.9893 12.3556 12.1131 12.6845 12.3417 12.4668 12.2797 12.6365 12.5689 14.6218 12.8457 12.3534 12.0992 12.2403 12.6072 12.4309 12.7441 11.9509 12.5905 11.7767 12.3927 12.7813 12.2505 12.183 12.7051 12.0804 12.3491 11.9793 12.1792 Q69ZX8 Ablim3 18 61.799391 319713 - 61.799391 61.911884 actin binding LIM protein family, member 3 AW990719; D930036B08Rik None None None 13.5626 15.0267 14.9483 15.5754 13.0201 14.1205 14.305 14.3764 14.3603 13.8594 14.247 11.7737 12.5768 14.3914 12.8725 14.0572 13.9703 12.7772 14.4475 14.2937 11.9129 14.7324 15.4761 13.9262 14.4025 15.0606 14.0019 13.3098 14.239 11.5088 14.1284 14.4211 Q8VHR5 Gatad2b 3 90.29318 229542 + 90.29318 90.363404 GATA zinc finger domain containing 2B AL118180; C430014D17Rik; P66beta; mKIAA1150 None None None 12.8043 12.5722 12.0563 12.6489 12.0288 12.334 12.598 13.054 12.7434 12.513 12.54 12.111 14.4557 12.6272 12.591 12.4015 12.6265 11.9942 12.584 12.7617 11.6835 12.7139 12.6452 13.0284 12.7896 12.2575 13.0355 12.1476 12.548 12.4088 12.5303 12.5923 P48024 Eif1 11 100.319948 20918 + 100.319948 100.322098 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 Sui1-rs1 None None None 14.1952 15.3252 15.3662 15.0999 14.9049 15.2049 15.1128 14.9071 15.6408 14.8717 13.8476 13.1431 16.1298 14.5486 14.9004 14.5549 15.1293 14.1582 15.5711 15.1622 14.4945 14.6577 15.1271 14.6723 15.3772 15.5209 14.3713 14.8019 15.0967 15.0378 15.1076 14.6831 P28352 Apex1 14 50.924948 11792 + 50.924948 50.927187 apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 APE; Apex; HAP1; Ref-1 None None None 16.7675 15.9393 16.2597 15.895 16.5677 16.1918 16.1363 16.2809 16.8373 15.7771 16.5146 16.7666 18.8135 16.5737 16.5871 16.1111 16.2483 15.8864 16.6187 16.0526 16.3092 16.5204 16.3059 15.5035 17.2851 17.1355 15.4308 15.4027 16.5856 16.4536 16.3148 16.6646 Q80U95 Ube3c 5 29.569241 100763 + 29.569241 29.676076 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C AI853514; mKIAA0010 None None None 13.353 12.8763 13.4226 13.0203 14.0066 12.6814 12.2048 13.0968 12.8294 13.3747 13.3438 13.259 14.694 13.2434 12.6209 13.104 13.1884 13.8958 13.125 13.5224 13.4247 12.9046 12.7989 13.7912 12.9714 13.1279 12.9006 13.0789 12.9166 14.0493 13.5139 13.2715 Q544Y8 Grn 11 102.430506 14824 + 102.430506 102.436808 granulin GP88; PCDGF; PEPI; Pgrn; epithelin None None None 18.1867 17.1316 17.1269 17.4047 18.1251 17.4892 17.7052 17.4337 17.3477 17.3139 17.7164 18.4478 18.2288 18.2077 17.8986 17.3927 17.822 17.6762 18.034 17.9131 17.4303 17.315 17.2438 17.6917 17.255 17.4768 17.2182 17.3172 18.3838 18.2772 17.421 18.3444 Q3UMY5 Eml4 17 83.350929 78798 + 83.350929 83.48036 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4 4930443C24Rik; AI644019 None None None 13.3471 12.8716 13.6199 12.4366 13.5012 12.8909 13.6481 12.5946 13.4048 13.1752 12.5749 13.2877 15.7984 13.365 13.0921 13.1443 12.6795 12.4007 12.4524 13.2288 12.6113 12.3855 12.7931 13.121 13.5743 13.0985 12.325 13.1823 13.8554 13.2833 12.833 13.7562 Q9Z0M5 Lipa 19 34.492315 16889 - 34.492315 34.527473 lysosomal acid lipase A AA960673; Lal; Lip-1; Lip1 None None None 15.5492 13.9972 15.3343 15.128 15.1665 14.8981 15.138 14.5879 14.8794 14.692 14.6109 15.5422 15.5864 15.9846 14.4835 14.4845 15.4304 14.6497 15.9294 15.5529 13.9403 15.8195 15.5034 14.4864 14.784 15.9075 13.6011 13.3673 15.9377 16.171 14.5814 15.9022 Q8R0F8 Fahd1 17 24.848895 68636 - 24.848895 24.850301 fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain containing 1 1110025H10Rik; AV002085 None None None 13.6658 12.4228 14.4904 11.9839 12.1695 12.4337 13.3938 13.1223 12.2923 12.8952 13.5349 12.0217 14.3072 12.4941 12.0956 13.062 12.6289 12.259 13.3899 13.0142 15.4808 13.1807 11.9289 12.3329 13.4281 14.2803 11.6462 13.863 12.3681 12.5181 12.4588 13.8245 O35954 Pitpnm1 19 4.099997 18739 + 4.099997 4.113965 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, membrane-associated 1 DRES9; Mpt-1; Nir-2; PITPnm 1; Pitpnm; R75447; Rd9; RdgB; RdgB1 None None None 12.5206 12.4397 12.7758 12.9458 12.7239 12.442 12.1566 12.4547 12.4502 12.825 12.1437 12.4305 12.6549 12.4608 12.9922 12.4049 11.9996 13.8421 12.2193 12.1491 12.382 12.3374 12.7433 12.3683 12.3633 12.0091 12.7256 12.2455 12.2635 12.2984 12.7795 12.4794 P49290 Epx 11 87.863996 13861 - 87.863996 87.875535 eosinophil peroxidase EPO None None None 15.1135 14.3309 14.5013 13.2637 13.9568 16.175 15.1772 12.2607 13.8156 13.2861 12.4803 12.2028 14.8196 12.3801 14.94 14.3438 15.0213 12.8695 14.1697 13.5633 16.3909 14.5221 11.9548 15.0403 14.6897 13.0016 13.6948 16.032 12.3542 13.2093 13.906 15.907 P59383 Lrrn4 2 132.866685 320974 - 132.866685 132.894009 leucine rich repeat neuronal 4 B430119L13Rik; Nlrr4 None None None 13.9067 14.4359 13.361 12.9356 13.0947 15.5787 14.7904 14.8756 14.4237 14.2765 14.9948 12.7366 12.005 14.2756 14.2129 13.5016 14.649 14.4121 14.2206 13.5637 13.0644 15.162 15.2796 14.1344 14.2079 14.1336 14.6196 14.4458 12.4565 12.3826 14.3556 13.7197 Q5SXY1 Specc1 11 61.956762 432572 + 61.956762 62.223012 sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1 2810012G08Rik; B230396K10Rik; Cytsb None None None 12.7774 12.6917 12.1502 13.0362 13.046 12.1949 12.904 12.8159 13.1969 13.4815 12.257 13.8856 11.7517 13.7616 13.553 13.3156 13.7693 13.6968 13.4785 12.5876 13.047 13.6635 12.7551 12.0875 12.4237 12.3417 12.2991 12.18 12.9411 15.173 12.8409 14.1035 Q91ZW2 Pofut1 2 153.241531 140484 + 153.241531 153.271028 protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 O-FucT-1; mKIAA0180 None None None 13.2431 14.4425 13.5285 13.6693 13.3107 13.8947 14.5461 13.7608 13.2818 14.5714 13.2924 12.4998 12.5784 12.9976 13.5852 13.6082 13.7434 14.281 13.1858 13.7122 13.0113 13.9146 14.3971 14.3038 12.9383 13.0577 14.3224 14.1266 12.9369 14.5276 13.6006 14.7816 P63280 Ube2i 17 25.260509 22196 - 25.260509 25.275798 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I 5830467E05Rik; UBC9; Ubce2i; Ubce9 None None None 15.9426 14.9182 14.8963 15.4271 15.7768 14.9804 14.7069 15.3706 15.621 15.0886 14.9975 15.7299 17.9098 15.2332 15.1009 15.2252 15.0462 14.9473 15.2726 15.1281 14.6926 13.889 15.3376 14.5383 15.8778 14.9943 14.737 14.0478 15.0316 15.5123 15.28 15.5558 P12367 Prkar2a 9 108.692142 19087 + 108.692142 108.750443 protein kinase, cAMP dependent regulatory, type II alpha 1110061A24Rik; AI317181; AI836829; RII(alpha) None None None 16.0445 15.8002 15.8371 15.6844 15.5286 15.9763 15.9438 15.6655 15.8349 15.8831 15.9307 15.7719 15.3679 15.791 16.0238 15.4952 15.6677 15.9555 16.1657 15.8142 15.846 15.6988 15.8594 15.4704 15.6199 15.9081 15.7922 15.5733 16.0197 15.5897 15.5537 16.0782 Q8C0M9 Asrgl1 19 9.111718 66514 - 9.111718 9.135565 asparaginase like 1 2410004D18Rik; ALP; ALP1; AU040643; AW060375 None None None 15.1407 15.2883 14.9122 15.2861 14.9588 14.9496 14.8874 15.4152 14.9677 15.4168 14.651 15.0101 15.4874 14.9485 14.8946 14.8468 14.7894 15.4595 14.361 14.8047 14.7406 15.018 15.3259 14.9683 14.3117 14.6097 15.3588 15.049 13.9885 14.8069 14.9336 15.0135 O08599 Stxbp1 2 32.787606 20910 - 32.787606 32.847236 syntaxin binding protein 1 AI317162; AI326233; MMS10-G; Ms10g; Munc-18a; Munc18-1; N-sec1; Rb-sec1; Sxtbp1; Unc18-1; Unc18h; nsec1 None None None 14.3531 14.224 14.355 14.3098 14.645 14.4105 14.7912 14.2406 14.508 14.4248 14.4324 13.2235 14.356 14.4885 13.8591 14.609 14.2141 14.1982 14.5028 14.5042 14.3491 14.5365 14.3687 14.1574 14.5398 14.2807 14.6595 14.237 14.1418 14.3275 14.1785 14.6254 P62331 Arf6 12 69.372149 11845 + 69.372149 69.375979 ADP-ribosylation factor 6 AI788669; AW496366 None None None 15.3609 15.1674 14.9432 15.2267 14.9327 15.2332 15.3317 15.5677 15.3105 15.4391 15.111 13.2897 15.1344 15.4011 15.2837 15.0576 15.3773 15.6363 15.1637 15.5456 14.7355 14.826 15.5462 15.5749 14.826 15.1213 15.8508 14.961 14.8015 14.8122 15.3457 14.6554 Q9D0N8 Tmem88 11 69.396515 67020 - 69.396515 69.398233 transmembrane protein 88 2600017H02Rik None None None 13.1437 14.0461 12.644 14.8111 13.1935 13.9273 13.2368 14.2833 13.2581 14.1657 13.7997 12.0928 11.4194 12.7307 13.325 13.2481 15.4471 14.7293 13.8817 14.2543 14.7224 12.5335 13.8167 14.2028 13.1603 12.7665 14.7537 14.5989 13.6558 14.0849 13.1619 11.4257 Q8CGB3 Uaca 9 60.793205 72565 + 60.793205 60.88043 uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats 2700059D02Rik; nucling None None None 13.3481 12.0441 11.8393 12.35 12.4812 12.1065 12.7813 12.3283 12.9201 12.4862 12.8413 12.4302 11.6359 12.9121 12.2074 12.2751 12.5613 13.065 11.7871 13.3853 12.0603 12.5263 12.7538 12.7386 12.4946 11.9526 12.9492 12.9502 11.7271 12.8392 13.0389 12.7075 P56394 Cox17 16 38.346982 12856 + 38.346982 38.352762 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 17, copper chaperone AI037035 None None None 11.9805 12.1148 13.5038 12.8984 11.842 11.3439 10.5034 12.3437 12.4007 10.7848 11.5588 13.1512 13.9529 11.5316 12.6129 12.6444 12.3043 10.8643 11.985 12.2112 14.7712 12.6748 11.8171 10.9451 13.3481 12.0023 12.0058 13.9469 12.8342 12.6618 12.4723 11.2332 Q8R123 Flad1 3 89.402672 319945 - 89.402672 89.41188 flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase 1 A930017E24Rik; Pp591 None None None 13.2852 15.8217 15.9688 15.4934 15.6092 15.7785 15.5614 15.9628 15.8331 15.1034 15.764 15.7973 15.6565 15.6706 15.8769 15.9256 15.7699 15.7969 16.0319 15.7725 16.3468 15.8082 15.6769 15.5601 15.9337 15.7883 16.1013 16.1886 15.7119 15.712 15.6976 15.6907 Q5U430 Ubr3 2 69.896931 68795 + 69.896931 70.024009 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 3 1110059H15Rik; 4833421P10Rik; A130030D10Rik; AA409735; AA414972; AA422631; AI646861; AU016126; Zfp650; Znf650 None None None 12.698 11.8723 12.441 12.6831 12.5584 11.857 12.1365 13.5942 12.5863 12.1233 12.0208 12.7172 11.5963 12.6264 12.3802 12.3318 11.9404 12.6351 12.3344 12.0602 12.6298 12.4645 12.0939 12.2794 12.1238 11.8693 12.5369 12.0902 11.6224 12.6146 12.0622 11.59 P04441 Cd74 18 60.803848 16149 + 60.803848 60.812651 CD74 antigen (invariant polypeptide of major histocompatibility complex, class II antigen-associated) CLIP; DHLAG; HLADG; Ia-GAMMA; Ii None None None 15.9334 14.662 14.7601 14.7254 15.7636 14.6819 14.7579 15.3579 15.6466 14.9381 14.6766 16.0531 18.6018 15.829 15.4598 14.4509 15.486 15.2659 15.1312 15.4793 14.6279 14.4487 14.6781 15.257 15.1575 14.424 14.4071 14.7043 15.4081 15.9181 15.2178 16.8424 Q9CQC6 Bzw1 1 58.392897 66882 + 58.392897 58.407353 basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 1 1200015E15Rik; mKIAA0005 None None None 15.8938 15.9385 15.6697 16.0636 15.8902 15.8075 15.8018 15.8276 15.9456 15.7205 15.3688 15.0311 17.0103 16.1942 15.7925 15.2182 16.2128 15.8389 16.2464 15.9753 15.4216 15.4315 15.5338 15.7458 15.4722 15.6616 15.7402 15.5795 15.6141 16.1876 15.8475 16.0681 Q8JZL3 Thtpa 14 55.094783 105663 + 55.094783 55.098994 thiamine triphosphatase AW122966 None None None 12.9862 13.4459 13.5401 13.2087 13.591 13.168 16.6803 13.417 13.8331 13.4413 13.4803 13.6058 15.8315 12.9297 13.7121 12.983 13.2116 13.3438 13.2868 13.0997 13.3651 13.4716 13.0788 13.0163 13.352 13.1414 13.4639 13.6308 13.5252 13.157 13.2743 13.3155 Q8K353 Cystm1 18 36.348623 66060 + 36.348623 36.402978 cysteine-rich transmembrane module containing 1 0610010O12Rik None None None 11.9217 15.6509 13.7182 14.6961 13.8452 14.0337 13.8439 13.9874 13.8288 14.3634 13.8636 14.0909 12.256 13.8061 13.7437 14.1368 13.6593 14.0392 13.5045 12.6385 13.6206 13.1976 14.2049 13.6957 13.7411 12.7724 14.9207 14.1839 13.4459 12.3223 13.5365 12.958 Q9CR57 Rpl14 9 120.571516 67115 + 120.571516 120.574652 ribosomal protein L14 3100001N19Rik; AA407502; AL022816; CAG-ISL-7; CTG-B33; L14 None None None 18.6927 18.4867 18.4778 18.5914 18.0576 18.7676 18.5255 18.0655 18.9328 18.389 18.0581 18.5686 20.1869 18.6922 18.3075 18.055 18.7021 18.1531 19.0926 18.6304 17.8438 18.3762 18.3899 18.4829 18.7878 18.709 17.8381 17.4299 18.5901 18.719 18.4771 19.0055 P30993 C5ar1 7 16.246742 12273 - 16.246742 16.259539 complement component 5a receptor 1 C5aR; C5r1; Cd88; D7Msu1 None None None 14.703 13.2526 12.8758 13.7986 14.3517 13.0998 13.7038 13.0985 13.8063 13.8085 13.137 13.7465 13.1145 13.6293 13.6281 13.0277 14.7177 13.8817 15.291 14.0979 12.9877 13.1213 11.7652 13.8467 12.447 13.4196 11.4066 12.674 15.2088 14.6457 13.6041 15.1349 P11672 Lcn2 2 32.384636 16819 - 32.384636 32.387738 lipocalin 2 24p3; AW212229; NRL; Sip24 None None None 12.2698 12.8183 14.285 15.1143 15.9911 12.4486 11.7318 13.5126 14.3425 13.338 11.8475 12.0784 18.0776 14.3491 14.0019 15.3251 15.6604 12.2462 12.2111 13.4817 16.1062 12.3087 12.4843 12.2889 15.4461 16.3675 12.1999 14.1228 13.5672 11.6426 13.401 12.2783 Q8VHN8 Nudt16l1 16 4.93911 66911 + 4.93911 4.941027 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 16-like 1 1110001K21Rik; 5330437I08Rik; Sdos None None None 12.4967 12.4875 12.2285 12.7072 12.8361 12.2625 12.8135 13.0959 12.7936 12.7831 12.2742 13.2568 13.8249 12.4266 12.6645 12.6298 12.7608 12.7582 13.0133 13.0995 12.8124 12.6537 12.9602 12.0339 12.5869 11.6867 12.4245 12.5125 13.1211 13.0016 12.1325 12.9248 P18608 Hmgn1 16 96.121587 15312 - 96.121587 96.127724 high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 1 HMG-14; Hmg14 None None None 13.6101 13.6528 14.6815 14.3307 13.6509 14.1772 15.2827 14.5339 13.9978 13.7623 14.7875 12.6648 16.818 15.2211 12.4092 14.1098 13.3053 14.7549 15.2904 14.8711 15.5992 14.6131 14.6582 14.6522 12.6313 14.9945 14.9826 14.1415 11.6748 14.7706 14.7128 14.573 Q6PGH0 Ubtd2 11 32.455369 327900 + 32.455369 32.518708 ubiquitin domain containing 2 4930571L24; 9630054F20Rik; AI645720 None None None 14.2298 16.1952 14.5656 15.8176 14.1356 14.4766 16.9053 14.1097 15.6322 15.0526 18.3212 14.1557 13.4367 17.5476 13.9753 15.7903 15.794 15.7142 15.0131 15.8429 11.7552 17.9175 12.0218 15.9503 17.3059 12.4638 15.5497 16.5538 13.2618 16.7396 15.8589 14.7363 P70280 Vamp7 X 0.010736 20955 - 0.010736 0.03919 vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 Sybl1; TI-VAMP; VAMP-7 None None None 11.9099 16.2237 12.8102 11.8461 12.3255 12.9312 12.4533 12.3813 12.8389 13.5765 12.6035 12.7503 12.281 12.7806 12.0744 11.9379 12.9461 14.3452 13.6825 13.3237 13.6322 12.5234 12.1125 12.9926 16.0609 12.8895 13.2963 12.4391 13.2107 13.3647 12.9877 13.2686 Q5EG47 Prkaa1 15 5.14386 105787 + 5.14386 5.181898 protein kinase, AMP-activated, alpha 1 catalytic subunit AI194361; AI450832; AL024255; AMPKalpha1; C130083N04Rik None None None 13.5415 14.3218 14.1111 14.3616 13.9714 14.4978 14.2767 14.315 14.3152 14.3709 14.1245 14.1447 14.7425 14.0674 14.0298 14.4523 14.0763 14.1658 14.1835 14.1806 11.7743 14.4375 14.3259 13.3177 14.1493 14.2525 14.3842 13.5539 14.1044 14.4153 14.1717 14.2589 P42669 Pura 18 36.280559 19290 + 36.280559 36.292534 purine rich element binding protein A 6330411E07Rik; CAGER-1; Pur-alpha; ssCRE-BP None None None 15.9333 16.3784 16.22 16.3353 16.3143 16.4397 16.368 16.2548 16.3412 16.4444 16.1386 16.2844 16.275 16.4446 16.2145 16.0129 16.2678 16.363 16.2842 16.2009 16.1609 16.2459 16.3349 16.3298 16.0828 16.1059 16.3498 16.0757 16.0487 16.1869 16.1995 16.4007 Q61263 Soat1 1 156.428107 20652 - 156.428107 156.474327 sterol O-acyltransferase 1 8430426K15Rik; ACAT-1; AW550831; Acact; ald; hid None None None 14.1837 12.0208 11.9959 12.9246 13.2085 12.6203 12.1671 12.8531 12.4079 12.9831 12.6957 14.08 13.2736 13.8333 12.7081 12.3155 13.6525 13.1252 14.4966 13.6624 11.9728 12.3129 11.9583 12.6088 11.8272 12.6566 11.7428 12.4452 13.4801 14.6024 12.7834 14.2179 Q91VF2 Hnmt 2 24.00291 140483 - 24.00291 24.049757 histamine N-methyltransferase 1500031F01Rik; AI788969 None None None 14.5038 15.4944 15.7099 15.4116 15.0875 15.6351 15.8378 15.3259 15.4709 15.0041 15.671 15.0543 12.4258 13.1155 14.918 15.4754 14.6958 15.1774 14.331 14.7284 15.2725 15.4531 15.5369 15.3414 15.7169 15.8686 15.9502 15.8563 15.8684 14.595 15.3052 15.8568 Q8BIG4 Fbxo28 1 182.313101 67948 - 182.313101 182.341605 F-box protein 28 4833428J17Rik; 5730505P19Rik; D1Ertd578e; Fbx28; mKIAA0483 None None None 11.0822 9.61889 11.1803 9.91774 9.27042 9.77298 12.3355 10.0441 10.4081 10.8263 12.2198 12.5182 11.2748 10.8899 9.59178 10.8053 10.838 12.0857 10.2761 10.9627 12.8288 10.8438 12.1124 9.87028 12.3227 11.6703 12.7359 10.7472 10.1182 12.4247 10.8625 9.80651 P60766 Cdc42 4 137.319695 12540 - 137.319695 137.357758 cell division cycle 42 AI747189; AU018915 None None None 18.3878 18.2562 18.5081 18.8605 18.5167 18.423 18.2761 18.343 18.6614 18.2931 18.1745 17.8354 19.1733 18.508 18.3286 17.9398 18.4419 18.3285 18.919 18.4401 17.7048 18.4403 18.6134 17.9496 18.3022 18.3489 17.951 17.8712 18.4446 18.4925 18.4793 18.721 Q8R2Q8 Bst2 8 71.534254 69550 - 71.534254 71.537471 bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 2310015I10Rik; Bst-2; C87040; CD317; DAMP-1; GREG None None None 15.4367 14.6634 15.191 15.5715 15.2475 16.6456 15.4991 14.9718 14.993 15.537 16.4235 15.4422 14.5141 15.6888 15.5557 14.7547 14.6368 15.3729 15.3694 14.8469 15.7972 16.2066 16.1104 15.8503 15.9888 14.3311 15.6994 15.6774 15.0185 14.2329 15.7287 15.5806 Q6TEK5 Vkorc1l1 5 129.942108 69568 + 129.942108 129.986691 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1-like 1 2310024K08Rik None None None 12.4982 15.4289 13.2711 15.5455 14.9072 15.7046 15.6196 15.4894 14.5523 15.9553 12.0685 12.3233 11.8122 11.447 14.1779 15.1621 15.4586 15.4239 15.8667 15.4909 12.6775 14.7258 16.3337 15.7842 14.6163 15.2162 15.3321 15.6904 16.0685 15.732 15.6436 15.3679 Q3UBG2 Pid1 1 84.036292 98496 - 84.036292 84.339841 phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 5033414K04Rik; NYGGF4; P-CLI1 None None None 11.8909 10.9696 11.8909 11.0492 11.8825 11.3026 12.3191 11.3111 11.9465 12.326 12.4348 12.3293 12.3484 12.7136 11.2615 12.0075 11.6275 12.4555 10.9015 12.4101 11.8258 12.354 11.8969 12.6043 12.8759 12.3389 11.6126 13.0145 11.6316 12.2299 12.0206 12.8656 P62267 Rps23 13 90.923121 66475 + 90.923121 90.924731 ribosomal protein S23 2410044J15Rik None None None 17.5041 17.1833 17.1716 17.4774 17.1893 17.3032 17.2763 17.138 17.5182 17.374 17.1119 17.8361 18.5097 17.3574 17.451 16.9321 17.378 17.3858 17.6422 17.3845 17.1133 16.9412 17.0633 17.646 17.1229 16.9975 17.3591 16.9035 17.5366 17.5647 17.2905 17.5027 Q00915 Rbp1 9 98.42296 19659 + 98.42296 98.44655 retinol binding protein 1, cellular CRBPI; Crbp; Rbp-1 None None None 15.7773 14.6806 15.0447 14.3209 15.8257 15.1678 14.719 15.6137 15.4818 14.9001 15.586 15.3723 16.7049 15.1967 15.3912 15.3046 15.221 15.3861 14.7785 15.0915 15.5637 15.6284 14.9434 14.4321 15.8078 15.2653 14.3186 14.7979 14.4291 14.9442 14.8528 15.1115 P10922 H1f0 15 79.028211 14958 + 79.028211 79.030503 H1.0 linker histone D130017D06Rik; H1(0); H1-0; H1fv None None None 19.8431 20.3134 19.9519 20.0703 20.0154 19.4746 19.3252 19.9742 19.7466 19.9108 20.2161 19.5357 19.6551 19.864 19.5715 19.5669 19.3438 19.7848 18.87 18.9442 20.1599 19.9476 19.8596 19.5442 20.2614 19.8118 19.8717 19.8004 19.3106 18.9839 19.6167 19.3725 Q9D8N0 Eef1g 19 8.96704 67160 + 8.96704 8.978179 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma 2610301D06Rik; AA407312; EF1G None None None 17.7287 17.7824 17.7357 17.4601 17.407 17.826 17.7111 17.5569 17.7133 17.7164 17.3243 17.7857 18.0163 17.6081 17.7788 17.4172 17.9042 17.7318 17.9893 17.8959 17.0757 17.3863 17.2149 17.5485 17.0744 17.5892 17.6632 17.3784 17.3767 18.0021 17.652 17.5761 Q8BK72 Mrps27 13 99.344766 218506 + 99.344766 99.415561 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S27 2610028H14Rik None None None 12.2213 13.185 13.4855 11.7486 13.8634 11.9044 11.6715 12.3716 12.692 12.4336 12.1486 12.118 12.8926 11.6694 12.6479 12.5336 13.0828 13.1048 13.0582 13.155 12.69 12.646 12.1918 11.3093 13.6316 13.9702 12.5441 13.4654 11.9801 11.5357 13.0318 11.8052 Q8R238 Sdsl 5 120.458192 257635 - 120.458192 120.472824 serine dehydratase-like 4432411H13Rik; AI504310; SDH1; SDS-RS1; TDH None None None 13.377 15.3023 14.4372 14.934 14.2323 14.564 14.7963 14.3384 14.5061 14.779 14.2905 14.0105 12.5327 14.0773 13.7436 14.3914 14.3647 14.6912 14.3808 14.3122 13.8696 14.2905 15.1439 14.5566 14.0015 14.058 14.4503 14.3513 14.3237 14.053 14.5769 14.563 O35382 Exoc4 6 33.249089 20336 + 33.249089 33.973978 exocyst complex component 4 C78892; Sec8; Sec8l1 None None None 15.4256 14.5429 14.4624 15.0693 14.988 14.541 14.5016 15.0087 14.8392 14.8861 14.5929 15.0547 15.2545 15.182 14.8321 14.7119 14.845 15.0769 14.9754 15.0682 14.6825 14.8323 14.857 14.7698 14.2688 14.3557 14.9777 14.7338 14.37 15.1428 14.7365 14.926 O55229 Chkb 15 89.426348 12651 - 89.426348 89.429926 choline kinase beta Chetk; Chkl; Ck; Ck/Ek; Ck/Ek-beta; Ckb; Ckekb; Ek None None None 14.498 13.6031 12.5963 14.1642 13.6957 14.1064 15.5742 13.9039 12.7183 14.2837 12.39 14.9917 14.0215 14.594 13.8458 13.6937 13.2384 13.3572 14.2724 11.8403 14.6329 12.4645 11.9422 13.6365 15.3668 13.9368 13.7206 11.8103 11.4645 14.1197 12.991 14.7336 Q9CWU9 Nup37 10 88.146975 69736 + 88.146975 88.178394 nucleoporin 37 2410003L22Rik; 2810039M17Rik None None None 12.5905 11.937 12.4392 12.2671 12.6755 11.8135 12.1018 12.4175 12.2986 12.2502 12.4237 12.3521 13.8177 12.384 12.6343 12.0365 12.3267 12.4207 12.3346 12.1389 12.0608 12.41 12.0391 12.0054 12.2817 12.3532 11.9556 12.0814 12.6893 12.1478 12.1624 12.1724 Q8K1T1 Lrrc25 8 70.616843 211228 + 70.616843 70.620849 leucine rich repeat containing 25 Mapa None None None 12.776 12.1673 12.7627 12.2763 12.8482 12.9652 11.6898 13.0706 12.9823 12.5482 12.3985 12.7228 12.9777 12.9511 13.2803 12.0368 13.847 12.664 13.6825 13.9084 12.873 12.5876 12.5262 12.6215 11.8287 12.9973 11.9915 12.3852 13.4336 13.3638 13.0131 13.9778 Q8BUV3 Gphn 12 78.217324 268566 + 78.217324 78.684771 gephyrin 5730552E08Rik; AI662856; BC027112; C230040D23; GPH; GPHRYN; geph None None None 13.1352 12.6045 13.2783 13.0107 12.3742 13.2991 13.2203 12.9435 13.4078 12.8702 13.0213 13.4722 13.5812 12.8315 12.7555 12.8889 13.1824 12.7444 13.3875 12.8376 12.8255 13.3449 13.2218 13.1995 13.0196 13.8421 12.1002 12.2377 13.6861 13.0352 13.2685 13.7866 Q9CR76 Tmem186 16 8.63373 66690 - 8.63373 8.63771 transmembrane protein 186 2810440M13Rik; 4432406C05Rik; AI648175; AW210586 None None None 12.4566 12.9386 13.7568 12.9725 12.5584 12.1312 12.2088 13.0715 12.9887 12.8072 12.7442 11.9559 13.864 11.5717 12.5884 13.5603 12.5776 12.7018 12.8815 13.5483 14.9802 12.5294 13.0477 12.8264 13.3528 13.7182 12.71 13.2869 13.6565 12.7807 12.8805 12.1742 Q80X90 Flnb 14 7.81792 286940 + 7.81792 7.951587 filamin, beta AL024016; Fln-b None None None 16.8456 16.6569 16.9971 16.9238 17.0735 16.9243 17.1719 16.8695 17.0308 16.656 16.7071 17.2269 17.1037 16.9828 16.7642 16.5164 17.0825 16.8335 17.3366 16.8371 16.5595 16.8175 17.0392 17.0937 16.4682 17.4084 16.7276 16.9568 16.3384 16.8942 16.9255 17.1575 Q9R0Q7 Ptges3 10 128.058981 56351 + 128.058981 128.077253 prostaglandin E synthase 3 5730442A20Rik; Ptges; Tebp; cPGES; p23; sid3177 None None None 14.0643 17.0602 16.5823 16.4216 16.3202 16.2133 16.204 16.1615 17.1938 15.873 15.2964 16.3842 17.3004 14.9883 16.2618 16.3064 16.6789 14.4734 17.1941 16.4026 15.3282 16.3055 16.8385 15.3548 16.5108 17.9799 15.012 15.9148 16.5476 16.7353 16.6836 16.787 P52795 Efnb1 X 99.13606 13641 + 99.13606 99.149021 ephrin B1 Cek5-L; EFL-3; Elk-L; Epl2; Eplg2; LERK-2; Lerk2; Stra1 None None None 12.3065 14.641 13.9713 14.2739 13.9423 14.6999 14.61 13.1545 13.6454 13.9383 14.6713 13.0783 12.1279 14.2886 12.2877 12.1326 13.2357 13.1497 14.4466 13.6903 12.3344 13.1367 14.3585 12.7066 15.2945 15.0848 14.5059 14.4455 14.2099 13.7127 14.226 13.0565 Q9CPZ6 Ormdl3 11 98.581293 66612 - 98.581293 98.587244 ORM1-like 3 (S. cerevisiae) 2810011N17Rik; AI315223 None None None 16.6353 15.513 15.1499 15.7096 15.3562 15.1411 14.6793 15.295 15.1432 15.804 15.0405 15.8439 14.4177 15.4933 15.1884 15.4627 15.2191 16.091 15.2086 15.5587 15.8538 14.1284 15.7648 15.9624 14.6213 14.7393 15.8758 15.1041 15.0241 15.3137 15.4948 14.9409 Q3TIU4 Pde12 14 26.664116 211948 - 26.664116 26.669845 phosphodiesterase 12 2'-PDE; E430028B21Rik None None None 12.2299 12.4482 12.7847 12.7027 12.1531 12.2974 12.2007 12.5027 12.697 12.658 13.0957 13.2024 13.5911 12.661 12.5205 12.1723 12.793 12.6547 12.1974 12.7417 12.9621 12.1922 12.9859 12.8513 12.113 13.5334 13.2217 12.7374 13.4319 13.4009 12.9852 13.1929 Q3TRM8 Hk3 13 55.005984 212032 - 55.005984 55.021474 hexokinase 3 HK III; HK-III None None None 14.7891 11.6534 12.8588 13.483 14.2654 12.5535 12.585 13.3685 13.7297 13.1843 12.8933 15.0429 14.0585 14.3209 13.1971 13.2536 14.3857 13.5085 15.5743 14.6912 12.1584 13.0258 13.0084 13.1676 13.1698 13.2796 12.2792 12.7921 14.9643 15.1483 12.9967 14.7018 Q6KCD5 Nipbl 15 8.289823 71175 - 8.289823 8.465314 NIPBL cohesin loading factor Idn3 None None None 12.1218 12.7305 12.3272 12.3443 12.7681 12.2527 12.6697 12.259 11.9443 12.3042 12.5965 12.1929 12.5677 12.9907 12.0774 11.9381 12.2237 13.4758 11.6726 11.718 12.4495 12.8158 11.976 12.4404 12.4825 12.2654 12.4207 12.0565 12.2298 11.7035 12.1651 12.1658 Q3TLP5 Echdc2 4 108.165435 52430 + 108.165435 108.179307 enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase domain containing 2 1300017C12Rik; 2610009M20Rik; D4Ertd765e None None None 14.732 13.2626 15.7005 14.9215 14.6629 15.2825 14.1636 13.5519 15.1072 13.3359 15.6503 15.809 15.4358 14.8135 13.9727 15.7161 14.6776 13.2406 14.7499 14.402 14.8186 14.1844 14.1882 14.2741 16.0488 16.1511 13.6607 15.5812 15.0983 14.4204 13.9362 15.0467 P60335 Pcbp1 6 86.524479 23983 - 86.524479 86.526188 poly(rC) binding protein 1 WBP17; [a]CP-1; alphaCP-1; hnRNP E1; hnRNP-E1 None None None 18.0056 17.6578 17.7745 17.7379 17.6332 17.8432 17.8406 17.5346 18.0573 17.3145 17.7409 16.793 19.0588 17.8504 17.332 17.3138 17.5103 17.4692 17.9905 17.6819 17.435 17.7242 17.8305 17.4968 17.9492 18.0292 17.0015 16.9246 17.8892 17.6936 17.5459 17.822 Q8CHP8 Pgp 17 24.470425 67078 + 24.470425 24.473109 phosphoglycolate phosphatase 1700012G19Rik; AI481330; AUM; G3PP None None None 15.1766 15.3881 15.1977 15.1416 15.0558 15.2955 15.6475 15.0092 15.3085 15.0426 14.9116 15.2266 15.2558 14.9081 14.8774 14.9637 15.172 14.9462 15.4131 15.2797 14.8186 15.1629 15.2321 14.9606 15.3019 15.8099 14.8242 14.6093 15.4063 14.9157 15.1369 15.3486 Q8R409 Hexim1 11 103.116324 192231 + 103.116324 103.119724 hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible 1 7330426E13Rik; CLP-1; Clp1; HIS1 None None None 12.2985 12.5132 12.6432 11.6764 12.3021 12.2022 12.1447 11.9361 11.9607 12.0054 12.2604 12.1862 13.936 12.3197 12.2791 11.9493 12.4103 12.0161 12.5195 12.3253 11.8075 12.7258 12.0741 12.4298 12.322 11.7626 11.7443 12.2953 12.393 12.4392 12.4578 12.3839 P48997 Ivl 3 92.570898 16447 - 92.570898 92.573789 involucrin 1110019C06Rik None None None 12.0081 12.3483 12.2863 12.2027 11.8995 12.2495 12.0175 12.2588 11.9289 12.3909 12.1829 11.7743 12.3707 12.0551 12.0878 11.791 12.3907 11.9096 12.3332 12.4096 11.837 12.2405 12.5217 12.5193 11.9211 12.4298 11.9674 12.4203 12.3027 11.7318 12.4947 12.3697 P13595 Ncam1 9 49.502128 17967 - 49.502128 49.799392 neural cell adhesion molecule 1 CD56; E-NCAM; NCAM-1; Ncam None None None 12.3191 12.0322 12.0163 12.2144 12.4011 12.1334 12.904 12.3384 12.594 12.2646 12.3893 12.124 12.0993 12.321 12.3124 12.359 12.2222 12.0238 11.8127 12.2743 13.0666 12.3697 11.925 12.0718 12.5915 11.8284 11.8724 12.4878 12.2458 11.4392 12.3038 12.0219 P61205 Arf3 15 98.737623 11842 - 98.737623 98.763117 ADP-ribosylation factor 3 5430400P17Rik; AI854770 None None None 20.1735 19.6316 19.6513 19.8142 19.935 19.6997 19.8138 19.861 19.8022 19.9078 19.6164 19.0668 20.3811 19.893 19.9364 19.4068 19.8032 19.9858 19.9633 20.0612 19.8282 19.4982 19.7209 19.9193 19.5349 19.5934 19.7806 19.4882 19.5779 19.9803 19.662 20.1281 Q9WVB0 Rbpms 8 33.782642 19663 - 33.782642 33.929921 RNA binding protein gene with multiple splicing 2010300K22Rik; 2700019M19Rik; AU017537; RBP-MS; hermes None None None 13.5439 14.4213 14.1338 14.089 14.6478 14.609 14.7174 14.5892 14.4164 14.6441 14.8401 13.9859 13.4907 14.0956 14.775 13.9472 14.3467 14.4991 14.2059 14.0766 14.292 14.6899 14.2862 14.1433 13.8275 14.0759 14.5757 14.228 13.7682 14.4569 14.4847 14.0876 P25206 Mcm3 1 20.802965 17215 - 20.802965 20.820311 minichromosome maintenance complex component 3 AL033361; C80350; Mcmd; P1; P1-MCM3; p1.m None None None 14.2023 12.8444 12.7669 12.0089 13.6349 13.2749 13.3147 12.8731 13.6602 13.9607 12.3799 13.798 16.1534 12.4068 13.3022 11.4947 14.4666 13.2834 13.0347 14.7604 14.1268 11.9893 11.6134 12.2105 14.4226 12.4901 12.4655 14.1802 12.6854 15.3792 12.8573 15.3981 P97926 Oxtr 6 112.473682 18430 - 112.473682 112.491034 oxytocin receptor OTR None None None 14.8295 14.7327 14.294 15.4196 14.2733 14.5675 14.7804 14.158 14.5816 14.6024 12.3345 12.8456 12.4488 15.0569 13.8113 13.6393 13.8807 14.3904 13.882 14.0449 14.4657 14.9381 14.5642 14.3326 12.9763 12.4393 14.8553 14.1363 12.4749 15.2197 14.0048 14.2578 Q8BL66 Eea1 10 95.940662 216238 + 95.940662 96.045517 early endosome antigen 1 A430109M19Rik; B230358H09Rik; ZFYVE2 None None None 14.989 14.5669 14.2797 14.5014 14.679 14.3121 14.4028 14.6132 14.1573 14.507 14.6261 15.2517 14.766 14.7366 14.7469 14.3073 14.3941 14.7164 14.8047 14.5635 14.3218 15.4103 14.3889 14.5501 14.1973 14.1805 14.5366 14.8632 14.5772 14.6284 14.3699 14.8556 Q8BU31 Rap2c X 51.003911 72065 - 51.003911 51.02009 RAP2C, member of RAS oncogene family 2010200P20Rik; AI194294; AL022976 None None None 12.7274 12.8146 12.1614 13.2815 12.8913 12.5125 12.8948 12.5998 13.0993 12.5149 13.11 12.2641 11.3848 12.728 12.8615 12.5327 12.691 12.5856 12.9955 12.5203 12.0278 13.718 12.6052 12.7163 12.7573 12.4697 12.5784 12.4657 12.5616 12.6241 12.4799 12.7322 Q8R3Y8 Irf2bp1 7 19.004057 272359 + 19.004057 19.006762 interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1 6330414O09Rik; C530033F24 None None None 11.798 12.5742 11.952 10.1577 11.6638 10.5924 9.90387 12.2784 11.3159 11.7592 12.1966 11.7293 12.8267 12.256 11.7483 11.1148 11.3431 11.8908 9.44717 11.617 11.8685 12.0289 10.7836 11.0448 10.8123 10.6926 11.6805 11.8749 11.2084 11.1235 11.6953 9.84912 O70318 Epb41l2 10 25.359781 13822 + 25.359781 25.523518 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 2 4.1G; AW555191; D10Ertd398e; Epb4.1l2; NBL2 None None None 19.3029 18.7645 18.5612 19.1196 18.4069 18.7249 18.3803 18.7846 18.455 19.3271 18.377 18.3061 17.3608 18.9166 18.5616 18.2052 18.8483 19.3433 18.82 18.9105 18.0538 17.9989 19.1879 19.2125 17.8828 17.7347 19.4905 18.9501 18.1524 18.7513 18.9525 18.5492 Q9D2G2 Dlst 12 85.110821 78920 + 85.110821 85.13409 dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2 component of 2-oxo-glutarate complex) 1600017E01Rik; 4632413C10Rik; 4930529O08Rik; DLTS None None None 18.9537 18.4043 19.8634 18.4016 18.9874 18.5734 18.3976 19.0946 18.5021 18.8481 18.8001 19.6329 19.9468 18.3579 18.9669 19.5341 18.8351 18.9214 18.496 19.2401 21.5337 19.2215 18.6101 18.7351 19.3042 19.0962 19.3507 19.7983 19.0534 18.6807 18.8324 18.2751 A2A837 Srsf4 4 131.873529 57317 + 131.873529 131.901724 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 4 5730499P16Rik; AW550192; MNCb-2616; SRp75; Sfrs4 None None None 16.7138 17.7923 17.046 17.2979 17.8617 17.1252 16.7399 17.6818 17.5567 17.8268 17.2946 17.4359 18.7482 17.1067 17.7278 17.6171 17.4098 17.6832 17.2847 17.6247 17.1573 17.5227 16.9739 17.0476 17.0887 16.7478 18.1217 17.5974 16.7648 17.5239 17.4368 17.2989 Q8BMK4 Ckap4 10 84.526304 216197 - 84.526304 84.533887 cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 5630400A09Rik; CLIMP-63; P63 None None None 16.2585 15.1092 15.0884 15.2415 16.0265 15.7206 15.5391 15.4832 15.4701 15.2665 15.3631 16.0219 16.6972 15.8358 15.8115 14.9418 16.1319 15.4356 16.0621 16.0063 15.306 15.3386 14.9343 15.6821 14.8803 14.7368 14.7374 15.0475 15.524 16.251 15.237 15.8949 Q8BGF6 Elmod2 8 83.312631 244548 - 83.312631 83.332489 ELMO/CED-12 domain containing 2 9830169G11Rik None None None 12.7934 13.7463 13.0657 13.9253 13.0899 14.64 16.0824 13.1556 13.7648 14.1941 12.4402 14.6549 15.2747 13.608 12.6816 14.3364 15.4473 14.1604 17.4258 13.6851 12.3186 13.0984 13.5964 14.5756 16.4367 11.9293 14.365 15.9431 16.332 17.0867 14.4548 13.5564 Q501J6 Ddx17 15 79.527695 67040 - 79.527695 79.546763 DEAD box helicase 17 2610007K22Rik; A430025E01Rik; AI047725; C80929; Gm926; p72 None None None 15.1279 14.4634 14.57 14.5577 14.8641 14.8058 14.4945 14.7731 15.1338 14.4569 14.8269 14.9228 16.4258 15.0712 14.7924 14.2438 14.8293 14.4526 15.1318 14.9501 15.1817 14.8689 14.639 14.4967 15.126 14.7245 14.194 14.2358 14.8817 14.8692 14.715 15.2014 Q8R0W0 Eppk1 15 76.101487 223650 - 76.101487 76.120194 epiplakin 1 6230424I18Rik; EPIPL; EPIPL1; EPPK None None None 15.2012 15.5773 15.3434 15.5469 15.2006 15.7148 15.5712 15.5967 15.6804 15.3671 15.3366 14.819 16.6819 15.7126 15.0766 14.6362 15.7 15.4663 15.7938 15.5053 15.096 15.628 14.8513 15.1082 14.9691 15.377 14.9715 14.8756 15.1262 16.1846 15.5449 15.6788 Q91XE4 Acy3 19 3.986569 71670 + 3.986569 3.990006 aspartoacylase (aminoacylase) 3 0610006H10Rik; AA3; AAIII; AW107362; Acy-3; HCBP1 None None None 14.9603 14.9134 16.1717 15.3994 15.5512 15.4667 16.7168 15.4114 15.0975 15.5824 15.4898 15.1812 14.1082 14.4473 15.3536 15.4653 15.0385 15.3881 15.5764 14.9079 14.3855 15.3534 15.5226 14.9584 15.2764 15.6617 15.5251 15.3396 15.1303 14.84 15.2389 15.4527 Q9WVA2 Timm8a1 X 134.537255 30058 - 134.537255 134.541669 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8A1 DXHXS1274E; Ddp1; Fci-12; Tim8a; Timm8a None None None 12.1287 15.8033 16.2742 15.556 15.4178 15.7518 15.7797 15.6258 15.7048 15.2764 15.4222 15.6729 15.3465 15.3133 15.5453 15.5638 16.0516 15.2395 16.1879 16.2031 16.7465 15.5865 15.6171 15.8052 16.1477 16.3189 15.039 15.9957 15.9194 15.8731 15.5967 15.7009 P62717 Rpl18a 8 70.894721 76808 - 70.894721 70.897442 ribosomal protein L18A 2510019J09Rik None None None 16.7329 17.0558 16.9606 17.0955 16.413 17.1268 16.7573 16.5826 17.2943 17.01 16.0141 16.9628 18.1821 16.9421 16.9017 16.641 17.2892 16.8488 17.235 17.0645 16.043 17.0822 16.7166 16.5626 17.0591 17.1347 16.6965 15.6095 16.8944 17.3617 17.0159 17.1852 Q80VI1 Trim56 5 137.111285 384309 - 137.111285 137.116461 tripartite motif-containing 56 A130009K11Rik; Gm452; RNF109 None None None 12.6722 11.5677 12.3939 12.9789 12.5257 12.9274 12.1679 12.9429 13.0701 12.5341 12.7327 12.2855 13.6441 12.8096 12.5645 12.737 12.7335 12.5368 11.6143 12.4244 12.5396 12.5731 12.491 11.9093 12.7432 12.7782 12.5238 11.5986 12.9813 12.8899 12.4396 12.7345 O35963 Rab33b 3 51.483965 19338 + 51.483965 51.496227 RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family None None None 22.5956 22.3427 22.3781 22.6262 22.4326 22.4826 22.7299 22.3967 22.5735 22.5099 22.2918 22.0298 22.4252 22.5524 22.3635 22.2421 22.4106 22.4666 22.6498 22.4555 21.954 22.1275 22.5945 22.526 22.2289 22.4951 22.5271 22.2495 22.7489 22.6194 22.5617 22.7003 Q924D0 Rtn4ip1 10 43.901806 170728 + 43.901806 43.947862 reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 D10Ertd690e; NIMP None None None 12.37 12.1563 14.316 12.9972 12.3822 12.3992 13.0419 12.5472 12.9539 12.6842 11.7289 12.315 13.5218 12.7941 12.524 12.5948 12.4089 12.7124 13.1121 13.0899 14.5151 13.0338 12.5551 12.1559 13.2149 14.5317 12.8582 13.9038 12.4284 12.0716 12.8526 13.4247 Q8CAK1 Iba57 11 59.155367 216792 - 59.155367 59.164566 IBA57 homolog, iron-sulfur cluster assembly 4930543L23Rik; A230051G13Rik; C1orf69 None None None 13.7832 11.6254 14.6505 12.4363 13.3591 13.2825 14.1669 12.7728 13.8219 12.4291 12.2676 14.534 14.6832 12.2083 14.0672 13.4908 12.7613 13.076 11.6192 12.829 15.0872 13.6666 13.0389 14.2201 14.4752 14.7399 13.7137 13.6904 14.9108 13.7088 13.1759 14.187 Q62266 Sprr1a 3 92.483953 20753 - 92.483953 92.48588 small proline-rich protein 1A AI528815; SPR1a; mSPRR1A None None None 11.9861 13.2203 14.4562 11.7546 13.7808 12.01 11.7905 12.3141 12.3084 12.5155 12.0378 12.7163 12.7896 11.9005 13.4131 14.5578 12.2576 12.8017 12.4864 12.7072 17.735 12.1495 12.4657 13.5265 16.6999 12.2751 11.9488 13.2812 12.2395 11.8797 12.9802 13.6207 P50247 Ahcy 2 155.059309 269378 - 155.059309 155.074496 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase AA987153; AL024110; CuBP; SAHH None None None 17.6065 17.2239 17.5122 16.9359 17.4478 17.4637 17.5921 17.5272 17.7827 17.2618 17.5964 17.4615 18.855 17.1713 17.3465 17.1038 17.2624 17.2183 17.0769 16.7225 17.0622 17.8908 17.4014 16.9219 17.9318 17.8294 16.6169 16.7337 17.1147 17.1003 17.1431 17.5896 Q8CI32 Bag5 12 111.709487 70369 - 111.709487 111.713255 BCL2-associated athanogene 5 1600025G07Rik; 4930405J06Rik; Bag-5 None None None 13.4887 13.4723 13.9738 13.5871 13.5489 13.734 13.5486 13.2953 13.6583 13.5872 13.605 12.7624 12.9672 14.575 13.4723 14.0798 13.4432 13.5401 13.498 13.4389 13.8258 13.5747 13.5676 13.4902 13.4901 13.8356 13.6548 12.8971 13.3719 13.3507 13.5661 13.6476 Q8BFZ3 Actbl2 13 111.255012 238880 + 111.255012 111.257748 actin, beta-like 2 4732495G21Rik None None None 12.2611 12.2695 12.2467 12.8261 13.3796 12.3748 12.9927 13.7558 12.8527 12.8906 12.227 13.0413 12.2653 12.5002 13.1742 12.1367 13.0937 12.9133 13.2415 13.3314 12.1967 12.2372 12.3485 13.1929 12.1929 12.2685 13.2718 12.7778 12.6107 13.3663 12.5358 13.0601 Q8R086 Suox 10 128.669886 211389 - 128.669886 128.673917 sulfite oxidase SO None None None 14.5278 14.3109 14.8333 14.1624 14.4738 14.4927 14.453 14.6697 14.4321 13.6332 14.3564 15.1545 15.0773 13.957 14.7548 15.2575 13.9897 14.291 13.1702 14.0932 15.6886 14.6246 14.2985 14.3513 15.0243 14.2386 14.4993 15.0474 15.0307 13.9632 13.9955 14.0893 Q91WB4 Plekhf2 4 10.988661 71801 - 10.988661 11.007618 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 2 1110070J07Rik; AA673237; ZFYVE18 None None None 12.5813 13.5118 12.7812 16.6156 13.3828 13.3696 13.6764 13.2059 13.6525 13.2938 12.709 12.1166 12.0261 12.3912 13.1118 13.7503 13.702 12.8797 14.1322 13.7004 11.9133 13.1009 13.9929 11.9514 13.2603 13.4766 13.9185 12.9201 13.4023 14.0982 13.608 13.9749 Q9CX34 Sugt1 14 79.587659 67955 + 79.587659 79.630796 SGT1, suppressor of G2 allele of SKP1 (S. cerevisiae) 2410174K12Rik; SGT1 None None None 15.0029 14.7217 14.5877 14.6067 14.8658 14.6057 13.8745 14.9029 14.8279 14.8109 14.6744 15.2595 15.9822 14.8912 15.0643 14.5227 14.7425 14.944 14.5416 14.6222 14.7807 14.6152 14.5397 14.8229 14.7293 14.2495 15.0159 14.9148 14.7938 14.8206 14.5061 14.8496 P62628 Dynlrb1 2 155.236532 67068 + 155.236532 155.250276 dynein light chain roadblock-type 1 2010012N15Rik; 2010320M17Rik; 9430076K19Rik; AV124457; DNLC2A; Dncl2a; km23-1 None None None 16.2174 15.8239 15.9086 16.026 15.9888 16.0806 16.1891 15.8609 16.0352 16.0658 15.6898 14.09 15.8395 15.9464 16.0886 15.7576 15.9852 16.0897 16.0847 15.9667 15.6507 15.7219 16.0826 16.1004 15.8072 15.848 16.0832 15.7895 16.0959 16.02 15.8807 16.126 Q9CQW0 Emc6 11 73.175502 66048 - 73.175502 73.177041 ER membrane protein complex subunit 6 0610009E20Rik; 0610025L18Rik; Tmem93 None None None 13.1274 14.8043 14.7878 14.0397 11.7735 13.9498 11.607 11.8044 13.6546 13.0501 14.0817 12.2033 12.1472 14.7471 12.3144 12.7324 14.5193 14.5135 11.378 14.764 12.7901 12.847 14.4977 14.6678 14.5843 11.3747 13.1386 12.8303 12.0076 14.2355 13.9687 12.1534 Q8BJC6 Irf2bp2 8 126.588295 270110 - 126.588295 126.593985 interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2 E130305N23Rik; IRF-2BP2 None None None 12.5771 12.2281 11.0908 11.2858 12.7107 12.2008 11.5963 11.9226 10.9077 11.8271 11.3284 12.2139 12.9424 12.1102 12.0309 11.0308 11.9909 11.5021 11.2796 11.1962 11.989 11.6565 12.6197 11.8815 11.4314 11.0956 11.882 12.2917 11.5892 11.5071 11.0021 10.7946 Q3TCJ8 Ccdc69 11 55.049732 52570 - 55.049732 55.078665 coiled-coil domain containing 69 2210021E03Rik; D11Ertd461e None None None 12.1793 12.9494 12.9566 12.1609 12.2664 12.3795 11.5977 11.9786 12.7989 12.1461 11.8628 12.9495 12.9137 11.5936 12.709 11.6939 11.9481 12.2144 11.5804 12.1088 13.5307 12.3671 12.3887 11.9452 13.943 12.92 13.2209 12.4616 12.4483 11.2186 12.5289 12.315 Q91WG0 Ces2c 8 104.847067 234671 + 104.847067 104.854482 carboxylesterase 2C ACH M1; CES 2; Ces2; ces2A3 None None None 14.8138 15.7941 15.3883 15.2074 16.1374 16.4608 16.8512 16.4651 16.4471 15.458 16.1625 16.0644 16.8573 15.9165 16.0019 15.4728 16.2817 15.7829 16.2619 15.5247 12.3586 16.7676 15.6685 16.1461 16.462 15.5729 16.3689 15.2917 15.6345 16.3869 16.238 15.95 Q6DVA0 Lemd2 17 27.189599 224640 - 27.189599 27.205469 LEM domain containing 2 BC026588; Lem2; NET25 None None None 12.3805 12.8466 13.0014 13.4138 13.138 13.0815 13.6879 13.4322 13.0071 12.925 13.7416 13.1398 13.4527 14.3724 13.0269 12.6011 13.353 13.0393 13.8266 13.1349 14.553 14.0003 13.3294 14.5776 12.7529 13.5378 12.5691 12.5113 13.4891 14.4848 13.3289 13.7727 Q4VBD2 Tapt1 5 44.175153 231225 - 44.175153 44.231162 transmembrane anterior posterior transformation 1 4932414K18Rik None None None 20.3809 19.2374 19.6722 19.2335 18.7498 19.736 19.5663 19.2067 19.6655 19.6718 18.8047 19.0936 19.032 18.841 19.3216 19.3077 18.986 20.027 19.9917 19.4937 19.6211 19.6667 19.6117 20.2824 19.4741 20.3181 19.0992 19.6497 18.5463 19.5711 19.4222 19.7374 Q8VBZ3 Clptm1 7 19.631579 56457 - 19.631579 19.665029 cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1 HS9; N14 None None None 14.6159 13.9802 14.0937 14.3441 14.0961 14.0139 13.7093 13.92 13.9617 14.1842 13.5935 14.0736 14.1384 14.097 14.2073 14.0737 14.2695 13.912 14.7111 14.5195 13.7024 13.7182 14.0141 14.1586 13.938 13.762 14.0083 13.9343 14.3609 14.7187 14.1652 13.9935 Q9D0C4 Trmt5 12 73.268514 76357 - 73.268514 73.286974 TRM5 tRNA methyltransferase 5 2610027O18Rik; mKIAA1393 None None None 12.1776 12.1941 12.1897 12.793 13.0644 12.1313 12.6511 12.3381 12.666 11.9894 12.5354 12.9478 13.9075 12.8445 12.6494 12.4256 12.4048 12.2066 12.7762 12.1522 12.0214 12.3463 11.7835 12.4301 12.4944 12.3064 12.3215 12.2332 13.0116 12.7404 12.1957 12.7795 O88384 Vti1b 12 79.156016 53612 - 79.156016 79.172684 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B AU015348; GES30; MVti1b; SNARE; Vti1-rp1 None None None 15.1409 15.0702 14.9418 15.1206 14.9917 15.1447 15.222 14.5325 14.8165 15.1688 14.1183 15.2604 15.3041 15.3903 14.8882 14.7981 15.0754 15.1295 15.1238 15.0609 13.9025 14.7842 14.8563 15.1167 14.7008 14.833 15.1254 15.0973 15.244 15.0521 15.0928 15.2188 Q3U4G3 Xxylt1 16 30.955346 268880 - 30.955346 31.081431 xyloside xylosyltransferase 1 AI480653 None None None 14.0243 15.1359 14.4537 13.6861 13.773 14.588 14.539 14.3688 14.22 13.9967 14.0093 14.1365 13.3812 13.9056 13.9322 14.3484 13.9897 14.0666 14.217 14.197 14.466 13.386 13.7328 14.4449 13.9332 14.0795 14.3939 14.6449 14.0188 14.0603 13.8103 14.0131 P19096 Fasn 11 120.805957 14104 - 120.805957 120.825165 fatty acid synthase A630082H08Rik; FAS None None None 19.8262 20.112 21.3422 19.0208 19.3509 21.2833 20.5449 19.6301 20.1679 19.519 20.9817 18.1131 20.4811 19.4234 18.8535 20.4317 20.1901 19.7437 20.6134 20.7178 19.6945 20.1148 19.3868 20.4968 21.0715 21.9256 20.9253 21.4379 20.3209 20.5789 19.6664 20.0781 P43275 Hist1h1a Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P43275 None None None 16.2729 15.6886 15.9145 15.849 16.4055 16.1097 15.8703 15.8745 17.1442 16.408 15.1128 13.9011 19.0237 16.4932 15.4322 14.4239 16.4319 15.8453 16.8626 16.6415 14.9836 15.2645 16.2054 16.1072 16.3475 14.9685 15.7178 14.9512 15.7036 17.035 15.9111 17.1077 P61982 Ywhag 5 135.908378 22628 - 135.908378 135.93464 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, gamma polypeptide 14-3-3gamma; D7Bwg1348e None None None 20.4743 20.63 20.6121 20.9266 20.3469 20.5913 20.6177 20.5489 20.5903 20.5675 20.604 20.9854 19.5785 20.3929 20.4261 20.5651 20.4648 20.4899 20.6082 20.4772 20.2508 20.3652 20.7524 20.4729 20.5695 20.9353 20.4863 20.5946 20.789 20.4752 20.6881 20.6339 Q9QZ06 Tollip 7 141.881579 54473 - 141.881579 141.90246 toll interacting protein 4930403G24Rik; 4931428G15Rik None None None 14.4341 14.7433 14.5671 14.4831 14.7274 14.2944 14.6153 14.6354 14.6443 14.8545 14.5779 15.2254 14.2549 14.6677 14.8735 14.6542 14.556 14.7753 14.7129 14.7615 14.068 14.4955 14.789 14.5574 14.1695 14.5433 14.7132 14.9859 14.7151 14.8575 14.6877 14.5624 P62631 Eef1a2 2 181.141757 13628 - 181.141757 181.157014 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 2 EEF1AL; EF-1-alpha-2; Eef1a; S1; STN; wasted; wst None None None 13.3653 16.7529 13.4122 12.3889 13.0391 12.1312 13.6493 13.7607 13.9562 13.0371 12.2685 12.0146 11.9955 12.4258 12.3162 12.4181 12.1021 12.9633 12.6767 11.9966 12.4941 12.3462 12.6261 11.7157 12.449 13.7417 13.6667 12.9819 11.9694 12.5945 13.0062 12.4172 Q9D2Y4 Mlkl 8 111.311254 74568 - 111.311254 111.338478 mixed lineage kinase domain-like 9130019I15Rik None None None 12.0734 14.1519 14.2706 14.611 14.8358 14.1584 14.0164 14.5428 14.6149 14.7595 14.0151 14.3307 14.5084 14.4878 14.4349 14.1578 14.7387 14.8126 15.3724 14.2079 11.6026 13.9392 14.7926 14.8288 14.2118 14.6732 14.3311 13.9444 14.7226 15.2001 14.4437 15.4113 Q3UGX3 Nat8l 5 33.995983 269642 + 33.995983 34.005915 N-acetyltransferase 8-like 1110038O08Rik; Shati None None None 14.5582 17.2736 17.0896 17.577 17.058 14.8289 17.2605 15.9767 16.8893 17.6808 17.2487 15.3114 14.467 17.2584 16.4783 17.39 17.0298 17.3676 17.0601 17.1142 17.9873 17.2607 17.5567 17.1992 16.8789 17.1387 17.7146 17.0349 16.6858 16.7352 17.2951 16.548 Q6ZWM4 Lsm8 6 18.848634 76522 + 18.848634 18.854051 LSM8 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated 2010003I05Rik; AW214405; Naa38 None None None 15.7296 15.9483 15.566 14.8465 16.4259 15.9435 14.7519 16.2004 16.0662 15.6027 15.4517 16.3564 17.5641 15.197 15.9495 15.3063 16.1573 16.0716 15.1817 15.5316 15.5693 15.5136 15.9453 15.1127 16.1568 15.5638 15.1468 15.4106 15.4211 16.3037 15.5399 16.2644 Q7TMM9 Tubb2a 13 34.074277 22151 - 34.074277 34.078007 tubulin, beta 2A class IIA M(beta)2; Tubb2 None None None 12.6792 18.5044 17.3191 18.2343 17.2818 18.2072 18.5355 17.8986 17.6761 18.9588 16.8965 17.9058 11.8335 15.8917 17.7826 17.7678 18.8006 17.8776 19.209 18.8465 15.1746 17.5716 18.8203 18.8852 16.4689 16.9517 18.6758 18.0661 17.19 19.2275 18.2736 18.3796 Q8CCB4 Vps53 11 76.046225 68299 - 76.046225 76.179637 VPS53 GARP complex subunit 2010002A08Rik; 2310040I21Rik; 3100002B05Rik; Hccs1 None None None 12.796 13.3418 13.1496 13.2463 13.1113 13.3866 13.3883 13.4212 13.2378 13.4722 13.1919 13.074 12.7268 13.0958 12.7401 13.2655 13.3111 13.5409 12.9984 13.441 13.295 13.1862 13.3038 12.9112 12.8929 12.7536 13.3534 13.6077 12.1521 12.7107 13.3951 12.6918 Q70IV5 Synm 7 67.73016 233335 - 67.73016 67.759741 synemin, intermediate filament protein 4930412K21Rik; AI852401; Dmn; E130104F11; Syn; Synemin None None None 13.921 13.7751 12.684 12.6726 13.5268 13.3476 12.788 14.2212 14.0805 13.0978 14.432 13.0292 13.1315 14.5055 13.9013 13.853 13.1623 13.2571 12.714 13.1003 16.6659 14.7699 12.5156 13.0606 14.2274 12.4198 13.3123 13.3452 12.4754 13.4609 13.3456 12.8632 O54833 Csnk2a2 8 95.446095 13000 - 95.446095 95.488867 casein kinase 2, alpha prime polypeptide 1110035J23Rik; C77789; CK2 None None None 12.7629 13.8392 13.9681 14.1131 13.8259 14.1307 14.5161 13.5615 13.9121 13.7613 14.0224 13.4697 13.2178 13.7016 13.728 13.3883 13.9675 13.6308 14.3217 13.783 13.0521 14.0256 14.0695 13.9554 13.357 13.9229 13.667 13.5756 14.3465 14.1759 13.9198 14.2243 Q8K3A0 Hscb 5 110.829069 100900 - 110.829069 110.839792 HscB iron-sulfur cluster co-chaperone AI325508; AW049829; Hsc20 None None None 12.0978 16.3511 15.591 11.107 11.6853 13.5008 14.8688 14.6236 13.7763 12.6113 11.9738 12.1926 12.7522 14.9121 13.7111 12.811 13.7473 11.4484 11.6687 12.1017 14.4493 12.1423 11.3644 14.0838 16.4093 15.9715 14.2106 13.229 14.2094 15.2665 14.341 12.1677 Q6A065 Cep170 1 176.729071 545389 - 176.729071 176.813978 centrosomal protein 170 4933426L22Rik; A330004A13Rik; AI195353 None None None 12.5576 11.6283 12.5389 12.8743 12.763 12.1312 12.1314 11.9993 12.4914 12.1324 12.3705 12.3648 12.7167 11.9724 12.1085 12.3001 12.1903 12.0857 13.1512 12.8213 12.9795 12.0949 12.5 11.3804 12.4908 12.6775 10.7962 12.0085 13.0139 12.601 12.2326 12.6426 Q9D924 Isca1 13 59.755414 69046 - 59.755414 59.769788 iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 1810010A06Rik; Hbld2 None None None 12.0405 12.3666 13.1784 12.7555 12.2168 12.5112 13.0379 12.4065 12.1751 12.3224 12.4031 12.5707 13.1437 12.3898 12.2441 12.5174 12.4748 12.3186 12.917 12.8144 13.6499 12.3995 12.9636 12.2096 13.0626 12.7768 12.5161 12.9384 12.6016 12.5004 12.6373 12.0607 Q9D7N3 Mrps9 1 42.851232 69527 + 42.851232 42.905682 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S9 2310002A08Rik; AW322516; Mrp-S9; S9mt; mg637 None None None 12.1908 12.1826 13.3948 12.3903 11.7893 13.2739 13.2955 12.6363 12.8392 12.5414 12.4121 12.1485 13.1524 12.762 12.7909 12.8561 13.0232 12.4341 13.1719 13.4113 11.622 12.6607 11.688 12.756 14.0734 13.5765 12.5197 13.1504 13.4886 13.1483 12.8705 13.1309 Q6P8U6 Pnlip 19 58.670364 69060 + 58.670364 58.681798 pancreatic lipase 1810007A24Rik; PL; PTL None None None 13.3741 12.0064 12.3123 12.1706 12.5059 12.2059 15.9199 13.7816 13.7579 12.4835 12.2594 13.5169 12.2708 12.1479 12.2887 12.117 13.5518 12.7877 13.0275 12.7999 12.0178 12.1876 12.626 13.5016 12.4816 13.3532 13.0349 12.1038 12.7326 13.9866 12.4554 11.933 Q3TML0 Pdia6 12 17.266588 71853 + 17.266588 17.284784 protein disulfide isomerase associated 6 1700015E05Rik; AL023058; C77895; CaBP5; P5; Txndc7 None None None 19.4926 18.9771 19.0743 19.1145 19.0961 19.2734 19.4428 18.888 19.184 18.8345 18.9617 19.6707 20.3431 19.1326 19.3354 18.6632 19.6315 18.9996 19.5271 19.2739 18.5346 18.9371 18.8688 19.3 19.0643 19.3331 18.7941 18.7135 19.4244 19.3213 19.0195 19.7243 O70456 Sfn 4 133.600555 55948 - 133.600555 133.602167 stratifin 14-3-3; Er; Mme1; Ywhas None None None 20.7549 20.7852 20.4738 20.8388 20.6247 20.5286 20.1692 20.6799 20.563 20.8749 20.4151 21.0979 19.9717 20.3508 20.7168 20.4807 20.627 21.2684 20.3868 20.4666 20.1303 20.4778 20.6545 20.6989 20.4011 20.2307 21.3039 21.0464 20.1231 20.6536 20.6324 20.4444 Q8BLU0 Flrt2 12 95.692005 399558 + 95.692005 95.785214 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 2 None None None 12.1009 12.162 12.7291 12.9728 11.8926 13.4295 12.9457 12.4459 12.8172 12.5414 13.1537 12.0086 12.983 12.43 12.342 12.0421 12.3567 12.6591 12.1557 12.5741 12.8677 13.6542 12.2193 11.9697 11.8341 12.8352 12.2472 12.3853 13.0092 11.5953 12.6394 12.231 P46638 Rab11b 17 33.742483 19326 - 33.742483 33.760485 RAB11B, member RAS oncogene family A730055L17Rik None None None 19.139 18.7052 18.7402 18.7806 19.0453 18.7565 18.7029 18.8532 18.7846 18.8586 18.9851 18.6095 19.2209 19.1471 19.1041 18.7285 18.7761 19.0204 18.9349 18.7878 19.4136 18.7493 18.6905 18.8295 18.6094 18.5804 18.9504 18.7575 18.7311 18.921 18.8387 18.9458 Q08879 Fbln1 15 85.205948 14114 + 85.205948 85.286293 fibulin 1 None None None 16.5624 15.7737 15.4115 15.5791 15.5157 16.7335 16.6787 16.2809 16.4128 15.6102 16.4063 16.5906 16.7201 17.5481 16.3192 16.0461 16.5259 16.352 16.4177 16.1105 16.7651 16.4505 15.8362 16.4691 16.3999 15.4904 16.1319 16.0009 15.7973 15.9915 16.1924 16.364 Q9WTZ1 Rnf7 9 96.470936 19823 - 96.470936 96.478674 ring finger protein 7 Rbx2; SAG None None None 14.1209 15.4695 15.0982 15.2624 15.3672 15.1615 12.9906 15.4912 15.6153 14.3199 12.3329 15.1164 15.9718 15.5609 12.9556 15.3915 14.4665 15.1787 15.4485 15.0703 11.7239 15.5455 11.4573 14.0771 12.9778 14.8801 14.526 15.2833 14.798 15.2056 14.7396 14.8577 Q8R3C0 Mcmbp 7 128.69644 210711 - 128.69644 128.740428 minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein 1110007A13Rik; AU017382; BC025641; MCM-BP None None None 13.0211 11.5738 11.9447 12.8231 12.5248 11.8425 12.435 12.5601 12.4897 11.8337 12.3193 12.4187 14.0878 12.5516 12.6046 12.6289 12.222 12.1603 12.0883 11.6752 12.9283 12.4645 12.0129 12.1498 12.7104 11.5709 12.2131 12.1747 12.3349 12.5242 11.8659 13.0468 Q8BL86 Mblac2 13 81.711416 72852 + 81.711416 81.753274 metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing 2 2900024O10Rik None None None 13.0071 12.9475 13.0512 12.6828 13.1201 12.7221 13.1545 13.2775 12.5029 13.0197 12.619 13.4673 12.136 12.5987 12.5899 12.4482 13.0689 12.8738 12.6411 13.2929 13.0904 12.6067 11.896 12.4667 12.9293 13.5953 13.3564 13.3721 12.1421 11.8606 12.9019 12.6501 P21619 Lmnb2 10 80.901362 16907 - 80.901362 80.918244 lamin B2 None None None 17.7058 16.8758 16.9894 16.913 17.6033 17.3029 17.4093 17.3876 17.4562 17.0791 17.5278 17.4044 18.7643 17.8165 17.6615 17.0298 17.1077 17.0359 17.0593 16.9955 17.5119 17.5561 17.3243 17.095 17.4697 17.1668 16.8399 17.3324 17.3144 17.087 17.177 17.6227 Q9D365 Arxes1 X 0.0 76219 0.0 0.0 adipocyte-related X-chromosome expressed sequence 1 6530401D17Rik; Spc22/23; Spcs3 None None None 13.6962 14.4931 14.0909 14.3914 14.2065 13.9413 13.7145 14.6888 14.1357 14.7661 14.0426 14.6242 12.3807 13.7107 13.7828 14.6978 14.568 14.5118 14.1404 14.5837 13.7436 14.4276 14.0856 14.0054 13.5159 14.0543 14.7373 14.172 14.0401 14.4486 14.7041 13.7447 Q8CHG3 Gcc2 10 58.255407 70297 + 58.255407 58.305598 GRIP and coiled-coil domain containing 2 0610043A03Rik; 2210420P05Rik; 2600014C01Rik; AW112121; mKIAA0336 None None None 12.3626 12.137 11.9241 12.1567 12.2688 13.528 12.5948 12.1664 12.1701 12.0229 12.0056 12.582 12.7933 12.35 11.938 12.3995 12.4234 12.4113 14.0585 12.2486 12.1015 12.5334 11.7352 13.2509 12.2701 12.0869 12.1779 12.3607 12.4872 12.3687 12.2287 12.2412 Q63844 Mapk3 7 126.759625 26417 + 126.759625 126.765815 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 Erk-1; Erk1; Ert2; Esrk1; Mnk1; Mtap2k; Prkm3; p44; p44erk1; p44mapk None None None 17.4604 17.1101 16.7282 16.5857 16.8868 16.8368 16.763 16.7081 16.8009 16.8217 15.7591 16.4976 17.5645 16.6939 16.9805 16.735 17.2986 17.3419 16.381 17.1045 16.4758 17.0126 16.8053 16.7397 16.3316 16.0146 16.994 16.9294 16.3903 17.1153 16.7269 16.357 Q9Z2C6 Upk1b 16 38.773181 22268 - 38.773181 38.800202 uroplakin 1B AI413235; Tspan20; UPIb; Upk1 None None None 12.202 15.1981 13.3688 11.9881 14.0397 13.8876 13.3924 15.9509 12.9386 13.27 13.7351 11.9976 12.3703 12.3309 13.1897 14.06 13.3046 13.1342 12.8073 12.2386 16.2627 14.1888 12.7206 12.3109 15.1093 13.5711 12.1971 12.1376 11.8657 12.2543 13.5035 13.8768 Q62086 Pon2 6 5.264619 330260 - 5.264619 5.298344 paraoxonase 2 6330405I24Rik; AI481612 None None None 16.3775 17.0099 16.2821 16.9826 16.5816 16.8701 16.8984 17.0514 16.4906 16.9308 16.5211 16.3771 15.7671 16.8337 17.0886 16.7744 16.8229 17.2102 16.7631 16.8315 15.8244 16.5508 16.9422 16.8939 15.8712 16.0808 17.3264 16.4591 16.5259 16.8431 17.0376 16.7767 Q8VDT9 Mrpl50 4 49.512596 28028 - 49.512596 49.521082 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L50 AA408971; AI317351; D4Wsu125e None None None 12.7575 14.1601 13.9955 12.9979 12.6393 12.5418 13.1474 12.8751 13.9473 12.3989 12.8151 13.4586 15.7423 12.2919 13.05 13.9678 13.0784 13.0916 12.9026 12.683 13.2803 13.4957 14.3681 12.2193 14.7504 14.0016 12.1218 13.0043 13.1155 12.9409 13.7274 12.2504 Q3U0S6 Rasip1 7 45.627536 69903 + 45.627536 45.639091 Ras interacting protein 1 1110025D03Rik; 2610025P08Rik; AI853551; Rain None None None 15.5583 15.502 15.8168 16.0172 15.7253 15.2215 15.9253 15.4796 15.6517 15.7535 15.6079 14.7356 15.6697 15.8356 15.2242 15.1243 15.4379 15.673 15.7923 15.5255 15.6588 15.4147 15.7223 15.7601 15.226 15.9 15.884 15.7186 15.2789 15.3615 15.6147 15.7339 P97310 Mcm2 6 88.883473 17216 - 88.883473 88.898779 minichromosome maintenance complex component 2 AA959861; AW476101; BM28; CDCL1; Mcmd2; mKIAA0030 None None None 12.7366 13.8046 13.0533 11.864 13.3566 12.3606 11.9555 13.5232 13.0805 13.2797 13.9172 12.7018 14.5704 12.3099 13.3545 12.4593 13.6455 13.3666 12.6424 13.1088 12.113 13.7447 13.7649 14.1229 14.0711 14.349 13.5077 13.5142 14.2576 13.792 13.5109 13.1845 Q9CQ65 Mtap 4 89.137369 66902 + 89.137369 89.181089 methylthioadenosine phosphorylase 1300019I21Rik; MSAP None None None 15.1856 15.5239 15.406 15.4547 15.5623 15.6457 15.8112 15.5013 15.6614 15.3659 15.4422 15.345 15.6439 15.2213 15.3386 15.1613 15.2101 15.4014 15.6658 15.1987 15.1871 15.3342 15.6132 15.2707 15.4185 15.7397 15.116 14.8921 15.736 15.2078 15.2882 15.6722 Q80X85 Mrps7 11 115.604139 50529 + 115.604139 115.608035 mitchondrial ribosomal protein S7 MRP-S7; Rpms7; S7mt None None None 12.1294 11.5156 12.4258 12.2885 12.2163 11.8117 12.5333 12.3333 12.2232 11.8693 10.9509 12.0928 12.5615 11.0667 12.0944 12.2697 11.6397 12.0848 11.6713 11.9271 12.6319 12.0352 12.2566 11.5437 12.6407 11.8093 12.1341 11.6411 12.0564 11.6808 11.9167 11.4338 Q5U3K5 Rabl6 2 25.583016 227624 - 25.583016 25.60848 RAB, member RAS oncogene family-like 6 B230208H17Rik; Rbel1; Rbel1a; Rbel1b; parf None None None 12.5299 13.1703 12.7656 12.6991 12.536 12.9933 11.9629 13.2458 12.8258 13.149 11.9023 12.8679 12.2844 11.9941 12.5741 13.6666 12.473 13.2161 13.6219 12.9487 12.5939 12.7945 13.9011 13.5465 12.1565 13.5034 13.8521 13.5715 13.8318 12.5202 13.1241 13.7105 Q8BRH0 Tmtc3 10 100.443901 237500 - 100.443901 100.487364 transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 3 9130014E20Rik; B130008E12Rik; mSmile None None None 12.5655 12.4538 13.0882 11.4801 13.3339 13.4105 13.5824 13.0248 13.5341 13.0176 12.5701 11.9515 12.3983 12.5271 13.1504 13.3347 13.3532 13.0537 12.5985 13.1824 12.5023 13.3527 13.6768 12.6958 13.1642 13.5946 12.9688 12.4637 12.8704 14.0408 12.8726 12.4672 Q61555 Fbn2 18 58.008622 14119 - 58.008622 58.210571 fibrillin 2 BC063774; Fib-2; mKIAA4226; sne; sy None None None 18.0324 18.8318 14.741 19.4039 17.8838 19.5525 18.6806 17.7054 16.6952 17.6624 17.3949 18.9392 16.8948 19.5044 17.8116 19.0399 17.2332 18.2408 17.035 16.7462 19.1919 18.3002 16.6766 19.2039 19.0788 17.3723 18.7387 19.1641 19.07 17.1749 17.1963 17.4215 Q66JR7 Pgm2 5 64.092918 66681 + 64.092918 64.128354 phosphoglucomutase 2 3230402E02Rik; Pgm-1; Pgm1 None None None 17.1091 16.2694 16.8258 16.3879 17.1846 16.5371 16.7243 16.8871 16.8029 16.2901 17.0383 16.8236 18.4574 16.6342 16.7861 16.0909 16.686 16.4541 16.7027 16.7981 16.8726 16.9737 16.731 16.3426 17.4165 17.1033 16.3023 16.0441 16.7347 16.71 16.5839 16.873 Q8R1I1 Uqcr10 11 0.0 66152 0.0 0.0 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex III subunit X 1110020P15Rik; AA960494; Ucrc None None None 16.3392 16.6874 18.1558 16.5538 16.3954 16.648 16.6031 16.8586 16.8349 16.3517 16.6419 16.3208 18.227 16.3064 16.6637 17.597 17.0307 16.4034 16.5872 17.5764 19.2357 17.2027 16.5669 16.4154 17.3862 17.7921 16.67 17.7703 17.1016 16.5254 17.0891 16.2353 P08775 Polr2a 11 0.0 20020 0.0 0.0 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A 220kDa; Rpb1; Rpo2-1 None None None 12.9275 13.0146 12.5455 12.5003 11.7802 12.5859 12.3686 12.3463 13.148 12.2337 12.1893 11.7822 14.8337 12.3271 12.3667 11.5052 12.9813 12.3745 13.1882 12.705 12.256 12.0527 11.7365 12.153 12.3969 13.1911 11.6092 11.9737 12.7918 13.0304 12.681 12.9283 Q78IS1 Tmed3 9 89.699202 66111 - 89.699202 89.705042 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 3 1200002G13Rik; AW546672; P24b None None None 13.7339 14.3506 14.0853 14.6853 13.8487 14.3712 14.3476 14.1587 13.7895 14.2994 13.9917 14.0603 13.9171 14.2321 14.0783 13.5465 14.515 14.3377 14.6359 14.0983 12.3538 13.3021 13.9972 13.6758 13.2833 13.3987 13.8083 12.8939 13.9541 14.7628 13.965 13.9906 Q5F2E8 Taok1 11 77.529161 216965 - 77.529161 77.625358 TAO kinase 1 2810468K05Rik; AU020252; D130018F14Rik; Map3k16; Markk; Psk2 None None None 12.7186 13.1943 13.1699 13.7073 13.4484 13.3641 13.5253 13.3034 13.5317 13.4035 13.01 12.7115 12.1653 13.6243 13.3497 13.3252 13.2888 13.698 13.3228 13.5608 13.2741 13.2155 14.1811 13.2665 12.8815 12.5191 13.5322 13.5381 12.913 13.7389 13.277 13.3486 Q80UU9 Pgrmc2 3 41.066325 70804 - 41.066325 41.083045 progesterone receptor membrane component 2 4631434O19Rik; 5730409G06Rik; DG6; PMBP None None None 16.8992 17.0262 16.8606 16.9911 16.9645 16.971 16.8296 17.2095 16.7783 17.2865 16.9119 17.0804 16.5946 16.9134 17.0767 17.0784 16.9729 17.2731 16.6668 17.0441 16.6715 16.9215 16.9678 17.0961 16.6558 17.135 17.4249 17.0014 16.8518 16.9913 17.1154 16.5853 Q9Z2D0 Mtmr9 14 63.51965 210376 - 63.51965 63.544026 myotubularin related protein 9 9430075G12Rik; AA516943; AF073881; LIP-STYX; MTMR8; mMTMH3 None None None 13.5496 13.7203 13.2526 13.8574 13.7146 13.7521 13.231 14.4011 14.2756 13.7545 14.7749 13.5913 13.9431 14.1269 13.8825 13.6425 13.6573 13.4016 13.7392 13.6448 16.0363 14.2215 13.5279 13.3647 13.1842 12.9029 13.7953 13.8519 13.0082 13.7937 13.678 13.5527 Q9D666 Sun1 5 139.200563 77053 + 139.200563 139.249838 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 1 4632417G13Rik; 5730434D03Rik; Unc84a; mKIAA0810 None None None 13.1157 12.2198 12.2568 12.719 12.5553 12.4039 12.4304 12.3523 12.4522 12.3135 12.7598 12.7489 11.8602 12.9653 12.5738 12.399 12.2804 12.5257 12.646 12.0967 12.9739 12.4821 12.5442 12.5257 12.1796 11.5181 12.1475 12.5268 12.6674 12.4386 12.2651 12.4396 Q80W54 Zmpste24 4 121.059236 230709 - 121.059236 121.098248 zinc metallopeptidase, STE24 A530043O15Rik; D030046F19; FACE1; Face-1; MADB; STE24; Ste24p None None None 14.8719 14.3333 14.6768 14.4665 14.5033 14.3404 14.4803 14.256 14.41 14.3478 14.5441 14.1873 14.77 14.6067 14.2858 14.3556 14.3527 14.2452 14.4252 14.3763 15.3217 14.2739 14.6012 14.4426 14.8113 14.3478 14.0943 14.3949 14.7745 14.4767 14.2913 14.3719 Q91XV3 Basp1 15 25.363276 70350 - 25.363276 25.413763 brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1 2610024P12Rik; CAP-23; CAP23; Ckap3; NAP-22; NAP22 None None None 16.55 15.2765 14.8418 15.2327 14.722 15.9151 14.1688 15.3258 15.5355 15.305 14.7325 16.3542 17.2308 16.0704 14.9872 15.0472 15.9677 15.8935 16.5579 16.2925 15.0977 14.8959 15.9629 15.9098 13.1746 14.3815 15.0115 14.9011 16.0638 16.4807 15.4695 16.0187 P68373 Tuba1c 15 99.02989 22146 + 99.02989 99.038104 tubulin, alpha 1C M[a]6; Tuba6 None None None 16.7977 16.2901 15.8232 16.3253 16.3121 16.3432 16.2768 16.0481 16.2973 16.3437 15.9011 16.5662 16.876 17.0164 16.0833 15.4007 16.4188 16.0684 16.9737 16.5296 15.9626 16.2176 16.8266 16.3444 15.7662 16.0385 15.3977 15.3605 17.0014 17.0635 16.0648 17.1725 Q9JI75 Nqo2 13 33.964654 18105 + 33.964654 33.988464 N-ribosyldihydronicotinamide quinone reductase 2 NMO2; Nmor2; Ox2 None None None 14.7611 15.1597 14.6746 14.6391 14.7053 14.9716 15.0955 14.9321 14.7662 15.0707 14.4546 15.1742 14.2077 14.3091 15.1537 14.8523 14.7541 14.9025 14.8757 14.6893 14.549 14.6381 15.0114 15.137 14.5113 14.6387 15.2019 15.0912 14.9171 14.9643 14.842 14.8485 P70202 Lxn 3 67.457998 17035 - 67.457998 67.463906 latexin None None None 15.5709 16.0817 15.218 16.1638 16.3193 16.2006 15.1953 15.5783 15.871 16.1496 15.2025 15.6348 15.5018 16.055 16.1852 15.5 16.0386 16.0112 16.3583 16.0348 15.3295 15.7292 16.5476 16.2062 15.4737 15.4281 16.1367 15.6912 15.5907 16.1221 15.9336 15.1415 Q921I9 Exosc4 15 76.327396 109075 + 76.327396 76.330669 exosome component 4 1110039I09Rik; 1500001N04Rik; Rrp41 None None None 12.2296 12.4044 11.9163 12.3037 13.1004 12.3035 12.2962 12.6575 12.7407 12.2618 12.6731 12.6277 13.973 12.5858 12.6244 12.339 12.487 12.2816 12.0292 12.118 12.3141 13.1538 12.0524 11.6146 12.2814 12.0415 11.8152 12.2266 12.2458 12.9471 12.1136 12.7174 Q9CQR2 Rps21 2 180.257378 66481 + 180.257378 180.258443 ribosomal protein S21 1810049N11Rik; 2410030A14Rik None None None 17.6775 17.7876 17.8641 17.6502 17.4108 17.2228 16.6348 17.3841 18.2492 16.7885 17.1292 17.6629 19.5529 17.4221 17.6294 17.1673 17.8644 16.4587 18.1282 17.365 17.4936 17.7742 17.4026 16.3525 17.8679 17.9079 16.1975 17.1986 17.7665 17.9519 17.7044 17.597 Q8BGD8 Coa6 8 126.4225 67892 + 126.4225 126.425434 cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 6 1810063B05Rik; AI447995 None None None 13.0796 13.7689 14.701 14.0788 13.1749 12.7844 12.1265 13.3532 13.8651 12.847 12.8575 13.8727 14.3209 13.0161 13.6489 13.295 14.0736 12.2161 14.4236 13.0851 14.9315 13.9076 13.9112 12.0441 14.4224 14.4661 12.1467 13.4351 14.1026 13.3073 13.6783 13.1844 Q5HZI1 Mtus1 8 40.990911 102103 - 40.990911 41.133982 mitochondrial tumor suppressor 1 AI481402; ATBP135; Atip1; B430010I23Rik; B430305I03Rik; C85752; Cctsg1-440; MD44; MTSG1; mKIAA1288 None None None 12.5602 13.9446 13.869 13.1829 12.9626 14.3652 14.4171 14.1364 14.3008 13.8632 13.9731 13.0893 15.1556 14.9048 13.2928 13.4107 13.2989 13.519 13.7384 13.0569 13.1185 13.9422 15.1632 14.5708 14.5614 14.8429 14.2255 14.1295 11.6069 14.6827 14.436 13.5538 Q8BVA4 Lmod1 1 135.324812 93689 + 135.324812 135.368064 leiomodin 1 (smooth muscle) 9530015K06Rik; SM-Lmod None None None 13.7197 13.0506 12.1074 11.9597 13.0509 13.9784 14.0301 14.0145 13.4319 12.0092 15.3049 12.2147 11.6687 14.3088 13.1719 12.1658 12.7138 12.3329 12.7057 12.7739 16.157 14.3301 11.9031 12.3107 13.1701 12.968 11.5645 13.0265 12.2893 13.0997 12.8762 13.7056 Q9CQ10 Chmp3 6 71.54383 66700 + 71.54383 71.582608 charged multivesicular body protein 3 25.1; 4921505F14Rik; 9130011K15Rik; CGI-49; D6Ertd286e; NEDF; Vps24 None None None 16.3092 16.4156 16.3312 16.2067 15.3388 16.1591 16.1906 16.1102 16.3452 16.5366 15.6256 15.9583 15.9431 16.039 16.3849 16.4217 16.4579 15.249 16.5787 16.4139 16.3449 16.0253 16.2682 16.2387 16.2193 16.41 16.8048 16.5404 16.1855 16.3559 16.1847 15.4781 Q9D9J3 Actrt1 X 46.329006 73360 + 46.329006 46.330344 actin-related protein T1 1700061J02Rik; Arp-T1 None None None 20.6932 15.1914 15.9496 18.2007 18.6052 17.0509 15.4397 17.2054 15.9453 14.8524 19.536 16.8453 19.542 20.8168 17.597 14.0772 15.7694 19.2243 12.0816 16.0422 20.9066 17.4307 14.7128 16.7299 18.875 12.0849 15.7289 16.134 17.9821 15.0262 14.8138 15.5952 O35295 Purb 11 6.467598 19291 - 6.467598 6.476075 purine rich element binding protein B 2310015K15Rik; AA114818; Cager-2; D11Bwg0414e None None None 15.6768 15.9796 15.8063 15.8437 15.4806 15.7138 15.5491 15.269 16.0248 15.7836 15.1268 15.1417 16.4117 15.8256 15.3597 15.4468 15.7319 15.5959 16.0572 15.8117 15.2489 15.8694 15.8009 15.4596 15.7196 15.6387 15.655 14.7353 15.3465 15.9088 15.5528 15.4196 Q61598 Gdi2 13 3.538074 14569 + 3.538074 3.56626 guanosine diphosphate (GDP) dissociation inhibitor 2 GDI-B; GDIB; Gdi3 None None None 19.3819 19.0939 18.7366 19.0758 19.2086 18.9274 19.0917 19.0518 19.121 19.2796 19.1132 19.6148 19.4523 19.0463 19.3763 18.714 19.2227 19.1652 19.1516 19.0665 18.4814 19.0223 18.99 19.2071 18.7856 18.8413 19.343 18.7945 18.9042 19.3337 18.9048 19.3134 P20444 Prkca 11 107.933386 18750 - 107.933386 108.343887 protein kinase C, alpha AI875142; Pkca None None None 11.9465 11.4232 11.8319 10.4677 11.1526 10.8996 11.5228 11.7519 10.8403 10.3974 10.277 11.6544 12.4871 10.6622 11.1419 10.7663 10.5687 11.6095 12.4797 11.5707 11.443 10.8537 10.338 10.0903 10.2139 12.483 10.085 10.9986 12.6852 10.4273 11.7203 12.6528 Q91W92 Cdc42ep1 15 78.842646 104445 + 78.842646 78.850901 CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1 1810058K22Rik; AA980734; Borg5; CEP1; MSE55 None None None 11.6269 15.6937 13.0817 14.4815 13.0959 13.5456 13.7762 12.1743 11.7457 12.4232 11.9964 11.9295 12.4209 12.0558 13.6298 11.6854 13.3935 13.0412 12.7807 12.5865 12.0687 11.6263 12.3353 13.5776 11.8934 12.7774 11.4803 12.5565 12.3948 13.6663 12.5783 12.4272 Q9CX56 Psmd8 7 29.174186 57296 - 29.174186 29.180672 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 8 6720456J22Rik; AA407360; AL033291; AL033322; AL033323; C76433 None None None 17.1546 16.5563 16.4362 16.5399 16.6463 16.6801 16.4687 16.6068 17.0968 16.5552 16.4019 16.2551 17.0422 16.499 16.7924 16.4408 16.6749 16.6225 16.6804 16.4945 16.1078 16.4111 16.3167 16.44 16.3101 16.4626 16.5603 16.375 16.3156 16.8201 16.5608 16.8049 Q8R4X3 Rbm12 2 156.094881 75710 - 156.094881 156.111964 RNA binding motif protein 12 5730420G12Rik; 9430070C08Rik; AI852903; SWAN; mKIAA0765 None None None 12.7785 12.6254 13.3432 14.1407 14.4561 12.2008 12.0298 14.1675 13.212 13.1682 13.738 11.7804 16.2177 13.0029 13.3995 11.8344 14.0386 12.2462 14.1659 13.6634 11.5365 12.5936 14.0597 13.8269 12.0425 12.6283 11.902 12.4075 13.9534 11.9405 13.4208 12.5763 Q9CRA5 Golph3 15 12.320487 66629 + 12.320487 12.3516 golgi phosphoprotein 3 4733401N08Rik; 5730410D03Rik; AW413496 None None None 13.88 15.2799 13.9032 15.0004 13.0725 13.9367 14.5875 13.6009 13.9557 12.7347 12.9391 12.6636 14.2652 14.4554 13.3442 12.6823 14.4336 13.4992 14.638 14.746 14.3452 13.2376 13.5489 13.4983 13.8348 14.2851 12.42 12.4522 14.2109 14.6593 14.2021 15.0329 Q8C4Y3 Nelfb 2 25.199711 58202 - 25.199711 25.211488 negative elongation factor complex member B A730008L03Rik; AB041607; AI663983; Cobra1; Nelf-b None None None 12.9072 12.5426 12.7757 12.8928 13.2846 12.4136 12.5396 12.9558 12.9499 12.6481 13.0954 12.6032 14.5676 13.1155 13.2798 12.1829 12.9024 12.076 13.085 12.6722 12.6314 13.0766 12.6841 12.8095 13.0374 13.0296 11.8505 12.7951 13.0493 12.7904 12.7245 13.6209 Q8R400 Adig 2 158.502611 246747 + 158.502611 158.508197 adipogenin SMAF-1; Smaf1 None None None 12.7427 13.2529 13.152 13.0091 12.6117 13.8137 12.5643 12.6291 12.5863 12.8981 12.4486 12.2893 12.0241 13.6231 12.3795 12.7597 12.8839 13.2199 12.6638 11.6324 12.1501 12.7057 11.8835 13.614 12.5516 12.0147 12.9647 13.4011 12.0503 12.5542 13.0013 12.0179 Q8K273 Mmgt1 X 56.585511 236792 - 56.585511 56.597943 membrane magnesium transporter 1 9630048L06Rik; BC032271; Emc5; Mir5116; Tmem32; mir-5116 None None None 13.7591 15.0494 14.6108 14.8834 14.5888 14.8621 15.0586 14.6334 14.7723 15.104 14.8148 14.4701 13.3465 14.933 14.662 14.6244 14.3619 15.1381 14.924 14.8037 14.3138 14.4127 14.7955 15.0145 14.7079 14.5594 15.1166 14.5871 14.6366 14.9771 14.6427 14.4781 P55065 Pltp 2 164.839517 18830 - 164.839517 164.857707 phospholipid transfer protein Bpife; OD107 None None None 16.592 15.4081 15.693 16.2888 15.8067 15.577 15.5094 15.5697 15.6592 15.9228 15.3846 17.3786 13.9804 16.602 16.4483 15.882 16.0315 16.0189 16.5559 16.3804 14.7877 15.7697 15.9556 16.0846 15.807 15.8789 15.4038 15.4087 16.4414 16.3049 16.0716 16.4342 P61514 Rpl37a 1 72.711259 19981 + 72.711259 72.713812 ribosomal protein L37a None None None 13.7246 16.3143 15.8504 16.367 14.5837 16.4604 15.93 14.8776 16.5006 16.0383 15.1106 14.8231 15.7843 16.0557 15.0601 15.4592 16.1199 15.8076 16.6372 16.2413 13.9592 16.2378 16.3765 15.9328 16.3023 16.0607 15.4746 13.5033 15.7374 16.4174 15.944 16.5159 O70404 Vamp8 6 72.38522 22320 - 72.38522 72.390666 vesicle-associated membrane protein 8 AU041171; Edb; endobrevin None None None 14.4189 14.8327 12.3228 13.4289 14.5222 13.6883 14.1997 13.373 13.9172 13.7193 12.3994 14.4231 15.382 14.5635 14.6292 12.7745 14.4098 14.2126 13.2855 13.9798 11.991 13.4488 11.9342 13.5861 12.5382 12.4385 14.6015 12.4693 14.4603 14.2643 13.6994 14.2194 Q8CJ61 Cmtm4 8 104.34819 97487 - 104.34819 104.395806 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 4 Cklfsf4; D19397; Gm9853 None None None 12.9861 14.1305 13.7784 13.0072 13.7413 13.2823 13.3979 13.0561 13.2779 13.8403 13.2011 13.2765 12.8712 12.2257 14.4103 12.8429 13.3805 12.5705 12.983 13.1775 13.2076 12.8788 13.1867 12.9319 14.3563 13.6081 14.5159 12.6733 14.3323 12.4391 13.7853 12.5134 Q9DCL8 Ppp1r2 16 31.25154 66849 - 31.25154 31.275276 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 2 0610025N14Rik; 2310007G06Rik; 4930440J04Rik; 5430408E15Rik; D16Ertd248e; I-2; IPP-2 None None None 13.8017 14.1027 14.0687 13.6926 13.1916 13.7049 14.2324 14.3373 14.1124 14.2868 12.9949 12.1466 13.7993 13.1042 13.5697 13.5665 13.9033 13.9495 14.118 14.2963 13.6395 13.7442 13.439 14.1883 13.0933 13.3392 14.5269 13.8907 13.5087 14.0769 14.1108 13.7341 Q8BGC4 Zadh2 18 84.088125 225791 + 84.088125 84.097527 zinc binding alcohol dehydrogenase, domain containing 2 C530046K17Rik; PTGR-3; Pthr3 None None None 14.3786 14.1218 14.8969 14.3899 13.7466 14.214 13.9438 13.7179 14.3817 13.5906 14.0277 13.74 15.0253 13.3604 13.466 14.113 14.0979 13.0451 14.0124 14.3059 14.9136 14.6024 14.2538 13.0737 15.0281 15.414 13.8381 13.5058 14.3143 13.7461 13.8045 13.8935 Q9R0Q3 Tmed2 5 124.54079 56334 + 124.54079 124.550502 transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 2 1110032D12Rik; 1810020N21Rik; Rnp24; Sid394; p24beta1 None None None 16.0379 17.9386 17.6222 17.784 17.8495 17.7899 17.9227 18.0299 17.8382 17.9486 17.9412 18.0414 17.7656 17.9212 18.1778 17.6746 18.0519 17.9475 18.1486 17.9506 17.5125 17.5588 17.5567 18.1005 17.4856 17.3925 17.8648 18.0693 17.9365 18.2171 17.8371 17.7664 Q0PD65 Rab2a 4 8.535468 59021 + 8.535468 8.607701 RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family 9330148M11Rik; C80220; Rab2 None None None 17.829 17.8408 17.9641 17.9907 17.4913 17.8236 18.0248 17.6874 18.0303 17.7119 17.5255 16.8945 17.7206 17.7039 17.4196 17.3769 17.7327 17.63 18.0319 17.8912 17.347 17.6517 17.8783 17.8596 17.5168 18.107 17.6917 17.475 17.8701 17.937 17.9117 17.7271 P23949 Zfp36l2 17 84.183923 12193 - 84.183923 84.187946 zinc finger protein 36, C3H type-like 2 Brf2; ERF2; Tis11d None None None 11.7676 13.0427 12.548 11.8276 11.5811 12.1312 12.992 11.9563 13.1115 12.5342 12.8763 11.8616 16.731 12.817 11.9518 11.5109 13.2751 12.3521 12.6869 13.3614 11.7224 14.0217 11.4558 12.7069 14.213 12.6902 11.716 12.9111 12.478 12.1265 13.5044 12.4455 Q9CQS4 Slc25a46 18 31.580163 67453 - 31.580163 31.610531 solute carrier family 25, member 46 1200007B05Rik; AI325987 None None None 12.2581 12.2842 12.6792 12.0923 12.2642 12.1574 13.4104 12.2136 12.3913 12.3097 12.5802 12.2103 12.1557 12.2921 12.0931 13.0009 12.4416 12.1228 12.1056 12.4722 12.6903 12.9579 11.8044 13.0489 12.7699 12.2813 12.3765 12.5021 12.348 12.1978 13.0467 14.7488 Q9R1T4 Sept6 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9R1T4 None None None 13.9133 13.1755 13.2779 12.7398 14.0688 13.5318 13.2667 13.4677 14.0931 13.246 13.7697 13.4198 16.2301 13.5555 13.7125 13.0435 13.0329 13.2147 13.2164 13.2952 14.154 13.2153 12.9838 12.9301 13.5197 12.1176 13.9691 12.9824 12.8324 13.6705 13.2267 13.6847 Q60575 KIF1B Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q60575 None None None 13.8965 14.1043 13.9307 14.3985 13.9216 14.0256 13.2797 14.0589 13.8476 14.238 13.9793 13.7649 13.5149 14.0595 14.0843 13.861 13.8712 14.3403 13.913 13.9903 13.336 13.8931 14.0235 13.9402 13.8101 13.8747 14.4112 13.8162 13.6838 13.9882 14.0676 14.16 Q9JIX0 Eny2 15 44.428081 223527 + 44.428081 44.438255 ENY2 transcription and export complex 2 subunit 1810057B09Rik; 6720481I12; DC6; Ey2 None None None 15.1961 14.4909 14.6473 14.4916 14.8363 14.4319 14.6045 14.3904 14.8155 14.4194 14.6626 13.4222 15.7326 14.6768 14.5075 14.0112 14.5898 14.395 14.5995 14.4892 14.5669 14.738 14.4438 14.1494 14.6805 14.9023 13.9096 14.0775 14.6324 14.6833 14.2989 15.1385 Q6WVG3 Kctd12 14 102.97658 239217 - 102.97658 102.982636 potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 12 AU046135; AW538430; Pfet1; Pfetin None None None 17.1381 16.2368 16.9143 16.7175 17.294 16.5257 16.9366 16.6699 16.9753 16.5426 16.9792 16.5917 17.7076 17.1169 16.5694 16.3125 16.8751 16.5255 17.3139 17.1867 17.1785 16.9895 16.7839 17.0595 17.1448 17.0343 16.0179 16.489 17.666 17.264 16.6483 18.2091 Q8VEH5 Epm2aip1 9 111.271844 77781 + 111.271844 111.279092 EPM2A (laforin) interacting protein 1 A930003G21Rik; mKIAA0766 None None None 12.8823 11.2801 12.7961 12.5443 11.9515 12.6751 11.6409 12.3199 12.5317 12.3895 11.8123 11.9641 12.4991 11.9227 12.3759 11.5916 12.3444 12.4475 12.5528 12.5276 12.2613 13.1117 12.6921 12.5094 11.6526 13.3508 11.7206 12.4238 12.0025 11.5216 12.6908 12.8391 Q9QZM0 Ubqln2 X 153.498231 54609 + 153.498231 153.501561 ubiquilin 2 Chap1; Dsk2; HRIHFB2157; Plic-2; Plic2 None None None 15.3999 15.4232 14.9172 15.4681 15.3433 14.4861 15.0062 15.0109 15.2557 15.0744 14.9158 15.4408 15.5728 15.6026 15.2783 14.7995 15.0853 15.1875 15.5921 14.9536 14.9256 14.4565 14.8986 15.2696 14.9288 15.0816 14.7379 14.9027 15.2991 15.5525 15.0386 15.3655 P56565 S100a1 3 90.511033 20193 - 90.511033 90.514329 S100 calcium binding protein A1 AI266795; S100; S100a None None None 14.8127 14.9316 16.5979 15.0382 15.0664 15.7319 15.9185 14.9321 15.2261 15.3572 16.0765 15.9112 14.7282 15.5037 15.4733 15.8369 14.9977 14.9543 15.553 15.1996 16.5467 15.8023 15.152 15.6402 16.3169 16.2427 15.3207 15.7405 16.4144 14.9982 15.1276 15.4985 Q6A0A9 FAM120A Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q6A0A9 None None None 15.2768 14.837 14.8345 15.0218 14.7999 14.7449 14.6182 14.7649 14.9824 15.08 14.6238 14.5775 15.2101 15.3203 14.8395 14.2865 14.8165 14.8854 15.1636 15.0045 14.7212 14.5915 14.9202 15.1003 14.8702 14.7142 15.0101 14.5415 15.3552 15.117 14.8704 14.6585 P61939 Serpina7 X 139.079248 331535 - 139.079248 139.085235 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 7 C730040N12Rik; Tbg None None None 11.8525 12.4004 12.9451 12.4049 13.1963 12.6656 12.5899 12.9193 12.239 12.6781 13.1286 13.1346 12.0821 12.8413 13.1818 13.6673 12.35 12.2313 12.4883 12.7611 11.2623 11.9442 11.6725 12.5617 13.1302 13.5148 13.0007 12.9311 12.6912 12.6208 12.3918 12.6085 O88307 Sorl1 9 41.964708 20660 - 41.964708 42.124296 sortilin-related receptor, LDLR class A repeats-containing 2900010L19Rik; AI596264; AW261561; LR11; SorLA; gp250; mSorLA None None None 12.5542 11.6566 11.6028 12.7403 12.4183 12.1798 12.3522 12.5169 12.6281 12.2233 12.2365 12.3233 13.1715 12.9555 12.0573 12.8453 11.8685 12.2158 11.881 11.6868 12.8455 12.4645 13.3554 12.0671 12.0985 11.6536 12.38 11.6568 11.618 12.4414 11.8788 11.8057 Q64697 Ptprcap 19 4.154645 19265 + 4.154645 4.156709 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C polypeptide-associated protein AI605264; CD-45-AP; LPAP; LSM-1 None None None 12.2021 11.4025 12.7291 12.8645 13.3092 12.2008 11.5762 12.1576 13.6575 12.6498 11.6919 12.0086 18.2318 11.7801 13.3925 12.1505 12.0392 12.0789 12.0474 12.2416 12.7593 11.8675 12.6399 11.8613 13.5697 11.4055 12.3555 12.2715 11.4411 11.487 12.1311 12.1227 P54761 Ephb4 5 137.350108 13846 + 137.350108 137.374521 Eph receptor B4 AI042935; Htk; MDK2; Myk1; Tyro11; b2b2412Clo None None None 12.4304 13.1598 12.4575 12.2036 13.1117 12.5939 14.3529 13.0276 13.0558 12.7024 12.9548 12.7683 12.2975 12.7155 12.4524 12.5156 12.5893 12.3613 11.9874 12.599 12.446 12.8742 12.67 12.5163 12.6613 13.0754 12.3605 12.5643 12.5454 12.5075 12.4807 12.4263 Q9CQ69 Uqcrq 11 53.427921 22272 - 53.427921 53.43083 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex III subunit VII 1100001F06Rik; 1500040F11Rik; 5830407L17Rik; 9.5kDa; AA959903; QP-C; Qpc; Uqcrb; c1502 None None None 17.3108 17.5655 18.8765 17.5654 17.4632 17.6229 17.5824 17.8624 17.6441 17.4626 17.7031 17.6548 18.7606 17.4548 17.6717 18.439 17.8626 17.5497 17.6038 18.3312 20.0977 18.29 17.7999 17.8015 18.5701 18.4403 18.0212 18.8702 18.1982 17.5236 18.0031 17.2571 Q9JKV1 Adrm1 2 180.171587 56436 + 180.171587 180.176282 adhesion regulating molecule 1 1110063P18Rik; 2510006J17Rik; AA408205; ARM-1; AU043535; Arm1; Gp110; Rpn13 None None None 16.3485 15.9628 15.6314 16.0744 15.916 15.8215 15.1888 16.1447 15.8345 16.1653 15.6117 15.3865 17.0008 15.8071 15.7722 15.9033 15.9221 16.0238 16.0258 15.8723 15.7025 15.8544 15.9485 15.7135 15.5485 15.813 16.0953 15.9531 15.7945 16.1783 15.9259 15.7515 P03953 Cfd 10 79.890852 11537 + 79.890852 79.892654 complement factor D (adipsin) Adn; DF None None None 14.8871 17.428 16.8779 17.2046 16.8418 17.1511 16.6581 15.7673 17.2811 16.4389 17.6704 16.9428 15.4965 15.8071 16.7614 17.2318 15.8386 15.6163 14.1399 14.4472 15.5332 17.2149 17.2089 16.5174 17.7821 18.7888 16.0849 16.6039 18.442 14.6235 16.8532 16.7472 Q6QI06 Rictor 15 6.708348 78757 + 6.708348 6.8004 RPTOR independent companion of MTOR, complex 2 4921505C17Rik; 6030405M08Rik; AVO3; AW492497; D530039E11Rik None None None 11.8722 12.3794 11.8572 11.5138 11.7735 9.92697 11.902 12.1576 11.4914 12.1485 12.0177 12.0086 11.4974 11.4543 12.1968 11.8247 12.4894 12.0383 12.3732 12.5674 11.4086 11.8675 12.3141 12.1871 9.39132 11.5553 12.0298 12.5973 12.7917 11.8127 12.6062 12.4484 Q3V3R4 Itga1 13 114.958078 109700 - 114.958078 115.101963 integrin alpha 1 CD49A; E130012M19Rik; Vla1 None None None 15.4001 15.4984 15.6475 15.6938 15.6519 15.2919 15.9517 15.5286 15.6831 15.797 16.1849 15.2773 14.4631 15.6242 15.6056 15.5155 15.3611 15.5307 15.1078 15.3092 16.3993 15.3158 15.9742 15.5504 15.2661 15.0941 16.0421 15.6324 14.7204 15.0498 15.4453 15.35 P63054 PCP4 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P63054 None None None 11.7439 14.6167 13.3435 11.8865 11.725 12.136 11.4761 13.965 13.2725 12.5438 13.4962 12.1683 12.4491 12.505 13.0776 12.9557 12.4781 12.1921 12.7235 13.3757 15.6978 14.9935 12.3112 13.6178 15.4268 13.6221 13.3664 12.7296 12.4501 11.5653 13.3049 12.6061 P97873 Loxl1 9 58.287722 16949 - 58.287722 58.313211 lysyl oxidase-like 1 Loxl None None None 12.6008 12.6676 11.8909 11.802 11.7735 12.1312 13.0176 12.1576 12.8125 12.3279 12.3059 11.8361 12.4774 12.8425 12.9757 11.5365 13.1235 12.3265 12.6614 12.8556 11.6969 11.8675 14.588 12.4753 13.0049 12.4679 11.7416 12.8855 12.5035 12.1009 12.5926 12.4711 P10810 Cd14 18 36.725063 12475 - 36.725063 36.726814 CD14 antigen None None None 12.5533 11.9539 12.9979 13.541 13.4744 12.248 12.5598 12.9729 12.9365 12.4565 12.8333 13.2674 12.2365 12.6281 12.6983 13.2391 12.9882 12.7842 13.4316 13.1814 12.2929 12.9352 11.7757 12.4582 12.8172 12.2709 12.4763 11.8516 14.3169 13.2896 12.2461 13.1884 Q8R3F5 Mcat 15 83.546796 223722 - 83.546796 83.555758 malonyl CoA:ACP acyltransferase (mitochondrial) AI225907; BC025519 None None None 12.7723 12.5463 14.1008 13.0278 11.7607 13.159 12.4874 12.9957 13.1605 12.9938 12.9527 12.6023 13.2153 11.9487 12.6938 13.8519 12.8819 12.589 13.3804 13.4248 14.0364 13.4215 13.5351 13.4094 14.0373 14.1044 13.659 13.3298 13.552 12.0905 12.9534 12.1746 Q8R242 Ctbs 3 146.450448 74245 + 146.450448 146.465848 chitobiase 2210401K11Rik; CTB None None None 12.4704 13.4643 13.4312 13.5999 13.935 13.5048 14.0578 13.3056 13.4864 13.381 13.4972 14.4648 12.4392 13.1347 13.8429 13.9867 13.3478 13.6984 13.8856 13.402 12.8039 13.7182 13.9086 13.3642 13.808 14.2117 13.6363 13.6688 13.8975 13.9301 12.9837 13.9197 Q8C838 Tusc5 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q8C838 None None None 17.2554 16.98 16.9104 17.5935 16.778 17.0387 17.0214 17.0031 16.8446 17.5473 16.8559 17.2183 13.9619 17.4187 17.214 16.9832 17.0972 17.7758 16.5796 16.8211 16.7511 16.9593 17.149 17.4307 16.547 16.0456 17.9734 17.7006 16.3134 16.844 17.2985 16.9302 P43274 HIST1H1E Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P43274 None None None 22.8303 22.1277 22.1207 22.0689 22.6954 21.9322 21.9414 22.4011 22.7214 22.1902 22.0173 20.3653 25.3212 22.7572 21.7849 21.9745 22.1533 22.276 22.1506 22.148 22.3175 21.8363 22.0561 21.9426 22.7775 21.943 22.3171 21.6286 21.7038 22.4217 22.1974 22.7186 P22437 Ptgs1 2 36.216741 19224 + 36.216741 36.258592 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 COX1; Cox-1; Cox-3; PGHS-1; PHS 1; Pghs1 None None None 12.724 14.4908 14.6754 14.2595 14.5679 14.7693 14.7736 14.5266 15.0943 14.0146 14.4482 12.9226 14.631 14.1671 14.334 14.2124 14.4561 14.1302 14.3523 14.3765 14.1205 14.7681 14.5997 14.1511 14.405 15.0207 14.1959 14.2511 13.68 13.9989 14.4255 14.5528 Q80ZJ1 Rap2a 14 120.47846 76108 + 120.47846 120.507193 RAS related protein 2a 5830461H18Rik None None None 12.384 12.93 12.7189 13.5578 13.362 13.8068 13.9857 12.9307 13.348 12.9982 13.6883 12.3233 11.7542 13.3975 12.9531 12.28 13.0944 12.8256 12.9898 13.397 12.7951 13.4597 13.9999 13.0205 13.6246 13.5872 13.1681 13.3384 13.2155 13.2141 12.533 13.6942 Q9JJC6 Rilpl1 5 124.493079 75695 - 124.493079 124.53144 Rab interacting lysosomal protein-like 1 2900002H16Rik; 6330559I19Rik; GOSPEL None None None 11.8185 12.3741 12.3013 11.7672 12.8454 11.9269 11.5324 11.983 12.3071 13.1908 11.4519 12.342 12.6021 11.7742 12.0063 11.7543 13.4192 12.7902 12.6018 14.5332 11.9064 12.6571 12.8132 11.7085 11.7532 12.3712 11.7818 12.5826 12.3991 11.745 12.5117 12.0644 Q80XU3 Nucks1 1 131.910457 98415 + 131.910457 131.93632 nuclear casein kinase and cyclin-dependent kinase substrate 1 2700010L10Rik; 8430423A01Rik; AI647518; C78391; Nucks None None None 14.0455 14.8987 14.9643 15.247 14.4371 14.8023 14.0504 14.6368 15.1166 15.0804 14.4502 14.9772 14.6595 13.674 14.1715 14.6758 14.4344 14.0037 15.2562 15.1616 14.5243 15.0486 15.7986 15.14 14.461 15.208 15.2571 14.7081 14.4355 14.2462 14.8727 13.8906 P28667 Marcksl1 4 129.51358 17357 + 129.51358 129.51598 MARCKS-like 1 AL022768; AW215397; AW536807; D4Bc1; F52; MacMARCKS; Macs2; Macs3; Mlp; Mrp None None None 15.0418 13.0429 14.0506 13.1733 14.6062 13.8243 13.0388 14.3815 14.2732 13.3872 14.233 13.5222 17.5404 13.535 13.2868 13.9331 13.3397 13.5294 13.6582 14.1675 14.6502 14.0912 13.8495 13.7569 13.9545 13.5723 13.0416 13.851 14.1768 14.1634 13.7937 14.9022 Q99PU8 Dhx30 9 110.084318 72831 - 110.084318 110.117615 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 30 2810477H02Rik; C130058C04Rik; Ddx30; HELG; Ret-CoR None None None 12.8138 11.8124 12.7175 12.5095 12.7155 12.5097 12.7581 12.4646 12.7398 12.2441 12.3647 12.506 13.5354 13.2004 12.6148 12.7242 12.5392 12.4708 12.0768 12.5191 12.8281 12.6991 12.2468 12.381 12.7657 12.4621 12.6551 12.5142 12.6599 12.9341 12.5217 12.3226 Q9D0R9 Wdr89 12 75.630593 72338 - 75.630593 75.669536 WD repeat domain 89 2600001A11Rik None None None 12.6126 15.5067 13.8534 15.6881 14.7805 15.402 12.5722 14.9073 13.7868 14.5204 15.6651 13.5459 14.3744 14.9725 13.1545 15.0725 14.0189 14.6849 12.0892 14.5018 12.0789 14.8244 11.6439 14.5948 15.0269 14.8576 15.2045 15.4718 14.8681 14.7441 14.4308 15.0603 Q8CD59 ITSN2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q8CD59 None None None 15.0892 14.4808 12.9804 14.8471 13.6412 14.6076 14.0084 14.1673 13.3914 14.0708 15.506 12.758 11.531 15.5789 12.8466 15.9868 14.1649 13.3072 14.6284 14.3568 12.1739 15.0713 11.5489 14.5692 12.6799 11.9909 16.1917 14.0189 14.5924 14.4001 13.54 15.5458 Q9D1R9 Rpl34 3 130.726826 68436 - 130.726826 130.730397 ribosomal protein L34 1100001I22Rik None None None 15.3229 16.0765 15.5411 16.0687 15.8759 16.1733 16.1006 16.2244 16.2517 16.2859 15.4207 16.0596 16.3565 15.7906 16.1091 15.8896 16.3911 16.3147 16.5389 16.2681 14.8632 16.0284 15.9708 16.2945 15.7519 15.79 15.9875 15.5124 16.1668 16.6147 16.1838 16.4218 Q80YF6 Upk3b 5 136.038495 100647 + 136.038495 136.044992 uroplakin 3B AI447729; AI957187; P35; PMS2L14; UpIIIb None None None 12.2789 13.7944 13.1953 13.2346 13.757 14.6866 14.698 14.3034 13.3909 13.947 14.2918 13.1615 12.7973 13.7104 13.712 12.9228 14.1406 13.8392 13.0601 13.348 13.861 13.8599 14.2863 13.7793 14.0722 14.1719 13.5696 13.4676 12.9954 12.2741 14.141 13.246 Q9JHK4 Rabggta 14 55.715863 56187 - 55.715863 55.722262 Rab geranylgeranyl transferase, a subunit gm None None None 14.1157 13.2795 13.4362 13.3101 13.4265 13.2686 13.1743 13.7282 13.2217 13.5921 12.675 13.7157 14.3203 13.302 13.5295 13.4437 13.2898 13.8618 13.685 13.5717 13.2033 13.3432 13.3545 13.1848 12.9999 13.5504 13.8377 13.09 13.2496 13.6034 13.5529 13.3274 Q5U458 Dnajc11 4 151.933719 230935 + 151.933719 151.981958 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C11 E030019A03Rik None None None 14.1893 13.8005 14.3053 14.1889 14.0876 14.203 14.4196 14.4284 14.4261 14.1061 14.4784 14.3779 13.7978 14.2618 14.1539 14.1672 14.501 14.0604 14.3973 14.4963 15.2839 14.0978 14.3048 14.3736 14.3251 13.9207 14.2287 14.5263 14.7164 14.4422 14.5095 14.0644 Q3TLS3 Gdpgp1 7 80.232892 269952 + 80.232892 80.241419 GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase 1 D330012F22Rik None None None 12.5797 11.8206 11.7965 11.5705 12.9034 11.6357 11.7671 12.2917 12.4817 12.3419 12.4034 12.5245 13.3542 12.1594 12.6682 12.2685 12.1574 12.1901 11.6289 12.1374 12.3394 12.0354 12.0899 11.324 12.3879 11.8637 12.7729 12.7067 11.641 13.366 12.5518 11.7827 E9Q6P5 Ttc7b 12 100.300769 104718 - 100.300769 100.520836 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7B AA408451; Ttc7l1 None None None 15.6026 15.5058 14.1351 14.762 14.1901 14.4167 14.1052 14.5057 14.8581 14.6448 14.4231 13.8013 12.4013 14.5203 13.979 13.9318 14.2148 14.7023 14.635 14.7696 14.3225 14.1018 14.8865 14.6897 14.3752 14.4088 14.7692 13.2245 13.6987 14.7027 14.3305 14.6673 P23780 Glb1 9 114.401077 12091 + 114.401077 114.474378 galactosidase, beta 1 AW125515; Bge; Bgl; Bgl-e; Bgl-s; Bgl-t; Bgs; Bgt; C130097A14Rik None None None 14.0388 15.8707 13.7361 15.6826 15.4396 13.6458 15.433 13.8206 14.3625 15.254 13.8344 16.1106 13.9907 15.7221 14.4162 15.2993 15.9539 14.2548 13.8964 15.5184 13.3792 14.5335 14.2922 15.3175 15.6058 14.5306 14.1143 14.961 14.9811 15.503 14.1777 14.0722 O35744 Chil3 3 106.147553 12655 - 106.147553 106.167563 chitinase-like 3 AI505981; Chi3l3; ECF-L; Ym1 None None None 12.3825 12.2833 12.9354 17.1727 14.8971 13.1965 12.164 12.1612 14.1066 13.4072 12.6912 16.087 17.8208 13.2548 13.8608 12.0499 12.3635 12.1323 12.2771 12.4713 15.8692 12.6403 11.57 12.2298 13.8572 12.4566 12.2549 12.5012 12.4379 12.1107 12.3415 12.2635 Q9WVL0 Gstz1 12 87.14716 14874 + 87.14716 87.164722 glutathione transferase zeta 1 (maleylacetoacetate isomerase) GSTZ1-1; MAAI None None None 19.4234 19.8875 19.7502 19.6936 18.9808 19.7734 19.6676 19.8112 19.5082 19.6985 19.6495 18.7883 17.7003 19.3111 19.2885 19.6774 19.4372 19.8802 18.8655 19.2446 19.2935 19.5414 19.5967 19.902 19.4452 19.8873 20.0384 19.8601 19.7108 19.4032 19.8784 19.2657 P11859 Agt 8 124.556586 11606 - 124.556586 124.569705 angiotensinogen (serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 8) AI265500; AngI; AngII; Aogen; Serpina8 None None None 16.0043 15.3077 15.1885 15.5836 15.8316 14.8488 15.6439 14.6041 15.2915 15.0116 15.2844 16.5336 14.8333 15.5443 15.3352 16.3587 14.6432 15.2459 14.2945 15.5599 14.4244 14.9505 15.4569 14.9832 16.1878 16.7508 15.5267 14.8927 14.7782 14.4445 14.8679 15.0969 Q3U3R4 Lmf1 17 25.579173 76483 + 25.579173 25.66283 lipase maturation factor 1 2400010G15Rik; AW822050; Tmem112; cld None None None 15.7965 16.2468 16.0397 16.2516 16.1969 16.281 15.8159 15.6165 15.9096 15.1982 13.4615 13.3752 17.0843 15.7591 13.6402 16.2838 15.966 15.9518 15.8755 15.5659 15.3018 16.5477 15.808 13.7674 16.4958 16.8698 15.0835 13.5982 13.9877 15.7888 14.8644 15.9567 Q8R5A6 Tbc1d22a 15 86.21441 223754 + 86.21441 86.498502 TBC1 domain family, member 22a BC023106; D15Ertd781e None None None 14.3403 13.7198 13.6514 11.6719 11.7735 12.9127 12.0601 13.7373 12.6408 12.1659 13.3515 11.7501 14.1985 13.881 12.8177 11.8647 13.1499 12.2462 14.1776 13.5489 11.5668 11.8675 12.156 12.3452 13.2103 12.598 11.8717 13.2621 12.6336 13.9457 12.9436 14.5472 Q8BL97 Srsf7 17 80.200079 225027 - 80.200079 80.207368 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 7 35kDa; 9430065L19Rik; 9G8; NX-96; Sfrs7 None None None 14.3043 14.8562 15.3283 14.9324 15.1136 14.7105 16.6375 14.7307 16.2686 14.3316 15.2639 15.9198 17.2429 15.1037 15.1592 14.1815 15.3225 14.3431 15.2957 15.3743 14.6853 15.4939 16.4708 14.6654 15.4723 17.0971 13.984 13.0029 15.003 14.8868 15.1585 15.2437 Q8K1N4 Spats2 15 99.125925 72572 + 99.125925 99.213214 spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2 2700012F11Rik; 59kDa; Scr59; p59 None None None 11.9877 12.8325 10.6918 10.9591 11.0415 11.0306 10.6736 10.632 10.7688 11.2972 10.2825 10.9561 10.9649 11.0656 11.0974 10.1131 11.1049 10.831 11.1787 11.3718 9.94833 10.9343 10.5285 11.0 7.72056 9.87515 11.2073 11.2252 9.71702 11.4248 10.8676 10.2353 Q60772 Cdkn2c 4 109.660875 12580 - 109.660875 109.666755 cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2C C77269; INK4c; p18; p18-INK4c; p18-INK6; p18INK4c None None None 15.1726 15.0587 15.1331 15.4667 15.1142 15.3263 14.8669 15.4956 15.2658 14.8372 15.7961 13.8027 15.4041 14.8786 15.4083 15.3411 14.6576 15.225 14.3019 13.4027 14.9619 15.0756 14.9389 15.0744 15.2607 14.7588 15.1782 15.6031 15.7093 15.0207 14.8061 14.7284 Q8R0Y8 Slc25a42 8 70.184339 73095 - 70.184339 70.21228 solute carrier family 25, member 42 2900084M01Rik None None None 12.7032 11.6128 15.163 13.934 12.4792 12.9445 13.4927 12.6149 13.1852 12.8688 13.1249 12.8519 14.9254 13.8131 13.2967 13.8354 12.5405 13.1486 12.1149 13.1455 16.2247 14.3233 13.9227 13.5612 14.55 13.8697 13.7809 14.7144 13.5889 12.8699 13.5334 12.9625 Q91YP2 Nln 13 104.023049 75805 - 104.023049 104.109672 neurolysin (metallopeptidase M3 family) 4930472G13Rik; C79345 None None None 15.7429 15.6926 15.0482 15.8142 15.4556 15.1168 15.2249 15.7554 15.149 15.7968 15.0051 14.5193 14.6053 13.278 15.5038 15.5654 15.4379 15.7992 15.828 15.6937 14.5781 15.257 15.6654 15.1247 14.6552 14.9124 15.4528 15.0532 15.0054 15.8785 15.6617 15.3321 O88958 Gnpda1 18 38.327536 26384 - 38.327536 38.338992 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 1 GNPDA; Gnp1; Gnpi; oscillin None None None 14.7992 14.1608 15.308 14.3593 15.0124 14.3976 14.2117 14.7604 14.7137 14.5331 14.391 15.6898 16.1597 14.6077 15.0781 14.6631 14.8877 14.6604 14.9462 14.775 14.3609 14.9259 14.2183 14.0944 14.5278 14.4661 14.4426 14.5611 14.8398 15.1781 14.4283 15.0816 O88947 F10 8 13.037307 14058 + 13.037307 13.056675 coagulation factor X Cf10; fX None None None 13.2913 13.853 13.9574 13.6935 14.7442 13.5133 14.5274 12.8964 13.8542 13.9078 14.4501 14.1412 12.7288 12.9935 14.2492 15.8915 13.2687 13.6341 12.8277 13.9567 12.5524 13.3657 13.9866 12.6824 13.397 14.4099 14.0157 14.0688 12.55 12.1857 13.3553 12.7881 Q921M7 Fam49b Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q921M7 None None None 17.0342 16.4907 16.6729 16.7605 17.3164 16.356 16.5705 16.3021 17.1286 16.5703 16.3796 16.1841 18.7387 17.0201 16.8797 15.9066 16.8387 16.399 17.2157 16.8784 15.9093 16.0833 16.6806 16.7649 17.0561 16.965 15.6518 15.8685 17.2709 17.2325 16.3927 17.9239 Q8BG07 Pld4 12 112.760445 104759 + 112.760445 112.768985 phospholipase D family, member 4 AI132321; thss None None None 15.9672 14.3159 15.3975 14.7367 16.7694 15.2843 15.1527 15.4555 15.5535 14.6764 15.2448 17.1276 18.1701 15.0371 16.6061 15.216 15.3702 14.5975 15.4848 14.9037 14.4317 15.2043 14.8862 15.5341 15.6193 16.2307 14.1116 14.9011 15.9861 15.7295 15.4129 16.7919 Q505D7 Opa3 7 19.228388 403187 + 19.228388 19.246816 optic atrophy 3 D630048P19Rik; Gm1425; Gm472 None None None 12.6699 12.7783 13.3181 12.7302 12.8858 12.8872 12.5074 13.4005 12.7884 12.8912 12.9536 13.6732 13.0444 12.575 13.2483 13.7937 13.1486 13.2284 12.5184 13.5178 14.0212 12.9728 11.6008 12.6182 12.3262 13.1549 13.6911 13.5305 12.4997 13.031 12.9889 11.7982 Q8BHJ5 Tbl1xr1 3 22.076252 81004 + 22.076252 22.216593 transducin (beta)-like 1X-linked receptor 1 8030499H02Rik; A630076E03Rik; AW539987; C21; C230089I12Rik; DC42; Ira1; TBLR1 None None None 12.1449 12.6052 11.712 10.8682 11.8905 11.6375 12.0499 11.6907 11.8781 11.4057 11.4204 11.7603 13.8229 12.3247 11.973 11.8546 11.3656 11.6064 11.6651 11.5198 11.8995 10.9135 10.9336 11.7129 11.538 11.9517 11.5654 12.3873 11.4232 11.8159 11.1022 11.6628 Q8CAQ8 Immt 6 71.83109 76614 + 71.83109 71.875265 inner membrane protein, mitochondrial 1700082C19Rik; D830041H16Rik; HMP; Micos60; P87; P87/89; P89 None None None 18.1759 17.7849 18.4182 17.7763 17.8645 17.8234 17.7722 18.0906 17.8085 17.8495 17.9016 18.2673 18.2042 17.8503 17.9168 18.1741 17.8233 17.9679 18.0604 18.1724 19.1946 18.0288 18.0123 18.1152 18.2448 17.9914 18.0835 18.3694 18.2822 17.8649 18.0944 17.7677 Q7TSI3 Ppp6r1 7 4.631494 243819 - 4.631494 4.658949 protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 1 2010309P17Rik; AI836219; B430201G11Rik; D030074N20Rik; Pp6r1; Saps1; mKIAA1115 None None None 13.7713 13.1479 13.2433 13.6663 14.0658 13.3503 12.2734 13.8984 13.9482 13.4412 13.2115 14.0727 15.394 13.8108 13.8111 13.337 13.5034 13.6249 13.3679 13.3928 12.4975 13.3062 13.1104 13.5685 13.4972 12.9887 13.3599 13.7355 13.3873 13.9304 13.2963 13.6873 Q9JI91 Actn2 13 12.269425 11472 - 12.269425 12.340731 actinin alpha 2 1110008F24Rik None None None 17.5723 17.7436 16.5517 18.2986 15.7138 17.7754 17.0026 17.5693 16.4779 17.7007 18.1215 17.6736 17.7667 17.5322 16.9071 17.1696 17.9861 17.2381 18.0475 17.5402 18.2378 16.7852 17.147 15.766 17.2607 17.0355 16.9647 17.7716 17.2749 17.4916 16.7777 17.9686 Q8C3B8 Rft1 14 30.654339 328370 + 30.654339 30.691316 RFT1 homolog D930025H04 None None None 15.8088 15.0843 13.4777 15.168 14.8533 14.7167 14.9251 15.3438 14.7965 15.1759 14.9667 14.9674 14.4805 15.1216 15.1172 14.9337 15.0347 15.1355 14.7072 14.8899 15.0022 14.5684 15.0239 15.1139 14.6188 13.9044 15.3284 14.8727 14.691 14.9198 15.2336 14.7424 Q80W94 Mogat2 7 99.219083 233549 - 99.219083 99.23861 monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 DGAT2L5; MGAT2; Mgat1l None None None 11.8374 13.1603 13.1209 11.6184 11.7903 12.8125 11.5248 12.1655 12.6563 12.6808 11.4091 12.1592 12.661 11.3497 12.3014 12.3557 12.599 12.0754 12.7197 12.9193 11.5132 12.0499 12.3378 12.9161 11.5121 11.6284 13.2564 12.7019 12.6872 13.5728 12.6545 12.8915 P26040 Ezr 17 6.73813 22350 - 6.73813 6.782779 ezrin AW146364; R75297; Vil2; p81 None None None 18.1107 17.5918 17.4116 17.9945 18.157 17.8013 17.7209 18.0848 17.9737 18.1219 17.6224 17.5616 19.0123 18.1128 18.3359 17.3516 17.9628 18.1398 18.001 17.6903 17.4401 17.7507 17.6334 17.8247 17.4897 17.1517 18.1549 17.79 17.5454 18.0015 17.8565 17.9015 O54984 Asna1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: O54984 None None None 17.3878 16.8808 16.8813 16.762 16.8706 16.8617 16.9858 16.9034 16.8758 16.8871 16.6512 16.2344 17.5025 16.9514 17.0534 16.6821 17.0677 16.9124 17.197 17.0995 16.6539 16.5214 16.5581 16.7201 16.4351 16.932 16.8393 16.6846 16.9903 17.1392 16.9545 16.97 Q9CQM9 Glrx3 7 137.437572 30926 + 137.437572 137.46963 glutaredoxin 3 PICOT; Txnl2 None None None 17.4577 17.3099 16.9489 17.3248 16.9004 17.0603 16.9361 17.2329 17.1108 17.0323 16.839 16.3251 17.6102 17.3064 17.1819 17.1085 17.1926 17.2261 17.2897 17.0836 16.7905 16.9889 17.2482 17.1347 16.9894 16.7664 17.0766 17.1641 17.0129 17.4568 17.3126 17.1402 E9PVA8 Gcn1 5 115.565116 231659 + 115.565116 115.622653 GCN1 activator of EIF2AK4 4932409G22; AL022764; G431004K08Rik; GCN1L; Gcn1l1; mKIAA0219 None None None 14.833 14.2323 14.1958 14.5044 14.375 14.5441 14.2578 14.3465 14.4164 14.1936 14.4101 14.2052 15.3009 14.602 14.2475 13.993 14.3574 14.335 14.3071 14.232 13.906 14.2864 14.4591 14.4086 14.2677 14.2325 14.3317 14.4176 14.4267 14.585 14.3539 14.5115 Q7TMK6 Hook2 8 84.988775 170833 + 84.988775 85.003351 hook microtubule tethering protein 2 A630054I03Rik; mHK2 None None None 19.2003 19.0993 17.9277 17.1004 18.9406 19.2723 19.017 19.5817 18.9717 17.024 20.6051 17.4297 17.1856 19.5955 19.4345 18.2581 18.4147 17.7824 17.9187 17.9826 21.6849 19.9398 17.0707 18.0908 19.1948 18.4154 17.4951 19.27 16.125 18.949 18.4778 19.0345 Q7M739 Tpr 1 150.392801 108989 + 150.392801 150.449934 translocated promoter region, nuclear basket protein 2610029M07Rik; C77892 None None None 14.8789 13.7686 13.9985 14.1055 14.4141 13.8391 14.0711 14.2502 14.2434 14.0059 14.2991 14.8282 15.4753 14.5705 14.3254 13.6246 14.0682 13.9331 14.1612 14.1354 14.1486 14.2077 14.0509 13.8207 14.2152 14.3527 13.7657 13.8074 14.471 14.2636 13.9341 14.4689 Q80YS6 Afap1 5 35.893318 70292 + 35.893318 36.003922 actin filament associated protein 1 2600003E23Rik; 9630044L16Rik; AI848729; Afap; mKIAA3018 None None None 17.3833 17.4852 16.6189 17.6667 17.3304 17.0751 17.0577 17.6533 17.048 17.7885 17.0608 17.5365 16.5463 17.2747 17.4081 17.1074 17.2569 18.105 16.8384 17.0487 16.9365 17.3974 17.3256 17.38 16.0635 16.0569 17.9813 17.6903 16.376 17.1325 17.3392 16.5897 Q99JI6 Rap1b 10 117.814596 215449 - 117.814596 117.845973 RAS related protein 1b 2810443E11Rik None None None 19.6123 19.0781 18.9953 19.4705 19.528 19.0539 19.1946 19.2922 19.2764 19.3755 19.1717 19.7692 19.9011 19.4858 19.6442 19.2142 19.2888 19.6277 19.4246 19.2577 19.1504 19.0806 19.227 19.2136 18.6527 18.5417 19.5486 19.2338 18.9687 19.4106 19.3156 19.4632 P32261 Serpinc1 1 160.978582 11905 + 160.978582 161.002542 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade C (antithrombin), member 1 AI114908; ATIII; At-3; At3 None None None 17.3199 18.1675 18.1281 17.893 18.6568 18.4686 19.1264 18.0873 18.2089 18.1101 18.9281 18.5128 16.6032 18.038 18.1146 19.4552 17.999 18.1174 17.3023 18.6434 18.0492 18.4366 19.0208 18.2161 19.0428 19.3037 18.4153 18.0285 17.8969 17.4491 18.0978 18.0187 Q9WUM5 Suclg1 6 73.248504 56451 + 73.248504 73.276906 succinate-CoA ligase, GDP-forming, alpha subunit 1500000I01Rik; Sucla1 None None None 16.7079 17.33 18.9402 17.3336 16.4131 17.0925 16.6002 16.5109 17.6528 16.7841 17.0304 16.7084 18.8349 16.7874 15.8195 18.0577 17.2059 16.4152 17.5449 17.6539 19.1842 17.7247 17.8655 16.3745 18.6136 18.2831 16.3371 17.2058 16.8635 16.8464 17.7814 16.8499 P14873 Map1b 13 99.421463 17755 - 99.421463 99.516601 microtubule-associated protein 1B A230055D22; AI843217; LC1; MAP5; Mtap-5; Mtap1b; Mtap5 None None None 13.1582 13.1761 11.765 12.1045 11.9132 13.5443 12.266 12.9468 12.6382 12.4024 12.4707 12.0638 12.0576 12.7083 12.4735 11.896 12.0343 13.3422 12.0254 13.0072 14.2659 13.3325 11.5189 11.9538 12.4439 11.786 12.8911 12.3018 12.2769 12.1008 12.5954 12.2867 Q9D1H9 Mfap4 11 61.48543 76293 + 61.48543 61.488707 microfibrillar-associated protein 4 1110007F23Rik None None None 15.3817 18.1417 15.8985 16.0692 17.7981 16.029 16.642 17.07 17.0081 16.3274 17.115 16.1102 16.0019 17.4489 16.958 16.2444 16.4095 17.0771 15.7541 16.3956 17.23 16.8887 15.3392 16.4618 16.0043 17.7459 15.6168 16.2712 15.8257 15.9361 16.7347 17.1251 Q3U422 Ndufv3 17 31.520114 78330 + 31.520114 31.531325 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit V3 1500032D16Rik None None None 13.2256 16.0649 17.2818 16.0564 15.9393 15.7898 15.5767 16.032 16.038 15.8271 16.3277 14.5789 16.4926 15.3893 16.1804 16.7348 14.7066 11.408 15.843 16.2512 18.4881 16.2635 16.1799 16.3453 16.8599 16.5202 16.3698 17.2078 16.1978 15.8829 16.3062 15.3203 P05555 Itgam 7 128.062639 16409 + 128.062639 128.11849 integrin alpha M CD11b/CD18; CR3; CR3A; Cd11b; F730045J24Rik; Ly-40; MAC1; Mac-1; Mac-1a None None None 14.9797 14.4513 14.7017 15.5055 15.5542 15.1217 14.7565 14.4878 14.7219 14.6077 13.004 14.5287 15.4343 15.2834 15.3102 13.8998 15.3415 14.8038 15.9194 15.2015 13.8566 14.2302 13.7308 14.9081 14.331 15.0774 12.0019 14.5568 15.494 15.91 14.5396 16.0854 Q9DBB9 Cpn2 16 30.256377 71756 - 30.256377 30.267531 carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 2 1300018K11Rik None None None 15.6994 14.6241 14.7209 14.2546 15.8512 15.1259 15.3567 14.8991 14.4917 15.0309 15.3439 15.9645 14.0397 14.8045 15.1893 16.5169 14.9699 15.0338 13.6977 15.293 14.5906 15.391 15.2345 14.7799 15.3678 15.4022 14.9864 14.6141 14.0436 14.6117 14.6782 14.9445 Q9Z1Z2 Strap 6 137.735081 20901 + 137.735081 137.751929 serine/threonine kinase receptor associated protein AW557906; C78091; C79202; Unrip None None None 15.6975 15.182 15.3986 15.3521 15.3202 15.3202 15.3291 15.4599 15.4725 15.36 15.1488 15.5287 15.8908 15.3563 16.1625 15.5853 15.43 15.3443 15.5783 15.3445 15.1455 15.2461 15.2371 15.1551 15.2578 15.2225 15.3774 15.2858 15.3542 15.4872 15.3574 15.559 Q61292 Lamb2 9 108.479846 16779 + 108.479846 108.490529 laminin, beta 2 AW211941; Lamb-2; Lams; npht None None None 18.1728 17.7527 16.724 18.7841 17.6791 17.5077 17.4194 17.8768 17.0544 18.3441 17.6827 18.2043 15.037 18.1892 17.4819 17.1023 17.5386 18.456 17.1587 17.3147 17.7646 17.4217 17.9085 17.9102 16.7778 15.6215 18.2329 17.9251 16.726 17.4274 17.3969 17.2454 Q6PEE2 Ctif 18 75.431204 269037 - 75.431204 75.697695 CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor Gm672 None None None 13.0157 12.9361 13.1314 12.4596 12.9993 12.4864 12.4208 13.0041 12.236 12.5898 12.8597 13.0988 13.5335 12.8873 12.2833 12.2422 12.3846 13.057 12.1113 12.7007 12.4448 13.5655 12.1095 12.63 12.1733 12.4503 12.6559 12.8014 12.6352 13.1936 12.8117 12.3606 Q01721 Gas1 13 60.174404 14451 - 60.174404 60.177534 growth arrest specific 1 AW554192; Gas-1 None None None 13.3872 13.2073 12.085 11.8046 12.8327 14.1224 13.0034 13.9485 12.9962 12.8318 14.2202 12.0543 12.4856 14.1675 12.9494 12.3191 12.9155 13.1627 11.806 12.5579 14.625 14.3793 12.5481 12.4056 12.2232 11.9339 12.8961 13.2795 10.9707 13.0158 12.9278 12.5366 P51912 Slc1a5 7 16.781333 20514 + 16.781333 16.798273 solute carrier family 1 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 5 AAAT; ASCT2; ATBO; M7V1; M7VS1; R16; RDRC; Slc1a7 None None None 16.4689 16.6987 16.3352 16.5845 15.6972 15.8815 15.5778 15.466 16.2214 15.9612 15.5957 16.0405 15.0403 16.1779 15.8763 16.0813 16.199 15.9482 15.9988 15.9782 15.6011 15.3868 16.2992 16.4343 16.0647 16.1093 16.7748 15.7997 16.236 15.931 16.2137 15.6244 P46938 Yap1 9 7.931998 22601 - 7.931998 8.004637 yes-associated protein 1 AI325207; Yap; Yap65; Yki; Yorkie None None None 14.5138 14.3638 13.8344 14.0618 13.7312 14.1754 14.028 14.2104 13.2583 14.257 13.2459 13.4313 13.3718 13.4798 13.7855 13.7506 13.5664 14.1127 13.0453 13.4218 14.5139 13.7734 14.2868 14.2401 13.6216 13.5723 14.4918 14.2988 14.0298 13.9301 13.6293 12.8781 Q9CQ02 Commd4 9 57.155034 66199 - 57.155034 57.158348 COMM domain containing 4 1110039H05Rik None None None 13.6416 13.8788 13.9539 14.2088 14.4277 14.2535 14.3322 14.072 14.072 14.0849 13.8841 13.6822 14.0687 14.3424 14.2513 13.9103 14.2811 14.1849 14.4084 14.1138 13.3916 13.9205 14.0394 13.8781 13.7228 14.0133 13.906 13.6161 14.2622 14.4305 14.1558 14.5335 Q921N7 Tmem70 1 16.66519 70397 + 16.66519 16.678274 transmembrane protein 70 1110020A09Rik; 2210416J16Rik None None None 11.938 13.2708 13.8244 13.9595 12.8827 13.8174 13.9139 12.4675 12.9583 13.5108 11.7111 13.5396 12.963 11.6518 12.9259 13.6451 12.6312 13.7638 13.4765 14.2512 12.8876 12.6708 13.2616 13.1161 13.5622 13.6234 14.1636 12.3999 13.2028 11.6153 13.3575 12.9568 Q80U93 Nup214 2 31.974407 227720 + 31.974407 32.053974 nucleoporin 214 BC039282; CAN; D2H9S46E None None None 12.9206 12.3378 12.8816 12.5514 12.4525 12.2917 12.1427 12.1863 12.6942 12.5171 14.0205 13.0615 15.0032 13.2584 12.5807 12.2631 12.3338 12.3047 13.2963 12.1516 12.2813 12.3103 12.3488 12.6459 12.7745 12.1412 11.9822 13.0161 13.1701 13.6184 12.1932 12.6835 Q91XG0 Ly6c1 15 75.044017 17067 - 75.044017 75.048919 lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C1 AA682074; AA959465; Ly-6C; Ly-6C1; Ly6c None None None 18.6595 19.2445 18.5859 19.0243 18.1059 18.2606 18.6798 18.4838 18.4985 18.7553 18.6536 17.5107 17.1473 19.0157 18.3686 17.9698 18.6355 18.831 18.2099 18.3269 18.7249 18.8166 19.0186 19.096 18.3741 18.3595 19.1967 18.8278 18.0976 18.2653 18.5685 18.3008 Q60996 Ppp2r5c 12 110.447143 26931 + 110.447143 110.583074 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', gamma 2610043M05Rik; 2700063L20Rik; AI060890; AW545884; C85228; D12Bwg0916e None None None 15.4194 15.0375 15.2776 15.0517 15.1814 15.5771 15.56 14.886 15.46 15.1021 15.2055 14.713 15.7823 15.5583 15.1791 14.831 15.3665 15.0527 15.4378 15.1119 15.0636 14.9575 15.2819 15.2433 15.2482 15.2428 14.9158 14.9952 15.3836 15.3294 14.5225 15.7321 Q07076 Anxa7 14 20.45526 11750 - 20.45526 20.480132 annexin A7 AI265384; AI316497; Anx7; synexin None None None 17.9079 17.8416 17.5076 17.9164 17.9352 17.9118 17.8792 17.9402 17.9494 17.9616 17.9497 17.9599 17.9827 18.3542 18.0417 17.4879 18.0944 18.0141 18.1518 17.8893 17.5321 17.9904 17.7485 17.6559 17.4311 17.4182 17.9547 17.6524 17.9039 18.1507 18.0178 17.9652 P53564 Cux1 5 136.248134 13047 - 136.248134 136.567589 cut-like homeobox 1 CDP; Cutl1; Cux; Cux-1 None None None 13.6496 12.8497 12.4214 12.4832 12.5558 13.0718 12.612 12.5627 12.3542 12.4991 12.3582 12.9338 13.0585 13.1768 12.4134 12.1832 12.9321 12.6727 12.8277 13.0944 12.2712 12.5176 12.4841 12.7021 12.7123 12.526 12.6951 13.1437 12.8838 12.9761 12.5871 12.9697 Q8CI75 Dis3l2 1 86.701923 208718 + 86.701923 87.050096 DIS3 like 3'-5' exoribonuclease 2 4930429A22Rik; 8030493P09Rik None None None 14.5553 14.7054 13.228 14.629 14.4252 14.3824 11.8702 14.6258 13.7583 14.463 11.7545 13.7577 14.9481 11.761 13.7072 13.5334 13.5934 15.0704 13.9696 13.3363 12.3635 13.3168 14.3136 15.9329 11.5987 14.1395 15.1988 12.8513 13.5375 14.0069 13.9684 13.9665 Q8BYU6 Tor1aip2 1 156.035663 240832 + 156.035663 156.06886 torsin A interacting protein 2 1110020D10Rik; 15kDa; A130072J07; AA103493; AW060462; AW610675; C77739; Ifrg15; Lull1 None None None 14.93 14.5818 14.3518 14.7922 14.6533 14.349 14.2261 14.8021 14.2945 14.6361 14.3365 14.0154 14.4601 14.4453 14.4336 14.4762 14.3512 14.5787 14.4406 14.7268 14.5333 14.5952 13.9196 14.2107 13.6867 14.435 14.6783 14.3555 14.2763 14.7699 14.6675 14.3365 Q9CQS8 Sec61b 4 47.47466 66212 + 47.47466 47.483232 Sec61 beta subunit 1190006C12Rik; AI326121; AW122942 None None None 17.5126 17.1959 17.3578 17.081 17.0254 17.146 17.1323 16.9499 17.3012 17.0469 16.5964 17.1216 17.911 17.2465 17.449 16.6075 17.4591 17.0852 17.7099 17.515 16.6297 16.6971 16.6511 17.252 16.5869 17.0277 16.8309 17.2989 17.056 17.7092 17.2342 17.1888 Q8VD65 Pik3r4 9 105.642994 75669 + 105.642994 105.687654 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 4 2210010O15Rik; C730038E05Rik; C85833; D9Ertd418e; Vps15; p150 None None None 14.1107 13.8588 13.7532 14.0242 14.0072 13.9571 14.0929 14.1199 14.163 14.1569 13.6352 13.6968 14.6217 14.1702 13.6974 13.9933 14.217 13.8027 14.2605 14.2854 13.463 13.9799 14.0016 13.856 13.9535 13.8898 13.4121 13.6839 13.7886 14.2715 14.1203 14.2584 Q61753 Phgdh 3 98.31317 236539 - 98.31317 98.339968 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 3-PGDH; 3PGDH; 4930479N23; A10; PGAD; PGD; PGDH; SERA None None None 19.8614 20.4474 19.3668 19.8448 19.4414 20.6996 19.8665 19.8523 20.0001 20.6255 19.6273 19.2664 18.7189 19.8929 20.2536 20.275 20.2541 20.5107 18.2737 18.7779 18.6887 19.8677 20.1314 19.9994 19.2459 19.083 21.2109 20.1682 19.333 19.5372 19.7937 19.5299 P28656 Nap1l1 10 111.472881 53605 + 111.472881 111.498149 nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 AA407126; AI256722; D10Ertd68e; NAP-1 None None None 15.3831 17.5856 17.049 18.2682 17.2293 17.595 17.6012 17.561 17.9219 17.6716 17.1224 17.388 17.3799 17.6546 17.5152 17.239 17.5526 17.6127 17.9101 17.5291 16.392 17.249 17.8146 17.2466 17.0995 17.0458 17.3619 16.679 17.2813 17.508 17.8321 17.4824 Q8VD04 Gripap1 X 7.78996 54645 + 7.78996 7.820566 GRIP1 associated protein 1 AI854681; DXImx47e; GRASP-1; Sfc10; mKIAA1167 None None None 13.285 13.4095 12.6858 13.5498 13.1152 12.7958 12.1691 13.2511 12.8194 12.9945 12.6552 13.1569 13.2335 12.7908 12.9283 12.3556 12.9826 13.294 13.4425 12.7222 12.8092 13.0106 13.5203 12.6933 12.4916 12.5813 13.0232 13.8303 12.9849 12.7663 13.0549 12.8413 O55023 Impa1 3 10.311955 55980 - 10.311955 10.331438 inositol (myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 1 2610002K09Rik; 2900059K10Rik; AI325909 None None None 16.7221 15.7636 15.9166 15.8826 16.4428 16.0462 15.8458 16.4421 16.4267 16.017 16.2553 16.9335 17.8296 15.9762 16.4989 16.1057 16.0783 16.1899 15.809 15.9291 16.4345 16.6535 15.8086 15.9049 16.3041 16.0578 16.0214 16.0246 16.045 16.2056 16.07 15.9846 P61922 Abat 16 8.513428 268860 + 8.513428 8.621567 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase 9630038C02Rik; AI255750; Gabaat; Gabat; Gm9851; I54; Laibat; X61497 None None None 14.5828 15.0876 14.0591 13.8281 13.5754 13.6909 14.438 14.0064 14.0221 13.7032 13.7141 12.8135 12.4819 13.3956 13.3456 13.6613 13.5375 13.1509 13.2142 12.43 13.6729 13.0686 13.6101 12.8816 13.0436 13.0165 12.8843 13.3457 14.0609 12.446 13.8448 14.1209 Q9DBZ5 Eif3k 7 28.971371 73830 - 28.971371 28.981889 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K 1200009C21Rik; Eif3s12 None None None 15.6383 15.9447 15.9755 16.0372 15.9003 16.0298 16.35 16.1298 16.1885 15.9796 15.7905 14.2592 16.6256 16.1012 16.2389 15.7963 15.9886 15.0878 16.1311 15.8355 15.4081 15.7802 16.1645 15.9265 15.7649 16.2304 16.174 16.053 15.9579 16.0062 16.1682 16.1088 P70340 Smad1 8 79.338394 17125 - 79.338394 79.399427 SMAD family member 1 AI528653; Mad1; Madh1; Madr1; Mlp1; MusMLP; dwf-A; mMad1 None None None 14.185 13.8506 13.4868 13.7664 13.742 13.7979 13.3437 13.6553 13.7462 13.9907 13.4383 13.1506 14.5867 14.066 13.3292 13.2503 13.5404 13.8452 13.6395 13.8449 13.6333 13.7523 13.9749 13.6149 13.6233 13.235 13.973 13.0198 13.4297 13.6828 13.6192 13.3731 Q99M02 March2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q99M02 None None None 18.5938 18.8584 18.5987 18.8877 18.385 18.6955 18.2868 18.3454 18.5809 18.735 18.5971 18.5308 18.1434 18.3603 18.5945 18.598 18.386 18.4736 18.2919 18.3927 18.2514 18.5382 18.59 18.4713 18.6122 18.964 18.7259 18.594 18.6977 18.4006 18.818 18.1516 P47968 Rpia 6 70.765719 19895 - 70.765719 70.792174 ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A RPI None None None 12.8653 14.1643 13.9864 14.0541 14.2164 14.5596 14.7016 13.5366 14.468 14.4369 12.9612 14.6192 15.7234 14.1243 14.46 13.1689 14.5611 14.2132 14.8536 14.3399 13.9041 14.2555 14.7652 14.5924 14.8803 15.3243 13.5719 13.9655 12.9812 14.2841 14.0405 14.8845 O35459 Ech1 7 28.825337 51798 + 28.825337 28.832238 enoyl coenzyme A hydratase 1, peroxisomal AA617331 None None None 18.4274 18.2978 18.9268 18.4316 18.2429 17.6691 17.5317 18.543 17.9723 18.3178 18.0509 19.3254 18.5107 18.0959 18.4249 18.4978 18.2191 18.4047 18.1322 18.6936 20.1789 18.5741 18.1479 18.131 18.5571 18.291 18.6422 19.0642 18.1777 18.0365 18.5152 17.9421 Q8K0U4 Hspa12a 19 58.795749 73442 - 58.795749 58.943671 heat shock protein 12A 1700063D12Rik; AI118035; AI840429; AW048913; AW556406; D5Mgi40; Gm19925; mKIAA0417 None None None 17.2844 17.7923 17.4708 17.9705 17.2209 17.9342 18.0738 17.1626 17.4987 17.5974 17.4328 17.0834 14.6479 17.8341 17.093 17.2589 17.4909 17.9654 17.216 17.1896 16.7113 17.3325 17.9431 18.0847 16.9138 16.7747 18.0968 17.5513 16.8688 17.2539 17.622 17.2648 Q8BGA8 Acsm5 7 119.52613 272428 + 119.52613 119.543359 acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 5 C730019D22; C730027J19Rik None None None 11.667 12.599 12.7291 11.7882 12.5478 12.2008 12.0561 12.2536 11.7457 12.4744 12.1718 13.1693 12.5963 12.2312 12.4641 11.8608 12.8089 13.0887 12.6053 12.411 11.5628 12.1948 12.1599 12.3412 13.0132 14.2817 11.6557 12.3811 12.5702 11.9669 12.6216 12.6026 O89079 Cope 8 70.302766 59042 + 70.302766 70.313001 coatomer protein complex, subunit epsilon 1110005D17Rik; Cope1 None None None 16.7219 16.1949 16.005 16.3779 16.3728 16.3282 16.1806 16.3723 16.2262 16.315 16.01 16.412 16.7959 16.2333 16.2689 16.028 16.5068 16.2765 16.4049 16.3518 15.5969 16.2654 15.9039 16.1349 15.5769 15.893 16.1156 15.9417 15.8782 16.7866 16.3236 16.4292 Q9JKB1 Uchl3 14 101.653891 50933 + 101.653891 101.696124 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal esterase L3 (ubiquitin thiolesterase) None None None 14.8117 15.0369 15.3421 15.2879 15.3821 15.0411 15.6147 15.5023 15.6391 15.1723 15.3852 15.2287 17.1187 15.0775 15.3064 15.3045 15.2808 15.2589 15.5589 15.396 15.2819 15.3545 15.2234 15.3677 15.4829 15.8166 15.2713 15.3915 15.4065 15.3749 15.1674 15.6827 Q8R1N4 Nudcd3 11 6.10569 209586 - 6.10569 6.201618 NudC domain containing 3 AI427847; BC024322; mKIAA1068 None None None 13.8322 12.5626 12.5447 12.5674 14.2747 12.2434 15.4457 12.38 13.2894 13.3444 12.7261 12.9499 15.6677 12.4818 12.3031 12.4405 14.5833 12.76 12.9765 12.9354 12.73 13.7893 14.5806 12.4928 15.2876 12.5501 12.6623 16.7566 13.204 12.4633 12.6029 11.9927 P70180 Npr3 15 11.839895 18162 - 11.839895 11.907836 natriuretic peptide receptor 3 ANP-C; ANPR-C; EF-2; NPR-C; lgj; stri None None None 17.4041 17.617 16.3523 18.4074 17.7546 18.0957 18.0242 17.3968 16.4556 18.6123 17.0432 16.8729 11.9265 17.8517 17.7413 17.2304 18.1752 18.468 18.1154 17.5316 15.5567 16.6321 18.315 18.0013 15.2996 14.4259 18.403 17.3969 16.1044 18.3179 17.3614 17.2705 Q9JKR6 Hyou1 9 44.379489 12282 + 44.379489 44.392368 hypoxia up-regulated 1 AI415631; CBP-140; Cab140; Grp170; Orp150 None None None 17.7284 17.1265 17.1885 17.0029 17.5092 17.4609 17.5474 17.2546 17.5096 17.31 17.1523 17.6073 19.0185 17.2714 17.6725 17.2282 17.421 17.4577 17.4193 17.1256 16.8462 17.1483 16.9611 17.2759 17.3295 17.3369 17.2396 17.1483 17.5402 17.3814 17.2145 17.5356 Q923B1 Dbr1 9 99.575785 83703 + 99.575785 99.585006 debranching RNA lariats 1 AW018415 None None None 12.3188 12.9014 11.0392 12.1056 11.9696 12.5104 12.7838 12.5331 10.9603 12.7968 11.7577 11.2801 12.2436 12.6088 11.7092 12.4703 11.2303 12.9602 11.7895 11.8562 12.0305 12.2699 11.0759 12.0457 10.5578 12.8984 12.599 12.8476 11.1288 10.5831 11.7112 10.3597 Q9Z2W0 Dnpep 1 75.308564 13437 - 75.308564 75.317653 aspartyl aminopeptidase AA407814 None None None 17.4469 17.1797 17.4014 17.1496 17.2312 17.4271 17.5237 17.0225 17.4935 17.0451 17.1379 16.6152 17.484 17.2505 17.0303 17.0507 17.1442 17.0769 17.6009 17.1454 17.0614 17.4985 17.2467 17.1112 17.593 17.7829 17.0666 17.0951 17.2441 17.1959 17.0938 17.7158 Q8CG03 Pde5a 3 122.729157 242202 + 122.729157 122.859373 phosphodiesterase 5A, cGMP-specific Cgbpde; Cn5n; PDE5a2; Pde5; Pde5a1 None None None 12.3158 11.3825 13.3194 12.8273 13.0206 11.9584 11.8777 12.0323 12.3174 12.5144 12.812 12.303 11.8149 12.0749 12.5086 12.0958 12.5389 12.1177 11.9974 11.932 14.0412 12.6276 11.8754 11.9331 12.0539 15.3165 14.259 12.3824 11.5031 11.5367 12.9835 12.0293 Q2TBE6 Pi4k2a 19 42.090147 84095 + 42.090147 42.122217 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha Pi4k2 None None None 13.6783 13.4135 12.9871 13.747 13.162 13.2007 13.1396 13.3177 13.1793 13.6111 12.8953 13.3709 13.5037 14.1974 13.1628 12.495 13.8801 13.6276 14.7456 13.6786 12.3515 12.9547 12.7827 13.6182 11.7502 13.4886 13.327 12.99 14.3773 14.717 13.432 13.973 Q9JJV2 Pfn2 3 57.841894 18645 - 57.841894 57.847756 profilin 2 Pfn None None None 16.1173 16.2542 15.5689 14.53 15.8893 15.5084 15.6017 15.6262 16.015 14.5957 15.7638 15.2317 15.3011 15.7983 15.8833 15.2636 15.4861 15.5084 15.8837 15.7154 15.9799 15.8384 15.4525 15.501 16.0489 15.8314 15.5009 15.6837 15.2783 15.3118 15.0774 15.2454 Q9QZ85 Iigp1 18 60.373615 60440 + 60.373615 60.392633 interferon inducible GTPase 1 2900074L10Rik; AI046432; AW111922; Ifgga1; Iigp; Irga6 None None None 14.4447 13.4296 15.2214 14.3193 15.531 14.9239 14.7003 14.1097 14.5729 14.9981 14.436 13.4696 15.7175 14.3414 14.4121 14.9655 14.0582 13.5799 15.59 15.0392 14.8707 14.0156 15.2791 16.3107 14.7806 16.2937 13.8736 14.9079 15.9548 14.3733 15.579 18.0064 P42703 Lifr 15 7.090609 16880 + 7.090609 7.197488 LIF receptor alpha A230075M04Rik; AW061234; LIF None None None 12.9374 12.9318 12.6131 13.6088 13.369 14.0512 13.3455 13.1411 13.6806 13.3898 13.7589 13.9542 13.5681 12.4837 13.5191 17.3021 13.2087 13.6297 12.6371 12.8021 13.3377 13.6523 13.9763 13.9708 15.407 13.3301 13.4307 13.4732 14.1039 12.3061 13.1997 13.3002 Q9D8S3 Arfgap3 15 83.299738 66251 - 83.299738 83.350374 ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3 0610009H19Rik; 1810004P07Rik; 1810035F16Rik; 9130416J18Rik; Arfgap1 None None None 13.2 13.5157 12.9708 13.8762 13.2671 12.655 13.2365 13.3719 13.4139 13.7703 12.6151 12.8929 15.0 13.1254 13.3173 12.8455 13.8705 13.4695 13.6585 13.0485 12.4625 13.1613 13.4442 13.6305 12.3902 12.4419 14.3107 12.5449 12.5078 14.2325 13.3641 12.2302 E2JF22 Piezo1 8 122.481697 234839 - 122.481697 122.551328 piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1 9630020g22; Fam38a; mKIAA0233 None None None 11.729 12.2284 12.1597 13.1455 12.2656 12.773 12.376 12.4913 12.6325 12.844 12.6203 12.7402 11.4252 12.672 12.4867 12.3825 12.5585 12.933 13.0096 12.5285 12.2977 12.5761 12.4259 11.5193 11.3299 11.9095 12.8168 12.6563 11.577 12.6188 12.6255 12.9344 Q8VI36 Pxn 5 115.491969 19303 + 115.491969 115.555986 paxillin AW108311; AW123232; Pax None None None 13.3909 14.0035 14.0217 14.1216 13.6665 13.9291 14.3057 13.6554 14.0912 14.0352 13.8824 12.9667 13.5578 13.8272 13.4875 13.1852 13.5455 13.2631 14.2267 13.8427 13.5384 13.8602 14.5129 13.8479 13.9147 14.3683 13.7934 13.3465 13.8213 14.0161 13.7864 14.1539 P58059 Mrps21 3 95.862633 66292 - 95.862633 95.871513 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S21 1810031B19Rik; S21mt None None None 13.2054 13.9551 14.397 13.1851 13.5257 12.1312 12.1599 13.76 13.303 13.1945 14.1897 13.2059 14.6206 13.5295 12.8315 13.2139 13.2138 13.112 11.6887 14.4363 14.851 13.3497 13.694 11.8747 12.9854 14.7466 13.8649 13.9612 14.5354 13.569 13.264 11.6134 P62746 Rhob 12 8.49766 11852 - 8.49766 8.500008 ras homolog family member B AA017882; Arh6; Arhb None None None 14.9275 15.3581 14.5659 15.2948 15.3499 15.285 15.488 15.4067 15.6237 15.3199 15.6165 13.345 14.9154 14.9682 15.3001 15.2565 15.2983 15.0393 15.3924 15.3123 15.0934 15.5148 15.2826 15.0766 15.2558 15.4311 15.8709 15.3942 15.4746 15.3621 15.5105 15.2221 Q6ZWQ7 Spcs3 8 54.520432 76687 - 54.520432 54.529997 signal peptidase complex subunit 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 1810011E08Rik; SPC22/23 None None None 16.3441 15.588 15.6518 15.7532 16.4183 15.9494 15.7453 15.6065 16.5504 15.5448 15.9062 15.7074 17.9542 16.5059 15.9318 15.3844 16.1029 15.5485 16.2216 15.5502 15.5728 15.5894 15.5671 15.9057 16.0545 14.9988 15.2479 15.5283 16.0524 16.4143 15.598 16.5329 Q9JKN1 Slc30a7 3 115.938972 66500 - 115.938972 116.007413 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 7 1810059J10Rik; 2610034N15Rik; 4833428C12Rik; AI467242; ZnT-7; ZnT7; Zntl2 None None None 12.299 13.4159 13.9147 13.8528 12.6491 13.6089 12.05 13.4249 13.9558 13.4321 12.1657 12.6684 13.4814 13.7748 13.3145 12.4909 13.0836 13.2372 14.1615 13.8348 11.5567 13.5699 14.1598 12.3351 13.6069 12.6081 12.7377 13.2906 12.6437 13.5518 13.5388 13.482 P12710 Fabp1 6 71.199878 14080 + 71.199878 71.205033 fatty acid binding protein 1, liver Fabpl; L-FABP None None None 17.634 16.3147 17.5299 14.6948 14.5315 16.1721 17.9918 15.8482 15.9784 17.0231 14.605 15.8452 16.7278 13.958 16.3866 16.5799 16.2425 15.965 14.7304 14.5273 14.0617 13.5581 15.0167 17.4509 17.1143 16.6288 15.0569 15.4184 14.3337 15.1549 15.3698 17.3155 O35143 Atpif1 4 132.530554 11983 - 132.530554 132.535449 ATPase inhibitory factor 1 ATP5IF1; Atpi; IF(1); If1 None None None 11.5779 12.1552 11.7636 12.8712 12.2077 10.2066 9.95813 13.3666 12.4638 11.9152 12.6645 12.1947 12.1187 12.4839 12.2849 8.68072 11.9687 11.9054 11.2478 11.7562 12.3982 12.2529 9.67661 12.834 12.6462 12.1093 11.8111 11.5677 12.1449 12.4596 10.7335 12.1125 Q9JJY3 Smpd3 8 106.252547 58994 - 106.252547 106.337964 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 3, neutral 4631433G07Rik; AI427456; AW537966; fro; nSMase2 None None None 13.2077 12.5432 12.8285 12.0389 12.1215 14.3253 13.4635 12.6927 12.982 13.0989 12.9398 12.5507 11.7998 13.0534 12.3578 12.6612 13.0734 12.9967 12.0405 12.8142 12.0085 13.0069 12.7205 12.9242 13.1729 12.1037 13.4624 13.9714 11.4292 12.3603 12.5378 12.2342 Q9QY76 Vapb 2 173.73757 56491 + 173.73757 173.784335 vesicle-associated membrane protein, associated protein B and C AI225786; AI840687; AI848259; D2Abb2e; R75548; VAP33b; Vamp33b None None None 16.611 16.1727 16.0212 16.0859 15.9709 15.9721 16.1811 16.0926 15.8607 16.3617 15.6889 16.2073 15.6881 16.1658 16.0779 16.1248 16.1207 16.4444 16.1369 16.1815 15.9182 15.8489 16.4097 16.1569 15.5183 15.7894 16.5622 15.9484 15.9707 16.189 16.2347 15.9092 Q8BJ64 Chdh 14 30.0089 218865 + 30.0089 30.040467 choline dehydrogenase AU041472; D630034H06Rik None None None 15.549 14.6552 16.6168 14.5392 14.6452 14.9153 14.7508 15.1637 15.0096 14.8087 15.8017 15.6643 15.3864 13.9772 14.944 16.1316 14.6428 14.3748 14.5818 15.3246 16.5518 15.3995 14.9224 15.3872 16.5975 17.1018 14.7443 15.8547 16.2018 13.7764 15.5608 15.0004 Q9Z1X4 Ilf3 9 21.36773 16201 + 21.36773 21.405362 interleukin enhancer binding factor 3 MBII-26; MPHOSPH4; NF90; NFAR None None None 16.1587 15.763 16.2606 15.6682 15.8402 16.054 16.4261 15.7471 16.1482 15.903 16.2086 15.5945 16.4765 15.9199 15.9295 15.8791 15.7851 15.9394 15.9388 15.6495 15.995 15.8682 16.0458 16.0683 16.2939 16.3897 15.7415 15.9319 16.6491 15.6672 15.9967 16.1216 O88685 Psmc3 2 91.054015 19182 + 91.054015 91.059437 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase 3 TBP-1 None None None 17.1709 16.5251 16.3791 16.6562 16.7408 16.6413 16.5453 16.7144 16.5553 16.6851 16.5322 16.5576 17.1875 16.7753 16.7314 16.4703 16.6594 16.6459 16.8084 16.5415 16.3368 16.5132 16.492 16.4668 16.2885 16.4726 16.5485 16.5254 16.5872 16.8447 16.6092 16.8087 P62259 Ywhae 11 75.732886 22627 + 75.732886 75.76584 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, epsilon polypeptide AU019196 None None None 19.7804 20.002 19.8159 20.1381 19.9045 19.8889 19.9118 19.9049 19.9286 19.988 19.8472 20.1877 19.8969 19.9886 19.9723 19.5002 19.8062 19.9803 20.0104 19.8745 19.4924 19.6278 19.9196 19.8817 19.6969 20.0793 20.0172 19.8401 19.8274 19.7934 19.8248 20.2425 Q8BHG9 Cggbp1 16 64.852 106143 + 64.852 64.85949 CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 AA960172; AL023996; AW045841 None None None 12.5939 11.5374 11.5033 12.8595 12.5584 12.1312 12.4714 12.1743 13.0024 11.9665 12.3557 12.3823 11.9312 12.8362 11.9331 12.6667 12.3876 12.0857 12.0002 12.4688 12.9647 12.5305 13.5987 12.1863 12.9224 11.9094 12.2608 11.7553 11.4988 12.5606 11.7614 11.9249 Q8C5H8 Nadk2 15 9.071259 68646 + 9.071259 9.110495 NAD kinase 2, mitochondrial MNADK; Nadkd1 None None None 12.4977 14.7417 12.9245 14.47 13.587 13.0035 14.0252 12.4726 14.6724 13.492 14.2851 14.3806 15.2917 14.4897 12.6708 13.1104 13.0763 13.3024 12.6266 13.8342 13.7581 13.6464 14.423 14.166 14.5235 14.619 12.4267 12.6401 14.2402 14.759 14.5803 14.5643 Q91WT9 Cbs 17 31.612622 12411 - 31.612622 31.637232 cystathionine beta-synthase AI047524; AI303044; HIP4 None None None 15.2926 11.7428 13.4975 12.5537 12.3069 12.0293 13.9117 12.3763 13.7753 13.2401 11.3811 13.0755 11.7257 12.0909 12.6752 13.4242 12.1689 12.8128 11.7366 11.9308 12.4485 11.8675 12.1819 11.5505 13.0882 13.5363 12.6664 11.9607 11.7519 12.5987 12.0551 11.4683 Q8R138 Tmem119 5 113.793728 231633 - 113.793728 113.800395 transmembrane protein 119 AW208946; BC025600; obif None None None 15.0935 14.9396 14.4599 14.2531 14.7287 15.5631 15.275 15.316 14.7832 14.9296 15.1749 12.5113 14.5983 15.5231 14.7804 12.1974 15.2294 14.7609 15.1411 14.6725 14.2219 15.0073 14.59 14.4558 15.3229 15.0577 14.3541 14.1118 13.4455 15.0105 14.5808 14.3296 Q8R502 Lrrc8c 5 105.519344 100604 + 105.519344 105.613017 leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member C AD158; AI326115; E430036I04Rik; fad158 None None None 13.1558 12.3744 12.6937 12.8891 13.0189 12.8345 13.2483 12.6835 12.7416 12.7731 12.9882 12.3437 14.1174 13.4989 12.6089 12.8468 12.669 12.5402 13.0036 12.7438 12.7782 12.6941 12.8425 12.8965 12.7345 13.2282 12.9414 13.0312 12.3361 12.9516 12.829 13.4721 P30681 Hmgb2 8 57.511842 97165 + 57.511842 57.515998 high mobility group box 2 C80539; HMG-2; Hmg2 None None None 13.9173 15.1417 15.2546 15.3831 16.1174 15.1332 14.5543 15.4538 16.3421 15.6807 14.4656 13.4483 18.9238 15.1287 15.368 14.5958 15.3158 14.4627 15.5943 15.6016 14.8796 15.1005 15.5671 15.7541 16.3629 14.9549 15.2096 15.2971 14.6621 15.5003 15.1703 15.4778 P70335 Rock1 18 10.0644 19877 - 10.0644 10.18225 Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 1110055K06Rik; Rock-I None None None 13.919 13.9096 13.7654 14.0928 14.0642 13.9953 13.7734 13.9283 13.9642 14.1665 13.9669 13.3572 14.7034 14.2059 13.9664 13.8675 13.958 13.9734 13.8087 13.6265 13.8448 14.147 14.0547 14.0291 13.7834 12.5553 14.2167 13.965 13.647 14.0598 13.9117 13.9536 Q6PD03 Ppp2r5a 1 191.35198 226849 - 191.35198 191.39704 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', alpha PR61alpha None None None 15.8918 15.9845 16.1045 16.0472 15.4709 15.9346 15.8641 15.7669 15.876 15.8589 15.8504 15.4644 15.3063 15.6873 15.6033 15.8398 15.8354 16.0653 15.7784 15.7773 15.4392 15.4545 15.6915 16.0424 15.7042 16.1191 16.2645 16.1539 15.8533 15.7313 16.0982 15.704 P00687 Amy1 3 113.555951 11722 - 113.555951 113.577749 amylase 1, salivary Amy-1; Amy1a; C030014B17Rik None None None 12.0083 12.7296 13.1874 13.1939 12.2304 12.731 13.53 12.9564 12.5869 12.7677 12.0014 13.0931 12.5129 12.2298 12.2723 13.1637 12.4979 12.7106 12.3888 12.6056 12.5275 12.3476 13.7246 12.3731 12.9339 13.3135 11.9981 12.9959 12.3911 12.1234 12.5083 13.2576 P57780 Actn4 7 28.893247 60595 - 28.893247 28.96235 actinin alpha 4 C77391 None None None 18.8952 18.519 18.2015 18.7969 18.7791 18.6247 18.6914 18.7943 18.3529 18.9414 18.6536 18.6909 18.1821 18.8208 18.7711 18.3448 18.8547 19.0269 18.6202 18.3847 18.3316 18.3611 18.678 18.6136 17.7894 17.664 19.0706 18.585 18.0528 18.7636 18.5876 18.5284 Q9CQ26 Stambp 6 83.543205 70527 - 83.543205 83.575825 STAM binding protein 5330424L14Rik; 5730422L11Rik; AW107289; Amsh; mKIAA4198 None None None 13.9243 13.0294 12.6439 12.3033 12.6986 13.2223 12.2587 12.7508 13.4845 13.0196 12.3744 12.15 15.1392 13.563 12.1713 12.4386 12.3415 12.8195 13.7386 12.4317 13.1788 12.6218 12.1806 12.5439 12.5732 11.6967 12.8674 12.4098 12.0301 14.0039 13.4326 12.3103 Q9Z1N5 Ddx39b 17 35.241745 53817 + 35.241745 35.253706 DEAD box helicase 39b 0610030D10Rik; AI428441; Bat-1; Bat1; Bat1a; D17H6S81E; D17H6S81E-1; D6S81Eh None None None 17.0335 16.4143 16.6269 16.5349 17.2146 16.365 16.2097 17.0913 17.0545 16.6917 16.5857 15.7354 19.0081 16.8131 16.995 16.4816 16.7665 16.651 16.6218 16.8304 16.7782 17.0243 16.2588 16.3008 16.7524 16.7897 16.6552 16.4109 16.3079 17.0101 16.6831 16.794 Q3UZ39 Lrrfip1 1 90.996929 16978 + 90.996929 91.128943 leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1 AU024550; Fliiap1 None None None 14.7162 13.4107 13.5784 13.9044 14.1266 13.7194 13.4454 13.9622 13.8041 14.0971 13.587 14.0492 15.8777 14.481 14.2118 13.2865 13.904 14.0966 14.689 14.0893 13.7922 13.2416 13.6164 14.0966 13.6989 12.9443 13.6835 13.9085 13.994 14.4733 13.9054 14.5425 Q5H8C4 Vps13a 19 16.615365 271564 - 16.615365 16.78107 vacuolar protein sorting 13A 4930425F11; 4930516E05Rik; 4930543C13Rik; 9930023P20; Chac; Chorein; D330038K10Rik; mKIAA0986 None None None 12.613 13.7306 13.5525 12.89 13.4421 12.853 12.9978 12.7723 12.279 12.9057 12.9533 12.5636 12.777 12.3265 13.2238 12.9381 13.5907 12.2131 13.4683 13.3092 13.4405 12.6578 12.9159 12.9814 13.0673 14.1546 13.2516 13.3893 12.6211 13.029 13.4911 12.7161 Q9WVL3 Slc12a7 13 73.733051 20499 + 73.733051 73.816753 solute carrier family 12, member 7 AA408796; D13Ertd261e; Kcc4 None None None 12.2749 11.8559 12.8818 12.7314 11.8922 12.4261 11.732 12.1116 12.6369 12.4231 12.4449 11.895 12.5703 12.7158 12.2881 12.473 12.5618 12.4373 13.106 12.874 12.2578 12.4382 12.7558 12.1709 12.8657 13.0836 11.3976 12.1515 12.2414 12.7521 12.6192 13.3657 Q8BGS7 Cept1 3 106.502259 99712 - 106.502259 106.547801 choline/ethanolaminephosphotransferase 1 9930118K05Rik; mCEPT1 None None None 15.0756 15.4697 15.4684 14.945 14.7054 15.4421 15.7233 15.0392 16.5494 14.8616 15.325 13.4184 15.1251 15.0311 15.0356 15.7095 15.2453 14.9154 14.7658 15.3153 15.2589 15.2744 15.2879 15.3844 15.6123 15.8655 15.5317 15.0901 15.1113 14.2338 15.1932 16.5338 O70400 Pdlim1 19 40.222238 54132 - 40.222238 40.271615 PDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin) CLP36; Clim1; mClim1 None None None 16.3749 16.5034 15.7973 16.2169 16.1537 16.3394 16.3822 16.1796 16.7107 16.1159 16.5257 16.1348 17.7426 16.6319 16.4944 15.6143 16.5116 16.3245 16.5101 15.8648 16.366 16.2821 16.1965 15.7573 16.142 16.6314 15.7445 16.1129 15.568 16.6334 16.1547 16.2143 O08529 Capn2 1 182.467252 12334 - 182.467252 182.517609 calpain 2 AI326419; CALP80; Capa-2; Capa2; m-calpain; m-calpin None None None 18.9913 18.9726 18.4897 19.0472 18.7227 18.9895 18.7784 19.074 18.8172 19.0585 18.689 19.0497 17.9237 19.0454 19.0469 18.6612 19.155 19.2523 19.0488 18.8795 18.5186 18.8961 18.9337 18.7274 18.3496 18.6145 19.1637 18.778 18.8408 18.9563 19.041 18.776 Q3UQ44 Iqgap2 13 95.627176 544963 - 95.627176 95.892279 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 4933417J23Rik; A630053O10; AI788777 None None None 14.7212 14.0737 13.6929 15.37 14.5108 13.0877 13.6115 13.3432 14.5273 13.6662 12.5691 13.9289 14.396 14.3784 13.7692 14.0215 14.4365 13.9408 14.4526 14.0293 12.0361 13.3878 12.8293 14.0659 13.4406 13.9965 12.7978 13.4396 14.1452 14.4764 13.729 14.9912 P34152 Ptk2 15 73.205101 14083 - 73.205101 73.423819 PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 FADK 1; FAK; FRNK; Fadk; p125FAK None None None 14.5437 14.2016 14.0476 14.4312 13.9892 13.0303 14.1089 13.8421 14.2096 14.2768 14.0861 13.7871 13.3685 13.4795 13.4825 13.3625 13.6885 13.9411 13.2769 13.8627 14.1378 14.0067 14.193 13.506 13.9874 14.0391 14.3208 14.0683 13.9761 13.3536 13.5671 14.1177 B1AZA5 Tmem245 4 56.876002 242474 - 56.876002 56.947454 transmembrane protein 245 A630051L19Rik; AI957324; D730040F13Rik None None None 15.7495 15.5055 15.2169 15.5969 15.3918 14.6875 14.5369 15.3434 15.1976 15.6369 14.8407 16.0803 12.492 15.3818 15.7616 15.5095 15.1696 15.4223 15.1086 15.3751 14.6087 14.785 15.3541 15.5827 14.7568 14.327 15.8849 15.4215 14.9641 15.2578 15.5319 14.7358 Q9CQL7 Mrfap1 5 36.794866 67568 - 36.794866 36.796753 Morf4 family associated protein 1 9130413I22Rik; AL022827; Pam14 None None None 12.5248 13.2421 13.5273 12.6523 13.3099 12.9188 13.4085 12.1743 13.1821 12.4862 12.1484 12.5896 13.6188 13.0073 12.7587 12.4595 12.4323 12.0857 12.7502 12.9988 12.7574 12.4645 12.9596 11.979 12.9738 11.7417 12.4681 11.9626 13.1822 12.3533 12.2936 11.7176 P54729 Nub1 5 24.685814 53312 + 24.685814 24.710377 negative regulator of ubiquitin-like proteins 1 4931404D21Rik; 6330412F12Rik; BS4; NY-REN-18 None None None 13.161 13.492 13.9756 12.8966 13.7864 13.8411 13.5438 13.7235 14.1248 13.6431 13.5935 13.7252 14.6438 13.5616 13.4257 13.2831 13.6316 13.5878 13.8065 13.2157 12.3011 14.0247 13.7097 13.7869 13.8375 14.0086 13.7165 13.435 13.7342 13.6989 13.5847 14.0724 Q01965 Ly9 1 171.588612 17085 - 171.588612 171.607409 lymphocyte antigen 9 AI893573; CD229; Lgp100; Ly-9; SLAMF3; T100 None None None 11.6194 12.456 11.8909 11.6451 12.4523 12.2008 12.1991 12.3966 11.7457 12.3473 12.3148 12.4493 14.6198 12.3742 12.4719 12.0038 12.3903 12.2462 12.4622 12.268 11.7058 12.0518 12.0169 12.4843 12.2119 12.459 11.7987 12.2381 13.9329 12.1099 12.315 13.7482 Q8K124 Plekho2 9 65.552576 102595 - 65.552576 65.580086 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family O member 2 AI840980; Plekhq1 None None None 15.309 13.0738 13.6914 13.6565 15.0764 13.6998 13.7023 15.2117 14.3678 13.5633 13.3981 13.5346 15.374 15.7813 14.3887 13.3185 15.111 13.6576 14.5957 14.2005 13.2965 13.4507 13.4162 13.8077 13.5107 13.5939 13.2407 12.7744 14.5323 16.328 13.9025 14.5209 Q9EPL9 Acox3 5 35.58298 80911 + 35.58298 35.614207 acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase 3, pristanoyl BI685180; EST-s59; PCOX None None None 15.7478 15.2626 16.2213 15.5791 15.5198 15.6405 15.1884 15.7691 15.4432 15.6357 15.9998 16.1008 16.1789 14.9344 15.688 15.9794 15.6665 14.8216 15.5418 15.596 16.0209 15.6646 15.6477 15.2789 16.0912 16.1859 16.0651 15.7197 15.8629 15.5904 15.0305 15.5572 Q6DID7 Wls 3 159.839649 68151 + 159.839649 159.938665 wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator 5031439A09Rik; AI173978; AI987742; EVI; Gpr177 None None None 15.0463 14.7413 14.9206 15.0342 13.4744 15.259 15.0093 15.0578 15.1272 14.6947 14.7065 13.3558 14.2736 15.2915 14.9557 14.8016 15.1556 15.0035 14.9459 15.0926 12.868 15.4531 15.0531 14.6034 14.7794 14.6507 14.7064 14.2866 15.1182 14.9884 14.9118 14.9581 Q7TSJ2 Map6 7 99.266778 17760 + 99.266778 99.337136 microtubule-associated protein 6 2810411E12Rik; Map-6; Mtap6; STOP None None None 12.1003 10.1923 10.6618 10.7632 12.2336 11.3156 11.6547 10.695 11.9964 11.3321 11.6947 12.5395 10.6102 12.1029 11.9225 11.5735 11.051 10.7313 11.9617 10.9787 12.329 11.4459 11.0189 10.7018 11.8494 11.5351 11.282 11.4674 10.4954 11.8413 10.9787 10.8308 Q8CJF9 Ago3 4 126.326993 214150 - 126.326993 126.431669 argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 3 AW048688; C130014L07Rik; Eif2c3 None None None 13.4025 13.5994 12.8131 13.4335 13.2361 12.909 12.899 13.1195 13.5981 13.0913 13.2869 13.5965 14.6705 13.6106 13.2547 13.1881 13.5523 13.1022 13.6975 13.2516 12.8733 13.325 13.6021 13.8386 12.9372 12.749 12.9564 13.2768 13.1249 13.8488 13.0981 13.9142 Q8BNW9 Kbtbd11 8 15.011024 74901 + 15.011024 15.033332 kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 2900016B01Rik; 4930465M17Rik; mKIAA0711 None None None 13.4975 12.9923 12.4624 13.1472 13.5056 13.5445 11.9943 12.8131 14.5648 12.8473 11.9617 12.4424 15.5341 12.3637 13.0099 13.7844 13.1207 12.5306 11.7445 13.8022 13.6755 13.528 14.367 11.9299 15.1078 11.5768 13.2849 12.4874 11.7793 14.8393 13.393 11.9191 P62071 Rras2 7 114.046781 66922 - 114.046781 114.11778 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene 2 2610016H24Rik; C86394; TC21 None None None 16.8369 17.0634 16.7958 17.4008 17.4546 17.3131 17.0369 17.1158 17.1661 17.1637 17.5364 17.0843 16.1267 17.1102 17.1802 17.0497 16.8113 17.7084 16.5359 16.8407 16.4199 17.1492 17.4474 17.0789 17.0426 16.6987 17.6502 17.299 16.6128 16.6011 17.0455 16.7274 P01029 C4b 17 34.728138 12268 - 34.728138 34.743901 complement component 4B (Chido blood group) C4; Ss None None None 16.7832 16.2444 15.8299 16.4159 17.0941 16.1431 15.9794 16.2853 15.8343 16.0749 16.4651 17.2949 16.4735 16.7766 16.4348 16.663 15.9951 16.0879 15.382 16.0781 15.7893 16.6425 15.9953 16.1859 16.5185 17.466 16.0237 16.4077 16.0402 15.5657 16.238 16.2447 Q61285 Abcd2 15 91.14587 26874 - 91.14587 91.192006 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD), member 2 ABC39; ALDL1; ALDR; ALDRP None None None 17.7708 17.8471 18.2655 18.3459 17.2978 17.8601 17.969 17.8837 17.771 17.7357 17.6279 18.0416 17.0411 17.9086 17.4881 17.5574 17.9298 17.8786 17.2472 17.2515 17.2514 17.5489 17.9879 17.9396 17.6799 18.4327 18.6565 17.8049 17.7236 17.1466 17.9105 17.7129 Q62277 Syp X 7.638579 20977 + 7.638579 7.653255 synaptophysin A230093K24Rik; AI848995; Syn; p38 None None None 12.2132 15.6312 13.345 15.659 15.4907 15.1637 15.1435 15.3336 14.5741 15.836 12.552 15.329 12.0762 12.8718 14.5682 15.6764 15.5379 15.8403 15.3278 14.0298 12.396 14.9171 16.145 15.5943 13.8677 12.0739 15.6126 15.0232 13.615 12.2337 15.4409 14.9099 Q9DCH6 Zfand6 7 84.615044 65098 - 84.615044 84.690015 zinc finger, AN1-type domain 6 3110005P07Rik; Awp1; Za20d3 None None None 13.2787 13.1105 13.0887 13.4398 13.3593 13.1181 11.6788 13.2413 13.1792 13.0119 11.5631 13.1884 14.6126 13.3354 13.2371 13.1952 13.5051 12.5175 13.7578 13.5534 13.2792 13.2383 12.9946 11.3937 13.482 13.8789 13.8294 13.4215 13.8288 13.9137 13.5191 13.321 P62869 Elob 17 23.824739 67673 - 23.824739 23.829108 elongin B 0610040H15Rik; Tceb2 None None None 15.8051 16.9083 16.4487 16.7249 16.6471 16.5734 17.0002 16.9569 16.779 16.8674 16.3968 16.2128 17.1129 16.072 16.9641 16.8258 16.7263 16.7928 16.6878 16.6537 16.1025 16.2511 16.7528 16.6794 16.1326 16.6862 16.9086 16.7788 16.6113 16.695 16.7901 16.7281 Q9CY62 Rnf181 6 72.359711 66510 - 72.359711 72.366993 ring finger protein 181 1700047F16Rik; 2500002L14Rik; 6230415N01Rik; C77350 None None None 12.7448 12.9046 12.5379 12.2424 12.6296 13.1777 12.6757 12.4131 12.9863 12.6663 12.3077 11.8421 13.9335 12.5738 13.3618 12.4889 12.4422 12.3237 11.4061 11.8651 12.6157 12.787 12.1949 11.827 12.9815 11.5704 13.1247 13.0933 12.7691 12.3421 12.5172 11.4136 Q9QYF9 Ndrg3 2 156.927341 29812 - 156.927341 156.992131 N-myc downstream regulated gene 3 4833415O14Rik; AI747193; Ndr3 None None None 13.9122 13.4104 13.6459 13.4833 13.363 13.5523 14.5371 13.4329 13.6632 13.376 13.2584 13.367 13.7548 12.0581 12.9129 13.6165 13.4531 13.6958 12.677 13.0945 13.6957 13.4222 13.9211 13.5007 13.0145 13.5294 13.7938 13.5255 13.7689 13.7965 13.3797 12.045 Q8BMG7 Rab3gap2 1 185.204087 98732 + 185.204087 185.286755 RAB3 GTPase activating protein subunit 2 1110059F07Rik; 2010002H18Rik; 5830469C09; AI851069; AW743433; RAB3-GAP150; mKIAA0839 None None None 13.7325 14.1922 13.8671 14.4676 14.1678 14.1051 14.1298 14.3758 14.2308 14.2626 13.7683 14.0391 13.9379 13.9824 14.075 14.0938 14.315 14.294 14.1211 14.4473 13.5856 14.1055 14.2131 14.1119 13.5046 13.9481 14.1506 13.9539 13.9835 14.388 14.3159 14.2607 Q8BGW1 Fto 8 91.313366 26383 + 91.313366 91.668432 fat mass and obesity associated AW743446; mKIAA1752 None None None 12.2252 12.5951 12.443 11.7493 12.31 12.4539 12.1375 11.8898 12.0951 11.9396 12.5511 12.4308 12.9462 12.8952 11.8735 11.9421 12.0967 12.2462 12.6087 12.3232 11.6442 12.1549 12.0786 12.4226 12.8327 12.5722 11.7943 12.8328 12.3781 12.2664 12.429 12.0649 Q9EP72 Emc7 2 112.455013 73024 + 112.455013 112.472162 ER membrane protein complex subunit 7 2900064A13Rik; AI451465; ORF3; c11orf3 None None None 15.8188 15.7845 14.9677 15.5908 15.4104 15.6725 15.8452 15.5276 15.561 15.6438 15.7282 15.4784 15.1527 15.839 15.5179 15.2431 15.6073 15.6403 15.8327 15.6225 15.0543 15.3737 15.5331 15.6807 15.4009 15.725 15.6533 15.183 15.5608 15.8088 15.6636 15.5791 Q8VD26 Tmem143 7 45.89699 70209 + 45.89699 45.917412 transmembrane protein 143 2310076O21Rik; AI481604 None None None 11.9241 13.4897 14.244 12.2789 12.0888 11.87 11.3015 12.5468 12.9494 12.5264 11.439 12.9173 12.2132 11.9899 12.2406 12.3972 12.8999 12.3204 12.2134 13.0339 15.0313 12.0002 12.2971 12.1344 13.0255 12.0564 13.7807 14.5296 14.3202 11.6228 12.4051 12.5796 P41160 Lep 6 29.06022 16846 + 29.06022 29.073875 leptin ob; obese None None None 14.5787 14.6766 13.711 14.5281 13.723 14.2121 13.8566 14.2628 13.2388 15.3623 12.8735 12.3233 11.7101 14.6281 13.7297 14.1588 14.6771 15.2032 14.813 14.797 12.7796 13.236 15.1163 13.9152 12.859 11.7196 14.1487 13.2512 11.0164 14.8432 14.4228 12.4925 P35569 Irs1 1 82.233104 16367 - 82.233104 82.291438 insulin receptor substrate 1 G972R; IRS-1 None None None 10.7793 10.9862 11.2148 9.4638 10.0192 11.2875 12.4878 10.5763 10.9958 9.59907 9.11726 9.4549 8.5241 12.3127 11.3377 10.5645 10.5601 11.0277 11.5147 9.55672 10.24 10.3376 11.9601 12.2026 10.9904 9.68515 10.6651 10.3824 10.6828 9.20723 10.1321 11.9413 B1ATW4 Slit3 11 35.121455 20564 + 35.121455 35.708506 slit guidance ligand 3 Slil2; Slit1; b2b2362.1Clo None None None 14.1859 14.3822 13.9202 14.733 14.8094 14.4437 14.5728 14.43 14.439 13.6462 14.6377 14.7431 12.2932 14.4866 15.0283 14.2684 14.1518 14.2985 14.2258 14.2695 14.0179 14.476 14.8884 14.691 14.3367 14.3901 14.7872 14.3042 14.0874 13.8034 13.9785 14.8863 P27005 S100a8 3 90.66907 20201 + 90.66907 90.670033 S100 calcium binding protein A8 (calgranulin A) 60B8Ag; AI323541; B8Ag; CFAg; CP-10; Caga; MRP8; p8 None None None 12.5239 12.4057 12.728 17.5207 13.5196 12.429 12.3491 12.3716 13.3554 13.5202 12.4506 13.8642 15.6051 12.3205 13.3469 12.7112 12.4888 12.2199 11.92 12.0998 15.1646 12.6065 11.964 12.3618 14.0156 12.1595 12.8375 12.4874 12.3019 13.041 12.4145 11.8779 Q8K0D0 Cdk17 10 93.160875 237459 + 93.160875 93.251093 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 6430598J10Rik; Pctk2 None None None 12.4057 13.2699 13.0666 13.5484 13.3556 12.7244 12.8196 12.9301 13.6505 13.4324 12.9229 13.1588 13.9687 13.1066 13.3493 13.3964 13.5685 12.5396 13.2424 13.5259 13.3041 13.1419 12.9136 12.0017 13.0232 12.9416 12.2152 12.4119 12.9772 13.6136 13.4532 13.1137 Q9DCJ5 Ndufa8 2 36.036323 68375 - 36.036323 36.049337 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A8 0610033L03Rik; AW261656; CI-19kD; CI-PGIV None None None 16.1748 16.3929 17.3798 16.4697 16.0928 16.5425 16.4372 16.079 16.478 16.1404 16.6119 16.4723 17.055 16.3433 16.2472 16.9574 16.0551 15.7938 15.9863 16.6177 18.2017 16.8119 16.6528 16.6383 17.4995 16.9291 16.4696 17.044 16.687 15.9341 16.6868 15.7623 Q8BH15 Cnot10 9 114.585873 78893 - 114.585873 114.640219 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 10 2600001P13Rik None None None 13.3487 12.2749 12.3736 13.2876 13.6446 13.2234 13.1513 13.4689 13.4194 13.1773 12.9941 11.8524 14.8282 13.4767 13.0365 12.0862 13.3228 13.2558 13.269 12.619 13.1434 12.7236 13.069 12.1536 13.2292 12.9969 13.0217 12.58 12.1142 13.1691 13.3597 13.6868 P47713 Pla2g4a 1 149.829617 18783 - 149.829617 149.961289 phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) Pla2g4; cPLA2; cPLA2-alpha; cPLA2alpha None None None 13.9739 13.4617 13.1965 11.9477 13.685 14.2508 13.6665 13.5396 14.0988 13.4952 13.816 13.4472 14.8796 13.4226 14.1608 12.9742 13.6779 13.749 13.2338 13.4312 13.2679 13.7916 13.4724 13.7105 13.2096 13.3837 13.5947 13.4862 13.3699 13.6423 13.4008 14.2589 Q9D5T0 Atad1 19 32.672557 67979 - 32.672557 32.739786 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 1 4921525H23Rik; AW107648; Thorase None None None 13.7377 14.8057 15.156 14.7274 14.3111 14.8509 14.9244 14.5077 14.7416 14.1818 14.386 13.6387 15.2615 14.3447 14.3466 14.0071 14.6705 14.2141 14.9282 14.7881 14.6062 14.5254 14.2761 14.3355 15.0253 15.3115 14.1433 14.4593 14.9404 14.5279 14.7657 14.9701 Q6NSQ9 G6pc3 11 102.189698 68401 + 102.189698 102.19408 glucose 6 phosphatase, catalytic, 3 0710001K01Rik; AU019276; AU045429; AV128920; AW545836; UGRP None None None 13.0336 14.3792 14.3138 14.288 13.1632 14.1224 14.9607 13.0102 13.6605 14.2997 13.9385 12.9517 13.4316 11.5759 13.6748 13.3051 14.1435 13.7415 14.2556 14.5054 13.9386 13.8101 15.0979 14.4865 14.2063 14.8354 14.0656 14.0557 14.4807 11.9271 13.9228 12.0249 Q3TIX9 Usp39 6 72.318675 28035 - 72.318675 72.345207 ubiquitin specific peptidase 39 AA408960; AI894154; CGI-21; D6Wsu157e; SAD1 None None None 13.2121 12.7564 13.0034 12.9937 13.5792 12.4803 11.7763 12.4714 13.3536 12.6012 12.8668 13.1117 14.9435 13.4262 13.4104 12.2379 12.3931 12.1266 13.6231 13.1472 12.7372 12.3515 12.607 13.0503 13.4301 13.4177 12.4883 11.8162 13.8667 12.8826 12.4003 13.7289 P07146 Prss2 6 0.630981 22072 + 0.630981 0.634284 protease, serine 2 TRY8; TRYP; Ta; Tesp4; Try2 None None None 11.8374 13.6192 13.4079 14.9374 11.7903 12.1312 17.0571 15.9367 15.0375 13.1673 11.4091 13.476 12.661 11.3498 12.3014 11.7202 14.3347 14.5611 14.1191 14.3957 11.5132 13.3166 12.923 14.0088 11.5121 12.481 14.5936 13.4109 12.6872 15.4472 13.4251 12.6548 Q9R0B9 Plod2 9 92.539635 26432 + 92.539635 92.608427 procollagen lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 D530025C14Rik; LH2; Plod-2 None None None 12.7334 12.697 12.3973 11.5903 13.2907 12.2063 12.807 12.5333 11.9631 12.2586 12.0941 11.9938 12.7002 12.3907 13.5042 11.6686 13.2886 12.5725 13.37 12.9611 11.4851 12.6166 12.7282 12.2635 11.5512 12.6907 11.9643 12.6737 12.7263 11.8892 12.5625 12.5249 Q62314 Tgoln1 6 72.608419 22134 - 72.608419 72.616999 trans-golgi network protein AU015504; D6Ertd384e; TGN38; TGN38A; Ttgn1 None None None 12.1407 10.9868 11.1715 11.4475 10.3391 10.2339 10.5168 11.9223 10.8368 11.3784 10.9514 11.9997 11.6708 11.0185 11.1741 11.1228 11.0432 10.8512 11.7679 10.8408 11.5661 10.2258 11.7452 10.9737 11.0409 11.1772 11.456 10.6652 11.596 11.463 11.7348 11.5074 P11404 Fabp3 4 130.308737 14077 + 130.308737 130.315462 fatty acid binding protein 3, muscle and heart Fabph-1; Fabph-4; Fabph1; Fabph4; H-FABP; Mdgi None None None 16.9763 17.519 17.6955 15.9131 15.5984 15.4687 16.6854 16.5105 15.8688 15.2997 14.7884 16.8983 17.2313 15.1704 14.5777 16.5846 15.6363 15.7995 15.1845 16.648 20.0583 16.9108 16.3046 15.464 16.4348 16.7044 16.2627 18.1392 14.9006 15.106 15.8818 15.3378 Q64FW2 Retsat 6 72.598601 67442 + 72.598601 72.607487 retinol saturase (all trans retinol 13,14 reductase) 0610039N19Rik; C80029; MMT-7; Ppsig None None None 12.4786 14.12 11.8695 13.9479 13.8199 14.0474 14.3144 14.3245 13.3534 12.2269 12.793 12.4832 11.8568 12.6233 13.6561 12.8606 13.9032 14.0479 13.654 14.4515 11.9401 14.3857 14.047 14.0011 13.931 14.4468 14.0325 14.6578 14.0908 12.7808 12.6172 14.1057 Q91V98 Cd248 19 5.068077 70445 + 5.068077 5.070639 CD248 antigen, endosialin 2610111G01Rik; AI842296; Cd164l1; Tem1 None None None 13.2775 13.8998 13.7306 13.4903 14.0478 14.8412 14.1929 14.1091 14.3386 12.7779 13.5788 12.34 11.6185 13.8959 13.5994 13.5393 14.271 14.2822 13.9148 13.9722 13.8357 14.7699 11.7372 14.1641 13.71 13.3569 12.0362 14.5564 12.895 14.32 13.8954 13.9279 Q62523 Zyx 6 42.34951 22793 + 42.34951 42.360212 zyxin 9530098H06Rik; R75157 None None None 16.4003 15.6318 15.9466 15.5486 15.5207 15.8855 15.8224 15.9423 15.7886 15.6005 16.0867 14.5367 16.7323 16.3406 15.2396 15.2249 15.5257 16.0384 16.2038 15.7173 17.1108 15.8887 15.7812 16.0025 15.374 15.7503 15.8601 15.79 15.6997 16.1154 15.7933 16.5564 Q921E2 Rab31 17 65.651725 106572 - 65.651725 65.772751 RAB31, member RAS oncogene family 1700093E07Rik; AI415285; Rab22B None None None 17.1048 17.3481 17.2486 17.5358 17.4623 17.3134 17.6125 17.2208 17.4656 17.365 17.3761 15.1017 17.1181 16.8282 17.3896 17.7425 17.5888 17.0688 17.4537 17.5744 16.7025 17.1773 17.4364 17.2345 17.2628 17.5046 17.2622 16.844 17.5283 17.4072 17.1433 17.7635 P27573 Mpz 1 171.150712 17528 + 171.150712 171.161129 myelin protein zero Mpp; P-zero; P0 None None None 13.1584 17.0305 17.4045 15.1788 14.5378 13.7572 13.9758 15.222 13.8971 13.4278 13.1849 14.5362 12.0354 12.2328 14.2891 13.8616 14.1428 13.1165 13.5653 13.1133 20.2468 15.5225 12.5911 11.9782 20.7974 12.188 13.6903 15.9521 14.1083 12.8829 15.3861 11.9847 Q62084 Ppp1r14b 19 6.975047 18938 + 6.975047 6.977323 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14B AOM172; PHI-1; PLCB3N; Png None None None 12.9686 14.7532 14.7635 14.7461 14.4835 14.7769 15.0135 14.1297 15.0175 14.0821 14.668 13.1231 14.8648 14.7829 14.5524 14.4111 14.8405 13.9997 15.2563 14.6825 14.4689 14.9876 15.2257 14.2004 15.2478 15.0923 12.3562 12.2709 15.0066 14.7624 14.4433 15.2042 O09174 Amacr 15 10.981755 17117 + 10.981755 10.996623 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase Macr1 None None None 16.6207 15.0874 15.7628 15.0433 15.1806 14.8931 15.3253 14.7456 14.9546 14.8071 15.083 15.6245 14.9253 14.9583 15.2649 15.41 15.1906 14.802 15.3689 15.1922 16.2459 15.2125 14.8428 14.5922 15.4105 15.6277 14.9269 15.4152 15.0568 15.1519 15.0849 14.8 P45878 Fkbp2 19 6.977736 14227 - 6.977736 6.980463 FK506 binding protein 2 mFKBP13; mFKBP2 None None None 16.3853 17.0802 17.2746 17.4859 17.0664 16.1981 17.2915 16.3967 17.2662 16.4652 16.8533 17.4335 18.1265 15.7361 17.141 16.7812 16.7758 16.8315 16.8725 16.4309 15.4953 16.6778 16.8561 17.5781 17.3807 17.0447 16.7902 17.1007 17.6146 16.3832 17.1381 16.6083 Q9DCJ1 Mlst8 17 24.473549 56716 - 24.473549 24.479113 MTOR associated protein, LST8 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0610033N12Rik; AA409454; AI505104; AI851821; Gbl None None None 11.899 13.1771 13.4364 12.6022 12.7928 12.9752 11.8215 12.5254 12.8181 12.4426 13.2275 12.2493 12.846 11.5347 12.8572 12.6543 12.6041 12.9107 12.2927 12.487 12.2603 13.0976 12.7381 12.1067 11.697 12.8365 11.9406 12.5169 12.0993 11.7323 13.1723 12.368 P42225 Stat1 1 52.119437 20846 + 52.119437 52.161864 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 2010005J02Rik; AA408197 None None None 16.844 15.844 16.4947 16.6127 17.3571 16.5856 16.4611 16.4941 16.6821 16.4268 16.3864 17.1154 18.9895 16.5973 16.6862 16.3661 16.4264 16.0451 17.3307 16.8312 16.088 16.0144 16.4438 17.2008 17.0937 17.2076 15.9418 16.3841 17.3618 16.7217 16.9173 18.5446 Q62241 Snrpc 17 27.840027 20630 + 27.840027 27.851967 U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C Snrp1c; U1-C; U1C None None None 12.3164 13.3637 12.1926 13.6177 12.2499 12.1692 12.3114 12.288 13.8267 12.2271 12.1934 12.0288 15.0349 12.2743 12.3628 13.136 12.5559 12.1268 12.9174 13.3905 12.0751 13.0352 12.1025 12.9152 14.0397 13.0167 11.4193 12.1613 12.2616 12.1265 13.1309 13.6278 P24452 Capg 6 72.538281 12332 + 72.538281 72.562982 capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like gCap39; mbh1 None None None 18.8281 16.7715 16.5818 17.7315 18.3319 17.2587 16.9169 17.4932 17.6273 17.6101 16.1909 18.9515 19.5 19.0893 17.9307 16.5723 18.2066 17.7607 19.4544 18.3751 16.143 16.7371 17.2829 17.4463 17.3897 17.6234 16.5456 16.2285 19.0239 19.3531 17.3878 19.1817 O55028 Bckdk 7 127.904072 12041 + 127.904072 127.909663 branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase AI327402 None None None 11.7744 14.344 14.8147 14.1784 13.7271 13.6942 13.7858 14.0174 14.6303 14.3893 14.4604 13.5436 14.4195 13.6273 13.7364 14.992 14.1518 14.509 13.7591 14.8311 15.3188 15.1271 14.7168 13.6892 14.8616 14.5343 14.4638 14.6049 14.5167 13.9403 14.1708 13.9382 Q80X61 Spata18 5 73.651379 73472 + 73.651379 73.679583 spermatogenesis associated 18 1700067I02Rik None None None 11.7111 13.9291 11.8909 11.9971 11.4116 12.1312 12.8226 12.6251 12.1672 12.7534 12.7069 12.0311 12.2823 12.6475 12.1212 13.2343 13.5065 11.6833 14.895 12.2124 11.8919 13.2376 11.6253 12.5374 12.8098 13.963 11.5465 14.8699 12.3085 12.296 12.3587 12.2761 Q91VR5 Ddx1 12 13.219306 104721 - 13.219306 13.249173 DEAD box helicase 1 AA409185; DBP-RB None None None 15.9281 15.3912 15.1741 15.3189 15.2558 15.4943 15.3987 15.4737 15.4645 15.3118 15.4074 15.2416 16.2049 15.6457 15.5445 15.2443 15.5845 15.6058 15.7469 15.4575 15.3724 15.3625 15.2465 15.4369 15.2153 15.1203 15.2011 15.1505 15.1663 15.7152 15.4402 15.3654 P30355 Alox5ap 5 149.265003 11690 + 149.265003 149.288152 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase activating protein Flap None None None 16.1015 14.5709 14.4138 15.0268 15.9832 15.3667 14.8176 15.1236 14.5686 15.0387 14.275 15.5227 15.3871 15.707 15.8575 14.9529 15.6679 15.1696 15.8532 15.3737 14.9808 15.0638 14.1557 15.1059 14.4591 14.0709 14.5711 15.3743 15.6968 16.3662 14.8791 15.9444 Q9ERD7 Tubb3 8 123.411552 22152 + 123.411552 123.422014 tubulin, beta 3 class III 3200002H15Rik; M(beta)3; M(beta)6 None None None 11.9996 11.9974 13.8427 12.8082 12.6117 12.1312 13.467 14.0594 12.8596 12.5363 13.9815 12.004 12.9126 11.7803 12.3736 12.2067 12.4306 12.4945 11.6218 12.1853 15.5406 12.8385 12.4364 11.805 15.1023 11.4617 12.4118 14.7746 11.4973 11.4307 13.0671 13.4403 Q9D6F9 Tubb4a 17 57.08006 22153 - 57.08006 57.087599 tubulin, beta 4A class IVA AI325297; M(beta)4; Tubb; Tubb4 None None None 12.7352 12.8469 12.7399 12.3507 12.4982 12.6458 12.4241 12.8101 12.7734 12.2055 12.6376 12.2539 12.2367 13.0961 12.7868 12.6218 12.9566 12.2581 13.1318 13.13 14.0461 13.4082 12.5191 12.8605 13.4672 13.1233 12.3162 13.6054 11.7978 12.8689 12.9293 12.4132 Q8BK67 Rcc2 4 140.701472 108911 + 140.701472 140.723219 regulator of chromosome condensation 2 2610510H01Rik; 2610529N02Rik; AA536646; AA675016; Td60; mKIAA1470 None None None 16.1885 14.9476 15.3528 14.947 15.879 15.1838 13.7287 15.2938 15.6769 14.9091 15.3108 16.3201 18.7861 15.7291 15.7741 14.374 15.3895 15.2717 15.185 15.3427 15.4697 15.137 14.8495 14.8628 16.1559 15.4612 14.881 14.5488 15.6108 15.5854 15.1892 15.8569 Q9CQA6 Chchd1 14 20.703026 66121 + 20.703026 20.704424 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 1 1110001O19Rik; 2400010G13Rik; MRP-S37 None None None 12.4372 12.0074 12.441 12.3895 12.5584 12.1312 11.983 12.3208 12.1672 12.4366 11.8857 12.0141 15.5868 11.6298 12.3352 13.084 12.2417 12.9239 11.5302 13.3858 12.4947 11.6263 12.4465 11.7162 11.9886 13.4459 12.7308 12.8824 11.9688 12.0906 12.326 11.4549 Q6ZWX6 Eif2s1 12 78.862071 13665 + 78.862071 78.887009 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2, subunit 1 alpha 0910001O23Rik; 2410026C18Rik; 35kDa; Eif2a; eIF2alpha None None None 17.8805 17.4001 17.2934 17.3495 17.5311 17.5623 17.5585 17.4296 17.5517 17.5979 17.2467 17.707 18.3933 17.7183 17.7406 17.2246 17.6711 17.5688 17.8968 17.5386 16.9423 17.1981 17.2828 17.5287 17.1193 17.4007 17.6441 17.3874 17.5255 17.7209 17.5464 17.7004 Q9ET01 Pygl 12 70.190814 110095 - 70.190814 70.227682 liver glycogen phosphorylase None None None 16.7043 18.0233 18.0356 17.2014 16.9591 18.1358 17.5562 17.2964 17.6442 16.9402 17.3961 16.4647 16.218 16.9378 17.0396 17.7411 16.6831 17.3005 17.336 16.7687 17.7169 17.5069 17.3745 17.1598 17.7298 17.4953 17.864 18.227 17.1296 17.1157 17.4985 17.02 P97855 G3bp1 11 55.469656 27041 + 55.469656 55.500887 GTPase activating protein (SH3 domain) binding protein 1 AI849976; B430204O07; C87777; G3bp; mKIAA4115 None None None 15.422 15.483 15.2654 15.2349 15.4269 15.5599 15.4601 15.4794 15.5915 15.6244 15.1338 13.0578 16.4724 15.6969 15.718 15.1852 15.51 15.0926 15.9932 15.6034 14.9587 15.2031 15.479 15.6357 15.5111 15.2026 15.4802 15.2942 15.5383 15.591 15.3619 15.479 P50136 Bckdha 7 25.629851 12039 - 25.629851 25.658781 branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide None None None 16.9347 16.3917 18.3337 16.4136 17.2557 16.6072 16.2999 17.4366 17.3829 17.4369 16.6195 17.0652 16.9864 15.9612 16.4444 17.8975 16.35 17.4038 16.9322 17.5179 18.0627 17.4492 17.5499 17.5324 18.104 17.6786 17.4765 18.1595 17.2398 16.7849 16.73 17.1477 Q920L5 Elovl6 3 129.532385 170439 + 129.532385 129.638494 ELOVL family member 6, elongation of long chain fatty acids (yeast) C77826; FAE; LCE None None None 12.5599 11.6394 12.6839 12.7575 12.5584 12.1312 12.3693 12.1743 12.5896 12.0686 12.2536 13.316 13.5904 12.9383 12.0745 12.6735 11.9861 12.233 11.8981 12.4394 12.8767 12.1906 12.0785 12.0842 12.776 12.2512 12.4486 12.2634 11.6009 12.4586 11.7621 11.8229 P47740 Aldh3a2 11 61.223416 11671 - 61.223416 61.267527 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3, subfamily A2 AI194803; Ahd-3; Ahd-3r; Ahd3; Ahd3-r; Aldh4; Aldh4-r; FALDH None None None 15.2637 16.0837 15.7792 16.0456 16.1278 15.7272 16.3408 16.1362 15.9344 16.3402 15.8533 15.9983 14.7758 15.8564 16.1969 15.9946 16.0154 16.0343 16.1721 16.1223 15.581 15.7663 16.0722 16.1652 15.438 15.9565 16.2549 15.8567 16.2451 15.9556 15.9884 16.3346 Q8BZW8 Nhlrc2 19 56.548249 66866 + 56.548249 56.603502 NHL repeat containing 2 1200003G01Rik; AI835049; AV002846; AW496455 None None None 13.9024 13.7144 13.5468 13.8783 13.7569 13.467 13.807 13.8362 13.4125 13.2443 13.5327 13.158 13.7545 13.5427 13.6059 13.6001 13.5866 13.6618 13.946 13.7237 13.5486 13.4032 13.4088 13.2051 13.2565 13.0608 12.9124 13.6046 13.5318 13.7046 13.5923 13.9019 Q7TPD0 Ints3 3 90.391379 229543 - 90.391379 90.433635 integrator complex subunit 3 C77668 None None None 12.5524 12.532 12.4098 12.2127 12.1306 12.496 12.3393 12.9663 12.2246 12.168 13.0006 12.3302 14.2024 12.742 12.4331 12.0397 12.4133 12.3329 12.6093 13.1613 12.1631 12.1062 12.1436 12.3272 12.1181 12.531 12.0037 12.2681 12.2848 12.0163 12.5541 12.9092 Q9CR98 Fam136a 6 86.36547 66488 + 86.36547 86.370057 family with sequence similarity 136, member A 2010309E21Rik; AW124904; Hyccin None None None 15.6684 15.1655 15.1643 14.8949 15.1381 14.8091 14.3324 15.1437 15.0732 14.9968 14.9116 12.3233 15.8087 15.0449 14.9124 14.8987 15.0475 13.2855 14.9803 14.8848 15.3135 14.8866 14.8095 14.6315 15.1145 14.8031 15.0624 15.0331 14.751 15.0117 14.8654 14.7017 Q9D7E3 Ovca2 11 75.175942 246257 - 75.175942 75.178807 candidate tumor suppressor in ovarian cancer 2 9030414M07Rik None None None 13.4265 12.7252 14.089 11.8733 14.2446 14.4092 14.3366 14.3503 13.4477 14.6892 14.0858 11.9136 15.2884 14.3542 14.1233 11.6111 14.7689 13.1714 13.9469 13.5323 11.9785 13.1591 14.1636 14.7412 14.1532 14.205 14.2707 14.2237 13.9014 14.1613 14.5599 14.092 Q9Z239 Fxyd1 7 31.051677 56188 - 31.051677 31.055872 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 1 0610012C17Rik; 1110006M24Rik; Plm; Pml None None None 17.0759 17.2103 16.6896 16.5085 16.3443 17.0232 16.8437 16.7247 16.7954 16.5037 17.0469 16.2278 14.9629 16.6722 16.6364 16.4188 16.7457 16.6486 16.4615 16.338 17.3898 16.955 17.025 16.5868 16.2184 16.776 17.0471 16.782 15.9411 16.3445 16.515 16.2295 Q5BLK4 Zcchc6 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q5BLK4 None None None 12.6892 11.6175 11.8909 12.0952 12.6117 12.1905 11.7376 12.1576 12.4604 12.1323 11.4768 12.8469 11.63 12.8973 12.2148 12.5413 11.687 12.3357 11.9197 12.2668 12.5443 11.8675 12.8549 11.6463 12.1575 11.6205 12.5706 12.0565 11.6561 12.9484 12.2601 12.0325 O08709 Prdx6 1 161.240111 11758 - 161.240111 161.251209 peroxiredoxin 6 1-Cys Prx; 1-cysPrx; 9430088D19Rik; AA690119; Aop2; Brp-12; CP-3; GPx; Ltw-4; Ltw4; Lvtw-4; NSGPx; ORF06; Prdx5; aiPLA2 None None None 20.5057 20.9663 20.4236 20.107 19.9547 20.1991 20.6844 20.179 20.9718 20.1119 20.2874 20.1169 19.9525 20.5005 20.8974 20.7201 21.2382 19.9084 20.5046 19.8633 19.781 20.5205 21.4397 20.4231 20.8451 21.0966 20.8366 19.8596 20.8381 20.7566 20.3803 20.7473 Q60847 Col12a1 9 79.598986 12816 - 79.598986 79.72114 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 None None None 15.1168 15.7729 13.0434 15.7181 16.1041 14.2733 12.777 15.0286 14.3176 14.714 15.5064 15.195 13.2301 15.8812 15.0237 13.8998 13.3121 14.6846 12.3629 13.5618 16.378 14.5422 14.6684 14.7495 14.9693 13.669 14.0397 13.9455 13.7387 14.8977 14.2247 13.769 Q8BG94 Commd7 2 153.616929 99311 - 153.616929 153.632794 COMM domain containing 7 2310010I22Rik; AW060956; mU3 None None None 13.8941 13.4537 14.2539 13.752 14.5424 13.5136 14.0585 13.8931 14.3049 13.9428 11.3621 14.7038 14.8725 12.1534 13.9113 13.5736 14.2145 14.1605 14.0021 14.4194 13.8878 13.0803 13.5503 14.1915 13.1602 14.1666 13.7638 14.4145 12.4924 14.3151 13.8986 13.9242 P62748 Hpcal1 12 17.690749 53602 + 17.690749 17.791943 hippocalcin-like 1 NVL-3; NVP-3; Nvp3; VILIP3; Vnsl3; Vsnl3 None None None 15.6795 15.2691 15.0466 15.3112 16.2028 14.9609 14.5976 15.8079 15.5531 15.5462 15.1235 16.6502 16.8013 15.5574 16.0426 15.3117 16.104 15.4374 15.8017 15.7069 15.1063 15.4858 15.0338 15.019 14.888 15.2861 15.5539 15.0187 15.7442 16.3256 15.3964 16.0309 Q6P9J9 Ano6 15 95.790842 105722 + 95.790842 95.975471 anoctamin 6 2900059G15Rik; AA407480; AW554778; F730003B03Rik; Tmem16f None None None 13.5887 14.3801 14.7192 14.9346 14.8412 14.6895 15.1073 14.3579 14.6251 14.749 14.731 14.4424 14.7 13.8141 14.3519 13.8023 14.7172 14.6289 14.2348 14.7277 14.076 14.3575 14.9094 14.7007 14.1971 14.8716 14.4051 14.367 14.8174 14.5072 14.5541 15.2026 Q80Y81 Elac2 11 64.979029 68626 + 64.979029 65.002079 elaC ribonuclease Z 2 1110017O07Rik; D11Wsu80e; Hpc2 None None None 12.4602 11.8959 12.7396 12.0159 12.1042 12.3814 12.7763 11.8985 13.0284 12.4402 12.3408 12.2174 14.054 11.8117 12.1894 11.9975 12.3425 12.3133 12.9979 12.5088 12.7792 12.817 12.3981 11.8471 13.4612 13.3976 12.1708 12.2913 12.6097 12.7731 12.5516 13.0569 Q9EPU4 Cpsf1 15 76.595807 94230 - 76.595807 76.60766 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 1 CPSF160 None None None 13.3851 14.1738 13.2732 13.0916 13.7289 13.7572 13.675 13.9917 13.8325 13.5274 13.7325 13.6193 14.9941 14.4538 13.5123 13.2855 13.745 12.965 13.6657 13.1881 14.1579 13.4849 13.3655 13.8324 13.447 13.908 13.9483 11.7149 13.4471 13.5621 13.6816 13.6679 Q9QY06 Myo9b 8 71.272575 17925 + 71.272575 71.360712 myosin IXb None None None 12.9587 12.8947 12.6719 12.114 12.3697 12.2562 12.3158 11.783 12.2259 11.7848 12.6749 12.4067 13.3963 12.5684 11.3548 12.1477 12.4416 12.0645 13.2674 12.6375 11.0516 12.0769 11.6573 12.1799 12.3632 12.8917 11.9416 11.4361 13.0712 12.9462 11.6857 13.4919 P14429 H2-Q7 17 35.439139 15018 + 35.439139 35.443772 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 7 H-2Q7; Ped; Q9; Qa-2; Qa-7; Qa7 None None None 12.6795 13.0742 12.5095 12.2126 14.6765 12.4011 11.9354 14.1186 12.4656 12.1635 11.8197 14.4039 16.9775 14.0765 14.0372 12.3885 13.4642 13.3058 12.1639 12.4904 13.8919 13.1241 14.1808 12.5302 14.3548 14.1681 13.454 12.2325 13.9969 13.1316 13.7647 12.9346 Q80X41 Vrk1 12 106.010138 22367 + 106.010138 106.078317 vaccinia related kinase 1 51PK None None None 12.6549 11.7204 11.795 12.5466 12.9608 12.2008 12.9347 12.1576 12.8266 12.1295 11.374 12.8469 13.0106 12.098 13.0349 12.5413 12.8495 12.2328 11.7295 11.9237 12.4414 11.8675 12.9578 11.5434 12.2603 13.6993 12.6495 11.9536 11.759 13.3722 12.25 13.9823 Q9CRC8 Lrrc40 3 158.036681 67144 + 158.036681 158.067089 leucine rich repeat containing 40 2610040E16Rik; AI837674 None None None 12.6322 12.8576 13.1105 13.189 12.6609 12.8737 12.9349 13.1551 12.6036 12.8453 13.0648 13.4441 13.5502 13.045 13.1408 12.6349 13.1577 13.0704 13.3012 12.9263 12.0856 13.2014 12.9033 12.8199 12.9142 13.1075 13.0804 13.1724 13.4332 12.934 13.424 13.2949 Q9Z2A9 Ggt5 10 75.589326 23887 + 75.589326 75.617199 gamma-glutamyltransferase 5 AI551243; GGL; GGT-REL; Ggtla1 None None None 17.1484 16.4946 16.277 16.4284 16.782 16.6929 16.2474 16.8163 16.3077 16.2398 17.2126 16.2235 15.6685 16.7236 16.2966 16.0502 16.5475 16.5514 16.4904 16.0037 16.1368 16.9808 16.1378 16.4221 15.8909 16.2503 16.2093 16.2789 16.1044 16.6473 16.3255 16.5776 Q9JHJ0 Tmod3 9 75.497783 50875 - 75.497783 75.559656 tropomodulin 3 U-Tmod; UTMOD None None None 17.2969 16.9859 16.6403 17.2231 17.2513 17.1635 17.1538 17.2081 17.1916 17.2889 16.9479 17.5792 17.4298 17.379 17.4701 16.6457 17.2972 17.2229 17.2735 16.9316 16.6781 17.0248 17.1124 17.0214 16.587 16.4139 17.0288 16.892 16.7024 17.2977 17.2103 17.0984 Q9JM52 MINK1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9JM52 None None None 14.3022 16.8451 16.6563 16.0719 15.3551 16.7326 17.1496 16.6011 15.0143 16.4755 16.5001 14.9028 12.9272 15.4115 14.0931 15.8552 15.5621 16.2312 16.4796 16.7091 16.5422 15.378 16.6069 16.2289 16.6163 16.2148 16.8297 16.4352 16.5502 16.7027 15.8052 11.8651 Q8BKC8 Pi4kb 3 94.97473 107650 + 94.97473 95.006936 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta ESTM41; PI4K-beta; PI4Kbeta; Pik4cb None None None 12.217 11.3053 11.4175 11.8548 11.8441 11.3705 11.5949 11.7607 11.71 11.1005 11.2723 11.6623 13.7331 12.1975 11.354 11.4344 11.6247 12.1883 11.5804 11.5975 12.4472 11.5951 12.0458 10.6863 11.3018 11.2311 11.7284 10.9648 11.9442 11.5505 11.8832 11.9505 Q04736 Yes1 5 32.61117 22612 + 32.61117 32.687065 YES proto-oncogene 1, Src family tyrosine kinase Yes; p61-Yes None None None 17.3326 16.7362 16.3813 16.8351 17.0762 16.2382 16.0367 16.9253 16.7947 16.7965 16.4678 17.0626 18.6059 16.6608 17.4319 16.5438 16.6745 16.8981 16.4318 16.7449 16.3953 16.4272 16.4533 16.4189 16.0857 15.9831 16.8592 16.4622 16.487 16.9238 16.4831 16.5721 P60904 Dnajc5 2 181.518857 13002 + 181.518857 181.552885 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C5 2610314I24Rik; AU018536; Csp None None None 14.3264 14.4218 13.7021 14.2673 14.4087 14.0882 14.188 14.3606 14.272 14.4668 14.1626 13.963 13.9479 14.2442 14.3459 14.0362 14.1945 14.5574 13.9961 13.7754 13.6672 14.379 14.281 14.3087 13.8145 13.5515 14.4824 14.4607 13.853 14.1674 14.2838 13.4358 Q5DTF3 Gbp4 5 105.115766 17472 - 105.115766 105.139585 guanylate binding protein 4 AW228052; Mag-2; Mpa-2; Mpa2 None None None 14.7099 13.9891 14.8669 15.446 15.0783 14.9643 14.7413 14.257 14.6919 14.1781 14.3998 14.9695 16.4929 14.0968 14.9734 14.1417 14.0962 13.9377 15.1836 14.2836 14.9627 14.6078 15.3033 15.0703 14.8844 15.4064 14.7215 14.6338 15.0601 14.2316 15.0839 16.1447 Q8BPU7 Elmo1 13 20.090506 140580 + 20.090506 20.608352 engulfment and cell motility 1 6330578D22Rik; C230095H21Rik; CED-12 None None None 14.4034 12.9 13.9924 13.0643 14.4541 12.5673 13.2834 13.639 14.3645 13.2952 13.349 13.3283 16.6146 14.3985 14.2404 12.3929 14.1767 13.36 14.6503 14.4921 12.9013 12.4787 12.9552 12.5837 13.4041 13.8665 12.6171 13.3681 14.534 14.4179 13.2485 14.429 Q9CYR6 Pgm3 9 86.552475 109785 - 86.552475 86.571877 phosphoglucomutase 3 2810473H05Rik; Agm1; BB187688; C77933; PAGM; Pgm-3 None None None 13.9421 14.4408 14.0654 14.615 14.7371 14.7893 14.921 14.3383 14.4227 14.1125 14.7722 14.8216 14.9001 13.8188 14.5491 14.4158 14.5481 14.209 14.3121 14.1311 14.0146 14.5312 14.2785 14.4994 14.217 14.6052 13.9235 14.081 14.7704 14.6415 14.479 14.4616 Q99PP9 Trim16 11 62.820197 94092 + 62.820197 62.842947 tripartite motif-containing 16 9130006M08Rik; AI482483; EBBP None None None 13.3451 13.9559 12.1308 13.9648 12.4787 13.6528 13.6712 13.7573 13.4138 12.6045 12.8773 12.5051 11.5527 13.9657 13.7053 13.6448 13.114 13.3541 13.7293 12.6897 12.7453 13.4967 14.066 13.1768 12.482 11.8064 12.9936 12.4321 13.3774 12.61 13.9354 13.3619 P45952 Acadm 3 153.922352 11364 - 153.922352 153.944642 acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, medium chain AU018656; MCAD None None None 20.4736 19.8695 21.0731 20.0596 19.743 19.7619 19.9533 20.386 19.6002 20.0903 19.9281 20.4078 20.097 19.9712 19.682 20.5292 20.0796 20.0681 20.3668 20.7981 22.3845 20.2444 20.4773 20.2845 20.6079 20.5161 20.2076 20.9767 20.1706 19.7876 20.3797 19.6495 Q78ZA7 Nap1l4 7 143.513578 17955 - 143.513578 143.549881 nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 2810410H14Rik; AI316776; D7Wsu30e; Nap2 None None None 16.1632 16.6088 15.7956 16.8624 16.2172 16.3426 16.238 16.4347 16.5204 16.5288 15.5445 16.2618 16.5203 15.9762 16.5413 16.3612 16.277 16.3733 16.7593 16.2962 15.1526 15.9262 16.4404 16.1079 15.9412 16.0442 16.4458 15.6908 16.2166 16.5593 16.5409 16.4703 Q99LN9 Dohh 10 81.384433 102115 + 81.384433 81.388351 deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase 1110033C18Rik; AI585913; AL022869; Hlrc1 None None None 12.7582 12.9182 12.223 12.8131 12.7009 13.2421 12.5799 13.0842 12.8254 12.8516 12.5048 12.8061 12.0876 12.4528 12.6677 12.8147 12.4946 12.8724 12.6893 11.8857 12.0866 12.4332 11.82 12.865 12.364 12.0782 13.3641 13.4265 13.1859 12.4907 12.1737 11.4499 P21550 Eno3 11 70.653124 13808 + 70.653124 70.662512 enolase 3, beta muscle Eno-3; MSE None None None 17.6303 19.1283 18.4761 18.323 17.3625 17.8485 17.6373 17.5123 18.3589 17.4801 17.1413 17.688 19.263 16.4386 16.9431 17.7074 17.6989 16.6987 17.953 17.4807 17.097 18.3695 17.9986 16.3672 18.161 18.4508 17.1944 16.3434 16.9915 17.5043 18.0621 17.5328 Q8BTY8 Scfd2 5 74.204815 212986 - 74.204815 74.531741 Sec1 family domain containing 2 E430013M20Rik; STXBP1L1 None None None 13.142 14.186 13.4262 13.7877 12.6649 13.353 12.6489 13.0886 13.2956 13.4332 12.4318 12.7637 13.8126 13.6823 13.1245 12.5656 13.3526 13.3149 13.3288 13.7542 13.7235 13.1608 14.0018 12.5798 13.6496 14.3197 13.6729 12.8754 12.9043 13.6956 13.7201 13.1829 P07758 Serpina1a 12 103.853294 20700 - 103.853294 103.863618 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 1A Aat-2; Aat2; Dom1; PI1; Spi1-1; Spi1-3 None None None 20.1425 19.6147 20.0663 19.5202 20.0202 20.3511 19.9169 19.6057 19.5815 20.0017 20.2189 19.2428 18.5702 19.2417 19.0739 21.7304 19.6288 19.9314 19.164 20.0947 19.6341 20.2486 20.361 20.6194 19.844 20.4696 20.3759 19.9104 18.8681 19.1603 20.1144 19.7025 Q6AW69 Cgnl1 9 71.626506 68178 - 71.626506 71.809299 cingulin-like 1 4933421H10Rik; 9930020M10Rik; AI503810; Jacop None None None 11.7984 12.544 12.1836 13.6918 11.5428 12.1382 14.3569 12.1379 11.8716 12.1879 11.7629 11.9741 12.3573 12.1672 12.6295 12.9251 12.1234 11.9857 12.3391 12.3928 11.6032 11.8553 11.8909 11.8068 11.3248 12.3587 11.7255 12.0389 12.354 12.76 12.232 11.9009 Q9JJK2 Lancl2 6 57.702454 71835 + 57.702454 57.739448 LanC (bacterial lantibiotic synthetase component C)-like 2 1700003F10Rik None None None 13.6178 13.4531 13.5936 13.6228 13.3275 13.6029 12.1085 13.3017 13.6969 13.5466 13.6623 13.1897 13.8273 13.5892 13.3317 13.2288 13.5805 13.4768 13.2058 13.5293 13.4154 13.4268 13.6971 13.846 13.8075 13.722 13.4409 13.2995 13.669 13.5697 13.2208 13.9051 Q5KU39 Vps41 13 18.717291 218035 + 18.717291 18.86681 VPS41 HOPS complex subunit AI317346; Vam2; mVam2 None None None 12.4315 12.9267 12.1626 13.2068 12.7377 12.8828 12.6647 12.7536 12.6434 13.2152 12.4292 12.5555 12.8103 12.975 12.8358 12.5924 13.1509 13.2128 13.4025 12.9429 11.6207 12.4159 12.9453 12.5007 12.0748 12.3355 13.1827 12.6853 13.2467 13.5202 12.8781 13.484 Q64522 Hist2h2ab Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q64522 None None None 17.478 16.9908 17.0793 16.8346 17.3771 17.1724 17.5796 16.8234 17.8441 16.7544 17.4528 15.8036 19.2182 17.8542 17.1461 16.1169 17.2457 16.5746 17.7398 17.1539 17.1223 17.1305 17.281 17.1707 17.8506 17.9847 16.0691 16.3028 17.3357 17.362 16.934 18.2753 Q9WTK5 Nfkb2 19 46.300993 18034 + 46.300993 46.312399 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 2, p49/p100 NF-kappaB2; lyt; p49; p49/p100; p50B; p52 None None None 12.4068 12.2365 12.7395 12.7113 12.7327 12.8566 12.1789 12.3944 13.1748 13.0508 12.5649 13.2428 14.7822 12.9423 12.9012 11.9085 12.9723 13.6702 13.9263 13.1921 12.5512 12.2394 13.4624 13.025 12.3292 12.4262 12.3776 12.6223 12.4568 13.109 13.3919 13.33 Q80UU1 Ankzf1 1 75.192159 52231 + 75.192159 75.199386 ankyrin repeat and zinc finger domain containing 1 1300008P06Rik; 2810025E10Rik; D1Ertd161e None None None 12.0351 11.0485 10.9559 10.6623 12.5019 12.1312 12.2364 12.0389 12.5863 11.9303 9.97446 12.6173 11.6962 12.0614 10.7951 12.4318 11.9071 11.5227 11.7661 11.9603 12.478 12.1765 12.2114 11.9513 12.2237 11.7694 10.6951 11.9902 11.7224 12.8821 11.3571 11.6899 Q921W4 Cryzl1 16 91.689299 66609 - 91.689299 91.729205 crystallin, zeta (quinone reductase)-like 1 2210407J23Rik; 2410006O11Rik; QOH-1 None None None 12.6781 12.6411 12.4261 14.497 13.531 13.106 13.8958 13.911 12.4143 13.348 12.386 13.3512 13.7377 12.2216 14.1682 12.6072 13.9508 12.9342 12.7306 12.5753 12.6999 13.0049 14.7321 11.7568 12.3701 12.4383 12.5011 12.6299 12.356 12.4749 12.8159 11.8159 P61255 Rpl26 11 68.901565 19941 + 68.901565 68.904533 ribosomal protein L26 SIG-20 None None None 18.3672 17.7615 17.8868 17.9025 17.8089 18.1337 17.8913 17.6933 18.2292 17.983 17.5246 18.2825 19.2452 18.3135 18.0169 17.5675 18.1888 17.8738 18.3128 18.0485 17.5764 17.6295 17.7762 18.0411 17.8524 17.9059 17.7312 17.3348 18.0163 18.2601 17.9694 18.377 Q99P30 Nudt7 8 114.133573 67528 + 114.133573 114.15473 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 7 1300007B24Rik; 2210404C19Rik None None None 15.3071 16.8971 16.5369 17.0959 15.8185 16.2518 15.985 16.2948 16.0492 16.2781 15.8632 15.9242 15.6118 16.2793 15.4983 15.6396 16.9527 16.6356 17.2273 16.8813 15.6849 15.9714 16.2882 16.2753 16.3395 17.2677 16.5522 15.9573 15.7158 16.8066 16.187 16.456 P0C605 Prkg1 19 30.564486 19091 - 30.564486 31.765267 protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I AW125416; CGKI; Gm19690; Prkg1b; Prkgr1b None None None 13.3868 13.0825 13.0053 13.0215 13.2154 13.3134 13.6761 13.7673 13.5377 13.1039 14.4356 12.3081 12.6971 13.3416 12.7247 13.2461 12.6866 13.0338 12.6555 12.76 14.8615 14.0502 12.7918 12.4753 13.3107 13.7591 13.2323 13.1871 12.6902 12.4724 13.4109 12.6691 Q9ERG0 Lima1 15 99.778467 65970 - 99.778467 99.875476 LIM domain and actin binding 1 Eplin None None None 14.1084 13.6395 13.8293 14.4359 14.7309 14.2425 13.7979 14.5454 14.9478 14.6095 14.9481 13.8789 13.8726 14.2065 14.4322 13.8113 14.5608 13.7328 14.2181 14.8785 15.4254 13.8696 14.1783 14.3187 15.0593 13.1044 14.7665 15.2306 14.4868 14.9526 13.8978 14.0475 P70670 Naca 10 128.035345 17938 + 128.035345 128.048636 nascent polypeptide-associated complex alpha polypeptide AL022831; AL024382; Gm1878; mKIAA0363; skNAC None None None 17.8331 17.3943 17.2269 17.4783 17.2159 17.6773 17.5822 17.5051 17.4855 17.4597 17.3223 17.1961 18.5833 17.7545 17.3214 17.1274 17.4667 17.401 17.8781 17.61 17.2804 17.2736 17.4569 17.7338 17.3945 17.6172 17.4076 17.37 17.7863 17.7699 17.4366 18.0303 P63323 Rps12 10 23.785182 20042 - 23.785182 23.787382 ribosomal protein S12 None None None 17.3675 16.9694 16.9237 16.8845 16.9994 16.6765 16.3892 17.0589 17.34 16.6191 16.4226 16.725 18.6261 16.8058 17.1907 16.6602 17.1692 16.4358 17.0844 16.8648 16.5627 17.1386 16.5902 16.2247 16.6578 16.7324 16.5294 16.7162 16.755 17.3594 17.0278 16.678 Q9ES34 Ube3b 5 114.380516 117146 + 114.380516 114.421168 ubiquitin protein ligase E3B AI449831; AU020130 None None None 11.527 11.5115 11.6223 11.7062 11.2348 11.8045 11.4884 11.5396 11.3074 11.8264 11.6229 11.8484 12.8744 11.5359 11.7733 11.7146 11.0323 11.4086 11.2217 11.1106 11.6152 11.4437 11.9554 11.6433 11.1558 10.5904 11.1555 11.4609 11.3808 11.2777 11.5207 11.283 Q80Z24 Negr1 3 156.561789 320840 + 156.561789 157.316463 neuronal growth regulator 1 5330422G01Rik; KILON; Ntra None None None 12.4483 13.3089 12.6401 13.0089 13.1815 12.8985 12.1685 12.9471 12.2773 11.9977 13.3573 13.6147 12.5119 12.5323 12.1138 11.8026 12.3206 12.2543 12.6636 12.6869 11.8247 13.0354 13.7343 13.2337 13.2803 12.4959 11.6701 12.6917 13.6993 11.8652 12.635 12.715 Q9D358 Acp1 12 30.893325 11431 - 30.893325 30.911618 acid phosphatase 1, soluble 4632432E04Rik; AI427468; Acp-1; LMW-PTP; Lmptp None None None 16.2877 17.4575 17.1918 17.3722 16.8282 17.0176 17.0096 17.0767 17.3458 17.1425 16.925 17.0289 16.2314 16.3099 16.9958 17.1087 17.0739 16.71 17.3732 16.9326 16.487 17.2885 17.3517 16.3343 17.044 17.566 16.7274 16.6391 16.9172 16.7243 17.2362 16.9028 Q9Z2E1 Mbd2 18 70.568224 17191 + 70.568224 70.629133 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 2 MBD2a None None None 11.6647 13.0138 12.441 11.7485 12.8886 12.7185 11.3604 13.7508 12.3741 12.8045 13.9245 13.8057 13.9187 12.2708 13.2202 12.5017 12.7505 14.5354 12.5656 13.011 11.8537 13.6957 14.2936 12.7517 12.1085 12.6454 13.013 12.3415 12.6098 12.8252 12.7452 12.4904 Q8N7N5 Dcaf8 1 172.148014 98193 + 172.148014 172.196392 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8 AA408877; AA433120; AA792214; AU018973; C76055; D1Dau35e; D1Ucla4; H326; Wdr42a None None None 14.4177 14.4931 14.3368 14.5391 14.6015 14.0665 14.0282 14.5331 14.5056 14.3004 14.4057 14.3624 14.6123 14.178 14.3042 14.4243 14.3634 14.4082 14.3491 14.2925 13.7679 14.4396 14.5661 14.2074 14.3847 14.5215 13.998 14.0322 14.0021 14.3102 14.439 14.7362 Q9QZ47 Tnnt3 7 142.49877 21957 + 142.49877 142.516212 troponin T3, skeletal, fast fTnT None None None 13.1723 18.7744 17.5004 12.0034 17.9769 13.411 12.2105 17.6024 14.4637 16.2723 12.2848 12.2741 12.1177 12.3433 13.62 12.3855 14.0824 14.366 12.0401 15.1411 11.898 12.3697 12.1373 17.4842 12.304 18.9868 16.9476 17.4711 12.6165 15.0964 14.7083 11.9648 Q9JK48 Sh3glb1 3 144.683664 54673 - 144.683664 144.720407 SH3-domain GRB2-like B1 (endophilin) Sh3glb1; AA409932; AI314629; AU015566; Bif-1; KIAA0491; mKIAA0491; endophilin; Bif1 None None None 15.9634 16.2996 15.5089 15.9189 16.0121 15.7477 15.7424 16.0966 16.1438 16.3255 15.8731 15.7255 15.9361 16.1417 16.0007 16.0704 16.155 16.2888 16.0138 16.208 15.3433 15.625 15.909 16.2981 15.7347 15.2688 16.3019 16.2798 16.1724 16.1147 15.9491 16.0495 Q9JKL4 Ndufaf3 9 108.565586 66706 - 108.565586 108.567435 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 3 4733401H18Rik None None None 12.6483 11.7275 12.7972 12.5384 12.6117 12.1312 12.2813 12.1576 12.7829 12.3279 12.1656 12.5724 14.4327 12.1062 12.1037 12.4766 12.0819 12.4825 11.7213 12.5364 14.2796 11.8675 12.1666 11.5352 12.2685 12.4354 12.6817 12.917 11.7672 12.8373 12.1753 11.7348 P62082 Rps7 12 28.630846 20115 - 28.630846 28.635952 ribosomal protein S7 Mtu; Rps7A; S7 None None None 17.8992 18.3704 17.8387 18.2857 17.9809 18.321 18.1552 18.265 18.4935 18.4981 17.5152 18.4495 18.8304 17.7222 18.4298 18.0833 18.5359 18.3472 18.4867 18.6055 17.1272 18.4617 18.1223 18.2241 17.8217 18.2971 18.5539 17.6278 18.1833 18.9399 18.3496 18.3758 Q8VCT3 Rnpep 1 135.262698 215615 - 135.262698 135.284422 arginyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase B) None None None 16.477 16.1468 15.7954 16.007 15.9102 16.2301 15.8288 15.2433 16.4725 15.666 16.1939 16.1122 17.1445 16.4478 16.259 15.305 15.9663 16.2282 16.6895 15.9543 15.3879 16.2049 16.1974 15.8465 16.535 16.8821 15.9804 15.5648 16.2994 16.3353 15.6654 16.6971 Q61823 Pdcd4 19 53.89223 18569 + 53.89223 53.937591 programmed cell death 4 D19Ucla1; Ma3; Tis None None None 13.8356 14.847 14.4319 14.0349 13.9786 14.0181 15.1031 13.3968 14.3017 13.1048 14.3149 12.5343 15.6245 13.7738 13.6665 13.5614 14.3773 13.4671 14.6758 14.2834 13.445 14.0438 15.4079 13.9739 14.2164 15.0126 14.8607 13.791 11.8837 13.541 14.1591 14.6964 Q8K2A1 Gulp1 1 44.551379 70676 + 44.551379 44.796837 GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1 3110030A04Rik; 5730529O06Rik; CED-6; Ced6; GULP; Gulp-2 None None None 13.1702 14.234 13.3856 11.9274 13.7984 12.8859 14.0282 14.5112 13.2047 13.802 12.3511 14.3728 12.4085 14.0896 12.7795 11.5721 12.6984 13.8072 12.8283 13.2549 13.9786 14.2591 14.5393 12.8741 12.5799 15.0473 14.5591 12.77 12.4095 11.9383 13.8559 12.6127 O08648 Map3k4 17 12.22762 26407 - 12.22762 12.318795 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 D17Rp17; D17Rp17e; MAPKKK4; MEKK 4; MTK1; Mek4b; Mekk4; RP17; Rp17a; Tas; mKIAA0213 None None None 11.328 11.5675 11.7542 11.2492 11.6203 11.6635 12.3081 11.6216 11.3418 11.79 11.3796 11.3601 11.9785 11.6839 11.7283 11.3553 11.9987 11.6254 12.0832 12.1692 11.6848 12.0246 11.6394 11.6454 11.2699 11.9701 11.0919 11.9191 11.6777 12.1372 11.9071 11.8814 Q8CFG9 C1rb 6 124.570429 667277 + 124.570429 124.581043 complement component 1, r subcomponent B Gm8551; mC1rB None None None 13.1357 12.4368 13.3765 13.159 13.5416 13.546 13.8313 13.4594 13.3911 12.89 13.264 12.9896 13.3704 13.3818 13.0327 13.1257 13.1461 12.3465 12.6481 12.6258 13.0923 13.4803 12.5385 12.4166 13.3461 13.0514 13.1804 12.4662 11.7673 12.9868 13.4092 11.6419 P56375 Acyp2 11 30.505991 75572 - 30.505991 30.649607 acylphosphatase 2, muscle type 2310004B09Rik None None None 17.2991 18.0441 17.5201 18.0741 17.1823 17.3742 17.6863 17.6312 17.3139 17.8262 16.8699 18.0576 15.6853 17.1497 17.7312 17.4363 17.4085 17.5582 17.5009 17.4539 17.0337 16.7425 17.9147 17.3692 16.9169 17.0878 18.1094 17.6743 17.2378 17.4745 17.7386 17.5848 P97765 Wbp2 11 116.07857 22378 - 116.07857 116.086994 WW domain binding protein 2 None None None 16.7928 14.7902 14.0253 14.9507 15.7048 14.6136 14.6978 15.3962 15.4227 15.5455 15.447 16.1962 16.983 16.0921 15.0914 12.3949 15.469 15.7787 15.3854 15.475 15.5829 15.3327 14.9709 14.8327 15.6455 15.3149 15.6173 15.6725 15.894 15.3317 14.5135 15.0124 B2RSH2 Gnai1 5 18.265134 14677 - 18.265134 18.360412 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 1 AU046200; Gialpha1; Gnai-1 None None None 18.0887 18.5751 18.0669 18.3163 17.9267 17.8785 17.9108 18.1449 18.1783 18.0009 18.1685 18.702 15.8742 17.6774 18.1616 18.3007 17.9758 18.2693 17.7288 17.9036 17.6318 17.9814 18.1416 18.541 17.7693 17.8339 18.8451 18.486 18.0082 17.7957 18.1669 17.7204 Q8C1B7 Sept11 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q8C1B7 None None None 18.4345 17.4862 17.4055 17.7868 18.3118 17.5961 17.257 18.1529 17.465 18.1252 17.7334 17.9394 18.2873 18.0163 18.0478 17.4259 17.9246 18.168 17.6962 17.546 17.5708 17.7539 17.7138 17.5306 17.167 16.4093 17.5568 17.4483 17.2802 18.0592 17.4302 18.0 P97425 Ear2 14 44.102653 13587 + 44.102653 44.10353 eosinophil-associated, ribonuclease A family, member 2 EAR-13; EAR-2; ECP; ECP 2; Raf3; Rnase2 None None None 11.7866 14.0497 13.6122 14.9186 12.8081 16.2653 14.7683 12.1987 12.8213 13.0967 11.4422 12.4575 12.6942 11.3829 14.1546 14.2044 14.4507 13.0049 14.5765 14.0309 14.879 15.2321 12.8899 14.5022 11.5452 19.8808 11.9583 15.1764 12.7203 14.3992 13.5872 16.11 Q9WUQ2 Preb 5 30.951666 50907 - 30.951666 30.960355 prolactin regulatory element binding C85705 None None None 14.9112 14.8333 14.743 14.737 14.9201 13.9587 14.8739 15.2946 15.1003 14.9184 14.7531 14.8505 15.3787 14.3363 14.9568 15.0611 14.5743 14.9177 14.9197 14.4651 14.0806 14.9738 15.083 14.5771 14.2572 14.4929 14.9791 14.3621 14.5465 14.1344 14.9611 13.301 Q61646 Hp 8 109.575127 15439 - 109.575127 109.579171 haptoglobin HP-1; preHP2 None None None 19.6851 18.6238 20.369 20.1641 20.2651 19.3657 20.1865 19.6889 19.6647 19.5432 19.8494 21.5265 15.6128 21.1826 19.7665 21.1536 19.6119 20.3439 20.2646 20.5338 17.8492 18.2118 18.1006 19.3457 20.3604 22.6413 19.5502 19.0385 20.9601 20.6514 20.1066 19.6657 P17047 Lamp2 X 38.399646 16784 - 38.399646 38.456459 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 CD107b; LGP-B; Lamp II; Lamp-2; Lamp-2a; Lamp-2b; Lamp-2c; Mac3 None None None 17.673 16.8225 16.6958 17.0245 17.5506 16.7125 16.736 17.0467 16.8385 17.1541 16.8025 17.7885 17.5167 17.7182 17.4727 16.7924 17.4873 17.2516 17.6164 17.4913 16.6426 17.093 16.6245 16.8483 16.5827 16.9374 16.7409 16.6028 17.3375 17.7794 17.0064 17.3685 Q8R4K2 Irak4 15 94.543612 266632 + 94.543612 94.568316 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8430405M07Rik; 9330209D03Rik; IRAK-4; NY-REN-64 None None None 12.7988 11.9345 12.3629 12.4897 12.9554 12.283 13.1406 12.1319 12.6697 12.6807 11.6724 12.4075 12.7046 12.4117 12.6102 12.1914 12.5991 12.5552 12.3373 12.4918 12.3891 12.8133 12.3737 12.8736 12.3821 11.6228 12.2296 11.9801 12.1952 13.7927 12.1722 12.4767 P70333 Hnrnph2 X 134.601178 56258 + 134.601178 134.607059 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 DXHXS1271E; Ftp-3; Ftp3; H'; HNRNP; Hnrph2 None None None 14.8828 15.3511 15.1108 15.4072 15.1939 15.1563 14.9475 15.1214 15.684 15.0393 15.0649 14.4964 16.0543 15.0878 14.8894 14.4552 15.1947 14.4478 15.75 15.3309 14.954 15.4056 15.4672 14.8708 15.1859 15.5722 14.3272 14.0561 15.3253 15.4449 15.0547 15.7269 Q11136 Pepd 7 34.912406 18624 + 34.912406 35.044707 peptidase D Pep-4; Pep4; dal None None None 12.1167 14.942 12.9068 11.6796 12.7604 13.3833 13.4418 12.2194 12.7493 12.3545 13.162 13.66 12.9776 13.3282 12.8619 12.1687 12.987 12.6402 13.7737 12.9756 11.8575 12.4239 12.7898 13.4184 12.5243 13.7067 12.2538 12.1195 14.0344 13.6163 12.8074 14.8718 Q9CZV8 Fbxl20 11 98.082553 72194 - 98.082553 98.15092 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 20 2610511F20Rik; 4632423N09Rik; AI849362; AL117906; C86145; Fbl2; Scr; mKIAA4147 None None None 12.8349 14.1424 13.4501 14.3916 12.7654 14.1011 14.2786 13.76 14.027 14.1698 14.0921 13.3839 12.8086 13.2774 12.9492 13.0816 13.4972 13.3227 13.9236 14.1814 13.4954 13.6203 14.6459 14.1452 12.3365 14.3286 14.1808 13.4265 14.2695 14.1177 14.0099 13.7099 Q8K3J1 Ndufs8 19 3.908862 225887 - 3.908862 3.912773 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S8 BC021616; CI-23kD; TYKY None None None 15.879 15.7898 16.7688 15.7036 15.8636 15.8735 15.4955 15.97 15.7542 15.6622 15.8924 15.945 16.7271 15.4939 15.8488 16.0445 15.7699 15.3333 15.15 16.0333 18.0946 16.1649 15.7336 15.581 16.4354 15.931 16.0377 16.7344 16.0992 15.4183 15.9107 14.9396 Q9D2N4 Dtna 18 23.310005 13527 + 23.310005 23.659718 dystrobrevin alpha 2210407P21Rik; DTN-A; Dtn; Gm19389; a-DB-1; adbn None None None 12.2652 12.2909 11.7746 11.9698 11.8858 11.8554 12.1271 12.0862 13.6466 11.8003 14.8032 12.1999 12.0004 12.0253 12.0902 12.4101 12.048 11.6518 11.9191 11.7174 13.0831 13.7686 11.7384 12.0727 12.5648 12.0758 12.0587 11.7955 12.0123 12.4056 11.6861 11.5658 P00755 Klk1 7 44.225359 16612 + 44.225359 44.229621 kallikrein 1 0610007D04Rik; KAL-B; Kal; Klk1b6; Klk6; mGk-6 None None None 11.6441 12.7104 13.8381 14.7416 13.4172 13.5052 12.9748 12.1743 13.4047 12.3235 15.1775 11.8789 14.1957 14.8766 13.1725 13.0117 12.7786 12.0857 15.1478 12.8984 11.7917 12.4645 11.473 12.6897 14.1617 12.7075 11.7574 12.9283 13.6087 11.3876 12.6443 13.9735 P35980 Rpl18 7 45.715466 19899 + 45.715466 45.720834 ribosomal protein L18 L18; Rpl18a None None None 18.4989 18.1811 18.3584 18.2421 18.3015 18.532 18.6135 18.1046 18.4546 18.3156 17.9275 18.6288 19.2847 18.5899 18.5335 17.9089 18.5418 18.2637 18.8346 18.4633 17.8036 17.9311 18.074 18.5165 18.4035 18.5412 18.0335 17.8189 18.6026 18.5852 18.3687 18.8584 P55288 Cdh11 8 102.632094 12552 - 102.632094 102.785492 cadherin 11 Cad11; OSF-4 None None None 13.1287 12.0769 12.7291 12.8878 12.1973 14.6567 11.9318 13.0653 14.8336 13.6231 15.0556 12.0836 11.3916 14.5538 13.1841 12.1272 13.7011 13.5225 12.0707 13.3433 12.7826 13.2063 14.6521 11.8846 11.9191 12.074 14.405 12.2948 11.4178 14.3205 13.3334 14.5652 Q64433 Hspe1 1 55.088147 15528 + 55.088147 55.091316 heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10) 10kDa; Hsp10; mt-cpn10 None None None 20.0084 19.0679 19.7706 19.0341 19.4022 19.2464 19.0921 20.0776 19.5026 19.4461 19.3396 20.5335 20.8997 19.0049 19.8472 19.9544 19.6908 19.7427 19.3542 19.6417 20.5953 19.6958 19.0627 19.2768 20.0338 19.5381 19.8286 19.9493 19.5558 19.8215 19.5401 19.0718 Q03141 Mark3 12 111.574504 17169 + 111.574504 111.656226 MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 3 1600015G02Rik; A430080F22Rik; C-TAK1; ETK-1; ETK1; Emk2; MPK10 None None None 11.7474 11.7868 12.2826 11.5004 11.7735 12.0572 10.8407 12.1576 11.8401 12.3003 12.0043 11.9216 12.1689 11.4677 12.4082 11.3927 11.371 12.2462 11.6048 12.4108 11.3953 11.9173 11.8424 12.1737 11.9013 11.025 12.0431 12.5839 12.8051 11.1882 11.7833 11.4457 P07309 Ttr 18 20.664208 22139 + 20.664208 20.674325 transthyretin AA408768; AI787086; D17860; prealbumin None None None 13.6904 15.8404 12.8219 13.0702 13.4606 13.5588 13.182 12.6589 13.7207 13.2916 12.5444 14.7458 12.617 13.3417 13.5861 13.5689 13.26 13.2295 11.7749 12.7668 12.6373 13.6137 12.5434 12.8434 13.1685 12.0389 13.3791 11.6971 15.2724 13.4834 12.952 12.6837 P07361 Orm2 4 63.362448 18406 + 63.362448 63.365876 orosomucoid 2 Agp1; Orm-2 None None None 13.3046 11.7683 14.1851 14.92 13.0893 12.2008 13.0552 12.9746 13.4476 12.8461 12.6499 14.7027 12.84 15.0446 14.3368 15.3311 12.5418 13.0619 12.1542 13.0235 11.7954 11.4748 11.5375 11.0712 15.2266 19.1613 11.5512 11.9972 15.2625 13.658 11.772 12.1733 Q91V12 Acot7 4 152.178099 70025 + 152.178099 152.271854 acyl-CoA thioesterase 7 2410041A17Rik; Ach1; Act; Bach; CTE-IIa; Cte-II; Lach1 None None None 14.017 15.3983 15.6193 15.8855 16.0161 15.5075 15.9243 15.4616 15.8357 16.1203 15.239 14.0988 16.1384 15.5565 15.4801 15.294 15.9232 15.6635 16.3667 15.769 15.25 15.486 15.924 15.7907 15.6634 15.8324 15.3064 15.1928 15.7157 16.1812 15.6465 16.0926 Q9EPQ7 Stard5 7 83.632016 170460 + 83.632016 83.642327 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 5 2310058G22Rik; AI607880; D7Ertd152e None None None 13.5182 13.627 14.2055 13.1179 14.114 14.0495 13.9211 14.0496 14.2655 13.848 13.425 14.6788 15.4405 13.5258 14.0279 13.6715 13.9642 13.6153 14.4093 13.9611 13.0107 13.8602 14.0121 13.6638 14.3356 14.4265 13.5013 13.2347 14.0684 14.0808 13.7382 14.2522 Q9JI39 Abcb10 8 123.952458 56199 - 123.952458 123.983121 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 10 Abc-me; Abcb12 None None None 12.0709 12.0672 12.3778 12.4232 12.0052 11.8206 12.8801 12.2368 12.0193 12.3383 11.6146 12.0218 12.4891 12.4448 12.026 12.2233 12.3065 12.4801 12.3565 12.3047 12.5731 11.8097 12.3785 12.1704 12.1288 12.0701 11.4118 12.1764 12.2213 13.4594 12.5835 12.4318 Q99MS7 Ehbp1l1 19 5.707368 114601 - 5.707368 5.726575 EH domain binding protein 1-like 1 G430002G23Rik None None None 12.4325 13.2862 13.0573 13.6424 12.2634 13.3018 13.1149 13.7532 13.5668 13.3406 11.9494 11.9303 12.1377 11.9075 12.9037 12.7117 13.281 12.5751 14.2315 13.5717 12.3234 12.991 13.5793 13.601 11.9463 13.321 12.4755 13.4008 13.3819 13.6341 13.2095 13.408 Q61937 Npm1 11 33.152497 18148 - 33.152497 33.164141 nucleophosmin 1 B23; NO38; Npm None None None 17.1412 16.0947 16.4305 16.1695 17.1137 16.5648 16.5193 16.6337 16.9362 16.2964 16.9985 16.9792 18.5728 17.0649 16.9177 15.8702 16.6522 16.4495 16.8358 16.4449 16.6706 16.5164 16.2814 16.3977 17.2262 16.7834 15.6408 16.1434 16.6363 17.0379 16.2726 17.2173 Q9EPU0 Upf1 8 70.331492 19704 - 70.331492 70.353422 UPF1 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast) B430202H16Rik; NORF1; PNORF-1; Rent1; Upflp None None None 14.0061 13.5777 13.4584 13.567 13.8026 13.5479 13.3299 13.9743 13.6575 13.6815 13.4002 13.9809 14.7069 13.6804 13.8298 13.4874 13.7182 13.7529 13.5881 13.6227 13.4616 13.5614 13.3723 13.5643 13.3523 13.1603 13.7503 13.5188 13.6064 14.048 13.5649 13.5729 Q6PDY2 Ado 10 67.54451 211488 - 67.54451 67.548954 2-aminoethanethiol (cysteamine) dioxygenase Gm237 None None None 13.7573 12.6018 12.441 12.9738 13.43 12.7802 12.0277 13.3267 13.2472 13.1808 13.1108 14.0227 14.4663 13.6323 13.413 13.3015 13.0525 13.5622 13.1597 13.0146 13.7391 13.6393 12.2412 12.4425 12.8521 12.614 13.0473 13.4325 12.921 13.6301 12.8471 12.858 P56391 Cox6b1 7 30.61697 110323 - 30.61697 30.626113 cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 6B1 2010000G05Rik; COX VIb-1; Cox6b None None None 18.1583 18.5157 19.7227 18.474 18.1121 17.6956 17.0339 18.2233 18.5923 17.3709 17.8107 16.7297 19.5013 17.68 18.1435 18.7107 18.1016 17.3959 18.2589 18.4501 20.463 18.7567 18.132 17.7813 19.4002 18.8401 17.8811 18.5892 18.4185 17.6861 18.249 17.0934 Q9CWF2 Tubb2b 13 34.127007 73710 - 34.127007 34.130353 tubulin, beta 2B class IIB 2410129E14Rik; brdp None None None 17.8982 18.9505 18.1916 18.4598 17.9284 18.6269 18.5415 18.5948 18.3932 18.9414 18.0484 17.8361 17.8691 18.1455 18.1423 18.3817 18.9555 18.8143 18.709 18.9404 17.8803 18.5017 18.8796 18.5673 17.4441 18.0301 18.6904 18.4017 17.6865 18.7818 18.7468 17.8025 Q8R1A4 Dock7 4 98.936658 67299 - 98.936658 99.130952 dedicator of cytokinesis 7 3110056M06Rik; Gm430 None None None 13.2127 12.8853 13.0374 13.193 12.5015 13.3666 13.3032 13.0462 12.99 12.7132 11.8273 12.8072 12.0042 13.26 12.7941 12.9911 13.316 13.0455 13.2834 12.5864 12.8071 12.9991 12.1674 13.2129 12.7966 13.2612 13.2924 13.1134 13.4663 13.1474 13.2995 12.3554 Q61468 Msln 17 25.748612 56047 - 25.748612 25.754377 mesothelin MPF None None None 13.1408 13.3301 12.777 13.0236 13.1869 15.0421 14.1464 14.0939 13.6564 13.9046 14.1772 12.7974 12.1893 13.8304 13.8726 12.8714 13.7326 13.3146 12.5222 12.9302 12.2464 13.8192 14.4497 13.2612 13.2459 12.6621 13.5678 13.1361 12.1322 12.4656 13.6882 13.4397 Q8VCI5 Pex19 1 172.126754 19298 + 172.126754 172.136496 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 Pxf None None None 15.7939 15.8837 15.9326 16.0651 15.1497 15.7715 15.8166 15.4747 15.7221 15.9375 15.2822 15.6327 14.8995 16.064 15.7435 15.305 15.8108 15.9772 16.0074 15.4342 15.482 15.2959 15.5575 15.909 15.5579 16.0222 16.0749 15.9589 15.6397 15.7025 16.0368 15.3292 Q9QZE7 Tsnax 8 125.01304 53424 + 125.01304 125.034207 translin-associated factor X R74833; Trax None None None 13.0192 13.9266 13.4001 13.9702 13.9573 13.942 13.886 14.03 14.1624 14.1621 14.0523 13.949 14.222 13.6631 14.1143 13.932 13.8531 13.8065 13.7767 13.9809 13.6488 14.228 14.0919 13.8788 14.1607 14.0794 14.1266 14.3268 12.9038 14.207 13.9408 14.0261 P05367 Saa2 7 46.751832 20209 + 46.751832 46.754312 serum amyloid A 2 AW111173; Saa-2; Saa1 None None None 11.6934 12.5623 12.7608 11.8346 12.5023 12.1312 11.4464 12.1743 12.0318 13.0416 12.2788 11.7308 12.5827 14.7518 12.1502 11.8131 12.1704 12.0857 12.6517 12.7503 11.9398 12.4645 13.0014 12.8378 11.7919 18.4479 11.6093 12.7802 11.2068 13.4061 12.7498 12.5764 Q7TMR0 Prcp 7 92.875252 72461 + 92.875252 92.93458 prolylcarboxypeptidase (angiotensinase C) 2510048K03Rik; 2610104A14Rik; AI451719; HUMPCP; PCP None None None 13.3129 12.792 12.7771 12.9714 14.2766 13.3776 12.2373 13.6228 12.8269 13.9144 12.353 13.79 14.3011 13.4257 13.6582 12.3638 13.6998 13.5389 14.3038 13.5439 11.9478 13.0671 12.8036 12.5224 12.4312 12.8424 12.6171 12.029 14.2187 15.2107 12.5486 14.1407 Q61738 Itga7 10 128.93342 16404 + 128.93342 128.958285 integrin alpha 7 [a]7; alpha7 None None None 18.1783 18.0776 17.4579 18.5549 17.8329 17.7891 17.8341 17.9468 17.7858 18.4545 17.7469 17.8883 15.3185 18.3208 17.8732 17.3478 17.9092 18.2333 18.2274 17.7558 17.6719 17.7577 17.9259 18.0557 17.1112 17.2193 17.9822 17.938 17.2594 18.0922 18.094 17.7204 Q9R1C7 Prpf40a 2 53.134701 56194 - 53.134701 53.191437 pre-mRNA processing factor 40A 2810012K09Rik; FBP-11; FBP11; Fnbp11; Fnbp3 None None None 13.4596 14.9824 13.3368 12.0939 14.4693 14.3425 14.8405 14.507 14.086 14.9131 15.268 14.7066 14.5637 14.6682 14.8006 14.5528 13.706 14.3251 15.0204 14.3942 14.2257 14.842 15.2816 15.4996 13.0387 13.4848 15.5524 14.7172 14.4075 14.4709 14.0543 13.7948 Q64213 Sf1 19 6.363672 22668 + 6.363672 6.378037 splicing factor 1 BBP; MZFM; WBP4; Zfp162 None None None 14.466 14.6315 14.5656 14.7881 15.2106 14.7327 14.8874 14.903 15.1945 14.6338 14.8103 15.1288 16.9162 14.888 15.0234 14.2664 14.7446 14.5477 15.1198 14.6894 14.5818 14.3918 14.9436 14.6693 15.2157 14.9814 14.3202 14.5221 15.1675 14.9322 14.6508 15.4775 Q61699 Hsph1 5 149.616842 15505 - 149.616842 149.636497 heat shock 105kDa/110kDa protein 1 105kDa; AI790491; Hsp105; Hsp110; hsp-E7I; hsp110/105 None None None 14.2603 14.4058 14.6092 14.0212 14.2756 14.8802 14.9939 14.5661 14.8846 14.3 14.3663 14.4424 15.3119 14.6491 14.3098 14.3855 14.9614 14.7446 15.0058 14.7243 14.4389 14.343 13.9654 14.7276 14.7808 14.7298 14.1513 14.3813 14.4531 14.7503 14.5893 14.5232 Q9DC61 Pmpca 2 26.389347 66865 + 26.389347 26.39712 peptidase (mitochondrial processing) alpha 1200002L24Rik; 4933435E07Rik; Alpha-MPP; P-55 None None None 14.8445 15.2282 15.6735 15.4121 15.1084 15.3076 15.1456 15.323 15.1372 15.2207 15.3508 15.4633 15.4209 14.9595 15.2386 15.3423 15.3096 15.3426 15.5626 15.514 15.4853 15.1057 15.3063 15.4706 15.5467 15.725 15.0949 15.4266 15.5977 15.4459 15.3613 15.2868 Q8R317 Ubqln1 13 58.176155 56085 - 58.176155 58.215652 ubiquilin 1 1110046H03Rik; 1810030E05Rik; AU019746; C77538; D13Ertd372e; Da41; Dsk2; Plic-1; Plic1; Xdrp1 None None None 14.0152 15.8359 15.6151 15.645 15.4543 15.4872 15.7539 15.5135 15.6789 15.7033 15.35 13.8074 15.8047 15.5691 15.1051 15.3963 15.5561 15.5643 15.9473 15.6326 14.8732 15.2431 15.5022 15.6203 15.4633 15.73 15.4876 15.5304 15.6645 15.8274 15.6696 15.2964 Q9CQ91 Ndufa3 7 3.617346 66091 + 3.617346 3.620164 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A3 1010001M12Rik; 1700022J01Rik None None None 13.4134 15.8875 16.4114 15.4472 15.338 15.2472 15.2418 15.4642 15.1519 15.2134 15.5439 15.3572 15.6761 14.9846 15.4428 15.6426 15.343 14.8353 15.3825 15.6479 17.2865 15.6083 15.175 15.3786 16.0972 15.8584 15.6105 16.1661 15.7389 15.0863 15.5364 14.668 Q8VEM8 Slc25a3 10 91.116573 18674 - 91.116573 91.124045 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, phosphate carrier), member 3 5730556H19Rik; PTP; Phc None None None 20.2739 19.7949 20.6202 20.1209 20.1056 20.1846 20.1358 20.2741 20.1027 20.1501 20.1525 20.396 20.2729 20.0688 20.2156 20.5447 20.1491 20.2635 20.4371 20.4899 20.6449 20.4189 20.1494 20.2697 20.5139 19.9651 20.3292 20.4358 20.366 20.1957 20.2193 19.9315 Q9DB29 Iah1 12 21.316361 67732 + 21.316361 21.323606 isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog 1500019E20Rik; 4833421E05Rik None None None 16.7845 17.6829 17.4249 17.2214 17.4811 17.4625 17.4554 17.011 17.4458 17.1792 17.7212 17.9118 17.1357 17.0126 17.464 17.5373 17.374 17.4958 16.693 16.6507 16.591 17.7348 17.8509 17.5955 17.2974 18.0525 17.7502 17.1326 17.7288 16.8527 17.1268 17.1648 Q9QXZ0 Macf1 4 123.349632 11426 - 123.349632 123.687801 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1 ABP620; Acf7; Aclp7; MACF; R74989; mKIAA0465 None None None 13.7069 12.2328 12.206 13.1172 13.1494 12.5638 12.4498 12.8294 12.6925 12.8755 12.6877 12.832 13.9171 13.3832 12.8311 12.4264 12.7995 12.8913 13.3824 13.1514 12.6572 12.5222 12.6053 12.9018 12.2716 12.1656 12.3933 12.3795 12.7381 13.5893 12.3951 13.1512 Q9DCM0 Ethe1 7 24.587542 66071 + 24.587542 24.608924 ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 0610025L15Rik; Hsco None None None 12.0767 12.5585 13.8217 13.608 13.8332 13.3675 13.1361 12.1913 14.1719 12.1977 14.2149 13.0484 15.7144 12.4568 12.7816 11.9884 13.1062 13.6252 14.3237 13.3626 15.0809 14.0623 11.8365 12.5997 14.9585 14.1097 11.8813 12.1895 12.5571 13.8308 12.8992 12.4042 Q8K0D5 Gfm1 3 67.430114 28030 + 67.430114 67.475067 G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1 AW545374; D3Wsu133e; Gfm None None None 13.2182 14.3542 14.9642 14.7012 14.9485 15.6117 16.3642 13.745 14.6544 14.5903 15.5275 12.3937 14.0854 15.9918 14.2535 15.1552 14.7794 14.6765 15.0008 15.3747 15.3677 15.3403 16.4527 15.2845 15.2993 14.93 15.0696 14.3877 16.0979 14.3146 14.1927 13.0848 P08003 Pdia4 6 47.79614 12304 - 47.79614 47.813511 protein disulfide isomerase associated 4 AI987846; Cai; ERp-72; Erp72 None None None 18.2565 17.3894 17.6816 17.5764 17.996 17.9122 18.0309 17.8911 17.9435 17.5703 17.7027 19.355 20.4866 17.9651 18.1554 17.9812 17.9155 17.6809 17.8699 17.8566 17.1632 17.8583 17.4155 17.7982 17.5607 17.8054 17.4979 17.7267 17.9763 17.8322 17.6639 18.2478 P17439 Gba 3 89.202904 14466 + 89.202904 89.208872 glucosidase, beta, acid GBA1; GC; GCase; GLUC; betaGC None None None 14.8475 14.7112 14.3602 14.9977 14.9858 14.7503 14.6907 14.4051 15.027 14.3902 14.7621 14.7559 15.5505 15.53 14.6293 13.1416 15.3892 14.7577 15.3882 15.0473 13.7069 14.821 14.5915 14.6508 14.5696 15.0865 13.6725 13.7329 15.261 15.5156 14.889 15.2726 O08788 Dctn1 6 83.165908 13191 + 83.165908 83.200117 dynactin 1 AL022633; DAP-150; DP-150; Glued; p150; p150-glued; p150 None None None 16.0492 15.5219 15.2765 15.6513 15.5623 15.5939 15.644 15.7253 15.3742 15.6928 15.4735 15.7608 15.5566 15.67 15.565 15.5341 15.3003 15.6581 15.5567 15.2123 15.2535 15.3517 15.4887 15.6173 14.9629 14.9957 15.7457 15.6281 15.4611 15.5811 15.4705 15.5884 Q8BG51 Rhot1 11 80.208609 59040 + 80.208609 80.267906 ras homolog family member T1 2210403N23Rik; AA415293; AF244542; AI834919; Arht1; C430039G08Rik; Miro1 None None None 14.0304 14.5079 15.0061 14.89 14.4189 14.6684 14.6904 14.9877 14.712 14.724 14.4474 13.9871 14.0475 14.0136 14.7724 14.4045 15.0035 14.7787 14.9036 15.0645 14.898 14.8054 14.5363 14.65 14.7315 14.7095 15.0394 15.1831 14.2617 14.8739 14.9146 14.4933 Q9DBX3 Susd2 10 75.636618 71733 - 75.636618 75.644007 sushi domain containing 2 1200011D11Rik None None None 13.0147 13.1153 13.3677 12.7899 13.5838 13.7875 13.8183 13.7966 13.1592 12.8481 14.1091 12.5539 13.1184 13.9828 12.9304 12.2578 13.5799 13.1273 12.1607 12.6335 14.3038 14.1552 12.9237 13.0634 13.2081 12.5241 12.8051 13.0215 12.52 13.5632 12.9887 13.6793 Q3TWN3 Cnnm2 19 46.756833 94219 + 46.756833 46.878579 cyclin M2 AU015877; AW048635; Acdp2; Clp2 None None None 12.4692 13.0871 13.2669 13.2905 12.2411 13.3586 12.7091 12.4577 12.5843 12.2943 11.9707 12.0487 12.2001 12.3388 12.6869 12.7288 12.969 12.1924 12.2372 11.9603 11.9847 12.7155 11.979 12.8643 12.0728 13.2471 12.4762 11.9261 11.7966 12.0927 12.9872 11.9281 Q61749 Eif2b4 5 31.187557 13667 - 31.187557 31.193138 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 4 delta Eif2b None None None 12.4447 12.4984 12.2828 12.5863 12.3711 12.8847 13.1468 12.7182 13.3495 12.9272 12.3546 12.1805 13.2529 12.5968 13.1751 12.4595 12.5057 12.2121 12.2071 12.9901 11.8889 12.8325 12.6398 12.5486 13.8061 12.8932 12.5335 12.3849 12.5254 13.2278 12.5298 12.0517 P70429 Evl 12 108.55468 14026 + 108.55468 108.688515 Ena-vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein AI528774; b2b2600Clo None None None 14.0298 12.4991 12.3402 12.4626 13.6681 11.908 11.7225 13.0089 12.8756 12.6048 12.0256 13.7944 15.4956 13.5199 13.0159 12.2198 13.4298 13.0132 14.6508 13.8672 12.5985 12.0578 12.5194 12.7315 12.5932 12.2941 12.0512 12.3535 14.2581 14.7232 12.6161 14.9026 Q61136 Prpf4b 13 34.874819 19134 + 34.874819 34.906063 pre-mRNA processing factor 4B 2610037H07; Prp4; Prp4k; Prpk; cbp143 None None None 14.6684 12.6349 13.3525 15.0181 12.9056 13.4006 14.7088 13.5016 13.8409 13.6398 12.136 12.6468 15.1575 14.3287 13.2336 11.8249 14.1788 13.7286 14.8632 14.7631 14.3339 14.759 14.7434 12.3054 10.7976 12.6378 11.9115 12.417 13.726 11.931 13.9927 12.5667 P61358 Rpl27 11 101.442244 19942 + 101.442244 101.445595 ribosomal protein L27 None None None 17.5274 18.2923 18.4069 18.3159 18.0794 18.5765 18.3567 18.3271 18.5666 18.4161 17.4951 18.1509 18.8608 18.3819 18.3314 18.05 18.722 18.4857 18.8394 18.5656 17.1116 18.1137 18.066 18.2989 17.9883 18.4826 18.4201 17.7899 18.2055 18.8641 18.5113 18.7268 A2AFW5 Ptpmt1 2 90.910712 66461 - 90.910712 90.918049 protein tyrosine phosphatase, mitochondrial 1 1110001D10Rik; 2810004N20Rik; PLIP None None None 12.4002 13.6615 12.6664 12.7219 12.5148 12.7681 13.1679 13.4732 12.6087 13.4602 12.5593 12.6128 13.1649 13.2867 13.1607 12.9709 13.8143 12.7269 13.3858 13.0166 13.1774 12.9585 13.1635 13.3498 13.0035 13.5 13.0502 12.61 12.8239 12.6715 13.5368 12.8 Q9QWV4 Mlf1 3 67.374096 17349 + 67.374096 67.399999 myeloid leukemia factor 1 HLS7 None None None 13.5042 11.8289 12.441 12.568 12.5584 12.1312 12.1799 12.1743 12.5863 12.258 12.0642 12.6738 11.8165 11.4513 12.4438 12.3752 11.9259 12.0857 11.7087 12.0168 12.6732 12.4645 12.268 11.8948 12.9654 11.8259 12.5523 11.4845 11.7903 12.2691 11.8589 11.6334 Q61129 Cfi 3 129.836726 12630 + 129.836726 129.875331 complement component factor i None None None 14.841 14.5553 14.6741 14.3687 15.2794 14.6905 14.9258 14.2538 14.8626 14.4467 14.7604 15.9156 14.4342 14.4131 15.1307 16.0545 14.5747 14.359 13.1205 14.9019 14.3671 14.8581 15.1944 14.5051 15.435 16.0604 14.5429 14.4864 14.7558 14.2091 14.6356 14.3962 P62843 Rps15 10 80.29243 20054 + 80.29243 80.294113 ribosomal protein S15 rig None None None 15.0446 15.1693 15.1479 15.0428 15.1819 15.7005 14.3736 14.6673 15.5289 14.9599 14.4846 14.8544 14.4331 15.985 16.0073 15.174 15.476 15.2899 15.4189 15.5211 12.6008 15.1807 14.8644 16.225 15.9474 14.9038 15.4379 13.6071 15.3064 16.1295 15.2978 15.4343 P58044 Idi1 13 8.885605 319554 + 8.885605 8.892395 isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 4832416K17Rik; IPPI1 None None None 12.1325 13.003 13.0784 13.6655 12.6212 13.2301 13.0927 13.0616 13.394 12.9782 13.5863 13.4976 12.1045 12.0572 13.0201 13.0481 12.8371 13.0727 14.4115 13.9297 13.2047 13.3625 13.5279 14.0196 14.1094 13.7617 11.7974 13.1297 13.9121 13.3988 12.8814 13.9375 Q3TMW1 Ccdc102a 8 94.902868 234582 - 94.902868 94.918097 coiled-coil domain containing 102A BC027663; Gm586 None None None 12.5531 12.026 11.8909 12.241 12.1301 13.259 12.6292 12.1576 12.5812 12.0159 12.7449 12.0193 11.4929 12.5953 12.0963 12.4338 12.247 12.4749 11.4239 11.838 12.1359 12.7057 11.5869 12.9143 12.6419 12.0289 12.979 11.8081 12.0645 12.54 11.7304 11.4992 O08784 Tcof1 18 60.813737 21453 - 60.813737 60.848982 treacle ribosome biogenesis factor 1 AA408847; AW209012; treacle None None None 12.4141 12.1587 11.9313 12.2288 12.0993 11.9317 12.5639 12.4046 12.4183 12.0135 12.6145 12.2759 14.5927 11.4716 12.416 12.6263 12.1687 11.8437 12.5238 12.081 11.5215 11.9717 12.2196 11.805 12.3503 12.4121 11.9426 12.2858 12.2766 12.1098 12.8029 12.2853 Q60872 Eif1a 18 46.597703 13664 + 46.597703 46.610224 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A C76390; Ef1a; Eftu; Eif4c; eIF-1A; eIF-4C None None None 12.6632 15.1393 14.7912 15.3905 14.6776 15.1455 14.5657 14.9364 15.2707 14.9875 11.7035 12.1963 16.1081 14.6868 14.5858 14.3169 15.0174 14.3065 15.5048 15.1858 12.3125 14.728 15.1635 14.133 15.052 15.2126 15.0041 12.8003 14.0251 14.8095 14.743 14.412 P45591 Cfl2 12 54.858814 12632 - 54.858814 54.862876 cofilin 2, muscle None None None 17.2004 18.3884 17.4801 18.1409 18.4391 17.404 17.2918 18.4998 18.1829 17.8863 17.1824 17.6966 19.9848 17.0467 18.1255 17.8396 18.2015 17.8622 18.2767 17.946 16.7536 17.7412 17.8272 17.1594 17.0272 17.3471 18.0063 17.5172 17.5858 18.6454 18.1541 17.8595 Q9WUK2 Eif4h 5 134.619871 22384 - 134.619871 134.639408 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H AU018978; D5Ertd355e; E430026L18Rik; Ef4h; Wbscr1; Wscr1; eIF-4H None None None 15.9353 16.7698 17.0391 16.2333 16.2351 16.3937 16.4658 16.327 16.9026 16.2371 16.5056 15.8881 17.4351 15.758 16.2964 15.9069 16.1722 16.2114 16.1715 16.4661 17.3863 16.0997 16.735 16.3666 16.7909 17.0656 16.525 16.4456 16.2757 15.9291 16.6782 16.5801 Q9D8M4 Rpl7l1 17 46.773906 66229 - 46.773906 46.782655 ribosomal protein L7-like 1 1500016H10Rik None None None 12.9435 11.8625 12.8787 12.4045 12.8849 12.7619 12.7927 12.1621 13.4601 12.6198 12.2837 13.1923 15.0318 13.3801 12.78 12.5973 13.1336 12.7915 13.1899 12.8866 12.2994 12.8977 12.1562 11.4014 12.6855 11.8654 12.8155 11.6446 13.1194 13.0804 12.3961 13.383 Q99J45 Nrbp1 5 31.228088 192292 + 31.228088 31.251565 nuclear receptor binding protein 1 B230344L17Rik; Nrbp None None None 14.1397 13.5899 13.0233 13.5648 13.9438 13.3903 13.3467 12.4717 13.1156 13.5 12.6811 12.2835 12.9871 13.7095 13.4684 12.683 12.8363 13.9502 13.8522 13.0519 12.8652 12.5258 13.2309 13.5624 13.176 12.8958 13.415 13.1314 13.3228 14.0054 12.9299 12.2002 P22752 Hist1h2ab Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P22752 None None None 24.3366 23.6903 23.2681 23.4415 24.3205 23.5631 23.6325 24.3292 24.1187 23.9705 24.1296 24.194 26.0656 23.9329 24.3531 23.7622 23.9005 23.9661 23.4501 23.7603 24.0309 24.2257 23.6391 23.5348 24.0258 23.3131 24.1837 23.7389 23.1705 23.8617 23.8083 23.6454 Q3TWT2 Memo1 17 74.186763 76890 - 74.186763 74.295681 mediator of cell motility 1 0610016J10Rik; D930048L02Rik None None None 13.7591 14.2705 14.1034 13.7697 13.8945 14.0056 14.0934 13.8993 13.8977 14.0862 14.0377 14.0174 13.6561 13.5911 13.9366 13.8469 14.3129 13.9926 14.4082 14.2908 13.7636 13.8917 13.7871 13.9511 13.8816 14.148 14.1662 13.6878 13.7178 14.414 14.0475 14.1056 O35658 C1qbp 11 70.977845 12261 - 70.977845 70.983025 complement component 1, q subcomponent binding protein AA407365; AA986492; D11Wsu182e; HABP1; P32; gC1qBP None None None 14.562 15.7003 16.6194 15.7375 15.9616 15.9245 16.2566 16.0326 16.1852 15.8153 15.8772 16.5285 16.8165 15.5597 16.2766 15.9769 16.2095 15.71 16.3371 16.1639 16.6637 15.824 15.6509 15.8318 16.4402 17.0346 15.8643 16.3549 16.6905 16.0465 16.006 16.2841 P99028 Uqcrh 4 116.066964 66576 - 116.066964 116.075069 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein 2210416J04Rik; 2310021J10Rik; 2610041P16Rik None None None 16.024 16.8686 18.0901 16.6019 16.6573 16.694 16.796 16.3808 16.643 16.281 16.851 16.9699 17.1526 16.6097 16.5137 17.1936 16.655 16.3483 16.8142 17.023 18.9836 17.0593 16.9734 16.9525 17.6352 17.8119 16.3826 17.4131 17.5961 16.5596 16.8191 16.3162 O08734 Bak1 17 27.019811 12018 - 27.019811 27.028626 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 Bak; N-BAK1; N-Bak None None None 14.7455 13.8252 14.2073 14.8515 14.9212 14.2414 14.84 14.2043 14.6158 14.4799 13.8987 14.2877 15.5367 14.5386 14.6496 13.2227 14.3567 14.2938 15.2659 14.804 14.2121 12.8775 14.5154 14.3858 13.9207 14.8388 13.8891 13.9927 14.3568 14.7658 14.6947 15.5339 P17665 Cox7c 13 86.044797 12867 - 86.044797 86.046794 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7C COXVIIc; Cox7c1 None None None 16.8467 15.4076 16.8581 14.8549 16.6561 15.0444 14.1236 16.9192 15.9798 15.4529 12.0298 17.6482 19.1336 11.4857 16.9471 16.6011 16.5502 15.8532 14.9494 16.8387 18.824 15.3798 14.4795 15.5353 14.7647 15.6151 16.4103 17.4172 16.6826 16.2905 15.8816 14.0556 Q9D1C8 Vps28 15 76.622085 66914 - 76.622085 76.626083 vacuolar protein sorting 28 1110014J03Rik; CIIA; D730005C08Rik None None None 13.693 14.1764 13.7948 14.2223 13.9691 14.1372 14.1915 14.027 14.0997 14.269 13.8589 13.3837 14.2167 14.0112 13.8946 13.6741 13.9273 14.0164 14.0696 14.0577 13.6091 14.1345 14.145 13.9452 13.6741 14.06 14.0804 13.8388 13.8755 14.4146 14.0797 14.3689 O55142 Rpl35a 16 33.056452 57808 + 33.056452 33.060188 ribosomal protein L35A 2810431L15Rik; Rpl35 None None None 17.6641 18.03 18.111 18.4128 17.853 18.3788 18.0232 17.7691 18.4507 18.2374 17.5322 18.1051 19.3532 18.4467 18.0681 17.6718 18.3061 18.0344 18.64 18.3164 17.1654 17.8971 17.9644 18.0397 18.1915 18.1081 17.9 17.3121 18.2991 18.4893 18.1296 18.5804 A0A0B4J1G0 Fcgr4 1 171.018925 246256 + 171.018925 171.02976 Fc receptor, IgG, low affinity IV 4833442P21Rik; CD16-2; FcgRIV; FcgammaRIV; Fcgr3a; Fcrl3 None None None 13.2519 12.4857 11.8909 11.6748 14.0829 12.2008 12.1695 12.8089 12.0892 12.2808 12.2852 14.3008 13.3166 13.31 13.674 11.9741 12.7747 12.2462 13.2677 12.9546 11.6762 12.0815 12.0466 12.4546 12.1822 12.4886 11.7691 12.2678 13.9559 13.4866 12.9956 14.5107 Q99P72 Rtn4 11 29.692897 68585 + 29.692897 29.744413 reticulon 4 1110020G17Rik; AA407876; AA409940; AA960376; ASY; C130026I10Rik; NOGO; NSP-CL; NgA; Nogo-A; Nogo-B; Nogo-C; mKIAA0886; mKIAA4153 None None None 16.729 16.4163 16.2404 16.3402 16.1808 15.854 15.7849 16.3471 15.7559 16.1487 15.6585 15.9766 15.3028 16.5279 16.0427 15.877 16.5139 16.2518 17.0579 17.0661 15.8712 15.1183 15.6686 16.4312 15.144 15.822 15.8466 16.182 16.2813 16.8566 16.3839 16.449 Q9R087 Gpc6 14 116.924919 23888 + 116.924919 117.979528 glypican 6 None None None 12.3758 12.5965 12.5291 12.5049 13.0651 12.4787 12.9135 12.46 12.9685 12.9347 12.5016 12.2473 12.7768 12.9666 12.5603 12.6505 12.9511 12.9351 12.6084 12.9458 12.6512 12.9742 11.728 13.1328 12.9471 12.6092 11.7936 12.8321 12.6484 13.4112 12.5921 13.1812 Q00897 Serpina1d 12 103.763586 20703 - 103.763586 103.773632 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 1D AAT; AI118301; DOM-7; Dom1; Dom4; PI4; Serpina1a; Spi1-1; Spi1-4 None None None 17.4482 19.0456 17.7489 15.9023 18.9347 15.5189 19.1857 15.2948 17.1992 19.1102 16.7522 17.6891 17.1406 18.4475 17.8463 19.7731 18.8564 15.5115 18.2988 15.5585 15.0973 16.5907 17.3674 15.1421 18.945 19.5891 19.3839 19.1483 17.9106 17.6349 15.1881 18.8215 A2AJL3 Fggy 4 95.557479 75578 + 95.557479 95.926938 FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing 2310009E04Rik None None None 12.5177 12.0932 12.2745 12.5328 13.2245 12.1746 12.2594 12.1612 12.1958 12.2855 13.2756 12.166 12.017 12.2491 13.4769 13.7162 13.2388 13.6153 12.2276 12.4027 11.3829 13.5361 13.612 13.5887 12.286 13.0875 13.6758 12.3536 11.9908 12.7581 12.2446 11.823 Q9CQI3 Gmfb 14 46.808148 63985 - 46.808148 46.822258 glia maturation factor, beta 3110001H22Rik; 3110001O16Rik; AI851627; C79176; D14Ertd630e None None None 17.1834 16.7751 16.5939 16.8125 16.8008 16.6676 16.8291 16.7014 16.8935 17.0358 16.3259 16.2745 17.3908 16.9091 16.7104 16.3761 17.1597 17.0395 17.3422 17.0226 15.8217 16.3604 16.9548 16.7311 16.2841 16.3299 16.7065 16.3751 16.5363 17.2308 16.6708 17.2012 Q9Z2M6 Ubl3 5 148.50463 24109 - 148.50463 148.552878 ubiquitin-like 3 AW108023; HCG; MUB; mmMUB None None None 14.5386 14.2865 14.6015 14.8135 13.9594 14.3763 14.5816 14.4961 14.6611 14.4031 14.6063 14.3421 15.0599 14.849 13.5268 13.8063 14.4483 13.9599 14.4996 14.7442 14.5377 13.8021 14.5611 14.7869 14.7738 15.4414 13.9582 14.2067 14.4513 14.7118 14.595 14.5232 Q8K4G5 Ablim1 19 57.032732 226251 - 57.032732 57.315343 actin-binding LIM protein 1 2210411C18Rik; 2610209L21Rik; 4833406P10Rik; 9330196J19Rik; AV079770; AW060987; AW215784; Limab1; mKIAA0059 None None None 14.7339 15.3683 14.7648 15.3648 14.6502 14.6907 14.6626 15.1294 14.7673 15.1255 14.7175 14.9565 14.2015 14.9042 14.3058 15.0083 14.7182 14.9829 14.8921 14.6617 14.6985 14.9285 15.428 14.8734 14.3189 14.4385 15.4483 15.1274 14.6765 14.6118 15.2515 14.4473 Q64378 Fkbp5 17 28.398752 14229 - 28.398752 28.486148 FK506 binding protein 5 D17Ertd592e; Dit1; FKBP-5; FKBP51 None None None 15.2666 14.4031 14.2719 13.343 15.2546 14.771 14.808 14.9238 14.6372 14.6371 15.2781 14.9509 15.9631 14.8677 14.9862 15.2 14.7165 14.0901 15.1587 14.5105 14.4176 15.3314 15.0396 14.7214 13.6701 15.5768 14.5079 14.8131 14.8214 13.1757 14.623 14.761 P68368 Tuba4a 1 75.214971 22145 - 75.214971 75.22126 tubulin, alpha 4A M[a]4; Tuba4 None None None 17.5958 16.9523 17.2599 16.7275 16.6299 16.6322 16.3179 16.73 16.8812 16.0128 16.5634 15.7482 18.7799 17.0137 16.165 16.7022 16.7702 16.4155 16.7661 16.6479 17.4505 16.8151 16.0504 16.162 16.7674 17.22 16.2611 17.0052 15.8069 16.6965 16.6963 16.6804 Q8CGZ0 Cherp 8 72.460482 27967 - 72.460482 72.475232 calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein 5730408I11Rik; D8Wsu96e; DAN16; Scaf6 None None None 13.2688 14.3371 13.6717 12.3417 13.1829 13.9461 12.7895 12.9643 13.2234 12.0811 12.7536 12.6685 14.5922 12.7293 12.7624 12.1508 12.8696 12.8268 14.8084 12.263 11.9948 12.5769 12.5116 12.8092 13.8561 12.319 11.8376 12.2078 13.1516 14.4102 12.0818 13.0676 Q9Z329 Itpr2 6 146.108298 16439 - 146.108298 146.502257 inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 2 AI649341; InsP3R-2; InsP3R-5; Ip3r2; Itpr5; insP3R2 None None None 12.324 12.4229 12.2005 11.8971 11.9562 12.0826 12.4319 12.0688 11.7718 12.467 12.2823 12.1428 12.4713 12.4226 12.4734 12.1914 12.2937 12.4536 12.4593 12.2771 12.2176 12.0693 11.949 12.5702 12.3526 12.2748 12.002 12.6177 12.288 11.7913 12.2678 12.2041 Q9CRA8 Exosc5 7 25.659152 27998 + 25.659152 25.668031 exosome component 5 D7Wsu180e None None None 12.5973 13.5266 13.7112 13.5296 13.7016 13.7034 13.7581 13.0128 14.1809 13.4071 13.5079 13.1838 15.799 14.0713 12.9464 13.0367 13.8242 13.317 14.0351 13.3385 13.0743 13.752 13.6975 13.1917 14.3534 13.9322 12.6362 12.8495 13.6389 13.9549 13.502 14.1814 P62960 Ybx1 4 119.277326 22608 - 119.277326 119.296264 Y box protein 1 1700102N10Rik; C79409; EF1A; MSY1; Nsep1; YB-1; dbpB; mYB-1a None None None 16.8611 16.2871 16.3411 16.2871 16.2817 16.0961 16.0638 16.4983 16.4828 16.3255 15.9157 15.4995 17.7969 16.6108 16.1152 16.0959 16.3412 16.485 16.7482 16.5501 15.7344 16.152 16.2497 16.3324 16.07 16.3506 16.2544 16.1342 16.0497 16.92 16.3084 16.257 Q6NV83 U2surp 9 95.456893 67958 - 95.456893 95.511995 U2 snRNP-associated SURP domain containing 2610101N10Rik; AU023006; Sr140 None None None 16.6184 15.5612 14.7409 15.9513 16.1528 15.8678 15.2115 15.8377 15.8879 15.9055 15.9312 16.5776 17.5564 16.1756 16.2826 15.7846 16.0502 16.1247 16.2113 14.2456 15.7755 14.7006 15.4882 16.0844 15.6833 15.2451 13.3295 15.7298 15.8421 16.1864 15.6547 13.6882 Q5SSH8 Cyb5d2 11 72.777231 192986 - 72.777231 72.795838 cytochrome b5 domain containing 2 9330151E16Rik; Gm2 None None None 13.7639 16.0508 14.1726 15.4951 13.7579 15.7588 15.9254 13.4423 12.6505 15.7776 15.6557 12.019 11.989 15.7286 15.9178 15.0685 13.2604 15.3562 15.792 13.6037 12.2807 13.4395 15.9028 15.6229 15.6186 14.962 15.3257 15.3666 11.5609 15.871 14.948 15.4575 P51855 Gss 2 155.56318 14854 - 155.56318 155.592809 glutathione synthetase AI314904; GS-A/GS-B; GSH-S None None None 15.2075 15.2102 15.2913 15.1911 14.9313 15.2696 15.6958 15.0415 15.2127 15.2284 15.1412 15.1755 14.4044 15.089 15.3079 14.6633 14.9725 15.3945 15.3448 14.8951 14.9415 14.8506 15.4378 15.1431 15.2147 15.1026 14.985 15.0853 15.1855 15.0881 15.2661 15.1412 Q9CPR4 Rpl17 18 74.998977 319195 + 74.998977 75.00338 ribosomal protein L17 None None None 17.3309 17.3802 17.3553 17.5296 16.9832 17.5895 17.3527 16.9687 17.5299 17.3157 16.7349 17.1971 18.0012 17.4989 17.1536 16.8758 17.627 17.2119 17.999 17.4798 16.5523 17.2825 17.2878 17.3787 17.3335 17.426 16.9515 16.4562 17.5881 17.8574 17.4563 17.8698 O88712 Ctbp1 5 33.247722 13016 - 33.247722 33.275003 C-terminal binding protein 1 BARS; CtBP3/BARS; D4S115h; D5H4S115; D5H4S115E None None None 16.4818 16.0283 15.9289 15.8827 16.3745 15.7452 15.6984 16.0946 16.1518 15.9823 15.9998 15.3684 17.1068 16.2167 16.0803 15.739 15.9004 15.7114 16.0821 15.9876 16.0799 16.1749 15.9098 15.9278 16.1705 16.1163 16.1293 16.0148 16.0089 16.0069 15.8387 16.1598 Q06335 Aplp2 9 31.149556 11804 - 31.149556 31.211847 amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 2 AI790698; APLP-2; CDEBP None None None 12.8209 15.6931 14.0388 14.2754 13.9272 14.3852 13.8677 14.9216 15.5869 15.1764 13.3988 14.4457 13.6992 13.0762 14.1758 14.919 14.6829 14.6226 15.7626 15.8266 15.6521 14.3074 15.6163 15.1719 16.3525 12.639 15.6735 15.9487 15.4822 15.8128 15.1402 13.3543 P09542 Myl3 9 110.763677 17897 + 110.763677 110.769801 myosin, light polypeptide 3 MLC1SB; MLC1s; MLC1v; Mylc; VLC1 None None None 17.6443 21.0546 17.2387 16.9616 17.9948 17.4304 17.5402 18.1472 18.6711 17.1345 18.5725 17.0457 17.5618 18.2684 17.7691 16.862 17.158 17.2982 17.346 16.9941 19.5137 18.0953 17.002 17.4498 17.6535 16.2335 16.8895 17.254 16.8717 17.5419 17.3649 17.3594 Q99KH8 Stk24 14 121.284186 223255 - 121.284186 121.380495 serine/threonine kinase 24 1810013H02Rik; C76483; MST-3; Mst3; STE20 None None None 14.4207 14.629 14.5409 14.9128 14.7217 14.4788 13.8528 14.9973 14.8098 14.9428 14.9449 11.7875 16.0658 14.7503 14.6069 13.9544 14.9019 14.629 14.944 15.1683 16.0908 14.8751 15.3492 13.8618 15.4301 15.0622 12.6947 12.8851 15.0837 14.7599 14.9611 14.6679 Q9CXT7 Tmem192 8 64.947148 73067 + 64.947148 64.969035 transmembrane protein 192 3110005G23Rik None None None 12.3931 12.9454 12.7291 13.9068 12.8247 13.1327 14.5767 12.7615 12.0874 12.9201 11.8259 12.1 12.2504 13.6491 12.3488 11.5149 12.7364 12.2462 13.2501 13.5835 12.8933 11.7025 12.9557 13.2387 13.5116 12.9479 14.8862 12.727 14.4644 12.8804 12.6577 13.354 Q61545 Ewsr1 11 5.069686 14030 - 5.069686 5.099106 Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 Ews; Ewsh None None None 14.8241 14.7097 14.7745 15.1567 15.3486 14.9828 14.4942 14.8858 15.5389 14.8887 15.0447 15.8902 17.6765 15.3269 15.3776 14.4626 14.9996 14.655 15.4183 14.9861 14.6429 14.9374 15.1266 14.8741 15.3739 14.748 14.9958 14.6261 15.4936 15.3191 14.9129 15.5613 P20491 Fcer1g 1 171.229571 14127 - 171.229571 171.234348 Fc receptor, IgE, high affinity I, gamma polypeptide AI573376; CD23; FcR-gamma; FcR[g]; FcRgamma; Fce1g; FcepsilonRI; Ly-50 None None None 15.134 14.0495 15.1098 15.192 15.6405 15.1685 14.9644 14.9009 14.6002 15.1618 14.7215 15.5568 15.6697 16.0908 16.06 14.487 15.384 14.8379 16.3304 15.5734 14.0383 14.923 14.8353 15.1549 14.2376 14.6952 14.9106 14.35 17.0363 16.2465 15.1909 16.2226 Q8BJ71 Nup93 8 94.214563 71805 + 94.214563 94.328099 nucleoporin 93 2410008G02Rik None None None 15.7872 15.2708 15.226 15.3665 15.7087 15.196 15.4012 15.3817 15.5578 15.1497 15.5562 15.3459 16.8381 15.6918 15.5322 15.0862 15.5507 15.3446 15.5867 15.505 15.8559 15.2449 15.2525 15.1694 15.5043 15.5629 14.9979 15.135 15.5508 15.5395 15.2754 15.7789 Q99P31 Hspbp1 7 4.660514 66245 - 4.660514 4.685187 HSPA (heat shock 70kDa) binding protein, cytoplasmic cochaperone 1 1500019G21Rik None None None 12.875 13.013 13.1856 13.0864 12.8253 13.3368 13.2967 13.1499 13.4805 13.0568 12.631 12.4472 14.1373 13.1733 12.9367 13.1909 13.5098 13.2795 13.4879 13.3061 13.1591 13.3892 13.1806 13.1418 13.2745 12.9417 12.9424 12.8411 13.0502 13.4236 13.2379 13.1165 Q9CR09 Ufc1 1 171.288563 66155 - 171.288563 171.295001 ubiquitin-fold modifier conjugating enzyme 1 1110021H02Rik; AA062310; ESTM29 None None None 13.1492 13.4904 12.7526 13.2909 13.4447 12.9757 12.3626 13.6525 12.7571 13.5748 12.6046 12.9512 12.5965 13.0601 13.7762 13.1691 13.8123 13.6976 13.2253 13.5581 11.6035 13.2877 11.8476 13.3015 12.6578 12.0898 11.8203 13.537 12.2738 13.6946 13.0381 12.2526 Q99K28 Arfgap2 2 91.265114 77038 + 91.265114 91.27737 ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 2 2310032E02Rik; Zfp289 None None None 11.7457 12.9513 12.7472 12.8124 11.7474 12.2078 12.0478 12.1894 13.0564 12.4953 11.933 12.7695 12.5881 12.2229 12.6589 12.393 12.8191 12.3477 13.2792 13.4341 11.8816 11.7998 12.9692 13.0704 12.9994 13.514 12.8345 12.9973 13.5868 13.1234 12.5902 12.7087 Q8BIF0 Cd99l2 X 71.420059 171486 - 71.420059 71.492865 CD99 antigen-like 2 AW548191; Mic2l1; Xap89 None None None 15.754 14.8617 15.4287 15.4324 15.1179 15.7262 15.5021 15.4271 15.3201 14.9913 15.131 14.9701 15.1023 15.6944 15.122 14.7419 15.4455 15.4515 14.8448 15.4089 15.3384 15.216 15.1882 15.5443 14.8284 15.0256 15.3601 15.0145 15.2108 15.1053 15.1347 15.0709 Q91VE0 Slc27a4 2 29.802633 26569 + 29.802633 29.817521 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 4 ACSVL4; BB144259; FATP4 None None None 15.6412 16.1594 15.4588 15.8236 15.9852 16.4535 16.3827 16.5624 16.1225 16.0849 16.7584 15.0248 15.6505 16.9279 15.9163 14.8245 15.9462 16.1401 16.0314 16.0575 16.7263 17.1458 16.1794 15.5507 16.3632 15.3 16.4235 15.9488 15.8442 16.1563 16.1998 15.8265 Q9D061 Acbd6 1 155.558098 72482 + 155.558098 155.687473 acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 6 0610010G04Rik; 2610100E10Rik None None None 12.1907 12.627 12.441 11.8161 11.7202 11.9088 11.428 12.1743 11.8364 12.7503 12.9887 11.4851 12.5684 12.2032 12.2508 11.8328 12.5794 12.5499 12.4349 12.439 11.9213 12.4645 13.0199 12.8193 12.0409 12.5778 12.6966 11.8611 12.5422 11.5172 12.5941 12.558 Q9CZM2 Rpl15 14 18.267822 66480 - 18.267822 18.270985 ribosomal protein L15 2510008H07Rik None None None 18.2651 17.8555 17.849 17.7575 17.9776 18.0195 17.7061 17.9814 18.0994 18.0203 17.6183 18.4136 19.1962 17.9863 18.2363 17.8886 18.2015 18.0985 18.2347 18.0242 17.5988 18.015 17.6289 17.7454 17.6772 17.6687 17.9576 17.7822 17.7703 18.3124 17.9508 18.0551 Q99LW6 Yaf2 15 93.283832 67057 - 93.283832 93.336934 YY1 associated factor 2 2810021M11Rik None None None 11.376 10.3877 9.94752 10.6354 12.2758 10.5424 9.88756 11.2595 9.58828 10.7243 12.5549 10.416 11.5185 9.73052 11.2347 11.2191 9.80363 10.8354 9.9267 10.536 11.089 10.9732 11.7772 11.5969 10.7287 8.99674 12.0616 10.3909 12.976 9.88564 10.7178 12.1241 P62852 Rps25 9 44.407713 75617 + 44.407713 44.410405 ribosomal protein S25 2810009D21Rik None None None 18.959 18.5494 18.3577 18.364 18.3105 18.6159 18.4526 18.2536 18.8436 18.3964 18.1947 18.2809 20.1566 18.7934 18.6941 18.2095 18.7664 18.2592 18.9508 18.6216 18.2365 18.3379 18.0526 18.6174 18.6606 18.5722 18.2512 17.7419 18.5737 18.916 18.6393 18.814 P17156 Hspa2 12 76.403811 15512 + 76.403811 76.406937 heat shock protein 2 70kDa; HSP70.2; HSP70A2; Hsp70-2 None None None 15.8252 15.1319 14.8615 15.1334 15.0271 15.194 15.1197 15.3375 15.596 15.2187 15.5462 15.6116 15.1145 15.3804 15.4427 15.1981 14.9504 14.9612 14.8955 14.8387 15.913 15.3761 15.1406 14.8712 15.2182 15.0689 14.8087 14.9659 15.0375 15.1069 15.083 15.1941 P47964 Rpl36 17 56.610093 54217 + 56.610093 56.614245 ribosomal protein L36 None None None 17.499 18.9002 18.9805 18.8909 17.0446 19.0408 18.5816 17.2289 19.0904 18.2575 17.2696 17.8512 20.4222 18.4609 17.2257 17.793 18.8135 18.1285 19.435 18.7504 16.3415 18.6265 18.6791 17.9734 19.1333 19.1463 17.656 15.918 18.2323 18.7771 18.4054 18.8366 P43276 Hist1h1b Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P43276 None None None 20.05 18.6133 19.2389 20.07 19.616 18.3033 18.2843 20.5671 19.6756 19.9797 20.0766 17.4823 22.0032 19.1592 19.2731 19.6997 20.0695 19.361 19.1709 18.8436 18.2637 18.7278 20.1677 20.3643 18.2193 20.0003 20.3509 19.9633 18.0827 19.336 20.3448 19.316 Q8CIT9 Sbsn 7 30.732673 282619 + 30.732673 30.756133 suprabasin 1110005D19Rik; AI747508 None None None 11.9181 12.8454 12.441 11.9799 11.7202 12.4109 12.8398 11.8041 12.1672 11.8363 12.7241 12.0139 12.2996 12.6647 12.0559 12.1969 12.8236 12.0857 12.8392 12.7485 11.6566 12.4114 11.6081 12.5547 12.827 12.8425 11.5637 11.3869 12.3257 12.929 12.8204 12.2933 P61222 Abce1 8 79.683441 24015 - 79.683441 79.711739 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family E (OABP), member 1 C79080; Oabp; RLI; RNS41; RNS4I; Rnaseli None None None 15.2995 14.9648 14.6016 14.8126 14.8446 15.049 14.8954 14.6076 14.9022 15.1722 14.5501 14.9417 15.9171 15.0517 15.0716 14.7167 15.0412 15.1993 15.2433 15.1445 14.6581 14.6963 14.8461 15.2853 14.869 14.4111 15.2321 14.626 14.5541 15.2818 14.9823 14.9345 P63001 Rac1 5 143.50548 19353 - 143.50548 143.52803 Rac family small GTPase 1 AL023026; D5Ertd559e None None None 20.4849 19.6381 20.024 20.0881 20.2503 19.7902 19.7512 20.0171 20.3332 20.1374 19.7974 20.2903 21.7476 20.2012 20.1761 19.8256 19.9847 20.2365 20.0889 19.9746 20.0089 19.8852 20.1149 19.7026 20.0452 19.8172 20.0494 19.5404 20.115 20.0505 19.9609 20.0401 Q80X50 Ubap2l 3 89.999588 74383 - 89.999588 90.052608 ubiquitin-associated protein 2-like 3110083O19Rik; 4932431F02Rik; A430103N23Rik; C77168; Nice-4; mKIAA0144 None None None 14.4264 14.7195 14.4144 14.5041 14.4702 14.3836 14.3001 14.4131 14.5388 14.8378 14.0055 13.9181 15.0121 14.3833 14.5499 14.1973 14.4592 14.5832 14.6176 14.571 14.281 14.3159 14.5997 14.4936 14.3798 14.1725 15.1136 14.45 14.619 14.5371 14.5205 13.8778 Q3UKC1 Tax1bp1 6 52.713691 52440 + 52.713691 52.766779 Tax1 (human T cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1 1200003J11Rik; 1700069J21Rik; AA930106; D6Ertd404e; D6Ertd772e; T6bp; TXBP151 None None None 12.7284 12.4693 12.4406 12.3235 12.0496 12.5419 11.5596 12.7592 11.5879 12.6558 12.5909 12.0086 12.4975 11.3972 12.4233 12.9279 12.2091 12.3366 11.4688 11.6368 11.9819 12.0689 12.5192 12.5577 11.8416 11.2744 12.6703 11.4941 12.728 12.0269 11.9102 12.1078 Q80YV2 Zc3hc1 6 30.366383 232679 - 30.366383 30.391048 zinc finger, C3HC type 1 1110054L24Rik; AU018540; AU019789; HSPC216; Nipa None None None 12.4585 11.7886 11.6644 11.3979 11.9446 10.911 10.0055 11.6986 11.9894 11.9332 11.3867 11.6251 13.851 11.972 11.8113 10.5029 11.4225 11.5747 11.0401 11.6431 11.6494 11.5169 11.5859 11.8746 11.9536 11.6121 11.8204 11.6621 11.8614 11.937 11.3024 11.2313 Q8K2V6 Ipo11 13 0.0 76582 0.0 0.0 importin 11 1700081H05Rik; 2510001A17Rik; AI314624; AW555235; E330021B14Rik; Ranbp11 None None None 12.2137 12.3215 13.1953 14.5747 14.4891 12.4952 12.6134 13.4174 12.8669 13.8741 14.0356 12.4115 15.4531 12.8051 13.0948 12.8406 13.6641 13.4732 15.3369 14.5847 12.3303 13.4675 12.277 12.7821 12.5125 12.203 14.2459 12.4019 12.3334 13.4419 13.4372 12.8719 Q9QXS1 Plec 15 76.170973 18810 - 76.170973 76.231377 plectin AA591047; AU042537; EBS1; PCN; PLTN; Plec1 None None None 17.4098 16.6413 17.1636 16.869 18.1564 17.0563 17.1025 18.3079 16.8106 17.5872 17.2721 18.995 16.631 17.5239 17.7697 18.8803 17.111 17.0801 17.4889 16.9414 17.0859 17.1814 16.6541 16.7574 16.5858 17.5304 18.9014 19.2171 16.6585 17.409 17.8425 17.2479 Q6ZWV7 Rpl35 2 39.00158 66489 - 39.00158 39.00513 ribosomal protein L35 2410039E09Rik None None None 19.1232 18.6887 18.6354 18.6895 18.5269 18.7151 18.648 18.4252 18.9342 18.8028 18.0706 18.486 20.0869 19.1109 18.704 18.5214 18.9149 18.7073 19.1776 18.8972 18.2134 18.3971 18.2447 18.7926 18.5881 18.3915 18.8552 17.946 18.7978 19.2024 18.8324 19.114 Q9QWL7 Krt17 11 100.256214 16667 - 100.256214 100.261028 keratin 17 K17; Krt1-17 None None None 13.8333 12.1893 13.6422 12.2076 13.1888 13.1282 14.3111 12.1895 12.9694 12.421 13.9817 13.2358 12.9856 12.4477 12.8896 14.4492 12.1529 13.0978 11.507 13.3687 13.8774 16.6582 14.2621 12.6338 14.0447 14.0699 14.535 15.031 12.1508 11.6762 12.7387 12.9494 Q569Z6 Thrap3 4 126.164081 230753 - 126.164081 126.202754 thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3 9330151F09Rik; B230333E16Rik; Trap150 None None None 13.0866 13.7085 13.5663 13.4959 13.6657 12.5746 13.4087 13.6714 13.8031 13.9924 12.7172 12.3017 15.2114 12.7559 13.2158 12.972 13.217 13.2439 13.9755 13.8256 14.1711 13.5376 14.0093 13.6614 13.1946 14.2674 14.1301 13.6208 13.0544 13.4623 13.6653 13.4676 Q8K2C7 Os9 10 127.094258 216440 - 127.094258 127.121159 amplified in osteosarcoma 4632413K17Rik; AU022351 None None None 12.4775 13.3792 12.5576 14.2413 12.4716 12.9725 13.7784 13.2945 12.8153 13.5454 12.7806 12.3857 12.6981 12.5948 13.2834 12.765 13.1322 13.4738 13.3994 13.3542 12.2168 12.8316 13.5125 13.1761 12.9315 13.6077 13.3598 13.1806 13.4537 12.2827 13.5145 13.5802 A1L314 Mpeg1 19 12.460769 17476 + 12.460769 12.465284 macrophage expressed gene 1 MPS1; Mpg-1; P-2 None None None 13.6168 12.6988 12.893 13.0221 12.5007 12.1312 12.9865 12.3024 12.386 12.4047 12.8708 12.9493 15.4443 13.7208 12.8933 11.5053 13.4544 12.5478 14.6758 13.8229 11.8033 12.1903 11.4614 12.7013 12.9737 12.6551 11.7457 12.9167 12.6602 14.1391 12.7853 14.6383 P24547 Impdh2 9 108.560435 23918 + 108.560435 108.565576 inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase 2 IMPD; IMPD 2; IMPDH-II None None None 16.7177 15.44 15.4519 15.5426 15.9687 15.6989 15.578 15.8922 15.9368 15.6408 15.5889 15.9406 17.3906 16.0566 16.136 15.4317 15.7474 15.8179 15.8729 15.6061 15.8456 15.7469 15.3607 15.867 15.7058 15.6237 15.4822 15.7237 15.8221 15.9826 15.5781 15.9157 P82349 Sgcb 5 73.632748 24051 - 73.632748 73.647736 sarcoglycan, beta (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) 43DAG; AI747103; AI844814; beta-SG None None None 13.9762 15.6388 15.4378 15.8429 15.1157 15.7205 15.9956 15.4034 15.4975 15.586 15.7744 14.9001 12.7507 15.1027 15.0743 15.424 15.1402 15.352 14.8377 15.2792 15.2072 15.4089 15.943 15.5493 15.299 15.7632 15.9127 15.4229 15.1724 14.7311 15.5543 15.2132 P19536 Cox5b 1 36.691486 12859 + 36.691486 36.693387 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B None None None 18.5107 18.3133 19.5083 18.1462 18.3016 18.2771 17.9593 18.366 18.252 17.953 18.2401 18.236 19.3657 17.961 18.4777 18.8942 18.4142 18.0041 18.1583 18.6857 20.76 18.5946 18.1962 18.5735 19.1116 18.5772 18.662 19.4253 18.8313 17.9441 18.3158 17.7052 Q9D8X0 Manbal 2 157.367583 69161 + 157.367583 157.396762 mannosidase, beta A, lysosomal-like 1810024K12Rik; AI836500 None None None 13.1744 12.5023 12.4498 13.0233 12.7496 13.0182 12.4789 12.4633 12.6064 12.565 12.5334 12.4954 11.9641 12.5264 12.8746 12.7605 12.6485 12.8616 12.0261 12.4631 13.2711 12.6592 12.0836 12.9617 11.8783 11.8393 13.2401 12.6085 12.2934 12.7869 12.4421 11.9744 Q8CIH5 Plcg2 8 117.498274 234779 + 117.498274 117.635141 phospholipase C, gamma 2 PLC-gamma-2; PLCgamma2; Plcg-2 None None None 13.2834 13.4718 13.3928 14.2071 13.9771 13.0707 13.4527 13.8509 13.8455 13.6973 13.71 14.0059 16.4303 14.0252 13.8596 12.3439 13.8899 13.5368 14.0852 13.2799 13.582 13.503 13.8998 13.7375 13.7956 12.7631 12.4954 13.0135 13.0821 13.2729 13.8019 14.0156 Q8R146 Apeh 9 108.085412 235606 - 108.085412 108.094489 acylpeptide hydrolase None None None 15.3614 14.7755 15.0019 14.6834 15.2234 14.9402 15.2844 14.9446 15.0618 14.9281 15.0685 15.8698 16.3299 14.9783 15.1856 14.7202 15.1474 14.8899 15.0451 14.7533 14.6721 14.9402 14.7811 14.7916 15.1055 15.0333 14.4466 14.9941 15.119 14.968 14.877 15.3254 O35943 Fxn 19 24.259544 14297 - 24.259544 24.280589 frataxin FA; FARR; Frda; X25 None None None 13.3647 12.9205 14.1298 13.4851 13.2112 12.932 13.7613 14.0925 13.4922 13.1251 14.0264 13.4339 14.0062 13.1725 13.6451 13.1288 13.0789 13.427 12.7188 12.821 14.4708 13.5223 12.9535 13.1345 14.3353 14.3968 12.6289 13.8335 13.8824 13.0957 12.9978 13.3413 P25962 Adrb3 8 27.225775 11556 - 27.225775 27.230844 adrenergic receptor, beta 3 Adrb-3; beta 3-AR None None None 13.0624 12.8293 14.624 12.1901 12.8692 14.2502 14.5747 13.4962 14.3172 12.8707 14.2189 14.8238 13.0179 12.7002 13.9137 14.282 13.257 12.9406 12.3028 12.1773 13.3761 14.1781 12.3955 13.6671 15.1816 15.469 14.4373 14.2558 15.4344 12.5246 13.9042 12.2642 P10711 Tcea1 1 4.857693 21399 + 4.857693 4.897908 transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 S-II None None None 13.5347 13.6235 13.9849 13.7683 14.2091 13.3848 13.5219 14.0033 14.4775 13.4964 13.0856 13.8372 15.8248 12.8566 14.0329 14.0145 13.9246 12.8777 14.2174 13.6122 13.6298 14.1383 14.1366 13.3576 14.6279 14.3147 13.4405 13.3198 14.0031 14.0662 13.8166 14.5001 Q3TIV5 Zc3h15 2 83.644577 69082 + 83.644577 83.664616 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 15 1700006A17Rik; 1810012H02Rik; 2610312B22Rik; FM22; Ierepo4 None None None 13.6557 13.4417 13.95 13.5314 13.7038 14.1882 13.9315 12.9143 13.8366 13.4807 13.1396 12.3148 14.838 14.1477 13.5154 12.8115 13.6097 13.9478 14.6682 14.1567 13.1604 13.3964 13.2355 14.0462 13.6371 13.5949 13.6781 14.268 12.1477 14.1151 13.0852 13.6242 P09411 Pgk1 X 106.187099 18655 + 106.187099 106.203698 phosphoglycerate kinase 1 Pgk-1 None None None 18.7169 19.2732 18.9214 18.7667 18.5258 18.7533 19.1434 18.9014 19.0091 18.8452 18.4721 17.9504 19.5004 18.3588 18.8852 18.9203 18.8359 18.4719 19.1118 18.9651 18.6864 18.8279 19.0876 18.7669 19.2377 19.1862 18.6666 18.4534 19.3085 18.8315 18.8847 19.0327 Q99J93 Ifitm2 7 140.954836 80876 - 140.954836 140.959685 interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 DSPA2c; Ifitm3l; fragilis3; mil-3 None None None 16.0214 15.5516 15.4537 15.0097 16.0299 16.2555 15.9295 15.883 15.7185 15.7334 15.9516 15.6014 15.6531 16.3483 15.8891 15.423 15.6421 15.8692 14.8479 15.4168 15.6212 15.7875 15.5022 15.5336 15.5272 14.593 15.9227 15.2694 16.0242 15.6775 15.7821 15.5784 P27659 Rpl3 15 80.07778 27367 - 80.07778 80.083405 ribosomal protein L3 F2; J1 None None None 17.2087 17.3319 17.4108 17.5666 16.7585 17.5634 17.0758 16.7443 17.7593 17.1556 16.4689 17.0097 18.8123 17.5074 16.912 16.8526 17.4359 16.957 17.7757 17.4692 16.3212 17.3591 17.1726 16.9357 17.4299 17.5023 16.5654 16.1451 17.3149 17.6098 17.4338 17.6012 P39061 Col18a1 10 77.052177 12822 - 77.052177 77.166529 collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 None None None 16.8811 16.5956 16.0081 17.6165 16.628 16.5457 16.6366 16.8593 16.8499 16.6438 17.1687 17.7795 14.9507 17.7836 16.6138 16.8927 17.2555 17.1175 17.0015 16.9748 16.8264 16.9036 16.6185 16.308 16.3737 16.4388 16.6707 16.4177 16.9137 17.4463 16.8562 16.4806 E2E2A0 Rpl32 6 115.805513 19951 - 115.805513 115.808742 ribosomal protein L32 AU020185; rpL32-3A None None None 14.9091 16.7544 16.774 16.7262 16.3064 16.5726 15.8492 16.2735 16.4821 16.4821 16.1113 16.348 17.3107 16.3234 15.9235 16.7528 16.6261 16.6789 16.7525 16.7118 13.7849 16.7355 16.0367 16.1419 16.6097 16.3961 16.6943 16.3747 16.1662 16.5862 16.5143 16.2882 Q920E5 Fdps 3 89.093587 110196 - 89.093587 89.101966 farnesyl diphosphate synthetase 6030492I17Rik; AI256750; Fdpsl1; mKIAA1293 None None None 15.1929 14.1684 14.7233 14.2879 13.8896 14.5024 13.8411 14.2232 14.5254 14.3472 14.0692 14.2174 15.1963 14.2339 14.2788 14.0245 14.9411 14.5048 15.7952 15.1733 14.0929 13.8714 14.0907 14.3862 14.7886 14.5611 13.8471 14.4012 14.0917 15.0152 14.41 15.3146 Q99NH0 Ankrd17 5 90.227165 81702 - 90.227165 90.368692 ankyrin repeat domain 17 4933425K22Rik; A130069E23Rik; A930008M01; AA407558; AA516750; AU040470; Foe; Gtar; Mask; mKIAA0697 None None None 11.7935 11.9544 12.2824 12.3245 11.4164 11.9778 12.4909 11.7951 11.3678 11.7969 12.5028 12.409 12.6783 11.3891 12.1308 11.8421 12.2675 11.64 12.6767 11.8571 10.8876 12.3378 11.8997 11.9722 12.0495 12.5813 11.6391 11.9033 12.2315 11.4888 12.2618 12.5161 Q9D3N8 Grtp1 8 13.176868 66790 - 13.176868 13.200765 GH regulated TBC protein 1 5430401C05Rik; C81211; Tbc1d6 None None None 12.3072 13.0527 12.5672 13.3457 12.5265 12.5723 13.1747 12.2589 12.1185 13.2747 12.6986 12.4264 12.1264 12.6042 12.5492 12.0692 12.5343 13.0932 11.9058 12.5408 12.2198 11.9996 12.1897 12.1496 12.3803 12.2518 13.4432 12.3421 12.2331 11.6777 12.6218 12.4874 Q3UIR3 Dtx3l 16 35.926514 209200 - 35.926514 35.939026 deltex 3-like, E3 ubiquitin ligase AU042200; BC023741 None None None 12.3186 12.9382 12.589 12.7553 12.3581 12.6057 12.1012 12.3767 12.2882 12.4258 12.2528 12.3005 12.6605 12.1946 12.2878 12.2574 12.0323 12.0271 12.8346 12.4604 11.9974 12.0129 12.6381 12.4982 12.223 12.8261 12.5119 12.6101 12.5875 12.1472 12.6079 13.025 Q9D880 Timm50 7 28.305515 66525 - 28.305515 28.312045 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 2810403L02Rik; AU015082; TIM50L None None None 15.6138 15.3004 16.1199 15.5799 15.322 15.5795 15.6734 14.9304 15.4225 15.4933 15.8001 15.6586 16.0519 15.5241 15.012 15.7521 14.9235 15.4375 15.8063 15.8287 16.6446 15.6472 15.5374 15.4794 16.0274 16.0348 15.4266 15.793 15.9561 15.461 15.664 15.6663 Q9JLB2 Mpp5 12 78.748881 56217 + 78.748881 78.840713 membrane protein, palmitoylated 5 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 5) 3830420B02Rik; AI255216; AI644496; Pals1 None None None 12.6969 12.2521 12.4188 12.1334 19.3936 12.7029 12.8678 16.8625 12.9092 12.3925 13.395 20.4901 22.4821 11.8859 15.4701 11.6678 12.511 19.8337 21.5092 16.4893 12.2386 16.0012 13.015 16.7563 12.8348 12.3827 12.9869 17.6611 16.2361 20.4585 14.16 12.4982 Q14C51 Ptcd3 6 71.880637 69956 - 71.880637 71.908772 pentatricopeptide repeat domain 3 2610034F17Rik; 2810422B04Rik; AA589622; AU045708; MRP-S39 None None None 14.5747 12.7935 13.3513 14.1478 13.7239 14.3477 14.5171 13.7335 13.8349 14.5677 12.4107 13.1052 15.2549 14.1106 14.1142 13.2629 13.4934 14.6365 14.0558 14.1239 13.948 13.5285 14.7536 14.6838 14.5153 13.2877 11.7647 13.9496 14.3594 14.4878 14.3685 14.0448 P14131 Rps16 7 28.350688 20055 + 28.350688 28.352697 ribosomal protein S16 AA420385; AI317031 None None None 18.2566 18.3657 18.0099 18.2405 18.3022 18.3284 18.2712 18.2571 18.5554 18.2277 18.0127 18.7926 19.8393 18.4867 18.5124 18.1024 18.5763 18.2591 18.6122 18.5189 18.0054 18.3815 17.9558 18.1274 18.3101 18.0939 18.0457 17.5912 18.2358 18.9442 18.3598 18.5421 Q91Z98 Chil4 3 106.20149 104183 - 106.20149 106.219478 chitinase-like 4 Chi3l4; Ym2 None None None 12.3473 12.2152 12.4611 18.73 13.9639 12.3778 12.0765 12.2416 13.4264 13.251 12.0787 15.0328 16.465 12.8197 13.4205 12.6814 11.9656 12.3021 12.1425 12.3719 14.8433 12.6639 12.3785 14.012 14.1491 12.292 12.0404 12.2878 12.3858 12.6258 12.2586 12.1666 P47962 Rpl5 5 107.900507 100503670 + 107.900507 107.909004 ribosomal protein L5 U21RNA None None None 17.9464 17.2594 17.1578 17.2312 17.4383 17.4355 17.1045 17.5402 17.5977 17.4256 17.1691 17.708 18.7854 17.6869 17.6362 17.0127 17.5869 17.4617 17.6619 17.4305 16.8854 17.274 16.9354 17.381 17.2361 17.1587 17.332 16.8532 17.3905 17.7588 17.3408 17.8021 Q9ESE1 Lrba 3 86.223455 80877 + 86.223455 86.782693 LPS-responsive beige-like anchor C80285; D3Ertd775e; Lab300; Lba None None None 13.3667 13.4179 13.4707 13.6049 13.1106 13.3285 13.6653 13.2421 13.414 13.4677 13.2582 12.8765 13.9765 13.0899 13.1586 12.9788 13.2607 12.9759 13.1611 12.9403 12.6151 12.6518 13.6095 13.3245 12.8093 13.5354 13.3424 12.9422 13.2653 12.5449 12.9074 13.8422 O35206 Col15a1 4 47.207654 12819 + 47.207654 47.313166 collagen, type XV, alpha 1 None None None 19.6805 19.9294 18.4994 20.779 19.0495 19.7264 19.3956 19.8206 18.8273 19.8566 19.9536 19.8587 16.5273 20.1675 19.2732 19.3522 19.472 20.0708 18.9914 19.2626 19.1101 19.4088 19.9009 19.8833 18.6629 16.9069 19.6931 19.7194 18.5998 19.3749 19.0925 19.2141 Q6ZWV8 Psma2 13 14.613241 19166 + 14.613241 14.625672 proteasome subunit alpha 2 Lmpc3 None None None 14.2696 15.5165 13.7366 13.916 14.0672 14.2553 13.6215 13.4631 14.2684 13.9777 13.6629 15.0364 14.7863 13.649 14.6339 13.1909 14.2907 13.1324 14.0724 13.6818 13.8867 13.9349 13.5751 13.8145 13.9167 14.4163 13.683 13.8412 15.0681 13.8026 13.9533 14.045 Q9D1P6 Wdr33 18 31.804056 74320 + 31.804056 31.908986 WD repeat domain 33 1110001N06Rik; 2310011G05Rik; 2810021O11Rik; 8430413N20Rik; WDC146 None None None 12.5557 10.9041 10.0757 12.5629 12.5222 11.4749 12.2567 12.2894 12.1333 11.4405 11.9142 12.5969 13.8764 12.0817 12.0339 11.7946 12.0159 11.8964 11.3091 11.2696 12.7092 11.8675 12.1911 12.0977 11.9395 11.7491 12.6571 11.9699 11.7427 11.7652 11.6077 10.6462 Q5PSV9 Mdc1 17 35.841494 240087 + 35.841494 35.859669 mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1 6820401C03; AA413496; Nfbd1; mKIAA0170 None None None 11.4494 9.01751 10.27 8.5712 10.4858 10.7937 12.671 9.77956 9.80347 9.89201 10.0232 12.3233 13.4187 10.8674 10.3223 8.61063 9.89389 10.2028 10.0125 10.0631 9.31349 12.4645 9.2969 9.61472 10.7642 9.98008 10.5261 9.39752 10.0336 10.0097 10.2996 10.4086 Q08857 Cd36 5 17.781689 12491 - 17.781689 17.888958 CD36 molecule FAT; GPIV; Scarb3 None None None 23.5915 23.5821 23.4053 23.8609 23.5126 23.2592 23.6208 23.5879 23.4183 23.9842 23.622 24.1878 21.2629 23.6083 23.914 23.8883 23.4945 24.0892 22.9345 23.1575 23.0621 23.3251 23.8271 23.6091 23.1304 23.2965 24.3297 23.7828 23.5577 23.1117 23.802 23.2539 P03888 Mtnd1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P03888 None None None 13.7214 15.1138 16.4903 15.5217 15.8263 14.9629 15.1756 15.9724 15.5553 15.1628 14.9845 15.1556 16.1841 14.9218 15.6905 15.927 15.1748 14.4613 14.601 15.6467 17.8008 15.3276 14.7452 15.2425 15.9687 16.1055 15.2883 16.4891 15.1626 15.2881 15.6398 14.8733 P03893 Mtnd2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P03893 None None None 12.5687 12.2706 12.441 12.1263 11.7202 12.1312 11.7382 12.1743 11.9155 13.0769 11.6225 14.1352 12.2582 11.893 12.0022 11.9335 12.0732 12.8517 12.9434 12.4585 12.2315 11.6263 12.7097 11.4531 11.7307 12.2676 12.994 12.7193 12.232 11.8274 12.4761 12.8682 P00397 Mtco1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P00397 None None None 12.8989 15.8169 16.4574 15.7819 14.5803 15.8552 15.7179 14.7009 15.1701 14.8492 15.9158 14.7976 17.3823 15.3695 13.93 14.8695 15.7419 15.922 15.1267 15.4684 16.0095 16.5083 15.9477 15.521 16.6265 15.6664 13.7481 16.2793 17.119 15.5399 14.8992 14.3548 P00405 Mtco2 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P00405 None None None 19.9474 19.5347 20.8585 19.4753 19.6864 19.764 19.4771 19.7098 19.6089 19.3736 19.6531 19.7769 20.578 19.5692 20.0428 20.2106 19.8415 19.3404 19.4381 20.0467 22.3568 19.9888 19.7175 20.128 20.6217 19.8221 19.7645 20.7605 20.2478 19.6753 19.6165 19.0552 P03930 Mtatp8 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P03930 None None None 18.8307 18.1715 18.8158 18.0901 18.232 17.5692 18.2176 18.5186 18.6619 18.1455 18.3786 18.6818 18.9898 18.1606 18.625 18.0924 18.5751 18.0065 18.5934 18.8075 18.4643 17.7131 18.0339 18.3669 18.1943 19.1576 18.0178 18.2989 19.08 18.3944 18.5451 18.0699 P00416 mt-Co3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P00416 None None None 14.2326 13.4254 15.1302 13.6428 13.8945 13.5706 13.3999 14.0043 13.5836 13.2133 13.4753 13.9004 15.2303 13.389 14.0625 14.2513 13.9998 13.7276 13.6923 14.3941 16.334 13.6289 12.626 13.726 14.4433 14.1624 14.0753 15.7919 14.226 13.6698 13.758 13.1172 P03899 Mtnd3 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P03899 None None None 16.4184 16.6703 17.6122 16.4798 16.3864 16.7838 16.5231 16.2287 16.6134 16.0489 16.7228 16.3666 17.4964 16.2795 16.4475 16.9556 16.5335 15.8411 16.028 16.7168 18.6174 16.621 16.4084 16.2615 17.3446 17.1437 16.382 17.0492 17.151 16.0192 16.8067 15.7857 P03911 Mtnd4 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P03911 None None None 15.3784 14.8763 16.1981 14.7445 15.1316 14.8272 14.6528 15.1682 15.0402 14.5319 14.9264 14.5474 16.2515 14.3439 15.0463 15.1791 14.9942 13.944 14.2244 15.4901 17.4012 14.8342 14.5885 14.3338 15.2459 15.445 14.5166 16.092 15.4816 14.5792 15.1157 14.2744 P03921 Mtnd5 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P03921 None None None 13.159 13.7745 15.1325 13.3022 13.4334 13.491 13.4355 13.542 13.6256 13.2657 13.8499 13.5594 15.355 13.6535 13.5356 13.9207 13.6927 12.8797 13.1534 13.8655 16.4194 13.6419 13.0977 13.6517 14.3074 13.906 13.2382 14.6701 14.7447 13.4428 13.7442 13.2164 P97364 Sephs2 7 127.271878 20768 - 127.271878 127.274058 selenophosphate synthetase 2 Sps2; Ysg3 None None None 12.4774 11.6737 12.6219 12.3954 12.3745 12.1515 12.3295 12.1657 12.583 12.1923 12.1056 12.5168 12.5163 12.4538 11.9592 12.4598 11.9152 12.1449 11.8701 12.7658 12.4505 12.5886 12.1992 11.9604 12.601 13.004 12.2283 12.144 11.8109 12.5542 11.825 11.8867 P11352 Gpx1 9 108.339079 14775 + 108.339079 108.340341 glutathione peroxidase 1 AI195024; AL033363; CGPx; GPx-1; GSHPx-1; Gpx None None None 18.5051 18.2877 18.5153 18.5536 18.293 18.5675 18.749 18.358 18.577 18.088 18.2553 18.0853 18.7187 18.2534 18.3865 18.3198 17.9076 18.0848 18.5308 17.8514 17.555 18.9374 18.7528 18.2002 18.4874 18.7416 18.1868 18.003 18.5918 18.0382 18.3415 18.6292 Q61072 Adam9 8 24.94961 11502 - 24.94961 25.017039 a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 9 (meltrin gamma) AU020942; MDC9; Mltng; mKIAA0021 None None None 14.5814 13.8088 13.8731 13.9044 14.3834 14.6232 14.3904 13.9812 13.8715 14.3906 14.3088 14.549 13.3659 14.4131 14.7587 14.4922 14.4464 14.5935 14.2714 14.1401 13.7918 13.9195 14.145 14.4704 13.488 13.8781 14.7628 14.5496 14.2004 14.2074 14.2594 14.4082 Q8CJ91 Cd209b 8 3.917654 69165 - 3.917654 3.92684 CD209b antigen 1810030I22Rik; DC-SIGNR1; OtB7; SIGNR1; mSIGNR1 None None None 13.4864 13.1116 14.3462 13.969 13.9226 14.7087 15.0358 13.6972 14.3765 13.2998 14.0735 12.1863 17.3738 13.2344 13.7589 14.6265 13.7255 13.575 13.155 12.75 14.6448 14.7207 14.2894 13.8658 14.8197 14.4048 13.3918 14.3446 13.746 13.2595 14.095 13.0127 A2A7A7 H6pd 4 149.979473 100198 - 149.979473 150.009022 hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (glucose 1-dehydrogenase) AI785303; G6pd1; Gpd-1; Gpd1 None None None 17.369 17.4232 17.6077 17.1044 17.5785 17.7857 17.8167 17.5179 17.2995 17.6657 17.2181 17.8227 16.2393 17.2304 17.8673 17.6289 17.1774 17.7103 17.0913 16.9964 16.8548 17.197 17.2685 17.2099 16.8907 17.9054 17.9584 17.3981 17.6067 16.992 17.6139 17.3756 Q9DCD0 Pgd 4 149.14999 110208 - 149.14999 149.166704 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 0610042A05Rik; AU019875; C78335 None None None 19.9847 20.5152 20.2589 20.7 20.0582 20.6534 20.5661 20.2094 20.1376 20.3485 20.2226 19.8321 19.2419 20.5716 19.9115 19.9079 20.4371 20.6895 20.9441 20.5938 19.6631 19.9889 20.419 20.4692 20.0239 20.646 20.1769 20.3216 19.8707 20.7868 20.3995 20.1663 Q8C033 Arhgef10 8 14.906411 234094 + 14.906411 15.001084 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 10 6430549H08Rik; mKIAA0294 None None None 12.1556 12.0813 14.265 11.8943 11.7293 14.274 16.187 12.1034 12.4205 11.9314 11.397 12.4237 11.954 11.2684 12.1396 12.1758 12.0314 11.9782 12.182 12.3671 11.6943 12.0604 11.9408 11.0765 11.9406 11.956 12.5549 12.3769 11.9489 10.9946 12.356 12.0421 Q8BH43 Wasf2 4 133.13053 242687 + 133.13053 133.199747 WAS protein family, member 2 AW742646; D4Ertd13e; WAVE2 None None None 16.3628 15.5726 15.7288 15.8083 16.2495 15.8005 15.9671 15.827 15.9108 16.0059 15.6596 15.3168 17.0985 16.1664 15.8212 15.4262 15.8484 15.8651 16.0912 16.1395 15.6311 15.533 15.9 15.918 15.8767 15.6231 15.8373 15.4085 16.0237 16.0952 15.8062 16.3635 Q8VE37 Rcc1 4 132.331918 100088 - 132.331918 132.345749 regulator of chromosome condensation 1 4931417M11Rik; AI326872; Chc1 None None None 11.7656 12.4758 12.8397 12.1596 12.963 13.0671 11.8255 12.5134 12.5733 12.8055 14.1237 12.9408 14.3046 13.5275 12.832 11.9358 12.1866 13.0144 13.6987 13.2005 13.3624 12.1804 13.8808 12.2705 13.5716 12.6966 13.8747 12.3548 12.9514 13.2496 12.7895 12.2174 Q6PAM1 Txlna 4 129.626076 109658 - 129.626076 129.641064 taxilin alpha 2600010N21Rik; AI425952; AW209241; Il14; Txln None None None 13.5774 12.4965 13.008 12.7779 12.9378 12.6842 12.7628 12.8933 12.8119 12.965 12.458 12.9351 13.3341 13.1006 13.1267 12.884 12.8981 12.889 12.9921 13.0159 12.6932 12.7366 12.3656 13.0744 12.3544 12.2933 13.0685 12.7454 12.8974 13.2097 12.8537 12.8532 A2A8Z1 Osbpl9 4 109.061144 100273 - 109.061144 109.202271 oxysterol binding protein-like 9 2600011I06Rik; AU015843; Orp-9 None None None 15.1521 15.1204 14.993 15.2146 15.2176 14.945 15.1213 14.8548 15.1288 15.3017 14.8937 14.4138 14.8445 14.6568 15.298 15.1025 15.257 15.2275 15.1345 15.2471 15.0454 15.1197 15.2345 15.0657 14.9093 15.1207 15.1036 14.9774 15.1704 15.1853 15.2629 14.9173 Q8VI63 Mob2 7 142.008516 101513 - 142.008516 142.061058 MOB kinase activator 2 1110017M21Rik; 2700078K21Rik; AI256456; Mmh None None None 15.8245 16.9506 16.4774 16.6802 17.0971 16.696 16.3221 16.9554 16.6621 17.2918 16.7106 15.7223 17.4188 16.2801 16.3712 17.1317 16.7132 15.7982 14.8726 16.8055 17.245 16.9572 16.6358 16.2271 16.9795 16.2987 17.2627 16.906 16.3776 17.1846 15.9698 17.052 P99027 Rplp2 7 141.44765 67186 + 141.44765 141.451358 ribosomal protein, large P2 2700049I22Rik None None None 19.7783 18.8564 18.9435 18.9393 19.3007 19.0594 19.0146 19.2408 19.3793 19.06 18.9887 19.4729 20.3843 19.2672 19.4094 18.7642 19.2529 19.0254 19.2841 19.1412 18.9527 18.9279 18.8313 19.1545 18.9875 19.0688 18.8142 19.0878 19.2091 19.4026 19.0335 19.4274 Q8BUR4 Dock1 7 134.670686 330662 + 134.670686 135.173646 dedicator of cytokinesis 1 9130006G06Rik; AI854900; D630004B07Rik; b2b3190Clo None None None 12.7583 14.3865 13.9739 14.0365 13.8955 12.912 14.6667 13.1308 14.0017 14.0198 12.8202 12.9826 12.5361 14.3931 12.3505 13.4068 12.7031 12.2506 15.2914 12.6933 11.8793 13.6418 14.2291 12.7455 13.5323 13.6695 14.1617 12.5955 12.5114 12.633 13.7078 14.8591 P29758 Oat 7 132.557474 18242 - 132.557474 132.576397 ornithine aminotransferase AI194874; rhg None None None 15.6968 14.8835 15.1473 14.8666 15.1095 15.2355 15.1318 15.452 15.4008 15.1125 15.1258 15.6727 16.2051 14.9776 15.2298 15.2138 15.1972 15.3696 14.986 15.1093 15.2223 15.7216 14.8783 14.7995 15.7356 15.576 15.1417 14.7454 15.1739 15.2257 15.022 15.2487 Q9WVA3 Bub3 7 131.560366 12237 + 131.560366 131.571894 BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein AU019800; AU021329; AU043350; AW146323; C78067 None None None 14.7766 14.134 14.4754 14.5498 15.15 14.2288 12.5873 14.8433 14.816 13.852 14.852 15.3672 16.759 15.0103 14.9485 14.3257 14.5408 14.5558 14.8439 14.6571 14.7529 14.4932 14.3132 13.2035 14.7903 14.2937 14.3429 14.4558 14.7764 14.8553 13.8107 15.1257 Q6Y685 Tacc1 8 25.154551 320165 - 25.154551 25.256423 transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 1 4833447E04Rik; AA960202; B230378H13Rik None None None 15.6424 15.1167 14.9235 15.4327 15.0681 15.0904 15.0245 15.3496 14.769 15.539 14.682 15.2549 14.9589 15.0868 15.3705 15.2921 15.1976 15.573 15.079 15.2418 15.1246 14.77 14.9921 15.001 14.1726 14.8325 15.8068 15.3655 14.6809 15.2797 15.3242 14.8413 Q8K1X1 Wdr11 7 129.591693 207425 + 129.591693 129.635737 WD repeat domain 11 2900055P10Rik; AW489876; Brwd2; mKIAA1351 None None None 13.4388 13.5929 12.7013 13.4856 13.2344 13.1932 12.4754 13.2857 13.3263 13.3895 12.9932 12.9019 13.4136 13.1012 13.177 12.8343 13.489 13.4375 12.6896 12.9298 12.7392 13.0911 13.4988 13.1639 12.6531 12.9447 12.9039 12.8153 12.7787 13.3786 13.1656 13.2887 Q9DAW6 Prpf4 4 62.408761 70052 + 62.408761 62.426989 pre-mRNA processing factor 4 1600015H11Rik; AI874830; AW047464; bN189G18.1 None None None 13.0343 12.8867 11.8741 12.3339 12.6972 12.7364 12.9251 12.7811 13.4974 12.4219 12.1997 13.3287 14.6895 12.6746 12.6033 12.5016 12.4251 12.566 13.0612 12.5917 12.3814 13.0053 12.0672 12.2655 12.6026 11.7761 11.8121 12.0089 13.1739 13.3127 12.4621 12.9425 Q8K211 Slc31a1 4 62.360582 20529 + 62.360582 62.391768 solute carrier family 31, member 1 4930445G01Rik; AI787263; AU016967; Ctr1 None None None 11.7618 14.2474 14.0898 14.2774 13.3005 14.7969 14.3581 14.3147 14.0858 14.4313 14.4425 12.0086 12.4344 14.9048 13.6199 13.95 14.8 14.4913 14.5104 14.6213 11.7398 13.8844 14.2094 14.9102 13.9977 12.425 14.4972 14.1013 14.2527 15.0147 14.0857 15.2072 Q6P9Q6 Fkbp15 4 62.300341 338355 - 62.300341 62.360595 FK506 binding protein 15 BB131447; C430014M02Rik; FKBO133; FKBP-133; FKBP-15; FKBP133; mKIAA0674 None None None 12.563 12.2521 12.4709 12.7182 12.937 12.1652 12.0269 12.174 12.4886 12.4875 12.4609 13.3138 12.9976 12.6329 12.5927 12.5592 12.5517 12.3723 12.9638 12.7641 12.1025 12.375 12.5406 12.1797 12.2034 12.7939 12.1173 12.0799 13.1091 12.9895 12.4199 12.8434 Q61124 Cln3 7 126.571206 12752 - 126.571206 126.585816 ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 3, juvenile (Batten, Spielmeyer-Vogt disease) AI323623 None None None 12.6073 11.5642 11.081 12.7028 11.5926 12.2008 11.4145 11.7026 12.3229 11.6718 11.5302 13.1645 12.5605 11.9418 12.1804 12.5413 11.3716 12.3891 11.1857 12.0796 12.5976 11.8675 12.8016 11.6996 12.1041 11.1952 12.5172 12.1098 11.6028 11.362 11.6985 11.961 Q8VDC1 Fyco1 9 123.789499 17281 - 123.789499 123.851898 FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1 2810409M01Rik; Mem2; RUFY3; ZFYVE7 None None None 14.7957 13.7223 13.3842 13.8829 13.3198 13.7211 13.1321 13.6945 14.3726 13.8297 13.5951 15.6706 13.0087 13.5417 14.1196 13.0619 13.8744 13.7886 13.1644 13.7984 13.733 13.2677 13.7817 13.5824 16.3046 13.2082 14.225 13.5281 16.4898 16.6418 13.6529 13.3765 Q9EPL8 IPO7 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q9EPL8 None None None 14.9881 15.1086 14.9246 15.2084 15.003 15.1959 15.3156 14.9618 14.8852 15.0701 15.094 13.9718 15.1178 15.2751 15.0295 14.7388 14.9759 15.128 15.2221 14.8754 14.5876 14.7842 15.0031 15.1259 14.7312 14.7516 15.026 15.1258 14.7401 15.2305 14.9421 15.3371 Q8BW41 Pomgnt2 9 121.981605 215494 - 121.981605 121.996052 protein O-linked mannose beta 1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 Ago61; C85492; Gtdc2 None None None 12.0798 12.689 12.441 12.2949 11.7202 12.7925 11.0143 12.6357 12.1579 12.4297 11.4332 13.0218 12.6851 12.0276 12.4594 11.7442 12.287 12.4786 12.4536 12.6478 12.0422 12.1178 12.3762 12.9402 11.5362 12.4569 11.9493 12.2173 12.7113 12.176 12.6924 12.6789 Q61735 Cd47 16 49.851327 16423 + 49.851327 49.912502 CD47 antigen (Rh-related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer) 9130415E20Rik; AA407862; AI848868; AW108519; B430305P08Rik; IAP; Itgp None None None 17.9676 17.7736 17.9267 17.9862 17.8371 17.8478 18.0487 17.5186 18.1519 17.7488 18.2429 17.5772 17.8118 17.9492 17.9407 17.5388 17.81 17.8934 17.696 17.4486 17.6132 17.8439 17.86 17.9243 17.8728 17.7924 17.7448 17.6133 17.9986 17.6883 17.768 17.9231 Q9CYD3 Crtap 9 114.37513 56693 - 114.37513 114.390711 cartilage associated protein 5730529N23Rik; CASP; Leprel3; P3h5 None None None 14.7344 14.3868 12.6849 14.4963 13.0865 13.3303 13.6351 13.6447 13.4206 14.1241 12.5044 12.0346 12.2789 13.8927 13.8793 12.1762 14.1819 14.5808 13.9834 13.7585 11.8954 13.4495 13.7611 13.9737 12.8063 12.2694 13.7115 14.0664 12.305 14.8337 12.5772 13.5841 Q922S4 Pde2a 7 101.42169 207728 + 101.42169 101.512828 phosphodiesterase 2A, cGMP-stimulated CGS-PDE; cGSPDE None None None 14.886 14.7729 14.3252 14.6902 15.0044 13.5768 14.3675 14.6019 14.5701 15.1043 13.5483 13.6538 14.2803 14.5896 14.1319 14.2066 14.9141 14.4201 15.6531 15.0344 14.1077 14.1952 15.0513 14.489 13.8278 14.9864 14.5574 13.7263 14.5495 15.0455 14.7481 15.2325 Q80V26 Impad1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: Q80V26 None None None 13.4677 14.1871 13.6639 14.2512 14.0123 14.0963 14.3354 13.7802 13.9131 13.5444 13.8235 11.4851 13.7891 14.3905 13.82 13.3411 13.6552 13.893 14.2559 14.0505 13.5216 13.9251 13.9064 14.2325 12.0776 13.9041 13.3151 13.875 13.5462 14.1601 13.4531 14.3229 Q91WC0 Setd3 12 108.10643 52690 - 108.10643 108.179344 SET domain containing 3 2610102I01Rik; 2610305M23Rik; 6030490B17Rik; D12Ertd771e None None None 12.6783 13.5958 13.8503 13.5525 13.852 12.7869 13.5722 13.2734 13.5262 12.7423 14.2757 13.1345 13.5485 13.042 12.8917 12.912 13.2911 12.7154 13.7183 14.0076 12.7736 13.4013 13.613 13.0266 12.6333 13.107 12.7711 12.3127 13.0002 13.4133 13.6711 13.4811 Q9EQ20 Aldh6a1 12 84.430716 104776 - 84.430716 84.451023 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 6, subfamily A1 1110038I05Rik; Mmsdh None None None 19.5355 19.8087 20.7633 19.7263 19.4961 20.0056 20.0549 19.8244 19.898 19.5677 20.3445 19.6098 19.5192 19.3273 19.5879 20.3946 19.3138 19.541 19.2873 19.4851 20.5638 19.86 20.0527 19.903 20.9474 21.382 19.9411 20.311 20.9405 19.083 20.0185 19.5671 O55137 Acot1 12 84.009501 26897 + 84.009501 84.017669 acyl-CoA thioesterase 1 ACH2; CTE-1; CTE-I; Cte1; D12Ucla1 None None None 12.6025 11.8776 11.8909 12.3894 12.6117 12.2008 12.7775 12.9252 12.5084 12.7877 12.8932 13.6665 11.89 12.2552 12.9188 13.3625 12.1975 12.2462 11.5723 11.7665 12.2842 13.2426 11.4385 11.3862 12.4175 15.0938 12.8307 11.7964 11.9162 12.6883 12.2288 11.6475 Q9Z2G9 Htatip2 7 49.759044 53415 + 49.759044 49.773999 HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2 AW111545; Cc3; Tip30 None None None 13.1719 14.2814 14.1061 14.8206 14.8785 14.4853 14.1645 15.0746 14.5697 15.469 13.9923 14.3275 13.9293 14.8058 14.3324 14.624 14.5128 14.7348 14.6374 14.97 13.4217 14.0189 14.5134 15.2681 14.0794 14.439 15.4243 14.2513 14.2844 14.4341 14.659 14.4598 Q5U4C3 Scaf1 7 45.002945 233208 - 45.002945 45.016403 SR-related CTD-associated factor 1 AI480556; SR-A1 None None None 13.2149 12.558 12.441 11.7471 11.8316 12.2008 12.0971 12.2946 12.7055 12.0041 12.2128 11.7131 14.1543 12.2722 12.1818 11.9018 12.275 12.0609 12.5642 12.37 11.8523 12.1538 12.1189 12.3823 13.0572 12.561 11.6967 12.5696 12.8629 11.4482 12.5813 12.6436 Q8CH25 Sltm 9 70.542176 66660 + 70.542176 70.592236 SAFB-like, transcription modulator 5730455C01Rik; 5730555F13Rik; 9130215G10Rik; Met None None None 12.1991 12.9624 12.7291 12.2613 11.7735 12.2008 11.6928 12.3075 11.897 12.3085 11.8085 12.1174 14.5688 12.4571 12.343 11.4974 12.0003 12.1274 12.164 12.7744 12.8759 11.72 12.5233 11.9779 11.7055 12.9653 11.3557 12.7445 12.2068 11.6036 12.4572 12.2393 Q8BHA3 Dtd2 12 51.988305 328092 - 51.988305 52.006506 D-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase 2 4930578F06Rik; 6530401N04Rik; ATD; B830049N13Rik None None None 13.3209 14.1498 13.8823 13.7089 13.5429 14.2245 14.184 14.1666 14.3333 14.1572 13.5695 14.0275 13.9968 13.6218 14.2978 13.7806 13.869 14.0229 13.6864 13.9563 14.1242 13.7426 13.956 14.1982 13.8337 13.9135 14.5429 14.536 14.2498 13.732 14.1157 13.7394 Q64339 Isg15 4 156.199423 100038882 - 156.199423 156.200817 ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier G1p2; IGI15; IP17; Irfp; UCRP None None None 12.3686 15.1682 14.6075 16.6235 15.3078 15.4295 15.875 14.8847 14.2191 14.177 15.4442 15.7449 12.1681 14.1742 14.6106 14.6309 14.8646 14.6314 16.2715 15.2377 14.8859 14.3186 15.0815 16.3283 15.309 17.1482 14.0775 15.1558 12.142 14.3917 15.6616 16.3328 P63158 HMGB1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P63158 None None None 16.6861 17.4981 17.2172 17.4347 17.7374 16.9524 16.9739 17.4809 17.6038 17.4921 16.7751 14.7518 18.9584 16.7454 16.7823 16.571 17.0369 16.5135 17.1359 17.3722 16.8395 17.3543 17.6956 17.2509 17.8328 17.0193 17.6223 17.1777 16.5152 16.8658 16.9963 16.8094 P97300 Nptn 9 58.582239 20320 + 58.582239 58.652878 neuroplastin AW554172; SDR-1; Sdfr1 None None None 16.5448 16.5296 15.7727 16.0979 16.1296 16.1709 16.1734 16.2327 16.4959 16.167 16.6493 16.353 15.3937 16.0504 16.3851 15.914 16.2305 16.1155 15.7772 15.9224 16.3501 16.0982 16.2287 16.3573 15.8234 15.8058 16.7292 16.448 15.9083 15.979 16.1263 16.0907 Q9CRC4 Arpc1b 5 145.114255 11867 + 145.114255 145.128185 actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1B 41kDa; AA408064; AA408534; AA571392; AF007010; AW208418; L72; SOP2Hs; p41-ARC None None None 17.8678 17.1221 17.2162 17.5345 17.9391 17.2957 17.1087 17.6324 17.6791 17.4279 17.1157 17.7482 19.4229 18.1179 17.8249 17.139 17.8564 17.6398 18.42 17.9678 16.8474 17.6446 17.3445 17.4803 17.2673 17.0847 17.1693 17.0169 17.8936 18.5403 17.5023 18.3576 Q80VP0 Tecpr1 5 144.194441 70381 - 144.194441 144.223614 tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 1 2210010N04Rik; mKIAA1358 None None None 12.1158 12.865 13.093 13.5418 13.1505 13.07 12.5963 13.0254 12.6807 13.193 12.8405 13.6938 13.0065 12.4799 12.2064 12.1902 12.4251 12.9074 12.6614 12.8309 12.3044 12.3946 13.225 12.9644 12.3019 12.9513 13.1988 13.6816 12.8791 12.524 12.8957 12.8527 Q6PIE5 Atp1a2 1 172.271708 98660 - 172.271708 172.298063 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 2 polypeptide AW060654; Atpa-3; mKIAA0778 None None None 18.8262 18.5599 18.6569 18.2594 18.2821 18.5278 18.7491 18.3578 18.5455 18.1199 18.6865 17.8682 18.1758 18.5734 18.3096 18.0784 18.4917 18.3597 18.6766 18.2908 18.9928 18.4405 18.5535 18.399 18.3587 18.17 18.5209 18.3563 18.0066 18.4592 18.3094 18.6142 Q61009 Scarb1 5 125.277086 20778 - 125.277086 125.341093 scavenger receptor class B, member 1 AI120173; CD36; Cd36l1; Chohd1; Cla-1; Cla1; D5Ertd460e; Hdlq1; Hlb398; SR-B1; SR-BI; SRBI; Srb1; mSR-BI None None None 12.4641 11.0392 12.441 12.4701 14.7403 11.5678 12.082 12.1743 12.5065 12.3559 11.9663 11.9335 11.9144 11.5492 12.8286 12.2773 12.8716 12.0857 11.6108 12.1147 12.5753 11.6263 12.3659 11.7969 11.3869 11.9238 12.6502 11.3866 11.8882 11.4065 12.9982 11.5355 P62743 Ap2s1 7 16.738443 232910 + 16.738443 16.749289 adaptor-related protein complex 2, sigma 1 subunit AI043088 None None None 16.6561 17.3734 17.4169 17.8361 18.0691 17.7683 17.7378 17.8383 17.7516 17.7456 17.6077 17.9042 17.4781 17.6003 18.0367 17.5726 17.8839 17.7005 17.9399 17.82 17.2944 17.6961 17.5663 17.5276 17.1761 17.611 17.8177 17.6049 17.6596 18.0496 17.7561 17.9791 Q6ZPZ3 Zc3h4 7 16.399582 330474 + 16.399582 16.437695 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 4 Bwq1; Gm768; Kiaa1064-hp None None None 12.2444 10.85 10.9814 12.098 11.6737 11.2807 9.90999 11.0964 10.9357 11.3055 10.5231 12.2942 13.4319 12.0591 11.3173 11.1864 11.3739 11.4901 11.0669 10.5713 11.1031 11.132 11.3086 10.8044 12.2293 12.1515 11.1143 11.1888 10.4881 11.991 11.111 10.6118 P15105 Glul 1 153.899928 14645 + 153.899928 153.909722 glutamate-ammonia ligase (glutamine synthetase) GS; Glns None None None 18.9015 19.8628 19.3092 19.2079 18.9187 19.5201 18.9523 19.3633 19.2863 19.4479 19.3565 18.4916 18.9279 18.1736 18.6439 19.3246 19.3772 18.9303 19.7242 19.5406 19.2457 19.3546 19.158 19.2427 19.4112 20.1824 19.235 19.4178 19.5776 19.8454 19.635 19.2289 Q05921 Rnasel 1 153.749343 24014 + 153.749343 153.768689 ribonuclease L (2', 5'-oligoisoadenylate synthetase-dependent) E230029I04Rik None None None 13.1897 14.46 13.1565 13.926 13.938 12.6681 14.386 13.1307 14.0333 14.2608 13.605 12.8872 12.6574 12.6149 13.9255 13.2177 13.6679 13.1007 15.0971 13.2246 12.528 13.679 14.5775 14.118 13.4023 12.2473 13.8677 12.5629 14.1192 12.676 13.0675 14.736 Q8BTZ4 Anapc5 5 122.787458 59008 - 122.787458 122.822338 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 5 2510006G12Rik; AA408751; AA536819; AA986414; APC5; Anpc5 None None None 11.7959 12.3633 11.92 12.1303 12.0009 12.2327 12.3149 11.9342 12.0302 11.8205 12.5787 12.0086 12.6335 12.5437 11.492 11.7949 11.9457 11.9702 11.5631 11.8719 12.2496 12.3507 12.1373 11.7115 12.2139 11.4085 11.7954 11.8576 11.8634 12.1201 11.8292 12.0857 Q8VDR9 Dock6 9 21.800179 319899 - 21.800179 21.852717 dedicator of cytokinesis 6 2410095B20Rik; 4931431C02Rik; C330023D02Rik; mKIAA1395 None None None 12.8176 12.1936 11.5715 12.2994 12.5433 11.9422 12.4513 13.2222 12.7011 13.3961 12.5549 12.6273 13.2903 12.3635 13.5328 12.2989 13.0798 13.6564 11.9504 12.0404 12.1238 13.709 12.8725 12.4509 13.0391 11.8779 12.5867 11.9121 12.0608 13.6556 12.656 11.9389 P13597 Icam1 9 21.015939 15894 + 21.015939 21.028813 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 CD54; Icam-1; Ly-47; MALA-2 None None None 15.3983 14.4261 14.9341 14.7339 15.9 14.83 15.0613 15.3321 15.396 15.0663 14.9664 15.8922 16.3768 15.6248 15.2117 14.2911 15.246 15.0113 14.881 14.6835 14.7564 15.0508 14.9049 14.8899 14.8555 15.4455 14.066 14.6528 15.2368 15.0836 15.0467 15.9816 Q9D0F6 Rfc5 5 117.379144 72151 - 117.379144 117.389022 replication factor C (activator 1) 5 2610020K06Rik; 2610209F07Rik; 36.5kDa; 36kDa; Recc5 None None None 12.6092 11.4916 11.6028 12.9053 12.5584 12.1312 12.5172 12.1743 13.1964 11.9207 12.4015 12.3365 15.4781 12.7905 13.0207 12.7125 12.8689 12.0857 12.046 11.6795 13.0105 12.4645 11.9307 12.2321 12.6281 11.4886 12.215 11.8218 11.453 12.6064 11.6734 14.4371 Q5M8R8 Rplp0 5 115.559466 11837 + 115.559466 115.563728 ribosomal protein, large, P0 36B4; Arbp; L10E None None None 18.1071 17.962 18.2266 17.9836 17.7491 18.3342 18.0402 17.5021 18.4989 17.8931 17.4756 17.9145 19.4633 18.3035 17.9646 17.6276 18.2972 17.8343 18.6199 18.2832 17.4562 18.1567 17.9624 17.9316 18.2323 18.4325 17.5347 17.1749 18.2062 18.2495 18.0953 18.4352 P62900 Rpl31 1 39.36785 114641 + 39.36785 39.37191 ribosomal protein L31 Dts None None None 17.8796 18.1906 17.8269 18.0419 17.8304 18.3253 18.1492 17.9044 18.2558 18.1113 17.5443 17.9175 18.5603 18.0476 18.0132 17.68 18.311 17.9087 18.4419 18.1182 17.369 18.0319 17.9404 17.9456 17.9031 18.1682 17.9446 17.4992 17.9514 18.436 18.1171 18.1104 P53811 Pitpnb 5 111.330696 56305 + 111.330696 111.388358 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, beta PI-TP-beta None None None 14.8841 15.1963 15.0554 15.3685 15.0767 15.0949 14.9642 14.9665 15.3102 15.2039 14.8505 14.9468 15.2667 15.0544 15.1241 15.0431 15.2124 15.0906 15.5319 15.2151 14.4477 14.9381 15.2048 14.9808 14.8643 15.1398 15.053 14.7258 15.0704 15.3097 15.1756 15.4602 P27046 Man2a1 17 64.600687 17158 + 64.600687 64.755109 mannosidase 2, alpha 1 Mana-2; Mana2; Map-2 None None None 15.4312 14.2225 14.7646 14.4434 15.2096 15.0802 15.0998 14.9986 14.9953 14.7538 14.7135 15.6982 15.6417 15.2866 15.0575 14.8559 15.2562 14.5318 15.494 15.2178 14.2013 14.8658 14.4981 14.5802 14.7708 15.3513 14.2899 14.3907 15.164 15.3015 14.8042 15.3646 Q61586 Gpam 19 55.067634 14732 - 55.067634 55.127318 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial GPAT; GPAT-1; GPAT1; P90 None None None 14.5919 15.8711 15.4575 15.129 14.3224 15.7428 15.7672 15.5986 15.1535 15.2071 15.1677 14.1391 14.0355 14.7077 14.7705 15.3383 15.2421 14.6998 15.217 15.1568 15.6054 15.21 15.3198 15.2185 15.2411 15.9751 14.9323 15.4254 14.6057 15.0952 15.7261 15.1238 Q924C1 Xpo5 17 46.20281 72322 + 46.20281 46.243597 exportin 5 2410004H11Rik; 2700038C24Rik; AI648907; AW549301; Exp5; RanBp21; mKIAA1291 None None None 12.4869 11.8424 11.8276 11.9328 12.4954 13.2132 11.7278 12.5264 12.9337 12.3841 13.4346 12.422 13.4969 11.9572 12.4736 11.8377 13.2706 12.6326 11.914 12.414 11.8506 12.4581 11.8245 12.4493 12.9632 13.1557 12.7718 11.8304 12.5537 13.2146 13.0455 12.7693 P01592 Jchain 5 88.519808 16069 - 88.519808 88.527896 immunoglobulin joining chain 9530090F24Rik; AI323815; Igj; Jch None None None 16.0975 15.004 16.3755 13.0784 17.6282 15.0303 14.5129 16.5274 16.3909 15.2263 16.8273 19.0869 19.5026 17.2417 15.7433 18.589 15.4109 15.8825 14.1716 15.495 14.29 15.7776 16.3564 16.1975 16.5775 17.2792 16.0506 16.5143 17.0609 14.8508 17.1726 17.6558 Q8R3S6 Exoc1 5 76.529306 69940 + 76.529306 76.570297 exocyst complex component 1 2810407P21Rik; A730011E05Rik; SEC3; Sec3l1; Sec3p None None None 14.7363 14.4018 14.3219 14.8038 14.6577 14.5086 14.2073 14.4777 14.3706 14.5661 14.3941 14.6708 14.2467 14.7122 14.4716 13.8873 14.3006 14.5514 14.7909 14.1542 13.7657 14.5655 14.4765 14.8921 13.7761 13.3872 14.5065 14.2666 13.8023 14.6673 14.3405 14.5119 Q9D8W7 Ociad2 5 73.322197 433904 - 73.322197 73.338946 OCIA domain containing 2 1810027I20Rik None None None 15.0889 15.898 16.1786 15.5728 16.7168 14.5733 11.6389 16.0558 15.9133 16.1323 11.5232 16.1802 16.9558 16.3695 16.4049 16.273 16.5073 12.0857 12.8442 16.2323 12.1322 16.634 12.8089 11.3538 16.0286 16.084 16.2399 16.3453 16.0514 16.2031 16.24 12.7689 P36916 Gnl1 17 35.979954 14670 + 35.979954 35.989461 guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 1 Gna-rs1; Gnal1 None None None 12.3265 11.8927 12.1281 12.5414 12.3034 12.2556 11.4082 11.8906 12.4595 11.994 11.598 12.2875 13.1468 11.8897 12.0694 12.5017 11.8113 12.0676 12.1123 11.9915 12.4428 11.956 12.4386 11.6193 11.6886 11.9875 11.8993 12.2261 11.6847 12.6459 12.2765 11.9154 Q69ZN7 Myof 19 37.899035 226101 - 37.899035 38.043576 myoferlin 2310004N10Rik; 2310051D19Rik; E030042N20Rik; Fer1l3 None None None 15.7623 14.8531 14.9912 15.0512 15.6214 15.909 15.6113 15.3018 15.4492 15.1241 15.5206 15.2319 14.854 16.2492 15.6146 14.7481 15.898 15.4268 16.21 15.6332 15.1803 15.7542 15.2011 15.38 15.1179 15.1352 14.7573 14.9522 15.9118 16.1857 15.2366 16.3029 Q9Z1Q9 Vars 17 35.000906 22321 + 35.000906 35.016328 valyl-tRNA synthetase Bat6; D17H6S56E; G7a; Vars1; Vars2 None None None 15.6271 15.306 15.4414 15.1468 15.8073 15.3453 15.4301 15.5562 15.733 15.1106 15.3541 15.4248 17.7353 15.7527 15.6619 15.2469 15.4185 15.1827 15.5433 15.121 15.4719 15.3777 15.2427 15.201 15.7182 15.769 15.3277 15.2766 15.4716 15.4071 15.4274 15.7381 Q7TSV4 Pgm1 4 99.92945 72157 + 99.92945 99.987293 phosphoglucomutase 1 2610020G18Rik; AA407108; AI098105; Pgm-2; Pgm1a; Pgm2 None None None 18.6733 19.1285 19.0888 18.7386 18.2991 18.8503 18.9498 18.7716 18.7336 18.8538 18.6909 19.2213 17.8725 18.2519 18.6902 18.9864 18.5708 18.801 18.532 18.4931 18.5185 18.5874 18.9576 18.711 18.8412 19.1106 18.8074 18.7417 19.1056 18.3486 18.8936 18.5925 Q61696 Hspa1a 17 34.969358 193740 - 34.969358 34.972155 heat shock protein 1A Hsp70-3; Hsp70.3; Hsp72; hsp68; hsp70A1 None None None 21.6502 20.8758 21.0583 21.1586 21.1891 21.1883 21.229 21.254 21.1762 21.2301 21.1013 21.7418 21.8722 21.1676 21.428 20.7338 21.2768 21.2595 21.6566 21.1908 20.7912 21.0684 20.9201 21.3695 21.0359 20.918 21.2106 21.3319 21.11 21.4967 21.1555 21.5285 P49312 HNRNPA1 Un 1.0 1.0 1.0 UniProtID: P49312 None None None 16.2838 15.7131 16.1502 15.8246 16.4901 16.1409 15.741 15.8212 16.6763 15.4425 16.485 16.6388 18.3481 16.368 16.3647 15.2943 16.376 15.6617 16.4503 16.1054 16.522 16.1711 15.9167 15.7496 16.4746 16.5599 15.359 15.6099 16.3107 16.3877 16.0496 16.785 Q9EQ80 Nif3l1 1 58.44515 65102 + 58.44515 58.462275 Ngg1 interacting factor 3-like 1 (S. pombe) 1110030G24Rik None None None 15.7234 15.2706 15.7062 14.5933 15.5186 15.7819 15.728 15.6524 15.0157 15.48 15.7571 16.1447 15.8883 15.5015 15.3391 15.544 15.2935 15.881 15.5631 15.1942 14.4511 15.4687 15.5059 15.8272 15.5704 15.6552 14.6784 15.4683 15.839 15.5621 15.5942 15.5962 O70401 Tspan6 X 133.891067 56496 - 133.891067 133.901207 tetraspanin 6 6720473L21Rik; AI316786; T245; TSPAN-6; Tm4sf; Tm4sf6 None None None 12.4922 12.9549 12.2329 13.1053 12.9746 13.1991 13.5316 12.3275 12.9923 12.4935 13.0203 12.1591 12.0534 12.6898 12.3516 12.9644 12.7935 12.7544 12.7391 12.2253 12.2836 12.5829 12.1372 13.998 12.131 12.0537 13.2069 12.8969 12.0527 13.1732 12.41 12.9262 Q9R111 Gda 19 21.391306 14544 - 21.391306 21.47266 guanine deaminase AU015411; AW047581; GAH None None None 17.8578 17.533 17.3272 18.0254 17.8702 17.5686 17.3466 17.6179 17.43 17.7792 17.0844 17.9559 16.4609 17.7336 17.7704 16.8365 17.6145 17.7438 17.8315 17.7594 16.6753 17.6648 17.3787 17.7233 16.9429 17.8256 17.4412 17.4485 16.9089 18.0136 17.7719 17.8048 Q3THF9 Coq10b 1 55.052769 67876 + 55.052769 55.072701 coenzyme Q10B 1500041J02Rik; 1700030I21Rik; 9530077A17Rik; AV002237; AW742641 None None None 12.0058 12.7975 13.4205 12.2222 11.7816 12.1764 10.7389 12.8415 12.6275 12.8002 12.2275 13.1856 13.7954 11.8643 12.3982 12.9454 12.1081 12.9442 11.6955 12.5355 14.214 13.3813 12.0912 12.245 12.7268 12.0503 13.3406 12.9085 12.7888 12.9814 12.4436 11.409 P24549 Aldh1a1 19 20.492582 11668 + 20.492582 20.643462 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1 ALDH-E1; ALHDII; Ahd-2; Ahd2; Aldh1; Aldh1a2; E1; Raldh1 None None None 17.3282 16.5868 16.4528 16.671 16.3696 17.3365 17.3156 16.8049 16.9812 17.2835 16.8721 16.8796 14.623 16.3975 16.6128 16.7772 16.3023 16.9804 16.4085 15.9626 16.0057 16.547 17.2792 16.487 16.6496 16.4628 16.877 16.6473 16.378 16.0787 17.007 16.8813 Q91YP3 Dera 6 137.754576 232449 + 137.754576 137.837871 deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (putative) 2010002D22Rik; 2500002K03Rik; DEOC None None None 14.5024 14.1059 14.1891 13.252 14.1695 13.8223 14.227 13.7106 13.729 13.9644 13.5367 13.4769 15.0123 13.8012 14.2544 13.4706 14.3881 14.0523 14.2825 14.101 12.3771 13.5492 14.4171 13.5824 14.0025 14.1643 14.1052 13.147 14.2874 14.4199 13.7399 14.8768 O35074 Ptgis 2 167.203193 19223 - 167.203193 167.252149 prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) synthase Cyp8; Cyp8a1; Pgis None None None 15.9258 15.7691 15.4349 14.8361 15.9183 16.8932 16.7876 16.2267 16.1462 15.5361 17.0789 15.0966 13.7796 16.5628 16.1225 15.1926 16.0373 15.4503 15.2466 15.31 16.9616 16.6625 15.8792 15.5074 15.6224 16.3652 15.2158 15.5976 14.7922 15.7052 15.8708 15.8599 Q9DC69 Ndufa9 6 126.821862 66108 - 126.821862 126.849143 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A9 1010001N11Rik None None None 14.8101 15.5831 16.5704 15.4241 15.3812 15.4936 15.4197 15.5276 15.5965 15.3087 15.6506 15.5752 16.0537 15.2846 15.6999 16.1239 15.5289 14.8432 15.0606 15.8255 17.9204 15.8643 15.4679 15.672 16.3018 15.9599 15.6563 16.6955 16.1015 15.1533 15.7581 14.678 Q9QXE7 Tbl1x X 77.509548 21372 + 77.509548 77.662721 transducin (beta)-like 1 X-linked 5330429M20; Tbl1 None None None 12.0264 11.7848 12.4762 12.0417 12.0736 12.2636 12.0826 12.3095 11.7694 12.2663 12.0617 12.1702 13.7569 11.5782 12.2444 12.2783 12.0102 12.2044 12.2636 11.8666 12.2935 11.9787 12.3922 12.1418 11.9348 12.2312 12.1634 12.4272 12.6143 11.5367 12.2347 12.7431 Q9DCG9 Trmt112 19 6.909697 67674 + 6.909697 6.911027 tRNA methyltransferase 11-2 0610038D11Rik; Trm112p None None None 14.3941 14.0173 13.8187 13.9148 14.3528 13.7232 13.6748 14.305 14.3501 13.9051 13.8702 13.3751 15.8663 13.6514 14.2459 14.1872 13.9654 13.834 13.8806 13.9637 13.4448 13.8166 13.9564 13.8229 14.3403 13.8797 14.4105 13.6757 14.0792 14.2721 14.5229 13.7098 Q91ZU6 Dst 1 33.907887 13518 + 33.907887 34.308661 dystonin 2310001O04Rik; A830042E19Rik; AW554249; BP230; BPAG1-n; Bpag; Bpag1; Macf2; ah; athetoid; dt; mKIAA0728; nmf203; nmf339 None None None 13.6112 13.5801 12.8323 14.1259 13.5092 13.4896 13.6048 13.6959 13.1851 13.7181 13.2033 13.4719 11.7616 13.7211 13.0507 13.3474 13.587 13.8094 13.9327 13.7689 12.3958 12.9291 13.8497 13.8454 12.5463 12.3537 13.6364 13.225 13.1636 13.7023 13.6466 13.7829 O54950 Prkag1 15 98.812796 19082 - 98.812796 98.831507 protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 1 non-catalytic subunit AA571379; BB036179; Prkaac None None None 13.5144 13.6802 13.6649 13.6048 13.2527 13.7668 14.0522 13.5851 13.643 13.7477 13.6067 12.8811 14.265 13.8642 13.5002 13.9726 13.5372 13.4787 13.7842 13.6498 13.2153 13.6445 13.6365 13.5499 13.5539 13.52 13.5377 13.5655 13.4624 13.7465 13.6961 13.5634 P35288 Rab23 1 33.719895 19335 + 33.719895 33.742563 RAB23, member RAS oncogene family AW545388; opb; opb2 None None None 12.9018 13.2678 13.3389 12.5596 12.6356 13.0868 13.7801 13.1046 13.4695 12.5873 13.1901 12.3885 12.7305 14.1243 12.806 12.4862 13.2568 12.5547 12.5722 12.6995 12.4219 13.1781 12.3086 12.3617 13.8628 13.3408 13.0487 12.6585 13.9999 13.8605 12.775 12.9405 O54781 Srpk2 5 23.503355 20817 - 23.503355 23.684641 serine/arginine-rich protein specific kinase 2 AW226533; AW492537; AW547358; Wbp6; mSRPK2 None None None 13.6518 13.9064 13.8923 12.3213 14.3946 14.1568 12.4008 12.3178 14.3746 12.0378 14.0534 12.3554 12.402 14.1176 14.3999 12.592 14.2766 14.4124 11.8404 14.1127 13.7906 14.2466 13.7287 14.1185 12.5119 13.6619 12.7903 13.9745 12.0378 14.0118 11.8549 13.0802 Q99M28 Rnps1 17 24.414645 19826 + 24.414645 24.425897 RNA binding protein with serine rich domain 1 None None None 12.6787 13.9126 12.6763 13.4801 13.4157 13.6319 14.263 13.1532 13.5931 13.0481 13.3305 12.6533 12.5761 12.3513 13.034 13.0157 12.8037 12.3264 13.7323 13.3155 12.0669 13.3976 13.2008 13.0715 13.276 12.9293 12.3677 12.418 12.5614 13.697 12.5461 14.0447 P35922 Fmr1 X 68.678535 14265 + 68.678535 68.717962 FMRP translational regulator 1 FMRP; Fmr-1 None None None 15.9118 15.9474 15.1577 16.0229 15.3931 15.6776 15.4637 15.4123 15.4433 15.7942 15.322 13.9946 15.3789 15.7177 15.3084 15.177 15.5242 15.7142 15.9035 15.706 15.0257 14.8473 15.3157 15.8929 15.0531 14.4614 15.7544 15.6491 15.1271 16.0212 15.5508 15.3747 Q9CQ19 Myl9 2 156.775407 98932 + 156.775407 156.781656 myosin, light polypeptide 9, regulatory AI327049; MLC20; Mylc2c; RLC-C None None None 15.4583 16.6606 15.7613 15.6689 16.6637 17.2899 17.2969 17.6676 17.15 15.509 18.6916 14.8412 13.3467 17.0956 16.9834 16.2926 16.4707 15.6214 15.9041 15.9386 19.7164 18.4071 15.4022 15.7893 17.4875 15.9996 15.4434 16.3622 14.4124 17.3584 16.6412 16.3191 P60603 Romo1 2 156.144152 67067 + 156.144152 156.145793 reactive oxygen species modulator 1 2010100O12Rik; AI853864 None None None 14.5774 15.8556 16.2266 15.4802 15.4802 15.3247 15.2735 15.6599 15.6157 14.8744 15.3427 15.8219 12.3827 16.0442 15.3357 16.205 13.4592 15.241 15.5612 15.8042 17.29 15.8361 15.5019 15.3959 16.0197 13.7576 16.3508 16.2258 15.6291 15.0829 15.744 15.2506 Q8BKL2 Arfgef1 1 10.137506 211673 - 10.137506 10.232669 ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1(brefeldin A-inhibited) ARFGEP1; BIG1; D130059B05Rik; D730028O18Rik; P200 None None None 12.6985 13.5996 12.8077 12.5578 12.283 12.8216 12.1477 12.7106 12.5986 12.8359 13.0659 12.5229 13.7673 12.3854 12.5638 12.5876 12.8495 12.6842 12.7381 12.8057 12.2801 12.6583 12.2038 12.384 12.1897 12.6659 12.8923 13.0009 12.7166 12.9667 12.7536 12.6635 Q9DC53 Cpne8 15 90.48748 66871 - 90.48748 90.679387 copine VIII 1200003E11Rik; 1500031E20Rik None None None 12.1614 12.3819 12.7916 13.0281 12.0605 13.0803 13.1062 12.3084 12.8041 12.7684 11.8192 12.5015 12.9641 13.4114 12.3082 11.5081 13.0196 12.5798 12.8395 12.7663 12.8866 12.8617 12.6427 12.7747 11.8151 12.9546 12.7387 12.3988 12.7519 12.4684 12.86 12.25 Q6P069 Sri 5 8.046077 109552 + 8.046077 8.069313 sorcin 2210417O06Rik; 2900070H08Rik; Sor None None None 17.8737 17.3558 17.248 17.4313 17.8273 17.3459 17.5452 17.5185 17.5096 17.6631 17.3116 17.5675 18.6971 17.8135 17.8264 17.2592 17.3632 17.7305 17.5564 17.3151 16.8641 17.4223 17.5616 17.3483 17.2934 17.0672 17.391 17.3022 17.352 17.5644 17.425 17.7138 Q8R0A0 Gtf2f2 14 75.896927 68705 - 75.896927 76.010864 general transcription factor IIF, polypeptide 2 1110031C13Rik; AI326315 None None None 17.6407 17.6285 15.9681 16.6464 14.9345 17.0598 17.1936 16.423 16.572 16.5266 16.7779 14.6636 17.0452 17.2382 16.4536 17.2343 16.1242 16.5617 17.3298 17.3956 18.5442 17.8455 16.5887 18.1463 17.7996 13.4419 16.8253 17.3114 14.515 16.889 16.3963 14.374 Q8CB44 Gramd4 15 86.057694 223752 + 86.057694 86.137635 GRAM domain containing 4 9930016O13 None None None 13.118 12.8866 12.4753 12.6808 12.9116 12.7229 12.4498 12.9394 12.6167 13.0904 12.9367 12.6332 12.839 12.7605 12.7181 12.7174 12.5172 12.8158 12.3026 12.379 11.9849 12.3144 12.774 12.0871 12.2082 12.5378 13.0417 12.8849 12.2903 12.6923 12.7252 12.4745 Q8BX90 Fndc3a 14 72.537947 319448 - 72.537947 72.7107 fibronectin type III domain containing 3A 1700094E19Rik; D14Ertd453e; F730017H24Rik; Fndc3; sys None None None 12.1173 12.7476 12.1716 12.403 11.4485 12.2008 11.9075 12.1576 12.0251 12.3185 11.9845 12.3122 13.1111 11.4488 12.4275 11.6993 12.1485 12.0438 11.3231 12.1665 11.4142 12.4857 12.3086 12.443 11.6111 10.7034 12.0242 12.6028 12.7862 11.8183 12.5327 11.5286 Q8BH24 Tm9sf4 2 153.1613 99237 + 153.1613 153.210465 transmembrane 9 superfamily protein member 4 AA986553; AU045326; B930079E06; mKIAA0255 None None None 12.6489 14.341 14.222 17.0853 14.3668 14.8706 14.703 14.2147 15.4603 14.661 14.0777 16.2961 13.6961 14.1163 14.473 13.4396 14.4165 15.3534 15.1952 14.4257 13.2172 13.9949 16.2344 14.4642 13.7724 13.7503 14.1162 14.4232 14.4921 15.1091 14.2685 14.8108 P24457 Cyp2d11 15 82.389153 545123 - 82.389153 82.394021 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 11 Cyp2d; P450-2D None None None 13.8743 14.461 14.6231 14.9789 14.9979 14.5477 14.7586 14.5789 14.3729 15.0324 15.0822 15.3927 14.1319 14.9971 14.7924 14.9062 14.1952 14.6942 13.9845 14.1035 15.3964 14.4288 14.9913 14.771 14.5459 15.2245 14.8873 14.7094 14.4476 14.0445 14.4512 14.4578 Q9CZ44 Nsfl1c 2 151.494181 386649 + 151.494181 151.511309 NSFL1 (p97) cofactor (p47) Munc-18c; Stxbp3a; p47 None None None 16.2446 15.9418 16.3202 15.8826 16.2576 16.1834 16.3251 16.2794 16.4516 16.1948 16.1769 16.218 17.2326 15.982 16.4812 16.009 16.2092 15.9934 16.452 16.1678 16.3191 16.0295 16.1309 16.2256 16.2848 16.368 16.1304 16.1065 16.4645 16.2796 16.0056 16.4949 Q8VEE1 Lmcd1 6 112.273757 30937 + 112.273757 112.330422 LIM and cysteine-rich domains 1 AW455500; AW553074; dyxin None None None 12.7764 15.0988 14.6233 15.0926 14.0636 14.7081 14.2879 14.3333 14.7137 14.6589 14.411 13.6717 13.2307 14.0537 14.4451 14.284 14.391 14.4559 14.4593 14.345 14.4475 14.9871 14.9032 14.7528 13.4796 14.6859 14.617 14.3404 14.1195 12.873 14.6929 14.3105 Q02053 Uba1 X 20.658301 22201 + 20.658301 20.683178 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1 A1S9; Sbx; Ube-1; Ube1x None None None 18.6592 18.0667 18.1358 18.1468 18.3945 18.0016 18.1984 18.2116 18.3298 18.1642 18.1846 18.6256 19.153 18.2054 18.4579 18.0847 18.1569 18.205 18.31 18.0627 18.0795 17.9782 18.1542 18.3178 18.1869 18.2364 17.9322 18.1623 18.3148 18.2951 18.1453 18.4211 Q8BJS4 Sun2 15 79.724067 223697 - 79.724067 79.742535 Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 2 B230369L08Rik; C030011B15; Unc84b None None None 14.5787 13.9709 13.7952 14.217 14.1538 14.1165 13.7704 13.8822 14.254 14.0712 14.4414 14.0952 15.5236 14.7719 14.4306 13.4589 14.3236 13.779 14.1282 14.1102 14.7774 13.5768 14.5044 14.3191 14.4121 13.7829 13.9559 14.2887 14.3853 14.298 14.0454 14.8641 Q9D6Y7 Msra 14 64.12262 110265 - 64.12262 64.455902 methionine sulfoxide reductase A 2310045J23Rik; 6530413P12Rik; MSR-A None None None 16.5351 16.2645 16.6085 16.1556 15.9104 16.1056 16.3138 16.3044 15.9441 16.3891 15.9352 16.3102 16.0806 16.1586 16.1206 15.3142 16.2089 16.4306 16.7412 16.1898 1